Grizzly Claw (2.0)

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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild
Grizzly Claw
Abbreviation: GRIZ
Prerequisites: See the Wind
Minimum Prep: 12
Casting Cap: 60
Valid Spell Target: Area of Effect
Description: Ah, <Ranger>, such a potent spell in the right hands! Grizzly Claw will magically enhance your arms with the ferocity of a mighty bear! When you cast this, the energy of the claws can not be held back and will strike out immediately, knocking down and back your foes.

You'll also need to be close to your target or the spell will be wasted. Sadly, this spell will not help you if you are not in the wilderness.

Example Messaging: You roar and draw your arms back. A dark, transparent blue glow ripples down your arms, crackling with the muted growl of a bear as it shapes itself into two large claws.

You lash out with both arms, sending a concussive wave of blue force outwards all around you!
The red-bristled gremlinis is blasted backwards, falling onto its rump.

The bluish energy forming the claws disperses into the air after the attack.


  • Provides knockback, variable Round Time, and potential knockdown.
  • Cannot be cast in heavily urban areas, somewhat dependant on bonus.