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Vicktoriana Rothrokk
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Bard
Instance Prime


You are Vicktoriana Rothrokk, Street Musician of Therengia, an Elven Bard.
You have a triangular face, pointed ears, gold-flecked emerald eyes, a classical nose and dimples. Your dark brown hair is long and wavy, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over your shoulders. You have pale skin and a slender figure.
You are short for an Elf.
Some seed pearl lace florets float lazily around your neck, glowing with a lustrous sheen against your skin.
You are young.

Informational Tidbits

  • Born in Riverhaven on the 34th day of the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Bronze Wyvern in the year 358.
  • Considers herself a Celestial Elf.
  • Has a healthy obsession with moon pearls and emeralds.
  • Joined the Bard's Guild at the age of 44, a few years after the death of her parents.
  • Currently lives in Therengia where she writes songs with her favorite Prydaen Karric Reijyes.
  • Prefers spending her time either playing instruments under a starry night sky or drinking a glass of wine and singing obnoxiously.