Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08182024/Asildu Visits the Silver Eye: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure. [General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Hmm. Where might one find a good drink in this city of... Shard?" [General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "Silver Eye or Milene's Rose" [General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "lots of places...that bar, the other bar...the sewers" You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again. [General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "best wine is Frostgrape from the range...")
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| Asildu Visits the Silver Eye
| Event Date: 08/18/2024
| Event Instance: Prime

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.
* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Revision as of 23:11, 18 August 2024

Asildu Visits the Silver Eye
Event Date: 08/18/2024
Event Instance: Prime
  • Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Hmm. Where might one find a good drink in this city of... Shard?"

[General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "Silver Eye or Milene's Rose"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "lots of places...that bar, the other bar...the sewers"

You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

[General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "best wine is Frostgrape from the ranger area outside lang"

[General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "best towards theren"

[General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "then towards theren even"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "You drink in the sewers?"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "don't judge..."

[General] Your mind hears Stelling thinking, "Silver Eye gets my vote always when on that side of the river"

[General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "oh heck no, I cant go into the area for it, not a ranger but have had it afore"

[General] Your mind hears Trynni thinking, "from they area only in some ironwood trees, good eats too"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "I will have to find this... Silver Eye, then."

[Silver Eye, Meeting Room]
Dominating the room is a large circular table covered with a pale silk cloth. Smokewood chairs with plush seats encircle the table and a small obsidian bar rests against the back wall. The thick scent of Elven wine permeates the air from the nearby bar and flickering candle lights cast shadows around the room. You also see a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth with several things on it.

Belzor smiles.

Asildu says, "Hmm. Interesting."

Belzor gestures at a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth.

Zersha points at an obsidian bar.

Asildu leans casually on his walking stick.

Life Weaver Ysilda just arrived.

Belzor asks, "Would any of these interest you?"

Ysilda curtsies.

Ysilda blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Belzor nods politely to Ysilda.

Ysilda says, "I hope I'm not intruding."

Zersha smiles at Ysilda, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zersha says, "I don't think so."

Belzor says, "It is an open area, of course not."

Belzor smiles.

Asildu says, "Not at all."

Belzor says, "I prefer more company."

Zersha says, "It keeps him safe from me."

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne just arrived.

Zersha looks at Belzor, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Zersha giggles.

Belzor says, "Well, you are a special sort."

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Zersha nods at Belzor, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu observes the beverages with a critical eye.

Zersha says to Belzor, "Special and adorable."

Zersha hums cheerfully to herself.

Belzor sarcastically says to Zersha, "Says you."

Belzor smirks.

Belzor chortles softly at some secret joke.

Asildu asks, "Any suggestions on these... drinks?"

Zersha laughs at Belzor.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Zersha says to Belzor, "Other people agree with me."

Zersha sticks her tongue out at Belzor.

Shaylynne says to Asildu, "The tequila."

Raising her Crystal Tequila to Asildu, Shaylynne gives him a toast.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Tequila.

Zersha says to Asildu, "I like the teas but it is awfully cold so they help warm me."

Belzor says to Zersha, "And some I am sure agree with me, not sure how many, but I hope some."

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu says to Shaylynne, "Even I know to beware that beverage."

Belzor chortles softly at some secret joke.

Belzor says, "Well, let's see...."

Zersha asks Belzor, "Are you saying I'm not adorable?"

Zersha gasps at Belzor!

Belzor puts his talisman in his talisman pouch.

Shaylynne grins crookedly.

Belzor offers Asildu a frosted glass of Ilithi Sunrise topped with a frilly paper umbrella.

Asildu accepts Belzor's Ilithi Sunrise.

Asildu nods to Belzor.

Belzor says, "Perhaps something colorful to start."

Belzor says, "Something to match this adorable elf."

Asildu says, "Yes. Colorful, indeed."

Belzor gestures at Zersha.

Zersha giggles at Belzor.

Asildu sniffs at a frosted glass of Ilithi Sunrise topped with a frilly paper umbrella.

Zersha quietly says to Belzor, "I knew you liked me."

Zersha leans on Belzor.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Godspeaker Harsh's group just arrived.

Valynn pats Harsh on the back.

Harsh smiles.

Zersha smiles at Valynn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Belzor pats Zersha on the back.

Harsh tips his blob to Asildu with a courteous nod.

Valynn grins at Zersha.

Asildu nods to Harsh.

Belzor says to Zersha, "Only if you have coffee."

Zersha says to Valynn, "We meet again."

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Zersha giggles.

Harsh takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Harsh seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Valynn gets a mug of strongly-brewed dark roast coffee from inside a little mossy green lunchbox painted with the portrait of Vorclaf.

Harsh quietly says, "The area is blessed. It is safer from the effects of wild mana."

Harsh smiles.

Belzor asks Asildu, "So, what brings you to Shard?"

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Zersha says, "Do I have coffee..."

Valynn grins at Zersha.

Belzor peers quizzically at Zersha.

Shaylynne says to Asildu, "Yes, this is a bit further South than I've seen you before."

Shaylynne nods to Belzor.

Asildu says to Belzor, "I came here once before and found the crowd of interest. I thought it might be a good change in scenery yet again."

Zersha gets a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace from inside a glowing rainbow eddy ensnared within a tangle of sungold dewberry brambles.

Zersha pulls a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace out of a picnic basket, setting her basket aside as as she shakes out the cloth and lays it out upon the ground.

Zersha puts her coffee in her encompassing shadows.

Zersha gathers up a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace and all the food it holds, stuffs the bundle into a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace, and closes the lid securely.

Asildu says, "There was some... vigil of sorts some time ago."

Zersha puts her basket in a glowing rainbow eddy ensnared within a tangle of sungold dewberry brambles.

Zersha gets a steaming mug of midnight black coffee from inside her encompassing shadows.

Zersha offers Belzor a steaming mug of midnight black coffee.

Shaylynne says, "Ah right."

Belzor says to Asildu, "It is always nice to meet new folks in Shard."

Belzor smiles at Asildu.

Belzor accepts Zersha's black coffee.

Asildu smiles.

Belzor puts his coffee in his encompassing shadows.

Asildu nods.

Shaylynne says, "You were observing."

Harsh quietly says, "Dim green huh."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Harsh searches around for a moment.

Asildu says, "I'm always interested in meeting new people."

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Tequila.

Asildu nods to Shaylynne.

Asildu says, "I do like to observe, when I can."

Harsh snaps his fingers.

Zersha sits down on the smokewood chair.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Belzor asks Asildu, "Well, I would love to hear your story, if you are willing to tell it?"

Belzor peers quizzically at Asildu.

Asildu says, "I'm thinking I might visit Riverhaven sometime. Or perhaps Leth Deriel..."

Asildu ponders.

Belzor nods.

Zersha says, "Leth is lovely."

Zersha smiles at Asildu, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Belzor nods to Zersha.

Asildu says to Zersha, "So I've heard."

Belzor says, "The land is green and lush."

Zersha nods at Belzor, obviously agreeing with his views.

Belzor says, "And the elves are welcoming."

Asildu asks, "What of Therenborough? Any other places you might recommend for a visit?"

Valynn pulls down the hood of her cloak.

Zersha says, "Theren is too much stone for me."

Zersha wrinkles her nose.

Asildu chuckles.

Valynn says, "That is but the city and not the land about it."

[General] Your mind hears Belzor thinking, "for those interested, we are enjoying a gathering in the Silver Eye meeting room."

Valynn grins at Zersha.

Zersha says, "Lang is nice, a bit like Leth in being more wild."

Belzor says, "And that moat."

Harsh quietly says, "Grew up in lang. Lang is so good until you get yourself shunned. Should go to Lang."

Asildu nods to Valynn.

Belzor says, "Horrible place."

Valynn chuckles at Belzor.

Harsh nods.

Zersha quietly asks Belzor, "Why were you in a moat?"

Shaylynne says, "I have fond memories of Telgar's in Langenfirth."

Asildu says to Valynn, "I'm considering other cities for my travels."

Valynn says to Belzor, "The moat has it's...benefits."

Bioenchantress Allye just arrived.

Belzor asks Zersha, "Who said anything about me being in a moat?"

Belzor peers quizzically at Zersha.

Shaylynne hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Valynn smiles at Asildu.

Allye hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Belzor says, "I see what floats in there."

Zersha says to Belzor, "You said it was a horrible place, so I figured you'd been."

Zersha waves to Allye.

Allye waves to Zersha.

Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Valynn says to Asildu, "I am sure you would find the city interesting and the land about it quite beautiful."

Harsh smiles at Allye.

Shaylynne says to Allye, "Asildu has passed on the tequila for now, more for me."

Belzor says to Zersha, "See, this is why you lose your adorable status."

Shaylynne winks at Allye.

Shaylynne tilts her Crystal Tequila side to side, making the light play off it.

Zersha giggles at Belzor.

Allye begins chortling at Shaylynne.

Belzor shakes his head at Zersha.

Belzor chuckles.

Asildu says to Belzor, "And I did hear your request. Perhaps in time."

Allye says to Shaylynne, "It's very good tequila, too."

Belzor asks Asildu, "How is the sunrise thus far?"

Shaylynne nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Asildu says to Belzor, "An interesting choice."

Belzor nods to Asildu.

Zersha teasingly says to Belzor, "It's all right to be in denial."

Perune just arrived.

Belzor just nudged Zersha.

Zersha looks at Belzor, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Asildu nods to Valynn.

Asildu says to Valynn, "I'm sure I would."

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Shaylynne just hugged Aaiyaah.

Valynn grins at Asildu.

Belzor says, "Speaking of a moat."

Belzor smiles.

Aaiyaah says, "Greetings everyone, good to see you all."

Aaiyaah hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Aaiyaah smiles at Valynn.

Valynn grins at Aaiyaah.

Valynn stands near Aaiyaah.

Valynn pulls Aaiyaah to her in a tight hug.

Asildu says, "Hmm. This does appear to be a popular place."

Aaiyaah hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah grins.

Harsh blinks at Aaiyaah.

Belzor nods to Asildu.

Shaylynne says, "You really can't go wrong with any of the food or drink here."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Harsh quietly says, "I just saw you Im sure of it."

Harsh snaps his fingers.

Aaiyaah nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah chuckles.

Perune says, "It is not the place."

Belzor says, "It is one of the nice places to enjoy a moment of solitude."

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Valynn says to Aaiyaah, "Asildu mentioned he would like to visit Theren."

Asildu says to Shaylynne, "I will have to experiment with more of it, at some point."

Aaiyaah says, "Oh, that would be wonderful."

Aaiyaah nods to Valynn.

Aaiyaah holds his hand out towards Golameth for a highfive.

Golameth nods.

Golameth and Aaiyaah highfive each other.

Valynn puts her coffee in her traveler's pack.

Belzor says, "Perhaps a guided tour...."

Valynn grins at Belzor.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril nods to Belzor.

Harsh quietly says, "Necromancy is illegal in Theren, I feel Asildu should know this."

Belzor nods to Anuril.

Harsh quietly says, "Well, its illegal everywhere."

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu says to Harsh, "I approve. I despise necromancy."

Harsh quietly says, "But they are real illegal there in Theren."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Zersha leans back.

Stray Stelling just arrived.

Zersha grins at Stelling, her dimples flashing into view.

Zersha waves to Stelling.

Harsh smiles.

Raising his Ilithi Sunrise to Zersha, Stelling gives her a toast.

Belzor asks Asildu, "Do you encounter much necromancy?"

Perune makes a grunting noise.

Golameth says to Aaiyaah, "How are you doing."

Stelling hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Stelling with a warm smile.

Shaylynne hugs Stelling, who wraps his arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah asks Asildu, "Greetings, a pleasure to meet you. I had wanted to stop by and ask if you received my missive for an up coming meeting at Arhat's Tower in Crossing?"

Shaylynne takes a tiny bite of a honey cake truffle dipped in cinnamon-infused dark chocolate and chews daintily on it.

Valynn tips her balaclava to Stelling with a courteous nod.

Aaiyaah smiles at Golameth.

Stelling nods to Valynn.

Asildu says to Belzor, "Up until recently, I didn't encounter much of anything. I spent years keeping to myself for my studies."

Aaiyaah says to Golameth, "Very well sir, always a pleasure to see you."

Stelling says to Zersha, "Did seem the right time for a drink."

Belzor asks Asildu, "Where did you study?"

Zersha says to Stelling, "I had a lovely warm tea."

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Belzor asks Asildu, "Anything in particular??"

Stelling chuckles at Zersha.

Aaiyaah lays his palms against Anuril's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

Aaiyaah grins at Anuril.

Asildu asks Aaiyaah, "Hmm. I may have missed it before I departed. Perhaps you could tell me more about the contents?"

Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.

Zersha smiles at Tambellis, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Aaiyaah says, "Sure, we are working extremely hard in finding a way to fix the wild magic threat to our lands as well as rescue our friends."

Asildu nods.

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Aaiyaah says, "I am sending out invitations to you and other visitors to attend to help us figure this out."

Asildu says, "Ah, yes. The other visitors."

Belzor shakes his head.

Belzor sighs.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Tequila.

Tambellis joylessly says to Zersha, "Ok...I'm here again, what is the issue this time."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu says, "I am some curiosities about them."

Zersha quietly says to Tambellis, "I'm not exactly sure, I think it's the same issue."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Tambellis joylessly asks Zersha, "The sorcery issue?"

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Asildu asks, "I heard a name of... Liraxes. Would anyone be willing to tell me about that one?"

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Harsh tips his blob to Tirost with a courteous nod.

Harsh smiles.

Belzor says to Asildu, "I am not familiar with that name."

Tirost smiles at Harsh.

Tirost shakes Perune's hand.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

Valynn grins at Tirost.

Zersha quietly says to Tambellis, "Unless I've mixed up names or faces, I think this gentleman is also against sorcery, but I'm not sure what the talk is about."

Zersha looks at Tambellis and blushes.

Belzor says to Asildu, "Perhaps I will let you speak with all of these good folks."

Perune nods politely to Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Tirost shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Stelling says to Tambellis, "Well it's not all bad, there are drinks here."

Tirost smiles at Valynn.

Harsh quietly asks, "Isnt this the one who wants more sorcery?"

Harsh scratches his head.

Zersha glances at Asildu.

Allye shakes her head at Harsh.

Asildu asks Harsh, "Me?"

Golameth nods to Tambellis.

Shaylynne says to Harsh, "Less, or none."

Aaiyaah says, "Tirost, if you would, Asildu is asking for more information about Liraxes."

Asildu nods to Shaylynne.

Harsh quietly says, "Sorry. So many strange visitors."

Aaiyaah says, "Your synopsis yesterday seems fitting here."

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Asildu nods to Aaiyaah.

Asildu says, "Yes, please."

Belzor nods politely to Tirost.

Valynn grins at Harsh.

Belzor says to Zersha, "I will be over here, listening."

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Belzor sits down on the smokewood chair.

Zersha quietly says to Belzor, "You can sit with me if you want."

Zersha scoots over a little closer to Belzor.

Zersha hums cheerfully to herself.

Zersha giggles.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Ok I'll be more direct. Asking adventurers to stop using sorcery is a terrible idea. It's not up for discussion. I've already mentioned, I'm killing around three thousand sorcerers a day. A DAY. With sorcery. You're not going to convince the Adan'f to stop using sorcery, so I convince them by murdering them."

Allye takes a sip of her tea.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Zersha grins at Tambellis, her dimples flashing into view.

Harsh looks at Tambellis and applauds!

Tirost says to Asildu, "Liraxes is an emissary of an entity of the Plane of Probability. Its goal is to restore balance to its levels before wild magic."

Tirost says to Asildu, "It wishes to create a device that will help us to use sorcery in precise locations, which it claims will have the greatest probability of restoring planar balance."

Valynn praises Tambellis.

Allye exclaims to Tambellis, "That's so many sorcerers!"

Zersha nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh quietly says, "Gotta kill em all."

Perune smirks.

Harsh looks at Allye and shrugs.

Asildu says to Tambellis, "Asking adventurers to stop using sorcery does, however, sound way more pleasant than simply killing them."

Zersha quietly says to Allye, "I didn't even know there were that many."

Valynn gazes at Tambellis in awe.

Golameth fixes Asildu with a serene, lofty stare.

Asildu nods to Tirost.

Belzor nods to Asildu.

Belzor says, "Fair point."

Anuril asks, "I thought the device was to conduct measurements?"

Allye quietly says to Zersha, "Lots and lots of holes in the net, it seems."

Harsh blinks.

Zersha nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Belzor peers quizzically at Allye.

Aaiyaah whispers something to Belzor.

Belzor nods to Aaiyaah.

Asildu asks Tirost, "That's very interesting. Do you know much about this device?"

Tirost whispers something to Urbaj.

Belzor whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Tirost says to Asildu, "No, only what I mentioned it claimed to be its purpose."

Aaiyaah nods at Belzor, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu nods.

Belzor whispers something to Zersha.

Asildu asks, "And the other name I've been asked about. Valenal? Can anyone tell me about that one?"

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Zersha nods to Belzor.

Shaylynne waggles a finger at her temple.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Zersha giggles at Shaylynne.

Valynn looks at Shaylynne, obviously trying not to grin.

Harsh ponders.

Harsh sighs.

Godspeaker Harsh hobbles out.

Tambellis joylessly asks Asildu, "Now, I'm slightly excited, was someone planning on killing adventurers to stop them from using sorcery?"

Urbaj nods to Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Belzor whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Golameth says to Asildu, "Arcane researcher, who seems to be a conduit for elementals."

Asildu says to Tambellis, "I wouldn't say planning on it, no."

Zersha quietly says, "He also can't tell the difference between a spider and a duck..."

Belzor nods.

Zersha gazes off into the distance.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Shaylynne says, "Or a person."

Shaylynne nods to Zersha.

Zersha nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost asks Asildu, "It may be best for you to meet these people... and entities. Would you agree to that?"

Golameth says to Tambellis, "There is a but it sounds like."

Belzor ponders.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu says to Zersha, "Spiders and ducks are... quite different. How odd."

Zersha nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Belzor says, "I swear this coffee was made with the dead in mind."

Perune rubs his neck.

Zersha exclaims to Asildu, "I agree, but he seemed to think I wasn't that different either. I don't think I look anything like a spider!"

Asildu says to Tirost, "I'm not sure about agreeing to anything just yet. I'd like to learn a bit more, first. As some of you know, I've had threats made against my life, so I'm not willing to jump into anything without more information."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Valynn gets a mug of strongly-brewed dark roast coffee from inside her traveler's pack.

Asildu says to Zersha, "Not nearly enough legs, I'd say."

Zersha giggles at Asildu.

Zersha nods to Asildu.

Zersha says to Asildu, "Or enough eyes."

Valynn says to Belzor, "Give this one a try."

Tirost nods to Asildu.

Valynn offers Belzor a mug of strongly-brewed dark roast coffee.

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Aaiyaah gets an gold-rimmed glass of Advisor's reserve from inside his silk backpack.

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Asildu asks, "So, a conduit for elementals, you say?"

Tambellis joylessly says to Golameth, "I'm at my social interaction limit for now. When we figure out who we have to kill to stop this nonsense let me know."

Tear Reaper Tambellis goes out.

Golameth snickers.

Zersha laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Golameth yells, "Bye Tamb!"

Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Tirost says to Asildu, "One, at least, has proven to be violent - and yet your message might gain new adherents if you were willing to speak in the presence of those who offer messages in contradiction to yours."

Perune nods to Aaiyaah.

Asildu looks thoughtfully at Tirost.

Golameth says to Asildu, "Or crazy."

Perune asks Tirost, "Are you wanting this man to debate with the other things and madmen?"

Asildu asks Tirost, "You think me talking to this... conduit... would potentially convince others to cease their use of sorcery?"

Medir just arrived.

Medir leans on Stelling.

Golameth says to Asildu, " he claims that after some researcher and experiments was able to glimpse into other planes in some fashion and now is a conduit and or translates for elementals on this plane."

Valynn puts her coffee in her traveler's pack.

Tirost says to Perune, "More or less. None of them consider themselves mad, but I am curious if they can sense anything worth while in each others' presence. It may be the only way Scholar Asildu can reach the hearts and minds of those he wishes to reach."

Tirost nods to Asildu.

Asildu says to Golameth, "That sounds both intriguing and horrifying."

Aaiyaah says, "Asildu, at this point we understand that our friends are in need of rescue as is the fixing of the magic issues across the land. The purpose of the meeting is for us all to come together and determine steps that lead to action."

Stelling grins at Medir.

Stelling says to Medir, "There's drinks here."

Raising his Ilithi Sunrise to Medir, Stelling gives him a toast.

Medir says to Stelling, "I heard."

Medir grins crookedly.

Aaiyaah says, "I would greatly appreciate, as would others, your attending this meeting."

Tirost grins at Medir.

Golameth says to Asildu, "It's very comical to an extent."

Allye takes a sip of her tea.

Medir smiles at Tirost.

Asildu says to Golameth, "I can imagine."

Aaiyaah says, "Most importantly, we need results."

Asildu says, "I'd almost be willing to attend just to see it..."

Asildu ponders.

Tirost nods at Aaiyaah, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu asks Aaiyaah, "Have there been any steps determined yet?"

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Zersha quietly says, "Maybe those inviting you could offer you protection during the meeting if you are concerned."

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu says to Zersha, "To say I'm concerned would be an understatement."

Allye leans on Medir.

Medir leans on Allye.

Zersha says to Asildu, "Understandable if you've been threatened, I'd be leery too."

Zersha smiles at Asildu, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Anuril mutters something into the air about drinks.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Tequila.

Medir gets an applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkin from inside his cartographer's cloak.

Aaiyaah says to Asildu, "We have identified some options yes. And there are those already in motion, but we owe it to all as well as our friends, to do whatever it takes. That includes bringing you and the others together, no matter the differences to get results."

Medir puts his wand in his cartographer's cloak.

Zersha points at an obsidian bar.

Zersha grins at Anuril, her dimples flashing into view.

Medir gets an elegant diamondwood wand adorned with myriad lively etchings from inside his linen khandur.

Medir rotates the diamondwood wand through an intricate series of gestures. A generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch appears in his left hand!

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Medir moves an elegant diamondwood wand adorned with myriad lively etchings to his left hand.

Medir moves a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch to his right hand.

Golameth asks Asildu, "He has mentioned someone fun tidbits about how sorcery is affecting energy flow between planes, do you have thoughts on how energy for sorcery is affecting the planes?"

Belzor casually observes the area.

Medir puts his wand in his linen khandur.

Medir closes his linen khandur.

Perune lets out a hearty cheer for Golameth!

Medir grins at Stelling.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Anuril moves a snifter of Rekave's ridiculously refined brandy to his left hand.

Asildu says to Golameth, "I know that the increased utilization of sorcery has caused an imbalance. When something becomes unstable, it can affect a great many things."

Stelling nods at Medir, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Urbaj groans.

Zersha grins at Belzor, her dimples flashing into view.

Medir quietly says, "Certainly my ex proved that point."

Urbaj matter-of-factly says to Asildu, "Your claims against sorcery are empirically testable. A tremendous number of sorcerous spells have been cast since Wild Magic became obviously harmful, and despite that the rate of side effects has not increased. In fact, the variety and severity of effects has only subsided. That's evidence against your hypothesis."

Aaiyaah whispers something to Valynn.

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Golameth asks Asildu, "How do you know this?"

Shaylynne begins chortling at Medir.

Medir gives Shaylynne a gentle poke in the ribs.

Tirost nods to Urbaj.

Anuril says to Urbaj, "You are ignoring the effects that have been widely reported from rural areas."

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Shaylynne pats Medir on the back.

Asildu nods to Anuril.

Shaylynne gets some dried plovik from inside her encompassing shadows.

Shaylynne offers Allye some dried plovik.

Aaiyaah nods at Valynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says, "Yes, I think the important thing here is to look at the larger scope."

Zersha quietly says, "Or what the Empaths and Rangers felt and saw when we beseeched Elanthia to help us."

Urbaj says, "I dispute "widely". It's convenient that it does not happen here."

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Allye accepts Shaylynne's dried plovik.

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Medir says, "Perhaps it's only a matter a'time."

Allye puts her plovik in her dreamweave unicorn.

Medir looks at Urbaj and shrugs.

Tirost asks Asildu, "Then tell us about the increase of sorcery that you speak of. From what period to what period, and in what quantity?"

Urbaj says, "I ask the "scholar" only for an explanation for why it doesn't here, then."

Medir gives a slight nod.

Asildu says to Tirost, "Sorcery has been increasing in use for centuries. These days, it is essentially common practice."

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Belzor gazes at Urbaj.

Asildu asks Urbaj, "Do you mean to tell me that those casting sorcerously haven't noticed an increase in the severity of the effects?"

Belzor gazes at Asildu.

Tirost asks Asildu, "And does the type or scope of the sorcery matter? Surely Lyras performed more dangerous acts of sorcery than a local adventurer?"

Allye says, "Perhaps because we are here and able to harness the surges when they appear."

Medir nods to Allye.

Urbaj says to Asildu, "As we cast more, the effects do not become more frequent, is my claim."

Urbaj says, "The problem is no worsening."

Urbaj says, "Not."

Medir says, "We might be able t'better mitigate the effects than less-expert common folk."

You hear a voice say, "It is true that the difficulty of using sorcery has increased steadily over the past century."

With a waver like a mirage, Sarugar fades into view.

Zersha nods to Belzor.

Asildu says to Tirost, "Lyras performed atrocious acts of sorcery, yes. But, at that time, sorcery wasn't quite as widely used by so many others. It's like a disease that has spread far and wide, being used by more than just a few."

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Perune says, "Following the Hunger's ritual and the Hand of Meraud, it was only a matter of time before the field was too damaged to not act up. This should surprise no learned mage."

Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Tirost raises an eyebrow.

Valynn gazes at Sarugar.

Asildu nods to Medir.

Belzor gazes at Asildu.

Asildu says to Medir, "Yes, exactly. The areas you frequent are densely populated with adventurers, like yourselves, with the capacity to handle certain things that mere farmers and merchants cannot."

Tirost asks Asildu, "And in all of history, now is the height of sorcerous casting? Including the times before the formation of our guilds and the various attempts by the Empire to control it?"

Anuril nods to Perune.

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Asildu nods to Tirost.

Horse Trader Genshun just arrived.

Genshun says, "Ahh, no winder."

Zersha grins at Genshun, her dimples flashing into view.

Medir nods.

Aaiyaah jots down some notes.

Belzor smiles at Genshun.

Golameth looks over Asildu very closely.

Shaylynne says to Tirost, "My impression, and I could be wrong, was that he is saying it being used more frivolously than before."

Asildu says to Tirost, "Like I said, these days, sorcery has become a common practice. It is cast with barely any thought."

Perune asks Asildu, "I'm told part of the cycle of mana appears broken to Elementalists. Do you happen to know or understand which part of the cycle is not acting appropriately and the exact effect?"

Asildu nods to Shaylynne.

Zersha quietly says, "Seeing as I watched someone blow themselves up and get arrested for sorcery while that little farm girl was talking against it...he has a point."

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Medir chuckles at Zersha.

Anuril nods.

Allye glances at something inside a two-toned lotusweave valise trailing lilac diamond stars.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Belzor peers quizzically at Zersha.

Allye gazes down at the floor.

Asildu says to Perune, "I can confirm that all manner of things are broken with the cycle. But to pinpoint exactly which part, I'm afraid I'm no expert. But I've been continuing to travel in my efforts to learn more as well."

Urbaj gets a smudged parchment from inside his silk backpack.

Belzor whispers something to Zersha.

Shaylynne raises an eyebrow in Allye's direction.

Allye brushes one ear with her hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Urbaj gets a red-bordered parchment from inside his silk backpack.

Aaiyaah takes a sip of his reserve.

Urbaj gets a sleek ironwood writing quill tipped with a long camel plume from inside his duffel bag.

Asildu says to Perune, "In many ways, I'm a lot like the rest of you."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Medir rubs his neck.

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Golameth asks Asildu, "In what ways are you not?"

Urbaj sets his quill to his red-bordered parchment and scratches away at his writings.

Tirost asks Shaylynne, "If it was of such consequence, why had the gods continued to favor sorcerers? Why have they continued to offer redemption to necromancers, and why are runestones still sold in this city?"

Perune asks, "Would it be useful, in your experience - and I'm sorry to say I don't know what exact magics you practce, if any - but would it be useful to perhaps open mana pathways to examine the breakdown?"

Aaiyaah grins at Valynn.

Zersha looks at Belzor and shrugs.

Shaylynne looks at Tirost and shrugs.

Belzor ponders.

Valynn rubs Aaiyaah gently, massaging his muscles.

Urbaj puts his quill in his haversack.

Perune says, "This can easily be done without sorcery, so I suggest it."

Urbaj offers Tirost a red-bordered parchment.

Asildu says to Golameth, "My connection with the Heralds has set me apart for some time. In all other ways, I'm just a man."

Tirost accepts Urbaj's red-bordered parchment.

Golameth asks Asildu, "How are you certain it is the heralds?"

Shaylynne says to Tirost, "I just know in the history books it seems like something that was more weaponized or reserved for wars. So when I hear it's increased, I think it's being used more for the opposite."

Shaylynne says to Tirost, "Just because we can."

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Tirost whispers something to Urbaj.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Stelling nods to Shaylynne.

Urbaj nods to Tirost.

Valynn whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Lord Knight Hebion just arrived.

Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Aaiyaah nods at Valynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says to Golameth, "That is an interesting question that I've been asked quite frequently, of late. And, much like my dear friend, Miraena, it's one of those things where I can only say that I - know. I acquired the connection while studying them. Researching and observing artifacts seemingly infused with residual energy from them."

With a graceful movement of her hands, Zersha lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Hebion.

Hebion bows to Zersha.

Perune says to Shaylynne, "In the past it was accepted that if you wanted result A, you would seek mage A. But in the search for power and ease, we now utilize secret option B which is to force the laws of the world into our own desires."

Medir gazes at Asildu.

Sarugar asks Asildu, "Have you any such artifacts with you?"

Golameth says to Asildu, "But what if it was somethign else, and you are being lied to and lead astray."

Valynn smiles at Hebion.

Asildu says to Sarugar, "Those are not items one would simply carry around, at risk of them being stolen by random thieves."

Perune says, "I use "we" very loosely here."

Medir says, "That does seem like a possibility not t'be discounted."

Urbaj says, "Once again, evidence conveniently lies just beyond reach."

Zersha whispers something to Hebion.

Zersha looks at Hebion, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Allye takes a sip of her tea.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Anuril.

Tirost says to Shaylynne, "There are fewer adventurers now then when I first join the Warrior Mage Guild, and I don't think any of them use sorcery in order to be frivolous, nor to displease the gods or dishonor their ancestors or reasons for taking up their vocations. Sorcery has produced undeniable results, both good and bad. The wholesale rejection of based on nothing but the words of two messengers is not very convincing, compared to the effects of the Philosopher's Knot."

Asildu says to Golameth, "I have no doubt in my mind that it is the Heralds. But I understand why you would all question. I just wish I had a way to prove it. I've attempted to, but people remain skeptical."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Shaylynne nods to Tirost.

Zersha asks Tirost, "No? When that fellow right there just used some while standing here?"

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Tirost says to Asildu, "I think we all wish you could prove it, friend."

Medir says, "I suppose it's hard t'prove something when all we really believe is our own experiences."

Medir nods to Tirost.

Allye touches Asildu with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Anuril nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye smiles at Asildu.

Allye quietly says to Asildu, "Apologies for the intrusion."

Asildu says, "My connection to them was able to draw their focus briefly the other night when the desire was to speak with them. But they have little reason to pay us mind."

Tirost asks Zersha, "No, what?"

Asildu nods politely to Allye.

Allye shakes her head at Golameth.

Tirost asks Asildu, "Do they care about the destruction of this plane?"

Golameth nods to Allye.

Zersha says to Tirost, "It's being used frivolously."

Stelling nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost asks Zersha, "Is training frivolous?"

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Perune kneels down.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls out.

Shaylynne says to Tirost, "I could see how that's more tangible, for you. At the present moment though, for Rangers, Empaths, the pain we felt days ago is very tangible as well. I feel that by stopping sorcery, at the moment, I'm hopeful I'm not causing more of it."

Asildu says to Tirost, "The Heralds desire the protection of this Plane."

Stelling says, "Are there other ways to train, without using sorcery...I think that's the point she's making."

Tirost puts his parchment in his sling bag.

Golameth asks Asildu, "If this plane is perishing why would they pay it no mind?"

(Perune looks upon the ground and takes an unusual interest in a smudge of dirt and mud.)

Zersha asks Tirost, "How many dances and balls require sorcery to dance better? How many meetings? How many people do you see pull out their magical wands and wave them about using just that?"

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Shaylynne.

Anuril observes Perune with fascination.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Shaylynne grins at Zersha.

Asildu says to Golameth, "It's not the plane they pay no mind. It's that they view things on a larger level. They don't see the individual people. They see the bigger picture."

Anuril says to Zersha, "Point of clarification, wands are not sorcery."

Medir asks Asildu, "Do you have any views on why -- an' this is not to doubt any of what you say -- but why they simply do not flood us all wi'visions and sensations of this warning?"

Tirost says to Asildu, "Then if they believe that by us casting fewer sorcerous spells will save the plane, they should make themselves known to us."

Stelling nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Medir says, "To the point of the bigger picture."

Zersha asks Anuril, "Are you sure?"

Aaiyaah says to Asildu, "Thank you for your time today, I must take my leave, but I sincerely hope to see you next week at the meeting."

Zersha grins at Anuril, her dimples flashing into view.

Anuril says, "Yes."

Hebion says, "Fighting each other for fun is frivolous."

Stelling takes a sip of his Overflow.

Aaiyaah sweeps a gold-inlaid tyrium great helm accented with royal blue off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Asildu at the same time.

Aaiyaah says, "Take care folks."

Court Advisor Aaiyaah strides out.

Golameth nods.

Zersha says to Anuril, "I'm not. It's using magic that isn't yours, but I'm hardly a scholar on such things."

Zersha smiles at Anuril, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

In the blink of an eye, Sarugar disappears into his surroundings.

Anuril says to Zersha, "Well I have extensive experience, so you should trust an expert."

Anuril winks.

Zersha laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Shaylynne says to Zersha, "I could see the temptation to dance better."

Shaylynne ponders.

Belzor gazes at Anuril.

Medir chuckles.

Shaylynne glances at Medir.

Stelling chuckles at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne says, "Or make others dance better."

Medir babbles something incoherent at Shaylynne.

Valynn gazes out.

Shaylynne rubs her right foot.

Stelling pats Medir on the back.

Asildu says to Medir, "I think that also goes back to the fact that they only view the larger picture. They aren't thinking about speaking to anyone as individuals."

Belzor asks Anuril, "Blackfire?"

Anuril shakes his head at Belzor.

Zersha says to Anuril, "Even discounting that, I see it used all the time simply because."

Zersha grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Anuril says to Zersha, "I definitely agree that it is used frivolously by adventurers."

Belzor nods.

Zersha nods to Anuril.

Zersha grins at Anuril, her dimples flashing into view.

Shaylynne asks Asildu, "Do your views align with Miraena's exactly, or you have you uncovered any differences during your conversations?"

Asildu says to Tirost, "My hope is that people will curb their use of sorcery before the Heralds have need to show themselves. I don't think it would go well for anyone if they do."

Medir ponders.

Medir nods to Asildu.

Zersha takes a sip of her tea.

Golameth asks Asildu, "Do you know which heralds have communicated to you?"

Asildu shakes his head at Golameth.

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Asildu says to Shaylynne, "Miraena is a good girl, with a good message."

Tirost asks Asildu, "It will not go well for us if they make their will known in a way most will accept?"

Allye grins at Asildu.

Zersha whispers something to Hebion.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Asildu says to Tirost, "The Heralds aren't ones for caring about acceptance. If they decide to intervene, they will do it in the way they see fit. It won't be a discussion."

Zersha grins at Hebion, her dimples flashing into view.

Medir grins at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Medir gazes at his scotch.

Zersha quietly says, "From the stories I've heard about the Heralds, we really don't want them to decide to come down and do something more...drastic."

Medir nods to Zersha.

Zersha dusts herself off.

Asildu says, "In many ways, I urge you all the way I do because I fear what will happen if they decide it's time to show themselves."

Anuril nods to Asildu.

Medir asks, "Do you feel an increasing sense that they might?"

Stelling says to Zersha, "Maybe they'll drop off some new drinks though."

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Asildu nods to Medir.

Medir glances at Asildu.

Hebion says, "Perhaps they can show up in Therengia."

Anuril snorts at Hebion.

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Zersha asks Stelling, "Do you think they even need to eat or drink?"

Asildu says to Medir, "With every passing day where my message is thrown back in my face, I feel their ire rising."

Allye takes a sip of her tea.

Medir asks, "Is tha'based on logic, or somethin' more profound?"

Medir nods to Asildu.

Belzor quietly says, "Hopefully, better coffee."

Medir says, "Ah."

Valynn clears her throat.

Belzor gazes at a monstrous urn of midnight black coffee flanked by stacks of blood-red mugs.

Valynn gets a weed from inside her leaf-woven pouch.

Valynn nibbles on a weed thoughtfully.

Stelling says to Zersha, "Which is why they might drop them off for us, since they don't need them."

Genshun says, "Sure, if they appear it will be the same way as last time. Shut the access to magic off then appear as they did."

Stelling nods in agreement.

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Zersha asks Stelling, "IF they do eat or drink, do you think Allye serving them the best meal ever would help calm them down?"

Genshun says, "Chuc."

Genshun chuckles.

Zersha looks at Stelling, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Stelling chuckles at Zersha.

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Allye says to Asildu, "Increasing number of people have pledged to do no sorcery and accepted Miraena's blue iris. Hopefully the tide will begin to turn."

Medir nods to Allye.

Asildu smiles at Allye.

Zersha nods to Allye.

Anuril nods to Allye.

Asildu says to Allye, "That may be the best news I've heard all day."

Anuril gets a blue iris from inside his damask vest.

Anuril shows Allye his blue iris.

Allye gets a blue iris from inside her treasureweave reticule.

Allye shows Asildu her blue iris.

Shaylynne gets a blue iris from inside her box hive.

Anuril puts his iris in his damask vest.

Belzor peers quizzically at Anuril.

Asildu smiles at Allye.

Belzor peers quizzically at Allye.

Zersha opens her orchid poke.

Stelling says, "I didn't use it before it was cool to not use it."

Zersha gets a blue iris from inside her orchid poke.

Stelling grins at Allye.

Asildu says, "That is a beautiful sight, indeed."

Zersha shows Belzor her blue iris.

Belzor asks, "Who is this person?"

Hebion says, "I worry we can't get enough, since many who claim to be anti sorcery, are still openly using it."

Zersha puts her iris in her orchid poke.

Zersha closes her orchid poke.

Tirost grins at Stelling.

Medir nods to Hebion.

Zersha nods at Hebion, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu nods to Hebion.

Belzor peers quizzically at Zersha.

Anuril quietly says to Belzor, "A woman who is staying at an inn in Crossing."

Asildu says to Hebion, "The best we can do is reach as many people as we can."

Zersha quietly says to Belzor, "She gave us flowers for pledging not to use sorcery."

Belzor ponders.

Zersha waggles her fingers mystically at Belzor. How nice.

Zersha grins at Belzor, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye says to Belzor, "She is a farmer from a rural village who says she received a vision from the Heralds. She came to Crossing to spread the word and try to convince folks to stop using sorcerous magic."

Valynn puts her weed in her leaf-woven pouch.

Zersha peers quizzically at Golameth.

Medir says, "This vision was, apparently, horrific."

Tirost says to Asildu, "If you're wrong, and those who might've used sorcery to bring about balance do not, then perhaps all is lost."

Allye nods to Medir.

Medir says, "It showed many... futures."

Belzor frowns.

Medir says, "In which everyone dies."

Zersha quietly asks Golameth, "Do you pick your teeth with it after eating corn?"

Zersha looks at Golameth, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Golameth exclaims to Zersha, "I could!"

Zersha giggles at Golameth.

Asildu says to Tirost, "I trust it is the right course. And I know that means little to you all, but I have to trust that those of you with knowledge of magic will trust your instincts as well."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Tirost smiles at Asildu.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Belzor whispers something to Zersha.

Hebion asks Tirost, "The what if game is dangerous. What if the lost people are the fulcrum holding everything in balance, and if they are returned everything is lost? Would you stop searching?"

Medir says to Asildu, "I fear we'll only truly know when a true moment a'choice appears. With immediate consequences."

Anuril says to Tirost, "Take a step back and look at things this way. We've got locals like Asildu and Miraena, who I'll call the home team, and we have outsiders like Valenal who speaks for elementals and Liraxes who speaks for probability beings who I'll call the away team. You're siding with the away team."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Asildu nods to Medir.

Zersha whispers something to Belzor.

Shaylynne nods to Anuril.

Valynn nods at Medir, obviously agreeing with his views.

Medir says to Anuril, "Tha's an interestin' way of looking at it."

Tirost says to Anuril, "There are many whom I consider dear friends who are absolutely prejudiced against sorcery, people I grew up with, members of my family."

Shaylynne says to Anuril, "Right, we don't know they are any more trustworthy, and they aren't as invested in this place as their home."

Golameth says to Anuril, "Or Asildu and the girl are also an away team."

Zersha quietly asks, "Aren't the Heralds kind of outsiders since they came from...somewhere else by that logic or am I thinking too hard about it?"

Zersha gazes off into the distance.

Medir grins at Zersha.

Tirost says to Anuril, "My belief in the value of sorcery comes from experience - undenialbe experience, combined with the blessings of Meraud."

Stelling grins at Zersha.

Stelling takes a sip of his Tequila.

Hebion glances at Tirost.

Medir says to Zersha, "Stellin' has the right idea. Drink more, and then it won't matter if y'thinking too hard or note."

Tirost says to Anuril, "If I have new experiences, my mind may change, but until then, I intend to walk my path, and do all I can to help return balance and our friends."

Zersha giggles at Medir.

Shaylynne grins at Medir.

Mage Slayer Golameth skips out.

Stelling nods at Medir, obviously agreeing with his views.

Shaylynne says, "Some of us drink and think more."

Shaylynne sticks her tongue out at Medir.

Medir grins at Shaylynne.

Zersha grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Stelling chuckles at Shaylynne.

Tirost grins at Shaylynne.

Hebion says to Tirost, "This sounds like how you treated necromancy at one time."

Anuril says to Tirost, "You are ignoring the preponderance of evidence for your own convenience."

Perune says, "Almost every case I've been involved with some version of the use of sorcery has been to solve a problem another group of sorcerers caused."

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Perune.

Perune stands up.

Medir says, "Well so far both Asildu 'ere and Miraena have opted t'meet at bars. I like them a little more for that already."

Asildu nods to Perune.

Perune says, "Every. Case."

Anuril smirks at Perune.

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Shaylynne laughs at Medir.

Allye grins at Perune.

Tirost asks Anuril, "Am I? I feel the opposite. How is easy is it to give up sorcery when you've never practiced it? When all the prejudices of your culture support it?"

Shaylynne says to Medir, "There's your instincts working hard."

Shaylynne pats Medir on the back.

Medir nods to Shaylynne.

Zersha quietly says, "When Elanthia spoke to me, I could she was in pain, deep wounds have hurt her. That rather fits with what this man is saying."

Zersha gestures at Asildu.

Allye giggles at Medir.

Belzor peers quizzically at Zersha.

Medir says to Shaylynne, "Barkeeps have good instincts f'people. We see them at their messiest."

Asildu nods politely to Zersha.

Medir says, "And also their most true."

Shaylynne says, "I'm trying to imagine Valenal drunk though, and I'm a little scared."

Medir shrugs.

Shaylynne quietly says, "He's so odd sober."

Belzor asks Zersha, "Spoke to you?"

Allye nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost says, "Believe me, sorcery is not an "easy" path as some claim. It is dangerous, but knowledge of it is extremely valuable."

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Raising his scotch to Asildu, Medir gives him a toast.

Zersha quietly says to Belzor, "A group of Empaths and Rangers gathered to beseech Elanthia to talk to us."

Asildu moves a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head to his left hand.

Asildu moves a frosted glass of Ilithi Sunrise topped with a frilly paper umbrella to his right hand.

Raising his Ilithi Sunrise to Medir, Asildu gives him a toast.

Shaylynne nods to Zersha.

Belzor ponders.

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Tirost asks Anuril, "What evidence have Asildu or Miraena presented you that you feel should convince me?"

Anuril says, "I am not talking about anything they have presented."

Allye says to Shaylynne, "I would like to see that..."

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Anuril says, "I am talking about history, and theory, and practice."

Anuril says, "Our own expertise as Asildu has referred to."

Anuril says, "As Perune has referred to."

Asildu nods to Anuril.

Hebion says, "I've never burned off my arms for casting magic without sorcery."

Anuril grins at Hebion.

Stelling nods at Hebion, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost says to Anuril, "I have spent more time than most studying those things, and come to different conclusions."

Shaylynne says to Zersha, "That experience was evidence enough for me that something needs to change, no matter what we're being told by whom."

Zersha nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Golameth asks Asildu, "Which Heralds are the most fascinating to you?"

Hebion says, "Immediate punishment for an act is generally a good indicator it isn't quite right."

Zersha quietly says to Shaylynne, "We need to help the guardians bring back balance. We need to help heal the wounds."

Anuril dryly says to Tirost, "Well, then our expert opinions differ. It will be interesting to find out who is in the wrong."

Shaylynne nods in agreement.

Asildu says to Golameth, "The real ones. As intriguing as the three semi-mortal ones are, I find the full power of the actual Heralds far more interesting."

Medir says to Hebion, "Others will argue it's a trap set in front o'a secret that people don't want you to know."

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Hebion says to Medir, "That's a good excuse to keep trying."

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Zersha says to Anuril, "If we're too wrong, we might not have much time to gloat, no matter the side."

Golameth says to Asildu, "But which ones? they do have names."

Belzor ponders.

Medir chuckles.

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Anuril nods to Zersha.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Hebion says, "It's funny how sides change when they are the ones to benefit from a new weapon."

Asildu says to Golameth, "If they do, I've not learned them. My connection isn't one of words."

Medir nods to Hebion.

Tirost says to Anuril, "If sorcery plays a role in restoring balance, I expect many drinks on your tab, sir - Medir's drinks, not the swill from Gaethrend's."

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Medir grins at Tirost.

Zersha quietly says, "Maybe if we all just stopped catching and went on a nice snack filled picnic."

Anuril says, "He does have good drinks."

Zersha gazes upward.

Anuril nods to Medir.

Golameth says to Asildu, "Surely during your research you must have read some stories in books about them."

Tirost grins at Anuril.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Zersha says, "Casting."

Zersha grumbles.

Valynn gazes at Tirost.

Sofina gets a stout iron pickaxe from inside her scavenger's pack.

Golameth finishes playing a masterful concerto on his thin-edged zills.

Sofina puts her pickaxe in her scavenger's pack.

Stelling nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sofina gets a conch-shaped wicker picnic basket festooned with strands of silken seaweed from inside her haversack.

Sofina shakes her picnic basket at Zersha.

Asildu says to Golameth, "I've read plenty of stories in books about the Heralds. But not all are named."

Zersha giggles at Sofina.

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Sofina puts her basket in her haversack.

Perune asks Tirost, "Do you intend to join hands with this Ziraxes?"

Sofina exclaims, "I'll go with you!"

Sofina grins at Zersha.

Stelling grins at Zersha.

Zersha exclaims to Sofina, "It's a no casting picnic!"

Zersha just nudged Sofina.

Sofina hums to herself.

Zersha just tickled Sofina, who laughs and returns the favor.

Tirost says to Perune, "I'm not sure I'd go that far, but I will help it build its device until there's reason not."

Sofina squints.

Sofina squirms.

Sofina grins at Zersha.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Tirost says to Perune, "That is the Watch's current mission."

Perune says, "I find it strange so many are interested in its proposal."

Asildu takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Tirost asks Perune, "Have you met Liraxes?"

Perune says, "But maybe I shouldn't, history matters little to people."

Zersha asks, "What is it's proposal? It spoke of making something to help find out what might fix this imbalance, right? That's what you're talking about?"

Perune says, "No, what you have told me makes it quite clear I should not trust such a one."

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Belzor matter-of-factly asks Perune, "It mattes to me, does that count for something?"

Sofina says, "Build some sort of mechanism."

Perune says to Belzor, "For you it does."

Zersha quietly asks Sofina, "I don't remember it saying it used sorcery, did I get too cold before that was said?"

Belzor nods to Perune.

Valynn observes Asildu with fascination.

Sofina says to Zersha, "I cant recall either, sorry. Id hate to say something not right."

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost says to Perune, "It is certainly a being with a different perspective, but you can decide for yourself whether you trust it, by the way it communicates and reasons."

Horse Trader Genshun trudges out.

Medir asks Asildu, "I'm curious, purely from th'fact that it might be an interestin' story... but do you recall your first experience wi'the Heralds? How did it manifest?"

Asildu says, "Well, it seems my drink is gone and it's about time for me to resume my travels."

Belzor says to Asildu, "I hope to hear your story soon."

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Tequila.

Golameth asks Asildu, "Your name is curious, did your parents ever tell why they chose that?"

Medir says, "Well perhaps next time."

Medir chuckles.

Stelling takes a sip of his Sunrise.

Asildu shakes his head at Golameth.

Asildu says to Golameth, "Can't say I ever recall asking about it."

Tirost says to Perune, "If you're familiar with the Arbiter's Negotiants - they are the closest I have encountered to Liraxes."

Hebion says, "There is also the path of doing what you know is right, and that will naturally align with a path."

Zersha quietly says to Sofina, "At some point I stopped feeling my legs and I think I missed things."

Medir nods to Hebion.

Stelling asks Asildu, "Good luck, and if you find out those guys have good drinks, make sure to bring some next time yeah?"

Stelling grins at Asildu.

Asildu says to Medir, "That may be a story for another time. But I'll try to remember."

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Medir says, "I choose a path I already walk."

Asildu nods to Belzor.

Shaylynne nods to Hebion.

Perune says to Tirost, "That's what I find most troubling."

Medir says to Asildu, "I look forward t'hearing it."

Belzor smiles at Asildu.

Belzor stands up.

Shaylynne begins chortling at Medir.

Hebion says, "But that requires looking deep at your own actions and finding the truth of them, not what you wish they mean."

Asildu chuckles at Stelling.

Asildu nods to Stelling.

Shaylynne says to Medir, "Sitting at a bar and getting too sloshed to cast anything at all."

Raising his Ilithi Sunrise to Asildu, Stelling gives him a toast.

Shaylynne holds her hand out towards Medir for a highfive.

Medir and Shaylynne highfive each other.

Sofina says to Zersha, "It was a rather silly place to stand and discuss things."

Golameth says to Asildu, "It so closely sounds like one of the heralds that has been around in the past."

Zersha nods at Sofina, obviously agreeing with her views.

Stelling says to Medir, "Maybe if he does find some drinks, the next meeting can be at your place."

Belzor asks Asildu, "Perhaps a drink for the road?"

Stelling pats Medir on the back.

Medir says to Shaylynne, "The only way I know how t'save the world."

Anuril puts his brandy in his leather haversack.

Asildu says, "Thank you all for the riveting conversation."

Asildu nods to Golameth.

Belzor offers Asildu a frosted glass of Ilithi Sunrise topped with a frilly paper umbrella.

Asildu says to Golameth, "I think that's why I'm rather fond of it, whatever the reason for it may have been."

Tirost smiles at Asildu.

Asildu accepts Belzor's Ilithi Sunrise.

Asildu nods politely to Belzor.

Belzor smiles at Asildu.

Belzor nods to Asildu.

Asildu says, "I'm sure I'll be seeing you all again soon."

Zersha grins at Belzor, her dimples flashing into view.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Medir nods to Asildu.

Golameth says to Asildu, "And its also very curious he was a bit of a troublemaker, and took opposing positions to issues at hand."

Shaylynne waves to Asildu.

Belzor says to Asildu, "Be safe, Asildu. The roads are fraught with danger."

The holy presence in the area fades quietly away.

Asildu nods in agreement.

Tirost waves.

Stelling stretches his arms.

Golameth says to Asildu, "Like you are."

Anuril puts his owl in his leather haversack.

Medir says, "A good evenin' to you."

Asildu smiles.

Anuril gets a snifter of Rekave's ridiculously refined brandy from inside his leather haversack.

Stelling hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Stelling with a warm smile.

Anuril moves a snifter of Rekave's ridiculously refined brandy to his left hand.

Raising his Ilithi Sunrise to Medir, Stelling gives him a toast.

Shaylynne hugs Stelling, who wraps his arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Shaylynne smiles.

Golameth finishes playing a masterful concerto on his thin-edged zills.

Asildu steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Allye ponders.

Raising his scotch to Stelling, Medir gives him a toast.

Stelling winks at Zersha.

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Perune says, "Psst."

Stelling nods to Valynn.

Zersha grins at Stelling, her dimples flashing into view.

Zersha curtsies gracefully to Stelling.

Stelling quickly salutes Tirost by bringing two fingers to his brow.

Perune asks, "Has a Moon Mage examined that man?"

Stray Stelling goes out.

Sofina gazes upward.

Valynn says, "Enlightening."

Valynn says, "Please pardon me."

Zersha quietly says, "I want to learn that trick."

Allye says, "I wonder if there's a way to amplify the effects of the Meraud's Blessing that clerics perform."

Valynn bows.

Valynn goes out.

Medir applauds.

Sofina grins at Zersha.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Sofina asks Zersha, "Isnt earth meld close enough?"

Sofina asks, "Or blend?"

Sofina just nudged Zersha.

  • Asildu returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Tirost says to Perune, "If not, we should find one who'd be willing."

Zersha quietly says to Sofina, "I suppose, his just seems cooler, maybe because I can't do it."

Zersha laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Medir leans against an obsidian bar.

Golameth shakes his head.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Sofina says to Zersha, "You're so cool. You get my stamp of approval, and thats worth a lot."

Golameth says, "I do not like him."

Perune says, "Yes, I feel like people are losing their grip on knowledge gathering."

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Horse Trader Genshun just arrived.

Medir chuckles.

Tirost asks Golameth, "Anything in particular rub you wrong?"

Perune says, "I'm shocked one hasn't."

Allye says, "Avrenka did."

Belzor whispers something to Zersha.

Zersha nods to Belzor.

Zersha waggles her fingers mystically at Belzor. How nice.

Golameth says to Tirost, "I am not a fan of magic to start with, but his vagness is un-nerving."

Perune asks Allye, "Anything interesting?"

Tirost nods to Golameth.

Ysilda says, "I think it was said that he has the ability to cast the spells of both Bards and Warrior Mages."

Allye says, "We have been attempting to gather knowledge for quite a long time."

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Belzor nods to Zersha.

Golameth says to Tirost, "Atleast Liraxes and Valenal can offer some substance to their claims."

Medir says, "Vagueness seems t'be the name of the game."

Allye says, "It's fortunate you're here to focus such a keen lens."

Perune asks Ysilda, "Asildu?"

Ysilda nods to Perune.

Tirost nods to Golameth.

Perune laughs!

Allye says, "I believe he sensed Elemental magic on him."

Allye grins at Perune.

Perune says, "Fascinating."

Medir asks, "Wha' sort of substance does Liraxes offer?"

Medir scratches his head.

Sofina asks, "I trust Valenal. Such a socially weird guy, whats not to trust about him?"

Medir says, "Besides crystal math."

Shaylynne says, "And he was able to cast Warrior Mage and Bard Spells, both."

Golameth says to Tirost, "And the fact his name is some close to one of the heralds to have interjected in the past."

Perune says, "I'm glad some of you have dug deeper."

Belzor says to Anuril, "I must head to the tower for a bit. Was great to see you again."

Anuril smiles at Belzor.

Horse Trader Genshun trudges out.

Anuril bows to Belzor.

Tirost ponders.

Belzor smiles at Anuril.

Belzor bows to Anuril.

Belzor nods politely to Tirost.

Belzor goes out, leading his group.

Ysilda says to Perune, "People were asking for proof of his connection, and he and Miraena displayed an ability to speak all languages."

Belzor's group just arrived.

Allye nods to Ysilda.

Belzor goes out.

Golameth says, "Sildua in the past caused havoc and discontent just for fun."

Shaylynne says to Allye, "When you're ready to go, I'll trade you herbs for a Brawling lesson."

Allye says, "He was able to cast Bard and Warrior Mage spells too, more of each than would be expected of most guilded mages."

Allye beams at Shaylynne!

Shaylynne joins Allye's group.

Sofina leans on Zersha.

Tirost says to Ysilda, "I believe all of the messengers can - Unaka, at the very least, who does not share Miraena and Asildu's convictions."

Allye says to Shaylynne, "That would be wonderful, thank you."

Ysilda nods to Tirost.

Perune ponders.

Ysilda says, "I was only speaking of Asildu because it was asked."

Ysilda blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Perune asks, "Unaka, is that the Gor'Tog?"

Medir nods to Perune.

Horse Trader Genshun just arrived.

Medir says, "Believe so."

Golameth says, "The farm girl is a Gor'tog."

Medir gestures.

Horse Trader Genshun trudges out.

Medir ponders.

Zersha shakes her head at Golameth.

Tirost thoughtfully says to Perune, "Thinking about it more... I think the reason why Liraxes and Unaka feel the most trustworthy now is their orientation toward balance."

Perune asks, "And he, or she, can speak every language?"

Sofina says, "Farm girl is a Human. Unaka is the tog."

Medir says, "She's a bit tall and big in build but."

Medir says, "No tog."

Golameth says, "Oh."

Anuril dryly says, "I believe Unaka and Miraena both come from farms."

Golameth says, "Well there you have it."

Knight Penitent Briaen goes out.

Medir says to Tirost, "I worry that Liraxes notion a'balance is something we cannot comprehend."

Allye asks Shaylynne, "Shall we?"

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

Tirost says to Medir, "He defined it as the balance that existed before wild magic. He could be lying, but it doesn't feel that way."

Perune says to Tirost, "They represent organizations that have certain concerns. Concerns they will be acting upon in your deals, I imagine."

Medir nods to Tirost.

Allye hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Medir hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Shaylynne gives Medir a smooch.

Allye waves to Anuril.

Allye says, "Take care, everyone."

Shaylynne says to Medir, "Stay sloshy."

Anuril nods to Allye.

Allye puts her tea in her tapestry carpetbag.

Medir says, "I recall it sayin' that."

Medir grins at Shaylynne.

Allye puts her iris in her treasureweave reticule.

Bioenchantress Allye goes out, leading her group.

Tirost says to Perune, "Asildu and Miraena want to eraticate all sorcery. Valenal wants to maximize it. Liraxes and Unaka are seeking other means that don't involve either. They seem soley focused on balance."

Medir says to Tirost, "But it also said it can't take an action contrary to its prime directive, as it were. So there is a chance it could lie to us to get us t'act in a certain way and not think twice."

Perune says to Tirost, "Do you really think anything from the Plane of Probability only cares about balance? They all have another want: Defilers."

Tirost asks Medir, "Maybe, but would it have a concept of lying? And if it did, would it not lie and have told us that building its device would absolutely result in the return of our friends?"

Medir looks at Tirost and shrugs.

Golameth says to Tirost, "It was fun to see Asildu might want to throw some spells or hands."

Golameth shouts and delivers a rapid series of punches and elbows at head and gut level to the air in front of him.

Tirost says to Perune, "Liraxes is certainly against defilers, but he also said explicity he was willing to work with one, for now, to achieve his greater objective."

Golameth suddenly jabs his lead knee and follows with a kick with his rear shin at blinding speed.

Perune says, "I have to assume any deal they make will concern the Defilers, even if it is not explicit in the writing or the words, the results of the acts will most assuredly concern the defilers."

Medir says, "A good point, th'latter one, aye."

Tirost grins at Golameth.

Godspeaker Harsh just arrived.

Medir says to Tirost, "Someone ought to ask it oughtrightly."

Zersha asks, "What's a 'Delifer'?"

Medir says, "Outrightly as well."

Tirost says to Golameth, "He seemed pretty worried about being attacked though."

Medir coughs.

Sofina says, "Moon Mage."

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Sofina smiles at Zersha.

Zersha nods to Sofina.

Anuril moves over to guard Kethrai.

Kethrai takes his rightful place beside Anuril.

Anuril gently kisses Kethrai on the cheek.

Perune says to Tirost, "I'd be willing to work with them too, if my goal was to limit their defiling in some way and they were unwittingly willing to help me."

Tirost asks Medir, "About the likelihood of getting our friends back?"

Golameth says to Tirost, "Most bullies are afraid to get punched, but aren't afraid to punch people."

Tirost nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Medir says to Tirost, "About whether it understand the concept of a lie."

Harsh smiles.

Harsh offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Tirost says, "Ah."

Tirost nods to Medir.

Medir says, "And whether it would use it if necessary t'attain balance."

Godspeaker Harsh hobbles out.

Tirost says to Medir, "I'd very much like to hear it's response."

Tirost glances at Anuril.

Medir nods to Tirost.

Tirost asks Anuril, "You're Unaka impression is really good. Can you do Liraxes?"

Anuril laughs!

Medir grins.

Tirost smiles at Anuril.

Anuril tonelessly says, "Answer unavailable. Further data is required."

Medir cackles!

Ysilda giggles.

Tirost throws back his head and roars with laughter!

Raising his scotch to Anuril, Medir gives him a toast.

Tirost laughingly says to Anuril, "You have a gift."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Tirost asks Perune, "Will you be at the holy magic gathering soon?"

Medir says, "On that note, I'll head back to th'tavern."

Medir says, "Take care, friends."

Tirost bows to Medir.

Anuril nods to Medir.

Perune asks, "With Harsh?"

Hebion rubs a large circular table.

Medir nods politely.

Kethrai waves to Medir.

Zersha peers quizzically at Hebion.

Perune asks, "Is that what you mean?"

Medir walks out.

Golameth pats Tirost on the back.

Tirost says, "I certainly hope Harsh will be there, but the one with Maintain and Nawain, I believe."

Hebion says to Zersha, "This place has history."

Perune asks, "Oh, maybe. When is that?"

Hebion says, "The table was a reminder of a past soldier I served with."

Golameth says to Tirost, "Glad i do not rely on magic."

Zersha rests her hand on Hebion's arm with a soft smile.

Perune nods to Tirost.

Perune says, "Erm, maybe."

Tirost says to Golameth, "And yet you're still so bloody dangerous."

Perune says, "Allow me to ask a question."

Tirost smiles at Golameth.

Sofina hugs Zersha, who wraps her arms around Sofina with a warm smile.

Zersha says to Hebion, " /quietl I'm sorry for the loss of your friend in arms."

Zersha hugs Sofina, who wraps her arms around Zersha with a warm smile.

Perune asks, "The issue with Wild Magic, how many options do you have?"

Mage Slayer Golameth skips out.

Zersha nods to Sofina.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost says to Perune, "Three, sort of."

Sofina grins at Zersha.

Perune asks, "List them?"

Hebion says to Zersha, "It's been quite some time now. Just feels weird with all the strangers in this place."

Tirost says, "Cease sorcery. Increase sorcery. Build device."

Perune says, "Ahh."

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Zersha gives Hebion a slight nod.

Kethrai says to Perune, "Somewhere between zero and infinite, really. But yeah, Tirost's summary is good."

Anuril says, "Do nothing different. Always an option. Lots of folks going with that one."

Hebion asks, "Where are they building this device?"

Perune says to Kethrai, "Your first statement is actually closer to the truth."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Zersha slaps a hand to her cheek and looks about in confusion.

Perune says, "Kethrai has, unknowingly to you I think, proven what the problem is."

Anuril moves a snifter of Rekave's ridiculously refined brandy to his left hand.

Perune asks, "May I be blunt?"

Anuril raises an eyebrow in Perune's direction.

Tirost says, "Please."

(Kethrai holds up a finger.)

Kethrai says, "Proceed."

Kethrai takes a tiny bite of a dense chocolate cupcake topped with a bright purple spun sugar lotus and chews daintily on it.

Perune says, "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you consider Wild Magic to be a "Big Problem," so you have a Big Problem, and you're allowing a bunch of a strangers to come meet with you - some who sound insane - and offer you all these wonderful solutions."

Perune says, "Be a Mage and start solving it yourself."

Tirost sighs.

Anuril dryly says, "We tried that, it's how people got captured."

Perune says, "No, you tried a few times and got into a bad spot."

Anuril says, "I mean, we tried many times."

Perune says, "A lot of magical researchers die in research."

Tirost says to Perune, "You've been gone a while, friend. We've tried many things - from experiments in Zengmodalth to the vigils and every other sort of research or experiment one could perform - and these are still ongoing."

Perune asks, "So maybe you're not trying it the right way?"

Anuril nods.

Perune says, "Actually, let me step back."

Anuril says, "Keth has an experiment upcoming."

Kethrai says, "And sometimes, maybe, they take a whole plane with them. We just don't hear about it when it happens, because that plane doesn't stick around for its story to be heard."

Perune says, "Saragos tells me many of you researched Wild Magic."

Hebion says, "You all were warned about researching the electric plane, but chose not to listen."

Perune says, "One of those results, for the elmentalists - and I'm curious to hear about the others - is that you found a problem with the replenishment flow in elemental mana."

Hebion says, "That research was flat out wrong, it felt wrong, and you were warned."

Perune says, "So that's a result - and a good one."

Perune says to Hebion, "You're wrong, but I'll get to that."

Hebion says, "So if you kept poking at it, perhaps that's the cost you deserved."

Kethrai takes a tiny bite of a dense chocolate cupcake topped with a bright purple spun sugar lotus and chews daintily on it.

Kethrai weakly says to Anuril, "Gods this is good."

Perune says to Anuril, "You now know a thing is off-kilter. So you should consider troubleshooting that thing."

Hebion says, "No, I'm quite sure I'm right that you shouldn't have continued there. It was fundamentally wrong, it called out as wrong to what I know to be true."

Anuril grins at Kethrai.

Anuril says to Perune, "It's not one thing though, it's systemic."

Zersha moves a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie to her left hand.

Zersha takes a tiny bite of a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie and chews daintily on it.

Perune says, "Sure, but you need to start somewhere."

Tirost says to Perune, "If you have ideas, we're open to them, but don't try to tell us we haven't done anything."

Kethrai says, "Fixing any one of the symptoms won't necessarily fix the problem causing them."

Zersha nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "Although it may buy us more time."

Zersha takes a tiny bite of a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie and chews daintily on it.

Perune says, "Again, you have to start somewhere. I mean, if you want to continue cherry-picking saviors, by all means, give up. I'm not entirely sure I care."

Tirost asks Perune, "Have you heard Kethrai's theory about the Other Entity which might be the cause of wild magic?"

Perune says, "But I've always supported the idea of solving the problem myself."

Perune says, "No, but Saragos was hinting at such a thing."

Perune says, "If you want my suggestion, it is this.."

Kethrai says, "It's a little too convenient that we have these representatives of all these different factions, none of whom fully understand what's happening, but each of which assumes one of the others is responsible. It feels engineered to have a lot of fingers pointed not in the direction of the true culprit."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Perune says, "I just sat here and asked the Herald-Listener what he thought about the mana flow issue, he didn't know. Or wouldn't tell me - who cares. I would begin setting up an experiment utilizing different methods of connection to the other planes - the travel of mana mind you, and have carious groups perceiving them."

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Kethrai.

Perune says, "Try to get an understanding behind the cause of the broken mana cycle."

Perune says, "Any one of you could do that, its actually rather simple and there's tons of ways to do it."

Kethrai says to Perune, "Been done, in a few different configurations."

Anuril says, "A group went out to Zengmodaleth and perceived things so hard it set off an explosion and got Uryutis out of bed."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Anuril says, "They learned nothing."

Perune says, "Zengmodaleth is not the place to observe from, at all."

Perune asks, "Why would you go to another Plane to study this Plane's manafield?"

Anuril dryly says, "I thought we were trying to observe the movement of elemental mana."

Perune says, "You'd only be observing the one connection."

Kethrai says to Perune, "Because when we tried it from this plane, it also didn't yield useful results."

Zersha takes a tiny bite of a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie and chews daintily on it.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "And when we visited the Astral Plane, it also didn't."

Perune asks Kethrai, "Was the goal to observe the flow of mana, or just wild magic in general?"

Perune says, "I'm talking very specific here."

Tirost says to Perune, "We tried using othersight to observe the flow of mana through the aetheric tapestry in this plane."

Tirost says, "There were no results. If you want to organize a new experiment, I'll gladly help."

Perune asks, "OK, great. Did you get anything from that?"

Tirost shakes his head at Perune.

Perune nods.

Perune says, "I'd want details on that before hand, no need to try the same thing twice."

Tirost says, "I should take my leave for now."

Kethrai bows to Tirost.

Tirost says to Perune, "I hope I'll see you at the holy magic discussions."

Tirost bows to Kethrai.

Perune says, "Possibly."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Tirost says to Kethrai, "Anuril promised me a 1000 platinum bar tab if sorcery helps to restore balance. Please make sure he sticks to it when I'm right."

Tirost winks at Anuril.

Perune says to Hebion, "In regards to the Plane of Electricity... the Warrior Mage guild literally wanted us to find it."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Tirost smiles.

Anuril says, "It could be 10,000, I'll never have to pay it."

Tirost laughs!

Perune says, "We were pushed by heads of their experimentation groups to find the Plane."

Anuril smiles.

Tirost says, "Take care."

Kethrai says to Tirost, "Be safe."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Tirost says, "You too."

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts out.

Perune says, "The problems within the Plane were existing prior to its opening, according to those in charge."

Zersha takes a tiny bite of a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie and chews daintily on it.

Perune says, "Was it dangerous? Sure. I won't deny it, especially for those of us doing it. I almost blew my arms off. I completely miscalculated the size of the copper rods I needed."

Hebion says to Perune, "I don't care what the warrior mage guild says, it was wrong."

Hebion says, "The wrongness of the place could be felt as a force of fact."

Perune says to Hebion, "What you see in the Plane feels "wrong" because its outside of the normal spiritual balance that you feel here in Abiding."

Kethrai says to Anuril, "He might not be entirely off-base, you know. To use the medical analogies I've been leaning on lately, the difference between a medicine and a poison can be the dose."

Hebion says, "The great necromancers come from three sources."

Anuril says, "Oh here we go with the roll-call."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Hebion says, "Warrior Mage, Cleric, and Moon Mage guilds."

Perune says, "If you could step inot any other Elemental Plane - and no one really can, you'd die - but I assure you, the Elemental Plane of Fire would feel the same to you. It'd feel wrong."

Perune says, "Any plane without that touch of spirituality that you are so intune with, will feel wrong."

Hebion says, "As a Paladin I can feel that which holds the planes in proper organization, it was WRONG."

Zersha takes a tiny bite of a delicate chocolate and mint meringue cookie and chews daintily on it.

Zersha finishes off her meringue cookie.

Hebion says, "It was a warning not to continue, and it was ignored."

Perune says, "The Plane existed whether or not we reached it."

Kethrai takes a tiny bite of a dense chocolate cupcake topped with a bright purple spun sugar lotus and chews daintily on it.

Hebion says, "We didn't need to be opening it and experimenting with it."

Perune says, "People were already accessing it, just not us."

Perune says, "And they had been experimenting there, for generations."

Perune says, "Since Firulf lead them there."

Zersha gnaws on her lip.

Hebion says, "It sounds like the same arguments used for those who seek the powers of necromancy."

Perune says, "Keep in mind, we did not use sorcery to access it. I made sure the ritual did not use it, and Uryutis assisted with that."

Perune says, "It was accessed by pure elemental means."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Perune says, "I can only tell you what I know, friend."

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Kethrai asks Anuril, "So, anyone else decide not to use sorcery yet?"

Hebion says, "I don't use sorcery and didn't feel a need before either."

Kethrai praises Hebion.

Ysilda says, "I saw a few people accept irises from Miraena earlier."

Zersha nods to Ysilda.

Anuril says to Kethrai, "I don't think at this gathering."

Anuril nods to Ysilda.

Hebion says, "I won't make a pledge because my making a pledge is something sacred."

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Perune says, "I need to depart for a while.. if I come up with something, who wishes to speak about it? I'm not much of an organizer these days."

Anuril nods to Perune.

Kethrai asks Hebion, "So you won't pledge to them, since they don't follow the Immortals?"

Zersha grins at Perune, her dimples flashing into view.

Hebion says, "I'm not saying anyone who pledges doesn't mean it or that it is less meaningful, but for me to give my word is to ensure it."

Hebion says, "It is less about the Immortals and more about my own soul."

Kethrai says to Perune, "I'm sure Saragos, Ezerak, Madigan, and Nawain would all be good people to keep involved."

Perune asks Kethrai, "Sure, but what about yourself?"

Anuril grins.

Kethrai says, "Depends entirely on the nature of the task, but I'm interested to know at least."

Anuril nods in agreement.

Perune asks Ysilda, "How about you?"

Ysilda says, "I'm always interested, but most people don't listen to me."

Ysilda blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Perune says, "I'm listening."

Kethrai says to Hebion, "For what it's worth, the pledge I made to Miraena is certainly less important to me than all the other reasons I have to avoid sorcery. So it didn't cost me much to offer."

Perune asks Zersha, "You?"

Zersha asks Perune, "I'm sorry, what about me?"

Zersha blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Hebion says to Kethrai, "I was once taught that to give my oath, my pledge or my word was binding as the most important thing I could give. The person who tried to instill that in me has let me down in that regard, but the lesson is still a noble one so I live by it still."

Perune asks, "I'm asking who is interested in hearing of any potential experiments in the future, or to discuss organization of such a thing?"

Kethrai nods to Hebion.

Zersha says to Perune, "I would like to hear more, yes, though I don't know how much help I'd be. I don't know as much about all this stuff as everyone else."

Zersha smiles at Perune, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Perune says, "Only one way to start."

Ysilda nods in agreement.

Perune says, "I will let you all know then. It may be a few days before I have more thoughts - I need to look into the other experiments all of you took part in. Speak to some others."

Zersha nods to Perune.

Anuril nods.

Kethrai says to Zersha, "That can be a good thing. Miraena was right about what she said earlier. Too many adventurers going too far afield... They lose sight of what matters to the common people."

Ysilda nods to Perune.

Perune says, "Don't blow off your own arms in the meantime."

Zersha nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Perune goes out.