Post:Opinions Needed on Dyes and Dye-making - 04/30/2013 - 00:33

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Opinions Needed on Dyes and Dye-making · on 04/30/2013 12:33 AM CDT 3507
Howdy folks. I am preparing to fix dye merchants to work with new craftable items, as well as to create (pending approval) some new dye tub objects and dyes for folks to use. The idea is players could craft their own dye colors, and we'd have special colors available at festivals, auctions, via scoins and so on.

I want to vet out some of the changes to make sure I'm not heading too far afield. First is to make this work I'd want to cut down the selection of in-game vendors to about half of what they are now, and have them be more primary colorish. Folks may not like this, but it is necesary to maintain some rarity to the system.

Second, the dye tub and dyes would be separate items. This would allow us to make dye sets that consist of dozens of colors in a single item. You pour the dye into the tub and use up 1 or more charges. Then you can put items into the tub to dye them with a short RT. Nothing too complicated here. Better-crafted dyes would come with more uses. Better-crafted dye tubs would make the dyeing process quicker and have a higher chance of success. Tier 6 tubs would potentially give bonus uses and/or other properties.

Third, once dyed items would not be re-dyeable without first being bleached. Bleaching requires you to pour bleach into the dye tub and wash an item with it. This is a harder process so folks may need to find an Outfitter to do it for them, or use a high quality tool and possibly a few attempts. I can't really see people doing this often enough for it to get annoying, and to me it makes sense - who the heck actually bleaches and re-dyes things? And well, it creates a small market for high quality bleaching compounds that are painfree to use.

Fourth, dyed old-items would work identical to how they do now. It just replaces the adjective. Crafted items would get a pre and post modifier you can cycle through. For example - You see a midnight blue battle axe with a tempered blade or, you see a haralun battle axe colored with midnight blue dye. Sound alright?

Finally - I'm at a loss where to put dye making. Alchemy is the more logical area. But it would be more balanced if Artistry had dyes as something they "produce". Embellishments are nice, but those are hard to use for work order fodder. Opinions, thoughts and criticisms are welcome.


This message was originally posted in Lore \ General Discussions - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.