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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Infobox entry for location
Nedenn Verille
Status: Alive
Guild: Unknown
Race: Human
Gender: Unknown
Location: Unknown

Leader of House Verille.

  • Appearance

You see Kaith Alreid Nedenn Verille, Commander of The Compound
He has a square face with frown lines around his mouth and piercing jade eyes. His raven-black hair is shoulder length and curly, and is worn tied back. He has weathered skin and a brawny build.
He is middle-aged.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a hardened azure leather casque, a hammered bronze torque emblazoned with the crest of House Verille, a simple leather backsheath, an azure leather vest studded in hammered bronze rivets, some hardened leather bracers laced with rawhide, a chain-reinforced leather war kilt, a leather thigh sheath and a pair of hardened leather boots.