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=='''Aesthene's Close The Day Magic Died '''==
=='''Aesthene's Close The Day Magic Died '''==

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Aesthene's Close The Day Magic Died

In the 368th year after the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer, on 18th day of the 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine (May 21st, 2002), magic throughout DragonRealms came to a sudden, screeching halt. This is the tale of how this world-shattering event came to pass, and what transpired in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. Special thanks to Melissandre for the Event Logs and Flura for the information on the Heralds

Suddenly, a great swirling mass surrounds you! You feel a disconcerting sensation of being lifted bodily, then being set down gently. The concealing mass dissipates, revealing . . .

[Aesthene's Close, Crystal Chamber] To your utter astonishment, you find yourself engulfed in a breathtaking array of vivid, sparkling colors. Constantly shifting in their prismic dance, they seem to make up the very air in the room, for as you move the hues and tones retreat and reconverge like liquid. You feel as though you are standing at the very source of rainbows. A pleasant, resonant hum reaches your ears. You also see a black panther, a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room, a shimmering blue portal, and a marble desk with a leatherbound journal on it. Also in the room: Lamia Flura, Howlen who is sitting, and Inept Acolyte Gweldulf. Obvious exits: none.

>Gweldulf bows to Flura.

>Flura takes a seat near Howlen.

>Howlen beams at Flura!

You smile.

>Flura asks, "How has your study been going?"

You say, "She hops those tiles too quickly"

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>look howl You see Howlen Rhede, an Elf. He has pointed ears and sparkling green eyes set beneath bushy white brows. He is bald, with dark weathered skin. He is mature for an Elf. He has some light stubble on his face. He is in good shape.

He is holding a blackened and twisted staff crowned with a gleaming emerald in his right hand. He is wearing a faded goatskin robe belted with an intricately knotted rope, a wide-brimmed hat woven from dune grass, a scrimshaw banded backtube, some tattered leather sandals, a blue-green sea glass earring, a goat-hair sack, a goatskin pouch and a woven seaweed cloak trimmed with cowrie shells.

>Flura says, "It's from all my dance lessons."

>Howlen asks, "and you, girly - you want to see this mystery to an end too, hm?"

>Flura grins at you.

Howlen says, "Good, inquiring mind is a lively mind."

>The black panther sits down.

>Flura says, "I promised to see this through."

You blink at the black panther as it blinks back at you.

>Flura says, "And I believe Melli feels the same."

>Gweldulf asks, "Who's panther?"

>Howlen says, "Well, gal...."

You nervously ask, "Is that Al?"

You glance at a black panther.

>You notice as a black panther gazes around with large yellow eyes.

>Howlen gazes at the portal thoughtfully.

You stand near Flura.

>Flura leans on you.

>Howlen says, "If it is, he ain't introduced hisself."

>You notice a black panther sniff at you for a moment.

>Flura just touched a shimmering blue portal.

>Gweldulf says, "Al was a puma.. not a panther.."

>Your mind hears Rawqwi thinking, "ya, at the gate."

You whimper.

>Howlen says, "Besides, pumas ain't black, last I heard."

>Flura chuckles.

>Howlen squints at a black panther.

>Gweldulf shakes his head.

You nervously ask, "Its sniffing me, is it hungry?"

You wring your hands nervously.

>A thick, swirling mass appears, rising through the floor. It dissipates slowly, revealing Arissande standing awestruck in the middle of the room.

>The black panther growls, "I'm a panther, not a puma. They are ugly."

>Howlen says, "Hey, girly."

>Arissande says, "Hello."

>Howlen beams approvingly at Arissande.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the blue portal, turning it gold!

>Arissande smiles at Howlen.

>Flura says to Arissande, "I got a hug." Flura sticks her tongue out at Arissande.

You regretfully say, "I forgot to bring you some more food, you must be hungry after spending so much time studying down here."

You look at Howlen and blush.

>Arissande says, "I think I have a slightly more accurate translation now..."

>Howlen says, "Well, ta tell ya the truth, I am not real hungry. Got work, no time ta eat."

>You exclaim, "Oh that's good then!"

>Flura gazes at Arissande.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the gold portal, turning it orange!

>Howlen says, "Ya do? I can't decide it it was a clue, an incantation, what tha lords and ladies it might be. "

>Flura's skin pales to an unhealthy shade.

>Howlen says, "But I figure we gotta try chanting it er something."

>Flura puts her lollipop in her peddler's pack.

>Arissande recites:

  "Dream Light and speak.  Agree to teach me how to walk.  Cause us to learn from dreams where yesterday is a tomorrow and an hour is a day.  Teach me your art of time."

>Flura nods to Howlen.

>Howlen says, "blast - why can't mages speak plain, I asks ya."

>Gweldulf points at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. >Gweldulf says, "Dream Light."

>Howlen leans on Flura.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the orange portal, turning it red!

You notice as a black panther yawns lazily for a moment, showing large white fangs.

>Arissande says, "I think the first line means exactly that...recite this in front of the Dream Light."

>Flura chuckles.

>Arissande says, "Which may be that crystal."

>Howlen nods to Gweldulf.

You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Flura says, "Because if they did, it would make them easy to understand."

>Howlen says, "seems likely enough, ya." >Flura scratches her head.

>Gweldulf says, "It is the name it gives itself."

>Howlen cackles at Flura!

>Gweldulf says, "Or that another gave it."

>Howlen says, "you got it, gal."

>Flura smiles.

>Gweldulf peers quizzically at a black panther.

>Howlen casually observes the area.

A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the red portal, turning it gold!

>Gweldulf asks, "Who's panther is that?"

You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

>Howlen says, "Okay, yer all a smart bunch. Let's hear yer ideas and try 'em all."

You say, "I think rather Pablin belongs to the panther, not the other way 'round"

>The black panther growls, "I am my own."

>You shift your weight.

>Gweldulf grins at you. >Gweldulf bows to a black panther.

>Arissande gazes thoughtfully at Howlen.

Gweldulf says, "I am sorry to make the assumption you belong to someone.." You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

>Howlen leans on his staff.

>Flura ponders.

You notice as a black panther yawns lazily for a moment, showing large white fangs.

You say, "I'm still wondering what all the puma figurine has to do with..."

>Flura says, "This is my theory.."

>Howlen gazes at the crystal intently.

>Arissande says, "Is it safe to do that? I suspect this is Aesthene's incantation, and he made the crystal quite mad with it..."

Flura says, "And I could be wrong..but.."

You gaze at Flura.

>There is a twinkle in a black panther's eyes. >A black panther stands back up. A black panther wandered into a shimmering orange portal.

>Flura says, "Hold that figurine in one hand, touch the emerald of that staff to the crystal and chant the words."

>Gweldulf asks, "Was the Aesthene a mage?"

>Flura says, "There is a great deal of energy in that figurine."

>Howlen says, "Just as well - big animal like that, its not safe in a small place."

Flura says, "Perhaps both will feed into the staff."

>Howlen nods to Flura.

>Gweldulf asks, "Well.. That staff holds no power that I can see.. How could that staff be part of it?"

Flura says, "It needs the power."

You say, "He was an alchemist"

Flura says, "The figurine and the crystal bear energy."

Howlen asks, "Mebbe it feeds it er focusses it, belike?"

>Gweldulf asks, "Alchemy and Magic are different are they not?"

>Arissande says, "Perhaps the staff is something like cambrinth...not magic itself, but a channel for it." >Arissande nods to Howlen.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the lavender portal, turning it green!

>Flura nods to Arissande.

>You say, "Or perhaps it grounds the energy"

>There is a twinkle in a black panther's eyes. >The black panther sits down. >The black panther begins to watch the goings on carefully.

>Arissande glances at a black panther.

>Flura leans on Howlen. >Howlen ponders. > >Flura clicks her fangs together thoughtfully.

>Arissande asks, "Are you sure you want to be here? Did you not hear what happened to the last cat that was here?"

>You notice as a black panther looks around cautiously.

The black panther growls, "I'm not a cat."

>Arissande says, "Fine, great majestic feline."

You gaze at a shimmering maroon portal.

>Howlen says, "Well, mind yer manners, beast, it's a small place, no fergettin' yerself and reverting to natural instincts."

>Gweldulf asks, "Ok.. Since everyone wants to do this.. Who chants?"

>The black panther growls, "If I did not want to be here then I would not be here, no?"

>Arissande shrugs.

>Howlen asks, "Flura gal's idea sounds good - any other thoughts?"

>Gweldulf gazes intently at Howlen.

>Arissande says, "There is one thing I wish I knew before we do anything..."

>Gweldulf raises an eyebrow in Arissande's direction.

>(Flura leans over and whispers to the elf quietly.)

>Gweldulf says, "There are many I wish I knew.."

You get a thoughtful expression on your face. >Arissande asks, "Aesthene built the Close...then locked it up and left for twenty years. Why?"

>Howlen smiles with great fondness at Flura.

>Arissande asks, "What was happening then that he had to ward it from sight?" >Arissande asks, "Or if this involves time travel...what is going to happen?"

You lean on Flura.

>Arissande gazes at Howlen.

>Flura scratches Howlen's back. Howlen smiles blissfully.

>Howlen says, "Ah, gal....he's a good enough man, and right - this is a unchancy thing we do." >Howlen says, "If I harm any a' ya, I give him m'throat myself." >Howlen nods to Flura.

>Flura mutters cryptically to herself. >Flura folds her arms across her chest.

You dryly say, "Well, we know NOT to have an asthma attack during the incantation"

>Gweldulf says to Flura, "We've had this discussion before.."

>Howlen cackles at you!

>Arissande nods to you. >Arissande gets a cup of tsoli tea from inside her belt pouch.

You beam at Arissande!

>Arissande says, "Whoever chants it, drink this first."

>Howlen says, "Ay, missy, yer right on that."

>Arissande taps a cup of tsoli tea.

>Flura says, "Not when I'm there, you'll go through me."

>Howlen gets a puma figurine from inside his goat-hair sack.

>Flura gazes at Arissande. >Flura asks, "Does it have whiskey in it?"

>Gweldulf says, "We have an agreement He and I.. I hope I am completely wrong.."

>Arissande sniffs at a cup of tsoli tea.

>Howlen says, "okay, who remembers the original chant? Blasted Lummox....."

>Arissande looks at Flura and shrugs.

>Howlen mumbles something under his breath.

>Gweldulf says, "Meraud do I hope I'm wrong.."

>Flura says, "I do." >Flura nods to Howlen.

>Howlen nods to Flura.

>Flura asks, "The Elothean version?"

(Mellisandre consults her notebook.)

>Howlen asks, "Aye, we try both, you think?"

>Flura nods to Howlen. >Flura says, "It cannot hurt."

>You notice as a black panther looks around cautiously.

>Arissande asks, "I may be entirely paranoid, but...before we do anything, would one of you mind blessing my swords?"

>Howlen says, "Man, I tell you true. I mean no harm to any here."

You ponder.

You say, "Tisn't the holies of spots"

>Howlen regards Gweldulf with a calm gaze.

>Gweldulf says, "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Howlen inhales a great swallow of air.

Arissande says, "Hmm. True. The good one is blessed already, anyway. Carry on."

>Howlen thumps the staff hard against the floor.

>Gweldulf chants:

  "Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Flura gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Howlen says, "arright. Let's see what we can do."

>Flura says, "I think he needs to."

You say, "I think the one bearing the staff needs to"

Flura nods to you. >Gweldulf nods to you.

You notice as a black panther licks its lips slowly.

>Howlen waves the staff at the crystal.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, silently beseeching Faenella for your hands to be steady and your touch true.

>Gweldulf says, "But the first part isn't part of it.."

>Howlen says, "Yup, guess I haveta try - hope yer pronoucning it right." >Howlen glances at Gweldulf.

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>Arissande offers Howlen a cup of tsoli tea.

>Gweldulf nods to Howlen.

>Howlen says, "Cause I sure don't know."

>Gweldulf says, "I believe I am."

>Howlen puts his staff in his banded backtube. >Howlen accepts Arissande's tsoli tea.

Pablin ponders.

You say to Howlen, "try not to roll your r's as much, Rakash have a tendency to do that at times. I've never heard an Eloth roll r's before"

Howlen says, "thanks, girly - maybe something to wet m'throat is good." Howlen says, "hm...good thought." >Howlen nods to you.

>Pablin ponders. >Pablin strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

>Howlen waves a puma figurine at Pablin. >Howlen takes a sip of his tea. >Howlen clears his throat.

Taking a deep breath, you throw back your shoulders and harden your resolve. You stand near a marble desk. You say, "I think I'll just stand over here behind the desk..."

Howlen takes a sip of his tea. Howlen says, "ay, then." Flura gazes upward.

Howlen offers Arissande a cup of tsoli tea.

Gweldulf glances at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

You grin.

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

You say, "At least Cheerful Mischief isn't here" You let out a long sigh of relief.

>Arissande nods to you.

>Flura says, "I've never wanted to spank a child before." >Flura says, "I wanted to spank him."

>Howlen says, "Thankee much.

You say, "We're about to solve a great mystery of what became of Aesthene! ..." You say, "... I hope"

Howlen coughs and glowers around from under his eyebrows repressively.

You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

Howlen gets a blackened and twisted staff crowned with a gleaming emerald from inside his banded backtube.

>Flura rubs her nose.

>Gweldulf nervously says, "If we survive."

>Arissande slings an oval shield off from over her shoulder. > You confidently exclaim, "of course we will!"

>Pablin says, "Maybe you won't want to survive." >Pablin shrugs.

>Howlen stands firmly in front of the crystal, bracing his feet firmly. He clears his throat and leans on the staff.

>Flura says, "If we don't then we will be remembered as the brave few who tried to unlock the mystery."

Arissande says, "Of course we will. But it does not hurt to remember one's armor."

>Gweldulf nods to Pablin.

You hold your breath.

>Howlen says, "Ahem...okay, here goes."

>Pablin says, "There are things worse then death."

>Howlen waves a blackened and twisted staff crowned with a gleaming emerald around. >Howlen chants:

  "Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>Howlen waits expectantly.

You glance at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Gweldulf ponders.

>Flura says, "Touch the emerald of the staff to the crystal and try chanting."

You say, "Perhaps we do need to include the Diaka bit. about Dream light and speak" You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

>Arissande nods to you.

>Gweldulf nods to you.

>Howlen gingerly reaches out with the staff, trying to touch the gem to the stone. >Howlen says, "Heh. It won't....quite...touch." Howlen ponders.

You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

This crystal glows brilliantly as it turns in mystical suspension. Great, wispy tendrils of color pass in, around and through it, magnified and refracted in every direction. It is truly a most magnificent sight.

>Flura says, "Stand on Gweldulf's shoulders."

You cover your mouth with your hand.

>Howlen jerks the staff back from the crystal and away from the sparking light. You glance with concern at Howlen. > >Pablin strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>Gweldulf peers quizzically at Howlen.

>Howlen says, "Watch it, gal....ya getting sassy wit' me." >Howlen cackles at Flura!

>Flura blushes a splotchy, mottled color. >Flura gazes down at her hands.

You giggle. You lean over and scratch Flura's back.

>Gweldulf asks, "Maybe, a mage should recite it?"

>Howlen says, "Nah, something stopping me." >Howlen asks, "I am a mage, whadda think?" >Howlen scowls at Gweldulf.

You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

Gweldulf raises an eyebrow in Howlen's direction.

Arissande ponders.

(Mellisandre reviews her notes) You scratch your head.

>Pablin smiles slightly

>Gweldulf asks Howlen, "Do you have the magical ability Sir?"

You say, "It seems the puma Al was always present during, according the accounts of that witness."

>Howlen says, "Just never got all bent out of shape about it. No need fer all that flash and shiny stuff."

>Pablin gestures. A shimmering shield surrounds Pablin. > >Howlen nods to Gweldulf.

>Pablin narrows his eyes. >Pablin observes Howlen with fascination.

Gweldulf says to Howlen, "Sir, Try rubbing the figurine.."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it maroon!

>Flura inhales a great swallow of air. >Flura says, "I need a drink."

>Gweldulf asks, "Err.. Did I say somethin wrong?"

>Arissande offers Flura a cup of tsoli tea.

>Pablin strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

>Flura says, "That's not quite strong enough." >Flura declines Arissande's offer.

>Howlen says, "Nah, sounds as good as any other idea."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the maroon portal, turning it yellow!

>Howlen nods to Gweldulf.

>Arissande puts her tea in her belt pouch. >Arissande gets a snifter of amber brandy from inside her belt pouch. >Arissande offers Flura a snifter of amber brandy.

>Flura accepts Arissande's amber brandy. >Flura gazes at Arissande. >Flura says, "Thank you." Flura guzzles down some of her brandy and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.

>You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

>Arissande smiles at Flura.

>Gweldulf says to Flura, "She's an alcoholic."

>Flura licks her lips.

>You see Flura unobtrusively take off her hat and wipe her mouth on its brim, then quickly replace it. She glances around, looking slightly guilty.

(Mellisandre stares intently at her notes)

>Arissande pointedly ignores Gweldulf.

>Howlen tucks the staff rather awkwardly under his elbow, freeing his hand to rub the puma statue briskly. >Howlen chants:

  "Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the yellow portal, turning it maroon!

>Howlen waits expectantly. Nothing happens. >Howlen mumbles something under his breath. >Howlen scowls.

>Gweldulf says to Howlen, "Sir, try the whole phrase.."

You say, "It says in the notes that the crystal tilted..." You ask, "Maybe it's still out of alignment?"

>Gweldulf says, "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Howlen says, "Bah, Elothean. Say that again, slowly fer me, man."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the maroon portal, turning it pink!

>The shimmering shield fades from around Pablin.

>Gweldulf says, "Diaka Theal tre vienage."

You lean on Flura.

>Gweldulf says, "Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan."

>Flura asks, "Maybe chant each line one at at time?" >Flura gazes at Howlen.

>Gweldulf says, "Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Howlen mumbles under his breath, practicing the unpronounceable mass of lunatic verbs and consonants.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the pink portal, turning it brown!

You quietly say, "I wonder what would happen if we put the figurine in the path of those bolts." You gaze at a shimmering brown portal. You duck your head.

>Arissande mutters into the air something about the rumors are true...Gerenshuge does make Ilithic sound simple.

Flura winces. >Flura just tickled you.

>Howlen says, "That'd be one of my last experiments, missy."

You giggle.

>Howlen grumbles at you.

>Gweldulf removes a tasseled leather waterskin from his belt.

>Howlen nods to Arissande.

You say, "Wouldn't do to loose it again" You nod.

>Howlen says, "Ay - okay, let's try again."

You jot down some notes.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it white!

>Gweldulf attaches a tasseled leather waterskin to his belt.

>Howlen squints at the crystal, then at the puma figurine.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, silently beseeching Faenella for your hands to be steady and your touch true.

>Howlen rubs the figurine thoroughly. >Howlen chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>(Flura slides over behind the elf, gazing out from between the calves of his legs.)

>Gweldulf says, "Maybe Flura is right and the figurine must be in the path of one of those bolts.."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the white portal, turning it gold!

>Flura says, "Mellisandre said such."

You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.

Gweldulf blushes a bright red color.

>Howlen ducks the bolt.

Gweldulf says, "Sorry.. Mellisandre."

>Howlen says, "too close, that 'un."

>Flura says, "I still think maybe chanting the verse one line at a time.." >Flura says, "Maybe."

>Pablin asks, "May I take a gander at the figurine?" >Pablin nods to Howlen.

>Howlen glances at Pablin. >Howlen asks, "He okay, gal?"

>Flura glances at Pablin.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the gold portal, turning it orange!

>The veil of ice melts from around Pablin.

>Pablin says, "If I wanted to take it from you I would have done so already." >Pablin winks at Howlen.

Flura says, "I don't know him very well."

Howlen says, "Huh. None so reassuring. "

>Pablin says, "I will return it." >Pablin nods to Howlen.

>Howlen asks, "Whatta you think, man?" Howlen glances at Gweldulf.

>Flura asks, "You'd take the word of one who didn't want to return it?"

>The cerulean orb spins slowly as it hovers near Gweldulf, bathing the area in a rippling cerulean glow.

>Flura folds her arms across her chest.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the orange portal, turning it green!

>Howlen says, "He and I have come to an....understanding."

Gweldulf says, "I would allow him to see it Sir.."

>Flura smirks. >Flura pointedly ignores Gweldulf.

>Gweldulf says, "He is more knowledgable in the ways of.. Familiars than any present.."

>Howlen regards Pablin narrowly, before nodding.

>Pablin smiles slightly.

>Ripples of gleaming cerulean light exude from the orb hovering near Gweldulf causing his skin to take on the texture and color of a babbling brook. >A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the green portal, turning it lavender!

>Howlen says, "Very well - though I dun think its a familiar thing." >Howlen offers Pablin a puma figurine.

>Pablin accepts Howlen's puma figurine. >Pablin nods to Howlen.

>Flura sighs.

>Pablin holds a puma figurine in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

You say, "hmm... it says that We were, as usual, locked away in the cubiculum, Al resting"

>Howlen pats Flura's arm reassuringly.

You clear your throat.

>Gweldulf says, "To the alchemist it may have been Sir.."

You say, "in the corner of the room"

>Howlen says, "Gotta trust yer fellows sometimes, gal. "

>Arissande nods to you.

>Flura says, "I trust very few."

>Arissande asks, "Perhaps we should simply place the figurine in the corner?"

>Howlen nods to Flura.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the lavender portal, turning it yellow!

>Pablin glances at a puma figurine.

You ask, "when recreating experiments, matching the conditions would be important, yes?"

>Pablin indicates his puma figurine with a smile.

Gweldulf nods to you.

>Howlen says, "At's wise, but ya need to trust sometime. Just gotta be smart about it."

>Pablin shakes his head. >Pablin offers Howlen a puma figurine. >Pablin says, "It is not a talisman."

>Flura says, "I trust you, that's enough."

>Howlen says, "Well, missy, don't really wanna recreate his results, yanno." >Howlen accepts Pablin's puma figurine.

>Gweldulf frowns at Flura.

You grin.

You say, "True, true."

>Howlen says, "ah, 'at's my gal." You say, "That would be bad"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the yellow portal, turning it silver!

You glance at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Gweldulf says, "To trust someone you met a day ago versus people you've know for a long time is not a good thing.."

>Howlen smiles a bit rustily at Flura.

You say, "Says he held the staff aloft while chanting as well"

>Howlen nods to Pablin.

You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

>Howlen says, "I dun't think so either, but good to be sure." > Flura quietly says to Gweldulf, "How can I trust you when you showed such little trust in me. "

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the silver portal, turning it blue!

>Howlen says, "Well, sure, I can do that - dang fool bunch a posturing most times. but can't hurt none." >Howlen nods to you.

>Gweldulf says, "I trust no one right now Flura, it is not personal.."

You say, "It does sound rather like it would be a strain" You nod to Howlen.

>Flura leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

>Howlen says, "Nah, just too dang flashy."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the blue portal, turning it brown!

You say, "Mother used to make me stand with my arms held out shoulder height with a book on each palm for punishment"

A shiver runs up your spine.

>Howlen grins, revealing a flash of surprisingly healthy, white teeth in his weathered face. Howlen says, "sounds like a terror, yer mam."

You nod to Howlen.

>Arissande gazes thoughtfully at Howlen.

>Flura says, "My father .." >Flura says, "Nevermind." >Flura says, "You had it easy though Mell."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it black!

You lean over and scratch Flura's back.

>Flura grumbles.

Howlen says, "Aye, families - can't choose the ones that birth ya, can just try to escape the bad 'uns soon as ya can and find a new one 'ats better."

>Howlen pats Flura on the back. > >Pablin strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

>Flura says, "I don't have family." >Flura shrugs.

>Howlen gazes thoughtfully at the crystal once more.

>Gweldulf says, "Or lose them to a necromancer against your will.." >Gweldulf frowns.

A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the black portal, turning it orange!

Arissande winces. >Arissande rubs Gweldulf gently.

>Howlen says, "Yer my gal." >Howlen winks at Flura.

>Flura chuckles. >Flura leans on Howlen. >Flura says, "Of course."

>Howlen holds out the staff and the figurine, side by side before him.

>Gweldulf asks, "So, How are we going to do this?"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the orange portal, turning it blue!

>Howlen says, "Try the chant once more...then maybe the line by line way."

>Gweldulf nods to Howlen.

>Flura adjusts her brass tailband.

>Howlen chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the blue portal, turning it red!

>Howlen says, "Well, this is getting nowhere fast."

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Howlen scowls.

>Gweldulf says to Howlen, "Sir, If I may make a suggestion.."

>Howlen says, "ay, open to all ideas."

>Motes of glimmering cerluean light trail from the cerulean orb as it hovers placidly near Gweldulf.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the red portal, turning it brown!

>Howlen nods to Gweldulf.

Gweldulf says to Howlen, "Do as Mellisandre says.. Put the figurine in the corner.. That would be it's rightful place during all.. experiments.. Done by this alchemist.."

>Howlen ponders.

>Howlen offers Flura a puma figurine.

>Flura accepts Howlen's puma figurine.

>Howlen says, "You guard it, gal - but we try it."

>Flura ponders. >Flura nods.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it black!

>Flura asks, "Place it in the corner?"

>Howlen nods.

Howlen says, "why not - can't hurt, try anythin' once." >Howlen says, "or twice. Or over and over." >Howlen cackles!

>Gweldulf grins at Howlen.

You giggle.

(Flura carefully places the figurine in the corner and edges close to it, watching all with careful eye.)

>Gweldulf says, "If at first you don't succeed.."

>Flura drops a puma figurine.

>Howlen says, "zactly."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the black portal, turning it maroon!

Howlen clears his throat. >Howlen says, "awrright."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the maroon portal, turning it lavender!

>Howlen raises the staff in the air, looking rather selfconcious about it.

>Gweldulf kneels down. >Flura gazes at Howlen. >Gweldulf glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer. >Arissande rubs an oval shield. >Gweldulf stands up.

>Howlen chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Howlen glances sideways at the puma figurine.

>Gweldulf says, "There's something we are missing.."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the lavender portal, turning it red!

>Arissande ponders.

You clear your throat. You say, "Well, from the man's notes."

>Gweldulf says, "I know no one trusts me with the staff.. So give it to a magic user here.."

>Flura says, "Mebbe the puma needs a kiss of encouragment." >Flura just kissed a puma figurine!

You say, "From beneath his cloak, he pulled a blackened, twisted staff crowned with a gleaming emerald. Holding this aloft, he uttered a strange but impressive incantation. I cannot tell you how it went, for about halfway through it, Aesthene's eyes began to bulge, and I could see immediately he was in the midst of a full-blown asthma attack. Whatever was left unfinished in that incantation must have angered the power of the crystal, for it shuddered violently and tilted a little, and a thick bolt of lightning struck at Aesthene and swallowed him whole! "

>Pablin says, "The old man knows the ways of the magi."

You say, "so... He held it up at least" You giggle. You say, "no sneezing fits, that would be bad"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the red portal, turning it brown!

Your skin takes on a pasty color.

>Gweldulf raises an eyebrow in Pablin's direction.

>Howlen says, "okay, okay, so I stick with waving it about like a ninny." >Howlen mutters cryptically to himself.

>Gweldulf asks, "How can you tell?"

>Flura asks, "That is the way of a mage, no?" >Flura winks at Howlen.

>Howlen grumbles at Flura. >Howlen cackles!

>Pablin looks at Gweldulf and shrugs.

You giggle.

>Arissande chortles softly at some secret joke.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it lavender!

>Flura just touched a shimmering lavender portal. >Flura just touched a puma figurine. >Flura ponders.

>Howlen says, "okay, lemme have Al there, my gal. Gonna try something a little close and friendly like with these things."

Howlen snickers.

>Flura picks up a puma figurine. >Flura offers Howlen a puma figurine.

You shift your weight.

>Howlen accepts Flura's puma figurine. >Howlen regards the figurine blankly, apparently deep in thought.

>Flura gnaws on her lip. >Flura looks with concern at Howlen.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the lavender portal, turning it yellow!

>Gweldulf glances at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. >Gweldulf glances at a shimmering yellow portal. >Gweldulf ponders. >Gweldulf asks, "Err.. This is the place in the mansion that the crystal was located right?" >Gweldulf casually observes the area.

>Pablin glances at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the yellow portal, turning it brown!

You say, "I believe so" You say, "He placed me down upon the tiled floor of the room with the magic portal. From there, I was safe from the crystal, but in my mind I could see all that occured."

(Mellisandre waves her notes around)

>Gweldulf says, "But. There was portal in that room.. There were no entrances.. No exits.. No windows of any kind.."

>Howlen looks up, squinting thoughtfully at first the portal, then the crystal.

You glance at a shimmering brown portal.

>Gweldulf points at a shimmering brown portal. Gweldulf says, "That shouldn't BE here."

>Flura says, "It's a pretty me."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it silver!

Arissande ponders.

You clear your throat. You say, "I repeat" You say, "He placed me down upon the tiled floor of the room with the magic portal." You point at a shimmering silver portal.

>Howlen says, "Got any ideas about how to get it out. man? Cause otherwise, we stuck wit' it."

>Flura says, "Hrm.."

>Howlen cackles at Gweldulf!

>Gweldulf asks, "Then.. We are not in the right room are we??"

>Flura says, "The only way to get it to the tiled room is to go back through the warehouse."

>Gweldulf says, "This isn't where it should be.."

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the silver portal, turning it black!

>Howlen says, "arright"

>Arissande gazes thoughtfully at Gweldulf.

>Flura says, "There was another mirror.." >Flura says, "I wonder if we drag it.." > >Gweldulf says, "The Crystal was in the room with nothing.. From what I gather.. It was by itself.."

>Flura asks, "Maybe it's broken because he broke it?"

>Gweldulf says, "The portal was outside the room.." Gweldulf says, "But Neither rooms were destroyed when Crossing was destroyed.."

>Flura says, "Or someone moved it."

>Howlen brings the figurine close, tapping the emerald capping the staff with the stone figure. A small spark of brilliant green leaps from figure to emerald like a firefly.

You blink at Howlen.

>Gweldulf blinks at Howlen.

>Howlen squints. >Howlen says, "ay...."

>Flura tries to stand and fails.

>Gweldulf says, "Do that again.."

>Flura stands up.

>Howlen brings the figurine close, tapping the emerald capping the staff with the stone figure. A small spark of brilliant green leaps from figure to emerald like a firefly.

>Arissande ponders.

You ask, "Is the figurine changed now?"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the green portal, turning it red!

You ask, "Or the emerald?"

>The emerald in the staff begins to glow softly.

You blink.

>Arissande blinks at Howlen.

>Gweldulf raises an eyebrow.

>Flura says, "I was close.."

You say, "I guess that's a yes..."

>Howlen says, "we on ta somethin here."

>Flura says, "Except I shoulda said tap it to the figurine." Flura makes a grunting noise.

>Howlen nods to Flura.

>Gweldulf asks, "Can you strike the figurine harder?"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the red portal, turning it blue! Howlen says, "none so bad, gal. And looks like we sure did need Al."

>Gweldulf says, "Not just tap it I mean.."

>Flura asks, "And risk breaking the emerald?"

You say, "Let's not break it"

>Flura shakes her head.

>Howlen says, "Okay, brace yerselves and let's see what happens.....I won't break it."

You ask, "What if you hold the emerald to the figurine for longer?"

>Gweldulf says, "Well.. Tapping it did something.. Why not try and hit it.."

>Howlen mutters into the air something about I hope..

>Arissande nods to you.

You say, "It might have been just touch, not force"

Gweldulf says, "I'm only trying suggestions.." >Gweldulf shrugs.

>Howlen touches the figurine to the emeral once more, exerting a slow pressure. The emerald flickers into brilliant green life.

>Flura beams at Howlen! >Arissande gazes at Howlen.

You get an expression of amazement on your face.

>Flura makes a chirring noise in Howlen's direction.

>Howlen exclaims, "We got it....we got somethin'!"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the red portal, turning it pink!

>Howlen beams at Flura! >Howlen beams about at everyone.

>Gweldulf says, "We got a pretty green light.. nothing more.." >Howlen says, "All right now...." >Flura says, "It's a start."

>Howlen squints at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Gweldulf nods to Flura.

You say, "try chanting again" You nod.

>Howlen shifts his gold on the staff, raising it slowly.

You say, "Maybe the staff had to be 'empowered', like a cambrinth"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the pink portal, turning it brown!

>Flura pulls a black felt hat stitched with a thick green line of thread down over her ears.

>Howlen gestures with the staff, pointing it firmly at the turning crystal. >Howlen chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage. Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan. Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans!"

Mellisandre gets ready to duck)

>Gweldulf shakes his head.

>The shifting flow of color eddies like air made visible, tone and hue fading one into another so naturally that the rainbow current appears as smooth and glassy as the surface of a quiet stream.

>Arissande blinks.

>Flura gasps!

You suppress a sneeze and your eyes nearly pop out!

>Howlen inhales a great swallow of air.

>Gweldulf blinks.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the brown portal, turning it white!

>Howlen stands near Flura. >Howlen quietly asks, "Gal....what've we got here, hm?"

>Flura quietly says, "That's the most lovely display of ..."

>Howlen stares about the room.

>Arissande casually observes the area.

>A sharp ringing tone reverberates through the air of the chamber, clear and high as a knife tapping fine crystal. The slow swirl of color in the air trembles into stillness, hanging arrested in glittering shards of brilliance as if trapped in the heart of a diamond. The crystal hangs motionless in the sea of color.

>Arissande stares at Howlen.

You cover your ears with your hands.

>Arissande asks, "Did you just stop time?"

>Howlen almost forgets to breathe.

>Gweldulf blinks.

You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>look crys This crystal glows brilliantly as it turns in mystical suspension. Great, wispy tendrils of color pass in, around and through it, magnified and refracted in every direction. It is truly a most magnificent sight.

>Flura gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Howlen says, "Girly....I dunno, but that I think we may find out."

>Flura gazes at Howlen.

>Gweldulf says, "Well.. At least I won't be late on my vault payment now.."

>As if stirred by an unseen hand the colored light trembles and roils, clouding to an opaline opacity. Crackling sparks of brilliant light spark and flash from the crystal suspended in the air as it slowly begins to revolve once more.

You get an expression of wonder on your face.

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the white portal, turning it maroon!

>Gweldulf quietly says, "I don't like this.."

>Howlen says, "Such colors...."

>Flura says to Howlen, "What do you think has happened.."

>You nibble on your lip.

You say, "I don't feel any different"

>Howlen says, "Gal....I don't know yet. It's sure not like tha' story...."

The light in the room begins to pulse, a slow and steady rythmn like the beating of a vast and patient heart. Colors deepen and fade, flowing from one to another, one shade or tint to the next, so smoothly that the eye cannot identify the shift. A cool chiming sounds in time with the pulse of color, emanating from the crystal itself as it turns in the air.

>Gweldulf says to you, "The begining of something we can't stop.."

You get a dreamy expression on your face.

Arissande nods to Gweldulf.

You dreamily say, "It's beautiful."

>Flura says, "It's like something you'd only see in a dream."

>The pulse of light speeds up, the flow of color becoming less serene, more agitated as as it begins to flicker rapidly through the spectrum, dark to light and back, cool blue to heated blood red and all shades in between. The strange mixed illumination cast by the flux of light affects sight, dimming clarity and transforming the familiar into strange and fearsome shapes. The chiming of the crystal rises in pitch to a sustained whine, shrill and painful.

>Flura covers her ears with her hands.

Arissande winces.

>You cover your ears with your hands. >Flura moves over to guard Howlen. >Gweldulf winces.

You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!"

>Flura loudly asks, "What is that?"

>Gweldulf glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.

>Howlen grimaces, face twisted painfully. He continues to stare at the crystal in rapt fascination.

>The arcs of light cast by the enormous crystal crackle rapidly, a lightning storm within the enclosed space. The light itself takes on a strange, dark tinge, and the colors that shudder frantically through it are muted, grayed to ominous, shadowed echoes of their earlier clear brightness. The crystal itself still glows with a painful brilliance, casting a harsh but limited light that seems to be absorbed by the heavy air. The whining scream of sound is deafening, like the vicious scream of a hu

>Flura reaches over and covers Howlen's ears with her hands.

You loudly exclaim, "If it tilts to one side, everyone run!"

You whimper.

>Howlen clutches at Flura, drawing her protectively to his side. >Howlen says, "Hang on, gal....looking like a rough 'un...."

You stand near Flura. You point at a marble desk. You loudly exclaim, "maybe we should take cover!"

>Arissande glances at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. >Arissande glances at an oval shield. >Arissande glances at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

Gweldulf loudly says, "You wanted this.. You get to watch this.."

>Arissande mutters into the air something about should have gotten a bigger shield.

>Flura loudly says, "I don't think all of us would fit under there."

You sling a polished kite shield painted with a still life off from over your shoulder, placing it in your left hand.

You kneel down upon the ground.

>Sound and dark light buffet through the room, a vibration felt both in the core of the body and as an assault against body and senses. The floor beneath your feet shudders and groans, and spears of coruscating light and darkness alternate in flashing beats, like the rythmn of a straining heart. A wind from nowhere screams through the room, blinding and deafening, a vortex of dim air as solid as a hammer blow. The portal glows wierdly through the darkness, all the colors of the spectrum flowing over its liquid surface with a silvery, mercurial speed.

>Flura gazes at a shimmering green portal. >Flura gasps!

>Arissande shivers.

(Mellisandre braces her shield in front of her, and peers wide-eyed over the edge)

You squint at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>The shrieking whine of the crystal rises to a shrill, painful crescendo before spiraling out of the range of mortal hearing. Revolving at speed, casting off jagged shards of burning light like a rain of arrows, it shudders in its spinning rotation. Dark air, stained with murky color, folds about the glittering stone like ragged wings and it is hard to draw a breath. The air seems thick and almost tangible, and thunder rumbles about the room with heavy menace.

(Flura clasps her hat on her head as the wind rushes past her.)

You quiver.

>A pained expression crosses Gweldulf's face.

You look nervously over your shoulder.

>Gweldulf seems to be looking for a hiding place.

>Flura loudly says, "This is kind of nerve wracking, but I can' stop staring."

>You notice Gweldulf slip into a hiding place.

You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

You loudly ask, "Is that vortex another portal?"

>The crystal shudders to an abrupt halt, suspended motionless in the roiling air, pulsing dark and light in rapid succession. The air in the room seems to change, to solidify about you like the darkness in the heart of stone. Fleeting color so dark as to be merely shades and tones of black flicker through it, and a deep slow pulse beats in blood and bone. You cannot move or speak, and the very air in your lungs lies heavy as iron.

>You hear the voice of Gweldulf ask Howlen, "By the Gods.. What have you started??"

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the pink portal, turning it orange!

>(Flura clasps Howlen's arm tightly.)

(Mellisandre opens her mouth to speak, but can't seem to get any words out.)

>Howlen hugs Flura close to his side.

>With a soundless, heavy explosion of darkness and light the chamber explodes into a chaos of splintering sound and streaming visions. Color strikes like arrows, thunder rumbles like an avalanche of sound. The thick air carries a tang of copper and breath is wrenched from your lungs. Blinded, deafened, wrapped in darkness and buffeted by the heavy blows of wind and dark light, you lose all sense of time and space, surrendering to the storm of chaos and the raging scream of sound.

You scream!

>You hear someone gasp!

>Howlen stumbles back, dragging Flura with him.

>(Flura falls to her knees) >Flura kneels down.

>Gweldulf quietly asks, "What have you unleashed?"

You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.

>Arissande comes and stands near you. >Arissande rubs you gently.

Howlen yells about the howling noise, "Gal! Gal, I dunno what it is....but I meant no harm ta ye, never! Believe me!

>A shroud of color like cold flame and burning rain coalesces from the chaos to wrap about Howlen like a winding sheet. Dimly through the streaming air you see him convulse, mouth open in a howl of surprise and protest, before he and the shroud flare and vanish in a silent explosion.

You gasp!

Arissande blinks.

>Flura begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "Why... what about for choclate ?"

>Flura exclaims, "NOOO!"

Gweldulf blinks.

You stand back up.

As abruptly as if a door had slammed shut, the noise and glare of chaos dies. Silence falls like a headsman's axe, pitiless and final.

>(Mellisandre looks about, wild-eyed)

>Arissande winces.

>Flura asks, "Where did he go?"

>Gweldulf points at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Flura exclaims, "He can't be gone!"

Your eyes widen as you tremble in quiet panic.

>Gweldulf says, "In that.."

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Gweldulf bows his head and chants a prayer. You recognize the spell as Protection from Evil.

>Flura yells, "Howlen..I believe you. Come back!" >Flura whimpers softly. > >Arissande says, "I think returning is beyond his ability at the moment..." >Arissande asks Gweldulf, "You think the crystal...erm...ate him?"

>Gweldulf rubs Flura gently.

>Flura says, "I shouldn't have let him do it." >Flura holds hands with Gweldulf. >Flura holds hands with Arissande.

Your eyes widen as you tremble in quiet panic.

>Gweldulf blinks.

You ask, "We... didn't it say in that book?" You flail your arms about.

>Arissande shivers.

You exclaim, "That the house collapsed!" You flail your arms about.

>Flura quietly says, "I can't live if I don't try to help him."

>Arissande nods to you. >Arissande says, "Everything outside of this room was chaos..."

You say, "How? He's gone and we need the staff and the puma" You exclaim, "and he had them!"

>Gweldulf says, "Death, and destruction.."

You pull your hair.

>Flura asks, "It was found once no?" >Flura says, "We need to find it."

>Gweldulf asks, "Where?"

>Flura says, "I don't know where."

>Gweldulf says, "He said he found it in the pawnshop.."

You flail your arms about.

>Flura says, "I have an idea." >Flura stands up.

>Arissande raises an eyebrow in Flura's direction.

>Flura says, "There is another mirror when we entered here." >Flura asks, "Maybe it got left there?"

>Gweldulf glances at a shimmering green portal. >Gweldulf says, "Has anyone noticed.."

You glance at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. This crystal glows brilliantly as it turns in mystical suspension. Great, wispy tendrils of color pass in, around and through it, magnified and refracted in every direction. It is truly a most magnificent sight.

>Gweldulf says, "That portal has stayed green for alot longer than it should have.."

>Arissande says, "No more bolts of light."

>Flura gazes at a shimmering green portal.

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "It's awful!"

>You gaze at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

You glance at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>A tear runs down Flura's face. >Flura comes and stands near you. You rub Flura.

You ask, "Will he come back?"

>Gweldulf says, "He didn't keep his word.." >Gweldulf says, "He said.. No one would get hurt.."

Flura says, "He didn't mean to harm us." >Flura says, "Stop being like this, this isn't the time."

>You ask, "Is anyone hurt physically that you know of?"

>Gweldulf says, "No.. I mean.. I should have protected him.." Gweldulf says, "He....."

You move over to guard Flura.

>Arissande says, "Beyond temporary blindness and deafness, I think we are all right...although I wonder if the same can be said for those outside this room."

>Gweldulf takes a seat.

>Arissande gazes at Gweldulf.

>Gweldulf says, "I've failed again.." > You slowly say, "He said... trees were uprooted, carts overturned... buildings destroyed"

Gweldulf becomes utterly still, mouth gaping open in awe as the color drains from their face.

>Arissande blinks at Gweldulf.

Gweldulf screams in surprised pain, clapping their hands over their eyes and staggering wildly.

You blink at Gweldulf.

A luminescent figure surrounded by a corona of brilliant white light moves into your field of vision. You cannot help but stare in slack-jawed wonder at an ethereal image so beautiful that your mind has difficulty comprehending what your eyes are in fact seeing. The mundane sounds that surrounded you a moment ago are replaced with a silence that is absolute.

>Flura gasps! > The magnificent visage regards you briefly, molten silver eyes moving over you with cold detachment. You find you cannot tear your gaze away from them, and feel your soul beginning to drown in pupils the color of a primeval forest. > Rippling waves of grey watersilk slide silently over the figure, while long tapering fingers close over the hilt of unusually long sword like clasping the hand of an old friend. You break your gaze away long enough to notice the heavily veined hand, its nails brightly lacquered in alternating stripes of green and silver.

> The incandescent aura flares, searing your eyes and making your nerve endings sing with pain. You draw a pain-wracked breath as your sight slowly returns to you, everyday sounds suddenly roaring to life in your head as the vision recedes.

>Arissande glances about with concern on her face.

>Flura says, "What is happening to you two."

You whimper. You say, "The..."

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "Mellisandre and Gweldulf are going mad."

>Flura stands near Arissande. >Flura glances at you.

>Flura glances at Gweldulf.

>Arissande moves over to guard Flura.

You say, "the sword... the hand" You say, "those eyes"

A shiver runs up your spine. You shiver with fear.

>Arissande squints at you.

>Gweldulf says, "noo..."

>Arissande asks, "You are seeing visions?"

>Flura asks, "What are you talking about?"

You whimper.

>Gweldulf says, "The.. eyes......" >Gweldulf shudders.

>Arissande asks, "What eyes?"

You say to Gweldulf, "You... you're hurt."

You get some sufil sap from inside your thigh bag. You rub a portion of some sufil sap on Gweldulf.

>Arissande says, "You both are."

You ask, "I am?"

>Flura gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

You say, "Those... eyes"

>Arissande nods to you.

>Gweldulf says, "I.. I can still see.. the eyes....."

You nod to Gweldulf. You say, "Eyes like molten silver... the pupils were the green of the forests of my childhood" You gaze off into the distance blankly. > >A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

You say, "Those were not mortal eyes" You shiver with fear. You eat a portion of some sufil sap.

>Gweldulf says, "Those.. Hands.."

>Arissande blinks. Arissande screams in surprised pain, clapping their hands over their eyes and staggering wildly.

>Gweldulf says, "while long tapering fingers close over the hilt of unusually long sword like clasping the hand of an old friend."

>think Those ... eyes... HAve you seen the eyes? You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Flura blinks at Gweldulf.

>Your mind hears Ealdgyth thinking, "I saw something..."

Flura screams in surprised pain, clapping their hands over their eyes and staggering wildly.

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "It was....Gods...." >think that hand... with the sword. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

Arissande says, "Who..."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Their eyes are gone..."

>Arissande shivers.

>Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "The.. Eye.. Oh gods the eyes!"

>Gweldulf screams!

>Gweldulf gets some sufil sap from inside his herb pouch.

>Flura says, "I saw..something different then you two did."

>Gweldulf offers Arissande some sufil sap.

>Arissande accepts Gweldulf's sufil sap.

>(Flura clutches her head in her hands.)

You fret.

You glance with concern at Flura.

>Arissande asks, "I believe I just saw what they did...what do you see?"

You rub a portion of some sufil sap on Flura. [Roundtime: 10 seconds]

>Arissande gazes at Flura. >Arissande rubs a portion of some sufil sap on herself. >Arissande offers Gweldulf some sufil sap.

>Your injuries feel a bit better.

>Flura says, "I saw.."

A shiver runs up your spine.

>Gweldulf declines Arissande's offer. >Gweldulf leans on you.

>Arissande puts her sap in her belt pouch.

(Mellisandre rubs her arms, shivering)

>Gweldulf says, "Those..." >Gweldulf shudders.

>Arissande nods to Gweldulf.

>Flura says, "A figure surrounded by a brilliant white light.." Flura says, "It was ..beautiful."

You nod to Flura.

>Gweldulf says, "To.. beautiful.."

>Arissande says, "We all saw the same thing, then..."

>Gweldulf says, "It hurt so much.."

You say, "then it looked at me, with those eyes"

>Flura says, "It had a bony and gold nails."

>Arissande says, "I saw blue and silver..."

You ask, "not... green and silver?"

>Flura says, "It was clasping a cruelly twisted longsword." > >Arissande gazes at Flura.

>Gweldulf says, "The magnificent visage regards you briefly, molten silver eyes moving over you with cold detachment"

Gweldulf shudders.

>(Flura touches her chest with her right hand.)

You nod to Flura. >Gweldulf says, "I saw green and silver nails.."

>Arissande rubs her eyes. >Arissande shivers.

You gaze off into the distance blankly.

>Gweldulf winces.

>think Those eyes will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>The soft white glow fades from around you.

Gweldulf bows his head and chants a prayer. You recognize the spell as Protection from Evil.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Perhaps those who witnessed these visions, or the effects they had on others, should gather somewhere?"

You begin to weep softly.

>Flura says, "It had a bony and gold nails. That is what I saw..clasping that cruelly twisted longsword."

Arissande asks, "Who...what...was that?"

>Gweldulf shakes his head at Flura. >Gweldulf says, "I didn't see that.."

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "I saw...a bony and gold nails. That is what I saw..clasping that cruelly twisted longsword."

You ask, "How can we bear living without hope of seeing such beauty again?"

>Your mind hears Taisalyn thinking, "Yes.. he had green and silver fingernails. Hmm, interesting."

>Arissande shivers.

>Gweldulf says, "I saw an unusual longsword.. Like I've never seen before.." > Your mind hears Lenereus thinking, "Odd silver eyes."

>Gweldulf asks you, "What does it mean?"

>Flura gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "no way, my eyes got hurt enough from the first vision.. you think I want more to do with this? count me out, this problem doesn't effect me so far except hurting my eyes. "

You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

You quietly say, "I don't know"

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "Am I the only one too see the other colors?"

>Your mind hears Ealdgyth thinking, "No, Jilly said she saw red and gold."

>Arissande asks, "What does it mean that we all see almost the same thing, but I see blue, Flura sees red, and everyone else sees green?"

You say, "It ... wore grey silken garments"

>Arissande says, "Grey silk? I saw silver gossamer." >Arissande glances at Flura.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "I saw a tapered long sword"

>Arissande asks, "What did you see it wearing?"

>Flura says, "I saw flame red chiton" >Flura gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. >Flura says, "Howlen.." >A tear runs down Flura's face.

>Your mind hears Taisalyn thinking, "I saw tapered fingers and an unusually long sword." >Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "I..mine had red and gold nails..." >think so beautiful, so cold. molten silver eyes, a figured clad in grey watersilk. Those eyes cut through meYou concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

You shift your weight.

Your mind hears Flura thinking, "Bony fingers Jilly? With the twisted longsword?" > >Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "We saw green and silver nails" >Your mind hears Grel thinking, "Jilly doesn't have bony fingers" >Your mind hears Lenereus thinking, "I saw the same thing, Mellisandre."

Flura quietly says, "Howlen.."

>Your mind hears Siluna thinking, "Jilly, where are you?" >Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "Yes. Yes.... Claw like hand..."

You whimper.

>Gweldulf says, "I saw gray watersilk.."

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "Has a plague befallen the city?"

>Flura quietly says to you, "I want him back Mell. Bring him back."

You hesitantly say, "Do you think our visions have anything to do with..." You glance at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. You kneel down upon the ground before Flura.

>Gweldulf rubs Flura gently.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "I brought her to the Infirmary in my guild, Siluna."

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "I'm in the infirmary Siluna. Watch for the hail it was awful!" You say, "I don't know how, or I would"

>Gweldulf says to Flura, "I'm sorry.."

>A tear runs down Flura's face.

You hug Flura.

>Arissande gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room. > >Gweldulf says to Flura, "I hope you know.. I never meant him harm.. I was just worried.." >Gweldulf rubs a portion of some sufil sap out of an herb pouch sloppily embroidered with a wolf pattern in black thread on himself.

You take in a great breath of air.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

>(Flura gazes about with a sad, forlorn look, the angry expression that once was spread across her face now gone.)

>Arissande looks with concern at Flura.

You rub Flura. You glance at a shimmering green portal.

>Flura quietly says, "I need to go. I must pray for him." >Flura stops you from following her.

You stand back up.

>Flura is apparently wrestling with a shimmering green portal.

You gasp!

>Flura blinks. Arissande blinks.

>Gweldulf stands up.

>Flura says, "We are trapped."

You quietly say, "Oh no"

>Arissande prods a shimmering green portal with the tip of her finger.

Gweldulf is apparently wrestling with a shimmering green portal. > >think We're trapped within Aesthene's Close. The portal is closed. No one else come here. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "Um..we are trapped within the close. I beg you all not to enter..there is no exit."

You say, "I don't want anyone else to share our fate"

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "You're where?" >Your mind hears Grel thinking, "ooh!! can I watch?"

>Arissande glances at a jadeite gwethdesuan. >Arissande gazes upward.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Trapped? Are you two alright?"

Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "Grel.. This is not the best time.."

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "Aesthene's Close. Do not come..or you will perish here with us."

You sit down near a marble desk. > Your mind hears Grel thinking, "they said something about Asthene's clothes.. don't know how they can be trapped in clothes"

>Gweldulf gazes at a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room.

>Your mind hears Arissande thinking, "Four, Absinthe. And we seem all right, or at least no worse off than anyone else."

>Your mind hears Auley thinking, "Clothes are quite restricting, Grel."

>Gweldulf says, "Perhaps.."

You gaze at a shimmering green portal.

>(Flura reaches up towards the crystal and gently strokes her hand over it.)

>Gweldulf says, "If the crystal worked for Howlen.."

Your mind hears Rurik thinking, "Sounds like a good tine for Davos' Shamewatts Miracle."

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "I should say, ever accidentally slip into a gnome garment? I had to cut myself free"

Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "There is no exit? Witch? None at all?"

>Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "perhaps this be a sign that we are all to take off our garmets"

>Flura quietly asks, "Should we try to recite again?" > You say, "It cannot hurt."

>Arissande nods.

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "No exit lass. The portal is broken..we are trapped."

>Gweldulf nods to Flura.

>Flura says, "Please ..let this work." >Flura murmurs something under her breath you cannot quite hear, and seems to gain strength from it.

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "Where is this 'Close'?"

>Flura recites:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage.  Melir neinelo miaer kyloa diadaer.  Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan.  Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans."

You hesitantly ask, "or perhaps the crystal is merely drained of power and needs to recharge?"

(Mellisandre doesn't look like she really believes her words.)

>Flura ponders.

>A ripple of color runs rapidly across the surface of the portal, all the clear and clean colors of the rainbow in a rapid sequence before it reverts to green once more. A clear musical chiming rings through the room.

You leap to your feet!

>open port

>Gweldulf blinks.

You ask, "Perhaps... we all need to?"

>Flura quietly says, "Perhaps.."

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, silently beseeching Faenella for your hands to be steady and your touch true.

You take in a great breath of air.

>Arissande gazes hopefully at you.

You recite:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage.  Melir neinelo miaer kyloa diadaer.  Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan.  Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans."

You nibble on your lip.

You say to Flura, " I think you have the better accent"

>In counterpoint to the pleasant, calm humming of the crystal, clear music comes softly on the edge of hearing. A cool breeze from nowhere springs up to brush you gently before fading to stillness.

>Flura quietly says, "Do not tell the other murs that."

You say, "That breeze..."

>Arissande ponders.

>Gweldulf chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage.
    Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan.
    Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans"

>Flura quietly says, "Howlen..he is trying to help us maybe."

>Arissande recites:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage.  Melir neinelo miaer kyloa diadaer.  Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan.  Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans."

(Mellisandre pauses, listening...)

You ask, "Does anyone else hear music?"

>Flura quietly says, "Barely..I'm not sure."

>Arissande nods.

>Gweldulf chants:

  "Diaka Theal tre vienage.
     Melir neinelo miaer kyloa diadaer.
     Eneine kaensh bakshi diaka a oselitan ni' ailirelitan, suriaena ni' elitan.
    Neinelo kaensh asuna meliyge a'sumiilelitans."

Your mind hears Uqrad thinking, "My spells fizzle out.. uh oh"

>A distant singing like wind crystal chimes teases the edge of hearing.

>You gesture. The spell fades as quickly as it forms, fizzling out into nothingness.

You gasp!

You sob.

>Flura says, "We..broke..the energy"

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "As do mine."

>Flura says, "Which means.."

>(Gweldulf gets a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach.)

>Flura says, "The portal.."

>Arissande shivers.

>A sudden flash of light assails your vision, overwhelming your senses with bewilderment. When you next open your eyes, the chamber seems somehow brighter.

>Flura just touched a shimmering green portal.

Your mind hears Lenereus thinking, "And mine."

You blink.

>Arissande blinks.

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "And mine..." >Your mind hears Chrysti thinking, "And mine"

>Flura blinks. >Gweldulf blinks.

>Issendar shimmers before you.

Your mind hears Grel thinking, "the void with you sign!!!! you finally did it didn't you!!?!"

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "Greetings, mortals."

>look issen You see Issendar, a Herald. His dark glossy skin barely contains a soft luminosity which lends an eerie glow to the cool green pupils of his pale silver eyes. His bright white, nearly colorless hair, is pulled back from his sharply angled features and braided into an elaborate knot at the nape of his neck. The soft grey watersilk robe that barely conceals the hilt of an unusually long sword ripples softly, teasing the eye with the illusion of gently surging waves. Brightly lacquered nails in alternating stripes of green and silver draw attention to the long tapering fingers of his heavily veined hands. You clutch your head in pain.

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "No magic ?"

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "You have disturbed us, Mortals."

>Your mind hears Auley thinking, "The sign has us all."

>Issendar shimmers slightly.

>Gweldulf kneels down.

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "wait wait wait wait wait... no magic... your kidding..."

>(Flura opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.)

> *************

You sense a strong fluctuation in the flow of magic, and quickly realize that everything you once knew has changed... All your spells are gone!

You get an expression of awe on your face.

>Elide frowns sadly, shaking her head with majestic grace as her platinum-streaked hair glimmers.

>Issendar casually observes the area.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "I tried to warn you all!! I tried!! now look!"

>A pained expression crosses Gweldulf's face.

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "You meddle where you should not, mortals. Once too often."

>[Aesthene's Close, Crystal Chamber] To your utter astonishment, you find yourself engulfed in a breathtaking array of vivid, sparkling colors. Constantly shifting in their prismic dance, they seem to make up the very air in the room, for as you move the hues and tones retreat and reconverge like liquid. You feel as though you are standing at the very source of rainbows. A pleasant, resonant hum reaches your ears. You also see a massive, glittering crystal suspended in mid-air at the very center of the room, a shimmering green portal, and a marble desk with a leatherbound journal on it. Also in the room: Kirmhara, Issendar, Elide, Arissande, Lamia Flura, and Inept Acolyte Gweldulf who is kneeling. Obvious exits: none.

>Your mind hears Taisalyn thinking, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

>Your mind hears Rurik thinking, "Someone go find out what levee Carvey just pulled!"

look elid >You see Elide, a Herald. Her soft dusky skin barely contains a faint luminosity which lends an ethereal glow to the bright blue pupils of her pale silver eyes. Slightly pointed and gently curled ears are nearly hidden by the softly curling tresses of her bright white, nearly colorless hair, easing the sharp angles of her majestic features. The shimmering silver folds of her flowing robes barely conceal the hilt of a delicately tapered long sword. Brightly lacquered nails in alternating stripes of blue and silver draw attention to the delicate fingers of her long, graceful hands.

You clutch your head in pain.

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "don't yell in my head like that" >Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "I feel so naked and defenceless"

>look kirm You see Kirmhara, a Herald. The ritualistic scarring of her ebony skin pulses with an intense luminosity which lends an unnatural glow to the flashing gold pupils of her pale silver eyes. Slightly pointed, yet curled and somehow half formed ears are nearly hidden by her bright white, nearly colorless hair which cascades to her knees in spiky braids, lending a brittle edge to her sharply angled features. The incandescent flame-red folds of her long flowing chiton barely conceal the hilt of a cruelly twisted long sword. Brightly lacquered nails in alternating stripes of red and gold draw attention to the long tapering fingers of her long, bony hands. You clutch your head in pain.

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "Yes, Kirmhara, they have gone too far."

>Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "The... Your magic has failed you? Please tell me I'm not the only one that finds this amusing..."

You kneel down upon the ground.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "my spellbook is empty!! "

You bow your head.

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "This is a sad day, so terribly sad."

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "Careless, hasty, rushing to ends they cannot know...."

A tear runs down your face.

>Arissande stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "Yes, Elide, these mortals have been fools."

>(Flura bows her head slightly.)

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "oh guess that means we can harrass Davius and he can't use that dang spell to knock us unconcious and he can't listen in on us talking at the gate"

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "They will have to learn."

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "They are mortals. Not fools, not is their nature to be so."

(Mellisandre sinks closer to the floor, shoulders bowed in sorrow.)

>Issendar hovers above the ground slightly, and softly lands.

>A tear runs down Flura's face.

>Gweldulf winces.

>Elide gazes sadly at her delicate hands.

>Issendar nods to Elide. > >Flura quietly says, "Where did Howlen go."

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "Howlen?"

>(Gweldulf tries to speak but can't find any words.)

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "What does it matter?"

Issendar glances at Flura.

>Elide floats gracefully to stand next to Kirmhara. She looks up with sorrow-filled eyes.

>Flura quietly says, "The man..who brought us here."

>Arissande says, "Howlen...the one who did whatever is should not have been done..."

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "what magic types? I can't even remember how to use magic! this is horrible! my mind.. my memories of magic.. I'm so lost"

>Flura quietly says, "He disappeared/"

>Arissande asks, "What has happened to him?"

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "It is not for you to know, child of earth. His fate is not yours."

>Flura quietly says, "But we all did this."

Issendar nods to Kirmhara.

>Arissande winces.

You get a mournful expression on your face.

>(Flura gestures around the room.)

>Arissande nods to Flura.

>Kirmhara settles to the ground with the light flicker of living flame.

>Flura quietly asks, "Why is it he who suffers that fate alone?"

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "Ought have cared previously."

>Gweldulf quietly says, "It is our fault.. We followed and allowed him to do it.."

>Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "Oh the HORROR of it all"

>Arissande says, "Yes, we all are repsonsible. I only mean that he is the first to recite it and the one who was...taken."

You gaze down at the floor.

>Issendar floats slowly towards Kirmhara and Elide, and gently rests beside them.

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "For shame. My sorrow is extreme, mortals."

>Arissande asks, "What have we done?"

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "His risk, his hazard. To seek for knowledge has it's perils."

Gweldulf quietly says, "I am responsible.. Let me pay for his crimes.."

>Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "Does everyone's spells fail? Even those of our healers? This could be bad... I wonder if Archrost has anything to do with this..."

>Flura quietly says, "This is all my fault." >Flura gazes down at the floor.

>Arissande says, "I translated the words...blame me."

>Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "I believe the market for Jadice Flower has just gone up"

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "Ok now that you have lost all of your magic.. anyone who wishes protection... the Goblin Empire will provide for you.. and keep you safe..."

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "What does it matter? They have mettled where they should have not."

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "Pay for your own crimes, children of earth. Do not presume in pride to take another's debts." > >Arissande stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment. >Arissande nods.

>Flura quietly says, "But we all did this crime."

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "Come join me and my goblins.. and you will be kept safe... I assure you..."

>Flura sighs.

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "Some things out not be witnessed or attempted, and now it is unfortunately a time to attempt regret."

>Kirmhara regards you with a burning gaze.

>Gweldulf quietly says, "It is not in pride I ask this.. For if one is to pay.. Only the five of us should pay.. Not the rest of Elanthia."

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "And all the lands shall feel the fruits of your labors today."

>A tear runs down Flura's face.

>Issendar shimmers slightly. >

>Arissande shivers.

>Gweldulf quietly says, "Then I have failed my god.."

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "Just swear your alligence to the Empire... and I will personally make sure each and every one of you is taken care of.."

>Elide gazes sadly upward as she raises her arms above her head as if in a gesture to calm the very air around her.

>Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "By the Gods, I believe that I just saw Hissan Salve going for 12 Plat at the Midwife's"

>Your mind hears Puka thinking, "In your dreams. I swear alligence to no one."

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

Flura stands humbly, the tip of her tail cradling her left ankle.

>Elide murmurs quiet words to Issendar and Kirmhara.

You gaze down at the floor.

Issendar nods to Elide.

>Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "Come on.. don't be shy now... who will be the first to join me and my goblins..."

>Flura quietly asks, "Who..are you?"

Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "I see no goblins." >Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "Witch? Can you hear us still?"

>Kirmhara rests hand on hilt, her regard stern and distant.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Sister...Flura...Ari...are you still alright?"

A subtle voice resonates in your head, "Does it matter?"

>Flura fixes her eyes on Kirmhara. Kirmhara glances disdainfully at her. Flura suddenly reels backwards, her hands flying up as if trying to fend off some unseen attack before rivulets of blood begins to spurt from her injured eyes.

>Elide turns sorrowful eyes upon those assembled.

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "You will learn."

>think Do not see to find us, you do not want to be here now. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Arissande looks with concern at Flura.

>look flur You see Lamia Flura Dreamscope of Zoluren, a S'Kra Mur Cleric. She has slitted gold eyes, brown scales and a slender tail. She is young for a S'Kra Mur.

She has major swelling and bruising around the head, a bruised, swollen and slashed right eye, a bruised, swollen and slashed left eye.

She is bleeding lightly from the left eye, lightly from the right eye and with widespread discoloration in the head.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "do you have magic there? I want mine back!"

You sit down near Flura.

Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "We need to get you out of there."

>You get some sufil sap from inside your long pouch.

>Flura covers her eyes with her hand.

(Mellisandre gently pulls Flura's hands down, dabbing some sufil sap on her hurts)

You rub the last of some sufil sap on Flura. [Roundtime: 15 seconds]

>Elide takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes.

>Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "No Jilly, Stay safe wherever you are.. This is not the place to be right now.."

>Your mind hears Arissande thinking, "Whatever physical danger we are in is irrelevant. Magic has died..."

>Kirmhara flickers with the shine and heat of an open flame.

>A faint voice murmurs in your head, "It is done."

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "There is nothing to be done, we shall take our leave now."

>A subtle voice resonates in your head, "Sisters?"

>Flura gazes down at the floor.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Are you in danger? If so, we cannot sit idly by and do nothing!"

>Elide disappears from sight as she exhales.

>Your mind hears Fyrestomp thinking, "wonder if some rope would allow them to climb out of the underground"

>Issendar shimmers slowly out of sight.

>A loud voice booms harshly in your head, "Be wise, children of earth, and be ruled by wisdom."

>Flura quietly says, "I am sorry, all of you."

>Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "If you have the jewelry, maybe it can still get you out. I find it hard to believe that all magic has disappeared so sudden."

You say to Flura, "we all had a hand in this"

>Gweldulf quietly asks, "Wisdome you yourself have shown?"

>Kirmhara gazes about a last time with burning eyes before flickering and vanishing.

>Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "Absinthe, Do NOT try and find us.. It is NOT safe here.."

>gaze port You gaze at a shimmering green portal. >open port That is already open.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Do not tell me what to do when my sister and my friends are in danger, Gweld!"

You say, "The way is open once more"

Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "Idon's Drums! Who cares if it's safe! You think we're to leave you?"

Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "Absinthe, I am here with them.. It is not just them that are in danger.."

>Your mind hears Arissande thinking, "The danger has passed...but the scars remain..."

>Flura says, " we confess.."

>think the way is open once more. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>(Flura gazes about at the faces before her.)

Arissande ponders.

>You say, "We must"

>Flura says, "Or hide this shame." > >Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "Drums? Where? I hear no drums..."

>Gweldulf says, "None of us could live with that.."

You say, "We cannot compound our guilt by hiding this"

>Arissande nods to you.

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "We must share something with you all..if you'd kindly meet us in the town green."

You join Flura's group.

>Gweldulf stands up.

>Arissande joins Flura's group.

>Gweldulf joins Flura's group.

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

>Lamia Flura's group wandered into a shimmering green portal.

>Flura frowns. >Flura says, "We are trapped." >Flura says, "And I am dying."

>Your mind hears Auley thinking, "Mysterious, no?"

>Flura takes a seat.

Arissande gazes at Flura.

You gaze down at the floor. You say, "Perhaps it is justice that we are stuck here for eternity"

>Your mind hears Flura thinking, "I will be honest..we..Myself, Mellisandre, Gweldulf and Arissande..are responsible for what has happened."

>Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "What ... but how?"

Flura takes a seat.

>Your mind hears Medrik thinking, "What makes you so sure?"

>think We meddled where we had no business, aiding Howlen in recreating an experiment of Aesthene's You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Your mind hears Arissande thinking, "We touched power that was not meant for mortal hands, and it has been taken away from us."

>Flura works carefully at tending her wounded right eye.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "you know then.. that I'm very upset with the lot of you.... you're no better than the roadsign and would get the same treatment if it were possible"

>A small breeze wafts through the shimmering green portal.

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "Now things make more sense. Spellbinding has always been a gift. Gifts can be taken away or empowered. We persevere though."

>Flura says, "I'm going to die." >Flura sighs.

Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Jilly, be wary. If you need aid..."

You gaze at a shimmering green portal.

You ask, "The breeze is new?"

>Your mind hears Auley thinking, "Perhaps most... not all can survive without magic."

>Flura nods. >Flura stands up.

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "what the... but the weather is nice!? where is all this phantom weather comming from? "

>A brilliant arc of light suddenly erupts from the crystal, sizzling through the air and narrowly missing you. The bolt strikes the green portal, turning it lavender!

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "What makes you say that?"

>The bandages binding Flura's right eye soak through with blood as it begins bleeding again.

>Gweldulf blinks.

You say, "Flura, go" You say, "Before it changes again"

>Your mind hears Shakire thinking, "Someone call out to me if any sort of meeting might begin in the Inn. I wish to see what transpires elsewhere."

>Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "And for the record - I didn't do it!"

>Lamia Flura's group wandered into a shimmering lavender portal. [The Crossing, Boar Alley] This quaint alley connects Magen Road to the south and Firulf Vista to the north. An ornately carved building with an ancient wooden door is set back from the curb. You would hardly stop and give it a second glance, except that the windows on the second story all seem to glow with soft, pulsating hues that cycle through the colors of the spectrum. Also here: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf and Lamia Flura. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

>Flura exclaims, "Ari!"

>Gweldulf says, "She's on her way.."

>think Arissande, the portal leads outside again

Gweldulf rubs Flura gently.

>Shakire just arrived. Shakire just went north. >Shakire just arrived.

>Arissande just arrived.

You say, "Flura, we must go to the HalfPint"

>Shakire blinks.

>Flura holds hands with Arissande.

>Arissande slowly empties her lungs.

>Flura says, "I need help."

>Lamia Flura's group just went north. [The Crossing, Firulf Vista] The town walls seal off the city from the wilds beyond to the north. Still, the scents of damp earth and leaf mold, pine and cedar, and feral creatures drift over the barricade. Directly to the east, within spitting distance, is the Northeast town gate. Through the gap in the wall, you can make out the low rise of the slate hills to the northwest and the lone, aloof tower of the Warrior Mages' Guild to the east. Also here: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, and Lamia Flura. Obvious paths: east, south, west.

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "We're in the Bard's corner at the Half Pint Melli."

>You say, "Abby was going to the Halfpint"

                  • Flura heads to the martyr

>Lamia Flura's group went through a wide arch. [Martyr Saedelthorp, Triage] At first glance it is difficult to tell you are in the renowned healing arts' hospital of Martyr Saedelthorp. It looks more like a battlefield healer's station. Blood, gore, sweat and mud streak the tiled floor and the wooden benches. Groaning adventurers in various states of shock and consciousness await tending by concerned but fatigued healers. You gingerly step over a patient with a severed limb sprawled out on a canvas stretcher. You also see Martyr Saedelthorp, a waiting list, an inclined dark walnut ramp, the apprentice Kaiva, and a wide arch. Also in the room: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, and Lamia Flura. Obvious exits: none. >Martyr Saedelthorp seems to be having some trouble. Perhaps you could come back later?

>Flura whimpers softly.

>Gweldulf blinks.

>Lamia Flura's group went through a wide arch.

Gweldulf says, "Half-pint."

    • And then to the Half Pint

>think We need help, Flura is injured. Sufil sap and eghmok potions please You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "On my way." >Your mind hears Carrey thinking, "where are you ?"

Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "I may have to push this ferry, though...."

>Song Seeker Siluna just arrived. >Siluna gets some sufil sap from inside her herb pouch.


[Half Pint, Bards' Corner] In sharp contrast to the Main Saloon and more boisterous reaches of The Half Pint, this quiet chamber is softly lit and tastefully decorated with antique tapestries depicting famed minstrels and legendary troubadours from the annals of Elanthia. The room itself has no tables and chairs, but rather a recessed wooden seating pit with overstuffed cushions scattered about the floor. At the far end is a raised platform with a lectern, a low ottoman and a music stand. You also see a dimly lit arch. Also in the room: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, Lamia Flura, Fire Claw Puka, Holy Tinman Samdaxal, Wayward Lass Jilly, Naarti Chrysti, Olkan Siebel, Winsome Waif Absinthe, Canyon, Drifter Tansymae, Medrik, and Auley who is kneeling. Obvious exits: none.

You say, "Abby" Absinthe asks, "Does anyone here have eghmok potion?"

>Flura takes a seat. >Auley leaps to his feet! >Song Seeker Siluna came through a dimly lit arch. >Chrysti just hugged Flura.

You hug Absinthe.

>Flura accepts Siluna's sufil sap.

A tear runs down your face.

>Canyon shakes his head at Absinthe.

>Flura rubs a portion of some sufil sap on herself.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Your mind hears Barnacus thinking, "Where are you that Flura needs aid?"

>Shadow-Wolf Karrisa came through a dimly lit arch.

>Samdaxal says, "not I"

>Chrysti hugs you.

You say, "I thought I'd never see you again"

You hug Absinthe.

>A tear runs down Flura's face.

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Siluna, Dashery, please hasten here! We are in need of your lilts!"

You begin to weep softly.

>A tear runs down Absinthe's face.

>Auley weakly says, "I am pleased to see the survivors."

>Siluna gets some pine bones from inside her mesh backpack.

>Absinthe weakly says, "I cannot."

>Siluna begins to play a gentle melody on her bones.

>(Flura pulls away from the rest of the group.)

>Arissande rubs Absinthe gently.

>Flura gazes off into the distance.

>Your mind hears Pablin thinking, "Where?"

You sit down near Flura. You hug Flura.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Chrysti pants.

>Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "I'll be there as quick as I can. Where is HERE, exactly?"

>Puka's tail undulates lazily through the air.

>Chrysti frowns at Absinthe.

>think we are in the bard's corner in the halfpint

You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

Flura appears eased by Siluna's singing. The opening notes of Siluna's singing of "Hodierna's Lilt" surround you, and you feel your focus on life sharpen. Absinthe appears eased by Siluna's singing.

>Your mind hears Medrik thinking, "We're in the Bard's corner in the Half Pint"

>Arissande gazes at Siluna.

>Flura accepts Siluna's eghmok potion. >Flura looks healthier and Absinthe appears to weaken. >Flura drinks a portion of some eghmok potion.

>Absinthe nods to Chrysti.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

Flura looks healthier and Absinthe appears to weaken.

You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

>Flura looks healthier and Absinthe appears to weaken.

>Articus came through a dimly lit arch.

>Flura rubs Puka gently.

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

>Gweldulf takes a seat.

>Auley weakly says, "Terrible day..."

>Flura looks healthier and Absinthe appears to weaken.

>Puka smiles at Flura.

>Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "I'm on the ferry heading across from Leth. Be there as fast as I can...even if I have to push"

Auley stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.

>Medrik says, "Careful there."

>Canyon nods to Auley.

>Absinthe nods to Chrysti.

>(Flura gazes forlornly down at the ground.)

>Chrysti just touched Flura.

>Cor Drav'ash Carrey came through a dimly lit arch.

>Absinthe says, "Don't take too much."

>Carrey inhales a great swallow of air.

>Puka glances about with concern on her face.

>Siluna says, "Lilting as best I can"

>Absinthe nods to Chrysti.

You begin to weep softly.

>Carrey slowly empties his lungs.

>Chrysti nods.

>Runeblade Pablin came through a dimly lit arch.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Articus peers quizzically at Flura.

>Arissande stares blankly into the distance.

>Carrey observes you with fascination.

>Medrik nods to Pablin.

>Chrysti appears eased by Siluna's singing.

Flura appears eased by Siluna's singing.

Absinthe appears eased by Siluna's singing.

>Pablin nods.

>Chrysti just touched Flura.

Flura's right eye wounds look better.

Chrysti winces in pain.

>Absinthe shakes her head at Articus.

>Flura's left eye wounds look better.

>Flura quietly says something in S'kra Mur.

>Arissande slings an oval shield over her shoulder.

>Chrysti just touched Flura.

>Flura's head bruises look better.

Absinthe winces in pain.

>Carrey glances at Flura.

>Arissande shivers.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Gweldulf leans on Arissande.

>Carrey says something in S'kra Mur.

>Canyon nods to Pablin.

Barnacus came through a dimly lit arch.

>Pablin nods to Canyon.

>Barnacus says, "Heyo"

Canyon leans on Barnacus.

>Siluna offers Absinthe some plovik tea.

>Carrey asks something in S'kra Mur.

Barnacus just hugged Canyon.

>You haggardly say, "You should just kill me, I don't deserve to live for causing this."

Gweldulf eats a portion of a cebi root out of an herb pouch sloppily embroidered with a wolf pattern in black thread.

>Absinthe asks, "Flura, can you sense any internal bleeding in your head?"

>Medrik nods to Barnacus.

>Flura quietly exclaims something in S'kra Mur.

Absinthe peers quizzically at Flura.

>Chrysti just touched Flura.

You stand back up.

>Flura nods to Absinthe.

Siluna asks, "You caused this?"

>You pace back and forth.

>Flura appears eased by Siluna's singing.

Absinthe appears eased by Siluna's singing. >Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Arissande shakes her head at you.

>Barnacus peers quizzically at you.

>Arissande says, "If they wanted us to die, they would have killed us."

You nod to Siluna.

>Carrey asks something in S'kra Mur.

>Flura quietly says, "We four, did this."

>Medrik says, "That's not going to help anything Mellisandre. We'll deal with it the best we can."

Absinthe cries out in pain.

>Puka grumbles.

>Pablin slings a somber black bow off from over his shoulder. >Pablin reaches into his quiver and gets one of his bodkin arrows to load his somber black bow.

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Chrysti just touched Flura.

>Barnacus growls ferociously!

>Pablin says, "Ok..."

Jilly gets some eghmok potion from inside her eel-skin pouch.

>Siebel glances at Flura.

>Jilly offers Flura some eghmok potion.

>Flura's right eye wounds look better.

Samdaxal just arrived.

Arissande says, "I think we are meant to live with our shame...well, perhaps not Flura..."

>Flura's left eye wounds look better.

Chrysti cries out in pain.

>Arissande looks with concern at Flura.

>Absinthe exclaims, "Chrysti, stop!"

>Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Pablin puts his arrow in his somber black quiver.

>Medrik glances at Pablin.

>Pablin slings a somber black bow over his shoulder.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Siluna asks, "Who needs what herbs here?"

>Chrysti looks at Absinthe and blushes.

>Battle Chanter Dashery came through a dimly lit arch.

>Flura quietly says, "I helped Arissande."

>Siebel rubs Chrysti gently.

>Siluna exclaims, "Yes!"

>Chrysti rubs a portion of some sufil sap out of a lavender herb pouch on herself.

>Siebel's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.

You begin to weep softly.

>Medrik closes his leather backpack.

>Pablin asks, "What did the old man do?"

>Siluna pulls Dashery towards her!

>Barnacus darkly says, "While I don't doubt you had a hand, I cannot believe you were capable of causing this."

>Flura quietly says, "I am just as much to blame."

Chrysti hugs you.

>Medrik closes his thigh bag.

Dashery asks, "What's going on?"

>Medrik nods to Dashery.

>Pablin looks thoughtfully at Flura.

>Siluna asks, "Lilt?"

>Barnacus says, "I have herbs."

>Puka asks, "Blame?"

>Absinthe stretches out a hand imploringly to Siluna.

>Gweldulf says to Pablin, "He brought the Crystal to life.."

>Dashery gets a graceful copperleaf faenellica inlaid with a swirling flight of silverwillow wrens from inside his travel pack.

>Arissande asks, "What did you do to deserve such injury, when the rest of us are relatively fine?"

You say, "He... he succeeded in invoking the crystal"

>Siluna stops singing.

>Dashery bends over his copperleaf faenellica as he tunes it. Dashery smiles as he looks up from his a graceful copperleaf faenellica inlaid with a swirling flight of silverwillow wrens.

>Puka asks, "Are you saying you think you caused this?"

Absinthe says, "Pardon, I did not see you offer." >Absinthe leans on Siluna.

>Puka scratches one ear, looking bemused.

>Barnacus asks, "What do you need?"

>Siluna offers Absinthe some plovik tea.

Dashery asks, "The Crystal?"

>Chrysti just hugged Dashery.

You say, "I know we caused it"

>Absinthe accepts Siluna's plovik tea. >Absinthe drinks a portion of some plovik tea.

>Canyon asks, "has the weather outside cleared, Dashery?"

>(Jilly rocks back on her heels, rubbing her arms nervously.)

>Flura quietly says, "I gazed upon the fierce being."

You say, "The beings from our visions tolds us so"

>Puka says, "I don't see how."

>Dashery begins to play a gentle melody on his faenellica.

>Chrysti glances about with concern on her face.

>Siebel gazes at you.

>Medrik glances at Flura.

You gaze down at the floor.

>Flura quietly says, "My eyes and head.."

>Arissande rubs Flura gently.

>Absinthe moves some sufil sap to her left hand. Absinthe moves some plovik tea to her right hand.

>Auley wobbles, looking a bit faint. >Absinthe offers Siluna some plovik tea. >Siluna accepts Absinthe's plovik tea. >Auley kneels down. >Absinthe just touched Flura. >Carrey takes a seat near Flura. Articus casually observes the area. >Siluna puts her tea in her herb pouch. >Auley stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.

>Absinthe gets some hisan salve from inside her herbalist's case. >A tear runs down Auley's face. >Absinthe rubs a portion of some hisan salve on Flura. >Carrey asks something in S'kra Mur.

Barnacus says to Canyon, "Things were calmer while I was foraging."

Siluna begins to play a complex rhythm on her bones. The tune blends with Dashery's, creating odd and beautiful music.

>Runeblade Pablin went through a dimly lit arch.

>Flura quietly says something in S'kra Mur.

>Barnacus says to Canyon, "No plagues of beasts bothered me at least."

>Canyon nods to Barnacus.

>Medrik asks, "Mayhaps a few of us should take a walk around town?"

Flura quietly says something in S'kra Mur.

>Carrey sighs.

>You feel yourself swaying to an internal rhythm that hums with the natural rhythm of nature itself as Siluna performs "Drums of the Snake".

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing. The soothing notes of Dashery's "Hodierna's Lilt" surrounds you.

>Siluna begins to carefully examine some cebi pulp.

you sit down near Flura. > Canyon says, "I will attempt to gather some sufil, if it all hasn't blown away"

>Carrey says something in S'kra Mur.

>Absinthe eats a portion of a cebi root out of a handcarved teak herbalist's case clasped with a crystal jadice flower.

>Flura quietly says something in S'kra Mur. >Carrey smiles at Flura. >Barnacus nods to Canyon. >Siluna rubs a portion of some cebi pulp on Flura. >Chrysti nods to Canyon. >Absinthe nods to Canyon. >Auley stares at his navel, with a studious look on his face.

>Medrik asks, "Care for some company, Canyon?" >Barnacus says, "I was able to find eghmok" >Canyon says, "sure" >Shadow-Wolf Karrisa went through a dimly lit arch. >Gweldulf removes a burnished ruby stud from his earlobe. >Medrik joins Canyon's group.

>Barnacus says, "So perhaps the sticky sap will fare as well."

>Gweldulf gingerly rests a hand on a burnished ruby stud and closes his eyes in concentration. >Canyon nods to Barnacus. >The wings of Dashery's boots spread for a moment. >Siluna puts her pulp in her herb pouch.

Arissande glances at Gweldulf.

>Canyon's group went through a dimly lit arch.

>Gweldulf says, "It seems to still work.." > * Kwa has disconnected.

(Mellisandre wraps her arms around her knees and whimpers softly, looking guilt-stricken.)

>Arissande asks, "Have those been taken from us as well, or is the moon merely not available?"

>Siebel gazes at Chrysti.

>Gweldulf says, "I can sense the power in it.."

>Siluna pokes you in the ribs.

>(Dashery tries to figure out what in the world everone is talking aobut.)

>Arissande just scooted a little closer to you.

>Carrey hugs you. >Gweldulf attaches a burnished ruby stud to his earlobe. >Absinthe comes and stands near you. >Arissande rubs you gently. >Articus casually observes the area. >Absinthe hugs you. >Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

>Barnacus gets some eghmok moss from inside his forest green journeypack. Chrysti glances at Siebel. >Carrey kisses you on the nose. >Barnacus drops some eghmok moss. Chrysti rubs Siebel gently.

Siluna says, "Tell me what happened"

>Umos Atraeth came through a dimly lit arch. >Siebel rubs Chrysti gently.

Articus asks, "So, what exactly is here to kill us all?"

>Barnacus drops some eghmok moss. >Absinthe just touched Flura.

>Gweldulf says to Dashery, "Magic is dead."

>Barnacus gets some eghmok moss from inside his forest green journeypack. >Barnacus drops some eghmok moss.

>Siluna says, "Their magic is dead"

>Flura gazes down at her hands. >A tear runs down Flura's face.

>Arissande says, "It is what is *not* here, Articus..."

>Siluna says, "Bardic magic is not"

>Articus strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

>Dashery says, "er...not all magic is dead." >Dashery taps a graceful copperleaf faenellica inlaid with a swirling flight of silverwillow wrens.

>Atraeth says, "I take it the unusual events I came to ask about were not limited to Therengia."

>Barnacus says, "I'll see what else I can find."

>Gweldulf says to Dashery, "We four, Mellisandre, Arissande, Flura and I caused it."

>Barnacus says, "Nor what powers the gweths."

>Chrysti smiles softly at Dashery

>Dashery ponders. >Siebel gazes at Gweldulf. >Carrey just hugged Flura. >Articus applauds. >Arissande gives her gwethdesuan a little prod with the tip of her finger.

>Atraeth dryly says, "Why is it that I do not like the way this sounds."

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

>Puka says, "I highly doubt mere mortals could cause this."

>Dashery asks, "Did anyone let Carrey near a big lever labelled "Do not pull?"

>Carrey ponders.

>Dashery casually observes the area.

>Siluna says, "And not one of you a barbarian"

>Barnacus nods to Puka.

>Siluna leans on Atraeth.

>Atraeth curls his tail around Siluna's waist.

>Flura quietly says, "You were not there to hear the three beings."

>Carrey says, "If I knew the lever could kill magic.." >Carrey rubs his hands together.

>Absinthe gives Carrey a little prod between the shoulder blades.

>Gweldulf shudders.

You say, "Those voices"

>Carrey says, "I would have a long time ago.."

>Arissande nods to Flura.

Siebel glances at Carrey.

>Absinthe quietly says, "Some of us are nothing without our magic."

>Siluna asks, "Yes, we weren't. So one of you who was could tell us, please, what happened?"

You say, "That condemnation."

>Flura quietly says, "They removed the gift because we did what we did."

You whimper.

>Chrysti nods to Absinthe. >Chrysti sighs.

>Atraeth leans on Siluna. >Runeblade Pablin came through a dimly lit arch. >Samdaxal stares at his navel, with a studious look on his face. >Atraeth folds his arms across his chest. >Barnacus shakes his head.

Carrey ponders.

>Barnacus asks, "You know how to tend wounds, do you not?" >Pablin gestures.

>Gweldulf says, "Tis our fault."

>Siluna asks, "They who?"

Carrey says, "Pablin..." >Carrey stands up.

Atraeth dryly asks, "What precisely happened?"

You say to Absinthe, "you are NOT nothing without your magic, don't you DARE think that"

>Carrey holds hands with Pablin.

>Puka says, "I suggest ye stop fretting over it, and find a way to get it back then."

>(Absinthe nods slowly.)

Cor Drav'ash Carrey's group went through a dimly lit arch.

>Flura quietly says, "They..the beings who appeared from thin air."

>Siebel nods to Puka.

>Gweldulf glances at Flura.

>Flura quietly says, "They shimmered..and floated."

>Gweldulf shudders.

You say, "Those eyes"

>Dashery asks, "Beings that appeared from the air?"

You whimper.

>Siebel blinks.

>Arissande asks, "The...Guardians?"

Gweldulf says, "They.. weren't mortal.."

>Dashery asks, "And they took away magic?"

>Absinthe works carefully at tending her wounded left eye.

>Dashery shakes his head at Gweldulf.

>Dashery says, "Heralds."

>Flura nods to Dashery. >Flura nods to Dashery. >Dashery says, "It had to have been the Heralds."

>Arissande nods to Dashery.

>Absinthe works carefully at tending her wounded right eye.

Puka's tail undulates lazily through the air.

You say, "They said we meddled were we aught not"

>Gweldulf nods to Dashery.

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

Gweldulf says, "And our price.. was our magic.."

>Dashery says, "They are charged with the care of magic, and making sure it's not abused."

>Jilly blinks.

>Flura quietly says, "One was stern, the other harsh, and a kind one."

>You suddenly feel a jolt of power surge through your body and for a moment you feel as if your soul is spinning in an ecstatic embrace of life.

>Dashery asks, "But what in the world did you do?"

>Arissande gazes at Dashery. >Arissande nods to Dashery.

>Jilly shivers.

>Arissande blinks.

>Gweldulf says, "We helped a man into a crystal.."

>Flura quietly says, "There was a man..who found Aesthene's staff.."

>Cor Drav'ash Carrey's group came through a dimly lit arch.

>Dashery asks, "Aesthene's staff?"

>Flura quietly says, "And a figurine of a puma."

>Dashery whimpers softly.

>Siebel blinks.

You say, "two women and a man, if you can say that ... the one called them his sisters"

>Carrey glances at you.

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing. >Absinthe glances about suddenly, a desperate look of loss on her face.

>Dashery asks, "You mean the Aesthene that created magic portals that go BOOM?" >Dashery whimpers softly.

>Pablin gnashes his teeth.

>Flura quietly says, "And we helped him figure it to use it."

Gweldulf nods to Dashery.

>You whimper. You say, "We did"

>Absinthe gnaws on her lip.

You say, "It's all our fault" You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

>Dashery shakes his head at you.

>Puka says, "Well that wasn't smart."

>Arissande ponders.

>Carrey manages to gain control of his vocal chords.

>Dashery says, "I wouldn't say that."

>Chrysti rubs you gently. >Puka swishes her tail through the air. >Pablin pulls his hair.

>Flura quietly says, "And..the elf man..he disappeared."

>Pablin traces an arcane sigil in the air. >Pablin gestures.

>Gweldulf rubs Flura gently. >Absinthe hugs you. >Jilly balls up her fists stiffly at her side. >Samdaxal kneels down and begins to pray. >Samdaxal prays fervently. >Chrysti rubs Flura gently.

You say, "The portal took him"

>Flura quietly says, "Just..gone."

>Samdaxal stands up.

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

>Flura sighs.

>Carrey kneels down before Flura. >Carrey kisses Flura on the nose. >Carrey sighs.

>Jilly puts her potion in her eel-skin pouch.

>Gweldulf says to you, "The crystal took him.. Not the portal.."

>Flura quietly says, "He was so kind."

Jilly closes her suede gem pouch.

You say, "One moment he was clutching Flura, and the next... gone."

>Dashery frowns.

>Siluna says, "So, you helped the strange chap to do something experimental with a mystical artifact and then three figures appeared, yelled at you, and took magic away."

>Puka says, "Demons are always kind when they want something."

>Carrey says something in S'kra Mur.

Siluna asks, "Have I got it right?"

>Arissande nods to Siluna.

>Carrey says something in S'kra Mur.

>Dashery ponders.

>Carrey smiles at Flura.

>Flura quietly says, "He was no demon."

Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

>Gweldulf says, "About the jist of it.. Yea."

>Atraeth dryly asks, "This isn't going to be one of those problems that can be solved by killing someone is it?"

>Dashery grins at Atraeth.

>Atraeth gazes at his claws.

>Flura quietly says, "He asked me to believe him as he got pulled away..that he never meant to harm."

>Dashery says, "Probly not."

>Articus peers quizzically at Absinthe.

>Siluna says, "On second thought, I'm glad there wasn't a bard there. At least our magic is unaffected."

>Arissande shakes her head at Atraeth.

>Siebel chuckles at Atraeth.

>Puka says, "If so, show me where to point my sword."

>Dashery says, "Our magic is as much song as mana. Perhaps that has something to do with it as well." >Dashery sighs.

>Siluna dryly says, "We'll keep you in reserve, Atraeth."

Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "everyone alright? Whats goin on? I've got a very very scared mage with me"

>Siluna nods to Dashery.

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

>Dashery says, "Well, we need to figure out how to make the Heralds change their minds."

>Siluna begins to lecture Absinthe on the proper use of the music lore skill. >Atraeth peers quizzically at Absinthe.

>Dashery asks, "Think we can bribe them with chocolate?"

>Your mind hears Gweldulf thinking, "There is no magic Dalkin.. None.."

>Atraeth asks, "You have no healing arts?"

>Dashery asks, "Or maybe turnips?"

>Your mind hears Jilly thinking, "Dalkin we're in the Half Pint."

>Atraeth peers quizzically at you.

>Articus casually observes the area. >Siluna begins to lecture you on the proper usage of the music lore skill. To learn from her, you must LISTEN TO Siluna.

>Your mind hears Medrik thinking, "Not totally sure yet, Dalkin, but there is no magic."

>Arissande shakes her head at Dashery.

>Atraeth asks, "And the gifts of the gods are withdrawn?"

>Flura quietly says, "I think those who caused it will have to prove..we are deserving."

>Your mind hears Chrysti thinking, "It's all gone"

>Carrey ponders.

>Dashery nods to Flura.

>Your mind hears Lemaria thinking, "All my spells are gone! What in the Three is going on?!" >Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "everyone at the Half Pint? I'll be there as soon as we get the next ferry"

>Articus studies the faces around him.

Carrey ponders.

>(Flura holds her head in her hands.)

Carrey takes a seat near Flura. Jilly gazes at Flura.

>You whimper.

>Carrey sighs.

>Arissande asks Flura, "How?"

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "We can survive without magic..."

>Flura quietly says, "I do not know Ari."

>Siebel gazes thoughtfully at Flura.

>(Gweldulf looks around the room in a stunned sort of trance.)

>Siluna puts her sap in her herb pouch.

>Atraeth asks Dashery, "And this isn't the sort of problem that can be solved by gutting some miscreant?"

>Flura quietly says, "They are not mortal."

>Siluna gets a glass of apple wine from inside her mesh backpack.

>Arissande says, "I suppose you could go try to gut the crystal..." >Arissande looks at Atraeth and shrugs.

Your mind hears Puka thinking, "I've survived without magic my whole life.. it can be done."

>You mutter into the air something about eyes.

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "Gauthus seems to think we need to beseech Meraud to get magic back"

>Jilly quietly asks, "What if we...well what if we got the chalice back. Do you think that would help?"

>Atraeth says, "In that case, I would recommend this." >Atraeth puts his orb in his leucro hide pack.

>Arissande asks, "Necromancy is likely just as much an affront to the gods as what we just did. Perhaps stopping the kobold would help?"

>Gweldulf says, "I'm going to go talk to Esuin.."

>Siluna says, "I think the herb shops are going to be empty of product very shortly"

>Chrysti glances at Gweldulf.

Dashery nods to Gweldulf.

>Absinthe glances at Gweldulf.

>Dashery says, "That'd be a good start."

>Gweldulf leaps to his feet! >Flura quietly says, "We all should Gweld."

Your mind hears Lemaria thinking, "It's not just the Elemental Magics. From what you say it might be all of them." Jilly glances at you.

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "Ardythius, I don't know about you, but alot of mages rely and live for their magic"

>Chrysti hugs you.

>Jilly glances at Gweldulf.

Gweldulf says, "He.. mutt be told.."

>Arissande stands up.

>Absinthe appears eased by Dashery's singing.

          • Flura leads a small group to speak to Esuin

You say, "He'll kill us"

Your eyes widen as you tremble in quiet panic.

>Lamia Flura's group entered the Cleric guild. [Clerics' Guild, Sanctorum] Dark brown walls paneled with a coarse flowing grain mark this circular chamber. Curved, comfortable-looking sofas are set about some potted acanth trees and you notice a few clerics sitting quietly while reading tomes from the guild's private library. The guild's record keeper sits behind his desk in the corner next to some bins used for storage. You also see a silver and gold gilt scroll, a door leading to the guildleader's study, an arched door, and a new charity chest. Also in the room: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, and Lamia Flura. Obvious exits: east, out.

>Gweldulf nods to you.

>Lamia Flura's group went through a door leading to the guildleader's study.

[Clerics' Guild, Esuin's Study] The plaster walls of this small chamber are smooth and white as shadowy snow. A high circular window on the western wall filters light to softly illumine the sparsely furnished room. Heavy drapes over the door mute the noise from the sanctorum outside, and a dark wooden desk and two primitively-made chairs provide a place for those who have business with Esuin to contemplate his words and advice. You also see a list of devotional rites and the cleric leader Esuin. Also in the room: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, and Lamia Flura. Obvious exits: out.

You gaze at the cleric leader Esuin. >Flura gazes at the cleric leader Esuin.

You sniffle.

>Flura gazes down at the floor.

You blame yourself for all your problems.

You begin to grovel desperately. You babble to yourself, and strangely enough, you understand every word of it! You pull your hair. You flail your arms about.

>Flura sighs. >You whimper.

Your mind hears Lemaria thinking, "Ardy, don't speak of what you know nothing of. I'm beginning to get VERY tired of your bigoted views of Mages."

              • They head to the Northeast Gate

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "oh get real Lemaria, all he said was they can live without it, which is true, thier not gonna expire cause they don't have magic"

You say, "perhaps if we go into exile"

[Northeast Wilds, Outside Northeast Gate] You are before the Northeast Gate of the Crossing, surrounded by wayfarers and adventurers also in mid-journey. Whether they travel to destinations in town or farther west, or to the north and east, they all appear to be seeking something beyond themselves. You also see a black crow, a small bench that is low to the ground, a weathered roadsign, a hardened woven basket with a sturdy lid, a large firepit, a bucket of viscous gloop, a smooth timber bench, a very long bench that is sturdy and tall, and a narrow footpath. Also here: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, Lamia Flura, Shadow-Wolf Karrisa, Naarti Chrysti, Olkan Siebel, Barnacus, Guildmaster Gauthus, Mad Mage Klaive, and Medium Grel. Obvious paths: north, east, southeast.

>Flura slowly empties her lungs.

A tear runs down your face.

>Arissande shivers.

You see Guildmaster Gauthus Aesabule, a Human Warrior Mage. He has ale-brown eyes. His golden brown hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. He has tanned skin. He is mature for a Human. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a branch-framed canvas knapsack, a homespun white wool cap, some faded pants, a patched rawhide workcoat, a sleek red-banded hawk resting on one of his shoulders, some hunting leathers, some jet-black leather boots, a diamond signet ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild, a long black hooded cloak, a braided leather belt with a golden clasp worked into the shape of a lion and a worn leather sheath.

>Flura comes and stands near you.

Barnacus shakes his head.

>Karrisa scratches your back. Aaaaah.

>You notice as a black crow squawks loudly.

>Your mind hears Arissande thinking, "Empaths might, Karrisa."

>Chrysti rubs you gently.

>Fixer-Tog Trathtup came through the Northeast Gate.

Siebel pats Flura on the back.

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "Karrisa, this is not the time, or the place"

>Trathtup sniffles.

>Gauthus frowns.

>Chrysti glances at Trathtup.

Your mind hears Klaive thinking, "Speak for yourself Karrisa. I most certainly will expire if my magic is not returned to me... and soon."

>Your mind hears Grel thinking, "any moon mages out there have more courage than me and can check on how Kssarh is dealing with this? We might need to have a meeting"

>Gweldulf bows to Gauthus.

>Chrysti rubs Trathtup gently.

>Flura quietly says, "No one has killed us yet..perhaps we are lucky."

You say, "It is all our fault"

>Flura gazes at you.

>Grel glances at Flura. >Grel glances at you.

>Gauthus glances at Flura.

>Trathtup says, "Tog is was not-hard-worky enuff. Is not can fixer."

You say, "They know it would be a mercy"

>A tear runs down Trathtup's face.

You nod to Flura.

>Grel draws forth a polished gladius with a soft leather-wrapped hilt.

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "There are other forms of healing besides the empaths... Herbs, bandages, splints, slings, needles, thread, and cauterization if neccesary."

You say, "To put us out of our misery"

>Flura gazes down at the ground.

A tear runs down your face.

>Articus just arrived.

>Barnacus says, "Perhaps the others have some insight as well... I think I shall see if Kalika has any advice for us."

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "empaths don't HAVE to heal people while they lack the magical ability to heal themselves, there are other ways to get by till such a time"

Grel says, "make us feel a little better."

Chrysti looks with concern at you.

>Trathtup says, "Is be lots from hard-worky-tog is if can fixer gain."

>Gweldulf raises an eyebrow in Grel's direction.

>Articus tips his black hat.

>Flura quietly says, "The heralds did."

Siebel says something in S'kra Mur.

Gauthus says, "I would suggest you all band together and seek the god Meraud..perhaps that is the key to proving ourselves worthy again."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "I shall remember to tell you that if you lay bleeding at my feet if my magic ever returns to me, Ardythius."

>Siebel glances at you.

>Talace just arrived.

Klaive says, "That is not lucky, I fear that this creature that haunted my vision earlier is the one responsible for this. And we must kill it to set things right."

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "well said Absinthe!"

>Barnacus nods to Gauthus.

>Flura quietly says, "The Heralds told us it was us.."

Your mind hears Lemaria thinking, "Are you allright, Abby?"

>Barnacus just went north.

>You notice as a black crow stretches one of its great wings and then the other.

>Trathtup blinks.

>Grel asks, "Gauthus, I hear tell that These people are responsible for this. Have anything to say about it, sir?"

>Siebel gazes thoughtfully at Flura.

>Gauthus nods to Flura.

>(Grel gestures at the rag-tag band.)

>Arissande shakes her head at Klaive.

>Trathtup asks, "Is all furry-and-tog is not can fixer?"

You whimper.

>Talace joins Articus's group.

>Chrysti nods to Trathtup.

>Gauthus says, "I know nothing of these people. Alas, my magics have been stripped of me also." nod trath>You nod to Trathtup.

>Trathtup blinks.

>Gauthus scowls.

>Arissande asks, "Flura nearly died just from looking at one, Klaive. You think you could kill something like that?"

>Articus chuckles. >Articus's group just went north.

Gauthus says, "Needless to say, I am not exactly pleased myself."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "I am fine at the moment, Lemaria. Thank you."

>Flura quietly says, "We are very..sorry." >Flura quietly says, "We didn't know."

>Trathtup rubs Flura gently.

>Flura quietly says, "The elf.."

>Klaive says, "If I had my magic? With the greatest of ease."

>Beast Idi came through the Northeast Gate.

>You notice as a black crow squawks loudly.

>Arissande snorts at Klaive.

>Grel says, "hrm.. I don't think any of these are your pupils.. you must have taught your own people better than to mess with magic they shouldn't"

>Gauthus glances at Klaive.

Siebel snorts at Klaive.

Flura quietly says, "The old elf found Aethene's staff."

>Grel grumbles at Flura.

You say to Flura, "perhaps exile would be best."

>Chrysti gazes at Flura with a sympathetic look on her face.

>Arissande glances at Grel.

Gauthus nods to Grel.

You gaze down at the ground.

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "We'll be at the half pint momentarily"

>Gauthus says, "I should like to think so."

>Gauthus frowns.

Flura quietly says, "And the puma figurine."

>Siebel says, "Well that might be a problem since youdon't have any then wouldn't it"

>Karrisa says, "you couldn't drop me with your magic, how would you take care of them"

>Siebel nods to Klaive.

>Karrisa peers quizzically at Klaive.

>Arissande says, "Howlen might have been one of his...he claimed to be a mage..."

>Chrysti gazes at you with a sympathetic look on her face.

>Griffyn puts his claw in his black pack.

>Arissande glances at Gauthus.

>Trathtup works carefully at tending his wounded left hand.

>Arissande says, "His or Kssarh's, probably."

>Grel says, "Esuin needs to be told. "

You say, "Esuin would not hear our words"

>Gweldulf shakes his head.

>Klaive says, "I could've obliterated you if I had desired to do so. But honestly, I don't have time to worry with the likes of you."

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "someone come get us, at the pier?"

>Your mind hears Ardythius thinking, "If I lay bleeding at your feet, feel free to take a hot iron and press it against the wound."

>Arissande pointedly ignores Klaive. >Karrisa laughs at Klaive.

(Mellisandre looks grave.)

>Gauthus chuckles.

>Karrisa says, "keep dreaming mage boy"

>Flura quietly says, "Now is not time for petty words."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Nae, I shall instruct you on how to do just that."

>Trathtup says, "Tog is go fixer-furry place. If is need fixering, is go and is aks for tog."

>Flura quietly says, "There is bigger things at stake then who is bigger then who."

>You notice as a black crow looks around quickly.

>Trathtup waves.

>Grel says, "you're right, now is the time for petty action. "

>Arissande nods to Flura.

>Trathtup quietly says, "No deadering."

>You notice as a black crow looks around quickly.

>Gauthus says, "Indeed it is should be working together not fighting with each other." >Gauthus frowns.

>(Grel flails and runs in a circle.)

>Fixer-Tog Trathtup went through the Northeast Gate.

>Flura quietly asks, "You say we should seek Meraud's guidance?"

>Flura gazes at Gauthus.

>You notice as a black crow studies the ground intently.

>Klaive says, "I find it difficult to work with those that feel the need to constantly challenge my strength. It becomes tiresome."

Gauthus says, "Indeed you should."

>Flura puts her wine in a night black peddler's pack.

>Gauthus nods to Flura.

You wring your hands nervously.

>Chrysti glances at Gweldulf.

Gauthus says, "Then don't."

>You notice as a black crow looks around quickly.

>Gauthus glances at Klaive.

>Flura gets a speckled prayer parchment from inside her night black sack.

Gweldulf raises an eyebrow in Chrysti's direction.

>Klaive says, "I don't plan on it."

>Grel asks, "be there a shrine to Meraud close?"

>Siebel ponders.

>Gauthus asks, "But you still have a problem to solve now don't you?" >Gauthus scowls.

Flura quietly says, "In the temple."

>You say, "Aye, one in the Temple and one in the Tower"

>Klaive says, "Yes, I do."

>You notice as a black crow stretches one of its great wings and then the other.

>Grel mutters into the air something about clerics always messing around with things.

>Gweldulf glances at Grel.

>Arissande squints at Grel.

>(Flura gazes at her comrades sadly and asks, "Should we head there then?")

>Klaive says, "And obviously, I'll have to solve it alone."

>Your mind hears Atraeth thinking, "Grass eels are headed for the West gate of Crossing"

>Gweldulf says, "Grel, I like you.. Don't make me do something I will regret."

>Arissande nods to Flura.

>Klaive mutters cryptically to himself. >Mad Mage Klaive went through the Northeast Gate.

>With a great leap, a black crow launches into the air.

>Petty Officer Griffyn went through the Northeast Gate.

Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "I'll hold up for you, Lemaria."

>Gweldulf nods to Flura.

>Flura kneels down.

>The black crow swoops off.

>Karrisa bites Gweldulf!

>(Flura bows before Gauthus.)

>Grel asks, "you haven't done something you'll regret yet?" >Grel glances at Gweldulf. >Grel says, "I'll say you have"

>Flura stands up.

You say, "Stop it, both of you"

>Gauthus says, "I must wander on and see if I can be of assistance to my Mages." You say, "Nothing you can say can make us feel worse than we already do"

>Gauthus bows.

>Your mind hears Siluna thinking, "a LOT of grass eels"

>Guildmaster Gauthus went through the Northeast Gate.

Lamia Flura's group went through the Northeast Gate.

>Your mind hears Dalkin thinking, "aye, many many many"

          • The Group heads off to a shrine

>Lamia Flura's group just went west.

>Gweldulf asks, "Should we help with the eels?"

You whimper.

Flura quietly says, "We need to pray."

>Gauthus frowns. >Guildmaster Gauthus just went south.

>Gweldulf says, "We also need to defend the city.."

>Flura quietly says, "They can handle eels." >Flura quietly says, "I can handle them with one hand, while blindfolded."

>Arissande squints at a grizzled old war veteran.

>Your mind hears Puka thinking, "They must have been frightened out of their usually home.. I wonder how many other animals are out wandering around."

>Gweldulf says, "Let us go to the temple then." >Gweldulf says, "I only hope my god forgives me for this transgression.."

            • Travel to Shrine

>Lamia Flura's group went through a polished black granite archway. [Eyes of the Thirteen, Meraud's Shrine] Carved alexandrite-dusted wolf prints continue their trek over a black onyx platform, making their way towards a polished granite altar set at the darkened far end. On either side of the dome are black steel braziers that are lit with eerie purple flames, setting a surreal ambience in the room. The lighting caresses its way across the four intricate carvings lined on either side of the tracks set into the platform. You also see a polished black granite archway. Also in the room: Inept Acolyte Gweldulf, Arissande, and Lamia Flura. Obvious exits: none.

go plat >[Eyes of the Thirteen, Eye of Meraud] The gem-kissed wolf tracks end their journey at an inscription carved before a polished black granite altar veined in deep purple alexandrite. Sitting on top of the structure is a stunningly detailed statue sculpted from polished granite as dark as the stone from which the altar is made. Encompassing the platform is a faceted dark crystal dome that refracts the incoming light with the glow coming from the braziers into a dimly hued array of color and shadow. You also see a tall silver candlestick. Also in the room: Lamia Flura. Obvious exits: up.

You kneel down upon the ground.

You feel a warmth run through your skin as you touch the altar. You pray fervently. [Praying for 29 sec.]

>Flura carefully rolls her parchment. >Gweldulf recites:

  "*Meraud Muses*"
      by Sartor

>Gweldulf reads:

  "O farthest-sighted masterful Meraud,
   You know our past, time out of mind, a god
   Remembering our beast-like days when we
   Kept each his mind in silent secrecy.

>Gweldulf continues:

  "You pitied then our mute and mortal state,
   And so that we might worlds of words create,
   You gave us speech, and taught us to aspire
   To kindle fleeting breaths to lasting fire.


  "Not yet content, a burden you unsealed,
   A burden and a joy, your quest revealed--
   To join your search to probe each hidden lore
   And solve the riddle at creation's core.

>Gweldulf continues:

  "To ready us, you gave a second gift,
   Writing, the bridge that overleaps time's rift,
   And joins the generations yet to be
   And those long gone in one community.

>Gweldulf concludes:

  "Twice-blessed, we offer you our double laud,
   For each beneficence, one deep, one broad.
   Accept our humble promise in return,
   To strive, to seek, to think, to speak, to learn.

Gweldulf looks up and sighs, smiling.

>Gweldulf carefully rolls his parchment.

(Mellisandre abases herself before the altar, her tears soaking into the granite floor)

A tear runs down your face.

>(Gweldulf leans forward resting his head against the alter praying for forgiveness.)

You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!"

You bow your head.

Flura lifts her voice in praise of the gods, reciting for all to hear:

   "Forgive us, mortals in form
   Mistakes were made, a curse come undone.
   Grant mercy upon us, we know now what we've done
   We beg of you Meraud, your help, your patience, your guidence."

Flura looks up and sighs, smiling. >Your mind hears Grel thinking, "well, moon mages can still see into the future. I always thought that it was not magic inherint. If magic is truely gone, then this is a breakthrough"

>Arissande prays fervently. >Flura reaches out and touches a polished black granite altar. Flura shivers slightly. >Flura sighs. >A tear runs down Flura's face. >Gweldulf continues praying. >Flura says, "He is angry,"

Gweldulf asks, "What did he show you?"

>Flura says, "Nothing."

You reach out and touch a polished black granite altar.

You feel a warmth run through your skin as you touch the altar, and sense a deep connection with something much greater than yourself. The feeling is brief, and your vision clouds over....

All is darkness, full and cold, an endless Void of Nothing. And then, out of this -- a spark. A shattered remnant of a song. The coiling magic of creation swirls about you, gathering until it forms thirteen pale, perfect spheres. A ball of fire ignites the darkness, bringing warmth. The Void is rendered Whole, and thus ceases existence. With its parting, your vision fades....

>Arissande reaches out and touches a polished black granite altar.

Arissande shivers slightly.

>Your mind hears Karrisa thinking, "i was under the impression you gazed to the stars, not casts spells to see the future"

>Flura rubs her eyes.

>Arissande continues praying.

>A tear runs down Gweldulf's face.

>Arissande reaches out and touches a polished black granite altar. Arissande shivers slightly.

You beseech your God for mercy.

>Your mind hears Atraeth thinking, "Dashery, are you still at the shrine?"

>Your mind hears Dashery thinking, "We are just outside the Bard's Guild."

Arissande prays fervently.

>Flura gazes down at the floor.

>Arissande reaches out and touches a polished black granite altar.

Arissande shivers slightly. >Arissande shakes her head. >Arissande sighs.

>Gweldulf says, "He is not pleased.."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Atraeth, have you managed to cut down out the eels outside of the West Gate?"

You beseech your God for mercy.

>A peculiar shift in the lighting at the other end of the platform bounces off of the multiple facets of the dome, setting the shadows into motion. At random moments, the light hits the golden sigil on the altar, illuminating it for all to see.

>Your mind hears Atraeth thinking, "There were only a handful."

Gweldulf blinks.

>Flura gazes upward.

>Arissande ponders.

>Gweldulf continues praying.

>Arissande continues praying.

>Flura glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.

You continue praying for guidance.

>Gweldulf glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.

>Arissande continues praying fervently.

>Flura says, "We beg of you Meraud, to come forth and give us a sign.." >Flura says, "We beg forgiveness and understanding."

You recite:

  "Blessed Meraud, Lord of Foresight and Arcane Arts
   Gift us with the wisdom to see us through this time of need
   Guide us that we may find the path to atone for this deed
   We cherish the knowledge you gift us with, O Meraud.
   Grant us foolish mortals a measure of mercy, so that we may learn."

You continue praying for guidance.

>Karrisa says, "and thats not undead" >Arissande gazes at Karrisa. >Arissande asks, "Do you have a wolf's skin?" >Karrisa says, "no but i can get one" >Arissande says, "That would be appreciated." >Karrisa gazes upward. >Karrisa says, "i'll return"

Arissande nods to Karrisa.

You bend forward to kiss a polished black granite altar, a gesture of your humble devotions to the gods.

You sense that you are as pure of spirit as you can be, and you are ready for whatever rituals might face you. A tear runs down your face.

>Shadow-Wolf Karrisa just went up. >Flura gazes down at the floor.

You sadly say, "Perhaps exile is the only way. If we remove ourselves from the lands, perhaps the Heralds will take pity on those left behind and return to them the gift of magic."

>Your mind hears Absinthe thinking, "Sister-mine...are you in need of me?"

>Arissande ponders.

>Flura quietly asks, "We should..sacrifice ourselves?"

>think Sweet sister, not even your healing hands can lift the wounds upon my soul.

You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

>Arissande hopelessly asks, "What have we done?"

>Gweldulf shakes his head.

>Gweldulf says, "We were told everyone pays for our mistake.."

You say, "If, in a year and days time magic has not returned"

>Gweldulf says, "No matter where we run.."

You say, "Then I will sacrifice myself in truth" You gaze down at the floor.

>Gweldulf nods to you.

>Arissande nods to you.

>Flura quietly says, "I agree.."

>Your mind hears Medrik thinking, "Mellisandre, where are you?"

>think Seeking atonement You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

You get a grim expression on your face. >Your mind hears Medrik thinking, "From Meraud?" >Your mind hears Atraeth thinking, "If any Bards have need, I have some instruments which may survive the fall rains."

You say, "I hope it does not come to that." You gaze upward.

You say, "all the legends of Meraud say he is honorable and just. Perhaps once He overcomes His displeasure, He will reconsider and only strip us four of our magics"

You gaze down at your hands. >Arissande shivers. >A peculiar shift in the lighting at the other end of the platform bounces off of the multiple facets of the dome, setting the shadows into motion. At random moments, the light hits the golden sigil on the altar, illuminating it for all to see. >Flura gazes down at her hands.

You quietly say, "I should...I need to think more on this"

>snug melli Snuggle yourself? You're not that lonely, are you?

>Your mind hears Siluna thinking, "Melli, will you take me with you?"

>Flura quietly says, "I would not be surprised if we were forever scarred for this, so all generations can see what we did." >Arissande nods to Flura.

>Arissande says, "Even if we should regain our magic, we will always be scarred..." >Flura nods to Arissande. (Mellisandre touches her fingertips over her heart) You say, "Even if the wounds are not visible, they are there"

You sigh. >Flura quietly says, "I do not think this is the kind of trouble Charka meant when he said I could cause a bit."

>Arissande says, "Davius told me he was going to ruin my life..." >Flura frowns at Arissande. >Arissande gazes down at her hands.

>Arissande says, "I do not think he had anything to do with this, but his wish may have come true." >Arissande ponders.

>Flura quietly says, "Oddly, he feels the same way towards me as well." >Flura leans on Arissande.

>Gweldulf nods to you. >Arissande glances at a black panther. >Gweldulf glances at a black panther. >Flura pulls a black felt hat stitched with a thick green line of thread down over her ears. >Gweldulf asks, "Panther in the temple?" >Gweldulf raises an eyebrow. >Arissande says, "Pablin's familiar." >Gweldulf nods to Arissande. >Flura glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.

nkYou say, "I am going to go think"

Gweldulf says, "I know.. But.. I didn't think they were allowed inside town proper.." >You say, "I need to be alone" >Flura quietly says, "Me too." >Flura nods to you.

isYou say, "I can't handle this"

You wave your hands around without having any clue what you're doing.

You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!"

>Gweldulf bows to you.

>Flura stands up. >(Flura hugs each of you gently.) >Flura sighs.

You regretfully say, "We did not know... but we will make it right" You bow in reverence to a polished black granite altar. >Flura quietly says, "We must stand strong together." >Flura nods. >Arissande nods. >Lamia Flura just went up. You say, "Somehow..." You say, "We will make it right." Gweldulf nods to you. Taking a deep breath, you throw back your shoulders and harden your resolve. Arissande nods to you. >Gweldulf says, "I don't know how though.." >Gweldulf frowns.

>u [Eyes of the Thirteen, Meraud's Shrine] Carved alexandrite-dusted wolf prints continue their trek over a black onyx platform, making their way towards a polished granite altar set at the darkened far end. On either side of the dome are black steel braziers that are lit with eerie purple flames, setting a surreal ambience in the room. The lighting caresses its way across the four intricate carvings lined on either side of the tracks set into the platform. You also see a polished black granite archway. Obvious exits: none.

>go arch [Eyes of the Thirteen, Hallway] Lacquered mahogany trim streaks across the bottom of the white plaster wall as it meanders its way around the gentle curvature of the hallway. A set of wolf prints sprinkled with deep purple alexandrite dust is sculpted into the floor, leading the way into the shrine which lies beyond the polished black granite archway. You also see a gold plaque on the wall. Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

>go clo [Eyes of the Thirteen, Hallway] The hallway continues its curved passage leading to each of the Eyes of the Thirteen. A narrow wooden staircase, recessed into one wall, is visible as it curves gently downward toward the lower portions of the temple. To the northwest within the curving passage, sprinkles of some kind of shimmering purple dust are visible on the floor, adding a remarkable contrast of color against the white plaster walls. Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

>climb stair You step onto a staircase, beginning your descent. >You press against the wall as the stairs bend sharply, continuing your climb down the staircase. >Following the curve of the wall, you make your way further down the staircase... >On your journey down a staircase you reach... [The Crossing Temple, Hallway] Curiously elusive, a faint musty smell intrudes upon an otherwise elegant hallway. An antique crystal chandelier emits a warm golden glow that caresses everything from the central wooden pedestal to the narrow wooden staircase that ascends the outside wall. Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

>Your mind hears Atraeth thinking, "Yes. Many grass eels. They are fleeing something."

go clock [The Crossing Temple, Hallway] A fresh breeze wafts along the passage, bringing with it the gentle but fragrant scents of the garden. Along the outside wall, a long curving planter filled with rich soil provides a tiny sanctuary for young saplings to grow. Standing protectively in front of them, a mahogany pedestal rises like a monument to its living brethren. Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

>go clock [The Crossing Temple, Entrance Hall] Light flows like a stream from beyond a large archway, enveloping the entire entrance hall with radiance. Beautifully carved pillars stand on either side of the arch, greeting visitors and monks that make their way towards the center of the globe. Curving along the outer wall of the Temple, long plaster hallways with polished mahogany floors lead worshippers clockwise and widdershins around the sphere. You also see the massive double ironwood doors leading out of the temple. Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

>go door [Grand Stairway, Temple Entrance] The stairs descend to the south providing a spectacular view of the meandering Segoltha river. The grand orb-like temple yawns open directly to the north, its massive double doors sure to ward off any foolish invaders who may besiege this religious fortress. Two massive bronze sconces protrude above the entryway, each shaped like an outstretched feline's paw clutching an eternal flame -- surely a blessing from the goddess of civilization who aided in the reconstruction of this monument. Obvious paths: down. >d You step onto a massive stairway, moving downwards. >You continue walking down the massive stairway. You make your way further down the massive stairway... >On your journey down a massive stairway you reach...

[Temple Grounds, Grand Stairway] The grand stairway continues its ascent to the north, approaching the looming orb of the temple. Ornate silverwillow banisters curve down from the entrance, polished to a lustrous sheen and carved to resemble flowing streams, trickling serenely to the bottom of the stairs. Obvious paths: up, down.

>d You step onto a massive stairway, moving downwards. >You continue walking down the massive stairway. >You make your way further down the massive stairway... >On your journey down a massive stairway you reach... [Temple Grounds, Grand Stairway] Below to either side, paths curve around in between the main temple and the east and west towers. The monoliths stretch upwards and lean slightly toward the temple itself, as if grasping out toward the beacon area atop the structure, above the Eyes of The Thirteen. Smoothly cut granite steps lead upward to the north, climbing toward the massive temple. Obvious paths: up, down.

>d You step onto a massive stairway, moving downwards. >You continue walking down the massive stairway. >You make your way further down the massive stairway... >On your journey down a massive stairway you reach...

[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path] The astonishing sight of the grand temple lies to the north, atop a massive stairway. Three towers flank the sides of the structure, a complex network of walkways stretching between them and the temple's top levels. A smooth cobblestone path runs east and west here, curving around to the grounds areas on either side of the temple. Obvious paths: east, south, west.

>s [Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a white-robed monk and a low mahogany building. Obvious paths: north.

>go gate [The Crossing, Immortals' Approach] This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames flicker from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see a granite wall surrounding the temple grounds, the Longbow Bridge, and the locked almsbox. Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

>ne [The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

nw [The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Proudly located to the south you see the translucent dome of the Temple flanked by its three guard towers, while the Town Green and the Town Hall can be seen off toward the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, of clan and guild and folk, fill the air here. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the view of the buildings here, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

n [The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

n >[The Crossing, Town Green South] A gap in the stand of lunat trees leads south into Lunat Shade Road. In that general direction lie Berolt's Dry Goods, the Town Hall, the soaring presence of the Temple, the Provincial Bank and other key structures. A few loafers loll on the grass, watching those entering and leaving the Green. Sparrows, jays and other birds call to one another from the treetops, flitting back and forth between their nests and roosts in the dense hedges bordering the park. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest.

ne >[The Crossing, Town Green Northeast] The cool, welcome expanse of the Town Green is a pleasant place to gather and exchange news, gossip and adventuring pointers with all the folk and races of Elanthia who are drawn to town. A soft, spongy carpet of well-manicured grass underfoot affords a comfortable cushion for sitting or sprawling beneath the star-studded night sky. An ancient oak tree provides shelter for those so inclined. You also see some carved wooden benches, a stone water trough, a trodden dirt path, and a small cobblestone walkway. Obvious paths: south, southwest, west.

>go walk [Crossing, Midton Circle] Neatly clipped hedgerows line both sides of a cobblestone path leading into a quiet neighborhood of modest homes and well-tended gardens. A profusion of mature oak and maple trees spread throughout the neighborhood, their thickly leaved branches providing a natural screen of privacy for the homes that shelter beneath their boughs. You also see a sturdy stone block dwelling and an unremarkable home. Obvious paths: north, west.

>n[Crossing, Midton Circle] The cobblestone path underfoot splits to the east and west and spreads out to circle around an open plaza to the north. Tufts of tall grasses intermingled with fragrant herbs line the outer edges of the path, where well-kept homes peep from behind the trunks of several venerable oaks. The sound of running water provides a pleasant backdrop to the domestic scene, the source nearby but not immediately visible. You also see an abandoned grey block abode and an empty home. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

>e[Crossing, Midton Circle] Grapes growing in a small front yard garden spread fruit-laden branches over a low-lying wall to the southwest. A few wayward green tendrils have crept onto the cobblestone path, their vines mingling with the purple stains of grapes crushed underfoot by passing pedestrians. The faint smell of fermenting fruit drifts out of the little garden, mingling with the scent of woodsmoke rising from the hearth of a nearby home. You also see an empty home and a cozy baked brick cottage. Obvious paths: north, west, northwest.

>You notice as a white-tailed leopard slinks into the area.

You say, "Hello Leopard"

look leop You find the creature to be a magnificent specimen. There is a soft aura about it and you notice the eyes stare back with a nature which hints at intelligence. You are pretty certain this is a Warrior Mage's familiar.

>The white-tailed leopard growls, "Mistress is concerned about you."

You smile sadly. You say, "I will live... I am going to think"

You say, "I will come out soon"

>The white-tailed leopard growls, "Mistress says to find her when you can." You say, "I will, I promise" You say, "Thank her for her concern"

You unlock the door to a cozy baked brick cottage. You open the door to a cozy baked brick cottage.

>The white-tailed leopard sits down. You wave to a white-tailed leopard.

You walk through the door to your cottage. [Mellisandre's Home] Screens of pale blue ricepaper and a smooth driftwood floor covered by a deep blue braided throw rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies an antique pearwood canopy bed, and near the bed sits a carved sandalwood end-table with a huge luminous emerald and a kiln-dried clay duck on it. Above a small firepit hangs a drooling zombie doll. The room holds a strong scent of chocolate. You also see a door, a white-painted wicker nest chair that is facing the firepit, a white-painted wicker nest chair that is facing the firepit and a ruddy Rissan cat. Obvious exits: none