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(Created page with "Items that could easily be updated, due to being available constantly. {| | ==Incomplete== {{#ask:is incomplete::trueRare item::false|format=table}} | ==Outdated== {{...")
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Revision as of 17:03, 14 July 2013

Items that could easily be updated, due to being available constantly.


Bag of plump marshmallows
Basic ritual focus (elemental)
Basic ritual focus (life)
Belt knife
Bevel-edged silver hide scraper
Black leather highwayman's hat with a braided band
Black low-brimmed hat
Bone-white acenite calling card dispenser
Carved black ironwood ring resembling a dragon coiled around a ruby rose
Celestial beacon (crafted)
Chest (crafted)
Chic gold calling card dispenser
Clippers (crafted)
Cobra tongue bundling rope
Colorful rencate calling card dispenser
Crane-etched red quartz calling card dispenser
Crisp lotus-white calling card
Crown (metal)
Dark steel calling card dispenser
Darkened ram's horn
Dragon-embossed jade green calling card
Dusky almhara calling card dispenser
Elegantly engraved diamondique calling card
Embroidery pouch
Engagement ring
Fancifully colored map of Arthe Dale
Florid pastel calling card
Gidii-shaped taupe calling card
Gilt-edged royal blue calling card
Glittering goldstone calling card dispenser
Glitzy jewel-dusted calling card
Glossy platinum-hued calling card
Half-handled riste (crafted)
Heavy fluted plate (crafted)
Herbal case (crafted)
Hide scraper with a leather-wrapped handle
High-collared Elothean silk kimono bearing the House of the Silver Star crest
Horseshoe (crafted)
House muffin
Instrument case (crafted)
Intricately carved ivory fetish charm set against an obsidian disk
Jewelry box (crafted)
Juggling pins
Large bowl
Large horseshoe (crafted)
Latchbow (crafted)
Light grey wool-lined boots with heavy leather lacings
... further results


Belt knife
Heavy fluted plate (crafted)
Latchbow (crafted)
Padded tabard (crafted)
Ring lorica (crafted)
Shield:Target shield (metal)
Small vest
Thick-bladed fan (crafted)/MB
Thick-bladed fan (crafted)/ME
War club (bone)
Weapon:Abassi (crafted)
Weapon:Adze (crafted)
Weapon:Akabo (crafted)
Weapon:Allarh (crafted)
Weapon:Arzfilt (crafted)
Weapon:Awgravet ava (crafted)
Weapon:Back-sword (crafted)
Weapon:Ball and chain (crafted)
Weapon:Bar mace (crafted)
Weapon:Bardiche (crafted)
Weapon:Baselard (crafted)
Weapon:Bastard sword (crafted)
Weapon:Battle axe (crafted)
Weapon:Belaying pin (crafted)
Weapon:Bludgeon (metal)
Weapon:Boarding axe (crafted)
Weapon:Boko (crafted)
Weapon:Bola (metal)
Weapon:Briquet (crafted)
Weapon:Cane (crafted)
Weapon:Carving knife (metal)
Weapon:Claymore (crafted)
Weapon:Club (crafted)
Weapon:Condottiere (crafted)
Weapon:Cosh (crafted)
Weapon:Cutlass (crafted)
Weapon:Dao (crafted)
Weapon:Dart (crafted)
Weapon:Double axe (crafted)
Weapon:Double-headed hammer (crafted)
Weapon:Duraka skefne (crafted)
Weapon:Elbow spikes (crafted)
Weapon:Fauchard (crafted)
Weapon:Flanged mace (crafted)
Weapon:Foil (crafted)
Weapon:Giant mallet (crafted)
Weapon:Glaive (crafted)
Weapon:Greataxe (crafted)
Weapon:Greathammer (crafted)
Weapon:Hand claws (crafted)
... further results