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Onyx, birthstone of those born in the month of Shorka the Cobra, is traditionally held to protect against the effects of poison, though few are willing to swear to its efficacy in modern times.


Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Brown 138 1,157 305 1,449 712 2,697
Brown Smoky 202 202
Cream-colored 120 585 223 381 508 1373 1,729 2,747
Cream-colored Faceted 508 508
Rust-colored 139 1,170 381 2,417 10,077 10,077
Rust-colored Faceted 915 915 279 279
Rust-colored Laced 278 278
Rust-colored Spotted 253 253 381 381
Sepia 126 1,182 253 558 558 4,831 3766 3766
Sepia Faceted 737 737
Sepia Laced 202 202 457 457
Sepia Smoky 266 266
Sepia Spotted 673 673
Taupe 138 546 253 508
Taupe Banded 305 305
Taupe Smokey 152 152 482 482
Taupe Swirled 241 241

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