Elven Dictionary, Volume 1 (book): Difference between revisions

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|align="center"|''by Casimont Nalbiro''
|align="center"|''by Casimont Nalbiro''
|align="center"|Volume 1
|align="center"|Volume 1: Common to Elven
Common to Elven
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adj=adjective, adv=adverb, aux=auxiliary verb, c=conjunction,
:aux=auxiliary verb
dempn=demonstrative pronoun, intpn=interrogative pronoun,
n=noun, part=particle, pn=pronoun, relpn=relative pronoun,
:dempn=demonstrative pronoun
s=sentence, v=verb
:intpn=interrogative pronoun
:relpn=relative pronoun


==Common to Elven==
Line 84: Line 76:
baroness [n] rugili : birch tree [n] berse
baroness [n] rugili : birch tree [n] berse
barracks [n] pelwo : bird [n] cimi
barracks [n] pelwo : bird [n] cimi

bird of prey [n] shori : bracken [n] gelin
bird of prey [n] shori : bracken [n] gelin
bitter [adj] ganen : branch [n] shaha
bitter [adj] ganen : branch [n] shaha
Line 106: Line 99:
boy [n] senar : brotherhood [n] moludogan
boy [n] senar : brotherhood [n] moludogan
boy, noble [n] maldenicis : brown [adj] gongen
boy, noble [n] maldenicis : brown [adj] gongen
brush [n] uzul
brush [n] uzul
bush [n] sasi
bush [n] sasi
Line 160: Line 154:
cool [adj] salcen : crossroad [n] guruyol
cool [adj] salcen : crossroad [n] guruyol
corn [n] sirne : crow [n] jama
corn [n] sirne : crow [n] jama

crown [n] tach
crown [n] tach
cry [n] agla
cry [n] agla
cry [v] aglaman
cry [v] aglaman
crystal [n] ibai :
crystal [n] ibai
cuddle [v] hiritu
cuddle [v] hiritu
cultivate [v] paicotu :
cultivate [v] paicotu
current (time)[adj] yangen
current (time)[adj] yangen
cut [n] ebaci
cut [n] ebaci
Line 194: Line 189:
dash [n] mugi : designated [adj] izenjen
dash [n] mugi : designated [adj] izenjen
daughter [n] alaba : desk [n] parta
daughter [n] alaba : desk [n] parta

dew [n] geza : drink [v] edantu
dew [n] geza : drink [v] edantu
death [n] olum : drum [n] tanta
death [n] olum : drum [n] tanta
Line 303: Line 299:
far (time) [adj] lonis : find [v] aurcitu
far (time) [adj] lonis : find [v] aurcitu
farm [v] paicotu : fire [n] fana
farm [v] paicotu : fire [n] fana

fish [n] arrain : forest [n] fala
fish [n] arrain : forest [n] fala
fish [v] arrantu : forester [n] sanfala
fish [v] arrantu : forester [n] sanfala
Line 325: Line 322:
forbidden [adj] sorden : fruit [n] miwe
forbidden [adj] sorden : fruit [n] miwe
foreigner [n] baso : full [adj] meren
foreigner [n] baso : full [adj] meren

fur [n] sutuc
fur [n] sutuc
furry [adj] sutucli
furry [adj] sutucli
Line 355: Line 353:
glory [n] arin : grasp [v] apurtu
glory [n] arin : grasp [v] apurtu
glow [n] dalja : grass [n] ebo
glow [n] dalja : grass [n] ebo
grassland [n] horebo
grassland [n] horebo
great [adj] dirais
great [adj] dirais
Line 371: Line 371:
gulf [n] ailag
gulf [n] ailag

Line 944: Line 942:
: salty [adj] gamen
: salty [adj] gamen
: sand [n] heru
: sand [n] heru
sand dune [n] herri : she [pn] rure
sand dune [n] herri : she [pn] rure
sandbar [n] chatzala : ship [n] anctan
sandbar [n] chatzala : ship [n] anctan
Line 965: Line 965:
shamefully [adv] lotsur : sibling [n] gazan
shamefully [adv] lotsur : sibling [n] gazan
sharp [adj] jitien : sick [adj] gerwe
sharp [adj] jitien : sick [adj] gerwe
sickly [adj] gerwejen : slowly [adv] polijur
sickly [adj] gerwejen : slowly [adv] polijur
side [n] grauwus : slowness [n] poli
side [n] grauwus : slowness [n] poli
Line 986: Line 988:
sleepy [adj] loguren : soon [adv] basim
sleepy [adj] loguren : soon [adv] basim
slow [adj] polijen : sorrow [n] malcis
slow [adj] polijen : sorrow [n] malcis
sorrow (be sorry)[v] malcatu : stone [n] ched
sorrow (be sorry)[v] malcatu : stone [n] ched
soul [n] ruh : storm [n] soye
soul [n] ruh : storm [n] soye

Revision as of 17:02, 24 November 2007

by Casimont Nalbiro
Volume 1: Common to Elven


aux=auxiliary verb
dempn=demonstrative pronoun
intpn=interrogative pronoun
relpn=relative pronoun

Common to Elven


a, an [adj]         bir           : ancestor [n]        gadim        
ability [n]         ahal          : and [c]             we           
ability [n]         ucipli        : anger [n]           gahar        
able [adj]          uciplen       : anger [v]           gabatu       
abolish [v]         yatiratu      : angrily [adv]       gaharjur     
ache [v]            mintu         : angry [adj]         gaharen      
achievement [n]     aloreto       : anxiety [n]         lar          
across [prep]       ish           : apparent [adj]      agerjen      
action, deed [n]    alorato       : apparently [adv]    agerjur      
after, aft [prep]   yash          : appearance [n]      ager         
afternoon [n]       yashegun      : apple tree [n]      almalne      
ahead [prep]        solthe        : appraise [v]        aztetu       
air [n]             wins          : appraised [adj]     azten        
albatross [n]       mergo         : archer [n]          sangut       
all [adj]           inoren        : archipelago [n]     pocorto      
alley [n]           cin           : arm [n]             pereso       
allow [v]           uchman        : arrival [n]         irit         
among [prep]        gal           : arrive [v]          iritsu      
arrow [n]           cecits        
artificer [n]       sanalor       
ascension [n]       igo       
ash tree [n]        pelanne      
assassin [n]        galdo         
at [prep]           ims       


                                  : basin [n]           wobse
                                  : basket [n]          sasci 
                                  : battleaxe [n]       palta 
                                  : bay [n]             torbis 
                                  : be [v]              aman
                                  : beach [n]           cenar
                                  : beard [n]           sacgal  
                                  : beast [n]           bizar        
back direction [adv] aila         : beautiful [adj]     aulis        
backpack [n]        arca          : become [v]          jaraman      
bad [adj]           gaizen        : bed [n]             creslan      
bad luck [n]        zin           : begin [v]           bashlatu     
badger [n]          wims          : behind [prep]       izinda       
badlands [n]        yuc           : believe [v]         sinestu      
badly [adv]         gaizur        : belt [n]            gerri        
Barbarian [n]       shar          : bend [v]            tetu         
bard [n]            adar          : best [adj]          gujen        
bark (of tree) [n]  ilmis         : betray [v]          sidatu       
baron [n]           rugis         : big [adj]           handis       
baroness [n]        rugili        : birch tree [n]      berse        
barracks [n]        pelwo         : bird [n]            cimi        
bird of prey [n]    shori         : bracken [n]         gelin        
bitter [adj]        ganen         : branch [n]          shaha        
black [adj]         garen         : bread [n]           corec        
blade [n]           liscis        : bread, coarse [n]   geitce       
bless [v]           puzetu        : bread, fine [n]     aubirgo      
blood [n]           crauyo        : break [v]           puscutu      
blue [adj]          gocen         : break down [v]      hondatu      
boat [n]            shalupa       : break the law [v]   jenayatu     
bobcat [n]          paustopishic  : breath [n]          dem          
body [n]            soin          : bridge [n]          copri        
bog [n]             pleinis       : bright [adj]        ecarren      
bore [v]            aspetu        : brindled [adj]      roaban       
boredom [n]         asper         : bring [v]           acletu       
boring [adj]        asperjen      : bring together [v]  hurbildu     
boringly [adv]      asperjur      : broad [adj]         yolen        
boulder [n]         satalis       : broken [adj]        puscen       
boundary [n]        zubi          : bronze [n]          giza         
bow (archery) [n]   guti          : brook [n]           pelci        
bowman [n]          sangut        : brother [n]         dogan        
boy [n]             senar         : brotherhood [n]     moludogan    
boy, noble [n]      maldenicis    : brown [adj]         gongen
brush [n]           uzul         
bush [n]            sasi       
but [c]             emma       
butterfly [n]      pinpilinpauca     
buy [v]             erosutu      
by [prep]           oc       


                                  : center [n]          merc
                                  : central [adj]       mercen
                                  : channel [n]         suris 
                                  : charge [v]          cobratu 
                                  : cheap [adj]         groben 
                                  : cherry tree [n]     crausi
                                  : chestnut tree [n]   wimino
                                  : chieftain [n]       gerezi       
call [n]            dei           : child (common) [n]  chaga        
call [v]            deitu         : childhood [n]       zamanchaga   
calm [adj]          lasaijen      : chill [v]           uljetu       
calmly [adv]        lasaijur      : circle [n]          clemois      
can [aux]           ahalman       : clan [n]            taipa        
canyon [n]          estureito     : claw [n]            gengec       
cape [n]            catils        : clean [adj]         garbi        
capital [n]         paitag        : clean [v]           garbitu      
caravan [n]         terwen        : clear [v]           zabaldu      
cat [n]             pishic        : clearing [n]        zabal        
cave [n]            gowac         : cliff [n]           amacra       
cavern [n]          leize         : close [v]           ishitu       
cay [n]             tewis         : cloud [n]           hodei    
coastline [n]       cupsins       : correct [adj]       zuzen        
coat of arms [n]    riclis        : cost [n]            durmac       
cold [adj]          ogujen        : cougar [n]          pagta        
cold [n]            oguz          : count [v]           tulatu       
colony [n]          aul           : country [n]         watan        
color [n]           renc          : cove [n]            hiro         
colorful [adj]      rencli        : coward [n]          isagorca     
column [n]          dash          : cowardice [n]       gorca        
comb [n]            dara          : be a coward (v]     gorcaman     
comb [v]            daratu        : cowardly [adj]      gorcajen     
come [v]            eicetu        : creature [n]        belci        
comet [n]           sowuc         : creek [n]           golimban     
comfort [n]         eshret        : crest [n]           guruche      
comfortable [adj]   eshretlen     : crime [n]           jenaya       
common [adj]        ummis         : criminal [adj]      jenajen      
commoner [n]        umumi         : crocodile [n]       hach         
consider [v]        ustu          : crooked [adj]       pesten       
content [adj]       pozic         : cross [n]           zeharca      
continent [n]       maista        : cross [v]           zeharcatu    
cool [adj]          salcen        : crossroad [n]       guruyol      
corn [n]            sirne         : crow [n]            jama     
crown [n]           tach       
cry [n]             agla         
cry [v]             aglaman     
crystal [n]         ibai
cuddle [v]          hiritu    
cultivate [v]       paicotu    
current (time)[adj] yangen         
cut [n]             ebaci          
cut, split [v]      ebactu       
cypress tree [n]    garian        


                                  : dawdle [v]          politu
                                  : day [n]             egun
                                  : day after tomorrow [n]     meindegun 
                                  : day before yesterday [n]    maazcogun 
                                  : death [n]           olum
                                  : debt [n]            zor
                                  : debtor [n]          sanzor
                                  : deep [adj]          sacen
                                  : deliver [v]         etorri 
                                  : delta [n]           lurugilaya   
damage [n]          pusc          : den [n]             oibelci      
damn [v]            madaricatu    : depart [v]          heitu        
dance [v]           maztu         : departure [n]       hei          
danger [n]          howp          : depend on [v]       garashtu     
dark [adj]          undojen       : dependent [adj]     garash       
darkly [adv]        undojur       : descending [adj]    pelata       
darkness [n]        undo          : desert [n]          chol         
dash [n]            mugi          : designated [adj]    izenjen      
daughter [n]        alaba         : desk [n]            parta     
dew [n]             geza          : drink [v]           edantu       
death [n]           olum          : drum [n]            tanta        
die [v]             oluman        : dry [adj]           lehojen      
difficult [adj]     cinen         : dune [n]            herri        
dike [n]            glumbe        : Dwarf [n]           Sarce        
diligent [adj]      saijen        :                                  
direction [n]       joanto        : 
dirt [n]            zic           :         
dirty [adj]         zicen         :           
dirty [v]           zicindu       :         
discount [n]        mozut         :       
distance [n]        aburod        :        
diviner [n]         sancara       :       
do good [v]         haltu         :         
do, make [v]        alor          :         
doer of an action [n] sanberg     :          
dog [n]             zacur         :       
down [prep]         pel           :     
dragon [n]          yurugar       :          
dream [n]           amets         :      
dream [v]           ametsatu      :   


Common Elven
ear n gulac
earth n yer
east n errez
eat v walgetu
eat one's fill v puretu
eclipse n dushmal
edge n sulis
egg n paute
Elf n Ajac
Elothean n Yarajac
embrace v besarcadu
empath n alai
emperor n agaranci
empty adj hustis
end n azc
end v azcaman
enlist v agzaman
enough adj yeterlis
equator n yergerri
err v ocetu
estuary n rudale
evening n erori
ever adv escu
every adj hemme
evil n gaiz
explore v zaindu
eye n goz


                                  : fast [adj]          arinen 
                                  : father [n]          towis
                                  : fatigue [n]         necu
                                  : fear [n]            gar
                                  : fear [v]            garatu 
                                  : fee [n]             nirh
                                  : feel [v]            sentitu 
                                  : feeling [n]         senamano 
                                  : fellow [n]          yigit 
                                  : fen [n]             hapa
                                  : fertile [adj]       mes 
                                  : festival [n]        bairam 
                                  : few [adj]           gizen 
                                  : field [n]           ceuto 
                                  : fierce [adj]        penten       
falcon [n]          agins         : fight [n]           borroc       
fall [n]            udaz          : fight [v]           borrocatu    
fall [v]            udazatu       : final, last [adj]   azcen        
far (distance)[adj] urrutis       : finally, lastly [adv] azcur      
far (time) [adj]    lonis         : find [v]            aurcitu      
farm [v]            paicotu       : fire [n]            fana        
fish [n]            arrain        : forest [n]          fala         
fish [v]            arrantu       : forester [n]        sanfala      
fissure [n]         janchi        : forever [adv]       escu we escu 
flat [adj]          lasen         : fork [n]            lagun        
flatlands [n]       jemleiji      : forward [adv]       solthe       
flier [n]           sanegazat     : fountain [n]        iturri       
flood [n]           afshod        : fox [n]             tilci        
flower [n]          gul           : free [v]            ascatu       
fly [v]             hegazatu      : free (liberty)[adj] ascat        
fog [n]             duman         : free (no cost)[adj] dohaen       
fondness [n]        yali          : freedom [n]         ascatlic     
food [n]            nahar         : freeze [v]          geshemin     
fool [n]            iruzur        : friend [n]          jora         
foolish [adj]       irujen        : friendly [adj]      jorajen      
foot [n]            oin           : friendship [n]      guruljora    
foothills [n]       dizol         : from [prep]         sora         
footprint [n]       joshgun       : front [n]           igel         
forage [n]          melato        : frost [n]           ayaz         
forage [v]          meladatu      : frozen [adj]        geshemen     
forbidden [adj]     sorden        : fruit [n]           miwe         
foreigner [n]       baso          : full [adj]          meren     
fur [n]             sutuc     
furry [adj]         sutucli   
future [adv]        oyun       


                                  : glow [v]            daljatu 
                                  : Gnome [n]           Patricumbu
                                  : go [v]              joantu
                                  : goblin [n]          ipoch 
                                  : god [n]             janis        
garbage [n]         clatoi        : God bless you! [s]  bile janis   
garden [n]          sebel         : gods [n]            molujan      
gardener [n]        sansebel      : gold [n]            altan        
gate [n]            ilga          : good, well [adj]    halen        
gem [n]             zer           : goodbye [s         laiho        
gift [n]            emanto        : goodness [n]        hal          
gild [v]            altatu        : goods [n]           haritlar     
girl [n]            andra         : gorge [n]           surmec       
girl (noble) [n]    haltnica      : Gor'tog [n]         Gundogar     
give [v]            emantu        : gown [n]            lilic        
glacier [n]         lunca         : grab [v]            apurtu       
glade [n]           laino         : grace [n]           tocai        
gloom [n]           dost          : grandfather [n]     aitaita      
gloomy [adj]        dosten        : grandmother [n]     amona        
glory [n]           arin          : grasp [v]           apurtu       
glow [n]            dalja         : grass [n]           ebo      
grassland [n]       horebo           
great [adj]         dirais        
green (color) [adj] yashen       
greetings(formal) molujan bilelim          
grotto [n]          gailis       
grove [n]           alolan      
guarantee [v]       sobejad      
guard [n]           mihman      
guard [v]           mihmantu    
Guardians of Honor[n]        Opreina Moracul      
guild [n]           belarri          
guildleader [n]     sanbelar         
guildhouse [n]      tambelar      
gulch [n]           arzuw          
gulf [n]            ailag      


                                  : hand [n]            el
                                  : harvest [n]         hasil
                                  : happily [adv]       purjur
                                  : happiness [n]       pur
                                  : happy [adj]         purjen
                                  : harbor [n]          estalai
                                  : hard (difficult)[adj] cinen
                                  : hard (touch) [adj]  yowuzen
                                  : have, possess [v]   seiremin 
                                  : hawthorn tree [n]   agach
                                  : hazel tree [n]      lacsde 
                                  : he [pn]             pas
                                  : head [n]            bash
                                  : heal [v]            sagdatu
                                  : health [n]          sag
                                  : healthy [adj]       sagden 
                                  : heart [n]           carwu 
                                  : heaven [n]          ruhoi        
Halfling [n]        Cichumbu      : heir [n]            yurec        
hamlet [n]          cugis         : hello [intj]        sagdara      
hammer [n]          checich       : her [pn]            rur      
her, hers [pn]      run           : hot [adj]           alupen       
herb [n]            loira         : house [n]           jai          
here [adv]          inha          : how [adv]           pele         
hidden [adj]        gizlen        : hug [v]             besarcadu    
hide [v]            undotu        : Human [n]           Urbaj        
high [adj]          bulen         : Human [adj]         Urbajen      
highborn [adj]      cragis        : humility [n]        panno        
highlands [n]       jegiji        : hunger [n]          gos          
hill [n]            bayir         : hungrily [adv]      gosur        
hillock [n]         depe          : hungry [adj]        gosen        
him [pn]            par           : hunt [n]            sunis        
his [pn]            pasen         : hunter [n]          medies       
hold [v]            ostu          : hurricane [n]       garawul      
holder [n]          sanost        : hurt [v]            agirtu       
holy [adj]          namazata      : husband [n]         smoi         
holy man [n]        sanamazat     :                                  
home [n]            oi            : 
honor [n]           buru          :          
hope [n]            isharon       :         
hopeless [adj]      hidisharon    :         
horse [n]           zaldi         :     


Common Elven
I pn amar
ice n geshi
idea n ladis
if c eger
imminent adv masabasim
in prep ei
inanimate adj inijan
inlet n bogaz
inn, tavern n ilcan
insult n yerde
intelligent being part san
iron n burdina
island n ada
it pn ton
its pn tonen


Common Elven
jetty n ishmec
jewel n zer
jeweler n isazer
join v aratu
join v agzaman
joke n ocerc
journey n bidaya
joy n sha
joyful adj shayen
judge v aztetu
judgement n azt
judiciously adv aztur
jump n jauzi
jump v jauzi alor


Common Elven
Kaldar n Murt
kill v holutu
kind adj ornen
kiss n misu
kiss v misuman
kneel v diztetu
knife n tago
knight n waldwico
knoll n jeg
know v ezaman
knowledge n eza


Common Elven
labyrinth n slayo
lake n alcas
later adv masong
laugh v barretu
lava n doli
lead v yapratu
leader n sanyapra
learn v owrenmin
left (direction) adj chep
leg n ayac
leopard n hanca
less adj cemelen
lessen v cemelmin
let v uchman
liar n gezurchi
library n luruwede
lie n gezur
life n sari
light n arin
light (weight) adj celoen
lightning n cercorim
like v yalaman
limitless adj shonchac
linden tree n lipe
little adj licuti
live v yashaman
lizard n celpeze
long adj uzacen
long ago adv mundan ong
look for v scertu
lord n jaun
lore n singec
lose v galdu
love n maite
love v maitu
low adj nechen
lower one's eyes v tritu
luck (good) n poz
luck figure n pozremi
luckily adv pozur
lucky adj pozen


Common Elven
magic n jadi
magician n sanjad
man n ludis
manor n bulanjai
many adj noren
march v adimletu
marriage (common) n gelinaji
marriage (noble) n gelinajaun
marry v ezcondu
marsh n merhum
master n halipa
me pn ar
meadow n larre
meet v elcartu
meeting n gurul
middle n orta
midnight n wepat
mind n yat
mine pn arn
minnow n jolas
mist n wuisis
mistake n ocer
mistress n halili
moon n nedora
moor n izeba
more adj gowren
morning n ongort
mother n gemia
mountain n ond
mountain range n ondor
mouth n lomo
move v heretu
movement n here
much adj/adv cen
mudflats n sufar
mute v isiltu
my pn arn


Common Elven
name n izen
name v izentu
named adj izenjen
namely adv izenjur
narrow adj esten
nature n golai
near adj urbil
nearby adv iritur
neck n boyun
need v behar
nervously adv larjur
new adj berri
niche n yege
night n gau
no adv fau
no adj ini
noble adj ricen
nobleman n ricie
none pn fauta
noon n ortegun
nor c hisal
north n ipar
northeast n iparerrez
northwest n iparrul
nose n sudur
not adv faut
not part ini
now adv yangija
number n tula


Common Elven
oak tree n harich
oats n ruggis
ocean n dengiz
offend v gownumin
offer n teclip
old adj zaharen
Olvio n Cichumbu
on prep ohe
open v irecitu
or c sal
organize v guraman
our (exclusive) pn haronen
our (inclusive) pn aronen
out prep idi
out adv idur
outer adj iden


                                  : people [n]          umbunor 
                                  : perfect [adj]       camilen  
                                  : performance [n]     chicish 
                                  : period of time [n]  zaman 
                                  : perjurer [n]        sangezur     
part [n]            bolec         : person [n]          umbu         
partial [adj]       bolecen       : pine tree [n]       cerberse     
pass [v]            gechmin       : place [n]           luru         
passage [n]         gechelge      : plain [adj]         ganela       
passenger [n]       sangech       : plant [n]           loira        
past [adv]          ong           : plateau [n]         tai          
path [n]            rahat         : poem [n]            shigir       
patience [n]        sabir         : poet [n]            cissachi     
patient [n]         sabirli       : point [v]           plontu       
peace [n]           langa         : point [n]           scarn        
peaceful [adj]      langen        : poison [n]          zaher        
peach [n]           sherdali      : poisonous [adj]     zaherli      
peak [n]            atsolo        : poles [n]           oturgic      
pearl [n]           tuilis        : prairie [n]         aradan       
peasant [n]         daihan        : praise [n]          owgi         
peninsula [n]       bagli         : praise [v]          owmin  
prank [n]           ocerc         : Prydaen [n]         Palapishic   
pray [v]            namazatu      : puzzle [n]          zeru         
prayer [n]          namaz         :                                  
predict [v]         caratu        :  
prediction [n]      cara          :         
prepare [v]         prestatu      :       
present [adj]       iriten        :          
price [n]           baha          :       
prince [n]          tauris        :        
princess [n]        taurili       :        
prison [n]          turme         :                                  
promontory [n]      meidan        :  
promotion [n]       igowezip      :          
proof [n]           subu          :         
prophecy [n]        cara          :         
prophesy [v]        caratu        :       
prophet [n]         sancara       :    
protect [v]         babestu       :         
proud [adj]         buisen        :      
prove [v]           subuman       :         
province [n]        cendia        :    
rapids [n]          aglo          :           
rare [adj]          jinen         :          
ravine [n]          euri          :         
recently [adv]      yangi         :         
recruit [v]         agzatu        :          
red [n]             gizil         :       
reef [n]            lauca         :         
refund [n]          panju         :        
respect [n]         girame        :                                  
respect [v]         girametu
rest [n]            lasa
rest [v]            lasaitu
ridge [n]           tupeng        
right (direction)[n]  saga        
right now [adv]     mayangi       
rip [v]             usceltu       
rise [v]            igotu         
rise [v]            turman        
risen [adj]         igojen        
river [n]           ilaya         
road [n]            yol 


Common Elven
quake n laum
quality n ongaili
quarter n izar
quest n wacstan
quick adj arinen
quickly adv arinur


Common Elven
rabbit n dome
rain n derli
rain n yagin
rain v yagintu
rainbow n alemgoshar
raise, stand v anctu
Rakash n Sanzacur
ranger n alaca
rank n wezipe
robe n hac
rock n uwre
room (meeting) n wubri
room (in house) n gela
root n otag
round adj tegelen
run v aritu
rush v mugitu


                                  : sad [adj]           herajen      
                                  : sadly [adv]         herajur      
                                  : sadness [n]         hera         
                                  : sail [n]            draus        
                                  : sailor [n]          sandraus     
                                  : salt [n]            gam          
                                  : salt flats [n]      gamgin       
                                  : salt lake [n]       mulgamo      
                                  : salt marsh [n]      gamli        
                                  : salty [adj]         gamen        
                                  : sand [n]            heru    
sand dune [n]       herri         : she [pn]            rure         
sandbar [n]         chatzala      : ship [n]            anctan       
savannah [n]        laitian       : shoal [n]           culnis       
say [v]             aipatu        : shoddy [adj]        claten       
scale (anatomy) [n] marin         : shoo [v]            wifwiftu     
scorpion [n]        ocu           : shop [n]            damera       
sea [n]             asaran        : shop [v]            dameratu     
season [n]          ailar         : shore [n]           moch         
see [v]             curtaman      : short [adj]         chunen       
seek [v]            scertu        : short (time) [n]    labur        
seeker [n]          sanscer       : shout [n]           oihu         
seem [v]            agerman       : shout [v]           oihucatu     
sell [v]            satman        : shower [n]          dosha        
seller [n]          satiji        : shower [v]          doshatu      
serpent [n]         sushu         : shrine [n]          cebelec      
shallow [adj]       yuhen         : shrub [n]           udaberri     
shame [n]           lots          : shy [adj]           trisen       
shame [v]           lotsatu       : shyly [adv]         trisur       
shameful [adj]      lotsen        : shyness [n]         tris         
shamefully [adv]    lotsur        : sibling [n]         gazan        
sharp [adj]         jitien        : sick [adj]          gerwe      
sickly [adj]        gerwejen      : slowly [adv]        polijur      
side [n]            grauwus       : slowness [n]        poli         
sight [n]           nazar         : small [adj]         cichis       
silence [n]         isil          : smile [n]           yila         
silent [adj]        isiljen       : smile [v]           yilatu       
silently [adv]      isiljur       : smoke [n]           ce           
silver [n]          wir           : smooth [adj]        lasen        
silver [adj]        wiren         : smooth [v]          shenbetu     
sin [v]             gaitu         : snake [n]           sushu        
sing [v]            larestu       : snow [n]            elur         
sister [n]          shostro       : snow [v]            elurtu       
skill [n]           treb          : snuggle [v]         wirbitu      
skillful [adj]      trebejen      : soft [adj]          tancis       
skin [n]            larru         : soil [n]            gizhir       
S'Kra Mur [n]       Iscramiri     : soldier [n]         prio         
skunk [n]           dubelis       : some [adj]          cabiren      
sky [n]             asman         : son [n]             siran        
sleep [n]           lo            : song [n]            esturi       
sleep [v]           loman         : songbird [n]        pipelco      
sleepy [adj]        loguren       : soon [adv]          basim        
slow [adj]          polijen       : sorrow [n]          malcis   
sorrow (be sorry)[v] malcatu      : stone [n]           ched         
soul [n]            ruh           : storm [n]           soye         
south [n]           hego          : storyteller [n]     sanertec     
southeast [n]       hegerrez      : straight [adj]      lauwen       
southwest [n]       hegorul       : strait [n]          cartano      
speak [v]           taritu        : stream [n]          erreca       
speak the truth [v] zuzetu        : street [n]          coche        
spear [n]           celya         : strength [n]        indar        
speech [n]          aipa          : strong [adj]        assegis      
speed [n]           arin          : student [n]         sanicasi     
spell [n]           tizlic        : stumble [v]         zinetu       
spider [n]          armiarma      : summer [n]          dagis        
split, cut [v]      ebactu        : sun [n]             dafora       
spring [v]          blosu         : surf [n]            suwundan     
spring [v]          blosu         : survey [v]          zaindu       
spring season [n]   bahar         : swamp [n]           saule        
sprite [n]          gaplang       : sward [n]           mari         
stand [v]           anctatu       : swift [adj]         arinen       
star [n]            ora           : swim [v]            yuztu        
starve [v]          gosetu        : sword [n]           mahai        
steal [v]           ebatsu        : sylvan [adj]        lanen   


Common Elven
taboo adj sorden
tail n guiruc
tale n ragusto
talk v berritsu
talkative adj berrijen
tall adj bulen
tax n yadaw
teacher n sanowret
tear v usceltu
tell v contatu
temple n eliza
territory n lurralde
terror n gauza
than c nabis
that c/dempn sha
thee pn ir
their pn tonen
them pn ton
then adv song
there adv onda
they pn ton
thick adj guren
thicket n icume
thief n warnis
thin adj mehen
thine pn irn
thing n zat
think v ustu
third adj henen
this dempn shu
this instant adv masayangi
thou pn imir
thought n ladis
thunder n trumoi
thy pn irn
tidepool n saclana
tie v lotu
tiger n camyoi
till v paicotu
tiny adj cichis
tip n scarn
tired adj necujen
tiredly adv necujur
to prep aldi
toady n papinipis
today v papinipishtu
today n gaur
together adv wessis
tomorrow n indegun
tongue n dil
tor n nage
total adj jem
totally adv jemur
totem n riclis
touch v icutu
toward n uci
tracker n santarna
trade n bino
trade v binutu
trader n sanbino
tradition n galwo
trail n dap
train v geleshtu
training n geleshto
training ground n lurugelesh
tranquility n lasai
trap n gabaw
trash n clatoi
travel v siyatu
treasure n dira
tree n umshi
tribe n tire
troll n gnode
truce n moazo
true adj zuzen
truly adv zuzur
trustworthy adj agzama
truth n zuz
tunnel n shotu
tunnel v epeletu
turn n epele


Common Elven
ugly adj itsusis
unicorn n sugunjan
union n birleshic
unique adj alen
unite v birleshmin
united adj birleshen
unluckily adv zinur
unlucky adj zinen
up adv/prep arac
uprightly adv igojur
us (exclusive) pn haro
us (inclusive) pn aro
use v peidatu
useful adj peidali
usefulness n peida


Common Elven
valley n julge
very adv epe
victory n yengish
vigil n ancael
village n lagu
virtue n acetes
voice n ses
volcano n lagash


Common Elven
wall n irnan
wander v gezmetu
war n gorma
warm adj mahiren
water n su
waterfall n suwudaz
waterfront n lurugami
wave n suwundan
wave (gesture) v wuda
way n yol
we (exclusive) pn haron
we (inclusive) pn aron
wedding ceremony b gelina
wedding procession n gelinaliji
weed n otamac
weekday n astegun
weep v heratu
weeping willow n zuhaich
welcome n jaihal
well adv halur
west n rul
what relpn nime
what number? intpn nachelic
what? intpn shonime
wheat n garia
when relpn hachan
when? intpn shonhachan
where relpn taida
where? intpn shontaida
which? intpn shonhaisi
white n acen
who relpn cim
Who are you? s Shon shoncim?
who? intpn shoncim
whose adj ciming
whose? intpn shonciming
why relpn uchin
why? intpn shonuchin?
wide adj erlen
widen v erlintu
wife n helei
wilderness n dolu
wind n haize
wine n agnis
wing n ganat
winter n gish
wise adj caidis
wisely adv caidisur
witch n dresorgin
with prep darm
without part hid
wizard n sorgin
wolf n otso
woman n ela
wonder n lilu
wonder v iliutu
wonderful adj lilujen
wonderfully adv lilujur
woodland n egur
work n necu
work v necutu
worker n sanec
world n yer
worried adj larjen
worry v laretu
would aux nagoti
wrath n baitan
write v yazman
writer n yaziji
wrong adj ocerjen
wrongly adv ocerjur


Common Elven
yak n wumbaris
yellow adj saren
yes intj hawa
yesterday n azcogun
you pn irin
you pn iri
young adj gazen
your pn irinen


Common Elven
0 noc
1 elo
2 alto
3 heni
4 hul
5 hindo
6 omo
7 yedi
8 pau
9 abse
10 tar
11 tarelo
12 taralto
13 tareni
14 tarul
15 tarindo
16 taromo
17 taredi
18 tarau
19 tarabse
20 altar
30 henitar
40 hulitar
50 hindotar
60 omotar
70 yeditar
80 pautar
90 absetar
100 celle
1000 mun
2000 altomun
10000 tarimun
10011 tarimun we tarelo