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The Immortals Stretch
Event Date: 09/25/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently summer and it is early evening.

Visions Received

Note: These visions were received by the respective eight individuals and are shared with their permission for documentation purposes. They were not visible to everyone.

Ruea: Damaris
The shadows darken swiftly and rumble with authority. The sound of a low, grumbling growl emanates from the darkness.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

Everything goes silent.

Before you, the shadows slink with a calculating motion. From the dark, an inky black panther stalks towards you. Its ebony fur reflects but a glint of light, creating a sheen that cascades across its body with graceful motion.

Though unnaturally silent, there's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the lessons of the dark. You feel a sense of growth unfurling in your heart, a quiet nudge toward reflection and understanding.

As your gaze locks with the panther's, a flurry of disparate images suddenly fight for expression at the back of your mind. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal.

The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

A masculine voice echoes all around you, enticingly stating, "The time has not yet come for Our children to sleep. Sing them the song of unity and cooperation. Tell them. And hurry."

As the shadows recede, the panther vanishes leaving the scent of dusk berry on the air. The melody of an old forest song is still repeating in your mind, just on the edge of your memory. You are struck with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.

Waydren: Hodierna
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

A matronly figure emerges, draped in the verdant hues of spring, her face tranquil and filled with a wealth of benevolence. Her flowing gowns shimmer like the first rays of morning, casting both warmth and comfort. By her side, a magnificent unicorn with soft eyes steps forward, its coat luminous with porcelain iridescence. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the tenderness of motherhood.

As you reach out to touch the unicorn, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman gazes at you softly and says, "Your noble attempts at restoration are a valued exercise and healing will come, when We choose. Some scars serve as reminders. Tell them. And hurry."

A soft luminescence intensifies for a moment, then gently fades, leaving behind a promise of renewal and grace. She and the unicorn vanish leaving behind a sense of profound peace and divine protection, as though the very root of nature has embraced your soul.

Imroth: Truffenyi
A stalwart figure emerges, clothed in simple and rustic garments, his gaze paternal and stern. By his side, an enormous ox with rigid eyes lumbers forward, its coat cast in tawny hues. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the lessons of hard won battles.

As you reach out to touch the ox, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

The man smiles and a warm glow intensifies for a moment, then dims, leaving with a renewed sense of strength and stamina, the smell of tobacco lingers in the air. He and the ox vanish.

Kerennya: Eluned
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

The sound of crashing waves echoes around you, growing louder with each passing moment. A pool of unfathomably deep water collects at your feet. As you sink within the depths, the light grows dim, becoming but an ember above you. From the watery twilight, a lithe figure emerges, draped in the tangle of seaweed, coral, and algae, her face tranquil and filled with a wealth of wisdom. Accompanying her at one side, an pelagic dolphin with black eyes swims forward, its soft smooth skin rigid and awash with blue-grey tones. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from deepest dark.

As you reach out to touch the dolphin, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman gazes at you knowingly and says, "The woman gazes at you knowingly and says, "The time has come for your voice to be heard. We will crash upon the encasement as the sea crashes on the ocean cliff, and tear it down. You must tell them. Hurry now, my Wavedancer."

A blinding luminescence intensifies with vicious speed, the waters engulfing you recede, leaving behind a promise of healing and grace. The woman and the dolphin vanish. Though gasping for breath, you feel as though the very essence of purity has embraced your soul.

Allye: Berengaria
The light around you flares with blinding authority.

A radiant figure emerges, bathed in the golden hues of wheat, her face serene and filled with an endless well of compassion. Her long robes shimmer like the first rays of morning, casting warmth and comfort. By her side, a majestic cow with soft eyes steps forward, its coat glowing with auroral hues. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the break of dawn.

As you reach out to touch the cow, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman says, "The time has come, Cateress. Our chosen will toil mighty in their quest to return them to Us. Feed the lost, feed the hungry. Tell them. And hurry."

The woman smiles and a warm glow intensifies for a moment, then dims, leaving behind a sense of peace and hope, the smell of warm bread lingers in the air. She and the cow vanish.

Urbaj: Kertigen
A figure emerges, his presence marked by the scent of earth and metal, a testament to his dominion over craftsmanship and the treasures of the deep. Upon his forearm, a sleek raven perches with watchful eyes, its dark feathers gleaming like polished gemstones.

The raven cocks its head, one way and then another, as though conveying balance and fairness. There's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the annals of divine law.

As you reach out to touch the raven, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The man says, "The time has come to account for these lawless swindlers, abiding by no contract, beholden to no fair trade. Tell them. And hurry."

The figure's stern countenance softens, revealing a flicker of paternal care and concern. The sound of jingling coins echoes briefly, leaving behind a sense of trust and hope. He and the raven vanish.

Khearkrash: Aldauth
The air around you takes on the scent of decay. You suddenly feel terrified as though eyed by authority itself.

Time slows and the air takes on a dark golden light. Everything goes silent as the grave.

A ghostly, faceless figure stands before you, his countenance obscured by a countless number of screams, each one changing into the next in a ceaseless parade of agony. This presence is marked by the scent of death, a testament to his dominion over the last moments of life itself. Upon his shoulder, a vulture perches with watchful eyes, its dark feathers mangled and unkept. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the coffers of long lost kingdoms.

The vulture cocks its head and locks eyes with you and suddenly a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

A mischievous masculine voice echoes all around you, stating wryly, "In time, I will come for even you, Paladin. Vanquish this encasement in my name. Tell them how and do not delay."

The figure swiftly grows pale, becoming translucent as the last scream across his face twists into a wry, tricker's grin. The figure and the vulture vanish. As you regain your resolve, you feel as though the very essence of pain has embraced your soul.

Parkons: (Permission not yet granted to share)