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== Pure Mana Casting ==
== Pure Mana Casting ==

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Urbaj casually observes the area.

Keendra traces an angular sigil in the air.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kentara begins to chant a mesmerizing cadence that integrates what she's being taught into easily-remembered song.

Anuril gestures.<br>
A faint pleasant breeze begins to stir.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Aerilia leans on her spear.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Buzan bows his head and chants catechisms.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Gragnel frets.

Zersha gestures.

Karthor gestures.<br>
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Karthor.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe gets a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle from inside his traveler's pack.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne gestures.

Rileos gestures.

Kethrai gestures.<br>
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Kethrai's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Keendra gestures.<br>
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali gestures.<br>
Small motes of dust and debris suddenly hang in stasis around Nevali.

Kerennya gestures.

Gragnel says to himself, "Now I am vexxed, to cast or not..."

Luna gestures.

Gragnel ponders.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Valynn gestures.<br>
Valynn's eyes dilate slightly.

Zersha gestures.<br>
Zersha's eyes dilate slightly.

Karthor gestures.<br>
A faint pleasant breeze continues to swirl around you.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan gestures.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kentara briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanted cadence seems to mold into the sounds around you.

Rileos gestures.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan bows his head and chants catechisms.

Miraena moves her hands, as if subconciously mimicing spell casting.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai gestures.

Nevali gestures.

Madigan gestures.

Zersha gestures.

Nawain shakes her head at Gragnel.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor gestures.<br>
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Karthor's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.<br>
The air around Anuril shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Shaylynne gestures.<br>
Shaylynne's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Miraena observes Asildu with fascination.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Valynn gestures.

Kentara traces an angular sigil in the air.

Unaka says to Gragnel, "They did not specifically say not to do this. But according to the Juice theory, I do not think it will go well."

Keendra traces an angular sigil in the air.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Vaerek chuckles at Miraena.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Madigan says to Gragnel, "If there is a chance to get a clan free, then I would recommend casting Father."

Illiya grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan gestures.

Miraena looks at Vaerek and blushes.

Souhei gestures.<br>
Souhei's skin flushes slightly.

Kethrai gestures.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos appears more skittish than he did a moment ago.

Karthor gestures.

Zyros gestures.<br>
The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Zyros's back.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Kerennya gestures.

Valynn stares blankly into the distance.

Vaerek gestures.<br>
The air around Vaerek shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.

Luna gestures.

Keendra gestures.<br>
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Miraena quietly says to Vaerek, "I'm afraid I can't help much in this effort."

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "I can admit that the juice and stew talk just made me a bit more confused."

Shaylynne gestures.

== The Results Begin ==

<span style="color:red">A low rumble sweeps the area, spreading outward.

Kentara gestures.

Nevali gestures.<br>
Soft beams of ambient light swirl around Nevali, covering her in a barrier of bright light.

Rileos gestures.<br>
Dark stripes form upon his skin, rippling with feral power.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Mahe raises an eyebrow.

Karthor says to Unaka, "Oy, there's a juice theory? That sounds fun."

Valynn gestures.<br>
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Allye frowns.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Nevali asks, "Already?"

Kethrai gestures.<br>
Kethrai's pupils dilate slightly.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros gestures.<br>
Zyros looks steadier.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Unaka says to Karthor, "Yeah. I think every theory should be in the form of food."

Rileos frowns.

Kethrai says, "That didn't take long to get attention."

Karthor gestures.<br>
Karthor's skin flushes slightly.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos gestures.<br>
Rileos flexes his hands as his fingernails extend into razor-like claws.

Rileos says, "That was...extremely fast."

Karthor grins at Unaka.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "Your sacrifice and knowledge is most helpfull."

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha roars and draws her arms back.<br>
A dark, transparent blue glow ripples down her arms, crackling with the muted growl of a bear as it shapes itself into two large claws.

Shaylynne gestures.<br>
Shaylynne appears more skittish than she did a moment ago.

Miraena beams at Vaerek!

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Karthor gestures.<br>
Karthor breaks out into a sweat.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "I normally like food and drinks, but that whole discussion made me want to fast."

Luna gestures.<br>
Several motes of starlight appear before colliding in a brilliant flash of crystalline mist!

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.<br>
A glowing amber mist briefly appears around Anuril's arms.

Valynn gestures.<br>
Valynn's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Kethrai's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.

Karthor gestures.<br>
Karthor looks a bit dizzy for a moment.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.<br>
The faint roar emanating from Anuril's forearms suddenly ceases.<br>
A muted roar begins to emanate from Anuril's arms.

Kentara raises her voice in a sharp rhythm that seems to thrum through the air.

Nevali gestures.

Trajan folds his arms across his chest.

Zersha gestures.<br>
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Sofina says, "I imagine it doesnt take much of looking or sensing a huge influx of magic in one particular area."

Shaylynne gestures.<br>
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Vaerek gestures.

Rileos gestures.<br>
Rileos's eyes dilate slightly.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Mahe searches around for a moment.

<span style="color:red">The air feels charged, a gentle prickle playing along your neck.

Nevali scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Madigan gestures.<br>
A dull orange glow settles around him.

Zersha rubs her neck.

Kethrai gestures.

Kethrai closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

Saragos frowns.

Rileos shudders.

Sofina rubs her neck.

Gragnel rubs his neck.

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Aerilia shifts her weight.

Hebion moves into position to cover Zersha from harm.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Rileos gestures.<br>
Rileos's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Asildu smiles.

Valynn joins Madigan's group.

Saragos says, "Here we go."

Miraena shivers.

Kentara briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanting intensifies. The skipping, sparkling rhythm entices the air to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun.

Zynell stands up.

Karthor gestures.<br>
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Karthor.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe folds his arms across his chest.

Zersha gestures.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Valynn!

Nawain rubs her neck.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

(Allye stands back and watches the proceedings warily, her eyes trained cautiously upon Asildu every so often.)

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Kentara traces an angular sigil in the air.

Madigan gestures.<br>
A faint silvery aura glistens around Madigan.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos flourishes his Imperial spear about in a butterfly pattern.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Vaerek gestures.<br>
Soft beams of ambient light swirl around Vaerek, covering him in a barrier of bright light.

Gragnel stands near Zynell.

Valynn gestures.<br>
Valynn's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe puts his whip in his traveler's pack.

Kethrai gestures.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.<br>
Raw energies rupture near Kethrai, leaving him looking pale and drained.<br>
A strong mana surge slowly makes its way to the northwest, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

Mahe gets a kertig greatsword from inside his diamond-hide sheath.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali gestures.

Luna gestures.

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Anuril gazes off to the northwest.

Asildu appears to be listening intently for something.

Mistanna gestures.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Zersha gestures.<br>
Zersha's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Rileos gestures.<br>
Rileos's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Tirost moves over to guard Aerilia.

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Shaylynne gestures.

Shaylynne flexes her hands as her fingernails extend into razor-like claws.

Valynn gestures.

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Karthor gestures.<br>
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Karthor's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Gragnel says to Zynell, "If I die, I'm counting on you to talk to Damaris for me."

Unaka says, "Idea is that the pure mana casting is a kind of juice that someone likes to drink lots of."

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Miraena inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Kentara gestures.

Kethrai says, "Took longer to get one of those than I thought."

Zynell grins at Gragnel.

A strong mana surge slowly makes its way into the area, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

Unaka says, "The sorcerous casting seems like it changes the flavor to something they don't like. Wild Magic comes from the cup being too low. Sorcerous casting fills a lot, pure mana a little and is stolen. So we need lots of sorcerous."

Elizzibiana's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around her.

Urbaj concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on his face.<br>
A strong mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Karthor gestures.<br>
Karthor closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

A crash of shattering glass echoes through the area. You are overcome by a sense of wrongness.

Kethrai sighs.

Vaerek gestures.

Aerilia's darkened eyes return to normal.

Shaylynne blinks.

Kethrai gestures at Anuril.

Madigan seems to lose some of his verve.

Kerennya gestures.

Shaylynne closes her eyes, focusing on something.

Nevali points at Karthor and blames him for all her problems.

Unaka says, "Least, that's what I got from Valenal."

Kethrai recites:

"All right, one roisan pause."

Kerennya grumbles.

<span style="color:red">A series of *pops* crackle across the air.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Illiya casually observes the area.

Madigan gazes up at the sky.

Allye flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Vaerek says, "It might help to make sure your spells are fully prepped before casting."

Valynn gestures.

Kerennya glances up at the sky.

Rileos glances up at the sky.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "Wow. That was so much clearer just now in a few words than that whole night of talking."

Shaylynne scratches her head.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Asildu says, "You are doing well."

Asildu nods.

Unaka stares over at Asildu warily.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Gragnel.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

<span style="color:red">A voice roars "Finally, you listen! There may be hope for you yet." and you feel as though you were parched and can drink deep. You cannot recall what the voice sounded like, though it echoes all arond you.

<span style="color:red">A voice gently says "We will weather these storms, and they will always be part of this land." and you feel strangely confident, though you are unsure why.

Madigan quietly says, "And, make sure you are casting your buff spells. I am guessing this is going to get spicey."

Unaka says to Gragnel, "Truffenyi tasked me with understanding."

Vaerek gestures.

Nawain narrows her eyes.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Zersha gestures.<br>
Zersha's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Miraena beams!

Souhei gestures.<br>
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Souhei's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Rileos frowns.

Luna nods to Nawain.

Aerilia slowly empties her lungs.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Kerennya narrows her eyes.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Vaerek grins at Miraena.

Nevali gestures.

Madigan asks Asildu, "You going to keep your end of the bargain now?"

Kethrai quirks one ear sideways in confusion.

<span style="color:red">Separate and pure, light green and blue hues course along the air.

Illiya rubs her left arm.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Asildu says to Madigan, "I am a man of my word."

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha gazes down at the ground.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Sofina rubs her hands together.

Eyst groans.

Madigan grunts at Asildu.

Karthor casually observes the area.

Sofina rubs her abdomen.

Luna stands near Madigan.

Hebion rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.

Vaerek says, "Uh oh."

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

<span style="color:red">The wind begins to howl.

Kethrai gestures.<br>
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Kethrai's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Tirost frowns.

Shaylynne closes her eyes, focusing on something.

Valynn quietly says to herself, "That voice."

Nawain sniffs the air around her.

Asildu says to Madigan, "Remember, though. I can't promise they will respond. I can only promise to ask."

Unaka frowns.

<span style="color:red">You feel queasy for an odd moment, as though you are on rough seas. Everything feels extremely chaotic, and you fight a wave of nausea!

Luna nods to Valynn.

Sothios shakes his head.

Saragos snorts, loudly.

Madigan nods to Asildu.

Nawain shudders.

Zersha blanches.

Allye shudders.

A pained expression crosses Aerilia's face.

Rileos blanches.

Kethrai wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Sothios chuckles.

A pained expression crosses Unaka's face.

Rileos says, "Dislike that."

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Karthor wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Ruea blinks.

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air.

Kethrai says, "Uhh."

Vaerek steeples his fingers together and gestures.

Rileos gestures.

Kerennya gestures.

Kerennya takes a deep breath, looking serene and determined.

Aerilia says, "The scales tipped in the wrong direction."

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Unaka says, "Doesn't feel good."

Aerilia frowns.

<span style="color:red">Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

Kerennya takes a deep breath.

Allye blinks.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Eyst says, "Not at all."

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

<span style="color:red">A hooded figure in darkest midnight black stands before you holding a tall staff that crackles with energies. You cannot see his face, though you hear a menacing growl as a huge black wolf steps forward, teeth bared, hackles raised. The dog barks, furious and menacing, and the figure turns away from you. Both vanish.

Vaerek scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Illiya ponders.

<span style="color:red">You hear Him, discouraging you from this course of action. You empower Them, and They work against Us, against everything, they will burn this place to ash and start anew. You must do what is necessary, for all of Us.

Trajan frowns.

Unaka scowls.

Rileos nods.

Kethrai frowns.

Luna says, "I cannot support this."

Asildu frowns.

Nawain stands up.

Saragos nods.

Mistanna frowns.

Tirost glances at Kethrai.

Aerilia nods.

Karthor scratches his head and looks around with a confused expression.

Rileos says, "That's all I needed to hear."

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Trajan nods to Luna.

Unaka slowly exclaims, "Empower them... The Immortals are displeased!"

Kerennya says, "I think I've done as much as I can."

Allye nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Eyst glances at Asildu.

Miraena sighs.

Miraena shakes her head.

(Aerilia murmurs a queit prayer to Meraud.)

Vaerek says to Unaka, "But not all of them."

Luna asks Madigan, "What do you think?"

Rileos gazes up at the sky.

== The Duel ==

Revision as of 00:18, 14 September 2024

Pure Mana Party
Event Date: 09/13/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 144 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.


[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied. You also see a stone seat, a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sleeping, an azure poplar tree, a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood and a pile of blue irises. Also here: Tezirite Luna, Intern Souhei, Stellar Statistician Urbaj who is blurred by hazy afterimages, Risaro, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Lord Knight Hebion, Ruea, Roughneck Rileos, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Novus Nevali, Mageling Aerilia who is sitting, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Cateress Allye, Sir Madigan, Sothios who is engulfed by a tsunami of cerulean light, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is sitting, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who has a fiery visage, Enelne's Repent Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Druid Zyros, Biomancer Karthor, Valynn, Stargazer Mistanna who is being harassed by an intrigue of phantasmal kittens, Vaerek, Sofina, Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Musical Enthusiast Kentara, Reverend Gragnel, Desert Dancer Zersha and Heart Tender Kethrai.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nawain gives Rileos a slight nod.

Luna bows to Madigan.

Zersha looks at Sofina, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Ezerak hugs Ysilda, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Nawain.

Kethrai recites:

   "Valenal, a messenger of sorts of the Elemental Planes, has said that the cause of the wild magic is that something out there is stealing magical energy from our plane, but steals only pure mana and not sorcery."

Ysilda hugs Ezerak, getting a smile in return.

Luna says to Nawain, "Hello there."

Nawain waves to Luna.

Nawain smiles at Luna.

Luna smiles at Nawain.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Eyst casually observes the area.

Shaylynne scans the area briefly.

Luna smiles at Allye.

Kethrai recites:

   "Previous attempts have been made to cast huge amounts of sorcery, collected in one place. The result of those attempts has been incurring the wrath of the Heralds, but also a feeling of increased stability afterwards."

Allye nods amiably at Luna.

Allye grins at Luna.

Ruea just nudged Rileos.

Luna bows to Anuril.

Kethrai recites:

   "The messengers for the Heralds claim the stability is due to the Heralds' reaction to us. Valenal claims it's evidence that sorcery is stabilizing the plane as he said."

Tirost nods to Nawain.

Rileos glances at Ruea.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Kethrai.

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.

Mistanna waves to Saragos.

Kerennya smiles at Saragos.

Luna hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Luna with a warm smile.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Kethrai recites:

   "Hopefully, today we'll learn something new. Whether large amounts of native casting will also have a stabilizing effect... or won't."

Nawain takes a bite of the sandwich.

Vaerek nods to Saragos.

Nawain takes a sip of her tea.

Valynn tips her balaclava to Saragos with a courteous nod.

Aerilia gives a slight nod.

Allye gives Kethrai a slight nod.

Zersha slowly empties her lungs.

Madigan says, "Asildu also said he would petition to release one of the clans if this happened."

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Nawain gazes at Kethrai.

Kethrai nods to Madigan.

Rileos offers Ruea a long hazy purple cigarillo printed with bronze swirls.

Keendra just arrived.

Nawain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

* Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Aerilia stands up.

Allye nods to Madigan.

Luna waves to Tirost.

Kethrai recites:

   "When I ask you to begin, I'd like you to cast as many of your native domain of spells as possible, with as much mana as you can manage."

Tirost bows to Luna.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Luna smiles.

Shaylynne smiles at Unaka.

Zersha smiles at Unaka, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Tirost smiles.

Mistanna waves to Unaka.

Kerennya waves to Unaka.

Nawain smiles at Unaka.

Rileos nods to Unaka.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Messenger Miraena just arrived, leading her group.

Kethrai bows to Unaka.

Luna bows to Saragos.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Unaka.

Tirost waves to Unaka.

Shaylynne beams at Illiya!

Karthor waves to Unaka.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Unaka.

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Karthor waves to Miraena.

Nawain takes a bite of the sandwich.

Unaka waves.

Shaylynne waves to Miraena.

Zersha waves to Miraena.

Kethrai smiles at Miraena.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Shaylynne waves to Asildu.

Luna bows to Unaka.

Nawain takes a sip of her tea.

Kerennya waves to Miraena.

Zersha nods to Asildu.

Kethrai bows to Asildu.

Aerilia waves to Unaka.

Kerennya waves to Asildu.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Nawain gets a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels from inside her slender rugursora.

Illiya hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Miraena nods.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Miraena.

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Nawain reverently lays her prayer mat at her feet, smoothing out its corners.

Luna nods politely to Asildu.

Kethrai says, "Ah... thank you all for coming."

Eyst looks over Miraena very closely.

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Nawain sits down on the prayer mat.

Asildu nods politely to those assembled.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Vaerek grins at Kethrai.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Asildu.

Death's Messenger Buzan just arrived.

Eyst nods politely to Miraena.

Kethrai says, "We were just about to get to the main event."

Valynn grins at Buzan.

Luna nods politely to Miraena.

Kentara gestures.

Buzan grins at Valynn.

Miraena smiles at Kethrai.

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

Luna bows to Illiya.

Kethrai recites:

   "My recommendation is for you to cast a wide variety of spells, to ensure there is no influence from favoring one pattern over another. But please. Cast no sorcery, cast no spells outside your domain."

Illiya just hugged Luna.

Shaylynne nods to Kethrai.

Zersha nods to Kethrai.

Gragnel waves to Unaka.

Luna hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Karthor nods.

Gerrah just arrived.

Shaylynne cracks her knuckles.

Rileos grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "It's me Gragnel, down here."

Kerennya asks, "What about AP spells? A re those legal?"

Unaka blinks.

Gerrah goes northwest.

Kethrai says, "Empaths, please TOUCH the POPLAR TREE if you'd like to share attunement for this."

Unaka fixes Gragnel with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Gragnel.

Unaka says to Gragnel, "Hey there."

Zersha giggles at Gragnel.

Kethrai asks Asildu, "I suspect Analogous Pattern spells would act as if they're native mana domain?"

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Asildu nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai nods.

Brutish Miscreant Mahe just arrived.

Kethrai says, "Analogous Pattern spells are fine."

Kerennya nods.

Rileos hugs Mistanna, who wraps her arms around Rileos with a warm smile.

Mistanna hugs Rileos, getting a smile in return.

Kethrai asks, "Unaka, Miraena, or Asildu, are there any words you'd like to offer before we start?"

The sun nears the far horizon as the clear blue sky deepens into a rich indigo.

Gragnel asks, "Oh, we weren't supposed to start yet?"

Zersha giggles at Gragnel.

Karthor chuckles.

Kethrai laughs!

Miraena says, "I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has attended this."

Miraena smiles.

Ruea smiles at Miraena.

Allye rubs her left arm.

Unaka folds her arms across her chest.

Vaerek smiles at Miraena.

Luna bows to Ruea.

Unaka slowly says, "I am here to see what happens."

Kerennya nods to Miraena.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Kerennya says to Unaka, "Me too."

Saragos nods to Unaka.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Allye nods to Unaka.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "I would simply offer my thanks for listening and agreeing to try."

Mahe nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena says, "It has been a very hard road discussing sorcery with adventurers, and this shows that some of you are able to focus on the immediate needs of what needs to be done."

Miraena nods.

Saragos says, "Not going to cast, but I'll watch the outcome."

Urbaj nods to Eyst.

Unaka says, "The Immortals have spoken clearly now. I believe They wish for sorcery. So I will want to know what happens here."

Rileos says to Unaka, "Can't know till ya try."

Luna bows to Mahe.

Rileos nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Mahe gives Luna a slight nod.

Kethrai says, "All right, in that case..."

Gragnel ponders.

Kethrai recites:

   "Let's begin casting."

Pure Mana Casting

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Urbaj casually observes the area.

Keendra traces an angular sigil in the air.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kentara begins to chant a mesmerizing cadence that integrates what she's being taught into easily-remembered song.

Anuril gestures.
A faint pleasant breeze begins to stir.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Aerilia leans on her spear.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Buzan bows his head and chants catechisms.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Gragnel frets.

Zersha gestures.

Karthor gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Karthor.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe gets a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle from inside his traveler's pack.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne gestures.

Rileos gestures.

Kethrai gestures.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Kethrai's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Keendra gestures.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali gestures.
Small motes of dust and debris suddenly hang in stasis around Nevali.

Kerennya gestures.

Gragnel says to himself, "Now I am vexxed, to cast or not..."

Luna gestures.

Gragnel ponders.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Valynn gestures.
Valynn's eyes dilate slightly.

Zersha gestures.
Zersha's eyes dilate slightly.

Karthor gestures.
A faint pleasant breeze continues to swirl around you.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan gestures.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kentara briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanted cadence seems to mold into the sounds around you.

Rileos gestures.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan bows his head and chants catechisms.

Miraena moves her hands, as if subconciously mimicing spell casting.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai gestures.

Nevali gestures.

Madigan gestures.

Zersha gestures.

Nawain shakes her head at Gragnel.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor gestures.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Karthor's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.
The air around Anuril shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Shaylynne gestures.
Shaylynne's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Miraena observes Asildu with fascination.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Valynn gestures.

Kentara traces an angular sigil in the air.

Unaka says to Gragnel, "They did not specifically say not to do this. But according to the Juice theory, I do not think it will go well."

Keendra traces an angular sigil in the air.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Vaerek chuckles at Miraena.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Madigan says to Gragnel, "If there is a chance to get a clan free, then I would recommend casting Father."

Illiya grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Buzan gestures.

Miraena looks at Vaerek and blushes.

Souhei gestures.
Souhei's skin flushes slightly.

Kethrai gestures.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Rileos gestures. Rileos appears more skittish than he did a moment ago.

Karthor gestures.

Zyros gestures.
The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Zyros's back.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Kerennya gestures.

Valynn stares blankly into the distance.

Vaerek gestures.
The air around Vaerek shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.

Luna gestures.

Keendra gestures.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Miraena quietly says to Vaerek, "I'm afraid I can't help much in this effort."

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "I can admit that the juice and stew talk just made me a bit more confused."

Shaylynne gestures.

The Results Begin

A low rumble sweeps the area, spreading outward.

Kentara gestures.

Nevali gestures.
Soft beams of ambient light swirl around Nevali, covering her in a barrier of bright light.

Rileos gestures.
Dark stripes form upon his skin, rippling with feral power.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Mahe raises an eyebrow.

Karthor says to Unaka, "Oy, there's a juice theory? That sounds fun."

Valynn gestures.
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Allye frowns.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Nevali asks, "Already?"

Kethrai gestures.
Kethrai's pupils dilate slightly.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros gestures.
Zyros looks steadier.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Unaka says to Karthor, "Yeah. I think every theory should be in the form of food."

Rileos frowns.

Kethrai says, "That didn't take long to get attention."

Karthor gestures.
Karthor's skin flushes slightly.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos flexes his hands as his fingernails extend into razor-like claws.

Rileos says, "That was...extremely fast."

Karthor grins at Unaka.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "Your sacrifice and knowledge is most helpfull."

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha roars and draws her arms back.
A dark, transparent blue glow ripples down her arms, crackling with the muted growl of a bear as it shapes itself into two large claws.

Shaylynne gestures.
Shaylynne appears more skittish than she did a moment ago.

Miraena beams at Vaerek!

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Karthor gestures.
Karthor breaks out into a sweat.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "I normally like food and drinks, but that whole discussion made me want to fast."

Luna gestures.
Several motes of starlight appear before colliding in a brilliant flash of crystalline mist!

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.
A glowing amber mist briefly appears around Anuril's arms.

Valynn gestures.
Valynn's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Kethrai's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.

Karthor gestures.
Karthor looks a bit dizzy for a moment.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Anuril gestures.
The faint roar emanating from Anuril's forearms suddenly ceases.
A muted roar begins to emanate from Anuril's arms.

Kentara raises her voice in a sharp rhythm that seems to thrum through the air.

Nevali gestures.

Trajan folds his arms across his chest.

Zersha gestures.
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Sofina says, "I imagine it doesnt take much of looking or sensing a huge influx of magic in one particular area."

Shaylynne gestures.
Dark stripes form upon her skin, rippling with feral power.

Vaerek gestures.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos's eyes dilate slightly.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Mahe searches around for a moment.

The air feels charged, a gentle prickle playing along your neck.

Nevali scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Madigan gestures.
A dull orange glow settles around him.

Zersha rubs her neck.

Kethrai gestures.

Kethrai closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

Saragos frowns.

Rileos shudders.

Sofina rubs her neck.

Gragnel rubs his neck.

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Aerilia shifts her weight.

Hebion moves into position to cover Zersha from harm.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Asildu smiles.

Valynn joins Madigan's group.

Saragos says, "Here we go."

Miraena shivers.

Kentara briefly spreads her arms outward as her chanting intensifies. The skipping, sparkling rhythm entices the air to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun.

Zynell stands up.

Karthor gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Karthor.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe folds his arms across his chest.

Zersha gestures.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Valynn!

Nawain rubs her neck.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

(Allye stands back and watches the proceedings warily, her eyes trained cautiously upon Asildu every so often.)

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Kentara traces an angular sigil in the air.

Madigan gestures.
A faint silvery aura glistens around Madigan.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos flourishes his Imperial spear about in a butterfly pattern.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Vaerek gestures.
Soft beams of ambient light swirl around Vaerek, covering him in a barrier of bright light.

Gragnel stands near Zynell.

Valynn gestures.
Valynn's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Karthor gestures.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Mahe puts his whip in his traveler's pack.

Kethrai gestures.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
Raw energies rupture near Kethrai, leaving him looking pale and drained.
A strong mana surge slowly makes its way to the northwest, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

Mahe gets a kertig greatsword from inside his diamond-hide sheath.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Nevali gestures.

Luna gestures.

Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.

Anuril gazes off to the northwest.

Asildu appears to be listening intently for something.

Mistanna gestures.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Zersha gestures.
Zersha's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Tirost moves over to guard Aerilia.

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Shaylynne gestures.

Shaylynne flexes her hands as her fingernails extend into razor-like claws.

Valynn gestures.

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Karthor gestures.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Karthor's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Gragnel says to Zynell, "If I die, I'm counting on you to talk to Damaris for me."

Unaka says, "Idea is that the pure mana casting is a kind of juice that someone likes to drink lots of."

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Miraena inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Kentara gestures.

Kethrai says, "Took longer to get one of those than I thought."

Zynell grins at Gragnel.

A strong mana surge slowly makes its way into the area, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

Unaka says, "The sorcerous casting seems like it changes the flavor to something they don't like. Wild Magic comes from the cup being too low. Sorcerous casting fills a lot, pure mana a little and is stolen. So we need lots of sorcerous."

Elizzibiana's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around her.

Urbaj concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on his face.
A strong mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Karthor gestures.
Karthor closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

A crash of shattering glass echoes through the area. You are overcome by a sense of wrongness.

Kethrai sighs.

Vaerek gestures.

Aerilia's darkened eyes return to normal.

Shaylynne blinks.

Kethrai gestures at Anuril.

Madigan seems to lose some of his verve.

Kerennya gestures.

Shaylynne closes her eyes, focusing on something.

Nevali points at Karthor and blames him for all her problems.

Unaka says, "Least, that's what I got from Valenal."

Kethrai recites:

   "All right, one roisan pause."

Kerennya grumbles.

A series of *pops* crackle across the air.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Illiya casually observes the area.

Madigan gazes up at the sky.

Allye flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Vaerek says, "It might help to make sure your spells are fully prepped before casting."

Valynn gestures.

Kerennya glances up at the sky.

Rileos glances up at the sky.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "Wow. That was so much clearer just now in a few words than that whole night of talking."

Shaylynne scratches her head.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Asildu says, "You are doing well."

Asildu nods.

Unaka stares over at Asildu warily.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Gragnel.

Souhei assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

A voice roars "Finally, you listen! There may be hope for you yet." and you feel as though you were parched and can drink deep. You cannot recall what the voice sounded like, though it echoes all arond you.

A voice gently says "We will weather these storms, and they will always be part of this land." and you feel strangely confident, though you are unsure why.

Madigan quietly says, "And, make sure you are casting your buff spells. I am guessing this is going to get spicey."

Unaka says to Gragnel, "Truffenyi tasked me with understanding."

Vaerek gestures.

Nawain narrows her eyes.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Zersha gestures.
Zersha's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Miraena beams!

Souhei gestures.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Souhei's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Rileos frowns.

Luna nods to Nawain.

Aerilia slowly empties her lungs.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Kerennya narrows her eyes.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

Vaerek grins at Miraena.

Nevali gestures.

Madigan asks Asildu, "You going to keep your end of the bargain now?"

Kethrai quirks one ear sideways in confusion.

Separate and pure, light green and blue hues course along the air.

Illiya rubs her left arm.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Asildu says to Madigan, "I am a man of my word."

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zersha gazes down at the ground.

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Sofina rubs her hands together.

Eyst groans.

Madigan grunts at Asildu.

Karthor casually observes the area.

Sofina rubs her abdomen.

Luna stands near Madigan.

Hebion rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.

Vaerek says, "Uh oh."

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

The wind begins to howl.

Kethrai gestures.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Kethrai's body like thick honey before thinning out.

Tirost frowns.

Shaylynne closes her eyes, focusing on something.

Valynn quietly says to herself, "That voice."

Nawain sniffs the air around her.

Asildu says to Madigan, "Remember, though. I can't promise they will respond. I can only promise to ask."

Unaka frowns.

You feel queasy for an odd moment, as though you are on rough seas. Everything feels extremely chaotic, and you fight a wave of nausea!

Luna nods to Valynn.

Sothios shakes his head.

Saragos snorts, loudly.

Madigan nods to Asildu.

Nawain shudders.

Zersha blanches.

Allye shudders.

A pained expression crosses Aerilia's face.

Rileos blanches.

Kethrai wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Sothios chuckles.

A pained expression crosses Unaka's face.

Rileos says, "Dislike that."

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Karthor wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Ruea blinks.

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air.

Kethrai says, "Uhh."

Vaerek steeples his fingers together and gestures.

Rileos gestures.

Kerennya gestures.

Kerennya takes a deep breath, looking serene and determined.

Aerilia says, "The scales tipped in the wrong direction."

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Unaka says, "Doesn't feel good."

Aerilia frowns.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

Kerennya takes a deep breath.

Allye blinks.

Mistanna whispers softly as her words are carried away by an errant breeze.

Eyst says, "Not at all."

Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Zyros traces a careful sigil in the air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

A hooded figure in darkest midnight black stands before you holding a tall staff that crackles with energies. You cannot see his face, though you hear a menacing growl as a huge black wolf steps forward, teeth bared, hackles raised. The dog barks, furious and menacing, and the figure turns away from you. Both vanish.

Vaerek scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Illiya ponders.

You hear Him, discouraging you from this course of action. You empower Them, and They work against Us, against everything, they will burn this place to ash and start anew. You must do what is necessary, for all of Us.

Trajan frowns.

Unaka scowls.

Rileos nods.

Kethrai frowns.

Luna says, "I cannot support this."

Asildu frowns.

Nawain stands up.

Saragos nods.

Mistanna frowns.

Tirost glances at Kethrai.

Aerilia nods.

Karthor scratches his head and looks around with a confused expression.

Rileos says, "That's all I needed to hear."

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Trajan nods to Luna.

Unaka slowly exclaims, "Empower them... The Immortals are displeased!"

Kerennya says, "I think I've done as much as I can."

Allye nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Eyst glances at Asildu.

Miraena sighs.

Miraena shakes her head.

(Aerilia murmurs a queit prayer to Meraud.)

Vaerek says to Unaka, "But not all of them."

Luna asks Madigan, "What do you think?"

Rileos gazes up at the sky.

The Duel