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Fletching is the process of creating an arrow for use in archery. It commonly associated with making bows. A Fletcher is one who makes arrows, while a bowyer is one who makes bows.
What you need to make an arrow.

== Bow Making ==
#wood shaper
#carving knife
#flight shears
#flight glue
#feather flights and an arrowhead for each arrow produced.

Tools needed to make a bow:<br />
Step by step...
Knife (skinning or carving will do) – to make detailed cuts and shaping<br />
Wood shaper – to shape the wood<br />
<br />
Steps to make a bow:<br />
1. Forage a limb for making the bow from – Limbs must be from one of the wood types listed below (if making a short bow you will need a stick, not a limb)<br />
2. With the wood shaper <tt>SHAPE LONGBOW FROM LIMB</tt> (if making a short bow, replace LONGBOW with SHORT and LIMB with STICK)<br />
3. Continue to <tt>SHAPE LONG FROM LIMB</tt><br />
4. When prompted switch to the knife and continue with <tt>SHAPE LONG FROM LIMB</tt><br />
5. Continue to switch back and forth between the wood shaper and the knife until the bow is completed.<br />
<br />

== Arrow Making ==
*Hold stick in left hand and knife in right
*Shape shaft from stick
*Shape shaft from stick
*Put knife aside, take shaper
*Shape shaft
*Put shaper aside, take knife
*Notch my shaft with my knife
*Notch my shaft with my knife
*Fletch my shaft
*Put knife aside, take flights
*Fletch my shaft
*Take glue
*Fletch my shaft
*Put glue aside, take shears
*Fletch my shaft
*Put shears aside, take arrowhead
*Affix my arrowhead

Tools needed to make arrows<br />
Notes from the forums;
Knife (skinning or carving will do) – to make detailed cuts and shaping<br />
Wood Shaper – to shape the wood<br />
Feather Flights – to stabilize the arrow in flight<br />
Flight Shears – to shape the feathers for maximum flight and accuracy<br />
Flight Glue – to adhere the flights to the shaft<br />
Arrowhead – the striking point of the arrow (different types inflict different damage)<br />
<br />
Steps to make an arrow:<br />
1. Forage a stick for making the arrow from – Limbs must be from one of the wood types listed below <br />
2. With the stick in left hand and knife in right <tt>SHAPE SHAFT FROM STICK</tt><br />
3. <tt>SHAPE SHAFT FROM STICK</tt><br />
4. Put knife aside, take your wood shaper <br />
5. <tt>SHAPE SHAFT</tt><br />
6. Put shaper aside, take knife<br />
7. <tt>NOTCH MY SHAFT WITH MY KNIFE</tt><br />
8. <tt>NOTCH MY SHAFT WITH MY KNIFE</tt><br />
9. <tt>FLETCH MY SHAFT</tt><br />
10. Put knife aside, take flights <br />
11. <tt>FLETCH MY SHAFT</tt> <br />
12. Take glue<br />
13. <tt>FLETCH MY SHAFT</tt><br />
14. Put glue aside, take shears <br />
15. <tt>FLETCH MY SHAFT</tt> <br />
16. Put shears aside, take arrowhead <br />
17. <tt>Affix my arrowhead</tt><br />
<br />

== Arrowhead Making ==

Tools needed to make an arrowhead<br />
Why cap? I will best try to explain by stating how arrow capability is modified by the combat system. When you fire an arrow at a target, the damage properties of the arrow are modified based on a multiplier. The multiplier is based solely the type of bow you're using. For example, a fletched ebony longbow has a higher multiplier than an ebony short bow. Taking into consideration the extremes -- fletched bow + fletched arrow -- this puts the capability of bows outside intended bounds. The damage properties you appraise are actually a minimum -- not the normal or maximum. The "great slice" arrow you fire can actually be a "bone-crushing slice" arrow based on the bow you're using. Collectively, considering all ranged combat modifiers, it's simply out of balance and must be fixed.
Weapon – to pound the shape of the arrowhead<br />
Tusk/Tooth/Fang – object to create arrowhead from<br />
<br />
Steps to make an arrowhead:<br />
1. With the weapon in your right hand and the Tusk/Fang/Tooth in the left <tt>POUND MY <item> INTO ARROWHEAD</tt><br />
3. Repeat #2 until complete.<br />
<br />

== Added Information ==

At current there are different types of flights in shops around Elanthia. At this time there is nothing out there that says any one of these flights is better for the arrow’s overall performance<br />
'''The following was provided by MIZOSHIRI1 dated 7/6/2007 5:48:14 PM (in this authors opinion extremely good, non-biased work)'''
<br />
At current there are different types of flight glues in shops around Elanthia. At this time there is nothing out there that says any one of these glues is better for the arrow’s overall performance as flights have not been known to fall off an arrow.<br />
<br />
Not all teeth can be made into arrowheads. Currently the only ones that can be pounded into an arrowhead are the [[Sinuous Elsralael]], [[Sleek Hele'la]] and the [[Lesser Dusky-Scaled Basilisk]].<br />
<br />
Your Mechanical Lore skill plays into your success of making the bow or arrow, if you see the words <tt>"You fear"</tt> during a step the bow (or arrow) has been ruined.(CURRENTLY UNCONFIRMED, Fletching 2.0 may have removed the fact it's ruined but may not have removed the messaging)<br />
<br />
In general to be able to "cap" a basilisk arrow you would need to have 300 in your overall bow skill and a perfectly arranged 100 part fang. To do it with Mistwood or Silverwood shafts you would need over 600 in overall bow. The same applies to making bows.<br /><br />
Hunters Longbows can only be made by Rangers who have achieved thier 100th Circle.
== Wood Type List ==

Wood types that can made into bows or arrows: (in order of difficulty easiest to hardest)<br />
Alright, here's some preliminary data. Preliminary because I didn't set up variables to record the body part hit, or total number of kills.
Pine<br />
Spruce<br />
Apple<br />
Alder<br />
Ash<br />
Birch<br />
Fir<br />
Cherry<br />
Hickory<br />
Cedar<br />
Ebony<br />
Elm<br />
Mahogany<br />
Maple<br />
Oak<br />
Rosewood<br />
Teak<br />
Walnut<br />
Willow<br />
Redwood<br />
Yew<br />
Mistwood<br />
Osage<br />
Bloodwood<br />
Copperwood<br />
Silverwood<br />

== Arrowhead Appraisal List ==
Sample size for each arrow is 305. (large enough to show a trend hopefully, small enough to not drive me crazy.)
{| class="wikitable"

<pre>Arrows appraisals:
You are certain that it could do:
heavy puncture damage
fair slice damage
moderate impact damage
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows are extremely weak, and are in pristine condition.
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows weighs exactly 3 stones.
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows are worth exactly 625 lirums.

You are certain that it could do:
heavy puncture damage
fair slice damage
moderate impact damage
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows are extremely weak, and are in pristine condition.
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows weighs exactly 3 stones.
You are certain that the basilisk head arrows are worth exactly 50 lirums.

{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto"
|+ '''Test results: Total shots: 305'''
!align="center"|Hit type||# of hits (mistwood)||% of total shots||# of hits (pine)||% of total shots
! Arrow Type
! Puncture
! Slice
! Impact
! Location
! Notes
| Broad-Barbed
|Grazing/glancing etc||5||1.64%||4||1.31%
| Fair
| Low
| Moderate
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Silver-Tipped
| Heavy
| Poor
| Poor
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Serrated-Bodkin
| Fair
| Low
| Low
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Stone-Tipped
| Poor
| Poor
| Moderate
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Razor-Edged
| Low
| Moderate
| Poor
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Razor-Tipped
| Moderate
| Low
| Poor
| Shard Survival Shop
| Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
| Needle-Bodkin
| Moderate
| None
| Poor
| Aesry Halfling Burrow
| Triple Fluted
|Very Heavy||15||4.92%||27||8.85%
| Fair
| Fair
| Poor
| Aesry Halfling Burrow
| Broadhead
|Extremely Heavy||28||9.80%||36||11.80%
| Fair
| Poor
| Poor
| Aesry Halfling Burrow
| Blunt Flint-Tip
| None
| None
| Fair
| Aesry Halfling Burrow
| Long Arrows
| Fair
| Poor
| Poor
| Leth Bowyer
| Barbed
| Fair
| Fair
| Poor
| Leth Bowyer
| Arrows (just plain arrows)
| Moderate
| Poor
| Poor
| Leth Bowyer
| Warhead
| Moderate
| Poor
| Poor
| Leth Bowyer
| Arrowheads Only
| Broad-Tip
| Poor
| Low
| Moderate
| Leth Bowyer
| Arrowheads Only
| Bishop
| Fair
| Low
| Poor
| Leth Bowyer
| Arrowheads Only
| Basilisk Head
| Heavy
| Fair
| Moderate
| Made Only
| Arrowhead made from Basilisk Fang
| Hele'la Head
| ???
| ???
| ???
| Made Only
| Arrowhead Made from Hele'la Tooth
| Elsralael Head
| ???
| ???
| ???
| Made Only
| Arrowhead Made from Elsralael Tusk
== Longbow Appraisal List ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Balance
! Suitedness
! Price
! Location
! Notes
| a willow longbow branded with the Ranger guild crest
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 61020 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| an ebony longbow inlaid with jade wolves
| Fairly
| Fairly
| 51865 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| a balanced competition longbow
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 139810 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| a forester's bow
| Reasonably
| Reasonably
| 25005 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| Load time reduced by 1 second
| a hunter's longbow with an ivory grip shaped like a wolf's head
| Fairly
| Fairly
| 18411 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| an ebony longbow inlaid with silver wolves
| Fairly
| Fairly
| 51865 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| a lemon-backed hickory longbow
| Fairly
| Fairly
| 2730 Dok
| Aesry Halfling Burrow
| an ash longbow
| Reasonably
| Reasonably
| 175 Kro
| Leth Bowyer
== Composite Bow Appraisals ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Balance
! Suitedness
! Price
! Location
! Notes
| a hunter's reflex bow with a jade grip carved into the shape of a raccoon
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 31349 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| an osage orange flat bow with a rough hemp grip
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 21828 Dok
| Shard Survival Shop
| a tamarisk plains bow with flowing strands of white owl feathers and agate beads
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 17617 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a tamarisk plains bow with a cascade of silvery goshawk feathers and cinnabar beads dangling from the grip
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 15845 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a silverbirch plains bow tipped with switches of jet-beaded chestnut horsehair
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 15004 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a white oak plains bow wrapped with chestnut horsehair twined through bone beads
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 15347 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a silverbirch savannah bow wrapped in leather thongs suspending two lapis-beaded bird skulls
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 20430 Dok
| Horse Clan
| juniper savannah bow with a cascade of russet hawk feathers and jet beads dangling from the grip
| Fairly
| Reasonably
| 15347 Dok
| Horse Clan
== Short Bow Appraisals ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Balance
! Suitedness
! Price
! Location
! Notes
| sniper's short bow dyed a deep forest green Reasonably Fairly
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 10824 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a black oak steppe bow wrapped with grey horsehair twined through polished vertebrae
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 5298 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a juniper steppe bow with a silver-beaded black horsehair grip
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 5398 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a silverbirch saddle bow wrapped with flaxen horsehair braided through carved cinnabar beads
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 5298 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a white oak steppe bow with an agate-beaded bird skull set at each tip
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 8965 Dok
| Horse Clan
| a tamarisk saddle bow with a braided plumegrass grip
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 4822 Dok
| Horse Clan
| an osage heartwood saddle bow inlaid with linked circles of dark horn and pale bone
| Reasonably
| Fairly
| 8537 Dok
| Horse Clan

*All percentages rounded to nearest hundredth.

I didn't record number of kills, but I did notice a significant number of 1-shot kills with the mistwood arrows and while there were none with the pine arrows.

Make up your own mind. This data is not spun in any way. If you don't like the results, go make your own.


--[[User:DekeFantle|Deke]] 16:16, 9 September 2007 (CDT)

[[Category:Creation Systems]]

Revision as of 11:53, 30 June 2008

Fletching is the process of creating an arrow for use in archery. It commonly associated with making bows. A Fletcher is one who makes arrows, while a bowyer is one who makes bows.

Bow Making

Tools needed to make a bow:
Knife (skinning or carving will do) – to make detailed cuts and shaping
Wood shaper – to shape the wood

Steps to make a bow:
1. Forage a limb for making the bow from – Limbs must be from one of the wood types listed below (if making a short bow you will need a stick, not a limb)
2. With the wood shaper SHAPE LONGBOW FROM LIMB (if making a short bow, replace LONGBOW with SHORT and LIMB with STICK)
4. When prompted switch to the knife and continue with SHAPE LONG FROM LIMB
5. Continue to switch back and forth between the wood shaper and the knife until the bow is completed.

Arrow Making

Tools needed to make arrows
Knife (skinning or carving will do) – to make detailed cuts and shaping
Wood Shaper – to shape the wood
Feather Flights – to stabilize the arrow in flight
Flight Shears – to shape the feathers for maximum flight and accuracy
Flight Glue – to adhere the flights to the shaft
Arrowhead – the striking point of the arrow (different types inflict different damage)

Steps to make an arrow:
1. Forage a stick for making the arrow from – Limbs must be from one of the wood types listed below
2. With the stick in left hand and knife in right SHAPE SHAFT FROM STICK
4. Put knife aside, take your wood shaper
6. Put shaper aside, take knife
10. Put knife aside, take flights
12. Take glue
14. Put glue aside, take shears
16. Put shears aside, take arrowhead
17. Affix my arrowhead

Arrowhead Making

Tools needed to make an arrowhead
Weapon – to pound the shape of the arrowhead
Tusk/Tooth/Fang – object to create arrowhead from

Steps to make an arrowhead:
1. With the weapon in your right hand and the Tusk/Fang/Tooth in the left POUND MY <item> INTO ARROWHEAD
3. Repeat #2 until complete.

Added Information

At current there are different types of flights in shops around Elanthia. At this time there is nothing out there that says any one of these flights is better for the arrow’s overall performance

At current there are different types of flight glues in shops around Elanthia. At this time there is nothing out there that says any one of these glues is better for the arrow’s overall performance as flights have not been known to fall off an arrow.

Not all teeth can be made into arrowheads. Currently the only ones that can be pounded into an arrowhead are the Sinuous Elsralael, Sleek Hele'la and the Lesser Dusky-Scaled Basilisk.

Your Mechanical Lore skill plays into your success of making the bow or arrow, if you see the words "You fear" during a step the bow (or arrow) has been ruined.(CURRENTLY UNCONFIRMED, Fletching 2.0 may have removed the fact it's ruined but may not have removed the messaging)

In general to be able to "cap" a basilisk arrow you would need to have 300 in your overall bow skill and a perfectly arranged 100 part fang. To do it with Mistwood or Silverwood shafts you would need over 600 in overall bow. The same applies to making bows.

Hunters Longbows can only be made by Rangers who have achieved thier 100th Circle.

Wood Type List

Wood types that can made into bows or arrows: (in order of difficulty easiest to hardest)

Arrowhead Appraisal List

Arrow Type Puncture Slice Impact Location Notes
Broad-Barbed Fair Low Moderate Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Silver-Tipped Heavy Poor Poor Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Serrated-Bodkin Fair Low Low Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Stone-Tipped Poor Poor Moderate Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Razor-Edged Low Moderate Poor Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Razor-Tipped Moderate Low Poor Shard Survival Shop Sold as arrowheads and premade arrows
Needle-Bodkin Moderate None Poor Aesry Halfling Burrow
Triple Fluted Fair Fair Poor Aesry Halfling Burrow
Broadhead Fair Poor Poor Aesry Halfling Burrow
Blunt Flint-Tip None None Fair Aesry Halfling Burrow
Long Arrows Fair Poor Poor Leth Bowyer
Barbed Fair Fair Poor Leth Bowyer
Arrows (just plain arrows) Moderate Poor Poor Leth Bowyer
Warhead Moderate Poor Poor Leth Bowyer Arrowheads Only
Broad-Tip Poor Low Moderate Leth Bowyer Arrowheads Only
Bishop Fair Low Poor Leth Bowyer Arrowheads Only
Basilisk Head Heavy Fair Moderate Made Only Arrowhead made from Basilisk Fang
Hele'la Head ??? ??? ??? Made Only Arrowhead Made from Hele'la Tooth
Elsralael Head ??? ??? ??? Made Only Arrowhead Made from Elsralael Tusk

Longbow Appraisal List

Name Balance Suitedness Price Location Notes
a willow longbow branded with the Ranger guild crest Reasonably Fairly 61020 Dok Shard Survival Shop
an ebony longbow inlaid with jade wolves Fairly Fairly 51865 Dok Shard Survival Shop
a balanced competition longbow Reasonably Fairly 139810 Dok Shard Survival Shop
a forester's bow Reasonably Reasonably 25005 Dok Shard Survival Shop Load time reduced by 1 second
a hunter's longbow with an ivory grip shaped like a wolf's head Fairly Fairly 18411 Dok Shard Survival Shop
an ebony longbow inlaid with silver wolves Fairly Fairly 51865 Dok Shard Survival Shop
a lemon-backed hickory longbow Fairly Fairly 2730 Dok Aesry Halfling Burrow
an ash longbow Reasonably Reasonably 175 Kro Leth Bowyer

Composite Bow Appraisals

Name Balance Suitedness Price Location Notes
a hunter's reflex bow with a jade grip carved into the shape of a raccoon Fairly Reasonably 31349 Dok Shard Survival Shop
an osage orange flat bow with a rough hemp grip Fairly Reasonably 21828 Dok Shard Survival Shop
a tamarisk plains bow with flowing strands of white owl feathers and agate beads Fairly Reasonably 17617 Dok Horse Clan
a tamarisk plains bow with a cascade of silvery goshawk feathers and cinnabar beads dangling from the grip Fairly Reasonably 15845 Dok Horse Clan
a silverbirch plains bow tipped with switches of jet-beaded chestnut horsehair Fairly Reasonably 15004 Dok Horse Clan
a white oak plains bow wrapped with chestnut horsehair twined through bone beads Fairly Reasonably 15347 Dok Horse Clan
a silverbirch savannah bow wrapped in leather thongs suspending two lapis-beaded bird skulls Fairly Reasonably 20430 Dok Horse Clan
juniper savannah bow with a cascade of russet hawk feathers and jet beads dangling from the grip Fairly Reasonably 15347 Dok Horse Clan

Short Bow Appraisals

Name Balance Suitedness Price Location Notes
sniper's short bow dyed a deep forest green Reasonably Fairly Reasonably Fairly 10824 Dok Horse Clan
a black oak steppe bow wrapped with grey horsehair twined through polished vertebrae Reasonably Fairly 5298 Dok Horse Clan
a juniper steppe bow with a silver-beaded black horsehair grip Reasonably Fairly 5398 Dok Horse Clan
a silverbirch saddle bow wrapped with flaxen horsehair braided through carved cinnabar beads Reasonably Fairly 5298 Dok Horse Clan
a white oak steppe bow with an agate-beaded bird skull set at each tip Reasonably Fairly 8965 Dok Horse Clan
a tamarisk saddle bow with a braided plumegrass grip Reasonably Fairly 4822 Dok Horse Clan
an osage heartwood saddle bow inlaid with linked circles of dark horn and pale bone Reasonably Fairly 8537 Dok Horse Clan