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[ DR ArmorCrafting 3.0]

==Chain Armor Design==
==Chain Armor Design==

Revision as of 16:09, 9 August 2011

DR ArmorCrafting 3.0

Chain Armor Design

Chapter Item Style Book Difficulty Coverage Technique Volume
1 metal ring aventail Ring Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Neck Accessory Chain Armor Design 5
1 metal ring mask Ring Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Eyes Accessory Chain Armor Design 3
1 metal chain aventail Chain Apprentice 2 - very easy Neck Accessory Chain Armor Design 6
1 metal ring cap Ring Apprentice 2 - very easy Head Extremity Chain Armor Design 8
1 metal chain mask Chain Apprentice 2 - very easy Eyes Accessory Chain Armor Design 4
1 metal ring gloves Ring Apprentice 2 - very easy Hands Accessory Chain Armor Design 6
1 metal ring greaves Ring Apprentice 3 - easy Legs Extremity Chain Armor Design 12
1 metal ring helm Ring Apprentice 3 - easy Head, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 12
1 metal mail aventail Mail Apprentice 3 - easy Neck Accessory Chain Armor Design 7
1 metal chain cap Chain Apprentice 3 - easy Head Extremity Chain Armor Design 10
1 metal mail mask Mail Apprentice 3 - easy Eyes Accessory Chain Armor Design 5
1 metal chain gloves Chain Apprentice 3 - easy Hands Accessory Chain Armor Design 8
1 metal ring tasset Ring Apprentice 4 - simple Abdomen Torso Chain Armor Design 8
1 metal ring vambraces Ring Apprentice 4 - simple Arms Extremity Chain Armor Design 17
1 metal chain greaves Chain Apprentice 4 - simple Legs Extremity Chain Armor Design 15
1 metal ring balaclava Ring Apprentice 4 - simple Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 16
1 metal chain helm Chain Apprentice 4 - simple Head, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 14
1 metal mail cap Mail Apprentice 4 - simple Head Extremity Chain Armor Design 12
1 metal mail gloves Mail Apprentice 4 - simple Hands Accessory Chain Armor Design 10
1 metal mail helm Ring Journeyman 5 - basic Head, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 16
1 metal chain balaclava Chain Journeyman 5 - basic Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 20
1 metal mail greaves Mail Journeyman 5 - basic Legs Extremity Chain Armor Design 18
1 metal chain vambraces Chain Journeyman 5 - basic Arms Extremity Chain Armor Design 20
1 metal ring sleeves ring Journeyman 5 - basic Arms, Hands Extremity Chain Armor Design 21
1 metal chain tasset Chain Journeyman 5 - basic Abdomen Torso Chain Armor Design 10
1 metal ring vest Ring Journeyman 5 - basic Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 18
1 metal ring mantle Ring Journeyman 5 - basic Neck, Chest, Back Torso Chain Armor Design 21
1 metal ring lorica Ring Journeyman 5 - basic Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 26
1 metal mail balaclava Mail Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Chain Armor Design 24
1 metal mail vambraces Mail Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms Extremity Chain Armor Design 23
1 metal chain sleeves Chain Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Chain Armor Design 26
1 metal mail tasset Mail Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Abdomen Torso Chain Armor Design 12
1 metal chain vest Chain Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 20
1 metal chain mantle Chain Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Neck, Chest, Back Torso Chain Armor Design 24
1 metal chain lorica Chain Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 30
1 metal ring robe Ring Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 38
1 metal ring shirt Ring Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Chain Armor Design 43
1 metal mail sleeves Mail Journeyman 7 - challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Chain Armor Design 31
1 metal mail vest Mail Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 22
1 metal mail mantle Mail Journeyman 7 - challenging Neck, Chest, Back Torso Chain Armor Design 27
1 metal mail lorica Mail Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Chain Armor Design 34
1 metal chain robe Chain Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 45
1 metal chain shirt Chain Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Chain Armor Design 50
1 metal ring hauberk Ring Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 70
1 metal mail robe Mail Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 52
1 metal mail shirt Mail Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Chain Armor Design 57
1 metal chain hauberk Chain Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 80
1 metal mail hauberk Mail Master 9 - intricate Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Chain Armor Design 90

Brigandine Armor Design

Chapter Item Style Book Difficulty Coverage Technique Volume
2 metal scale mask Scale Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Eyes Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 5
2 metal scale aventail Scale Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Neck Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 9
2 metal scale gloves Scale Apprentice 2 - very easy Hands Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 8
2 metal brigandine mask Brigandine Apprentice 2 - very easy Eyes Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 6
2 metal brigandine aventail Brigandine Apprentice 2 - very easy Neck Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 10
2 metal scale cap Scale Apprentice 2 - very easy Head Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 12
2 brigandine gloves Brigandine Apprentice 3 - easy Hands Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 10
2 metal scale greaves Scale Apprentice 3 - easy Legs Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 15
2 metal lamellar mask Lamellar Apprentice 3 - easy Eyes Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 7
2 metal lamellar aventail Lamellar Apprentice 3 - easy Neck Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 11
2 metal brigandine cap Brigandine Apprentice 3 - easy head Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 14
2 metal scale helm Scale Apprentice 3 - easy Head, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 21
2 metal lamellar gloves Lamellar Apprentice 4 - simple Hands Accessory Brigandine Armor Design 12
2 brigandine greaves Brigandine Apprentice 4 - simple Legs Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 18
2 metal lamellar cap Lamellar Apprentice 4 - simple Head Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 16
2 metal brigandine helm Brigandine Apprentice 4 - simple Head, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 24
2 metal scale balaclava Scale Apprentice 4 - simple Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 26
2 metal scale vambraces Scale Apprentice 4 - simple Arms Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 22
2 metal scale tasset Scale Apprentice 4 - simple Abdomen Torso Brigandine Armor Design 10
2 metal scale sleeves Scale Journeyman 5 - basic Arms, Hands Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 30
2 lamellar greaves Lamellar Journeyman 5 - basic Legs Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 18
2 metal lamellar helm Lamellar Journeyman 5 - basic Head, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 27
2 brigandine balaclava Brigandine Journeyman 5 - basic Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 30
2 brigandine vambraces Brigandine Journeyman 5 - basic Arms Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 25
2 metal brigandine tasset Brigandine Journeyman 5 - basic Abdomen Torso Brigandine Armor Design 12
2 brigandine sleeves Brigandine Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 35
2 metal lamellar balaclava Lamellar Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 34
2 lamellar vambraces Lamellar Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 28
2 metal lamellar tasset Lamellar Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Abdomen Torso Brigandine Armor Design 14
2 metal scale vest Scale Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 24
2 metal scale mantle Scale Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Neck, Chest, Back Torso Brigandine Armor Design 33
2 metal scale lorica Scale Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 34
2 brigandine shirt Brigandine Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Brigandine Armor Design 63
2 brigandine robe Brigandine Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 56
2 lamellar sleeves Scale Journeyman 7 - challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Brigandine Armor Design 40
2 metal brigandine vest Brigandine Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 26
2 metal brigandine mantle Brigandine Journeyman 7 - challenging Neck, Chest, Back Torso Brigandine Armor Design 36
2 metal brigandine lorica Brigandine Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 38
2 metal scale robe Scale Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 49
2 metal scale shirt Scale Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Brigandine Armor Design 56
2 metal lamellar shirt Lamellar Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Arms Complete Brigandine Armor Design 70
2 brigandine hauberk Brigandine Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 90
2 metal lamellar robe Lamellar Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 63
2 metal lamellar vest Lamellar Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 28
2 metal lamellar mantle Lamellar Journeyman 8 - complicated Neck, Chest, Back Torso Brigandine Armor Design 39
2 metal lamellar lorica Lamellar Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Brigandine Armor Design 42
2 metal scale hauberk Scale Journeyman 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 80
2 lamellar hauberk Lamellar Master 9 - intricate Chest, Back, Abd., Arms, Legs Complete Brigandine Armor Design 100

Plate Armor Design

Chapter Item Style Book Difficulty Notes Technique Volume
3 light plate mask Light Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Eyes Accessory Plate Armor Design 7
3 light plate aventail Light Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Neck Accessory Plate Armor Design 12
3 plate mask Plate Apprentice 2 - very easy Eyes Accessory Plate Armor Design 8
3 metal dome helm Apprentice 2 - very easy Extremity Plate Armor Design 16
3 plate aventail Plate Apprentice 2 - very easy Neck Accessory Plate Armor Design 14
3 light plate gauntlets Light Apprentice 2 - very easy Hands Accessory Plate Armor Design 13
3 heavy plate mask Heavy Apprentice 3 - easy Mask Accessory Plate Armor Design 9
3 metal morion Plate Apprentice 3 - easy Extremity Plate Armor Design 18
3 heavy plate aventail Heavy Apprentice 3 - easy Neck Accessory Plate Armor Design 16
3 plate gauntlets Plate Apprentice 3 - easy Hands Accessory Plate Armor Design 15
3 metal bascinet Apprentice 3 - easy Head, Eyes Extremity Plate Armor Design 23
3 metal barbute Apprentice 4 - simple Extremity Plate Armor Design 20
3 heavy plate gauntlets Heavy Apprentice 4 - simple Hands Accessory Plate Armor Design 17
3 metal visored helm Apprentice 4 - simple Extremity Plate Armor Design 26
3 light plate vambraces Light Apprentice 4 - simple Arms Extremity Plate Armor Design 26
3 light backplate Light Apprentice 4 - simple Torso Plate Armor Design 10
3 light plate fauld Light Apprentice 4 - simple Torso Plate Armor Design 13
3 metal closed helm Journeyman 5 - basic Extremity Plate Armor Design 29
3 metal armet Journeyman 5 - basic Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Plate Armor Design 40
3 plate greaves Plate Journeyman 5 - basic Legs Extremity Plate Armor Design 22
3 plate vambraces Plate Journeyman 5 - basic Arms Extremity Plate Armor Design 30
3 light plate sleeves Light Journeyman 5 - basic Arms, Hands Extremity Plate Armor Design 3
3 metal backplate Plate Journeyman 5 - basic Torso Plate Armor Design 12
3 plate fauld Plate Journeyman 5 - basic Torso Plate Armor Design 15
3 light breastplate Light Journeyman 5 - basic Torso Plate Armor Design 16
3 metal sallet Journeyman 5 - basic Extremity Plate Armor Design 35
3 light plate greaves Light Journeyman 5 - basic Legs Extremity Plate Armor Design 19
3 metal great helm Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Head, Eyes, Neck Extremity Plate Armor Design 45
3 heavy plate greaves Heavy Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Legs Extremity Plate Armor Design 25
3 heavy plate vambraces Heavy Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms Extremity Plate Armor Design 30
3 plate sleeves Plate Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Plate Armor Design 39
3 metal heavy backplate Heavy Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Torso Plate Armor Design 14
3 heavy plate fauld Heavy Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Torso Plate Armor Design 17
3 metal breastplate Plate Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Torso Plate Armor Design 18
3 light plate cuirass Light Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Plate Armor Design 39
3 heavy plate sleeves Heavy Journeyman 7 - challenging Arms, Hands Extremity Plate Armor Design 51
3 heavy breastplate Heavy Journeyman 7 - challenging Torso Plate Armor Design 20
3 plate cuirass Plate Journeyman 7 - challenging Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Plate Armor Design 45
3 light field plate Light Journeyman 7 - challenging Complete Plate Armor Design 58
3 light half plate Light Journeyman 7 - challenging Complete Plate Armor Design 65
3 heavy plate cuirass Heavy Master 8 - complicated Chest, Back, Abd. Torso Plate Armor Design 51
3 field plate Plate Master 8 - complicated Complete Plate Armor Design 67
3 half plate Plate Master 8 - complicated Complete Plate Armor Design 75
3 light full plate Light Master 8 - complicated Complete Plate Armor Design 100
3 heavy field plate Heavy Master 9 - intricate Complete Plate Armor Design 76
3 full plate Plate Master 9 - intricate Complete Plate Armor Design 110
3 heavy half plate Heavy Master 9 - intricate Complete Plate Armor Design 85
3 heavy full plate Heavy Master 10 - difficult Complete Plate Armor Design 120

Shield Design

Chapter Item Style Book Difficulty Notes Technique Volume
4 metal shield handle Material Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Simple Shield Design 2
4 metal shield boss Material Apprentice 2 - very easy Simple Shield Design 3
4 metal target shield Small Apprentice 3 - easy Simple Shield Design 14
4 metal ordinary shield Small Apprentice 4 - simple Complex Shield Design 16
4 metal round sipar Small Apprentice 4 - simple Complex Shield Design 14
4 metal medium shield Medium Journeyman 5 - basic Complex Shield Design 20
4 metal triangular sipar Small Journeyman 5 - basic Complex Shield Design 14
4 metal targe Small Journeyman 5 - basic Complex Shield Design 16
4 metal oval shield Medium Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Complex Shield Design 25
4 metal medium buckler Medium Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Complex Shield Design 20
4 metal circular buckler Medium Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Complex Shield Design 20
4 metal curved shield Medium Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Complex Shield Design 20
4 metal ceremonial shield Small Journeyman 6 - somewhat challenging Exotic Shield Design 16
4 metal kite shield Large Journeyman 7 - challenging Exotic Shield Design 30
4 metal skirmisher's shield Medium Journeyman 7 - challenging Exotic Shield Design 25
4 metal jousting shield Large Journeyman 7 - challenging Exotic Shield Design 25
4 metal tower shield Large Journeyman 8 - complicated Exotic Shield Design 40
4 metal warrior's shield Large Journeyman 8 - complicated Exotic Shield Design 30
4 metal aegis Large Master 9 - intricate Exotic Shield Design 30
4 metal heater shield Large Master 9 - intricate Exotic Shield Design 40
4 metal battle shield Large Master 9 - intricate Exotic Shield Design 40
4 metal war shield Large Master 10 - difficult Exotic Shield Design 40

Armor Enhancements

Chapter Item Book Difficulty Notes Technique
5 metal armor lightening Apprentice 1 - extremely easy Reduced weight by ~10% Metal Armor Lightening
5 metal armor tempering Apprentice 2 - very easy Increases durability Metal Armor Tempering
5 metal armor reinforcing Apprentice 3 - easy Increases protection Metal Armor Reinforcing
5 metal armor repair Apprentice 3 - easy Armor Repair
5 rare-metal armor tempering Apprentice 4 - simple Increases durability for rare-metals Rare-Metal Armor Tempering