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A Grumpy Mage
Event Holy Festival 392
Owner A Grumpy Mage
# of Rooms N/A
Store Type Magic shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[A grumpy Mage]
The mage wanders in the Abdomen of The Massive Metal Arachnid:
The mage is a wiry Elven man of middle years whose hair seems to have turned prematurely grey, though under a thick coating of oil and dirt it is hard to tell. He is dressed in soiled rags that exude a pungent odor reminiscent of a gelapod's pond, pieced together from the odds and ends gathered from the offal heaps of the city to make him appear more like an aged magpie's nest than the Elf he is

>ASK mage about TEACH:
"Aye, I can teach you further in the ways of magic," the grumpy mage says to you, looking uncharacteristically serious for one clothed in rags. "But be warned, this is not for the faint of heart. It is difficult to unlearn what one has already learned, so you must be serious before you ask." Staring at you appraisingly, he continues, "I can teach you to appear thus when preparing your spell patterns:"

1) Images of streaking stars falling from the heavens flash across your vision as you quickly form the patterns of the Summon Death Monkey spell.
(Others see: PERSONS's eyes go distant as s/he quickly forms intricate patterns in the air.)

2) A nagging sense of desperation guides your hands through the motions of preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell as memories of falling stars and the hollow heavens flood your consciousness.
(Others see: A look of desperation quickly crosses PERSONS's features as s/he hastily makes the motions of preparing a spell.)

3) You hastily shout the arcane phrasings needed to prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell and quietly follow them with "Truffenyi, aid me now."
(Others see: PERSON shouts out several arcane phrasings while tracing detailed patterns in the air.)

4) You deftly waggle your fingers in the precise motions needed to prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell while silently pleading with Huldah to take no interest in your current endeavors.
(Others see: PERSON's fingers waggle in small, simple movements as he prepares a spell.)

5) With great force, you slap your hands together before you and slowly pull them apart, focusing your mind to the task of preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell.
(Others see: With great force, PERSON slaps his hands together and slowly pulls them apart as he prepares his spell. When hidden they see: Someone nearby claps something quite loudly.)

6) With no small amount of effort, you slowly recall the teachings of the Summon Death Monkey spell and begin its preparation.
(Others see: PERSON brow creases as s/he mumbles softly to him/herself, clumsily preparing a spell.

[To learn a new preparation message, ORDER # FROM mage.]