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== '''Raven’s Crest''' ==
== '''Raven’s Crest''' ==
Intricately carved darkstone crest with purple gold inlay creates a filigree border and highlights a single branch stretching across the bottom of the shield. Crushed white diamonds form a glittery moon framing a detailed raven of blackened moonsilver with a blood ruby eye.
Intricately carved darkstone crest with purple gold inlay creates a filigree border and highlights a single branch stretching across the bottom of the shield. Crushed white diamonds form a glittery moon framing a detailed raven of blackened moonsilver with a blood ruby eye.
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=='''The Order of Ravens'''==
=='''The Order of Ravens'''==
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#The first person to have successfully obtained their targets and return to the judge at the starting line is the winner.
#The first person to have successfully obtained their targets and return to the judge at the starting line is the winner.
#Any fines incurred by the participants of the Race will be paid by the Order
#Any fines incurred by the participants of the Race will be paid by the Order

[[File:ravencrest.jpg |right]]
=='''Officer, Councilmember and Ambassador Positions'''==
=='''Officer, Councilmember and Ambassador Positions'''==
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=='''Complaints, Comments, General Correspondence'''==
=='''Complaints, Comments, General Correspondence'''==
As people frequently feel the need to reach out to family members to express their opinions and concerns, we have created a one (or two) stop shop to air your grievances or pat our backs. Please feel free to use the follow email for all of your OOC correspondence needs. We will be sure to get back to you in 1-3 business days.
As people frequently feel the need to reach out to family members to express their opinions and concerns, we have created a one (or two) stop shop to air your grievances or pat our backs. Please feel free to use the following email for all of your OOC correspondence needs. We will be sure to get back to you in 1-3 business days.

Latest revision as of 13:38, 28 May 2022

Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate due to this group's status as a player-run organization. Because these types of articles are maintained by players about players, there is always the risk of alteration due to malice or desire for anonymity. This page will be monitored by the staff; please do not allow it to become a battleground. -The Elanthipedia Moderators


Raven’s Crest

Intricately carved darkstone crest with purple gold inlay creates a filigree border and highlights a single branch stretching across the bottom of the shield. Crushed white diamonds form a glittery moon framing a detailed raven of blackened moonsilver with a blood ruby eye.

Raven’s Standard

A towering elven silk standard with detailed embroidery mounted on a black willow frame. Void black feathers are stitched into the wings of a raven with ruby red eyes, the fierce creature glares over the shoulder of a howling monkey. Tail raised in defiance, the monkey stands posed for battle.

The Court of Ravens

The first colors of sunrise are reflected on the ceramic tiles that decorate the town wall, a large building stands out amongst the townhomes that line the city street. A stylized raven adorns the flag that decorates the austere building. A pair of gnomes stand guard in front of the doors, blocking people from entering the clubhouse.

“Stop right there!”

Charging towards the crowd, weapons in hand, the gnomish guards slam into the knees of the irritated onlookers. Cries of pain mix with disgruntled shouts of indignation rise up from the gathered masses as the pair push and shove the group into a haphazard line.

“Don’t make me ham hammer you,” one of the guards exclaims while bashing a young paladin in the side of the head with a ham shaped hammer.

“We are lining them up, not knocking them down!”

Wielding a giant wrench, the second guard charges the first, completely abandoning his people herding mission. The pair slam into each other and fall to the ground at the feet of the shocked crowd. The epic battle ends as quickly as it began when a brave onlooker attempts to breach the clubhouse door. Both gnomish warriors pounce upon the man and effectively separate his soul from his being, rolling the corpse back into the crowd knocking several people over in the process.

“Guard the doors, don’t kill the vic… oh, nevermind.” An Elven woman dressed in leather sighs and shakes her head. “Do what you want, but remember we need three of them.” Stepping out from the crowd she gazes at the body with thinly veiled contempt as she makes her way to the door that opens just enough to allow her entry.

A circling raven begins to carefully watch the restless crowd, landing on the shoulder of a slender human man. A whisper from his handler sends the great bird back into the air, peppering the crowd with berry colored droppings. The man steps through the door, holding it open just long enough for his feathered companion to swoop through before pulling it shut behind him.

The tinkling first notes of a masterful ballad draws the crowds attention, a stunning Elven Bardess steps out from the building holding a delicate silversteel triangle. Coaxing impossibly beautiful notes from the simple instrument, she masterfully lulls the crowd into a blissful silence, even the gnomish guards fall quiet. Slowly she begins to increase the tempo of her song, building up layers of complex notes driving into the very beings of her audience.

The last notes of the piece drift away on a fall breeze and the crowd begins to stir just as the doors burst open and a dreamy eyed Halfling man wearing a bright purple vest under a charcoal topcoat tumbles out the door as if shoved from behind. A brilliantly bedazzled velvet tophat is thrown at the back of his head before the doors slam shut again behind him.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen,” the Halfling announces as he scoops up the top hat and spins it on his finger before placing it on his head. “For the first time ever, we are opening the Court of Ravens to three lucky people for an exclusive tour!”

A few head shakes and the formerly entranced crowd begins to regain their senses. Disgruntled muttering turns into frustrated shouts as the people once again try to move toward the door of the clubhouse. A ghostly moan escapes the dead body at their feet as it begins to shimmer and then disappears into nothingness.

“Now, now. There is no reason to get upset, we will choose quickly and get started!” The halfling gives the crowd a crooked smile and steps back toward the doors to nudge the gnomish guards who seem to have forgotten their posts entirely.

“I am a paying member of Raven’s court and it is open to me whenever I wish, you imbecile”, an obnoxiously overdressed Elothean man declares, stepping towards the door.

“In your place, halfbreed,” a masked S’kra mur man steps in front of the Elothean, slapping him soundly. The man steps back in shock, obviously not used to such treatment. He opens his mouth to speak when a second S’kra punches him in the throat. Rendered speechless, he drops to his knees. Anyone else that may have been contemplating protest finds themselves falling quickly into line when several more S’kra folks emerge from the crowd. Nodding to the halfling and stepping around the tussling gnomes, the group enters the building,

“As I was saying, today, three lucky individuals will be chosen to take this once in a lifetime tour.” The halfling steps toward the crowd and puts on a show of looking over each person. He stands next to the disgruntled Elothean and gives him a sly smile before shoving him towards the door.

“I know, so excited you can’t even speak!” He chuckles as the man tries to wheeze out a protest, but his bruised vocal chords fail him.

“You look like you could use some excitement, or a personality,” the Halfling says, eyeing a S’kra woman up and down. Her scales flush and she trills softly at the attention, the grating sound of clicking claws fills the air. Taking a step back the man looks her over once more before shaking his head. “Nope, too needy.”

A commotion rises from the crowd as a dapper gnomish gentleman is shoved through the masses and up to the front doors. Wide eyed, he looks around frantically and attempts to bolt, only to be beaned in the head by a ham shaped hammer, knocking him to the ground.

“Our final lucky visitor will be you,” the Halfing announces, nodding to a S’kra man who strides purposefully towards the door. He looks over the Elothean man with barely disguised disgust, obviously displeased with the company he is being asked to keep. The door opens and he makes his way into the clubhouse.

“Okay folks, we know you are disappointed, but the lucky three have been chosen so the rest of you should go ahead and be on your way.” Waving dismissively at the crowd, the Halfling pulls the Gnome to his feet and directs him through the door. The Elothean drops to the ground and crosses his arms in silent protest leaving the gnomish guards no other option but to drag him by the feet through the door, much to their delight.

The Raven’s Court foyer, with its gilded marble tiles and green and gold carpet accenting polished wooden walls oozes luxury. There are low tables and high-backed chairs set up to allow for conversation and paintings featuring landscapes across Elanthia. The Halfling hops up on one of the low tables near the center of the foyer and watches as the gnomish visitor tries fruitlessly to hide behind one of the chairs.

“Welcome to the Court of Ravens,” the Halfling says, waving his top hat with a flourish. “This is the foyer, not much happens in a foyer, but this one is ours.”

Rising from her seat along the back of the foyer, a striking human woman with plaited raven hair gazes at the group, unimpressed. She watches the gnomish guards begin playing a macabre tug of war with the Elothean’s legs while he howls in pain. Stepping over the protesting man she exits to the sunroom, unmoved by the Elothean’s predicament.

A swashbuckling S’kra slips around the warring gnomes and drops a plate of ham between them. Distracted, they release the Elothean who scrambles across the floor and tries fruitlessly to stand, all pretense of dignity dropped. A Kaldar woman sits in a chair next to him and taps his arm lightly. A flash of pain and a swirl of warmth, his wounds transfer to her, disappearing as quickly as they formed.

The Elothean guest stands and attempts to adjust his clothing, glaring at his captors he begins to complain loudly about how he has been treated only to to be cut off unceremoniously by a Dwarf in a loincloth. Shoving him back to the ground, the Dwarf begins to dance seductively. Scandalized, the Elothean sits in stunned silence unsure where to look as the pot bellied dancer girates to a song only he can hear.

“Are we touring or just torturing the halfbreed?” The S’kra volunteer asks, observing the chaos unamused. “I have other things to do today, and I was kind of hoping to get more Raven information out of this at least.”

“Oh right,” the Halfling says with a chuckle, motioning to an elegant Human paladin who drags the dancing Dwarf out of the room by his braided beard. “This room is less exciting than the rest, but we are in the process of remodeling, so it is all a work in progress.”

A tall S’kra man dressed in a traditional gamantang works at hammering a hook into the ornate front door. He hangs an intricate darkstone crest and steps back to admire his work. Purple gold inlay highlights the border of the crest and a single branch that stretches across the bottom. Crushed white diamonds create a glittery moon that frames a detailed raven of blackened moonsilver with a blood ruby eye.

The Elothean gasps and leaps to his feet yelling for the clerk while storming towards the man at the door. The S’kra draws his blade and the charging elitist nitwit runs himself through. Rolling his eyes the S’kra pulls back his blade as the Elothean drops to the floor in a heap.

“Hey! What have I told you about this!” The uniformed desk clerk, alerted by the scuffle, charges into the foyer stopping in his tracks at the sight of the dead Elothean. Shaking his head, he backs out of the room muttering under his breath. “They really do not pay me enough for this.”

With a chuckle, the Halfling leaps from the low table and intercepts the trembling gnome before he could follow the clerk out of the foyer. Putting his arm around the terrified fellow he motions to the others in the room and leads them all to the clubhouse dining room. “This way, more to see!”

The stunning dining room is surrounded by a lush water garden with fountains set in each corner. The expertly crafted ebony tables are set with gilded china and crystal glassware. A harried waitress stands near a detailed menu near the foyer watching in horror as the gnomish guards tumble in from the foyer, fighting over who gets to carry a plate of ham.

“Marry me?” A square jawed Elothean sits across the table from a grinning Elven woman, she rolls her eyes at the question and grabs a decadent cupcake from the pile on the plate in front of her and swats his hand away. “I will pay your bail?”

“You already do that,” the Elf replies with a shrug. The Elothean chuckles as she stands up and reaches across the table to smoosh a cupcake into his face. He grabs her wrist and unceremoniously pulls her across the table sending the dinnerware flying and plopping her in his lap. Laughing, she settles herself against his chest and blots the frosting off his cheek with the expensive linen napkins.

“Then you should marry me.”

“Eh, we’ll see.”

A low hiss comes from the S’kra guest as he looks around the room, eyes settling on an Elothean woman seated at a back table. Her void black hair is worn braided and pinned in a coronet, she is flipping through the pages of a notebook, at home in the chaos around her. The dueling gnomes crash through the center of the dining room and land in a bloodied heap next to her chair. She laughs as they struggle to stand, she heals their wounds with a tap on their arms, bruises blossom and fade away. Reaching into her bag she pulls out two roasted snowbeast hams and hands them to the gnomes. “Everything I own smells like bacon because of you two.”

“What’s with all the halfbreeds,” the S’kra hisses at his Halfling host, motioning to a balding Elothean man helping himself to the dessert cart. “These seem quite at home.”

“Some know their place,” the Halfling responds with a shrug.”For these few, their place is here.”

The S’kra narrows his eyes and glares at the Elothean woman as a S’kra man steps over the distracted gnomes to join her at her table. She shows him something written in her notebook, when the visiting S’kra hisses again drawing their attention. The room falls silent as the visitor stalks toward the table. He only makes it a few feet before dropping to the floor in a heap, a blue eyed S’kra standing over him.

The gnome visitor gasps and turns to run out of the dining hall, only to be intercepted by his host. Draping his arm around the trembling man’s shoulder the Halfling steers him around the edge of the room and into the ballroom.

“We protect our own, an insult against one is an insult against us all.” The trembling Gnome nods solemnly, following where he is led.

The spacious ballroom has arched ceilings with stunning stained glass panels. The opulent crystal chandeliers drip diamonds and send a kaleidoscope of color to play across the dance floor. A clubhouse staff member is slumped in a corner, he raises his head to protest as the Halfling leads his motley crew of ruffians into the pristine space. He quickly thinks better of taking action and instead covers his eyes to avoid the sight of warring gnomes scratching up his freshly polished floor.

The acoustically perfect designed ballroom carries the sound of minstrels playing softly behind a screen along a far wall. A golden eyed S’kra man can also be heard, pontificating to everyone and no one in general. “ I did that one thing that one time, when I helped someone, but then something happened and I had to stop.”

Propped up against the glass doors a towering silk standard hangs from a black willow frame. Detailed embroidery features void black feathers that are stitched into the wings of a raven with ruby red eyes, the fierce creature glares over the shoulder of a howling monkey. Tail raised in defiance, the monkey stands posed for battle.

“Well, this is it,” the Halfling says nodding to his still trembling guest. “How lucky you are to have learned so much!”

“Um, sir,” the gnome squeaks, his voice barely above a whisper. “ I don’t know what I should have learned.”

“Oh! I knew I was leaving something out!” The Halfling spins away from his captive audience and motions to the people around him. “We are the Ravens. We are everywhere and nowhere. We can move in silence, leaving only a trail of screams. Where there is injustice, we will be the justice, where there is justice, we will be the injustice. We are the protectors and the criminals. Everything, and nothing.” The Halfling waggles his fingers at the wide eyed Gnome and doffs his tophat in a low dramatic bow, the people around him shift and look away, visibly trying not to laugh.

“Okay that was a lot.” Patting the Gnome on the back in an attempt to reassure him, the Halfling smiles at his friends. “ The Royalty of the Provinces barrel through our lands unchecked. They take advantage of the masses and allow the guilded to behave as if they are gods, lording over the everyday man. We stand against that as a voice for the voiceless, someone to stand up for the underrepresented people in our world. We answer to no one but ourselves. We will serve as blades for hire, if the price is right and the cause fits our whim.”

The Gnome visibly relaxes for the first time, he nods solemnly to the Halfling and opens his mouth to speak, only to be silenced by a blade in his back.

“This seriously took all day, are we done now?” A stout Human steps over the Gnome and shakes his head at the people around him. “I have other things to do, you know.”


The Order of Ravens

Crest: An intricately carved darkstone crest with purple gold inlay creates a filigree border and highlights a single branch stretching across the bottom of the shield. Crushed white diamonds form a glittery moon framing a detailed raven of blackened moonsilver with a blood ruby eye.

Insignia: A feathered armband with a spectrolite clasp - Inky black raven feathers brushed with dust from crushed diamonds are woven into a sleek armband, a spectrolite clasp has been masterfully shaped to resemble the profile of a raven with a single blood ruby eye.

Insignia (to be given to Officers, Councilmembers, Ambassadors and Founding Members): An etched spectrolite band set with a blood ruby - A crimson blood ruby is set flush into an etched band of pristine spectrolite. Shifting rainbows of blues and greens are drawn to the surface by the intricate design, mimicking the iridescent feathers of a raven.

Standard: A towering elven silk standard with detailed embroidery mounted on a black willow frame. Void black feathers are stitched into the wings of a raven with ruby red eyes, the fierce creature glares over the shoulder of a howling monkey. Tail raised in defiance, the monkey stands posed for battle.


Preamble: There is a deep need for service by the underserved citizens of Elanthia, the unguilded commoners who toil day in and day out for little reward. We, the Order of Ravens, wish to give a voice to the voiceless, provide support to those in need, and rail against the tyranny of those who destroy the homes and lives of the common man without regard.

Mission Statement: The Order of Ravens stands for the common citizen whose needs are often overlooked. We strive to offer aid and comfort to the underserved people of Elanthia, and stand at the ready to provide a shield and sword against all who wish to bring them harm.

Reason for Founding and Purpose: Founded by a group of like minded individuals who wish to more efficiently serve and protect those in need, the Order of Ravens strives to bring change to the face of Elanthia by erasing the blemish that is the result of the neglect of her people.

Goals: The principle goals of the Order of Ravens are as follows:

  1. To bring together like minded individuals who wish to be of service to those in need.
  2. To provide a home for those who may not fit into the standard mold of the Elanthian hero.
  3. To provide for the needs of the unguilded common man that are so routinely neglected.
  4. To stand as protector and warrior when called upon for the good of those they serve.


General Membership

I. All members are expected to show commitment to membership by showing completion of at least two of the following requirements per month:

  1. Attend order meetings
  2. Solicit donations from the wealthy guilded citizens of Elanthia to support those in need
  3. Attend Province meetings to gather information and report to the Order
  4. Attend Order sanctioned events

II. Members are expected to behave in a manner befitting the Order
III. Members will stand in solidarity with one another while in public at all times, all conflicts amongst members shall be handled in private in one of the following ways:

  1. Civil discourse with the option of another member to stand in as moderator
  2. Roshambo, best out of three
  3. A fight to the death
  4. Race of Ravens (to be outlined later)

Governing Laws

I. Application for membership

  1. Petitioning members must do each of the following:
    1. Seek current member for sponsorship
    2. Complete 3 tasks as set by their sponsor
    3. Disavow any association with any other sanctioned order
  2. Petitioning members will seek out no less than half of the current Order membership and ask them to write a letter of recommendation to be submitted with their application.
    1. Petitioning members will be expected to provide paper and quill
    2. Current members may require a petitioning member to complete a task in addition to the one set by the sponsoring member in exchange for their support.
  3. Acceptance of petitioning members will be voted on by the current membership, there must be a unanimous decision in a open voting format
  4. In the event a unanimous decision is not reached, the petitioning member can challenge the dissenting voter(s) to one of the following contests:
    1. Roshambo, best out of three
    2. Battle to the death
    3. The Raven’s Race (to be outlined later)

II. Membership to the Order of Ravens is for life with the following exceptions:

  1. A unanimous vote to revoke membership,
  2. The voluntary surrender of membership
  3. Lobotomy of member resulting in a new personality that does not reflect the values of the Order

III. All Order of Ravens items must be returned to the Order upon dissolution of membership within one week of leaving the Order.

  1. The former member accepts the consequences of not following this regulation without recourse.
  2. Failure to return Order sanctioned items will be considered an act of aggression upon the Order as a whole.
  3. Any item bearing the crest or standard of the Order is considered an Order item.

IV. Definitions of Membership:

  1. Member in good standing: any general member who has completed their initiation and fulfilled the minimum requirements of membership
  2. Potential member: person actively participating in joining the Order
  3. Member at large: inactive member who has been granted an exception to the requirements of membership.
    1. This member will not be allowed to vote on official matters or sponsor potential members.
    2. This status can be revoked at any time.
  4. Founding Member: founding members are the original members of the Order at its inception
    1. Founding members will be granted special privilege including but not limited to:
      1. The right to attend all Council meetings
      2. The right to be heard and give counsel to Council members on regarding all matters to be voted on
      3. The right to block the initiation of any potential member that is not sponsors by another Founding member
    2. Founding members are awarded the same benefits as Officers, Councilmembers and Ambassadors.
  5. Councilmember: a member in good standing that is currently holding a position on the Council of Ravens
  6. Ambassador: a member in good standing assigned to a community service position by the Council of Ravens
    1. Ambassador positions are created by the Council and bestowed upon a member in good standing
    2. Ambassador positions will be created by the Council when a need arises for representation in the community
    3. Ambassador positions are set for life and can only be retracted by unanimous vote of the Council

V. Membership dues in the amount of 10 platinum Kronars will be due from each member in good standing every month, to be paid to the Treasurer.

  1. Officers are exempt from paying membership dues
  2. Councilmembers are exempt from paying membership dues
  3. Ambassadors are exempt from paying membership dues
  4. Founding members are exempt from paying membership dues
  5. Members are encouraged to acquire the funds for their dues by non-traditional means i.e.selling services, soliciting donations
  6. Potential members will begin paying dues upon acceptance into the Order.

VI. Officers of the Order of Ravens

  1. Speaker
    1. Appointed by the Council of Ravens
    2. Speaks on behalf of the Order
    3. Runs meetings
    4. Initiates new members
  2. Vice Speaker
    1. Appointed by the Council of Ravens
    2. Speaks on behalf of the Order if the Speaker is unavailable
    3. Runs meetings if the Speaker is unavailable
    4. Serves as impartial moderator for conflicts among members
  3. Treasurer
    1. Appointed by the Council of Ravens
    2. Holds all of the Order funds
    3. Provides an accurate accounting of Order funds received and disbursements
    4. Presents report with current balances at every Order meeting

VII. Council of Ravens

  1. Made up of ten members in good standing
  2. Each guild, excluding necromancers, will be represented and a council member will be assigned as the guild representative on the council
  3. A council member will be chosen to represent the interests of orphans of Elanthia
  4. The original Council was formed by the founding members of the Order
  5. Appoints the Officers
  6. Appoints Ambassadors and determines their focus
  7. Must vote unanimously on the following matters:
    1. Appointment of Officers
    2. Appointment of Ambassadors
    3. Removal of membership status of any member in good standing
    4. Transition of a member in good standing to a member at large
  8. Majority rule applies to all other issues before the council
  9. In case of a tie or hung vote the following can be used to determine the decision
    1. Roshambo, best of three
    2. Team fight, winner takes all
    3. Race of Ravens (to be outlined later)
  10. All votes by the Council will be open and part of the Order record.

VIII. General meeting standards are as follows:

  1. Meetings will be held once a month
  2. Minutes to each meeting will be released to members with in two days of the meeting
  3. Meeting will be run by the Speaker, Vice Speaker, or member appointed by the Speaker in advance.
  4. All members in good standing are eligible to speak at meetings.
  5. Appropriate Order of Ravens decorum is expected to be maintained at all times during the meeting.
  6. Potential members may accompany their sponsor to the meeting but may be asked to leave by any member in good standing at any time.

XI. Council of Ravens meeting standards are as follows:

  1. Meetings will be held once a month.
  2. Minutes to each meeting will be released to members with in two days of the meeting
  3. Meetings will be run by the senior member of the Council
  4. Speaker, Vice Speaker, and Treasurer will be expected to give reports at each Council Meeting
  5. Ambassadors will be expected to be present and give reports as necessary.
  6. Council votes will be open voting and disputes handled by the following methods:
    1. Roshambo, best of three
    2. Team fight, winner takes all
    3. Race of Ravens (to be outlined later)


I. The Order Treasurer will be solely responsible for holding monies for the Order
II. Any monies collected by members other than the Treasurer on behalf of the Order must be reported and turned over to the Treasurer as soon as possible
III. Loans of Order funds

  1. Loans of up to 100 plat Kronars can be given to general members in good standing at the discretion of the Treasurer
  2. Loans of up to 1000 plat Kronars can be given to officers, council members, and ambassadors at the discretion of the Treasurer
  3. Any loan over the above amounts must be voted on by the Council of Ravens
  4. Repayment of loans will be based on a schedule agreed to at the time of funding
  5. Failure to repay a loan in the agreed upon time will result in:
    1. Loss of good standing with in the Order
    2. Loss of Order Membership

IV. Enforcement of repayment in a manner determined by the Council of Ravens with no recourse for the indebted member.
V. Order funds can be disbursed at the discretion of the Treasurer without Council approval for the following reasons:

  1. Bail money for a member in good standing due to Order related activities
  2. Order related activities that require payment to the Province or facilities
  3. Known expenses that have been previously discussed by the Council

Race of Ravens

I. The Race of Ravens is a contest unique to the Order of Ravens and can only be held as a form of conflict resolution as outlined in the Bylaws of the Order
II. Participation in the Race of Ravens is voluntary and all participants agree to honor the outcome and waive their right to recourse against other participants or the Order.
III. The Format of the Race of Ravens is as follows:

  1. Two competitors are allowed to participate.
    1. In the case of a personal dispute, the people in disagreement will be the participants.
    2. In the case of a vote resolution, each side will choose one person to represent them
  2. Judges are chosen in one of two ways
    1. Selected by the competitors
    2. Appointed by the Speaker or Vice Speaker if the competitors can not agree
  3. Judges do not have to be Order members in good standing although that is preferred
    1. Non-Order member judges must agree to be impartial and accept all liability of participation
    2. Member in good standing judges are expected to be impartial and accept all liability of participation
  4. Three targets will be selected by the judge and assigned to the competitors blind
    1. Targets will be written on paper and drawn randomly
    2. Once targets are assigned the Race is set and must proceed
  5. The judge will remain at the starting line for the duration of the Race
  6. Observers are allowed to move with competitors but can not interfere with the Race
    1. If an observer interferes with an in progress Race they are subject to a fine of 1000 plat kronars and retaliation by the harmed party
    2. Observers agree that by participating in the Race they waive all liability of the participants and the Order
    3. Observers participate at their own risk
  7. There is no time limit enforced upon the Race
  8. Once assigned targets, the participants will have no more than 10 rois to prepare, the race will begin when both participants indicate that they are ready.
    1. Targets will be positioned in the town the Race is being held
    2. Targets can be found outside town gates but can not leave the area
    3. Targets can not be moved via public transportation or moongate
    4. Targets can not be placed in safe rooms or areas that do not allow universal access
    5. Targets can not be manipulated by outside sources in any way
    6. Participants can only utilize their own skills to find targets, they can not ask for help
  9. The first person to have successfully obtained their targets and return to the judge at the starting line is the winner.
  10. Any fines incurred by the participants of the Race will be paid by the Order


Officer, Councilmember and Ambassador Positions

I. Speaker 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
II. Vice Speaker 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
III. Treasurer 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
IV. Council of Ravens

  1. Bard representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  2. Cleric representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  3. Barbarian representative01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  4. Thief representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  5. Warrior mage representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  6. Moon mage representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  7. Ranger representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  8. Empath representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  9. Paladin representative 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  10. Voice of Orphans 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111

V. Ambassadors

  1. Ambassador to Orders 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  2. Ambassador of Race Relations 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  3. Ambassador of Public Relations 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  4. Ambassador of Legal Matters 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111
  5. Ambassador to the Common Citizen 01000011 01100001 01100011 01100001 01110111

Complaints, Comments, General Correspondence

As people frequently feel the need to reach out to family members to express their opinions and concerns, we have created a one (or two) stop shop to air your grievances or pat our backs. Please feel free to use the following email for all of your OOC correspondence needs. We will be sure to get back to you in 1-3 business days.


Discord: RavenComplaintBox#3460


The preceding words were placed in the order observed above by the player of Synamon under the direction and approval of the characters represented. No Elotheans, S'kra, or Gnomes were harmed in the spinning of this tale, obviously. Please note, any offense taken is yours and yours alone and we can not be held liable for your feelings and/or annoyance, but will happily offer you a cupcake if it makes you feel better. Ca-caw