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== Experiment ==
== Experiment ==
Ayrell gets a copper rod from inside her sinuous cloak.

Ezerak says to Khhsath, "It was close, though."

Etasia smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Darkewolff smirks.

(Ayrell moves to a central point and secures the copper rod on the ground.)

Khhsath makes a grunting noise.

Anuril asks, "Does... hmm, does anyone have a lynx?"

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Kethrai edges away from Ayrell.

Khhsath says to Ezerak, "So it was. I will not call this wisdom."

Anuril asks, "They're the electric familiars?"

(Xelten fixes his gaze on the storm above, inhaling deeply through his nose.)

Ayrell gets a silver rod from inside her sinuous cloak.

Ezerak puts his sack in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Etasia says, "I do not."

Miskton taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Darkewolff asks, "So, you want more?"

Darkewolff peers quizzically at Anuril.

Ayrell asks, "Is everyone ready?"

Ezerak holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Etasia nods to Ayrell.

Khhsath stands up.

Anuril smirks at Darkewolff.

Ezerak covers his eyes with his hand.

Miskton says, "Ready as I can be."

Miskton grins.

Ayrell nods.

Anuril says, "No, I just thought a electric-aligned familiar might also be able to tell us something interesting."

Kethrai says, "I would not mind one more roisan for my attunement to fully recover."

Mazrian gives a slight nod.

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Anuril says, "I don't have one."

Ayrell says, "Everyone with rods, please hold them up."

Miskton holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Anuril holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Khhsath holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Darkewolff nods to Ayrell.

Jaelia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Mazrian holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Ayrell says, "And form a protective circle to try and keep the lightning within our group."

Uryutis winces.

Ayrell says, "Though with a bit of distance from me and each other."

Darkewolff stands near Mazrian.

Etasia joins Ayrell's group.

Uryutis says, "Good luck."

Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Darkewolff smiles at Mazrian.

Mazrian says, "Here...stand on the five points of a star described like so..."

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Darkewolff says to Mazrian, "I go, you go."

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "Thank you. I... think we will need it."

(Mazrian helps move people around.)

Ayrell stands near a copper rod.

Ayrell inhales a great swallow of air.

(Kethrai does his best to stand out of lightning-strike range but inside sprinting range.)

(Miskton moves into one of the indicated positions.)

(Ezerak takes his position, holding his copper rod high.)

(Darkewolff moves to a point)

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

You feel a static charge building.

(Ayrell raises her silver rod high into the air.)

Ezerak looks with concern at Ayrell.

Darkewolff says, "Feeling tingly."

Etasia nods to Jaelia.

(Khhsath moves into one of the positions and raises his rod high.)

Kethrai frowns as his fur starts to stand on end.

Ayrell says, "Everyone, watch closely for anything you can see that may help us."

Etasia says, "Static charge building."

Darkewolff holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

(Jaelia slow backs out to the side to keep an eye and find a position that aligns well with the others.)

Anuril mutters something into the air about clouds.

Anuril glances up at the sky.

(Ayrell gazes up into the storm clouds.)

Far above at the top of the tower, the storm spirals inward angrily, hissing with hair lightning!

Uryutis sighs.

Miskton gazes up at the sky.

Etasia says, "Ohh look."

Darkewolff says, "Well, here we go."

Khhsath flicks the tip of his tail toward the ground sharply.

Etasia says, "At the tower."

Mazrian mildly says, "Everyone hold. Focus on gathering the data."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Etasia nods to Mazrian.

Uryutis says, "Science can hurt too, so be careful."

Ayrell says, "Yes. We need everyone to focus as much as possible."

(Ezerak murmurs a quiet prayer.)

Ayrell says, "And brace yourselves."

A bolt of lurid green lightning lashes across the sky!

Etasia blinks.

Uryutis shakes his head.

Uryutis sighs and claps his hands together, the sound echoing surprisingly loudly across the area. Your vision fades slightly, and your ears ring.

(Miskton glances around nervously.)

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Kethrai blinks at Uryutis.

Uryutis says, "Remember what this storm did when it was first contained."

Anuril quietly says, "Planar conditions... unchanged..."

(Jaelia softly hums a prayer to Drogor for his seas and storms to deliver what is needed, but to hold his hand from letting others strike where his power lays, as not to let others challenge his position with their unnatural powers.)

Khhsath glances at Uryutis.

Ayrell says, "Yes. If it gets too wild, we will stand down."

A bold of lurid green lightning lashes across the road, leaving smoking cobblestones!

Etasia's jaw drops.

Ezerak blinks.

Ezerak glances at Ayrell.

Shashra quietly observes the experiment in interest, watching the spiraling storm above the tower.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

Ayrell says, "Everyone, keep your rods high. We do not want to injure any civilians."

A bolt of lurid green lightning jaggedly slices across the air, lashing against the copper rods, causing them to glow with a vibrating green energy!

Mazrian mildly says, "Everyone relax, be watchful. It's too late to run, anyway."

Uryutis says, "Ah, yep."

Miskton winces.

Jaelia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Xelten says, "House Tyrsin will address any structural damages."

Khhsath says, "I pray making the storm more fierce is part of this plan."

Anuril gazes at a copper rod.

A crackling mess of filamentous lightning erupts from the copper bar, discharging chaotically into the air!

Uryutis concentrates a moment.

Darkewolff asks Mazrian, "Who is running?"

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

(Ayrell steps closer to the rod.)

Darkewolff exclaims, "This is going to be good!"

Kethrai gazes at a copper rod.

Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a dull thrum resonates across the area. Your vision fades, darkness creeping over your sight, and a pulsating glow catches your attention far above.

As you glance upward, it flares brightly, a dense writhing sphere held far above, illuminating peaks spiraling against the top of the tower. The dull thrum resonates once more, and you see the tower more clearly.

The storm seems to seethe, almost palpable in its fury. Several bolts of electricity lash outward, and then returns to... normal.

Anuril squints.

The othersight fades, replaced by the mundane.

Uryutis chortles softly at some secret joke.

Khhsath's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.

Ayrell ponders.

Mazrian blinks.

Etasia blinks.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Uryutis laughs!

Uryutis points up.

Darkewolff asks, "Well, I think it just....spent?"

Ayrell gazes up at the sky.

[Shard, Katamba's Crescent Road]
Stormwill Tower, home of the Warrior Mages and Empaths of Shard, dominates much of the view to the northwest, an ominous shadow that passes a heavy hand over the sky and stars. Even more ominous is a cloud that hovers over the tower, churning and rumbling with thunder and lightning. The babbling burble of water rushing brings comfort to the night's loneliness where the Bridge of Linden Leaves rises up, creating safe passage over one of Shard's many natural channels to the south. You also see a copper rod, a black panther that is sitting and a prominent sign staked into the ground outside the guild.

Also here: Consultant Shashra, Philomath Miskton who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Field Medic Darkewolff who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Khhsath who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, War Wizard Etasia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mazrian who has a fiery visage, Scholar of the Grove Uryutis who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mountain Lord Ezerak who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Xelten who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Priestess Jaelia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield and Heart Tender Kethrai.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.

Mazrian gazes up at the sky.

Khhsath says, "Something, within the storm."

Darkewolff asks, "Until it builds up again?"

Etasia asks Ayrell, "Was a vision?"

Jaelia frowns.

Uryutis says, "That thing is so very strange."

Ayrell nods at Uryutis, in complete agreement with his views.

Uryutis glances at Ayrell.

Ayrell says, "It was so angry and then... it was not..."

Uryutis says, "You guys still have your rods too, huh."

Etasia says, "Didn't seem like it."

Ayrell nods to Uryutis.

Ayrell taps a silver rod that she is holding.

Etasia taps a copper rod on the ground.

Etasia nods.

Xelten asks Ayrell, "Any change?"

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Miskton pokes his finger at a copper rod.

Mazrian taps a copper rod on the ground.

Etasia begins to carefully examine a copper rod.

Miskton taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Etasia examines a copper rod.

Darkewolff says, "Unless I am mistaken, it lashed out, but not down."

Ezerak says, "It seems almost like it's...alive."

Mazrian says to Uryutis, "Thoughtful Almost seems willful."

Ayrell says to Xelten, "I do not believe so."

Mazrian nods to Ezerak.

Uryutis says, "I was sure that was going an entirely different direction. It's been known to dislike questions."

Ezerak nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Khhsath holds a copper rod in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Etasia says to Darkewolff, "It hits the cobblestones."

Miskton says, "Given that level of reaction to relatively little effort on our part... I would say there is something in there capable of sensing intentions."

Hunter Dartwin just arrived.

Etasia nods to Miskton.

Mazrian blinks at Uryutis.

Khhsath examines a copper rod.

Mazrian asks, "Dislike?"

Ayrell asks, "Is it possible it... wants us to learn something?"

Etasia says to Miskton, "And it was angry."

Uryutis asks, "I missed the last discussion on it, how familiar are you with the storms history?"

Anuril holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "I gave a lecture on it, some time back."

Darkewolff asks Ayrell, "Is it possible it learned something from us?"

Ayrell says, "I have read Guildmistress Melear's writings on many occasions."

Etasia asks Uryutis, "What can ye share?"

Mazrian says, "The story is fairly well known, at least as it appears in the library."

Mazrian nods to Ayrell.

Ayrell asks Uryutis, "But perhaps there is something we are missing?"

Kethrai says, "Well, in the stories about the storm's origin, I wouldn't have expected it to... have a will of its own."

Miskton nods.

Uryutis says to Miskton, "To, you know, try and describe something which seemingly does its best to defy description. Giving it mortal whims like 'dislike' and 'raging hatred' and 'clearly just bored' have helped a few generations of mages deal with the inconsistencies in their observations of it."

Uryutis shrugs.

Etasia says to Uryutis, "He was angry when he created it."

Ayrell says, "Given the nature of the Mage of Storms, perhaps the storm adapted some traits from its maker."

Etasia says to Uryutis, "Makes sense."

Uryutis says to Ayrell, "I don't think you're missing anything more than any of us, likely. It's a large unknown."

Etasia nods to Ayrell.

Jaelia chants in a soprano voice:

"Drogor Let your Fury bring the storm and push away those who would seek to control your domains! We hear your fury and answer in humble fear and respect! Asketi - fly your winds of death to swirl the storms and steal away the lives of those who would seek to harm and bring death as that is for you to steal - and no other - we Bow in Fear and Respect of your Name!"

Ayrell nods to Uryutis.

Uryutis looks at Ayrell and shrugs.

Ezerak asks Ayrell, "That could be. Perhaps it's a manifestation of his rage, of some sort?"

Xelten folds his arms across his chest.

Ayrell says to Ezerak, "Anything is possible, at this stage in our research."

Anuril ponders.

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Mazrian says, "It seems quite self sustaining. Perhaps he didn't create anything, but merely convinced something to go along with him."

Ezerak says, "I would imagine he was in a rather powerful emotional state, when he did, well, whatever it was he did."

Uryutis says, "There are a handful of popular hypotheses, most of which are best described with a strong drink in hand to both make the mental leaps, and provide ample cover against the... ramifications of such talk."

Uryutis nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai quietly says, "If the storm itself has a will and mind of its own, makes sense it would be angry after how many centuries of imprisonment..."

Uryutis nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ayrell asks, "We could seek drinks with conversation, if others would prefer to move to a safer location to discuss?"

Miskton grins.

Xelten asks, "I am sufficiently satisfied that there is nothing natural about it. Did you have anyone in Zengmodaleth for this?"

Xelten cocks his head at Ayrell.

Mazrian says, "I assume that at some point it'll decide it wants to lob lightning at us again, so that might be wise."

Ayrell shakes her head at Xelten.

Uryutis asks Ayrell, "Did you see the storm better with the Othersight tone?"

Darkewolff offers Ezerak a copper rod.

Ezerak declines Darkewolff's offer.

Tlus Chudin Aluwyyn just arrived.

Ayrell says, "I saw a pulsating glow."

Aluwyyn places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards you, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Ezerak says to Darkewolff, "You can keep it or scrap it."

Ayrell says, "And a taste of copper filled my mouth."

Darkewolff asks, "We doing another round of htis?"

Darkewolff coughs.

Darkewolff asks, "This?"

Uryutis looks upward with his eyes closed. You hear a gentle *click*.

Anuril says, "There's a sphere up there."

Ayrell nods at Anuril, in complete agreement with his views.

Mazrian nods.

Ayrell says, "Yes, it illuminated the tower more clearly."

Uryutis says, "Hmm, storm shouldn't be striking for some time, but moving somewhere more comfortable may improve the logical leaps that can be made."

Mazrian drops a copper rod.

Uryutis chuckles.

Mazrian dusts himself off.

Mazrian joins Ayrell's group.

Khhsath joins Ayrell's group.

Aluwyyn joins Ayrell's group.

Most of the clouds drift away to reveal starry skies above.

Jaelia joins Ayrell's group.

Dartwin joins Ayrell's group.

Anuril joins Ayrell's group.

Etasia hugs Aluwyyn, who wraps his arms around Etasia with a warm smile.

Ayrell says, "If everyone would like to join me, we can get drinks in the Meeting Room at the Silver Eye."

Miskton joins Ayrell's group.

Aluwyyn hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Aluwyyn with a warm smile.

Etasia grins at Aluwyyn, her dimples flashing into view.

Aluwyyn smiles at Etasia.

Khhsath gives a slight nod.

Uryutis smiles at Ayrell.

Xelten says to Miskton, "Please inform the Tower that they may debit the cost of cobblestone replacement to my local account."

Mazrian smiles.

Miskton says, "I'll probably hang onto the rod. They did seem to react a bit oddly to that green lightning."

Etasia dimples at Aluwyyn.

Shashra joins Ayrell's group.

Xelten joins Ayrell's group.

Uryutis asks Ayrell, "Mind if I join for a bit?"

Etasia shows Aluwyyn her rod.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "I do not mind at all. In fact, I would be honored."

Kethrai joins your group.

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Anuril taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Aluwyyn peers quizzically at Etasia.

Uryutis joins Ayrell's group.

Anuril licks a copper rod.

Etasia says to Aluwyyn, "We just held these up."

Ezerak puts his rod in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Jaelia says, "I am very good at chalengint other powers who believe they have their own power to control what the Immortals hold in their domains. If you believe me chanting, praying or singing this might stir something, I am happy to take the strike...."

Ayrell puts her rod in her sinuous cloak.

Etasia nods.

Ayrell picks up a copper rod.

Aluwyyn calmly asks Etasia, "And what happened?"

The rod is made with metal.
The rod is a container.
You are certain that the rod weighs exactly 7 stones.
You are certain that the rod is worth exactly 222 Dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

Jaelia says, "At a later time for thought if you wish it."

Darkewolff says, "And said, by the Power of Stormwill! Or something like that."

Ayrell asks, "Is everyone ready?"

Etasia says, "Aluwyyn angry green lightening."

Jaelia nods to Ayrell.

Miskton nods to Ayrell.

Ayrell puts her rod in her sinuous cloak.

Dartwin grins at Darkewolff.

Aluwyyn's jaw drops.

Darkewolff smiles at Dartwin.

Aluwyyn furrows his brow.

Ayrell says, "We will move in a count of five."

Jaelia moves a copper rod to her left hand.

Etasia nods to Aluwyyn.

Darkewolff says, "I tried."

Darkewolff shrugs.

Darkewolff laughs!

Ayrell says, "Moving."

Jaelia puts her rod in her silk backpack.

Ezerak asks Ayrell, "I will join you momentarily. Milene's I assume?"

Ayrell says to Ezerak, "Silver Eye."

Etasia says to Aluwyyn, "Ye all wet too, good things ye weren't here."

Anuril says, "Silver eye."

Ayrell smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak nods to Ayrell.

Ezerak says, "Never mind then."

Ezerak chuckles.

Revision as of 01:10, 29 October 2022

A log of the first experiment in the Researching the Storm event series.

Date & Time

Year of the Golden Panther, 443 years since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 2nd day of the 6th month of Arhat, the Fire Lion. It is currently summer. 10/29/2022


[Shard, Katamba's Crescent Road]

Stormwill Tower, home of the Warrior Mages and Empaths of Shard, dominates much of the view to the northwest, an ominous shadow that passes a heavy hand over the sky and stars. Even more ominous is a cloud that hovers over the tower, churning and rumbling with thunder and lightning. The babbling burble of water rushing brings comfort to the night's loneliness where the Bridge of Linden Leaves rises up, creating safe passage over one of Shard's many natural channels to the south. You also see a black panther that is sitting and a prominent sign staked into the ground outside the guild.

Arrival and Greeting Conversations

Ayrell smiles.

Miskton smiles.

Xelten smiles at Ayrell.

Miskton nods politely to Ayrell.

Ayrell smiles at Xelten.

Kethrai bows to Ayrell.

Ayrell nods politely to Miskton.

Scholar of the Grove Uryutis just arrived.

Xelten nods politely to Uryutis.

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Uryutis waves.

Miskton smiles at Uryutis.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully to Uryutis.

Uryutis says, "Hello everyone."

Miskton nods politely to Uryutis.

Ezerak doffs his top hat at Xelten.

Miskton says, "Good evening."

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "Good evening. It is an honor to see you."

Ezerak doffs his top hat at Uryutis.

Thunder rumbles from the perpetual stormcloud above.

Kethrai bows to Uryutis.

Xelten says to Uryutis, "I am pleased to see we got your attention with this one."

Ezerak nods.

Ezerak says to Uryutis, "Good to see you again."

Uryutis says, "I was curious to hear what was planned."

Jaelia curtsies to Uryutis.

Uryutis gestures.

A shimmering ethereal shield surrounds Uryutis.

Jaelia beams at Ayrell.

Ezerak nods politely to Jaelia.

Ezerak waves to Kethrai.

Jaelia nods to Miskton.

Xelten scans the area briefly.

Kethrai asks, "May I offer any healing before we start?"

Uryutis says to Ayrell, "What is planned? Lightning can be a tricky one to experiment with."

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "Please."

Xelten dryly asks, "Did Mazrian have second thoughts?"

Kethrai touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Miskton says to Kethrai, "I've got a few scratches, if you don't mind."

Jaelia says, "Do I need to set up blessings for others, or things of that manner? Please be aware, I can rejuveniate, but I am not sure I quite have the Skill to quite help others cross the bridge, but hopefully, We can assist with that."

Kethrai touches Miskton with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Miskton nods politely to Ayrell.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "It is a bit of a rough plan, due to the unpredictable nature of storms."

Uryutis smiles.

Kethrai asks Miskton, "Any chance you might be able to offer transport here?"

Kethrai taps a crystalline kyanite gwethdesuan that he is wearing.

Miskton says to Kethrai, "I probably can."

Kethrai says, "Anuril was asking on the gweth."

Ayrell says, "I have a copper rod we will use as a source of grounding that I will place... on the ground. I have aligned myself to electricity, though depleted, and will stand near it with a rod of my own to attempt... well... to be struck, so I may be able to sense anything about the source of the storm."

Jaelia nods.

Ayrell says, "We hypothesize that, if it affects the charge of my alignment, it may indicate a connection to the Plane of Electricity."

Ayrell says, "We did bring copper rods for others to use in an effort to keep the electricity aimed here, so it does not strike any civilians."

Miskton gestures.

Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.

Flickering grey radiance erupts from seemingly nowhere, forming a jagged rift in the air. Anuril steps out from within the light, followed by a gust of chill winds. The rift vanishes as swiftly as it appeared.

Anuril beams!

Anuril bows to Miskton.

Kethrai asks, "Would a direct connection to the Plane of Electricity behave differently than, say, a large and long-lasting spell pattern?"

Miskton nods politely to Anuril.

Ezerak gets a large sack from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Kethrai stands near Anuril.

Ayrell says, "In addition, we are going to have other warrior mages present attempt to use the Other Sight on the storm, to see if they notice anything, should our attempt to lure the lightning succeed."

Uryutis ponders.

Anuril joins Ayrell's group.

Uryutis says, "Makes one wonder why the guild hasn't set up copper rods."

Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Ayrell nods at Uryutis, in complete agreement with his views.

Jaelia asks, "Is there an Immortal or topic you wish me to offer a prayer to before we begin?"

Ayrell says, "It has been discussed at our previous meetings."

Ayrell chuckles.

Anuril blinks at Uryutis.

Anuril bows to Uryutis.

Uryutis smiles at Anuril.

Xelten says, "We are hoping to ascertain whether this storm is maintained by an extraplanar source or if it is more or less natural. This was a thoroughly Mazrian solution to that question, but it seems Ayrell's courage outweighs his this evening."

Xelten chuckles to himself.

Miskton gestures.

Uryutis nods at Xelten, obviously agreeing with his views.

Jaelia grins.

Mazrian just arrived, leading his group.

Uryutis says, "Certainly a long standing question."

Mazrian dusts himself off.

Anuril bows to Mazrian.

Anuril respectfully says to Mazrian, "Halipa."

Ayrell nods at Uryutis, in complete agreement with his views.

Etasia grins, revealing her dimples.

Mazrian smiles at Anuril.

Mazrian bows to Uryutis.

Etasia dusts herself off.

Jaelia nods to Mazrian.

Xelten chuckles to himself.

Uryutis waves to Mazrian.

Kethrai bows to Mazrian.

Etasia waves to Ayrell.

Mazrian quietly says to Uryutis, "Always a pleasure to see you again."

Mazrian nods to Jaelia.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "We are truly hoping this may at least provide a clue, if not some solid information or answers."

Etasia smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Mazrian bows to Kethrai.

Kethrai waves to Etasia.

Uryutis says, "Likewise, sir."

Ayrell smiles at Etasia.

Mazrian smiles at Ayrell.

Etasia waves to Kethrai.

Xelten says to Mazrian, "Ah, you did come after all. Ayrell was ready to take your place as the ah... target."

Ayrell smiles at Mazrian.

Ezerak lays his palms against Mazrian's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

Etasia waves to Ezerak.

Miskton says to Mazrian, "Outran my attempts to do multiple rifts."

Etasia smiles at Ezerak, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Miskton chuckles.

Ayrell says to Xelten, "I am the target."

Mazrian flashes a quick grin at Miskton.

Ezerak waves to Etasia.

Jaelia grins.

Mazrian says to Xelten, "Wild horses wouldn't have kept me away."

Etasia waves to Miskton.

Xelten says to Ayrell, "I stand corrected."

Ayrell smiles at Xelten.

Khhsath just arrived.

Etasia says to Ayrell, "The target oh no."

Ayrell says, "Ezerak even made me a pretty silver rod."

Ayrell gets a silver rod from inside her sinuous cloak.

Etasia raises an eyebrow.

Khhsath glances up at the sky.

Jaelia beams at Ayrell.

Mazrian says, "I've been soaking in salt water and I'm carrying lots of coppers, so I believe I'm ready."

Etasia smiles at Jaelia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ayrell says, "I may as well get struck by lightning in style."

Etasia laughs at Mazrian.

Ezerak chuckles.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Jaelia beams at Etasia!

Ezerak says, "Silver conducts better, or so they tell me."

Jaelia curtsies to Etasia.

Uryutis says to Mazrian, "A typical summer evening, of course."

Etasia dimples at Jaelia.

Ayrell nods to Mazrian.

Etasia curtsies to Jaelia.

Mazrian says to Uryutis, "Try having a good time in some quarters without either one..."

Mazrian nods at Uryutis, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says, "Between myself and Jaelia, I suspect we should be set for whatever eventuality."

Miskton says, "I suppose the problem with setting up copper rods permanently is that they're worth something and relatively portable if you break them off. And silver rods would be even better, but also even more tempting."

Mazrian asks Uryutis, "If I could ask...did any part of the plan seem obviously suicidal?"

Ezerak nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ayrell says, "Beyond the willing target of being struck."

Mazrian says to Uryutis, "You know, asking for pure curiosity."

Mazrian flashes a quick grin.

Ezerak asks, "How many empaths did we bring?"

Ezerak chuckles.

A blinding fork of lightning blasts out of the cloud above and strikes Ezerak down!

Ezerak's in shock and dying!

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Xelten glances at Ezerak.

Kethrai touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Ayrell covers her mouth with her hand.

Uryutis winces.

Ezerak looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

Miskton says, "The timing."

Jaelia asks, "While you all focus on the elemnts and the science and arcana and calculations - Would you mind me offering a prayer to the Triad of Eluned, who seems to seek the cleansing of the seas and reminding us, and in a way - the storms of the seas seem to also be the storms of waters in the skies in a direct or mirrored reflection?"

Khhsath gazes at Ezerak.

Kethrai touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Ayrell says, "That timing could not have been any better, really."

Xelten gestures at Ezerak.

Kethrai touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Kethrai closes his eyes and takes on a look of supreme focus.

Khhsath kneels down.

Kethrai gestures toward Ezerak's head.

Ezerak slowly opens his eyes.

Miskton says to Jaelia, "That seems like it would be appropriate, though I'm not leading things here."

Ezerak stands up.

Xelten says to Ezerak, "You suddenly fell asleep for no apparent reason."

Xelten smirks.

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "Thank you."

Kethrai quietly asks, "Gods, that was WITH a shield?"

Anuril asks, "I know in the past Grounding Field has been fantastically bad to use in the presence of electricity elementals, do we have any specific ideas about this time?"

Ayrell says, "I think the storm does not want us to inquire of our empath population present."

Ezerak says to Xelten, "Oh no, I clearly remember the pain."

Uryutis asks Mazrian, "Well... Hard to say?"

Ayrell nods to Kethrai.

Ayrell says, "Yes. The storm is quite dangerous."

Uryutis asks, "Yes? Educationally so? With proper precautions?"

Jaelia glances up from her silk-bound parchment and recites:

   "*Prayer to Eluned*
         by Hylthorin Rowanburn"

Mazrian chuckles at Uryutis.

Ezerak says, "I'm uh...going to either pass these out or set them down."

Jaelia reads in a calm, reverent tone:

   "Eluned, Lady of the deep waters, hear my voice.
    Dolphin rider, Wavesinger, I praise you.
    Be you the strong swell that bears me up,
    May I be strong and shine in your eyes."

Ezerak shakes his sack!

Yavash slowly rises above the horizon.

Xelten glances at Jaelia.

Jaelia continues:

   "Lemicus, Lady of the inner waters, hear my voice.
    Sweetwater Woman, Winddancer, I praise you.
    Be you the wisdom of my heart,
    Guide me to grace and favor in your eyes."

Jaelia says, "I will be glad to take one in just a moment, but I wish the blessing of the Immortals to go with us."

Mazrian says to Ayrell, "Alright, I'm aligned to electricity."

Jaelia continues:

   "Drogor, Lord of the angry ocean, hear my voice.
    Stormcaller, Wolf of the Sea, I praise you.
    Turn your anger from me, Lord,
    Let me be safe from your fury and be humble in your eyes."

Mazrian smiles.

Jaelia concludes:

   "Three who are One, hear my prayer.
    Three who are One, accept my praise,
    Hold and protect me in your gaze."

Ayrell says, "Yes, if all warrior mages present could please align themselves to Electricity."

Anuril ponders.

Ezerak gazes up at the sky.

Etasia says, "I am always aligned to it."

Jaelia says, "I may be better to sit and stand by for safety then too."

Jaelia nods.

Kethrai says to Ezerak, "To answer your ill-fated question from earlier... one."

Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Uryutis renders a series of quick gestures, wrapping blue sheets of gently glowing energy around himself and the area slightly above the crowd. The sheets hover a moment, and fade into nothingness.

Anuril exclaims, "But it's a good one!"

Ayrell says, "I will pause a few more moments while everyone does that, to allow a brief window for any additional late comers, and then we will begin."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Xelten cocks his head at Uryutis.

Etasia asks, "Do we need to put es up on others?"

Mazrian glances at Uryutis.

Miskton gazes at Uryutis.

Uryutis says, "There, that will either help protect us, or... do nothing at all."

Ezerak says to Ayrell, "I may need another shield."

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "Thank you."

Mazrian chuckles at Uryutis.

Etasia says, "Hmm."

Mazrian stands up.

Ayrell gestures at Ezerak.

A shimmering ethereal shield surrounds Ezerak.

Etasia says, "Why did not cast on."

Uryutis says, "Lightning has a habit of going where it wants."

Jaelia grins.

Xelten cracks his knuckles.

Ayrell says, "As this plan has a bit of work for everyone, we will review it before we begin."

Etasia gestures at Jaelia.

A shimmering ethereal shield surrounds Jaelia.

Anuril asks, "So, what's the best way to get rid of a lot of charge quickly?"

Anuril grins.

Etasia asks, "Whos needs ES?"

Khhsath says to Etasia, "I."

Kethrai says to Anuril, "I believe Lord Ezerak demonstrated that a few roisaen ago."

Etasia smiles at Khhsath, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Etasia nods.

Anuril laughs at Kethrai.

Etasia gestures at Khhsath.

Opening Explanation & Brief

Ayrell says, "Alright, I believe we will go ahead and begin. Hopefully if anyone else arrives, they will catch on quickly."

Anuril nods to Mazrian.

Jaelia asks, "Who is leading?"

Khhsath nods to Etasia.

Jaelia asks, "Or do you wish me to stand by at Triage?"

Ezerak gazes up at the sky.

Ezerak moves a large sack to his left hand.

Ayrell says, "We will be remaining here for the experiment. Triage on location is best."

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Jaelia laughs!

Jaelia nods.

Ayrell smiles at Jaelia.

Etasia smiles at Khhsath, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Jaelia says, "I thought you would be ascending to the storm itself for a few."

Jaelia gazes up at the sky.

Anuril says, "Alright, aligned."

Jaelia nods.

Anuril snaps to attention and hails Ayrell with a crisp hand salute.

Ayrell smiles at Anuril.

Etasia gestures at Khhsath.

A shimmering ethereal shield surrounds Khhsath.

Ayrell says, "We shall begin with a brief overview of the plan."

Xelten matter-of-factly says, "We assume we will be remaining here, anyway. Anything could happen. We might well end up there... and there... and many other pieces."

Ezerak says to Xelten, "Again."

Ayrell says to Xelten, "Yes, this is true."

Jaelia nods to Xelten.

Anuril asks, "No one has established a domain?"

Ayrell says, "I will place a copper rod on the ground to serve as a grounding point, by which I will stand while holding a rod of my own, in an effort to try and direct a bolt toward... well... me."

Mazrian shakes his head at Anuril.

Jaelia nods.

Ayrell says, "I have aligned myself to electricity, though depleted... for two reasons."

Jaelia says, "Phelim Blesses us."

Ayrell says, "One reason, is a protection. If I am aligned to electricty and low on charge, a bolt -may- not cause quite as much damage. In theory. Or... it may do nothing."

Ayrell says, "The second reason is for the experiment. If the lightning strikes me and I sense any increase in my elemental charge, it may indicate the storm to have some connection to the Plane of Electricit."

Ayrell says, "Electricity, even."

Ayrell clears your throat.

Anuril nods.

Ayrell says, "The rest of you, however, will also have roles to play."

Ayrell smiles.

Jaelia nods.

Anuril quietly says, "Lambent streams, for me..."

Xibar slowly rises above the horizon.

Ayrell says, "All other warrior mages present, we ask that you align to electricity as well. While the experiment is being conducted, we urge you to attempt use of the Other Sight to see if notice anything unusual with the storm if we succeed in obtaining our strike."

Ayrell says, "Do we have any bards present?"

Ayrell looks around, trying to appear nonchalant. [Shard, Katamba's Crescent Road] Stormwill Tower, home of the Warrior Mages and Empaths of Shard, dominates much of the view to the northwest, an ominous shadow that passes a heavy hand over the sky and stars. Even more ominous is a cloud that hovers over the tower, churning and rumbling with thunder and lightning. The babbling burble of water rushing brings comfort to the night's loneliness where the Bridge of Linden Leaves rises up, creating safe passage over one of Shard's many natural channels to the south. You also see a black panther that is sitting and a prominent sign staked into the ground outside the guild.

Also here: Veteran Apprentice Anuril who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Khhsath who is kneeling, War Wizard Etasia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mazrian who has a fiery visage, Scholar of the Grove Uryutis who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mountain Lord Ezerak who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Xelten who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Philomath Miskton who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Priestess Jaelia and Heart Tender Kethrai. Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.

Etasia smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ezerak says, "Besides me. I have another job."

Ayrell says, "Well, that is unfortunate, but we will have to make do."

Ayrell smiles.

Etasia grins at Ezerak, her dimples flashing into view.

Etasia chuckles at Ayrell.

Ayrell says, "For the warrior mages, we do recommend that you limit the amount of magic you have surrounding you as we are unsure how it might affect your ability to see the details we are looking for."

Anuril quietly says, "Planar conditions favor aether.."

Jaelia asks, "Would a Sanctify Pattern casting in either Utility, Deblitation, Augmentation or Warding be of any use to anyone?"

From the Great Tower a voice cries out, "Anlas of Revelfae and all's well!"

Field Medic Darkewolff came across the Bridge of Linden Leaves.

Etasia grins at Darkewolff, her dimples flashing into view.

Darkewolff gazes off into the distance.

Anuril glances at Stormwill Tower.

Darkewolff smiles at Etasia.

Xelten glances up at the sky.

Etasia waves to Darkewolff.

Darkewolff waves to Etasia.

Ayrell asks, "For those who are not warrior mages, would any of you be willing to hold a rod as well, as a means of protecting the civilians in an effort to contain the strikes to us, in case they get a bit wilder than usual with our meddling?"

Darkewolff says, "Oh sure."

Miskton nods to Ayrell.

Darkewolff asks, "Spare the rod?"

Darkewolff says, "And all that."

Ezerak offers Darkewolff a copper rod.

Darkewolff accepts Ezerak's rod.

Jaelia nods to Ayrell.

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Darkewolff exclaims, "Oh sure, give me the copper one!"

Darkewolff snickers.

Miskton says, "I'm definitely up for helping to protect the local citizen."

Ezerak says to Darkewolff, "They're all copper."

Ezerak chuckles.

Etasia appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Darkewolff says, "This should be interesting...."

Ezerak offers Miskton a copper rod.

Miskton accepts Ezerak's rod.

Ayrell nods at Miskton, in complete agreement with his views.

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Ayrell says, "Yes, my goal is to gather information without harming the citizens or the city."

Darkewolff says, "Going to light up like a ...... sky giant."

Ezerak offers Mazrian a copper rod.

Etasia gestures at Darkewolff.

A shimmering ethereal shield surrounds Darkewolff.

Mazrian accepts Ezerak's rod.

Darkewolff says to Etasia, "Thank you, kindly."

Uryutis says, "It is a rather old storm."

Kethrai says, "I believe I will refrain from holding a rod..."

Jaelia says, "I am happy to hold one if you like as well. Especially if it may distribute the impact."

Darkewolff says, "Old and ornery I bet."

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Etasia nods to Darkewolff.

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Darkewolff laughs!

Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Jaelia says, "Unless I am much in need of my Holy Powers more."

Ezerak asks, "What Warrior Mages need one first?"

Anuril raises his hand.

Ezerak offers Anuril a copper rod.

Anuril accepts Ezerak's rod.

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Etasia raises her hand.

Anuril waves a copper rod around.

Anuril strikes a heroic pose.

Ezerak offers Etasia a copper rod.

Etasia accepts Ezerak's rod.

Ezerak asks, "Any other Warrior Mages?"

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Etasia waves a copper rod around.

Anuril glances at Etasia.

Anuril grins at Etasia.

Etasia grins at Anuril, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak offers Jaelia a copper rod.

Jaelia accepts Ezerak's rod.

Jaelia curtsies to Ezerak.

Ezerak asks, "Anyone else?"

Ayrell smiles.

Anuril holds a copper rod in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Khhsath raises his hand.

Xelten shakes his head.

Jaelia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around you.

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Ezerak offers Khhsath a copper rod.

Khhsath accepts Ezerak's rod.

Uryutis assesses his combat situation.

Ayrell asks, "Does anyone have any questions before we begin?"

Ayrell smiles.

Mazrian assesses his combat situation.

Uryutis shrugs.

Darkewolff says, "Yeah...."

Darkewolff asks, "How do I not die?"

Etasia chuckles.

Darkewolff smiles.

Xelten matter-of-factly says, "Dodge."

Ayrell says to Darkewolff, "I am afraid I do not have that answer."

Mazrian says to Darkewolff, "We'll know more about that after the experiment."

Ezerak asks Darkewolff, "Hope the empaths are fast?"

Ayrell smiles at Darkewolff.

Etasia giggles at Xelten.

Darkewolff laughs at Mazrian.

Darkewolff says, "Well, there you go."

Khhsath says, "The bard did not perish from a strike."

Khhsath shrugs.

Ayrell says, "Very well. If there are no questions, we will go ahead and begin."

Darkewolff exclaims, "Let 'er rip!"


Ayrell gets a copper rod from inside her sinuous cloak.

Ezerak says to Khhsath, "It was close, though."

Etasia smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Darkewolff smirks.

(Ayrell moves to a central point and secures the copper rod on the ground.)

Khhsath makes a grunting noise.

Anuril asks, "Does... hmm, does anyone have a lynx?"

Ezerak gets a copper rod from inside his sack.

Kethrai edges away from Ayrell.

Khhsath says to Ezerak, "So it was. I will not call this wisdom."

Anuril asks, "They're the electric familiars?"

(Xelten fixes his gaze on the storm above, inhaling deeply through his nose.)

Ayrell gets a silver rod from inside her sinuous cloak.

Ezerak puts his sack in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Etasia says, "I do not."

Miskton taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Darkewolff asks, "So, you want more?"

Darkewolff peers quizzically at Anuril.

Ayrell asks, "Is everyone ready?"

Ezerak holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Etasia nods to Ayrell.

Khhsath stands up.

Anuril smirks at Darkewolff.

Ezerak covers his eyes with his hand.

Miskton says, "Ready as I can be."

Miskton grins.

Ayrell nods.

Anuril says, "No, I just thought a electric-aligned familiar might also be able to tell us something interesting."

Kethrai says, "I would not mind one more roisan for my attunement to fully recover."

Mazrian gives a slight nod.

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Anuril says, "I don't have one."

Ayrell says, "Everyone with rods, please hold them up."

Miskton holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Anuril holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Khhsath holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Darkewolff nods to Ayrell.

Jaelia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Mazrian holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Ayrell says, "And form a protective circle to try and keep the lightning within our group."

Uryutis winces.

Ayrell says, "Though with a bit of distance from me and each other."

Darkewolff stands near Mazrian.

Etasia joins Ayrell's group.

Uryutis says, "Good luck."

Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Darkewolff smiles at Mazrian.

Mazrian says, "Here...stand on the five points of a star described like so..."

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Darkewolff says to Mazrian, "I go, you go."

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "Thank you. I... think we will need it."

(Mazrian helps move people around.)

Ayrell stands near a copper rod.

Ayrell inhales a great swallow of air.

(Kethrai does his best to stand out of lightning-strike range but inside sprinting range.)

(Miskton moves into one of the indicated positions.)

(Ezerak takes his position, holding his copper rod high.)

(Darkewolff moves to a point)

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

You feel a static charge building.

(Ayrell raises her silver rod high into the air.)

Ezerak looks with concern at Ayrell.

Darkewolff says, "Feeling tingly."

Etasia nods to Jaelia.

(Khhsath moves into one of the positions and raises his rod high.)

Kethrai frowns as his fur starts to stand on end.

Ayrell says, "Everyone, watch closely for anything you can see that may help us."

Etasia says, "Static charge building."

Darkewolff holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

(Jaelia slow backs out to the side to keep an eye and find a position that aligns well with the others.)

Anuril mutters something into the air about clouds.

Anuril glances up at the sky.

(Ayrell gazes up into the storm clouds.)

Far above at the top of the tower, the storm spirals inward angrily, hissing with hair lightning!

Uryutis sighs.

Miskton gazes up at the sky.

Etasia says, "Ohh look."

Darkewolff says, "Well, here we go."

Khhsath flicks the tip of his tail toward the ground sharply.

Etasia says, "At the tower."

Mazrian mildly says, "Everyone hold. Focus on gathering the data."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Etasia nods to Mazrian.

Uryutis says, "Science can hurt too, so be careful."

Ayrell says, "Yes. We need everyone to focus as much as possible."

(Ezerak murmurs a quiet prayer.)

Ayrell says, "And brace yourselves."

A bolt of lurid green lightning lashes across the sky!

Etasia blinks.

Uryutis shakes his head.

Uryutis sighs and claps his hands together, the sound echoing surprisingly loudly across the area. Your vision fades slightly, and your ears ring.

(Miskton glances around nervously.)

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Kethrai blinks at Uryutis.

Uryutis says, "Remember what this storm did when it was first contained."

Anuril quietly says, "Planar conditions... unchanged..."

(Jaelia softly hums a prayer to Drogor for his seas and storms to deliver what is needed, but to hold his hand from letting others strike where his power lays, as not to let others challenge his position with their unnatural powers.)

Khhsath glances at Uryutis.

Ayrell says, "Yes. If it gets too wild, we will stand down."

A bold of lurid green lightning lashes across the road, leaving smoking cobblestones!

Etasia's jaw drops.

Ezerak blinks.

Ezerak glances at Ayrell.

Shashra quietly observes the experiment in interest, watching the spiraling storm above the tower.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

Ayrell says, "Everyone, keep your rods high. We do not want to injure any civilians."

A bolt of lurid green lightning jaggedly slices across the air, lashing against the copper rods, causing them to glow with a vibrating green energy!

Mazrian mildly says, "Everyone relax, be watchful. It's too late to run, anyway."

Uryutis says, "Ah, yep."

Miskton winces.

Jaelia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

Xelten says, "House Tyrsin will address any structural damages."

Khhsath says, "I pray making the storm more fierce is part of this plan."

Anuril gazes at a copper rod.

A crackling mess of filamentous lightning erupts from the copper bar, discharging chaotically into the air!

Uryutis concentrates a moment.

Darkewolff asks Mazrian, "Who is running?"

Etasia holds a copper rod high into the air for all to see.

(Ayrell steps closer to the rod.)

Darkewolff exclaims, "This is going to be good!"

Kethrai gazes at a copper rod.

Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a dull thrum resonates across the area. Your vision fades, darkness creeping over your sight, and a pulsating glow catches your attention far above.

As you glance upward, it flares brightly, a dense writhing sphere held far above, illuminating peaks spiraling against the top of the tower. The dull thrum resonates once more, and you see the tower more clearly.

The storm seems to seethe, almost palpable in its fury. Several bolts of electricity lash outward, and then returns to... normal.

Anuril squints.

The othersight fades, replaced by the mundane.

Uryutis chortles softly at some secret joke.

Khhsath's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.

Ayrell ponders.

Mazrian blinks.

Etasia blinks.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Uryutis laughs!

Uryutis points up.

Darkewolff asks, "Well, I think it just....spent?"

Ayrell gazes up at the sky.

[Shard, Katamba's Crescent Road] Stormwill Tower, home of the Warrior Mages and Empaths of Shard, dominates much of the view to the northwest, an ominous shadow that passes a heavy hand over the sky and stars. Even more ominous is a cloud that hovers over the tower, churning and rumbling with thunder and lightning. The babbling burble of water rushing brings comfort to the night's loneliness where the Bridge of Linden Leaves rises up, creating safe passage over one of Shard's many natural channels to the south. You also see a copper rod, a black panther that is sitting and a prominent sign staked into the ground outside the guild.

Also here: Consultant Shashra, Philomath Miskton who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Field Medic Darkewolff who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Khhsath who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, War Wizard Etasia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mazrian who has a fiery visage, Scholar of the Grove Uryutis who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mountain Lord Ezerak who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Xelten who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Priestess Jaelia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield and Heart Tender Kethrai. Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.

Mazrian gazes up at the sky.

Khhsath says, "Something, within the storm."

Darkewolff asks, "Until it builds up again?"

Etasia asks Ayrell, "Was a vision?"

Jaelia frowns.

Uryutis says, "That thing is so very strange."

Ayrell nods at Uryutis, in complete agreement with his views.

Uryutis glances at Ayrell.

Ayrell says, "It was so angry and then... it was not..."

Uryutis says, "You guys still have your rods too, huh."

Etasia says, "Didn't seem like it."

Ayrell nods to Uryutis.

Ayrell taps a silver rod that she is holding.

Etasia taps a copper rod on the ground.

Etasia nods.

Xelten asks Ayrell, "Any change?"

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Miskton pokes his finger at a copper rod.

Mazrian taps a copper rod on the ground.

Etasia begins to carefully examine a copper rod.

Miskton taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Etasia examines a copper rod.

Darkewolff says, "Unless I am mistaken, it lashed out, but not down."

Ezerak says, "It seems almost like it's...alive."

Mazrian says to Uryutis, "Thoughtful Almost seems willful."

Ayrell says to Xelten, "I do not believe so."

Mazrian nods to Ezerak.

Uryutis says, "I was sure that was going an entirely different direction. It's been known to dislike questions."

Ezerak nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Khhsath holds a copper rod in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Etasia says to Darkewolff, "It hits the cobblestones."

Miskton says, "Given that level of reaction to relatively little effort on our part... I would say there is something in there capable of sensing intentions."

Hunter Dartwin just arrived.

Etasia nods to Miskton.

Mazrian blinks at Uryutis.

Khhsath examines a copper rod.

Mazrian asks, "Dislike?"

Ayrell asks, "Is it possible it... wants us to learn something?"

Etasia says to Miskton, "And it was angry."

Uryutis asks, "I missed the last discussion on it, how familiar are you with the storms history?"

Anuril holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "I gave a lecture on it, some time back."

Darkewolff asks Ayrell, "Is it possible it learned something from us?"

Ayrell says, "I have read Guildmistress Melear's writings on many occasions."

Etasia asks Uryutis, "What can ye share?"

Mazrian says, "The story is fairly well known, at least as it appears in the library."

Mazrian nods to Ayrell.

Ayrell asks Uryutis, "But perhaps there is something we are missing?"

Kethrai says, "Well, in the stories about the storm's origin, I wouldn't have expected it to... have a will of its own."

Miskton nods.

Uryutis says to Miskton, "To, you know, try and describe something which seemingly does its best to defy description. Giving it mortal whims like 'dislike' and 'raging hatred' and 'clearly just bored' have helped a few generations of mages deal with the inconsistencies in their observations of it."

Uryutis shrugs.

Etasia says to Uryutis, "He was angry when he created it."

Ayrell says, "Given the nature of the Mage of Storms, perhaps the storm adapted some traits from its maker."

Etasia says to Uryutis, "Makes sense."

Uryutis says to Ayrell, "I don't think you're missing anything more than any of us, likely. It's a large unknown."

Etasia nods to Ayrell.

Jaelia chants in a soprano voice:

   "Drogor Let your Fury bring the storm and push away those who would seek to control your domains! We hear your fury and answer in humble fear and respect! Asketi - fly your winds of death to swirl the storms and steal away the lives of those who would seek to harm and bring death as that is for you to steal - and no other - we Bow in Fear and Respect of your Name!"

Ayrell nods to Uryutis.

Uryutis looks at Ayrell and shrugs.

Ezerak asks Ayrell, "That could be. Perhaps it's a manifestation of his rage, of some sort?"

Xelten folds his arms across his chest.

Ayrell says to Ezerak, "Anything is possible, at this stage in our research."

Anuril ponders.

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Mazrian says, "It seems quite self sustaining. Perhaps he didn't create anything, but merely convinced something to go along with him."

Ezerak says, "I would imagine he was in a rather powerful emotional state, when he did, well, whatever it was he did."

Uryutis says, "There are a handful of popular hypotheses, most of which are best described with a strong drink in hand to both make the mental leaps, and provide ample cover against the... ramifications of such talk."

Uryutis nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai quietly says, "If the storm itself has a will and mind of its own, makes sense it would be angry after how many centuries of imprisonment..."

Uryutis nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ayrell asks, "We could seek drinks with conversation, if others would prefer to move to a safer location to discuss?"

Miskton grins.

Xelten asks, "I am sufficiently satisfied that there is nothing natural about it. Did you have anyone in Zengmodaleth for this?"

Xelten cocks his head at Ayrell.

Mazrian says, "I assume that at some point it'll decide it wants to lob lightning at us again, so that might be wise."

Ayrell shakes her head at Xelten.

Uryutis asks Ayrell, "Did you see the storm better with the Othersight tone?"

Darkewolff offers Ezerak a copper rod.

Ezerak declines Darkewolff's offer.

Tlus Chudin Aluwyyn just arrived.

Ayrell says, "I saw a pulsating glow."

Aluwyyn places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards you, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Ezerak says to Darkewolff, "You can keep it or scrap it."

Ayrell says, "And a taste of copper filled my mouth."

Darkewolff asks, "We doing another round of htis?"

Darkewolff coughs.

Darkewolff asks, "This?"

Uryutis looks upward with his eyes closed. You hear a gentle *click*.

Anuril says, "There's a sphere up there."

Ayrell nods at Anuril, in complete agreement with his views.

Mazrian nods.

Ayrell says, "Yes, it illuminated the tower more clearly."

Uryutis says, "Hmm, storm shouldn't be striking for some time, but moving somewhere more comfortable may improve the logical leaps that can be made."

Mazrian drops a copper rod.

Uryutis chuckles.

Mazrian dusts himself off.

Mazrian joins Ayrell's group.

Khhsath joins Ayrell's group.

Aluwyyn joins Ayrell's group.

Most of the clouds drift away to reveal starry skies above.

Jaelia joins Ayrell's group.

Dartwin joins Ayrell's group.

Anuril joins Ayrell's group.

Etasia hugs Aluwyyn, who wraps his arms around Etasia with a warm smile.

Ayrell says, "If everyone would like to join me, we can get drinks in the Meeting Room at the Silver Eye."

Miskton joins Ayrell's group.

Aluwyyn hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Aluwyyn with a warm smile.

Etasia grins at Aluwyyn, her dimples flashing into view.

Aluwyyn smiles at Etasia.

Khhsath gives a slight nod.

Uryutis smiles at Ayrell.

Xelten says to Miskton, "Please inform the Tower that they may debit the cost of cobblestone replacement to my local account."

Mazrian smiles.

Miskton says, "I'll probably hang onto the rod. They did seem to react a bit oddly to that green lightning."

Etasia dimples at Aluwyyn.

Shashra joins Ayrell's group.

Xelten joins Ayrell's group.

Uryutis asks Ayrell, "Mind if I join for a bit?"

Etasia shows Aluwyyn her rod.

Ayrell says to Uryutis, "I do not mind at all. In fact, I would be honored."

Kethrai joins your group.

Ayrell smiles at Uryutis.

Anuril taps a copper rod that he is holding.

Aluwyyn peers quizzically at Etasia.

Uryutis joins Ayrell's group.

Anuril licks a copper rod.

Etasia says to Aluwyyn, "We just held these up."

Ezerak puts his rod in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Jaelia says, "I am very good at chalengint other powers who believe they have their own power to control what the Immortals hold in their domains. If you believe me chanting, praying or singing this might stir something, I am happy to take the strike...."

Ayrell puts her rod in her sinuous cloak.

Etasia nods.

Ayrell picks up a copper rod.

Aluwyyn calmly asks Etasia, "And what happened?"

The rod is made with metal. The rod is a container. You are certain that the rod weighs exactly 7 stones. You are certain that the rod is worth exactly 222 Dokoras. Roundtime: 8 seconds.

Jaelia says, "At a later time for thought if you wish it."

Darkewolff says, "And said, by the Power of Stormwill! Or something like that."

Ayrell asks, "Is everyone ready?"

Etasia says, "Aluwyyn angry green lightening."

Jaelia nods to Ayrell.

Miskton nods to Ayrell.

Ayrell puts her rod in her sinuous cloak.

Dartwin grins at Darkewolff.

Aluwyyn's jaw drops.

Darkewolff smiles at Dartwin.

Aluwyyn furrows his brow.

Ayrell says, "We will move in a count of five."

Jaelia moves a copper rod to her left hand.

Etasia nods to Aluwyyn.

Darkewolff says, "I tried."

Darkewolff shrugs.

Darkewolff laughs!

Ayrell says, "Moving."

Jaelia puts her rod in her silk backpack.

Ezerak asks Ayrell, "I will join you momentarily. Milene's I assume?"

Ayrell says to Ezerak, "Silver Eye."

Etasia says to Aluwyyn, "Ye all wet too, good things ye weren't here."

Anuril says, "Silver eye."

Ayrell smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak nods to Ayrell.

Ezerak says, "Never mind then."

Ezerak chuckles.