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#redirect [[Focus on Magic (book)]]
''by Lorethew Gealeranendae, in the 18th Year of Lanival's Victory''

===(Page 1)===
The construction of magical devices, save for the simplest summoning
talismans, is far beyond the ken of the young mage. However, their use
requires but a touch of patience. As with any skill, one learns and
improves with practice.

Many impatient young novices think there is nothing more to using such a
device than waving it around, rubbing it, or whatever may trigger it.
These are the same ones that wonder why the devices suddenly crumble into
dust, or why so very little energy goes into the spell. The ones who will
wear a device out entirely without ever learning what spell it held.

===(Page 2)===

I occasionally hand these novices completely mundane stones with pretty but
meaningless "runes" etched on them, and ask them to identify the spell.
After a few hours, sometimes days, they will return to me with hangdog
expressions telling me they could not activate the spell. It is then that
I teach them about Focusing, which could have answered my question in half
a minute.

All one needs to do is hold the object in question in both hands. If it
is too large or suspicious-looking to pick up (after all, some of the
ancient booby-traps of the Elves still lie scattered about in forgotten
places), you can kneel and place both hands on it. Then, you need only
FOCUS <object> to examine its magical pattern. If it has no pattern, it
is not a magical device (although one cannot rule out the possibility that
it has some sort of enchantment).

You may be able to determine the thickness and brightness of the lines that
make up the pattern. The thicker the lines, the more energy which CAN flow
through it. The brighter the lines, the more the energy which IS flowing

===(Page 3)===
through it. Often you will find a pattern with good thick lines which are
glowing dimly - in all likelihood, with a bit of concentration you can make
a small modification to the pattern, increasing the flow of energy and thus
making the spell more effective.

To do this, FOCUS <object> <amount>, where the amount is the target
percentage of the pattern's maximum capacity. There are good arguments
against always trying for 100 percent. The pattern may be able to carry
far more energy than you can harness, and many spells become more difficult
to control when you feed them more power. You will find that some patterns
resist adjustment more than others, and you may encounter difficulties. But
as you have doubtless been told before, magic is not an easy path. As in
all other things, patience and persistence can lead to great rewards.


Latest revision as of 09:12, 10 November 2007