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My Time in the Zoluren Navy

I write this recollection of the Outcast War some years after the fact, penning the tale from my own memories, notes, and papers from the time. I was young and brash then, knowing very little about what was truly going on. As time has passed, I see how epic the struggle was and the far reaching effects it had on people.


It was around the year 374 that I and other young squires and pages were listening to our betters in the Crossing Paladin Guild when a Knight arrived claiming need of people for service in the Navy. I ignored him at first thinking, who am I to believe I am yet ready for something such as that. I hardly know how to be a Paladin after all. Then he spoke directly to me, "You there, join the Navy with me!" I blinked and stared back. "Me?" I said, pointing at myself. I was at once flummoxed and at the same time thrilled that a Knight would take notice of me.

He went on to explain that the Prince had activated the Navy again and needed crews to defend the seas from Pirates and whatever other invaders may come. This sounded to be a good enough cause, but I still had reservations. For one, I could hardly swim, what if the ship sank? Perhaps he wants me for an anchor.

The Knight finally introduced himself as Poetus, a Lieutenant in the Navy serving under Trantris Esselyon. The unit he was forming was to be known as Esselyon's Marines, though there was no ship assigned as yet. After some thought, I agreed and was brought in as a Seaman, one of the first of Poetus' recruits.

Basic Training

I cannot say that my training was any more difficult than that of my guild. Under Lt. Poetus we banded together and fought against various evil denizens of Zoluren of which I was already familiar.

Our Commander, Trantris, was an imposing fellow of a rather pompous air, and I disliked him at first. He taught us how to march, salute, salute with arms, and a special salute for when we were shipboard armed with boarding pikes. We marched (I hated marching) and drilled and otherwise did all those military things. Commander Esselyon also led us once on a combat maneuver, which left most of our group fallen. Because of something I did (I still to this day have no idea what) he made me a Sergeant. Great. I hardly knew how to be a soldier or seaman. Gods, what had I gotten myself into?

Once this period was complete, we were given a generous leave subject to recall once a ship had been assigned to our unit.


I decided, since I was a military man now, that I should travel a bit. I struck northward to Therengia, visiting Riverhaven, Langenfirth, and Therenborough.

During this time, I happened to be in the Keep, and inadvertently entered the Great Hall, stumbled upon a very important looking man I presumed to be the Baron of these lands with a regal lady in attendance. Flustered at the sight, I quickly took my leave and went to the nearest door, which happened to be the kitchen! I continued on my errand coming across the shrine to Rutilor I sought.

I spent what time I needed there, and upon attempting to find my way out of the Keep, I was confronted by some Guard, out of breath and bewildered, asking me who I was and what I was doing there. After explaining as best I could, she told me that the Baron had just been murdered and to keep my eyes out for anyone looking suspicious. To think, I had just saw him breathing a while ago. I saw nothing of note, but did feel saddened. A ruler should not meet so foul an end. I suddenly had some sense of loss, even though these were not my native lands, nor he my sovereign.

I ultimately learned more of who he was, and what Therengia was, and did attend his memorial service. He was a Noble Paladin and a just ruler by all accounts, and I felt compelled to pay my respect.

The Leaping Dolphin

Not long after, I was recalled, we had been assigned a ship, The Leaping Dolphin Commanded by none other than the Commander of the Fleet Chellene Mondraith. What an honor, to be assigned to the flagship of the Zoluren Fleet, which I had also heard was known as the ZEF or Zoluren Expeditionary Force. We also were finally issued uniforms, and some surplus ZEF equipment. Also in the fleet was the Proud Nissa and Selkies Secret. During my enlistment, I had the honor of serving on all three at one time or another, but the Leaping Dolphin was my ship.