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Alotus Al'Thore
Race Halfling
Gender Male
Guild Ranger
Instance Prime

You are Woodland Bandit Alotus Al'Thore of The Locksmith Union, a Halfling.

You have green eyes. Your red-streaked blue-black hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn arranged in tight dreadlocks. You have tanned skin. You have an elegantly trimmed mustache on your upper lip and an elegantly trimmed full beard.

You are wearing a balaclava, a pair of round spectacles, a small silver earcuff shaped to look like a coiling snake, a hooded shadow-black cloak clasped at the neck with a small diamond dagger, a worn ebonwood first aid kit splattered with dark stains, a gleaming animite key, a reinforced elder hirdu bow, a well-worn hunter's rucksack, a dark red spidersilk shirt rolled up to his elbows, some contoured black leathers stitched with elaborate scrollwork on the upper back, a gargoyle-hide shield, a forged steel wrist knife with a charred bone hilt, some mail gauntlets, a cambrinth ring etched with the crest of the Rangers' Guild, a braided leather war belt studded with bone arrowheads, a pair of black spidersilk pants, a pair of stiff crimson boots trimmed in silver and a damaska boar-hide chest harness.

Alotus Al'Thore was born on the 37th day of the 1st month of Akroeg the Ram in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare, 377 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.

Brief overview in estimated years:

385:: Ran away from home to escape the brutal beatings of his father.
385-392:: From the age of eight to fifteen, spent his days as a street boy. Eating what ever he could find, be it banquet or scraps. He began equipping himself for the harsh life of living in the city of Crossings, with random miss-matched donated items from the various donation shelves around the city.
393:: At the age of 16 he joined a guild, and began his life anew, vowing to never return to the street life and having to beg for food.
399:: Nothing major happened from 393-399 until a quiet afternoon of training led to the meeting of a Human Cleric by the name of Tenrah Seord'Sathra. Not being very trustful nor friendly to anyone, he wasn't quite sure what to make of this woman who was quickly turning into a mentor of sorts. Quickly showing him the ways to not get his head split in a city running wild, Tenrah became his closest friend and ally amongst a city of strangers. Later in the year, he met a Dwarven Moon Mage by the name of Kraggur Kveldcharn. Kraggur was also hard for Alotus to wrap his head around. The second person to approach him with not an ounce of hostility, and friendship in his eyes. Alotus counts Kraggur as one of his best of friends, one of the very few that there are.
400:: Introduced to Raeyshactos Bladestorm, a Gor'Tog Barbarian. Alotus considers Raey to be one of the very few he'd let touch his chicken costume, and the third of his magnificent trio of closest friends.
401:: Received his animite key and inducted into the ranks of the Locksmith Union.
401:: Obtained 50th circle.

Hangouts/Preferred areas of training:

After many months, Alotus was finally convinced to get over his fear of traveling, and tour the islands. Ever since, you can catch a glimpse of Alotus on Aesry hunting goblins, getting smacked around by oshu, or simply about town doing what ever it is Rangers do.
When he is forced to return to the city of Crossings, he can usually be found just outside the door to Kalika's office most often referred to as the North Rangers Room, or in his house in the sewers.

Future plans:

Alotus plans to become a member of the premie society, and possibly purchase property out on Aesry.
He also plans to become strong enough to not be >thumped by Tenrah


The player of Alotus can be reached via AIM @ AlotusDR
Issued a warning to the player of Chinnookie, Ranger of the crossings, that if she ever tried to interact with Alotus in any way shape or form, she would be killed on the spot. No if ands or butts about it. This player is a taint on our community.