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16. The Negotiants begins to whirl chaotically, their crystalline form rapidly retracting into nothingness and suddenly, they vanish!<br>
16. The Negotiants begins to whirl chaotically, their crystalline form rapidly retracting into nothingness and suddenly, they vanish!<br>
==Grazhir: The Cosmic Pendulum and its Influence on Astral Travel==
1. Grazhir's mana flows in 6 ways: effortlessly, swiftly, steadily, hesitantly, dangerously low, and eventually reaches near exhaustion. The flow of mana decreases incrementally from effortlessly flowing to near exhaustion and then increases from near exhaustion to effortlessly flowing, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.<br>
2. We also know that as the number of mages entering the microcosm increases the level of distortion increases. We do not know all the degrees of distortion as we felt it would be unwise to push these limits.<br>
3. However, we do know that the Astral Plane immediately repairs all distortions once all those within the Astral Plane return to the Plane of Abiding. This is apparent because the mana flows become smooth once again. This suggests that the Astral Plane is more resilient to our intrusions than we once thought.<br>
4. What are the practical implications of our research? At this time, we believe that astral travel is safer when mana tends to flow effortlessly and when distortion is minimal. The reasons are simple. Less available mana and greater distortion likely makes travel more difficult. This is something that I observed from my own experience.<br>
== Dream Theory References ==
1. ask researcher about pillar <br>
A busy researcher says, "Between Axis and the other shards are ten pillars. Each stream of Grazhir mana routes through one of the pillars before connecting to Axis. This gives us a constant for navigation and lets us approach Axis far closer than would otherwise be safe." <br>
His face twists into a deep frown as he continues, "Unlike the rest of the microcosm, the pillars are a construct. There is no force that would cause mana to clump together in any configuration, let alone into a round number. The truth behind the pillars is...hard to put into words. Neither hand nor tool nor the conscious mind of an architect went into their construction. Yet there they are, monuments to our glory and a vast perversion of the microcosm's nature." <br>
He concludes in a grave voice, "If you ever need to understand why the others hate us, look at the arrogance and unconscious manipulation that warps the very fabric of a plane. The pillars show us why they rage."

== Mission of Mercy ==

1. The obelisk shifts slightly, as though displaced in space, and fractures wind across its surface. A cold wind issues forth, screaming, and for a moment, the darkness feels thicker, oily. You feel a great pressure, and the ritual salt circles begin to smoke.<br>
2. Twisting with an inky glow, the ritual circles explode into a fine cloud and vanish.<br>
3. After some time, the winds cease and the obelisk shifts again, almost as if it has slotted back into its normal location. The darkness feels less viscous, the area once again as it should be.<br>
4. Suddenly, a tickle in the back of your mind, a plea. A desperate being begs for aid, but cowers in the distance, in safety, beneath the watchful gaze of looming monstrosities. You are left with the impression that now is not the time to make noise.
Silence. There is only silence.<br>

Latest revision as of 17:56, 25 October 2020

Catalog of Curious Observations

This catalog will be updated periodically just so that all moon mages have a repository of observations that are not readily available.

Things Learned from Group Prediction

1. A thrumming buzz with metallic undertones projects within your mind, "Defilers could never resist walking through an open door, and now your insolence compels you further."

2. A thrumming buzz with metallic undertones projects within your mind, "You dare attempt to break every window in a house that was never yours!"

3. A thrumming buzz with metallic undertones projects within your mind, "Hopeless children can only corrupt all that they encounter."

4. An irritated buzz with metallic undertones projects within your mind, "These desperate circles have only ever had one end."

5. You sense disturbing ripples in the Web of Fate.

6. Disturbing ripples undulate across the network of streaking lights that buffer the edges of the microcosm from the relentless expanse beyond!

7. An irritated buzz with metallic undertones projects within your mind, "This path is already perfectly set, as it is for all things, and it leads rightfully to your much deserved suffering!"

8. A pale visage with striking red hair [Pelag ai Aldam] flashes in your mind before manifesting into an acute sensation of crossed-daggers being simultaneously driven through opposite ends of the base of your skull and out each orbital socket!

9. A large tear briefly ruptures the latticework of light buffering the edges of the microcosm as a hulking creature emerges!

10. Ten luminous limbs pierce the air, which begins to turn astonishingly... porous. Having found purchase, a maddened starlight harbinger hauls itself through the pores, into dramatically brightened existence.

11. A maddened starlight harbinger spins violently, swinging its legs from side to side!

12. A brief wave of disorientation washes outward as reality itself tears wide open, forming a sky-high rogue Moongate tinged with screaming, razor-edged shadows.

13. Tidal waves of force erupt from a sky-high rogue Moongate and wash over the area. (Many are slain).

14. Bright points with luminous tails arise out of the air above the starlight harbinger, flung in descending arcs.

15. A crystal pebble flies by at a tangent to Aaoskar, icing his back.

16. A sky-high rogue Moongate collapses in on itself.

17. The contrail of a vaporous aggregate with a vivid white heart [comet] etches a line across the air.

18. An icy mare's-tail [cirrus uncinus clouds] with a crystal pebble for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts Mondmorder's chest in passing.

19. The starlight harbinger has the same bauplan as its inferior cousin: a pseudo-spider with too many legs. Whereas a starcrasher's integument is translucent, this creature shines a blinding white -- itself a living array of ripped seams between Elanthian air and some cold star.

20. Native to the Plane of Probability, the starcrashers and starlight harbingers are lesser incarnations of physics. Like most interlopers from that plane, their usual method of interaction is violent and inexplicably hostile. You have heard of such creatures occasionally keeping company with Traders and Moon Mages. Despite its expected hostility, this particular harbinger's maddened behavior is quite extraordinary, almost... Elanthian in a way. You think it may be susceptible to forbidden Teleologic Sorcery.

21. Digmo screams! You turn in time to watch his body impact one of the streams of terrible light. His flesh is incinerated in front of your eyes, leaving weakened bones which blow away like loose granules of sand. Within seconds nothing remains of Digmo, not even ash at your feet.

22. The ovoid body lands an awesome strike that shatters every bone in the left arm, ripping it from its socket.

23. The ground cants, and your surroundings are thrown into absurdity. Every right angle comes alive with hyperemphasis, slewing together to form a zenzic.

24. You stagger as everything in the area pitches like the deck of a cog in high seas. A zenzic crawls out of an orthogonal intersection.

25. Tidal waves of force erupt from a sky-high rogue Moongate and wash over the area!

Observations from Communications with Extra-Planar Entities

1. You feel the presence of something close.

2. The shadows billow and swirl, and an ill wind caresses your mind. The shadowling snarls strangely for a moment.

3. Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

4. Shadows writhe in anger around the translucent obelisk, almost as if cowering from the unfocused concepts and psychic energies battering them. Spooling lengths of melting shadow drip upward and outward from the obelisk, buffeted by the myriad forces and blunt assault. For a brief moment, you see a snarling face with too many eyes, but it melts into nothingness.

5. The shadows writhe violently, and you hear a multitude of voices echoing in rage, "Children of Grazhir", repeatedly, growing louder and louder.

6. The shadows swarm around the obelisk, covering it in inky blackness! Rippling under unseen forces, the shadows suddenly freeze in place, and thrust jaggedly outward!

7. Shadows writhe in anger around the translucent obelisk, almost as if cowering from the unfocused concepts and psychic energies battering them.

8. Spooling lengths of melting shadow drip upward and outward from the obelisk, buffeted by the myriad forces and blunt assault. For a brief moment, you see a snarling face with too many eyes, but it melts into nothingness.

9. The Guardian scurries west.

10. You feel the shadows vibrate with a brief and violent movement.

11. The shadows swarm around the obelisk, covering it in inky blackness! Rippling under unseen forces, the shadows suddenly freeze in place, and thrust jaggedly outward!

12. Defilers, is it not enough that you bid us to do your petty errands, that you wish to bind us to answer your questions in your primitive tongue?'."

13. The shadows playing across the obelisk coalesce into a tight mass, and lash out towards you! You leap aside, but the tendril cracks you across the head painfully! Your mind is filled with a howl of rage, raking across your mind, demanding you leave!

14. With an explosion outward, the writhing mass radiates away from the obelisk, buffeting you as it dissipates into nothingness! You sense the intrusion leave, and the whispers silence.

15. Aerathor dances about the obelisk, chanting softly.

   A faint light pulses within the obelisk.

A Lunar Experiment: The Arbiter's Stylus

This was an event run by the Trader Rafano. Kudos and many thanks to him.

1. With a screech of shattering glass, the Negotiants suddenly unfold from empty air, extend fractal extremities that bristle with red hot crystal needles, and begin to survey the area.

2. With a screech of shattering glass, the Negotiants suddenly unfold from empty air, extend fractal extremities that bristle with red hot crystal needles, and begin to survey the area.

3. With a screech of shattering glass, the Negotiants suddenly unfold from empty air, extend fractal extremities that bristle with red hot crystal needles, and begin to survey the area.

4. perc negotiants: You suddenly forget what you were doing.

5. look negotiants: The Negotiants are an arcane mosaic of crystalline tesserae which spiral ceaselessly in precise telekinetic trajectories, conforming to some kind of abstract symmetry. Surrounding the crystals is a clockwork of nothing more than spun glass and refracted light. Thinly tangled loops and thorns and recurved spires whir along without any immediately obvious purpose.

6. The Negotiants extend a line of swirling crystal into a broad loop held before them, the space within contorting and shimmering into a bizarre kaleidoscopic polytope which slowly morphs and shifts.

7. The Negotiants rotate slowly in place, as if viewing the area through the lens of the polytope. Distorted images fracture behind the shifting geometries, ephemeral and angular.

8. As the Negotiants scan the area, you catch a glimpse through the polytope -- branching equations reduce physical phenomena to shifting abstraction and expanding polynomials. Functions asymptotically weave across infinity, and reality itself is laid bare. The scattered symbols of the Arbiter's Stylus blossom behind the polytope, radiant and sharp.

9. The Negotiants rotate slowly in place, as if viewing the area through the lens of the polytope. Distorted images fracture behind the shifting geometries, ephemeral and angular.

10. Through the polytope, degenerate bijectives swirl harmoniously between linear morphisms, algebraically reducing dust, light, gravity, time, to monoid variants. You have no framework to comprehend the otherworldly information creeping through the Negotiants lens, and find yourself gritting your teeth as your mind tries to make sense of it all!

11. As the polytope rotates around the Negotiants, you are able to see twisting lines of abstraction rendered into reality, cycling between symbol and substance. The faded symbols of the Arbiter's Stylus wink in and out of being, language drawn from the rules of reality.

12. Woten says, "I think this is how they must communicate. By describing the laws of their reality in equations."

13. Woten asks, "An equation solved?"

14. Rafano wistfully says, "Who knows what universal laws those equations describe . . ."

15. Suddenly, your head fills with the psychic backlash of the Negotiants chatter, "... HAS BEEN NOTED AND ACCOUNTED FOR THE CONTRACT REMAINS AS INTENDED THIS STANCHION REMAINS..." before meandering into whispers.

16. The Negotiants begins to whirl chaotically, their crystalline form rapidly retracting into nothingness and suddenly, they vanish!

Grazhir: The Cosmic Pendulum and its Influence on Astral Travel

1. Grazhir's mana flows in 6 ways: effortlessly, swiftly, steadily, hesitantly, dangerously low, and eventually reaches near exhaustion. The flow of mana decreases incrementally from effortlessly flowing to near exhaustion and then increases from near exhaustion to effortlessly flowing, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

2. We also know that as the number of mages entering the microcosm increases the level of distortion increases. We do not know all the degrees of distortion as we felt it would be unwise to push these limits.

3. However, we do know that the Astral Plane immediately repairs all distortions once all those within the Astral Plane return to the Plane of Abiding. This is apparent because the mana flows become smooth once again. This suggests that the Astral Plane is more resilient to our intrusions than we once thought.

4. What are the practical implications of our research? At this time, we believe that astral travel is safer when mana tends to flow effortlessly and when distortion is minimal. The reasons are simple. Less available mana and greater distortion likely makes travel more difficult. This is something that I observed from my own experience.

Dream Theory References

1. ask researcher about pillar
A busy researcher says, "Between Axis and the other shards are ten pillars. Each stream of Grazhir mana routes through one of the pillars before connecting to Axis. This gives us a constant for navigation and lets us approach Axis far closer than would otherwise be safe."

His face twists into a deep frown as he continues, "Unlike the rest of the microcosm, the pillars are a construct. There is no force that would cause mana to clump together in any configuration, let alone into a round number. The truth behind the pillars is...hard to put into words. Neither hand nor tool nor the conscious mind of an architect went into their construction. Yet there they are, monuments to our glory and a vast perversion of the microcosm's nature."

He concludes in a grave voice, "If you ever need to understand why the others hate us, look at the arrogance and unconscious manipulation that warps the very fabric of a plane. The pillars show us why they rage."

Mission of Mercy

1. The obelisk shifts slightly, as though displaced in space, and fractures wind across its surface. A cold wind issues forth, screaming, and for a moment, the darkness feels thicker, oily. You feel a great pressure, and the ritual salt circles begin to smoke.

2. Twisting with an inky glow, the ritual circles explode into a fine cloud and vanish.

3. After some time, the winds cease and the obelisk shifts again, almost as if it has slotted back into its normal location. The darkness feels less viscous, the area once again as it should be.

4. Suddenly, a tickle in the back of your mind, a plea. A desperate being begs for aid, but cowers in the distance, in safety, beneath the watchful gaze of looming monstrosities. You are left with the impression that now is not the time to make noise. Silence. There is only silence.