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{{Store At A Glance
|Store Name = Kaleidoscopes
[The Head, Access Hatch]
|MapNumber =
The curved metal walls in this section are smooth and completely free of the decay that mars the rest of the area. The steel access hatch stands open to allow easy passage to and from the bridge, its squashed ovoid shape reminiscent of a chicken's egg. A pair of short steel-grated hallways lead toward the eyes of the giant metallic beast. You also see a battered oak shelf with some stuff on it and a steel access hatch.
|Owner = n
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, out.
|NumRooms = 1
>look on shelf
|Store Type = Miscellaneous
On the oak shelf you see a colorfully painted kaleidoscope, a glittering ruby-red kaleidoscope, a blue-tinged silver kaleidoscope, a burnished bronze kaleidoscope and a soot-streaked leather kaleidoscope.
|Fest = Holy Festival 392
>get kal
|Coin = Dokoras
A sales clerk rushes over to help you.

The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a colorfully painted kaleidoscope is 40590 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."
|roomname=The Head, Access Hatch
|desc=The curved metal walls in this section are smooth and completely free of the decay that mars the rest of the area. The steel access hatch stands open to allow easy passage to and from the bridge, its squashed ovoid shape reminiscent of a chicken's egg. A pair of short steel-grated hallways lead toward the eyes of the giant metallic beast. You also see a battered oak shelf with some stuff on it and a steel access hatch.}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the oak shelf}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|colorfully painted kaleidoscope|40590}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|glittering ruby-red kaleidoscope|}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|blue-tinged silver kaleidoscope|}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|burnished bronze kaleidoscope|}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|soot-streaked leather kaleidoscope|}}

Revision as of 20:19, 1 November 2008

Event Holy Festival 392
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Miscellaneous shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[The Head, Access Hatch]
The curved metal walls in this section are smooth and completely free of the decay that mars the rest of the area. The steel access hatch stands open to allow easy passage to and from the bridge, its squashed ovoid shape reminiscent of a chicken's egg. A pair of short steel-grated hallways lead toward the eyes of the giant metallic beast. You also see a battered oak shelf with some stuff on it and a steel access hatch.

On the oak shelf
Item Price Done
colorfully painted kaleidoscope 40590   
glittering ruby-red kaleidoscope ?   !!
blue-tinged silver kaleidoscope ?   !!
burnished bronze kaleidoscope ?   !!
soot-streaked leather kaleidoscope ?   !!