Scroll inventory manager (script): Difference between revisions
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==Instructions== |
==Instructions== |
There are four user variables in the script that need to be set manually. |
There are four user variables in the script that need to be set manually. |
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==Syntax== |
==Syntax== |
Revision as of 19:34, 3 March 2015
Scroll inventory manager (script) | |
Category | information |
Front-end | Genie |
Author | ABSOLON |
This script will compile a list of scrolls, their locations (including their index - e.g. first, second, etc.) and which spells they contain. It can be used for both scrolls on your person as well as scrolls for sale in a shop. The list is only a snapshot of the scroll inventory at the time the script was run and does not track them if they move around.
These lists are both displayed in their own windows to aid in quickly locating the scroll you need, and so you can compare your inventory side by side with that of a shop if desired.
Scrolls that have not been labelled by reading yet will be listed as 'Unknown' in the output.
There are four user variables in the script that need to be set manually.
Variable | Description | Notes |
personal_scrolls_output_window | The name of the window that you want your scrolls to display in. | Default: Scrolls |
shop_scrolls_output_window | The name of the window that you want shop scrolls to display in. | Default: ShopScrolls |
container | The list of containers you carry scrolls in. | Entries should be separated with a | character. (E.g. scroll case|backpack) The default is set to what I use, so it will likely need to be changed to match your containers. |
container_total | The number of containers you included in the above list. |
- Used without any arguments, the script will sort through the list of containers on your person that are set in the user variables section of the script.
.scroll shop
- Used with the 'shop' argument, the script will search all shop surfaces for any scrolls.
Genie settings
There are no required settings, although I recommend using the following highlight to help make unidentified scrolls easier to notice. Several other highlights are automatically handled by the script without affecting your highlights file.
#highlight {regexp} {Red} {: (Unknown|Obsolete)}
Also, if you adjust the font, location, and size of the windows that the script creates then make sure to save your layout and profile so you don't have to do it again the next time you open Genie.
Because of the way the game engine does not allow index values over eleventh, the script is not currently capable of displaying more than eleven scrolls with the same base noun in the same container. The script will indicate this may be the case when it occurs.
Planned features
- Adding price to the shop output.
- Adding links to each scroll that would GET the specific scroll from your container or BUY it from the shop. (This is awaiting a solution to display issues with the way Genie handles the #link and #echo commands.)
- Possibly implementing global variables to remember where each scroll is.
- Add vault to personal list if inside your vault.
None yet.
### .scroll - Written by ABSOLON 3/1/2015 ### Updates will be found at ### User Variables - Change these to suit your needs var personal_scrolls_output_window Scrolls var shop_scrolls_output_window ShopScrolls var container scroll case|thigh pouch|rucksack|book bag var container_total 4 echo ****************************** echo * Usage: .scroll echo * -sorts through all your scrolls and outputs their contents and locations. echo * -set which containers the script will search in the user variables section at the top of the script. echo * echo * Usage: .scroll shop echo * -sorts through all of a shop's scrolls and outputs their contents and locations. echo * echo * Note: All options are limited to the 11th index of a scroll in/on a given container due to the game engine. echo * This can be worked around to some degree for scrolls on your person using SORT <scroll> in <container> to reverse the order. echo ****************************** if_1 then goto parse_input goto start parse_input: if %1 = "shop" then goto start pause echo echo *********** echo * Invalid option entered. Please try again. echo *********** exit start: ### Script variables - Do not change these unless changing how the script works var shop 0 if %1 = "shop" then var shop 1 var index first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|eleventh var index_total 11 var scroll_type scroll|roll|parchment|vellum|bark|ostracon|papyrus|leaf|tablet var scroll_type_total 9 var surface_array altar|armoir|armoire|bale|bar|barn|barrel|basket|bedroll|bench|bin|block|blossom|boar|board|bookcase|bookshelf|bookshelves|bookstand|box|branch|breakfront|broomstick|bucket|buffet|bull|bureau|bust|butterflies|butterfly|cabinet|carpet|cart|carton|case|catalog|cauldron|chair|chest|closet|cloud|coffer|container|cord|cornucopia|corral|cot|counter|cradle|crate|cushion|desk|display|drawer|dresser|drum|dummies|dummy|easel|endtable|fence|firepit|footrest|fountain|framework|garderobe|goblin|gourd|grinder|hand|hanger|hatstand|head|highboy|hole|hook|hooks|horse|jar|keg|lattice|locker|mannequin|mantel|mantle|moon|net|niche|ogre|pail|pallet|panel|peccaries|peccary|pedestal|peg|pegboard|pew|pillow|pipe|pit|plank|planter|platter|plinth|podium|pole|post|pumpkin|quilt|rack|rope|rug|salver|sawhorse|shelf|shell|shelves|showcase|sidebar|sideboard|skeleton|skippet|spittoon|stable|stand|star|stool|stove|stump|sun|table|tomb|tray|tree|trestle|trough|trunk|turtle|urn|valet|vanities|vanity|vat|wall|wardrobe|waterwheel|web|webbing|workbench|worktable var container_counter 0 if %shop then { var container placeholder var container_total 0 var output_window %shop_scrolls_output_window } else { var preposition in my var output_window %personal_scrolls_output_window } if %shop then { action (parse) goto no_shop when ^There is nothing to buy here action (parse) var raw_container $4 $5;eval container replacere(%container,%container,%container.%raw_container);math container_total add 1 when ( +)a(|n)(.*\b)(.+\b) (%surface_array)( |$) action (parse) on pause 0.1 put shop pause action (parse) off if length(%container) >= 12 then eval container substr(%container,12) eval container replacere(%container,"\.","|") } ### Set-up send #window show %output_window send #clear %output_window if %shop then send #echo Yellow,DarkBlue >%output_window $roomname ### Actions action var spell_name $1 when ^It is labeled \"(.+)\.\" action var spell_name $1 Unknown when ^Illustrations of complex, three-dimensional shapes cover much of the action var spell_name $1 Obsolete when ^You see nothing unusual action var index_counter 0;math scroll_type_counter add 1;goto loop when ^I could not find what you were referring to. if %shop then { action instant var preposition in when ^In .+, you see:$ action instant var preposition on when ^On .+, you see:$ } action goto continue when ^It is labeled|^Illustrations|^You see nothing unusual action goto continue2 when ^I could not find main: var index_counter 0 var current_index var scroll_type_counter 0 var current_scroll var sort_command eval current_container element("%container",%container_counter) if %current_container = "" then goto done if %shop then { send shop %current_container pause } send #echo Yellow >%output_window %preposition %current_container: loop: pause 0.1 if %scroll_type_counter >= %scroll_type_total then goto next_container eval current_scroll_type element("%scroll_type", %scroll_type_counter) if %index_counter = 0 then { ##send #echo Green >%output_window %current_scroll_type: } eval current_index element("%index", %index_counter) put look %current_index %current_scroll_type %preposition %current_container pause 10 send #echo >%output_window send #echo Red >%output_window ************* send #echo Red >%output_window * Script timed out! send #echo Red >%output_window ************* exit continue: if ((%index_counter = 0) && (%scroll_type_counter > 0)) then { send #echo >%output_window } continue2: send #echo >%output_window %current_index %current_scroll_type: %spell_name math index_counter add 1 if %index_counter >= %index_total then { send #echo Red >%output_window There may be more of these. if !%shop then { eval sort_command toupper("sort %current_scroll_type in my %current_container") send #echo Red >%output_window To see the rest try using %sort_command and running the script again. } var index_counter 0 math scroll_type_counter add 1 } goto loop next_container: math container_counter add 1 send #echo >%output_window if %container_counter >= %container_total then goto done goto main no_shop: pause 0.1 echo ***************** echo * You are not in a shop! echo ***************** exit done: send #echo Gray >%output_window Complete! exit