Post:New Skill Reqs - Basic Info For Everyone - 03/15/2012 - 19:56

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New Skill Reqs - Basic Info For Everyone · on 03/15/2012 07:56 PM CDT 2440
Hey folks -

Before I post the new circle requirements, I'd like to make an overarching post that everybody should read. This is to clarify some terminology, some processes, etc.

1) Total X requirements are going away. They're a little bit too fluid for any kind of structured advancement. For instance, you could hit 149th without ever trading Appraisal, and then use your first 30 baby ranks of Appraisal to fill your requirement for 150th. It's really hard to construct a fiction around that where the guildleaders think "Hey, based on what he did, he's totally ready for 150th".

2) There are three kinds of requirements that you'll have. Nth requirements, Hard requirements, and Soft requirements.

a) An Nth requirement is something along the lines of 1st Weapon, 3rd Magic, etc. It's the Nth highest skill in that skillset that is not excluded.
b) A Hard requirement is a specific skill required to be trained per-circle. These skills are NOT allowed to be included in Nth requirements. For instance, if you have a Hard Scholarship req, Scholarship cannot count for one of your Nth lores.
c) A Soft requirement is a specific skill required to be trained per-circle. These skills ARE allowed to be included in Nth requirements. For instance, if you have a soft TM requirement, that can count for your 2nd Magic skill, etc.

3) There are some skills that are never allowed as Nth Requirements. This is because the skills are not really in the same spirit as the Nth requirements. These skills are:

a) Defending
b) Parry
c) Offhand
d) Melee Mastery
e) Missile Mastery
f) Primary Magic

 Other skills are restricted for specific guilds but not others. This will be mentioned in your specific guild's circle reqs.

4) Many guilds had requirements that lasted for one or two circle ranges. For instance, WMs required 1 rank of shield for the first 10 circles, and then did not require more. These requirements have been deemed nonsense and removed or made more aggressive.

5) With the condensation of several skillsets (primarily Weapons and Survival), many Nth requirements require fewer overall skills. However, the remaining skills have largely had their ranks increased.

6) Please, for the love of peace and harmony, remember that you will be grandfathered to your current circle no matter what. The only changes you'll see are in relation to how hard it will be to circle to the next circle, NOT how hard it will be to have the right skills at your current circle. Everybody will have the same difficulty there. It will be zero.

7) We're still working on a solution for proper grandfathering for people at 150th. Please don't ask about it, because we'll just tell you "We're working on it". It's going to be a good solution, promise. It's not the issue we want to discuss during the clamor around the new reqs though.

For all of this info, please wait until your individual guild has had its reqs posted to respond. It's important to see how these concepts translate into practice before criticizing how they work.

The requirements are forthcoming tonight or tomorrow (as noted in a different post), but I wanted to get this information exposed early so people have some time to digest it.

As always please direct responses to Abilities, Skills and Magic --> The Experience System. This is the folder I'm monitoring, and it's the best collection of all of the related discussion.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ The Experience System, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.