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#REDIRECT[[:Category:Rakash commands]]
==[[Growl command|Growling Speech]]==
''Can be used in place of ' or [[Say command|SAY]] as a verb for speaking.'' <br>
''Generally only used to express strong emotion.'' <br>
''Can be used with the same emotes used with SAY'' <br>
'''Examples:''' <br>
You growl, "You gargoyle-wrangler! Die!"<br>
You happily growl, "I love it!" <br>
You angrily growl, "I'll murder you, miscreant!" <br>

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!Command!!Messaging!!Other Rakash see!!Next room!!Distant
|Happy||You let out a bright joyous howl, full of life and vigor.|| <Rakash> howls joyfully, head thrown back to the sky.||You hear <Rakash> howl with joy from the <direction>.||You hear the distant, but contagiously cheerful howl of <Rakash>.
|Lonely||You let out a mournful howl.|| <Rakash> lets out a mournful lonely howl... does she know you're here?||You hear <Rakash> howl forlornly from the <direction>.||You hear the distant, lonely howl of <Rakash>.
|Katamba||You howl melodiously, serenading the black moon.|| <Rakash> howls melodiously, serenading the black moon.||From the <direction>, you hear <Rakash> howl melodiously, serenading the black moon.||You hear the distant howl of <Rakash> as <she/he> serenades the black moon.
|HOWL <dead person>||You howl in lamentation for the fallen ____.||<Rakash> howls in lamentation for the fallen||||
|Warning||You howl sharply, warning the pack of danger!||<Rakash> howls to warn the pack of danger!||From the <direction>, you hear <Rakash> howl a warning to the pack!||You hear the distant warning howl of <Rakash>.
|Pain||Your vocal cords vibrate with your pain, bristling your fur.||<Rakash> howls in pain causing your fur to bristle.||<Rakash>s howl of pain carries into the area from the <direction>.||You hear <Rakash> howl in pain.
|Home||You release a specifically pitched howl calling your family home.||<Rakash> releases a howl pitched to notify her family to return home.||<Rakash> howls from the <direction> calling <his/her> family home.||<Rakash>'s howl resonates, calling <his/her> family to come home.
|Victory||You bellow a victorious howl that grows louder as it rips from your larynx.||<Rakash> lets rip a victory howl that sets your blood pounding.||From the <direction>, <Rakash>'s victorious howl resonates loudly.||<Rakash>'s victory howl travels on the wind.
|Hunt||You release a warrior's howl calling all who can hear it to join in the hunt.||<Rakash> howls an invitation to join her in the hunt.||<Rakash> howls an invitation from the <direction> to join <him/her> in the hunt.||<Rakash> howls an invitation to all who can hear <him/her> to join in the hunt.

*For the full grown:
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!Command!!Messaging!!Other Rakash!!Others!!Next Room!!Distant
|Challenge||You howl your challenge to the other (howler's gender) of the pack!||''Same Gender'' <Rakash> howls in challenge!|| _____ lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.||??||??
|Courtship||''Female''You let out a ululating howl, calling out to the males of the pack. ''Male''You let out a deep resonant howl, calling out to the females of the pack.|| ''Opposite Gender'' <Rakash> lets out a beguiling, ululating howl.|| ''Same Gender'' and non-Rakash see standard message.||''Female'' You hear the beguiling howl of <FemaleRakash> from the <direction>. ''Male'' You hear the resonant masculine howl of <MaleRakash> from the <direction>.||You hear the beguiling howl of <FemaleRakash> off in the distance. You hear the resonant masculine howl of <MaleRakash> in the distance.
|Hither('''Must be Bonded''')||You release a beckoning howl that calls to (mate). Otherwise "Your howl could not reach the one you seek.||<Rakash> howls in the distance, calling (mate) to come to (him/her).||Non-Rakash see standard message.||<Rakash> howls from the north calling for <Mate>.||You hear <Rakash> howling for you to come to <him/her>.

As a member of the Rakash race, when in [[moonskin]] you have the ability to be more expressive with your ears.

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|Bristle||Your ears bristle warily as you monitor the sounds in the area.
|Curl||As your ears relax from contentment the tips curl forward, slightly muffling all noise.
|Danger||The fur on your ears stands straight up as you sense danger.
|Flare||You flare your ears as you angle them to catch every sound.
|Flick||Your anger causes your ears to flick rapidly.
|Flop||Your ears are tied to your heart and flop forward over themselves, broadcasting your feelings to all within sight of you.
|Greet||Both your ears quickly flip forward, in the traditional Rakash greeting.
|Itch||A sudden uncontrollable itch in your right ear sets it to quivering madly. You quickly reach up and scratch it, soothing the itch.
|Point||Your left ear points at the ground giving your face a sorrowful expression.
|Pride||As you swell with pride your ears stretch upward, adding a little to your height and imbuing you with an imposing feeling.
|Sag||Your ears sag slightly, losing their perky stiffness as you begin to fall asleep.
|Scratch||You absentmindedly spin your claw in your left ear and drag out a tiny speck that smells like ear wax when you sniff it.
|Snap||Your ears snap up in alarm!
|Turn||As you turn one ear towards the front and one to the back, the flesh between them pulls rather taut.
|Twitch||Your left ear betrays your nervousness and begins to twitch uncontrollably, increasing your discomfort.
|Warn||Your right ear flicks twice in a quiet warning.
|Weary||Your ears begin to droop, giving your face a tired look.
|Wiggle||You wiggle your ears in a carefree display of your happiness.

As a member of the Rakash race, when in moonskin you have the ability to be more expressive with your tail.

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|Brush||As your tail undulates enticingly, its feathery tips gently brush the ground.
|Droop||Expressing your unhappiness, your tail droops till it almost touches the ground.
|Flick||Your tail flicks quickly from side-to-side displaying your anger.
|Flop||Your tail flops listlessly, a reflection of your sadness.
|Fluff||You fluff your tail with a vigorous shake that separates each hair till it resembles a huge plume.
|Shake||You give your tail a good shake to smooth its nap, and end up realigning all your fur.
|Strut||Your tail arches stiffly behind you as you assume an imposing stance.
|Sway||You let your tail sway freely, thoroughly enjoying your moonskin state.
|Swish||Your strong tail swishes through the air, creating a small breeze.
|Twitch||You are so excited you can't seem to stop your tail from twitching.
|Wag||You wag your tail enthusiastically!
|Wave||You give your tail a few quick upward flips that make it appear to be waving goodbye.

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|Purr||<Rakash> makes a loud "RrrrRRRrrrRRRrrrr" noise that you hope means (he/she)'s happy.<br>
|[[Stare command|Stare]]|| Rakash fixes <person> with a solid, steady stare. '''Moonskin:''' Rakash fixes <person> with a sharp, wolfish stare.
|Snap||Rakash snaps (his/her) fingers.
|Snap <self>||Rakash rubs (his/her) fingers together quickly, a puzzled look on (his/her) face.
|Twiddle <self> ('''Moonskin''')||('''You see''') You click your claws together, creating a soothing repetitive sound.<br />('''Others see''') Akryn clacks his claws together, filling the air with an annoying rat-tat-tat.
|Gobble <person>||Rakash snorts and folds (his/her) arms across (his/her) chest with disdain.

[[race association is::rakash| ]]

Latest revision as of 14:47, 5 April 2021