Ranger Spells 3.0: Difference between revisions

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<table border="1" cellpadding="4"><th>Name</th><th>Abbrev</th><th>Type</th><th>Skills</th><th>Slots</th><th>Min Prep</th><th>Max Prep</th><th>Difficulty</th><th>Availability</th><th>Description<th>
<tr><td>Instinct</td><td>instinct</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>99</td><td>Introductory</td><td>Live</td><td>The simplest form of protection available to a Life magician, Instinct grants its subject the incredible capacity to sense and react to danger found among prey animals. While bravado inspires some Rangers to reject gifts of the prey, more dramatic displays of magic are hard pressed to match the efficacy of this simple spell for improving the subject's ability to evade attacks.</td></tr>
! Name !! Abbrev !! Type !! Skills !! Slots !! Min Prep !! Max Prep !!Difficulty !! Book !! Availability
<tr><td>Wolf Scent</td><td>ws</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>2</td><td>5</td><td>89</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Wolf Scent spell grants the powerful scent of the wolf, increasing general outdoors and scouting abilities of the target.</td></tr>
<tr><td>See the Wind</td><td>stw</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>1</td><td>15</td><td>99</td><td>Advanced</td><td>Live</td><td>The See the Wind spell, sometimes called 'The Eyes That See the Wind,' invokes the hypersensitive instincts of the animal world, allowing the caster to judge wind currents well enough to improve his aim with ranged weaponry. Researchers argue on which specific type of animal and trait See the Wind mimics, but the usefulness is indisputable.</td></tr>
|Instinct||instinct||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||1||1||99||1 - Introductory||Protection||Live
<tr><td>Cheetah Swiftness</td><td>cs</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation\Warding</td><td>1</td><td>20</td><td>35</td><td>Esoteric</td><td>Live</td><td>The Cheetah Swiftness spell weaves a morphing pattern upon the caster for as long as mana fuels it, aiding one's natural speed and balance. As seen from the spell's name, the spell pattern focuses on the Cheetah, making one more agile, improving balance, and sometimes even righting those who have fallen.
|Wolf Scent||ws||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||2||5||89||2 - Basic||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Bear Strength</td><td>bes</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation\Warding</td><td>1</td><td>30</td><td>45</td><td>Esoteric</td><td>Live</td><td>The Bear Strength spell weaves a morphing pattern upon the caster for as long as mana fuels it, aiding one's natural physical prowess. As seen from the spell's name, the spell pattern focuses on the Bear, making one stronger and heartier, but also sometimes allows one to shake certain conditions that may be affecting them.
|See the Wind||stw||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||1||15||99||3 - Advanced||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Sense of the Tiger</td><td>sott</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>2</td><td>10</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Senses of the Tiger spell weaves a morphing pattern upon the caster, calling upon that great cat's ferally efficient hunting prowess. When under the effects of this spell, you will have improved reactions and heightened senses... the very qualities of an untamed tiger.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Wisdom of the Pack</td><td>wotp</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>2</td><td>5</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Wisdom of the Pack spell shares the gained knowledge of wolf packs throughout the realms, passing on basic knowledge of governing oneself better and insight into hidden dangers.</td></tr>
|Cheetah Swiftness||cs||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation\Warding||1||20||35||4 - Esoteric||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Claws of the Cougar</td><td>cotc</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>2</td><td>15</td><td>99</td><td>Advanced</td><td>Live</td><td>The Claws of the Cougar spell offers the Ranger the power of the that mountain cat. As a cougar strikes with a mighty claw, so will the Ranger strike with his melee weapons, including when he or she is brawling.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Hands of Lirisa</td><td>hol</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>99</td><td>Introductory</td><td>Live</td><td>The Hands of Lirisa spell is named after the famous Ranger of Lanival's time, devout follower of Kuniyo. She was a great tracker and tireless hunter, and like most Rangers, very adept at surviving the wilds. As such, this spell enhances the caster's ability to skin creatures for a while. Some claim they hear Lirisa's voice when they cast this, urging them on to greater deeds.</td></tr>
|Bear Strength||bes||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation\Warding||1||30||45||4 - Esoteric||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Earth Meld</td><td>em</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation\Utility</td><td>2</td><td>20</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Earth Meld spell will forge a connection to your surroundings, thereby revealing places of concealment you may otherwise miss.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Blend</td><td>blend</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Utility</td><td>1</td><td>6</td><td>95</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Blend spell lets you blend into surrounding wilderness so well you'll be invisible. Be careful not to fidget too much though, as you'll betray your location.</td></tr>
|Sense of the Tiger||sott||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||2||10||99||2 - Basic||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Athleticism</td><td>athleticism</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Augmentation</td><td>1</td><td>5</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Athleticism spell grips the Life magician with a sudden infusion of energy, granting the caster the power and desire to scale massive mountains as well as the cougar, swim against a river's strong currents as well as the otter, and perform other extreme athletics feats.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Memory of Nature</td><td>mon</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Utility</td><td>1</td><td>30</td><td>99</td><td>Esoteric</td><td>Live</td><td>The Memory of Nature spell allows one who is already in tune with the natural world, when he or she is in a place filled with the essence of the wilds, to bring a small fragment of that with them. This fragment, the eponymous memory, serves to assist the Ranger in keeping in touch with the wilderness even when they travel to areas filled with the taints of civilization. Its effect can only do so much, as Nature is always displeased with those who spend too long away from Her.</td></tr>
|Wisdom of the Pack||wotp||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||2||5||99||2 - Basic||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Compost</td><td>compost</td><td>Non-Battle Single-Target</td><td>Utility</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>99</td><td>Introductory</td><td>Live</td><td>The Compost spell is one of the first spell patterns in the categories of decay and necrosis, a well-known sphere of Life magic. The spell, stylized after the vulture, a well-known scavenging bird, manifests multiple streams of energy infused with highly concentrated Life energy and directs them towards the target. The streams of energy swirl and twist about the target before striking. The energy is too much for the living (and non-corporeal undead)to handle, causing normal bodily functioning to cease, resulting in a sudden, rapid decay at the site of the wounds. A much less violent and concentrated form of the spell is affected when CAST in a local AREA, spreading the energies out in an, area, causing the rapid decay of certain low-complexity living organisms.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Swarm</td><td>swarm</td><td>Battle Area</td><td>Debilitation</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Swarm spell places a pattern of magic upon those in the area which attracts and angers stinging insects. This in turn impedes the ability to focus, rendering the victims' senses and ability to be or remain stealthy.</td></tr>
|Claws of the Cougar||cotc||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||2||15||99||3 - Advanced||Animal Abilities||Live
<tr><td>Harawep's Bonds</td><td>hb</td><td>Battle Single-Target</td><td>Debilitation</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>99</td><td>Advanced</td><td>Live</td><td>The spell called Harawep's Bonds summons thousands of spiders which swarm over the hapless victim, trapping it in a sticky web. It is possible the target may topple over as his legs are wrapped in webbing. The spiders sometimes renew their webs, making it difficult to fully remove the webbing from this spell.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Branch Break</td><td>bb</td><td>Battle Single-Target</td><td>Debilitation</td><td>2</td><td>15</td><td>99</td><td>Advanced</td><td>Live</td><td>The Branch Break spell summons the power of the natural world to strike out at the Ranger's foes. This spell does not damage part of nature itself, but briefly calls forth an object native to the terrain before returning it to the earth. Due to this, it can be cast anywhere that is not too "corrupted". Upon a strike, it will stun your foe. Should they already be stunned, they will be knocked unconscious instead.
|Hands of Lirisa||hol||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||1||1||99||1 - Introductory||Wilderness Survival||Live
<tr><td>Eagle's Cry</td><td>ec</td><td>Targeted Single-Target</td><td>Targeted Magic</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>99</td><td>Introductory</td><td>Live</td><td>The Eagle's Cry spell calls forth the life energy projection of a bold eagle to attack your opponent. It is a targeted spell, able to be directed to most parts of the opponent's body. The summoned eagle is particularly accurate, but it forgoes a degree of strength for this reason. Those struck are chilled by a rapid condensing of life energy and slashed by the eagle's claws.</td></tr>
|Earth Meld||em||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation\Utility||2||20||99||2 - Basic||Wilderness Survival||Live
<tr><td>Devitalize</td><td>devi</td><td>Targeted Single-Target</td><td>Targeted Magic</td><td>1</td><td>5</td><td>99</td><td>Basic</td><td>Live</td><td>The Devitalize spell strikes your opponent with a potent form of the blue-green energy patterns, causing a rapid condensing of life energies. This draining effect is too much for living beings and all corporeal undead to safely handle, causing strange and potentially fatal reactions within them. However, we are still not entirely certain the full effects of the blue-green energies, despite the myriad ways we use it. What we know is that through this application, it will generally result in freezing and twisting the target's body from within.This magic is in no way Necromancy, nor does it harm Nature in any fashion to use it.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Curse of the Wilds</td><td>cotw</td><td>Battle Single-Target</td><td>Debilitation</td><td>2</td><td>15</td><td>89</td><td>Advanced</td><td>Live</td><td>The Curse of the Wilds creates vines formed of life energy to wrap around the target. If the target cannot tough out their onslaught, the vines wrap around the victim like chains and potentially seriously hinder their offensive and defensive capabilities.</td></tr>
|Blend||blend||Non-Battle Single-Target||Utility||1||6||95||2 - Basic||Wilderness Survival||Live
<tr><td>Stampede</td><td>stampede</td><td>Targeted Single-Target</td><td>Targeted Magic</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>99</td><td>Introductory</td><td>Live</td><td>The Stampede spell conjures forth multiple life energy projections of the powerful horse from somewhere, calling those projects to stampede towards the target. It is a targeted spell resulting in multiple, low-cost strikes at a target. As any multi-strike spell, it is fairly accurate, but not particularly strong. The Stampede spell strikes forcibly, and the target is burned by the orange-hued energies. This spell cannot be finely targeted.
|Athleticism||athleticism||Non-Battle Single-Target||Augmentation||1||5||99||2 - Basic||Wilderness Survival||Live
|Memory of Nature||mon||Non-Battle Single-Target||Utility||1||30||99||4 - Esoteric||Wilderness Survival||Live
|Compost||compost||Non-Battle Single-Target||Utility||2||1||99||1 - Introductory||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Swarm||swarm||Battle Area||Debilitation||3||10||99||2 - Basic||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Harawep's Bonds||hb||Battle Single-Target||Debilitation||3||10||99||3 - Advanced||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Branch Break||bb||Battle Single-Target||Debilitation||2||15||99||3 - Advanced||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Eagle's Cry||ec||Targeted Single-Target||Targeted Magic||1||1||99||1 - Introductory||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Devitalize||devi||Targeted Single-Target||Targeted Magic||1||5||99||2 - Basic||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Curse of the Wilds||cotw||Battle Single-Target||Debilitation||2||15||89||3 - Advanced||Nature Manipulation||Live
|Stampede||stampede||Targeted Single-Target||Targeted Magic||1||1||99||1 - Introductory||Nature Manipulation||Live

Revision as of 20:02, 25 November 2012

Name Abbrev Type Skills Slots Min Prep Max Prep Difficulty Book Availability
Instinct instinct Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 1 1 99 1 - Introductory Protection Live
Wolf Scent ws Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 2 5 89 2 - Basic Animal Abilities Live
See the Wind stw Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 1 15 99 3 - Advanced Animal Abilities Live
Cheetah Swiftness cs Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation\Warding 1 20 35 4 - Esoteric Animal Abilities Live
Bear Strength bes Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation\Warding 1 30 45 4 - Esoteric Animal Abilities Live
Sense of the Tiger sott Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 2 10 99 2 - Basic Animal Abilities Live
Wisdom of the Pack wotp Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 2 5 99 2 - Basic Animal Abilities Live
Claws of the Cougar cotc Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 2 15 99 3 - Advanced Animal Abilities Live
Hands of Lirisa hol Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 1 1 99 1 - Introductory Wilderness Survival Live
Earth Meld em Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation\Utility 2 20 99 2 - Basic Wilderness Survival Live
Blend blend Non-Battle Single-Target Utility 1 6 95 2 - Basic Wilderness Survival Live
Athleticism athleticism Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 1 5 99 2 - Basic Wilderness Survival Live
Memory of Nature mon Non-Battle Single-Target Utility 1 30 99 4 - Esoteric Wilderness Survival Live
Compost compost Non-Battle Single-Target Utility 2 1 99 1 - Introductory Nature Manipulation Live
Swarm swarm Battle Area Debilitation 3 10 99 2 - Basic Nature Manipulation Live
Harawep's Bonds hb Battle Single-Target Debilitation 3 10 99 3 - Advanced Nature Manipulation Live
Branch Break bb Battle Single-Target Debilitation 2 15 99 3 - Advanced Nature Manipulation Live
Eagle's Cry ec Targeted Single-Target Targeted Magic 1 1 99 1 - Introductory Nature Manipulation Live
Devitalize devi Targeted Single-Target Targeted Magic 1 5 99 2 - Basic Nature Manipulation Live
Curse of the Wilds cotw Battle Single-Target Debilitation 2 15 89 3 - Advanced Nature Manipulation Live
Stampede stampede Targeted Single-Target Targeted Magic 1 1 99 1 - Introductory Nature Manipulation Live