Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 10022024/Moment of Silence: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{|class="wikitable" |- | Moment of Silence |- | Event Date: 10/02/2024 |- | Event Instance: Prime |} == Date == It has been 450 years, 220 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br> It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Golden Panther.")
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It has been 450 years, 220 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br>
It has been 450 years, 220 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br>
It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Golden Panther.

== Note ==

''This log starts approximately 15 minutes into the event.''

== Log ==

[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach]<br>
This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames flicker from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood, a shadowy black wolf-hound puppy baring menacingly diminutive canine teeth, a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sleeping, a large curving diamondwood bar with several things on it, a white dog that is sitting, a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace with several things on it, a diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station with several things on it, a pink-eared white piglet with a bright yellow shirt stitched with a chaotic rainbow of daisies on it, the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Felicini.

Leayne smiles at Felicini, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Eskerith smiles.

What little light the sun can force through the endless clouds begins to fade as the day begins drawing to a close.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Felicini."

Felicini smiles at Elurora.

Leayne glances up at the sky.

Crobin says, "Next we have Posh."

Unaka nods to Felicini.

Felicini smiles at Crobin.

Loeth casually observes the area.

Felicini smiles uk

Allye beams at Felicini!

Felicini smiles at Unaka.

Felicini smiles at Allye.

Poshly says, "Immortals."

Crobin chuckles at Leayne.

Poshly says, "Immortals - shmortals, I say - yeah they're ok, but I think you're all the best. The real effort is here, in this circle, amongst friends, even enemies. It's a tricky time, I dunno what you're all doing with that finger wagglin' stuff. I mean it looks cool, kind of awkward if I'm bein honest, but good for you. Awkward in the best of ways, seriously, you're all amazing I mean... Kind of. That aside, friends, community, that's what always perseveres through times like these, so that's what I lean on. So that is to say, I lean on you. Do your part, what you can, when you can, with what you've got. And we'll get there. It's really that simple. Also, Zynell has a treacherous bear you should all be very worried about, and this serves as a public service announcement."

Zynell blinks at Poshly.

Vaerek beams at Poshly!

Crobin snorts, loudly.

Zynell giggles.

Aerilia smiles.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Nawain smiles at Poshly.

Wot grins.

Leayne giggles at Poshly.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Warnea just arrived.

Unaka nods to Poshly.

Gragnel says, "Yes... the bear. That is to be feared."

Zynell playfully tilts her ears in opposite directions.

Felicini smiles at Poshly.

Unaka slowly asks, "What is so treacherous about the bear?"

Vaerek chuckles at Poshly.

Avrenka chuckles.

Poshly shakes his head at Crobin.

Vaerek lets out a hearty cheer for Poshly!

Crobin says, "Thank you Posh."

Gragnel says to Zynell, "Ooooh. She asked for it."

Crobin says, "Next we have Briaen."

Loeth gets a soft burlap bear with round anli eyes from inside his haversack.

Vaerek sniffs at Zynell.

Loeth takes a sip of his rum.

Briaen nods graciously at Crobin, giving him a polite smile.

Karthor closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Zynell says to Gragnel, "Aye, but i will respectfully decline the invitation without express consent."

Zynell nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel snaps his fingers.

Briaen says, "Beloved faithful, we gather today beneath the gaze of the Dawnmother."

Nawain gazes at Briaen.

Unaka glances up at the sky.

Briaen says, "Her blessings flow not from grand acts or grandiose moments but in the humble, everyday graces the warmth of home, the kindness of a strangers, and perhaps most importantly, the food we share at our table."

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Kethrai looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Aerhys leans on Elurora.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Elurora leans on Aerhys.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Briaen says, "For this, we give thanks. We praise Her name for the steadfast love she has shown, for Her compassion that illuminates our way, and for the protection she offers to all who walk in her light."

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Briaen says, "May Her hearth continue to burn brightly in our hearts, and may we always be worthy of the love She so freely bestows."

Elurora smiles at Nawain.

Briaen nods to Crobin.

Vaerek nods to Briaen.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Allye nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel praises Briaen.

Vaerek says to Briaen, "Well said."

Unaka nods in agreement.

Nawain smiles at Briaen.

Briaen nods graciously at Vaerek, giving him a polite smile.

Unaka says, "Praise Berengaria."

Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.

Briaen says to Unaka, "Now, and always."

Aerilia smiles.

Elurora places a hand on her chest and bows her head.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Kerennya smiles.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Briaen."

Poshly grins.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Crobin asks, "Before I turn it over to Zyn who had a story she liked to share. Does anyone else have something they would like to share first?"

Crobin smiles at Loeth.

(Avrenka slightly nods off, and suddenly jerks up and mumbles "Great sermon Briaen, thank you")

Zynell twitches an ear nervously.

Nawain just tickled Avrenka.

Poshly pats Zynell on the back.

Elurora chuckles at Avrenka.

Unaka raises her hand.

Loeth smiles at Crobin.

Zynell beams at Unaka!

Zynell points at Unaka.

Crobin asks, "Loeth you had something?"

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.

Loeth says, "I'll pass sorry."

Gragnel turns the clerical collar about his neck for a moment.

Crobin nods to Loeth.

Crobin says, "As you wish."

Loeth puts his bear in his haversack.

Crobin says, "Zyn, you are up."

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Zynell says, "Unaka is next."

Kethrai says, "Unaka had something."

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin says, "Sorry."

Crobin says, "Told you."

Crobin says, "Part blind."

Crobin says, "Unaka."

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Crobin.

Karthor chuckles.

Elurora quietly says to Leayne, "Perhaps you should buy him some glasses."

Leayne takes off some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Poshly smiles at Crobin.

Gragnel adjusts his square-lensed spectacles into place.

Leayne ponders.

Leayne moves a slender goblet of starlight champagne to her left hand.

Leayne moves some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust to her right hand.

Leayne offers Crobin some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Poshly says, "It's a big crowd."

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Unaka says, "I've got a few words to say. Really it's not any different from what everyone else said. I just wanted to say it from me."

Crobin declines Leayne's offer.

Poshly says, "He draws one."

Kizard runs northeast.

Poshly smiles.

Crobin says, "I will see if I can find some."

Nawain gazes at Unaka.

Elurora grins at Unaka.

Crobin winks at Leayne with a playful sparkle in his eyes.

Leayne shrugs.

Vaerek takes a bite of the salad.

Leayne puts on some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Nawain gets a slice of caramel-apple cheesecake sprinkled with crushed pecans from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Nawain drools.

Vaerek blinks at Unaka.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Leayne grins at Nawain, her dimples flashing into view.

Kerennya gets some maple-glazed ham skewered on a stick with chunks of pineapple from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Rileos's eyes widen as he suppresses a cough and a puff of smoke comes out of his nostrils.

Vaerek takes a bite of the salad.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Vaerek ponders.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Unaka.

Poshly blinks at Nawain.

Unaka says, "I just wanted to say, from me, how proud I was to see everyone rallying behind the Immortals. It was really awe-inspiring, just how connected they became to us, and how everyone reacted. It felt like we were acting together, us and the Immortals, and also us as a community. I just liked that and felt proud."

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Nawain smiles at Unaka.

Poshly scoffs.

Aerilia beams at Unaka!

Gragnel nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka nods to Unaka.

Raising his rum haze to Unaka, Rileos gives her a toast.

Tirost smiles at Unaka.

Unaka nods.

Kerennya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne beams at Unaka!

Nawain nods in agreement.

Anuril frowns.

Ezathiel smiles at Unaka.

Felicini beams at Unaka!

Allye's ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at Unaka, a look of pride on her face.

Crobin smiles.

Kethrai brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Unaka.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Trajan opens his battle pack.

Trajan gets a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry from inside his battle pack.

Ezathiel pats Unaka on the back.

Trajan offers Unaka a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Do you think you've fulfilled your duty to protect, as given by Truffenyi? Or is there more to come do you think."

Poshly shakes his head.

Unaka says to Crobin, "I'm done."

Unaka accepts Trajan's chocolate cupcake.

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Trajan.

Crobin says, "Thank you for those words."

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Crobin asks, "If there is no one else?"

Trajan says to Unaka, "Well said."

Felicini says, "Thank you for everything you have done to help us."

Nawain moves a slice of caramel-apple cheesecake sprinkled with crushed pecans to her left hand.

Poshly gets some twisted sheep's milk cheese from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Felicini smiles at Unaka.

Nawain gets a slice of rasberry cheesecake from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Good question. I feel like there's more to come, if I'm being honest."

Nawain offers Poshly a slice of rasberry cheesecake.

Field Medic Darkewolff just arrived.

Poshly moves a crimson glaes flamberge with a viperine hilt to his left hand.

Poshly moves some twisted sheep's milk cheese to his right hand.

Crobin asks, "Going once?"

Avrenka gives a slight nod.

Poshly puts his flamberge in his hitman's backpack.

Crobin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Poshly nods to Nawain.

Leayne points at Zynell.

Aerhys takes a sip of his chai.

Darkewolff shakes Crobin's hand.

Poshly accepts Nawain's rasberry cheesecake.

Devistik just arrived.

Briaen says, "Praise be to the Thirteen. Praise be to Three who are One. Praise be to the Three. Now, and always."

Crobin says, "Going twice."

Naienna gazes at Crobin.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Darkewolff.

Kethrai says, "Dunno why you'd think that.."

Avrenka says, "I guess we'd only look up to know that."

Unaka says, "Kethrai was right when he said we're not done with wild magic yet."

Kethrai gazes up at the sky.

Crobin says, "Zyn it is your turn."

(Vaerek tries to put his salad in an alsmbox)

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Elusive Asab came across the Longbow Bridge.

Elusive Asab runs northeast.

Zynell looks at Crobin and sighs.

Nawain chuckles.

Vaerek ponders.

Elurora gets a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar from inside her square lunchbox.

Unaka says, "And definitely not done with the Heralds."

Vaerek puts his salad in his treasureweave cylinder.

Crobin asks, "Did I miss more?"

Elurora offers Darkewolff a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar.

Gragnel nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia nods.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Nawain makes a grunting noise.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Zynell gets a telothian-banded shadowleaf teddy bear with void-black maelstone eyes from inside her kirmiko pocket.

Darkewolff accepts Elurora's strawberry cupcake.

Darkewolff smiles at Elurora.

Eskerith gazes up at the sky.

Aerilia says, "The real fight's drawing near."

Darkewolff nods politely to Elurora.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Zynell shakes her teddy bear at Gragnel.

Gragnel staggers and collapses, suddenly asleep!

Misteeus glances up at the sky.

Zynell puts her bear in her kirmiko pocket.

Leayne shudders.

Zynell says to Unaka, "The bear."

Eskerith just touched Darkewolff.

Misteeus raises an eyebrow.

Vaerek says to Nawain, "Not all things tomato taste good."

Zynell winks at Gragnel.

Nawain gets a tall box of caramel-coated popcorn flecked with tiny chunks of toffee from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Unaka shields her cupcake from the rain with one hand, but looks at it longingly.

Zynell gets a storyteller's book of fairy tales bound in quilted silk from inside her book bag.

Unaka glances at Zynell.

Gragnel begins to wake.

Darkewolff nods to Eskerith.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Crobin says, "Aww sorry."

Crobin says, "Naienna."

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Crobin shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Unaka says to Zynell, "Looks nice, not that treacherous."

Naienna nods politely to Crobin.

Zynell gets a telothian-banded shadowleaf teddy bear with void-black maelstone eyes from inside her kirmiko pocket.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Crobin says, "Maybe I should have Unaka put me on her shoulders."

Zynell shows Unaka her teddy bear.

Ezathiel chuckles.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Crobin.

Naienna asks in Ilithic, "Can anyone translate for me?"

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Zynell puts her bear in her kirmiko pocket.

Naienna smiles at Unaka.

Elurora smiles at Naienna.

Nawain quietly says to Vaerek, "Most things with tomatoes are sorta gross, in my opinion. They're all round, and red, and look juicy and tasty, but they taste nothing like they look. Yech."

Unaka says, "She asks for a translator. I can do it if you want."

Loeth nods to Naienna.

Naienna sweeps a lumium ring balaclava off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Unaka at the same time.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Crobin says, "Please Unaka."

Unaka says to Naienna in Ilithic, "I can do it if you like."

Rileos squints at Nawain.

Poshly blinks at Nawain.

Vaerek gasps at Nawain!

Poshly says, "Controversial take."

Eskerith just touched Urist.

Unaka nods at Poshly, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Eskerith just touched Loeth.

Loeth smiles at Eskerith.

Poshly folds his arms across his chest.

Eskerith gives Loeth a slight nod.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "I would ask the crowd how many people went to the Temple to thank the Immortals before they celebrated their victory of Tiger Clan."

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Gwenddolyn raises her hand.

Nawain whispers something to Vaerek.

Kethrai gazes at Naienna.

Briaen raises his hand.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Unaka says, "She wants to ask everyone how many people went to the Temple to thank the Immortals before celebrating the victory of Tiger Clan."

Vaerek looks over Naienna very closely.

Gwenddolyn raises her hand.

Nawain raises her hand.

Ezathiel raises his hand.

Darkewolff shakes his head.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Zynell says, "Not in the temple."

Kethrai quietly says in fluent Ilithic, "Assumes I've celebrated anything, yet."

Leayne sighs.

Zynell grins at Kethrai.

Trajan opens his steelsilk pouch.

Unaka quietly says to Naienna in Ilithic, "Sometimes I admit I just talk to Truffenyi wherever I am."

Trajan gets an oaken icon of the god Chadatru from inside his steelsilk pouch.

Gragnel leaps to his feet!

Naienna nods to Unaka.

Zynell points at Unaka.

Zynell nods in agreement.

Trajan closes his steelsilk pouch.

Karthor says, "I, er, went to sleep pretty well right away."

Karthor chuckles.

Loeth says in Ilithic, "I am not sure he translated that properly."

Unaka says, "I told her that sometimes I talk with Truffenyi wherever I am."

Loeth smirks.

Avrenka shrugs.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "The faithful have been steadfast in their thanks and praise since before these troubles began."

Avrenka says, "I did."

Nawain nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "It was a bit sparse when I was there."

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Unaka says, "She says it was a bit sparse when she was there."

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Jape runs northeast.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "Thank you. Just a reminder who is assisting in the freeing of the clans."

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Gwenddolyn gazes at the Longbow Bridge.

Aerilia says, "I'm prone to praying where I stand rather than venturing to the temple outside of special occasions."

Naienna raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Unaka.

Nawain says, "The Temple is just a building. The Gods are everywhere."

Nawain nods in agreement.

Unaka says, "She says thanks, and just a reminder who is assisting in the freeing of the clans."

Poshly peers quizzically at Nawain.

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Naienna quietly asks Briaen in Ilithic, "I would speak with you after the gathering?"

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Unaka says to Naienna in Ilithic, "I wasn't at a Temple when Truffenyi came to me."

Kethrai quietly says, "Point of order, not all the Immortals who assisted us are worshipped at this temple."

Unaka looks at Naienna and shrugs.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Briaen nods.

Naienna smiles at Unaka.

Unaka says, "I told her I wasn't at a Temple when Truffenyi came to me."

Briaen nods to Naienna.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "I would."

Arch Huntress Kyssandra just arrived.

Arch Huntress Kyssandra went across the Longbow Bridge.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "I suspect Truffenyi is with you always."

Loeth smirks at Darkewolff.

Aerhys takes a sip of his chai.

Unaka smiles at Naienna.

Gragnel yawns expansively.

Naienna says to Crobin in Ilithic, "Thank you."

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Unaka says, "She says she suspects Truffenyi is with me always."

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Naienna smiles at Crobin.

Crobin says, "One moment."

Crobin brushes the surface of his bone amulet and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Crobin asks, "Can you repeat that please?"

Crobin smiles at Naienna.

Naienna grins at Crobin.

Allye smiles.

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Naienna says to Crobin in Ilithic, "Thank you."

Urist just left.

Trajan says, "Now people are just speaking Ilithic because they can."

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Crobin says, "You are most welcome."

Karthor chuckles.

Allye begins chortling at Trajan.

Vaerek nods.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Trajan.

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Vaerek grins at Trajan.

Crobin says, "Thank you as well."

Unaka chuckles at Trajan.

Naienna gazes at Trajan.

Ezathiel chuckles at Trajan.

Nawain chuckles.

Anuril stretches his arms.

Aerilia asks Crobin, "Hey, was that magic..?"

Luuwee just arrived.

Aerilia grins at Crobin.

Nawain nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel pleasantly asks Trajan, "Jealous?"

Crobin asks, "ANy others like to speak?"

Ezathiel winks at Trajan.

Crobin says, "No mana used."

Nawain casually observes the area.

Poshly says, "Elves being elves."

Crobin smiles at Aerilia.

Aerilia says, "Mhm."

Aerilia smiles.

Kerennya fixes Poshly with a serene, lofty stare.

Naienna fixes Poshly with a serene, lofty stare.

Crobin asks, "If no one else?"

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Crobin says, "Zyn I believe it is story time."

Unaka says, "Now I'm wondering what all the languages are that everyone's learned. But, sorry, not on topic."

Poshly beams at Zynell!

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Zynell!

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Zynell.

Leayne smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Unaka fixes Zynell with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Crobin smiles at Unaka.

Ezathiel praises Zynell.

Unaka grins at Kerennya.

Darkewolff shakes his head.

Kerennya grins at Unaka.

Trajan says to Ezathiel something in Gamgweth.

Trajan shakes his head at Ezathiel.

Ezathiel grins at Trajan.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Tirost chuckles at Trajan.

Zynell says, "I wrote this some time ago, but with her gesture at the clans, i thought it appropriate to share some semi lightheartedness about Eylhaar."

Zynell shrugs.

Zynell opens her storyteller's book.

Leayne smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zynell says, "Once upon a time in the realms."

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Ezathiel gazes thoughtfully at Zynell.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Zynell says, "Her beauty renown in all the land."

Maintain says to Unaka something in nearly perfect Haakish.

Poshly beams!

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Poshly smiles.

Kerennya tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Zynell says, "Quiet and elegant never a demand."

Unaka nods to Maintain.

Karthor grins at Maintain.

Zynell says, "She would watch the warriors don their helms."

Darkewolff gazes at Zynell.

Briaen gazes at Zynell.

Zynell smiles at those gathered as she turns the page.

Zynell says, "From the sidelines she watched the battle rage."

Zynell says, "The bloodlust, the gruesome glee."

Zynell says, "No warrior willing to flee."

Zynell says, "All souls her brothers would cage."

Naienna gazes at Zynell.

(Zynell turns the book to showcase the scene of an epic battle. The central figures thrusting claw and talon like weaponry through surprised foes. Off to the left a black haired woman walks amid corpses, her white dress billowing behind her.)

Vaerek blinks.

Poshly stands up.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Zynell says, "She watched them in the field, pleasure in the pain."

Unaka gazes at the book with interest.

Zynell says, "Her face contorted with disgust at the horrid sound."

Darkewolff nods to Zynell.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Zynell says, "Still those on the edges near death in the body mound."

Poshly takes a seat near Zynell.

Poshly nods.

Zynell says, "She knelt by them a peaceful hand and their souls would drain."

(Zynell's voice grows grim, but determined as she starts the next page.)

Gragnel says a soft prayer as he drops coins into the almsbox.

Zynell says, "The victors would swarm the next village near."

Zynell says, "Determined she strode to see what pain she could thwart."

Zynell says, "Gift baskets and smiles she gave them all a last resort."

Zynell says, "The families cowered when the invading shout rang clear."

(Zynell's book shows the same slender figure in her white dress handing out gifts to the grateful townsfolk.)

Aerhys gets a dark blue mug of spiced chai latte from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Aerhys takes a sip of his latte.

Aerhys lets out a sigh of contentment.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Zynell says, "Too frightened to fight, just lambs to the slaughter."

Zynell says, "Mothers alike closed their doors and checked the locks."

Zynell says, "Then to the table they turned and saw the gift box."

Zynell says, "Treats they put out, in harrowing time, pouring each a glass of water."

(Zynell slowly turns to the next page in the book.)

Kerennya taps a glass of Howling Coyote rum atop a picnic cloth.

Zynell says, "Her gift was consumed, its pace rather sudden."

Kerennya gets a glass of Howling Coyote rum from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Zynell says, "They drifted to her Void, all with a smile."

Zynell says, "Thanks they gave, saved from deaths so vile."

Zynell says, "She went the the center fountain as warriors flood in."

Naienna shifts her weight.

(Zynell turns the book toward you, the image of transparent townsfolk drifting towards the woman, welcoming tendrils of her black hair wrapping around wrists, merging with them.)

Gwenddolyn gazes off to the northeast.

Aerhys smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Poshly nods to Zynell.

Aerhys leans forward.

Zynell says, "Relaxed and stunning, she perched on the stone edge."

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Zynell says, "Fighters scouring the town for more lives to destroy."

Zynell says, "She smiled at her bothers approach to ask about her ploy."

Zynell says, "No foulness of yours is here, to me their souls pledge."

(Zynell flashes a quick smirk as she flips to the next page.)

A sour-faced young Halfling boy strolls into the area, looking around casually.

The Halfling boy wanders off.

Zynell says, "At peace they are, her pale skin nearly aglow."

Zynell says, "They chose their path, and with me they walk."

Zynell says, "Her brother both mouths agape, reeling in their shock."

A diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station flickers and appears momentarily translucent.

Zynell says, "Tis not my fault in this game of souls that you were both too slow."

(Zynell's book shows the black haired woman shrugging at two well armored men, one more vulturelike, the other more scorpion than flesh.)

A small girl dressed in rags strolls into the area, looking around casually.

The fragile young girl places a soft broadcloth bear with round modwir eyes on the ground and slips away quietly.

Zynell says, "A smirk and a turn, her raven hair flowing."

A large curving diamondwood bar flickers and appears momentarily translucent.

The steady rains lessen to a gentle summer shower.

Zynell says, "Her words ringing in the air."

Zynell says, "Brothers chortled then back to warfare."

Zynell says, "This game of theirs forever ongoing."

Zynell smiles, her ears relaxing against her head as she gently turns the page.

Loeth smirks at Crobin.

Zynell says, "To the black haired beauty we should give praise."

Zynell says, "Her beckoning whispers a teather in our souls."

Zynell says, "To the jackal pray if peace is your Void goals."

Aerhys takes a sip of his latte.

Zynell says, "Respect the jackal even if you get a raise."

A diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station collapses into the wisps of softly colored smoke.

(Zynell shows you an image of a favor orb surrounded in void-black, two eyes and the outline of a jackal gazing down upon the prismatic sphere.)

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Timekeeper Raerethrew stumbles out of the temple grounds, looking abashed.

Naienna gazes thoughtfully at Zynell.

A large curving diamondwood bar collapses into the wisps of softly colored smoke.

Zynell says, "Her peace, her cunning, her wit, and her allure."

Darkewolff nods to Zynell.

Zynell says, "She walks with those of faith pure."

Gragnel glances at Timekeeper Raerethrew.

Zynell says, "Torturous ends for your soul she can cure."

Zynell says, "Remember the jackal for peace in death to ensure."

Zynell closes her storyteller's book.

Zynell puts her book in her book bag.

Nawain applauds.

Gragnel nods to Zynell.

Leayne praises Zynell.

Naienna praises Zynell.

Aerilia applauds.

Karthor applauds.

Leayne moves a slender goblet of starlight champagne to her right hand.

Zynell puts her bear in a twisting eddy of starlight-hued light surrounded in loimic and spectrolite.

Aerhys applauds.

Kerennya smiles at Zynell.

Ezathiel applauds.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Raising his chai latte to Zynell, Aerhys gives her a toast.

Poshly applauds.

Zynell picks up a soft broadcloth bear with round modwir eyes.

Tirost applauds.

Raising her starlight champagne to Zynell, Leayne gives her a toast.

Unaka applauds.

Kethrai praises Zynell.

Zynell puts her bear in a twisting eddy of starlight-hued light surrounded in loimic and spectrolite.

Loeth looks at Zynell and applauds!

Anuril ponders.

Anuril rubs his head.

Trajan nods to Zynell.

Darkewolff nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka carefully applauds while not dropping her cupcake.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Zynell."

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Poshly pats Zynell on the back.

Vaerek applauds.

Crobin says, "We had a late one wishing to speak."

Vaerek nods.

Crobin nods to Loeth.

Crobin asks, "Loeth?"

Loeth shrugs.

Ezathiel gazes at Loeth.

The sky turns a thousand shades of scarlet and orange as the sun slowly sinks behind the scattered clouds and vanishes.

Loeth says, "Aye."

Loeth says, "I actually quite enjoyed the magic tragedy that has happened. Look at all the chaos it has created."

Loeth chuckles.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Loeth says, "Look what it has caused. A good group of folks all gathered sharing stories and fixing problems."

Aerhys nods.

Ezathiel smiles quietly to himself.

Kethrai gazes silently at Loeth.

Vaerek grins at Loeth.

Kerennya nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Chaos and death are a problem, but it's true that a challenge like this really brought everyone together."

Loeth says, "No more."

Loeth smiles.

Aerhys nods to Unaka.

Crobin takes a deep breath.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Leayne nods to Unaka.

Crobin says, "Alright everyone."

Darkewolff glances at Unaka.

Crobin says, "The last of the speakers have spoken."

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Crobin says, "The last story told."

Nawain gazes at Crobin.

Ezathiel gazes at Crobin.

Crobin says, "I want to thank you all for coming to this event that I held today."

Trajan focuses his attention upon the Chadatru icon, to the exclusion of all else.

Zynell grins at Crobin.

Ezathiel praises Crobin.

Zynell looks at Crobin and applauds!

Gragnel bows to Crobin.

Crobin says, "I feel it has helped bring people closer in one way or another."

Vaerek says to Crobin, "Thank you for having us."

Aerilia smiles at Crobin.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Crobin.

Leayne praises Crobin.

Avrenka says to Crobin, "Thanks for hosting."

Crobin says, "I hope you all enjoyed yourself."

Crobin says, "Learned something."

Trajan bows to Crobin.

Aerilia says, "Thank you for hosting us."

Crobin says, "Made a friend."

Briaen shakes Crobin's hand.

Allye says, "Thank you, Crobin."

Unaka says, "It was good to be together, and take a break from all the magic stuff."

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Crobin says, "Or enjoyed the food if nothing else."

Crobin shakes Briaen's hand.

Unaka says, "I wasn't eating nearly enough."

Poshly says, "Amazing job, Crobin."

Briaen joins Allye's group.

Avrenka nods.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Leayne nods to Poshly.

Allye gasps at Unaka!

Crobin says, "I will say now...you may case your spells."

Nawain fervently says, "Oh, thank goodness."

Naienna raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Crobin.

Kethrai looks at Crobin, obviously trying not to grin.

Reverend Gragnel slogs northeast.

Vaerek gasps at Crobin!

Aerilia chuckles.

Karthor chuckles.

Vaerek ducks his head.

Unaka says, "Gonna ruin my figure if I don't eat enough."

Crobin says, "And go forth and cause...problems."

Crobin chuckles.

Ezathiel whispers something to Tirost.

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Ezathiel waves.

Crobin laughs!

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Zynell giggles at some black grog.

Vaerek chuckles at Unaka.

Trajan puts his icon in his steelsilk pouch.

Crobin says, "Man look at them go."

Zynell giggles at Crobin.

Allye gets some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits from inside a little lilac lunchbox.

Trajan closes his steelsilk pouch.

Mathematician Avrenka goes northeast.

Tirost smiles at Ezathiel.

Kerennya rubs her head.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Allye offers Unaka some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits.

Ezathiel went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Lady of the Watch Dantia came across the Longbow Bridge.

Lady of the Watch Dantia runs northeast.

Naienna stands near Briaen.

Kerennya nods to Tirost.

Thinker Couri goes northeast.

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.

Leayne gathers up a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace and all the food it holds, stuffs the bundle into a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace, and closes the lid securely.

Karthor asks Crobin, "Surely ya saw that comin'?"

Kethrai gazes off to the northeast.

Karthor chuckles.

Crobin says, "Again thank you all for coming."

Leayne slings a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace over her shoulder.

Zynell gets a clowder of sparkling kitties dappled in starry-bright hues from inside her multi-strapped carryall.

Crobin says, "Oh I was sure of it."

Zynell slowly releases her sparkling kitties into the air, setting them to orbit in lazy circles about her left ankle.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Leayne gestures.

Crobin nods to Karthor.

Loeth stands up.

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Tirost shakes his head at Aerilia.

Nawain stands up.

Karthor chuckles.

Gragnel joins Zynell's group.

Unaka says to Crobin, "That one over there just exploded with magic. Bet he was really holding back."

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Roughneck Rileos went across the Longbow Bridge.

Timekeeper Raerethrew went across the Longbow Bridge.

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Unaka glances at Anuril.

Kerennya exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Unaka accepts Allye's hashbrown casserole.

Anuril smirks.

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Misteeus smirks.

Unaka beams at Allye!

Nawain joins Briaen's group.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Unaka.

Unaka takes a bite of the casserole.

Kethrai says, "You haven't seen him pent up."

Briaen nods to Naienna.

Poshly says, "Can we all take a moment and thank Crobin for making this happen? I think it's appropriate."

Crobin says, "Maybe a mana surge will pop up so I can try and lick it again."

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Tirost nods to Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Agreed, thanks Crobin."

Zynell looks at Crobin and applauds!

Misteeus bows to Crobin.

Naienna asks Briaen in Ilithic, "May I join you?"

Karthor lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Crobin!

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Aerilia ponders.

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Reverend Gragnel went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Crobin says, "Thank you all."

Vaerek hums to himself.

Darkewolff nods to Crobin.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "Yes, of course."

Crobin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Naienna joins Briaen's group.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Nawain waves to Naienna.

Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Naienna nods politely to Briaen.

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Kethrai hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Vaerek puts on a sungold sunburst partially eclipsed by Yavash.

Crobin pats Karthor on the back.

Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Crobin waves to Aerilia.

Poshly leaps to his feet!

Naienna nods politely to Nawain.

Crobin shakes Vaerek's hand.

Vaerek steps inside the concentric rings of blocky symbols. The brown images arc up and inward, swirling around his head and disappearing as they pass across his face.

Aerilia waves to Crobin.

Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Zynell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Vaerek shakes Crobin's hand.

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Crobin shakes Trajan's hand.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Aerhys hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Leayne hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Trajan shakes Crobin's hand.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Trajan nods to Crobin.

Allye hugs Aerhys, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Aerhys clasps Elurora's hand tenderly.

Leayne softly says, "Hugs all around."

Kethrai nods to Zynell.

Aerhys smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Leayne hugs Poshly, getting a smile in return.

Allye says, "Take care, everyone."

Aerhys says, "Thank you for the wonderful snacks."

Crobin shakes Poshly's hand.

Leayne puts her champagne in her rose colored haversack.

Poshly hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Poshly with a warm smile.

Raven Queen Chelinde just arrived.

Leayne waves.

Nawain hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Unaka glances up at the sky.

Allye hugs Nawain, getting a smile in return.

Kerennya waves to Allye.

Allye waves to Kerennya.

Poshly pats Crobin on the back.

Chelinde gazes at Vaerek.

Vaerek smiles at Chelinde.

Kerennya says to Crobin, "Thanks for doing this."

Vaerek waves to Chelinde.

Chelinde folds her arms across her chest.

Leayne smiles at Kerennya, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dawnsworn Briaen goes northwest, leading his group.

Crobin says, "Thank you for coming."

Kethrai whispers something to Anuril.

Crobin smiles at Kerennya.

Kerennya smiles.

Courtier Aerhys's group went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Vaerek gets some crimson-red tomatoes from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Maintain touches a hand to his mouth and offers a prayer for the continued safety and good fortune of the people surrounding him.

Vaerek offers Chelinde some crimson-red tomatoes.

Chelinde accepts Vaerek's crimson-red tomatoes.

Cateress Allye goes northeast.

Maintain says, "Be well, benefactors."

Chelinde gazes at her tomatoes.

Vaerek grins.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost bows to Maintain.

Maintain bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Unaka.

Chelinde sniffs at some crimson-red tomatoes.

Unaka tries to continue covering her cupcake from the rain with her other hand, but the hashbrown casserole she's holding gets wet instead. She frowns.

Unaka mumbles something under her breath.

Serial Killer Damiza came across the Longbow Bridge.

Unaka messily gobbles down some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits.

Poshly leans on Zynell.

Unaka messily gobbles down a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry.

Leayne giggles at Unaka.

Unaka says, "So much easier just to eat fast."

Kerennya laughs!

Marmic came across the Longbow Bridge.

Marmic runs northeast.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Anuril gestures.

Viredoh slouches northeast.

Kerennya says, "You're really funny, Unaka."

Vaerek says to Crobin, "Those dinner bells don't last very long."

Unaka gestures.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Aerilia.

Crobin says, "It is alright Vaerek."

Crobin says, "They did the job."

Crobin smiles.

Leayne softly says, "I almost got one too."

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Poshly snorts at Zynell.

Zynell grins at Poshly.

Zynell stands up.

Unaka asks Kerennya, "What's funny about me?"

Zynell carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a night-black starlight velvet prayer tapestry stitched with loimic and fey-bone.

Zynell puts her tapestry in her encompassing shadows.

Trajan ponders.

Darkewolff smirks.

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "I want to make mine into a lemonade stand."

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Kerennya exclaims to Unaka, "Gobbling all the food to keep it from getting wet!"

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Well that's just smart."

Vaerek asks Chelinde, "How do you plan on doing that?"

Crobin says, "Wet food is the worst."

Crobin waves to Chelinde.

Trajan says, "Unless you're a cat."

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "Finding someone that can customize it."

Chelinde gazes at Crobin.

Chelinde grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Aerilia grins at Tirost.

Leayne ponders cats

Karthor says, "I'm quite sure even those garlic rolls'd be ruined by gettin' soggy. Tasty things, those."

Tirost laughs!

Vaerek says, "A Chelinade stand."

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Chelinde says to Crobin, "Hello how are you."

Vaerek cackles!

Crobin says, "Doing well."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Crobin asks, "And you?"

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "It would bring all the people to the yard."

Vaerek laughs at Chelinde.

Chelinde says to Crobin, "I am just peachy."

Vaerek says, "It would."

Crobin says, "Good to hear."

Leayne smiles at Chelinde, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Chelinde giggles at Vaerek.

Kethrai trills softly at Zynell.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna just arrived.

Poshly chuckles.

Chelinde nods politely to Leayne.

Leayne hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Leayne softly says, "We just had a moment of silence here."

Vaerek asks Unaka, "Where do you plan on going from here?"

Leayne smiles at Malorna, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Malorna nods to Leayne.

Unaka says, "Well I hear there's some prayers at Rutilor's altar. Guess I had better head there."

Unaka nods to Vaerek.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Poshly leans on Malorna.

Malorna says, "I was unable to join but saw you all were still here so came by."

Poshly nods.

Malorna smiles at Leayne.

Unaka asks Vaerek, "Want to show me the way?"

Aerilia just nudged Tirost.

Chelinde asks Vaerek, "Should we go there too?"

* Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Leayne smiles at Malorna, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Karthor says, "Right then, s'pose it's time to wander off. Take care folks."

Zynell grins at Kethrai.

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Leayne waves to Karthor.

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Vaerek says to Unaka, " I don't know the way right off hand."

Bioexorcist Karthor went across the Longbow Bridge.

Unaka says, "That's okay, I really know it, I just thought it might be nice to walk with someone."

Crobin pulls Leayne towards him!

Messenger Miraena came through a lacquered mahogany gate.

Poshly shrugs.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Miraena gazes off into the distance.

Darkewolff glances at Miraena.

Chelinde grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Poshly says, "Yup."

Zynell bows to Kethrai.

Trajan nods to Crobin.

Unaka smiles at Miraena.

Aerilia waves to Miraena.

Vaerek asks Crobin, "You headed to Ritil whats it?"

Miraena smiles.

Vaerek beams at Miraena!

Kerennya waves to Miraena.

Vaerek waves to Miraena.

Crobin nods to Trajan.

Unaka asks Miraena, "Visiting the Temple?"

Crobin shakes Trajan's hand.

Trajan shakes Crobin's hand.

Crobin says, "I think we might be if I can find the way."

Darkewolff smiles at Klausette.

Crobin asks, "Leayne care to go see what Eu is about?"

Miraena says to Unaka, "I was invited to a vigil by Adventurer Avrenka."

Klausette smiles at Darkewolff.

Unaka nods to Miraena.

Malorna says, "Im headed there now."

Darkewolff pulls Klausette to him in a tight hug.

Malorna waves.

Klausette pulls Darkewolff to her in a tight hug.

Unaka says, "Me too."

Crobin asks, "Or wish to go to Dream a Dream?"

Tirost gazes at Kerennya.

Leayne softly says, "Sure hun."

Chelinde says, "Me three."

Leayne softly asks, "Oh?"

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna goes northeast.

Vaerek asks, "Who do we join?"

Unaka asks, "Who's leading, yeah?"

Kerennya gazes happily at Tirost.

Bookkeeper Parkons came through a lacquered mahogany gate.

Chelinde just tried to take Vaerek's hand, but he politely pulled away.

Parkons looks over Miraena very closely.

Kerennya nods to Tirost.

Chelinde gasps at Vaerek!

Vaerek nods to Chelinde.

Vaerek says, "Sorry."

Chelinde reaches over and holds hands with Vaerek.

Vaerek chuckles.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Chelinde says, "To the that way."

Poshly screams!

Moredith studies the area intently.

Kethrai nods to Zynell.

Crobin says, "ALright heading towards the shrine I think."

Vaerek exclaims, "To the that way!"

Aerilia joins Crobin's group.

Klausette nods to Darkewolff.

Klausette smiles.

Unaka asks Chelinde, "Going to the Rutilor altar?"

Chelinde says, "I won't get us lost."

Tirost says to Miraena, "Good to see you again, Miraena."

Chelinde nods to Unaka.

Darkewolff smiles.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Miraena smiles at Tirost.

Zynell perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Kethrai.

Crobin waves to Miraena.

Tirost says, "I should take my lave."

Chelinde crooks her finger, motioning Unaka to come closer.

Crobin asks, "Ready love?"

Unaka asks Chelinde, "Mind if I join?"

Tirost clears his throat.

Miraena asks Tirost, "Do you know how to get to the proper place?"

Tirost says, "Leave."

Chelinde says, "Of course."

Kethrai says, "Enjoy your vigil, all! I'm going to check out the Prydaen gathering..."

Unaka joins Chelinde's group.

Chelinde grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Zynell nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Crobin nods to Kethrai.

Shimoyuri just arrived.

Crobin says, "Please let me know what is like."

Kethrai says, "Be safe."

Aerilia says to Kethrai, "Good luck."

Zynell gives Poshly a playful poke in the ribs.

Tirost says to Miraena, "I wish I could say I do, but I'm headed elsewhere."

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Unaka asks Miraena, "She's showing us the way, maybe you can come with us?"

Miraena nods to Tirost.

Poshly coughs.

Chelinde gazes at Miraena.

Poshly asks, "Whaaa.?"

Crobin waves.

Miraena smiles at Chelinde.

Tirost warmly says to Unaka, "Take care, Unaka."

Miraena joins Chelinde's group.

Leayne waves.

Moredith goes northeast.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Fearless Crobin's group went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Chelinde asks, "Anyone else?"

Chelinde casually observes the area.

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

Zynell says, "Be good or i will escort you out myself."

Zynell nods.

Latest revision as of 12:10, 4 October 2024

Moment of Silence
Event Date: 10/02/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 220 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Golden Panther.


This log starts approximately 15 minutes into the event.


[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach]
This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames flicker from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood, a shadowy black wolf-hound puppy baring menacingly diminutive canine teeth, a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sleeping, a large curving diamondwood bar with several things on it, a white dog that is sitting, a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace with several things on it, a diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station with several things on it, a pink-eared white piglet with a bright yellow shirt stitched with a chaotic rainbow of daisies on it, the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Felicini.

Leayne smiles at Felicini, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Eskerith smiles.

What little light the sun can force through the endless clouds begins to fade as the day begins drawing to a close.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Felicini."

Felicini smiles at Elurora.

Leayne glances up at the sky.

Crobin says, "Next we have Posh."

Unaka nods to Felicini.

Felicini smiles at Crobin.

Loeth casually observes the area.

Felicini smiles uk

Allye beams at Felicini!

Felicini smiles at Unaka.

Felicini smiles at Allye.

Poshly says, "Immortals."

Crobin chuckles at Leayne.

Poshly says, "Immortals - shmortals, I say - yeah they're ok, but I think you're all the best. The real effort is here, in this circle, amongst friends, even enemies. It's a tricky time, I dunno what you're all doing with that finger wagglin' stuff. I mean it looks cool, kind of awkward if I'm bein honest, but good for you. Awkward in the best of ways, seriously, you're all amazing I mean... Kind of. That aside, friends, community, that's what always perseveres through times like these, so that's what I lean on. So that is to say, I lean on you. Do your part, what you can, when you can, with what you've got. And we'll get there. It's really that simple. Also, Zynell has a treacherous bear you should all be very worried about, and this serves as a public service announcement."

Zynell blinks at Poshly.

Vaerek beams at Poshly!

Crobin snorts, loudly.

Zynell giggles.

Aerilia smiles.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Nawain smiles at Poshly.

Wot grins.

Leayne giggles at Poshly.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Warnea just arrived.

Unaka nods to Poshly.

Gragnel says, "Yes... the bear. That is to be feared."

Zynell playfully tilts her ears in opposite directions.

Felicini smiles at Poshly.

Unaka slowly asks, "What is so treacherous about the bear?"

Vaerek chuckles at Poshly.

Avrenka chuckles.

Poshly shakes his head at Crobin.

Vaerek lets out a hearty cheer for Poshly!

Crobin says, "Thank you Posh."

Gragnel says to Zynell, "Ooooh. She asked for it."

Crobin says, "Next we have Briaen."

Loeth gets a soft burlap bear with round anli eyes from inside his haversack.

Vaerek sniffs at Zynell.

Loeth takes a sip of his rum.

Briaen nods graciously at Crobin, giving him a polite smile.

Karthor closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Zynell says to Gragnel, "Aye, but i will respectfully decline the invitation without express consent."

Zynell nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel snaps his fingers.

Briaen says, "Beloved faithful, we gather today beneath the gaze of the Dawnmother."

Nawain gazes at Briaen.

Unaka glances up at the sky.

Briaen says, "Her blessings flow not from grand acts or grandiose moments but in the humble, everyday graces the warmth of home, the kindness of a strangers, and perhaps most importantly, the food we share at our table."

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Kethrai looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Aerhys leans on Elurora.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Elurora leans on Aerhys.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Briaen says, "For this, we give thanks. We praise Her name for the steadfast love she has shown, for Her compassion that illuminates our way, and for the protection she offers to all who walk in her light."

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Briaen says, "May Her hearth continue to burn brightly in our hearts, and may we always be worthy of the love She so freely bestows."

Elurora smiles at Nawain.

Briaen nods to Crobin.

Vaerek nods to Briaen.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Allye nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel praises Briaen.

Vaerek says to Briaen, "Well said."

Unaka nods in agreement.

Nawain smiles at Briaen.

Briaen nods graciously at Vaerek, giving him a polite smile.

Unaka says, "Praise Berengaria."

Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.

Briaen says to Unaka, "Now, and always."

Aerilia smiles.

Elurora places a hand on her chest and bows her head.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Kerennya smiles.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Briaen."

Poshly grins.

Vaerek takes a bite of the flatbread.

Crobin asks, "Before I turn it over to Zyn who had a story she liked to share. Does anyone else have something they would like to share first?"

Crobin smiles at Loeth.

(Avrenka slightly nods off, and suddenly jerks up and mumbles "Great sermon Briaen, thank you")

Zynell twitches an ear nervously.

Nawain just tickled Avrenka.

Poshly pats Zynell on the back.

Elurora chuckles at Avrenka.

Unaka raises her hand.

Loeth smiles at Crobin.

Zynell beams at Unaka!

Zynell points at Unaka.

Crobin asks, "Loeth you had something?"

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.

Loeth says, "I'll pass sorry."

Gragnel turns the clerical collar about his neck for a moment.

Crobin nods to Loeth.

Crobin says, "As you wish."

Loeth puts his bear in his haversack.

Crobin says, "Zyn, you are up."

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Zynell says, "Unaka is next."

Kethrai says, "Unaka had something."

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin says, "Sorry."

Crobin says, "Told you."

Crobin says, "Part blind."

Crobin says, "Unaka."

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Crobin.

Karthor chuckles.

Elurora quietly says to Leayne, "Perhaps you should buy him some glasses."

Leayne takes off some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Poshly smiles at Crobin.

Gragnel adjusts his square-lensed spectacles into place.

Leayne ponders.

Leayne moves a slender goblet of starlight champagne to her left hand.

Leayne moves some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust to her right hand.

Leayne offers Crobin some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Poshly says, "It's a big crowd."

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Unaka says, "I've got a few words to say. Really it's not any different from what everyone else said. I just wanted to say it from me."

Crobin declines Leayne's offer.

Poshly says, "He draws one."

Kizard runs northeast.

Poshly smiles.

Crobin says, "I will see if I can find some."

Nawain gazes at Unaka.

Elurora grins at Unaka.

Crobin winks at Leayne with a playful sparkle in his eyes.

Leayne shrugs.

Vaerek takes a bite of the salad.

Leayne puts on some white-rimmed spectacles encrusted with diamond dust.

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Nawain gets a slice of caramel-apple cheesecake sprinkled with crushed pecans from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Nawain drools.

Vaerek blinks at Unaka.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Leayne grins at Nawain, her dimples flashing into view.

Kerennya gets some maple-glazed ham skewered on a stick with chunks of pineapple from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Rileos's eyes widen as he suppresses a cough and a puff of smoke comes out of his nostrils.

Vaerek takes a bite of the salad.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Vaerek ponders.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Unaka.

Poshly blinks at Nawain.

Unaka says, "I just wanted to say, from me, how proud I was to see everyone rallying behind the Immortals. It was really awe-inspiring, just how connected they became to us, and how everyone reacted. It felt like we were acting together, us and the Immortals, and also us as a community. I just liked that and felt proud."

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Nawain smiles at Unaka.

Poshly scoffs.

Aerilia beams at Unaka!

Gragnel nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka nods to Unaka.

Raising his rum haze to Unaka, Rileos gives her a toast.

Tirost smiles at Unaka.

Unaka nods.

Kerennya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne beams at Unaka!

Nawain nods in agreement.

Anuril frowns.

Ezathiel smiles at Unaka.

Felicini beams at Unaka!

Allye's ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at Unaka, a look of pride on her face.

Crobin smiles.

Kethrai brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Unaka.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Trajan opens his battle pack.

Trajan gets a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry from inside his battle pack.

Ezathiel pats Unaka on the back.

Trajan offers Unaka a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Do you think you've fulfilled your duty to protect, as given by Truffenyi? Or is there more to come do you think."

Poshly shakes his head.

Unaka says to Crobin, "I'm done."

Unaka accepts Trajan's chocolate cupcake.

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Trajan.

Crobin says, "Thank you for those words."

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Crobin asks, "If there is no one else?"

Trajan says to Unaka, "Well said."

Felicini says, "Thank you for everything you have done to help us."

Nawain moves a slice of caramel-apple cheesecake sprinkled with crushed pecans to her left hand.

Poshly gets some twisted sheep's milk cheese from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Felicini smiles at Unaka.

Nawain gets a slice of rasberry cheesecake from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Good question. I feel like there's more to come, if I'm being honest."

Nawain offers Poshly a slice of rasberry cheesecake.

Field Medic Darkewolff just arrived.

Poshly moves a crimson glaes flamberge with a viperine hilt to his left hand.

Poshly moves some twisted sheep's milk cheese to his right hand.

Crobin asks, "Going once?"

Avrenka gives a slight nod.

Poshly puts his flamberge in his hitman's backpack.

Crobin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Poshly nods to Nawain.

Leayne points at Zynell.

Aerhys takes a sip of his chai.

Darkewolff shakes Crobin's hand.

Poshly accepts Nawain's rasberry cheesecake.

Devistik just arrived.

Briaen says, "Praise be to the Thirteen. Praise be to Three who are One. Praise be to the Three. Now, and always."

Crobin says, "Going twice."

Naienna gazes at Crobin.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Darkewolff.

Kethrai says, "Dunno why you'd think that.."

Avrenka says, "I guess we'd only look up to know that."

Unaka says, "Kethrai was right when he said we're not done with wild magic yet."

Kethrai gazes up at the sky.

Crobin says, "Zyn it is your turn."

(Vaerek tries to put his salad in an alsmbox)

Nawain takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Elusive Asab came across the Longbow Bridge.

Elusive Asab runs northeast.

Zynell looks at Crobin and sighs.

Nawain chuckles.

Vaerek ponders.

Elurora gets a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar from inside her square lunchbox.

Unaka says, "And definitely not done with the Heralds."

Vaerek puts his salad in his treasureweave cylinder.

Crobin asks, "Did I miss more?"

Elurora offers Darkewolff a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar.

Gragnel nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia nods.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Nawain makes a grunting noise.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Zynell gets a telothian-banded shadowleaf teddy bear with void-black maelstone eyes from inside her kirmiko pocket.

Darkewolff accepts Elurora's strawberry cupcake.

Darkewolff smiles at Elurora.

Eskerith gazes up at the sky.

Aerilia says, "The real fight's drawing near."

Darkewolff nods politely to Elurora.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Zynell shakes her teddy bear at Gragnel.

Gragnel staggers and collapses, suddenly asleep!

Misteeus glances up at the sky.

Zynell puts her bear in her kirmiko pocket.

Leayne shudders.

Zynell says to Unaka, "The bear."

Eskerith just touched Darkewolff.

Misteeus raises an eyebrow.

Vaerek says to Nawain, "Not all things tomato taste good."

Zynell winks at Gragnel.

Nawain gets a tall box of caramel-coated popcorn flecked with tiny chunks of toffee from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Unaka shields her cupcake from the rain with one hand, but looks at it longingly.

Zynell gets a storyteller's book of fairy tales bound in quilted silk from inside her book bag.

Unaka glances at Zynell.

Gragnel begins to wake.

Darkewolff nods to Eskerith.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Crobin says, "Aww sorry."

Crobin says, "Naienna."

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Crobin shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Unaka says to Zynell, "Looks nice, not that treacherous."

Naienna nods politely to Crobin.

Zynell gets a telothian-banded shadowleaf teddy bear with void-black maelstone eyes from inside her kirmiko pocket.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Crobin says, "Maybe I should have Unaka put me on her shoulders."

Zynell shows Unaka her teddy bear.

Ezathiel chuckles.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Crobin.

Naienna asks in Ilithic, "Can anyone translate for me?"

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Zynell puts her bear in her kirmiko pocket.

Naienna smiles at Unaka.

Elurora smiles at Naienna.

Nawain quietly says to Vaerek, "Most things with tomatoes are sorta gross, in my opinion. They're all round, and red, and look juicy and tasty, but they taste nothing like they look. Yech."

Unaka says, "She asks for a translator. I can do it if you want."

Loeth nods to Naienna.

Naienna sweeps a lumium ring balaclava off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Unaka at the same time.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Crobin says, "Please Unaka."

Unaka says to Naienna in Ilithic, "I can do it if you like."

Rileos squints at Nawain.

Poshly blinks at Nawain.

Vaerek gasps at Nawain!

Poshly says, "Controversial take."

Eskerith just touched Urist.

Unaka nods at Poshly, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Eskerith just touched Loeth.

Loeth smiles at Eskerith.

Poshly folds his arms across his chest.

Eskerith gives Loeth a slight nod.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "I would ask the crowd how many people went to the Temple to thank the Immortals before they celebrated their victory of Tiger Clan."

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Gwenddolyn raises her hand.

Nawain whispers something to Vaerek.

Kethrai gazes at Naienna.

Briaen raises his hand.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Unaka says, "She wants to ask everyone how many people went to the Temple to thank the Immortals before celebrating the victory of Tiger Clan."

Vaerek looks over Naienna very closely.

Gwenddolyn raises her hand.

Nawain raises her hand.

Ezathiel raises his hand.

Darkewolff shakes his head.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Zynell says, "Not in the temple."

Kethrai quietly says in fluent Ilithic, "Assumes I've celebrated anything, yet."

Leayne sighs.

Zynell grins at Kethrai.

Trajan opens his steelsilk pouch.

Unaka quietly says to Naienna in Ilithic, "Sometimes I admit I just talk to Truffenyi wherever I am."

Trajan gets an oaken icon of the god Chadatru from inside his steelsilk pouch.

Gragnel leaps to his feet!

Naienna nods to Unaka.

Zynell points at Unaka.

Zynell nods in agreement.

Trajan closes his steelsilk pouch.

Karthor says, "I, er, went to sleep pretty well right away."

Karthor chuckles.

Loeth says in Ilithic, "I am not sure he translated that properly."

Unaka says, "I told her that sometimes I talk with Truffenyi wherever I am."

Loeth smirks.

Avrenka shrugs.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "The faithful have been steadfast in their thanks and praise since before these troubles began."

Avrenka says, "I did."

Nawain nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "It was a bit sparse when I was there."

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Kerennya takes a bite of the ham.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Unaka says, "She says it was a bit sparse when she was there."

Leayne takes a sip of her champagne.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Jape runs northeast.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "Thank you. Just a reminder who is assisting in the freeing of the clans."

Unaka nods to Naienna.

Gwenddolyn gazes at the Longbow Bridge.

Aerilia says, "I'm prone to praying where I stand rather than venturing to the temple outside of special occasions."

Naienna raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Unaka.

Nawain says, "The Temple is just a building. The Gods are everywhere."

Nawain nods in agreement.

Unaka says, "She says thanks, and just a reminder who is assisting in the freeing of the clans."

Poshly peers quizzically at Nawain.

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Naienna quietly asks Briaen in Ilithic, "I would speak with you after the gathering?"

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Unaka says to Naienna in Ilithic, "I wasn't at a Temple when Truffenyi came to me."

Kethrai quietly says, "Point of order, not all the Immortals who assisted us are worshipped at this temple."

Unaka looks at Naienna and shrugs.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Briaen nods.

Naienna smiles at Unaka.

Unaka says, "I told her I wasn't at a Temple when Truffenyi came to me."

Briaen nods to Naienna.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "I would."

Arch Huntress Kyssandra just arrived.

Arch Huntress Kyssandra went across the Longbow Bridge.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Naienna says to Unaka in Ilithic, "I suspect Truffenyi is with you always."

Loeth smirks at Darkewolff.

Aerhys takes a sip of his chai.

Unaka smiles at Naienna.

Gragnel yawns expansively.

Naienna says to Crobin in Ilithic, "Thank you."

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Unaka says, "She says she suspects Truffenyi is with me always."

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Naienna smiles at Crobin.

Crobin says, "One moment."

Crobin brushes the surface of his bone amulet and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Crobin asks, "Can you repeat that please?"

Crobin smiles at Naienna.

Naienna grins at Crobin.

Allye smiles.

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Naienna says to Crobin in Ilithic, "Thank you."

Urist just left.

Trajan says, "Now people are just speaking Ilithic because they can."

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Crobin says, "You are most welcome."

Karthor chuckles.

Allye begins chortling at Trajan.

Vaerek nods.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Trajan.

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Vaerek grins at Trajan.

Crobin says, "Thank you as well."

Unaka chuckles at Trajan.

Naienna gazes at Trajan.

Ezathiel chuckles at Trajan.

Nawain chuckles.

Anuril stretches his arms.

Aerilia asks Crobin, "Hey, was that magic..?"

Luuwee just arrived.

Aerilia grins at Crobin.

Nawain nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel pleasantly asks Trajan, "Jealous?"

Crobin asks, "ANy others like to speak?"

Ezathiel winks at Trajan.

Crobin says, "No mana used."

Nawain casually observes the area.

Poshly says, "Elves being elves."

Crobin smiles at Aerilia.

Aerilia says, "Mhm."

Aerilia smiles.

Kerennya fixes Poshly with a serene, lofty stare.

Naienna fixes Poshly with a serene, lofty stare.

Crobin asks, "If no one else?"

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Crobin says, "Zyn I believe it is story time."

Unaka says, "Now I'm wondering what all the languages are that everyone's learned. But, sorry, not on topic."

Poshly beams at Zynell!

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Zynell!

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Zynell.

Leayne smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Unaka fixes Zynell with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Crobin smiles at Unaka.

Ezathiel praises Zynell.

Unaka grins at Kerennya.

Darkewolff shakes his head.

Kerennya grins at Unaka.

Trajan says to Ezathiel something in Gamgweth.

Trajan shakes his head at Ezathiel.

Ezathiel grins at Trajan.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Tirost chuckles at Trajan.

Zynell says, "I wrote this some time ago, but with her gesture at the clans, i thought it appropriate to share some semi lightheartedness about Eylhaar."

Zynell shrugs.

Zynell opens her storyteller's book.

Leayne smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zynell says, "Once upon a time in the realms."

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Ezathiel gazes thoughtfully at Zynell.

Vaerek takes a sip of his wine.

Zynell says, "Her beauty renown in all the land."

Maintain says to Unaka something in nearly perfect Haakish.

Poshly beams!

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Poshly smiles.

Kerennya tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Zynell says, "Quiet and elegant never a demand."

Unaka nods to Maintain.

Karthor grins at Maintain.

Zynell says, "She would watch the warriors don their helms."

Darkewolff gazes at Zynell.

Briaen gazes at Zynell.

Zynell smiles at those gathered as she turns the page.

Zynell says, "From the sidelines she watched the battle rage."

Zynell says, "The bloodlust, the gruesome glee."

Zynell says, "No warrior willing to flee."

Zynell says, "All souls her brothers would cage."

Naienna gazes at Zynell.

(Zynell turns the book to showcase the scene of an epic battle. The central figures thrusting claw and talon like weaponry through surprised foes. Off to the left a black haired woman walks amid corpses, her white dress billowing behind her.)

Vaerek blinks.

Poshly stands up.

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Zynell says, "She watched them in the field, pleasure in the pain."

Unaka gazes at the book with interest.

Zynell says, "Her face contorted with disgust at the horrid sound."

Darkewolff nods to Zynell.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Zynell says, "Still those on the edges near death in the body mound."

Poshly takes a seat near Zynell.

Poshly nods.

Zynell says, "She knelt by them a peaceful hand and their souls would drain."

(Zynell's voice grows grim, but determined as she starts the next page.)

Gragnel says a soft prayer as he drops coins into the almsbox.

Zynell says, "The victors would swarm the next village near."

Zynell says, "Determined she strode to see what pain she could thwart."

Zynell says, "Gift baskets and smiles she gave them all a last resort."

Zynell says, "The families cowered when the invading shout rang clear."

(Zynell's book shows the same slender figure in her white dress handing out gifts to the grateful townsfolk.)

Aerhys gets a dark blue mug of spiced chai latte from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Aerhys takes a sip of his latte.

Aerhys lets out a sigh of contentment.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Zynell says, "Too frightened to fight, just lambs to the slaughter."

Zynell says, "Mothers alike closed their doors and checked the locks."

Zynell says, "Then to the table they turned and saw the gift box."

Zynell says, "Treats they put out, in harrowing time, pouring each a glass of water."

(Zynell slowly turns to the next page in the book.)

Kerennya taps a glass of Howling Coyote rum atop a picnic cloth.

Zynell says, "Her gift was consumed, its pace rather sudden."

Kerennya gets a glass of Howling Coyote rum from atop a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace.

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Zynell says, "They drifted to her Void, all with a smile."

Zynell says, "Thanks they gave, saved from deaths so vile."

Zynell says, "She went the the center fountain as warriors flood in."

Naienna shifts her weight.

(Zynell turns the book toward you, the image of transparent townsfolk drifting towards the woman, welcoming tendrils of her black hair wrapping around wrists, merging with them.)

Gwenddolyn gazes off to the northeast.

Aerhys smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Poshly nods to Zynell.

Aerhys leans forward.

Zynell says, "Relaxed and stunning, she perched on the stone edge."

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Zynell says, "Fighters scouring the town for more lives to destroy."

Zynell says, "She smiled at her bothers approach to ask about her ploy."

Zynell says, "No foulness of yours is here, to me their souls pledge."

(Zynell flashes a quick smirk as she flips to the next page.)

A sour-faced young Halfling boy strolls into the area, looking around casually.

The Halfling boy wanders off.

Zynell says, "At peace they are, her pale skin nearly aglow."

Zynell says, "They chose their path, and with me they walk."

Zynell says, "Her brother both mouths agape, reeling in their shock."

A diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station flickers and appears momentarily translucent.

Zynell says, "Tis not my fault in this game of souls that you were both too slow."

(Zynell's book shows the black haired woman shrugging at two well armored men, one more vulturelike, the other more scorpion than flesh.)

A small girl dressed in rags strolls into the area, looking around casually.

The fragile young girl places a soft broadcloth bear with round modwir eyes on the ground and slips away quietly.

Zynell says, "A smirk and a turn, her raven hair flowing."

A large curving diamondwood bar flickers and appears momentarily translucent.

The steady rains lessen to a gentle summer shower.

Zynell says, "Her words ringing in the air."

Zynell says, "Brothers chortled then back to warfare."

Zynell says, "This game of theirs forever ongoing."

Zynell smiles, her ears relaxing against her head as she gently turns the page.

Loeth smirks at Crobin.

Zynell says, "To the black haired beauty we should give praise."

Zynell says, "Her beckoning whispers a teather in our souls."

Zynell says, "To the jackal pray if peace is your Void goals."

Aerhys takes a sip of his latte.

Zynell says, "Respect the jackal even if you get a raise."

A diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station collapses into the wisps of softly colored smoke.

(Zynell shows you an image of a favor orb surrounded in void-black, two eyes and the outline of a jackal gazing down upon the prismatic sphere.)

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Kerennya takes a sip of her rum.

Timekeeper Raerethrew stumbles out of the temple grounds, looking abashed.

Naienna gazes thoughtfully at Zynell.

A large curving diamondwood bar collapses into the wisps of softly colored smoke.

Zynell says, "Her peace, her cunning, her wit, and her allure."

Darkewolff nods to Zynell.

Zynell says, "She walks with those of faith pure."

Gragnel glances at Timekeeper Raerethrew.

Zynell says, "Torturous ends for your soul she can cure."

Zynell says, "Remember the jackal for peace in death to ensure."

Zynell closes her storyteller's book.

Zynell puts her book in her book bag.

Nawain applauds.

Gragnel nods to Zynell.

Leayne praises Zynell.

Naienna praises Zynell.

Aerilia applauds.

Karthor applauds.

Leayne moves a slender goblet of starlight champagne to her right hand.

Zynell puts her bear in a twisting eddy of starlight-hued light surrounded in loimic and spectrolite.

Aerhys applauds.

Kerennya smiles at Zynell.

Ezathiel applauds.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Raising his chai latte to Zynell, Aerhys gives her a toast.

Poshly applauds.

Zynell picks up a soft broadcloth bear with round modwir eyes.

Tirost applauds.

Raising her starlight champagne to Zynell, Leayne gives her a toast.

Unaka applauds.

Kethrai praises Zynell.

Zynell puts her bear in a twisting eddy of starlight-hued light surrounded in loimic and spectrolite.

Loeth looks at Zynell and applauds!

Anuril ponders.

Anuril rubs his head.

Trajan nods to Zynell.

Darkewolff nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka carefully applauds while not dropping her cupcake.

Crobin says, "Thank you for that Zynell."

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Poshly pats Zynell on the back.

Vaerek applauds.

Crobin says, "We had a late one wishing to speak."

Vaerek nods.

Crobin nods to Loeth.

Crobin asks, "Loeth?"

Loeth shrugs.

Ezathiel gazes at Loeth.

The sky turns a thousand shades of scarlet and orange as the sun slowly sinks behind the scattered clouds and vanishes.

Loeth says, "Aye."

Loeth says, "I actually quite enjoyed the magic tragedy that has happened. Look at all the chaos it has created."

Loeth chuckles.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Loeth says, "Look what it has caused. A good group of folks all gathered sharing stories and fixing problems."

Aerhys nods.

Ezathiel smiles quietly to himself.

Kethrai gazes silently at Loeth.

Vaerek grins at Loeth.

Kerennya nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Chaos and death are a problem, but it's true that a challenge like this really brought everyone together."

Loeth says, "No more."

Loeth smiles.

Aerhys nods to Unaka.

Crobin takes a deep breath.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Leayne nods to Unaka.

Crobin says, "Alright everyone."

Darkewolff glances at Unaka.

Crobin says, "The last of the speakers have spoken."

Vaerek takes a bite of the roll.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Crobin says, "The last story told."

Nawain gazes at Crobin.

Ezathiel gazes at Crobin.

Crobin says, "I want to thank you all for coming to this event that I held today."

Trajan focuses his attention upon the Chadatru icon, to the exclusion of all else.

Zynell grins at Crobin.

Ezathiel praises Crobin.

Zynell looks at Crobin and applauds!

Gragnel bows to Crobin.

Crobin says, "I feel it has helped bring people closer in one way or another."

Vaerek says to Crobin, "Thank you for having us."

Aerilia smiles at Crobin.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Crobin.

Leayne praises Crobin.

Avrenka says to Crobin, "Thanks for hosting."

Crobin says, "I hope you all enjoyed yourself."

Crobin says, "Learned something."

Trajan bows to Crobin.

Aerilia says, "Thank you for hosting us."

Crobin says, "Made a friend."

Briaen shakes Crobin's hand.

Allye says, "Thank you, Crobin."

Unaka says, "It was good to be together, and take a break from all the magic stuff."

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Crobin says, "Or enjoyed the food if nothing else."

Crobin shakes Briaen's hand.

Unaka says, "I wasn't eating nearly enough."

Poshly says, "Amazing job, Crobin."

Briaen joins Allye's group.

Avrenka nods.

Unaka takes a bite of the cupcake.

Leayne nods to Poshly.

Allye gasps at Unaka!

Crobin says, "I will say now...you may case your spells."

Nawain fervently says, "Oh, thank goodness."

Naienna raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Crobin.

Kethrai looks at Crobin, obviously trying not to grin.

Reverend Gragnel slogs northeast.

Vaerek gasps at Crobin!

Aerilia chuckles.

Karthor chuckles.

Vaerek ducks his head.

Unaka says, "Gonna ruin my figure if I don't eat enough."

Crobin says, "And go forth and cause...problems."

Crobin chuckles.

Ezathiel whispers something to Tirost.

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Ezathiel waves.

Crobin laughs!

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Zynell giggles at some black grog.

Vaerek chuckles at Unaka.

Trajan puts his icon in his steelsilk pouch.

Crobin says, "Man look at them go."

Zynell giggles at Crobin.

Allye gets some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits from inside a little lilac lunchbox.

Trajan closes his steelsilk pouch.

Mathematician Avrenka goes northeast.

Tirost smiles at Ezathiel.

Kerennya rubs her head.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Allye offers Unaka some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits.

Ezathiel went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Lady of the Watch Dantia came across the Longbow Bridge.

Lady of the Watch Dantia runs northeast.

Naienna stands near Briaen.

Kerennya nods to Tirost.

Thinker Couri goes northeast.

Poshly snorts, loudly.

Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.

Leayne gathers up a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace and all the food it holds, stuffs the bundle into a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace, and closes the lid securely.

Karthor asks Crobin, "Surely ya saw that comin'?"

Kethrai gazes off to the northeast.

Karthor chuckles.

Crobin says, "Again thank you all for coming."

Leayne slings a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace over her shoulder.

Zynell gets a clowder of sparkling kitties dappled in starry-bright hues from inside her multi-strapped carryall.

Crobin says, "Oh I was sure of it."

Zynell slowly releases her sparkling kitties into the air, setting them to orbit in lazy circles about her left ankle.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Leayne gestures.

Crobin nods to Karthor.

Loeth stands up.

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Tirost shakes his head at Aerilia.

Nawain stands up.

Karthor chuckles.

Gragnel joins Zynell's group.

Unaka says to Crobin, "That one over there just exploded with magic. Bet he was really holding back."

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Roughneck Rileos went across the Longbow Bridge.

Timekeeper Raerethrew went across the Longbow Bridge.

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Unaka glances at Anuril.

Kerennya exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Unaka accepts Allye's hashbrown casserole.

Anuril smirks.

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Misteeus smirks.

Unaka beams at Allye!

Nawain joins Briaen's group.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Unaka.

Unaka takes a bite of the casserole.

Kethrai says, "You haven't seen him pent up."

Briaen nods to Naienna.

Poshly says, "Can we all take a moment and thank Crobin for making this happen? I think it's appropriate."

Crobin says, "Maybe a mana surge will pop up so I can try and lick it again."

Poshly lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Tirost nods to Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Agreed, thanks Crobin."

Zynell looks at Crobin and applauds!

Misteeus bows to Crobin.

Naienna asks Briaen in Ilithic, "May I join you?"

Karthor lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Crobin!

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nawain takes a bite of the popcorn.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Aerilia ponders.

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Reverend Gragnel went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Crobin says, "Thank you all."

Vaerek hums to himself.

Darkewolff nods to Crobin.

Briaen says to Naienna in proficient Ilithic, "Yes, of course."

Crobin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Naienna joins Briaen's group.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Nawain waves to Naienna.

Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Naienna nods politely to Briaen.

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Kethrai hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Vaerek puts on a sungold sunburst partially eclipsed by Yavash.

Crobin pats Karthor on the back.

Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Crobin waves to Aerilia.

Poshly leaps to his feet!

Naienna nods politely to Nawain.

Crobin shakes Vaerek's hand.

Vaerek steps inside the concentric rings of blocky symbols. The brown images arc up and inward, swirling around his head and disappearing as they pass across his face.

Aerilia waves to Crobin.

Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Zynell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Vaerek shakes Crobin's hand.

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Crobin shakes Trajan's hand.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Aerhys hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Leayne hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Trajan shakes Crobin's hand.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Trajan nods to Crobin.

Allye hugs Aerhys, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Aerhys clasps Elurora's hand tenderly.

Leayne softly says, "Hugs all around."

Kethrai nods to Zynell.

Aerhys smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Leayne hugs Poshly, getting a smile in return.

Allye says, "Take care, everyone."

Aerhys says, "Thank you for the wonderful snacks."

Crobin shakes Poshly's hand.

Leayne puts her champagne in her rose colored haversack.

Poshly hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Poshly with a warm smile.

Raven Queen Chelinde just arrived.

Leayne waves.

Nawain hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Unaka glances up at the sky.

Allye hugs Nawain, getting a smile in return.

Kerennya waves to Allye.

Allye waves to Kerennya.

Poshly pats Crobin on the back.

Chelinde gazes at Vaerek.

Vaerek smiles at Chelinde.

Kerennya says to Crobin, "Thanks for doing this."

Vaerek waves to Chelinde.

Chelinde folds her arms across her chest.

Leayne smiles at Kerennya, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dawnsworn Briaen goes northwest, leading his group.

Crobin says, "Thank you for coming."

Kethrai whispers something to Anuril.

Crobin smiles at Kerennya.

Kerennya smiles.

Courtier Aerhys's group went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Vaerek gets some crimson-red tomatoes from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Maintain touches a hand to his mouth and offers a prayer for the continued safety and good fortune of the people surrounding him.

Vaerek offers Chelinde some crimson-red tomatoes.

Chelinde accepts Vaerek's crimson-red tomatoes.

Cateress Allye goes northeast.

Maintain says, "Be well, benefactors."

Chelinde gazes at her tomatoes.

Vaerek grins.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost bows to Maintain.

Maintain bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Unaka.

Chelinde sniffs at some crimson-red tomatoes.

Unaka tries to continue covering her cupcake from the rain with her other hand, but the hashbrown casserole she's holding gets wet instead. She frowns.

Unaka mumbles something under her breath.

Serial Killer Damiza came across the Longbow Bridge.

Unaka messily gobbles down some golden brown hashbrown casserole covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits.

Poshly leans on Zynell.

Unaka messily gobbles down a decadent chocolate cupcake topped with whipped cream and a cherry.

Leayne giggles at Unaka.

Unaka says, "So much easier just to eat fast."

Kerennya laughs!

Marmic came across the Longbow Bridge.

Marmic runs northeast.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Anuril gestures.

Viredoh slouches northeast.

Kerennya says, "You're really funny, Unaka."

Vaerek says to Crobin, "Those dinner bells don't last very long."

Unaka gestures.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Aerilia.

Crobin says, "It is alright Vaerek."

Crobin says, "They did the job."

Crobin smiles.

Leayne softly says, "I almost got one too."

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Poshly snorts at Zynell.

Zynell grins at Poshly.

Zynell stands up.

Unaka asks Kerennya, "What's funny about me?"

Zynell carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a night-black starlight velvet prayer tapestry stitched with loimic and fey-bone.

Zynell puts her tapestry in her encompassing shadows.

Trajan ponders.

Darkewolff smirks.

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "I want to make mine into a lemonade stand."

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheesecake.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Kerennya exclaims to Unaka, "Gobbling all the food to keep it from getting wet!"

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Poshly takes a bite of the cheese.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Kerennya.

Unaka says, "Well that's just smart."

Vaerek asks Chelinde, "How do you plan on doing that?"

Crobin says, "Wet food is the worst."

Crobin waves to Chelinde.

Trajan says, "Unless you're a cat."

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "Finding someone that can customize it."

Chelinde gazes at Crobin.

Chelinde grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Aerilia grins at Tirost.

Leayne ponders cats

Karthor says, "I'm quite sure even those garlic rolls'd be ruined by gettin' soggy. Tasty things, those."

Tirost laughs!

Vaerek says, "A Chelinade stand."

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Chelinde says to Crobin, "Hello how are you."

Vaerek cackles!

Crobin says, "Doing well."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Crobin asks, "And you?"

Chelinde says to Vaerek, "It would bring all the people to the yard."

Vaerek laughs at Chelinde.

Chelinde says to Crobin, "I am just peachy."

Vaerek says, "It would."

Crobin says, "Good to hear."

Leayne smiles at Chelinde, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Chelinde giggles at Vaerek.

Kethrai trills softly at Zynell.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna just arrived.

Poshly chuckles.

Chelinde nods politely to Leayne.

Leayne hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Leayne softly says, "We just had a moment of silence here."

Vaerek asks Unaka, "Where do you plan on going from here?"

Leayne smiles at Malorna, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Malorna nods to Leayne.

Unaka says, "Well I hear there's some prayers at Rutilor's altar. Guess I had better head there."

Unaka nods to Vaerek.

Vaerek nods to Unaka.

Poshly leans on Malorna.

Malorna says, "I was unable to join but saw you all were still here so came by."

Poshly nods.

Malorna smiles at Leayne.

Unaka asks Vaerek, "Want to show me the way?"

Aerilia just nudged Tirost.

Chelinde asks Vaerek, "Should we go there too?"

  • Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Leayne smiles at Malorna, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Karthor says, "Right then, s'pose it's time to wander off. Take care folks."

Zynell grins at Kethrai.

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Leayne waves to Karthor.

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Vaerek says to Unaka, " I don't know the way right off hand."

Bioexorcist Karthor went across the Longbow Bridge.

Unaka says, "That's okay, I really know it, I just thought it might be nice to walk with someone."

Crobin pulls Leayne towards him!

Messenger Miraena came through a lacquered mahogany gate.

Poshly shrugs.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Miraena gazes off into the distance.

Darkewolff glances at Miraena.

Chelinde grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Poshly says, "Yup."

Zynell bows to Kethrai.

Trajan nods to Crobin.

Unaka smiles at Miraena.

Aerilia waves to Miraena.

Vaerek asks Crobin, "You headed to Ritil whats it?"

Miraena smiles.

Vaerek beams at Miraena!

Kerennya waves to Miraena.

Vaerek waves to Miraena.

Crobin nods to Trajan.

Unaka asks Miraena, "Visiting the Temple?"

Crobin shakes Trajan's hand.

Trajan shakes Crobin's hand.

Crobin says, "I think we might be if I can find the way."

Darkewolff smiles at Klausette.

Crobin asks, "Leayne care to go see what Eu is about?"

Miraena says to Unaka, "I was invited to a vigil by Adventurer Avrenka."

Klausette smiles at Darkewolff.

Unaka nods to Miraena.

Malorna says, "Im headed there now."

Darkewolff pulls Klausette to him in a tight hug.

Malorna waves.

Klausette pulls Darkewolff to her in a tight hug.

Unaka says, "Me too."

Crobin asks, "Or wish to go to Dream a Dream?"

Tirost gazes at Kerennya.

Leayne softly says, "Sure hun."

Chelinde says, "Me three."

Leayne softly asks, "Oh?"

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna goes northeast.

Vaerek asks, "Who do we join?"

Unaka asks, "Who's leading, yeah?"

Kerennya gazes happily at Tirost.

Bookkeeper Parkons came through a lacquered mahogany gate.

Chelinde just tried to take Vaerek's hand, but he politely pulled away.

Parkons looks over Miraena very closely.

Kerennya nods to Tirost.

Chelinde gasps at Vaerek!

Vaerek nods to Chelinde.

Vaerek says, "Sorry."

Chelinde reaches over and holds hands with Vaerek.

Vaerek chuckles.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Chelinde says, "To the that way."

Poshly screams!

Moredith studies the area intently.

Kethrai nods to Zynell.

Crobin says, "ALright heading towards the shrine I think."

Vaerek exclaims, "To the that way!"

Aerilia joins Crobin's group.

Klausette nods to Darkewolff.

Klausette smiles.

Unaka asks Chelinde, "Going to the Rutilor altar?"

Chelinde says, "I won't get us lost."

Tirost says to Miraena, "Good to see you again, Miraena."

Chelinde nods to Unaka.

Darkewolff smiles.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Miraena smiles at Tirost.

Zynell perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Kethrai.

Crobin waves to Miraena.

Tirost says, "I should take my lave."

Chelinde crooks her finger, motioning Unaka to come closer.

Crobin asks, "Ready love?"

Unaka asks Chelinde, "Mind if I join?"

Tirost clears his throat.

Miraena asks Tirost, "Do you know how to get to the proper place?"

Tirost says, "Leave."

Chelinde says, "Of course."

Kethrai says, "Enjoy your vigil, all! I'm going to check out the Prydaen gathering..."

Unaka joins Chelinde's group.

Chelinde grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Zynell nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Crobin nods to Kethrai.

Shimoyuri just arrived.

Crobin says, "Please let me know what is like."

Kethrai says, "Be safe."

Aerilia says to Kethrai, "Good luck."

Zynell gives Poshly a playful poke in the ribs.

Tirost says to Miraena, "I wish I could say I do, but I'm headed elsewhere."

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Unaka asks Miraena, "She's showing us the way, maybe you can come with us?"

Miraena nods to Tirost.

Poshly coughs.

Chelinde gazes at Miraena.

Poshly asks, "Whaaa.?"

Crobin waves.

Miraena smiles at Chelinde.

Tirost warmly says to Unaka, "Take care, Unaka."

Miraena joins Chelinde's group.

Leayne waves.

Moredith goes northeast.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Fearless Crobin's group went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.

Chelinde asks, "Anyone else?"

Chelinde casually observes the area.

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

Zynell says, "Be good or i will escort you out myself."

Zynell nods.