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The Kather
By Pralel Erigowia

The Kather are an interesting race of beings that dwell mostly in the rocky lands to the northwest of Forfedhdar. With a complex social structure and unique way-of-life filled with ceremony, tradition, and beliefs antipodal to our own, the Kather provide an interesting study to any scholar; indeed, many have attempted to learn more of their engrossing culture. However, the majority of Kather that we have made contact with have demonstrated a marked hostility toward outsiders, and this makes learning of their ways difficult. I shall endeavor to provide what I know of them here.

The first thing one must make mention of when discussing the Kather is religion. In their society, religion is of the utmost importance, and it guides everything they do. The Kather worship the beings known as Dragons, believing them to be the creators of the world and the givers of life. The Dragons, in Kather belief, provided warmth in the chill caverns of their dwelling; the Dragons gave the fire to see in the dark, the knowledge to forge in those flames, and other boons of an advanced society. Ages ago, according to their myths, the Dragons left the world, to guide and watch over it from afar, and in their absence the Kather worship what they view as the Gift of the Dragons, or even the incarnation of their power -- fire.

Kather life is filled with religious ritual and ceremony, as the people seek to purify themselves in order to better please their gods. Their ceremonies are elaborate, and are a part of everything for them. There are rituals for everything from preparing simple utensils, such as knives or bowls, for usage to the immensely important series known as the "Warrior Ceremonies."

These people, as I wrote, live in the rocky lands northwest of Forfedhdar, but not primarily on the surface. Rather, they live in the canyons and caverns within the land itself. Nearly matching the skill of the Dwarves, the Kather have built and tunneled through this underground land to create their homes, and they've established a distinct architectural style.

Within the Kather home, the caverns and tunnels are each filled with the sacred, life-giving fires; sometimes massive bonfires in stone pits bring light and warmth to massive chambers, and sometimes rows of torches illuminate long underground corridors. It is difficult, in a Kather city, to take three steps and not be surrounded by the light of countless flames. Each Kather home bears its own "heartblaze," a small hearth which they consider to be the heart and blood of the home and the family residing in it. This hearth is used for light, warmth, cooking, and nightly and morning prayers.

The Kather people are divided into four castes: The Shamans, the Warriors, the Watchers, and the Workers. Each group lives in its own area, and only weds other members of their caste. Children of one caste remain a part of that caste, and there is no way for a Kather to change his or her caste. Each caste has its own role in Kather society, both in ensuring the survival and growth of the people and in fulfilling the wishes of the gods.

The Kather are ruled by their Shamans, who hand down the Word of the Dragons and see to its enforcement. Kather life revolves around the worship of the gods, and the Shaman caste oversees all of that. They are accorded the greatest respect by all Kather, and any would quickly lay down their life to protect a Shaman, though that is also the distinct function of the Warrior caste.

The shaman caste is further divided into three levels -- the Apprentice Shamans, the Second Shamans, and the First Shamans. The primary task of the Apprentice Shamans is to tend to the Kather fires, for only one of the Shaman caste may restore and renew the sacred fires which give life to the city. They move about the city constantly to prevent the death of even one torch or bonfire. It is said that the deaths of the fires will be shortly followed by the deaths of all Kather. It is also this difficult and exhausting task that trains the Apprentice Shaman that their role is to serve the gods and the Kather people. Apprentice Shamans also assist in purification rites, to prepare items for use in the rituals which guide daily life for the Kather.

Above the Apprentice Shamans are the Second Shamans. While apprentices assist in purification rites, these rites are actually performed by the Second Shamans. You see, the Kather believe it brings ill fortune to use items not purified, and so all items are brought to the Shamans to be purified in flame by these rituals. While Kather families will say prayers together over their heartblazes, Second Shamans frequently lead large gatherings of Kather in bonfire prayers, where the people come together for services. The Warrior Ceremonies are also conducted by the Second Shamans.

Shamans of the Talon, or First Shamans, are the only people allowed to bless and place before the Pit's altar gifts to the Dragons, and this is their main duty. The Kather seek to please their gods, and so heretics discovered by them are generally stripped of belongings before they are executed. Of special interest to the Kather are materials such as gold and ruby, but any items acquired that are viewed as worthy are blessed by the First Shamans. The First Shamans then place these blessed gifts in the central altar of the Kather, and offer them up to the gods.

The Warrior caste is the second highest in rank, next to the Shamans. The Warriors are the greatest fighters, protecting the city from any who would dare invade the Dragons' land as well as battling the hordes of infidels who refuse to submit to the will of the Dragons. The Warriors serve the gods through their combat, and so partake constantly in elaborate rituals known as the Warrior Ceremonies to demonstrate their fitness to continue serving as the Talons of the Dragons.

It is these rituals, the Warrior Ceremonies, that determine a Warrior's rank. The rituals range from marking the body with fire or purified knives, to the bestowment of blessed amulets and talismans against evil, to the highest ritual, walking across the Dragon's River. Kather Warriors are very ornamented, each decorated with gold and precious gems that have been sanctified by the Second Shamans. Particularly the higher Warriors, who bear the most ornamentation.

Next is the Watcher caste. The Watchers serve many purposes in Kather society. Rarely are they actually inside the city where the rest of the Kather dwell. Instead, the Watchers serve as scouts and explorers; sentries and patrols. Where the Shamans are the Word of the Dragons, and the Warriors the Talons of the Dragons, the Watchers serve as the Eyes of the Dragons.

Finally, beneath the Watchers are the Workers. The Worker caste makes up the largest number of Kather, and despite their low ranking in Kather society, they make numerous important contributions. The artisans who craft the sacred jewelry of the Shamans and Warriors are from the Worker caste. The diggers who build Kather homes, create new tunnels, and repair the older ones, are all Workers.

The source of food for the Kather are vast underground farms of moss and mushrooms, in the deepest areas of their caverns. These farms are tended by the Worker caste, who provides food for the rest of their society.

"From the nothingness came the most ancient and perfect beings in existence, the Dragons, born from the pure flames of the Sun which destroyed the nothingness. Their own lives established, these great beings used their Fires of Life to create these planets and all life contained upon them. And for ages they ruled over all, giving more and more life with their purifying fires.

Then the upstarts came. Foul creatures who fought against our Creators and Maintainers. They defiled the perfect existence made by the Dragons by forming four moons to steal the glory of the Sun. Soon, though, the upstarts declared war against the Creators, the Dragons. Inside one of their filthy moons the upstarts created a new being; a Moon Dragon. Blasphemy against the true Dragons, the gods were left with no choice but to take hand against the upstarts and end their profanation of existence.

The war between the Sun Dragons and the upstarts with their Moon Dragon was long and harsh, but the upstarts could never withstand the powers of the Dragons. They were defeated, and cast from the planet, forbidden from ever returning.

The Sun Dragons again began their peaceful and kind rule over our world. And we, the noble Kather, who fought by the side of the Dragons so long ago, were raised up to be first among the gods. We have kept, and will keep, the ancient ways of the Dragons, and fulfill our holy task to wipe all desecration left by the upstarts from the planet. Let our Warriors purify themselves in the depths of the world's flames, and take the Fires of Life into their own bodies. From the flames comes strength and the will to do the justice of the gods."

-From a Kather myth