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Many Swords, One Shield


Revision as of 10:57, 18 December 2007

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Many Swords, One Shield


Our Goals as an Official Order include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Promote fellowship amongst our members and the Citizens of Elanthia.

2. Defend the Province of Therengia and specifically the Town of Riverhaven during times of Invasion or War.

3. Help the general populace of the Realms by teaching, listening, healing, raising, and coming to the defense of those that cry out for our aid.

4. Sponsor Order run events open to all Citizens of the Elanthia (Flea Markets, Treasure Hunts, Pirate Hunts, Date Auctions, Parties, etc...).

5. To preserve the history and lore of Elanthia by searching and collecting all information old and new and to share this knowledge as best we can.


We, proud citizens of Elanthia, chose to found this Order of the Dragon Shield for the following reasons and purpose;

In the beginning there was just a dream, a small glint in the eyes of a few. Behind it all was such enthusiasm and determination that a spark was born. From that spark a fire was lit, and from that fire a forge was built. From our forge a shield was struck. With this shield Elanthia we'll defend.

To all those who wish to be heard and seen as an equal, to all those who seek to be part of principal better than themselves as an individual, to all those who seek to bring honor to their guild, and to all those who seek not the privilege of power but the providence of truth, here is your home!

We humble souls strive to bring a sense of honor, loyalty, truth and acceptance to our order, "The Order of the Dragon Shield." Our group stands for a basic understanding that life is diversified and has many faces. Even with such diversity we can become united in spirit with a cause that makes us much more than who we are as an individual. If our cause be right, then our spirits turn righteous and our actions honorable.

This is what we seek as a unified body of spirits who have amiable hearts. We are determined to rise up and ennoble those that are humble, empower those who are powerless, and defend the defenseless. With earnest prayer we seek the power to change ourselves to better beings. Should we, by grace, receive such power, we ask for the wisdom in application to further greater good of the Order. Always we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for the whole, and the whole is willing to sacrifice itself for the greater good of Elanthia.


In the beginning, there was only one. A paladin, a known and respected warrior of virtue, gathered

unto himself nine of his closest friends and allies. He spoke to them a dream he held close to his

heart. A dream of a organized group of close friends, adventurers, sages and poets who would come

together to protect their homes and friends, lend aid to harried souls who toil across the Realms,

and protect the weak and impoverished. The nine were inspired by the paladin's words and they swore

an oath to make his dream a reality. Truth be told, none of them knew what they had gotten themselves


Late at night, the first ten gathered around a small fire in a cozy cabin near the city of

Therenbrough. Many such nights would follow as the foundations were laid for what would become The

Order of the Dragon Shield. Naveraun, the first paladin, worked many hours with quill and ink and

parchment laying to written word the dream he held. His close friend, Devihn, noble paladin of the

Realms, spent much time working hand in hand with Naveraun. Carefully, so that Naveraun's intent was

not changed, Devihn scribed what would become our Charter.

The Ranger Purrlin, in a moment inspiration, spoke the words that became our Motto. "Many Swords, One

Shield." A humble woman of virtue, Purrlin is also responsible for the badge that we now where

proudly upon our chests.

The S'Kra healer Lys and her husband Naul the Warrior Mage spent many late nights working with the

suggestions of others to produce the Laws which bind all of the Shield. They used the guidelines set

down by the Great Mages, but nothing became Law until all had agreed upon the fairness of the Law.

Vazar the Paladin was the first to use the name Order of the Dragon Shield, a name he received from a

vision of a lone warrior defending a small child from the World Dragon with nothing more than a

battered shield.

Deathpick the Thief, Jackaltooth the Cleric and Niktoahl the Ranger came together to help protect the

members of our Order in it's early days when there were those that wished that it would not come to

be. Even though not yet a formal Order of the Realms, they roamed far and wide upholding the beliefs

of our Order. They voiced their opinions in the meetings that were held, making certain that the Laws

and Charter were written fairly for all and that not one voice went unheard.

The last of the ten, but certainly not the least, was Razzer the Bard, whose words and deeds and

expensive bar tabs spread the word to others who wished to be part of the dream of equality, freedom

for all and protection for those unable to defend themselves. Razzer brought to our small cabin

recruits both young and old, adding more voices to the chorus.

It was not easy, in those early days. No one ever said the path we chose to take would be easy, and

for good reason. If they had, we would have strung him up to dance a jig from the leafless tree.

Setbacks were more common than progress. The Great Mage Naiph worked with us, but she was a grueling

taskmaster. Rumors of scandals were spread, lives were threatened, hearts were broken and tears shed

both in sorrow and joy. But strong wills persevered and the first ten became fifteen, then twenty and

still more flocked to the banner which waved solemnly above a small house outside the city of


When the newly forged Order was ready, Naveraun stood proudly before the forty strong swords that

numbered our strength and the Shield was born. We had become an official Order, but the adventure had

only just begun. As long as there are those who share the dream, there will always be a place for

them to come together and comrades in arms to hold palaver with.

Many Swords, One Shield Written by Jackaltooth, ODS Co-Founder