Talk:Divination bones

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  • The Krr-tich bone is balanced
  • The Krr-tich bone is of average quality
  • The Krr-tich bone is barely off-balance
  • The Krr-tich bone is somewhat poorly balanced

  • is attuned.

  • The Sek-rith bone is balanced
  • The Sek-rith bone is of average quality
  • The Sek-rith bone is barely off-balance
  • The Sek-rith bone is somewhat poorly balanced

  • is well-attuned.
  • (missing)
  • is attuned.

  • The Moon Sphere is fairly well-made
  • The Moon Sphere is somewhat well-made
  • The Moon Sphere is of average quality
  • The Moon Sphere is barely off-center
  • The Moon Sphere is somewhat off-center

  • is attuned.

  • The Sun Disk is barely attuned to its white side.
  • The Sun Disk is attuned normally.

  • The bones have never been used. (unused)
  • The bones are barely used.


  • The Krr-tich bone stands on end for a moment before falling over.
  • It points almost directly away from you.
  • The Sek-rith bone bounces once.
  • It points off to one side.
  • The Moon Sphere falls to the ground with a dull *Thud*.
  • It comes to rest and depicts nothing in particular.
  • The Sun Disk bone lands white side up.