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[Gaethrend's Court, Solarium]<br>
[Gaethrend's Court, Solarium]<br>
Amongst a variety of unrecognizable red-orange plants, you notice a small riolur bush flourishing in the sunlight. The ceiling is much lower here but is made up of a number of small multi-colored glass panes which add a curious tint to the atmosphere.
Amongst a variety of unrecognizable red-orange plants, you notice a small riolur bush flourishing in the sunlight. The ceiling is much lower here but is made up of a number of small multi-colored glass panes which add a curious tint to the atmosphere.

Lasaia asks Medir, "Forgot your drink?"

Viknal asks Miraena, "What caused you to awaken so early?"

Medir nods in agreement.

Medir says to Lasaia, "Breakfast..."

Miraena chomps down on her lower lip, thinking something over.

Lasaia chuckles.

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Miraena says to Viknal, "I carry a heavy burden, and I'm afraid the task is not getting any easier."

Viknal asks Miraena, "Perhaps I can help?"

Medir ponders.

Lasaia raises an eyebrow in Miraena's direction.

Viknal says to Miraena, "Provided I understand the burden you bear."

Miraena thoughtlessly adjusts the strap of her stachel against her shoulder, hitching it into a more comfortable place.

Lasaia nods to Viknal.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Lasaia smiles at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah smiles.

Aaiyaah says, "Hello folks, good to see everyone."

Miraena frowns.

Medir waves.

Aaiyaah hugs Lasaia, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah shakes Parkons's hand.

Lasaia hugs Aaiyaah, who wraps his arms around Lasaia with a warm smile.

Viknal nods politely to Aaiyaah.

Parkons gives Aaiyaah a firm and hearty handshake, holding his gaze for a moment.

Parkons gives Aaiyaah an enthusiastic handshake.

Lasaia says, "Good to see you as well, it's been a while."

Lasaia nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena says, "To be completely honest, I came to Crossing thinking my task would be easier than it's turned out to be."

Viknal gazes at Miraena.

Medir says, "This city has a way a'making simple things difficult."

Viknal asks Miraena, "And your task, if you are willing to share, is what?"

Miraena says, "And although many of your fellow Adventurers have been kind... I fear that my plight is not being taken seriously."

Lasaia nods to Medir.

Parkons asks Miraena, "How much have you spoken with Asildu?"

Miraena beams at Parkons!

Miraena says, "Oh quite a bit! Asildu is a new but dear friend of mine."

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Viknal says to Miraena, "You will have to forgive me, since I am new to this town. Perhaps these other people here can assist you."

Aaiyaah asks, "Miraena, we have a number of very important issues we are taking seriously. What is your plist specifically?"

Aaiyaah says, "Plight even."

Miraena peers between the faces gathered.

Viknal sweeps his hand in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Miraena at the same time.

Medir smiles.

Miraena asks, "I do not believe any of you have heard my speech that I prepared... I have worked very hard on it. May I give it to you now?"

Lasaia nods to Miraena.

Aaiyaah says, "Please do."

Medir says, "Aye."

Miraena smiles.

Parkons says, "We can listen and relay to others who are interested."

Miraena says, "Thank you. You all make me quite nervous, so it's easiest for me to say what I've practiced."

Viknal says to Miraena, "I wish you the best with your task."

Miraena nods to Viknal.

Viknal waves.

Viknal goes southeast.

Miraena inhales deeply, puffing up her chest as if to give herself courage to continue. She tilts her head upward, sets her jaw, and begins speaking.

Miraena formally says, "My village, and countless others like mine, have been under siege by destructive events such as swirling vortexes of wind and light, animals dying unexpectedly, and people going missing."
Miraena formally says, "My village, and countless others like mine, have been under siege by destructive events such as swirling vortexes of wind and light, animals dying unexpectedly, and people going missing."

Latest revision as of 01:44, 18 August 2024

[Gaethrend's Court, Solarium]
Amongst a variety of unrecognizable red-orange plants, you notice a small riolur bush flourishing in the sunlight. The ceiling is much lower here but is made up of a number of small multi-colored glass panes which add a curious tint to the atmosphere.

Lasaia asks Medir, "Forgot your drink?"

Viknal asks Miraena, "What caused you to awaken so early?"

Medir nods in agreement.

Medir says to Lasaia, "Breakfast..."

Miraena chomps down on her lower lip, thinking something over.

Lasaia chuckles.

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Miraena says to Viknal, "I carry a heavy burden, and I'm afraid the task is not getting any easier."

Viknal asks Miraena, "Perhaps I can help?"

Medir ponders.

Lasaia raises an eyebrow in Miraena's direction.

Viknal says to Miraena, "Provided I understand the burden you bear."

Miraena thoughtlessly adjusts the strap of her stachel against her shoulder, hitching it into a more comfortable place.

Lasaia nods to Viknal.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Lasaia smiles at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah smiles.

Aaiyaah says, "Hello folks, good to see everyone."

Miraena frowns.

Medir waves.

Aaiyaah hugs Lasaia, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah shakes Parkons's hand.

Lasaia hugs Aaiyaah, who wraps his arms around Lasaia with a warm smile.

Viknal nods politely to Aaiyaah.

Parkons gives Aaiyaah a firm and hearty handshake, holding his gaze for a moment.

Parkons gives Aaiyaah an enthusiastic handshake.

Lasaia says, "Good to see you as well, it's been a while."

Lasaia nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena says, "To be completely honest, I came to Crossing thinking my task would be easier than it's turned out to be."

Viknal gazes at Miraena.

Medir says, "This city has a way a'making simple things difficult."

Viknal asks Miraena, "And your task, if you are willing to share, is what?"

Miraena says, "And although many of your fellow Adventurers have been kind... I fear that my plight is not being taken seriously."

Lasaia nods to Medir.

Parkons asks Miraena, "How much have you spoken with Asildu?"

Miraena beams at Parkons!

Miraena says, "Oh quite a bit! Asildu is a new but dear friend of mine."

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Viknal says to Miraena, "You will have to forgive me, since I am new to this town. Perhaps these other people here can assist you."

Aaiyaah asks, "Miraena, we have a number of very important issues we are taking seriously. What is your plist specifically?"

Aaiyaah says, "Plight even."

Miraena peers between the faces gathered.

Viknal sweeps his hand in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Miraena at the same time.

Medir smiles.

Miraena asks, "I do not believe any of you have heard my speech that I prepared... I have worked very hard on it. May I give it to you now?"

Lasaia nods to Miraena.

Aaiyaah says, "Please do."

Medir says, "Aye."

Miraena smiles.

Parkons says, "We can listen and relay to others who are interested."

Miraena says, "Thank you. You all make me quite nervous, so it's easiest for me to say what I've practiced."

Viknal says to Miraena, "I wish you the best with your task."

Miraena nods to Viknal.

Viknal waves.

Viknal goes southeast.

Miraena inhales deeply, puffing up her chest as if to give herself courage to continue. She tilts her head upward, sets her jaw, and begins speaking.

Miraena formally says, "My village, and countless others like mine, have been under siege by destructive events such as swirling vortexes of wind and light, animals dying unexpectedly, and people going missing."

Medir frowns.

Miraena formally says, "In a moment of despair, the Heralds bestowed upon me a flood of visions to show me the path that we are headed down should we continue the use of sorcerous magic."

Miraena formally says, "They made it clear to me that our world will continue to experience more and more disastrous effects should nothing change."

Lasaia furrows her brow.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Miraena formally says, "I am here to petition adventurers to cease all use of sorcerous magic."

Miraena's confidence breaks for a moment and she pauses. She swallows before continuing.

Miraena formally says, "I am asking that you do this for the good of the common men and women who live each and every day around you, and for the ones you do not see... like myself, my village, and my family."

Miraena formally says, "Thank you for your time."

Miraena curtsies.

Aaiyaah nods.

Lasaia nods to Miraena.

Medir rubs his neck.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Aaiyaah says, "Thank you for sharing that Miraena, that must have not been easy."

Parkons puts his monograph in his resplendent robes.

Miraena smiles at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah asks, "Did you ever encounter Liraxes?"

Miraena says, "I have practiced it many times, and many Adventurers like you have been kind enough to let me speak."

Lasaia nods to Miraena.

Miraena says, "I do not believe I have met anyone named Liraxes, no. Although I believe another Adventurer asked me about that name before."

Miraena shakes her head.

Aaiyaah asks, "How long ago was it you were given these visions?"

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Lasaia asks, "I've heard some think it's impossible to stop all sorcery, but Asildu alluded to even 'less' sorcery would help, do you believe that to be true?"

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "Oh, it's been many weeks now. It took me quite some time to walk here from my village, and then I've been here for several weeks trying to speak with people."

Aaiyaah nods to Miraena.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Tirost shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Parkons asks Miraena, "Do you feel attuned to any particular type of mana?"

Miraena says to Lasaia, "I only know what the Heralds have made clear to me. They are urging us to stop all sorcery, but I would... guess?... that even slowing sorcery would be better than nothing."

Miraena shakes her head at Parkons.

Lasaia nods to Miraena.

Miraena says to Parkons, "I am a simple Farmer, I am not a magic user."

Miraena says, "That is why it is so urgent that I speak with Adventurers, those who are casting sorcery."

Miraena says, "The Farmers, Bakers, Herders, all the folk like me rely on Adventurers in this regard."

Miraena indicates her walking stick with a smile.

Medir nods.

Miraena raises an eyebrow.

Miraena asks, "Would any of you be prepared to pledge to cease the use of sorcery?"

Parkons says, "I'm capable of doing that yes. Prepared, not yet."

Miraena thumbs the strap of her stachel, as she looks between the faces gathered.

Lasaia says to Miraena, "Thank you for sharing your story, I do know much more is at stake than our own missing."

Miraena sighs.

Medir says, "Y'must pardon my own ignorance here -- since I can't quite say I've received many visions in my time -- but what makes y'so sure that it is the Heralds granting these visions? Understand I don' ask because I doubt your conviction. I'm jus' curious..."

Cateress Allye just arrived, leading her group.

Medir scratches his head.

Lasaia hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Miraena nods to Lasaia.

Allye hugs Lasaia, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Shaylynne.

Allye grins at Lasaia.

Shaylynne smiles at Tirost.

Miraena says to Lasaia, "Yes, I have heard some of your friends or family have also gone missing. I'm sorry to hear that. We all are suffering losses, it seems."

Aaiyaah hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Aaiyaah hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye just hugged Aaiyaah.

Tirost smiles at Shaylynne.

Miraena says to Medir, "I cannot tell you for certain how I know. It's like how you know your mother when you look upon her face, or know that the sun will rise tomorrow. You simply know."

Medir ponders.

Medir nods.

Medir says, "I know this feelin', aye."

Miraena asks, "Have you not seen the disasters happening in the world around us? Have you not felt things growing worse?"

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Tirost says to Miraena, "Good morning, Miraena. My name is Tirost. I am a Warrior Mage and scholar of magic - one as devoted to Meraud and the people of Therengia and Zoluren as you are to the Heralds. I hear your message, and share your concerns. I think we want similar outcomes, but our methods may be different."

Miraena smiles at Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Miraena.

Miraena says to Tirost, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adventurer Tirost."

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Tirost says, "Pleasure's mine."

Miraena asks Tirost, "What is your method for fixing this imbalance?"

Lasaia quietly says, "Allye She asked if anyone would be willing to pledge to stop using sorcery, before you walked in."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Lasaia.

Allye says, "I would pledge that now, having felt what we felt during Waydren's ritual."

Miraena beams at Allye!

Shaylynne nods in agreement.

Miraena stands near Allye.

Tirost says to Miraena, "There a few in the works, and some of them involve things that probably carry risks. I would like to hear what ideas you may have to fix the imbalance, and for stopping all sorcery, if you believe that is the only way."

Miraena asks Allye, "May I know your name?"

Shaylynne says, "I would as well."

Miraena beams at Shaylynne!

Allye says to Miraena, "I'm Allye. I would be glad to make that pledge."

Allye smiles at Miraena.

Miraena smiles.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena offers Allye a blue iris.

Allye beams at Miraena!

Allye accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Miraena says to Allye, "Please accept this iris, grown by my own hands, as a symbol of that which you have pledged to save."

Miraena smiles.

Allye exclaims to Miraena, "Thank you!"

Miraena stands near Shaylynne.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena offers Shaylynne a blue iris.

Shaylynne accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "Thank you."

Miraena asks Shaylynne, "And to you, Adventurer...?"

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "My name is Shaylynne."

Miraena beams at Shaylynne!

Miraena says, "Adventurer Shaylynne. Thank you both so very much."

Allye pats a blue iris.

Miraena says to Tirost, "You asked about my ideas to fix the imbalance and for stopping sorcery..."

Tirost nods to Miraena.

Medir pulls down the hood of his cloak.

Parkons asks Miraena, "What are you referring to when you say "imbalance"?"

Allye leans on Medir.

Miraena says to Tirost, "I am but a simple Farmer. I travelled farther from my village than I've ever been in my entire life to plead with Adventurers to stop using sorcery. This is what I can do, and so it is what I do."

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Miraena.

Miraena says, "The imbalance... it's like when you put a fishing net in the water to catch your fish."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Miraena.

Miraena says, "The Heralds have shown me that the use of sorcery snips holes in the net."

Miraena says, "One hole may not affect your yield."

Miraena says, "But two holes, three holes... they start becoming bigger and bigger."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Miraena quietly says, "People, perhaps like your friends, start slipping through. Or perhaps other creatures can break in from the other side and steal things out..."

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Aaiyaah asks, "Miraena, have you seen any additional visions as of late? Or have you only had just that one?"

Parkons says, "The entity Liraxes is also concerned about a Balance. I think it would be helpful for you and Asildu to speak with it."

Aaiyaah lays his palms against Anuril's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

Miraena shakes her head at Aaiyaah.

Anuril glances outside a moment.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes southeast.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "No other visions, although the Heralds have let me know in other subtle ways that they are beside me."

Miraena smiles.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Miraena beams!

Aaiyaah asks, "Please share, in what other subtle ways?"

Medir nods in agreement.

Miraena exclaims, "I learned I can speak in new languages!"

Medir observes Miraena with fascination.

Aaiyaah says, "Ah."

Aaiyaah jots down some notes.

Allye grins at Miraena.

Miraena says something in Toggish.

Miraena laughs!

Medir ponders.

Anuril brushes the surface of his bone amulet and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Medir says, "Well tha' -is- exciting."

Lasaia brushes the surface of her sraeth earcuff and begins to reel! She clutches her head in pain!

Tirost asks Miraena, "Others have suggested that it is not the holes in our plane that are the problem, but a stopped drain or dammed river. Is it possible the imbalance is not from sorcery and holes, but from some other source?"

Anuril frowns.

Anuril gives Aaiyaah a slight nod.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "Before I continue with other questions, the Heralds also protected me against an attack by one of your Adventurers."

Aaiyaah ponders.

Aaiyaah asks, "Who attacked you?"

Tirost frowns.

Anuril says, "Atuen."

Aaiyaah nods.

Medir says, "Ah."

Miraena says, "I think that was the name, yes."

Miraena nods to Anuril.

Anuril asks Miraena, "May I cast a spell on you?"

Miraena glances at Anuril.

Allye says to Miraena, "In your travels, have you found any ideas or practices that seemed to be able to rebuild the net? Stopping sorcerous casting seems like the best place to start, but I'm sure many would step forward to help more if there was some way to heal what's been harmed."

Miraena asks, "I would, um, prefer that you not?"

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Miraena says to Tirost, "To your question..."

Miraena quietly says, "I will do my best to answer everyone."

Miraena smiles.

Miraena nods to Allye.

Allye nods emphatically at Miraena.

Medir smiles.

Allye grins.

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Medir gazes at his sherry.

Miraena says to Tirost, "No, it is not possible. The Heralds were very specific with me in the visions. The cause is sorcery, it's rampant and growing use."

Miraena says, "This is why things continue to grow worse."

Tirost nods to Miraena.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena says to Allye, "You asked if there may be other ways to rebuild the net, faster than just stopping sorcery."

Allye says, "Or in addition to."

Allye grins at Miraena.

Miraena nods.

Medir says to Miraena, "Do you ever attempt to... commune, converse, in some way talk to... th'Heralds? Actively, I mean."

Miraena says, "There may be... but it is like asking how much we should water the crops when the hole in the dam is currently flooding the field. You must start with the dam."

Miraena shakes her head at Medir.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Miraena.

Medir asks Miraena, "Would you consider tryin'?"

Allye nods to Miraena.

Miraena says to Medir, "No. I am embaressed to confess that I never thought much about them until they graced me with this vision."

Medir nods to Miraena.

Aaiyaah asks, "Miraena, I have a question for you. What is the significance of the blue iris you are giving out? Did you always have those from where you come from or did the Heralds give them to you for some reason?"

Miraena says, "I lived my days in and out by the grace of the Immortals, making our appropriate sacrifices and prayers. But now I understand that the Immortals are to the Heralds what we are to the Immortals."

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Anuril frowns.

Tirost raises an eyebrow in Miraena's direction.

Aaiyaah asks, "Hmm. Really?"

Miraena says to Medir, "Do you know of a way to communicate with them directly? I would be willing to try... but I do not know of a way beyond knowing they are watching when they want to watch."

Medir says, "Well that is somethin'."

Tirost gives Aaiyaah a slight nod.

Anuril whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Parkons says, "Other than antagonizing them with sorcery, I'm not sure we do have other ways to communicate."

Parkons asks Miraena, "Do the Heralds have the ability to remove our ability to use sorcery?"

Medir says to Miraena, "I'm jus' a humble barkeep myself. I'm sure there are others who could think of means that might do th'trick. I suppose, if it were me, I would simply try an' ask."

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "I was known in my village for growing irises. It is simply a gift from me to thank those who have pledged to think of the daily people, like those in my village."

Medir scratches his head.

Tirost says to Miraena, "Don't let Medir fool you, ma'am. He's one of the greatest of brewers and tavernkeeps in Kermoria."

Anuril ponders.

Anuril whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Medir says to Parkons, "I wonder if th'lass here might be a better means than sorcery."

Medir says to Tirost, "Too kind, my friend."

Allye grins at Medir.

Parkons says to Medir, "I don't disagree, there may be options. I'm just stating what I know so far."

Medir nods to Parkons.

Miraena says to Parkons, "I cannot say for certain, as I am not a Herald... but it would seem to me that beings of the magnitude that they are, they would have the ability to. I do not take their vision to mean that THEY need us to stop sorcery. But that WE need us to stop sorcery."

Miraena gazes upward.

Shaylynne ponders.

Parkons says, "Right, that's the point I was getting at. It sounds like we're being given a choice."

Shaylynne asks Miraena, "Have you met Unaka?"

Miraena smiles at Medir.

Miraena shakes her head at Shaylynne.

Miraena says, "No, I have not met anyone by that name, that I know of."

Tirost asks Miraena, "So the beings of unimaginable power, who stand as far above the Immortals as the Immortals above us, want us to stop casting sorcery to save ourselves, though it would not affect them at all?"

Parkons says, "Otherwise, the Heralds would just halt our abilities. Sounds like us adventurers and our choices matter to their grand plan. If there is a plan."

Anuril sighs.

Allye says, "It would affect them as fellow residents of our Plane, perhaps."

Miraena says to Tirost, "I can only speak to what I know, which is that the continued use of sorcery will cause more and more disasters in our world, until we are no more."

Miraena says, "I take it to mean that they are giving us the opportunity to correct our wrongdoings..."

Miraena frowns.

Tirost runs his fingers through his hair.

Medir says to Miraena, "I suppose y'have seen, in your visions, where it all leads..."

Aaiyaah asks, "Am curious Miraena, to what Immortal do you serve or follow?"

Parkons asks, "Forgive me if you've been asked this before. We mentioned Asildu earlier, but what about Valenal?"

Medir frowns.

Miraena nods to Medir.

Medir takes a sip of his sherry.

Miraena says to Medir, "I have seen every person I love, and every person you love, die in every fathomable way all in the split second of the vision they gave me. It is why I had to come to Crossing."

Medir shudders.

Medir says to Miraena, "That is a lot for anyone t'bear."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Medir says, "I am sorry y'experienced that."

Miraena quietly says to Medir, "Thank you. You have been most understanding."

Parkons says, "I agree, that is a burden to bear and you're brave to share what you know."

Medir nods.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "I do not follow any of the Immortals now, although I of course believe in them. I follow the Heralds, as they are the ones giving us this opportunity to save ourselves."

Miraena says to Parkons, "No, I have not met anyone by the name of Valenal, either. I'm very sorry."

Miraena frowns.

A pained expression crosses Anuril's face.

Parkons says, "There are many factors at play here. We're simply trying to make sense of them. If you're not aware, we're getting mixed messages from seemingly different factions who may or may not have a shared goal."

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Shaylynne nods to Parkons.

Medir nods in agreement.

Miraena frowns.

Miraena says, "No, I had not heard that there were other messages being shared, besides for Asildu."

Parkons says to Miraena, "I would very much appreciate observing the outcome of a conversation between you and Valenal."

Miraena glances at Parkons.

Miraena quietly asks Parkons, "Do you mean he will attack me?"

Parkons says, "I said conversation, but I have not personally encountered Valenal so I suppose it would be fair to offer protection."

Anuril whispers something to Tirost.

Miraena frowns.

Parkons says, "I imagine there are adventurers here who would do that if necessary."

Anuril squints at Tirost.

Anuril shakes his head at Tirost.

Miraena indicates her walking stick with a smile.

Aaiyaah says, "Miraena, do you know that the only relief we have been given to the occurances as of late came from vigils to the Immortals? Not the Heralds."

Tirost looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Parkons says, "Additionally, you seem to be under the protection of the Heralds. Or some strong force."

Miraena gazes at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah asks, "Yet you ask us to trust and believe in the Heralds?"

Ysilda ponders.

Ysilda asks, "Have we held vigils to the Heralds?"

Medir looks at Ysilda and shrugs.

Medir says, "There has been a lot of...activity."

Aaiyaah says, "If the Heralds were so far greater than the Immortals, why did they not already help us, but rather the Immortals have."

Tirost grabs Ysilda by the shoulders and shakes her!

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "I am still seeing the occurances of this Wild Magic, as I have heard it called, every day that I am here. I hear the guards speaking about the new disasters regularly."

Tirost shakes his head at Ysilda.

Miraena says, "If the Immortals provided relief, it seems they stopped fairly short..."

Aaiyaah says, "Things are becoming very clear for me based upon your words Miraena."

Anuril dryly says, "They provided relief to adventurers and that's all adventurers care about."

The air around Tirost shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.

Medir nods.

Anuril says to Miraena, "You should be careful about your words regarding the immortals and heralds. You are likely making enemies among the most devout followers of the church."

Allye exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Anuril says, "Even though your stance may be rational."

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "I ask you to look at the world around you. Events grow worse each and every day. At some point you must understand that actions have to change in order for the world around you to change."

Aaiyaah says, "Oh you are right about one things. There will be action soon enough."

Anuril shakes his head.

Medir says, "The difficulty, really, is in a world a'many correlations... it is difficult to settle on the cause."

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Anuril gestures.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
Raw energies rupture near Miraena, leaving her looking pale and drained.

Miraena frowns.

Miraena exclaims, "See!"

Allye winces.

Medir nods in agreement.

Tirost nods to Medir.

Allye asks Miraena, "Are you alright? Do you require healing?"

Miraena says to Anuril, "I do understand the risks I face with my message, but there is nothing for it but to say it."

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Miraena asks, "Would anyone else be willing to pledge to cease the use of sorcery?"

Anuril says to Miraena, "Adventurers are deaf to any solution that involves giving up sorcery. It is too valuable to them. To us."

A pained expression crosses Anuril's face.

Medir shrugs.

Miraena says, "Please consider the lives of those around you who have no choice but to rely on you, and your actions."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena nods to Anuril.

Medir says, "I would consider it, myself."

Miraena says to Anuril, "I am learning this the hard way."

Allye beams at Medir!

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Anuril praises Medir.

Miraena beams at Medir!

Miraena stands near Medir.

Tirost says to Anuril, "Can you share your understanding of Miraena's rational argument? I hear her message, her conviction and intuition, but if you feel there are reasons beyond those, I would like to hear them."

Shaylynne says to Anuril, "If three people in this room just pledged, maybe it's not impossible."

Miraena asks Medir, "Would you share your name with me, Adventurer?"

Anuril smiles at Shaylynne.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Medir says, "I do worry that it is a near impossible task t'convince everyone of this. Jus' on your word alone."

Miraena beams at Shaylynne!

Medir looks at Miraena and sighs.

Miraena says to Shaylynne, "Every single person helps, and if it takes me speaking to everyone, I will."

Medir says to Miraena, "I'm no adventurer. I jus' sit by the bar most days."

Medir chuckles.

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Allye grins at Miraena.

Anuril says to Tirost, "By rational I was referring to her stance on venerating the heralds over the immortals, considering that our classical understanding of the heralds is that they are indeed quite powerful."

Miraena says to Medir, "You are a highly respected Adventurer to me, friend."

Miraena smiles.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Medir says, "Well that is flattering."

Medir fans himself.

Allye begins chortling at Medir.

Miraena offers Medir a blue iris.

Miraena says to Medir, "Thank you for your assistance."

Medir accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Tirost says to Anuril, "I see."

Miraena asks Medir, "I did not catch your name?"

Medir says to Miraena, "Medir."

Anuril asks Tirost, "As far as her stance on sorcery, any who have practiced it would know of its harmful nature, and we have our history books to show us all the damage it has dealt. Were you not at Basalt Isle, sir?"

Anuril asks, "Where we saw its worst case with our own eyes?"

Miraena quitely mouths a few words to herself, adding the name 'Medir' to the end.

Medir ponders.

Tirost says to Anuril, "I was, and saw what Zauldin's weapon did to the Lich and the damage he caused."

Medir says, "My ears are gettin' a little old and waxy. I must have missed that."

Miraena quietly says to Medir, "I am trying to memorize the names of everyone who has pledged."

Medir chuckles at Miraena.

Medir nods.

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Medir says, "Ah."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Miraena.

Medir says to Miraena, "Your offer t'try and find a way to commune wi' the Heralds is something that I think is worth exploring. For answers. At the very least, it might help convince others."

Miraena ponders.

Anuril asks Tirost, "Are you implying that the sanyu aes was sorcerous in nature?"

Medir puts his iris in his linen khandur.

Anuril asks, "Was it not strictly paladins who powered it with the strength of their souls, and their connection to the bulwark?"

Miraena says to Medir, "I have never tried to reach them directly, but should you come up with an idea, please feel free to let me know and I will do what I can."

Medir says, "I suppose I only ever see things after a long night a'drinking..."

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "I ask if you've met Unaka because she has a very strong connection to Truffenyi I believe."

Tirost asks Anuril, "It was constructed with the help of a sorcerer, as was the Philosopher's Knot. What do you think?"

Shaylynne glances at Allye.

Medir says, "But I don't think I recommend that."

Medir says, "We could certainly try, though."

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Shaylynne says, "I wonder if someone could communicate with the Heralds through the Immortals."

Tirost says, "Ruea did try recently to contact the Heralds."

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Tirost's direction.

Miraena eagerly asks, "Was this person successful??"

Tirost shakes his head at Miraena.

Tirost says, "The scholar who shares your views was present."

Miraena beams!

Miraena says, "Asildu! I enjoy his company very much."

Anuril says to Tirost, "I did not observe its construction, only its operation. It did not seem sorcerous to me."

Tirost says, "And we felt a presence, but he told us it was not the Heralds, and the presence did not last long."

Miraena sighs.

Miraena nods.

Miraena says, "We had hoped to find more concrete proof that would show Adventurers that we are who we say we are."

Shaylynne says, "I just wonder if Unaka's gifts would be a helpful variable for success."

Shaylynne nods to Tirost.

Shaylynne says, "No disrespect to Ruea's efforts."

Aaiyaah jots down some notes.

Tirost says to Shaylynne, "Me too. I have only met her once, and briefly, but she seemed worthy of trust."

Anuril dusts himself off.

Aaiyaah says, "She also warned us to not trust all who speak to us."

Shaylynne nods to Tirost.

Miraena yawns deeply, clearly catching her by surprise.

Miraena blinks.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena says, "It seems I'm more tired than I expected."

Medir nods.

Shaylynne smiles at Miraena.

Medir asks Miraena, "Will y'remain here for the time being then?"

Miraena nods to Medir.

Anuril says to Tirost, "I don't think Asildu said it wasn't the heralds last andu..."

Medir says, "Then if anythin' comes to mind, at least we know where t'find you."

Medir smiles.

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Miraena says to Medir, "Yes, I am staying here at Gaethrend's. I hope to keep reaching more Adventurers, but I could use all of your help to spread my message."

Anuril shakes his head at Tirost.

Ysilda ponders.

Miraena says, "I am but one person, I cannot speak with everyone."

Anuril says to Tirost, "I think when Saragos said he had felt a similar sensation of being watched before, in the past, that it may not have been the heralds then, in the past."

Miraena says, "If no one else is prepared to pledge, I will take my leave."

Ysilda says, "I actually recall hearing him say specifically that it was the Heralds last andu."

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Miraena curtsies.

Anuril nods to Ysilda.

Medir smiles.

Tirost bows to Miraena.

Shaylynne curtsies to Miraena.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Medir says, "Be well. And don't drink th'drinks here..."

Miraena sniffs at a blue iris.

Medir says, "They tend to be a little watery."

Miraena nods to Medir.

Shaylynne grins at Medir.

Miraena laughs!

Medir casually observes the area.

Shaylynne sniffs at a blue iris.

Messenger Miraena wanders northeast.

Tirost grins at Medir.

Tirost says, "So true."

Shaylynne nods to Tirost.

Medir grins at Tirost.

* Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Shaylynne asks, "That we can all agree on yea?"

Shaylynne chortles softly at some secret joke.

Tirost laughs!

Medir nods in agreement.

Tirost nods to Shaylynne.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Medir rubs his head.

Shaylynne says, "I should get a little rest myself."

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Shaylynne says to Allye, "I'll bring you more plovik later."

Medir says, "Poor lass. I do hope there isn' some malevolent somethin' or the other duping her."

Allye hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Allye beams at Shaylynne!

Shaylynne nods at Medir, obviously agreeing with his views.

Shaylynne hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Allye says to Shaylynne, "Thank you."

Medir sighs.

Shaylynne hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Shaylynne snaps to attention and hails Tirost with a crisp hand salute.

Medir hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Medir with a warm smile.

Shaylynne just hugged Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Shaylynne declares her sudden desire to take a hike as she blends into her surroundings.

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Tirost bows to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah bows to Tirost.

Anuril nods to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah says, "Take care folks."

Aaiyaah sweeps a gold-inlaid tyrium great helm accented with royal blue off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Medir says, "Be well."

Court Advisor Aaiyaah strides southeast.

Tirost lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Medir scratches his head.

Tirost slowly says, "So she's forsaken the Immortals in favor of what she perceives as the Heralds..."

Medir nods to Tirost.

A pained expression crosses Tirost's face.

Tirost says, "I suppose I should return to training. Take care, everyone."

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts southeast.

Anuril gazes off to the southeast.

Anuril asks, "Oh, but a talking chandelier and an elemental's familiar are better?"

Lasaia says to Parkons, "I'm not sure we've formally met but I've heard of you. You might be interested to know some of the Iron Circle are trying to get to the next Advisor's meeting."

Lasaia bows to Parkons.

Medir chuckles.

Lasaia grins at Anuril.

Lasaia asks, "Talking chandelier?"

Anuril says, "Liraxes."

Medir appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Lasaia quietly says to Medir, "You need one of those for the tavern, just saying."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Anuril laughs!

Medir grins.

Medir says, "Might help tally up th'tab at the end of the night."

Medir nods to Lasaia.

Lasaia says to Anuril, "You're right Liraxes is kind of chandeliery."

Lasaia says, "Sparkly."

Lasaia grins at Medir.

Lasaia nods to Medir.

Lasaia hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Lasaia with a warm smile.

Lasaia hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Lasaia yawns expansively.

Lasaia says, "See you all soon."

Anuril nods to Lasaia.

Lasaia leaves, citing plans for warm comfort and a soft bed.

Medir says, "I think... it would be in all our interests t'get more out of whatever it is giving th'lass her visions. Somehow."

Medir gets a chilled glass of whiskey sour garnished with a slice of grapefruit from inside his cartographer's cloak.

Medir takes a sip of his sour.

Anuril grumbles.

Medir observes Anuril with fascination.

Medir offers Anuril a chilled glass of whiskey sour garnished with a slice of grapefruit.

Medir says to Anuril, "A little strong for a mornin' drink, but it's there if y'need it."

Anuril says, "Every time I hear someone try to convince adventurers to stop using sorcery I feel the need to get incredibly drunk."

Anuril accepts Medir's whiskey sour.

Parkons flails his arms about.

Anuril says, "Perfect."

Raising his whiskey sour to Medir, Anuril gives him a toast.

Anuril takes a sip of his sour.

Medir says, "At the very least this'll be good for business."

Medir grins crookedly.

Medir asks Parkons, "Everythin' alright?"

Parkons says, "I had a delayed reaction to Lasaia's comment. It appears she left before I formed my response."

Anuril grins.

Medir says, "Typical of her."

Medir nods.

Parkons says, "So often in events of the past, our plan of action has been relatively easy to discern. This is different."

Medir nods in agreement.

Anuril takes a sip of his sour.

Anuril asks Parkons, "How so?"

Parkons says, "There are many factors at play, no one clear "bad entity" or "good entity" for that matter."

Medir says, "The unknowns seem quite far out a'reach. And difficult to comprehend."

Medir says, "We're left workin' through cryptic agents."

Parkons says, "Unaka is one thing, Valenal is one thing, Liraxes is one thing, Asildu and Miraena appear to be grouped as their thing."

Medir scratches his head.

Parkons asks, "I'm probably missing someone or something else?"

Parkons says, "We have a minimum of four sources of information, four factions, four directions."

Anuril says, "The balance of information available to us from history and magical theory and practice is that sorcery is inherently dangerous, greedy, and destructive. I think the only reason people are having such a hard time choosing a course of action is that they view it as integral to their adventuring life."

Anuril takes a sip of his sour.

Anuril quietly says to Medir, "This is quite good, never had one of these."

Medir smiles at Anuril.

Medir says to Anuril, "I believe this particular recipe is Aashja's concotion."

Parkons says, "I just need one compelling piece of evidence and I'll give up sorcery. Is it dangerous? Of course! Is it shredding the fabric of the Plane of Abiding or causing an imbalance? I'm not convinced, though I'm open to it."

Anuril nods to Medir.

Medir nods to Parkons.

Medir says, "This was in part my reason f'pushing on th'lass to try and ... talk back to whatever it is that's speakin' to her."

Parkons says to Medir, "You're holding that iris, and your name has been taken. I hope that no harm comes to you of that. I sincerely do, but I think it could be a risk."

Medir says to Parkons, "It may well be th'case."

Medir nods.

Anuril says, "The immortals..."

Anuril frowns.

Parkons says, "I think we should seek the guidance of the Immortals, not the Heralds like we just recently attempted."

Anuril says, "We, most of us, already have a hard time wrapping our minds around the immortals, and we tend to project our own ways of perceiving and interacting with the world onto them."

Medir nods to Anuril.

Parkons says, "I am personally most curious about Liraxes."

Anuril says, "If the Heralds are even more alien than the immortals, it is a... greater inaccuracy of our mental model to try and think of them like ourselves."

Allye nods to Anuril.

Anuril says, "Trying to... strongarm them, or fight them...."

Parkons says, "I'm still not convinced the Heralds are truly even a factor in any of this."

Anuril nods to Parkons.

Medir says, "I still wonder: why give us a choice."

Parkons nods to Medir.

Medir says to Parkons, "Happen t'agree with you on this."

Parkons says, "My best judgement of our course of action is to recognize we are being given a choice, or even choices and then do what we can to become informed about what it means to make those choices."

Anuril says, "I think certainly they have been the ones who removed magic, but I think it was in reaction to something another actor was doing."

Parkons says, "Right now, my belief is that Liraxes is the only one I've heard any kind of convincing answers from."

Medir says, "I got a little lost in all th'percentages and probabilities."

Medir sighs.

Parkons says, "Following it may be to our detriment, but I'm willing to play along until I see clear evidence of it bringing a positive or negative effect."

Medir says, "I think concrete experience is th'name of this game."

Medir nods.

Anuril takes a sip of his sour.

Medir says to Allye, "Which is wha' I suppose was felt with the beseechin'."

Medir scratches his head.

Anuril says, "Anyway, I was kind of trying to get at, kidnapping requires a certain understanding and view of the world that I think the immortals would barely be capable of, and the heralds probably not capable of at all."

Medir asks Parkons, "What's th'next step with Liraxes?"

Medir nods to Anuril.

Allye says to Anuril, "I think you're right about that."

Parkons says, "We have prepared a contract and are ready to present it to Liraxes when there is a next encounter."

Medir says to Anuril, "Y'feel there is another unknown element at play, then."

Anuril nods to Medir.

Medir nods to Parkons.

Medir says, "I certainly hope a contract of our reality means somethin' to it."

Parkons says, "I think many are willing to assist Liraxes, but we want to make an impression that our assistance is conditional. Ensure that Liraxes is fully aware of our abilities as adventurers to help a plan succeed or fail if it's not going a direction we accept."

Medir says, "Ah. It's simply a device, then."

Medir gets a blue iris from inside his linen khandur.

Medir examines a blue iris.

Medir holds a blue iris in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Allye says, "Liraxes scares me a little, to be honest."

Medir sniffs at a blue iris.

Parkons says to Medir, "It's not lost on me that Liraxes is almost entirely indifferent about us and our concerns. However, we do know that Liraxes has requested our help which means it's goals will benefit from our participation."

Parkons says, "That means we have bargaining power."

Medir nods to Parkons.

Parkons nods to Allye.

Allye says, "If his calculations determine that the plane would be safer without us in it, it doesn't seem he would think twice before wiping us off the planet entirely."

Parkons says, "I don't disagree, Liraxes' cold indifference is something I'll never be comfortable with."

Medir says to Parkons, "I can't say I know much about it, but if taht is th'case then there certainly is merit in makin' our conditions clear."

Allye nods in agreement.

Medir blinks at Allye.

Parkons says, "Like everything else, it's an option and I think we need to try. We can continue or stop based on the results."

Medir puts his iris in his linen khandur.

Medir nods in agreement.

Allye says, "Very interested to see how things go with the contract. Was regretful to miss that meeting."

Parkons says, "I anticipate we will help Liraxes. This means I should get busy in the forge."

Medir rubs his neck.

Medir nods to Parkons.

Parkons says, "Well, by getting busy, I mean giving directions to the employees."

Allye grins at Parkons.

Anuril smirks.

Medir says, "Y'lucky your employees listen."

Medir sighs.

Anuril says, "The Liraxes option is... the one that may yield more information without pushing the needle either way so."

Anuril says, "It's... perhaps the safest."

(Parkons claps his very clean and soft skinned hands before waving goodbye!)

Medir waves.

Parkons nods to Anuril.

Anuril nods to Parkons.

Bookkeeper Parkons goes southeast.

Medir says to Anuril, "I figure if I am, indeed, at risk already havin' given my name up to some entity I don' understand..."

Allye grins at Medir.

Medir says, "There's no real reason t'not try and push for more."

Allye says, "That's the spirit."

Medir grins at Allye.

Anuril smirks.

Medir says, "This lass -- there's a chance she may have fallen and hit her head and had visions that way. There's also a chance that somethin' is meddling and posing as the Heralds to grant her visions and... abilities... to convince her they are that."

Medir ponders.

Medir says, "And there's a chance that it is what she says it is."

Medir says, "I figure if she's had a vision, or intercession, th'door is already half open to her. Perhaps she would have some luck callin' through it to whatever is on the other side."

Anuril says, "I saw her stand up to a competent cleric trying to kill her, she definitely has something on her side."

Medir nods to Anuril.

Medir says, "Whatever it may be."

Anuril says, "It doesn't feel demonic to me. I mean, I've fought them before.. I'm no expert."

Medir nods to Anuril.

Medir says, "I'm very much even further away from expertise."

Anuril says, "Be glad."

Medir says, "Think I'd drink my own stock dry if it were th'case."

Medir nods to Anuril.

Medir says, "I better be off m'self, f'now."

Medir sighs.

Anuril bows to Medir.

Anuril says, "Thank you for the drink."

Medir smiles.

Medir says, "Any time."

Allye waves to Medir.

Medir says, "That much we can be certain of."

Medir nods to Anuril.

Medir hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye says, "I suppose I should get back to the remedies."

Allye hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Anuril beams at Allye!

Medir walks southeast.

Allye grins.

Allye exclaims, "Take care!"

Allye puts her iris in her treasureweave reticule.

Anuril says, "I shall."

Allye nods emphatically.

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Cateress Allye goes southeast.

Anuril nods to Ysilda.

Anuril says to Ysilda, "Safe paths."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes southeast.

Life Weaver Ysilda goes southeast.