Post:Possibly Concerned? - 04/20/2013 - 08:04

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Re: Possibly Concerned? · on 04/20/2013 08:04 AM CDT 8003
>>>>There may only be 10 people turn up to an event in the offhours, vs 100 people in the prime time hours, but those 10 people are still paying customers, paying the same amount each month as anyone else, and probably should get the same out of the game as anyone else?

A cursory glance over my diabolical event paperwork pile shows that in the month of April, there have been at least seven events that were off hours. Most of these are late at night, but there have been a few early morning ones as well (if your frame of reference is eastern time, at least.) So about 15 percent of the events this month have happened during off hours. I don't think that's too bad.

Every event isn't for everyone, of course, but that's a problem for prime time events as well as off hour ones. That, and the fact that the "off hours" are actually a pretty large chunk of the day.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-MELETE on the forums.