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{{Player character
{{Player character}}
|Player Name=Kemosiris Evlinar
|Guild=Moon Mage
|Relative=:Jainaraih, Kikilakita, Jozeru, Jazora
{{Cat|Player Fortune's Path,Evlinhar Family}}

You see Phantom Kemosiris Evlinhar, Mistress of the House of the Gypsies, a Prydaen.<br>
Kemosiris has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, tufted pointed ears and cat-slitted sparkling black eyes. Her deep purple-streaked blue-black mane is very long and wavy, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a crimson sapphire rose affixed to a blackened moonsilver stem. She has glittered black fur, a tufted long tail and a svelte figure.<br>
She is tall for a Prydaen.<br>
A circle of obsidian is positioned between her eyes, surrounded by an aura of shadow rippling against her fur.<br>
She appears to be young.<br>
She is in good shape.<br>

Kemosiris began her life arriving in [[The Crossing]] at age 16 and although she really longed to join the Moon Mage's Guild, she was told it was a very difficult guild to be in, so she joined the Ranger's Guild. She stuck with Kalika for her next twenty advancements before she just could not pretend to enjoy the guild she choose. At age 18, she decided it was time to leave the Ranger's Guild and she joined the Moon Mage's Guild where she found herself happiest.

Times were rough, but she eventually came across another Moon Mage named [[Caelumia]] who often times just snatched her up and took her in the zoo for training. Kemosiris viewed her as her Mentor and always enjoyed her company regardless of what others claimed.

By age 20, she met another Moon Mage named [[Khalikryst]] to which she had taken an immediate liking towards. Although he did not seem to acknowledge her at first, she eventually got his friendship. She would split her time between [[Caelumia]] and [[Khalikryst]], enjoying the company of both.

When Kemosiris turned 23, she packed what she could carry and traveled where ever her feet would take her. She returned to [[The Crossing]] at age 34 to find that her Mentor was no longer around. She keeps the card given to her when she were younger.

She later bonds to [[Latathi]] for a brief time before his soul was mixed and she bonded to [[Joshuan]]. The two decided to start a family, so with the help of his close friend, she got pregnant. Just before the arrival of her children, she divorced [[Joshuan]]. She had twins shortly afterwards, naming them Jozeru and Jazora and sending them off with another Prydaen family to care for, thinking it was in their best interest.

Few months later, she got back with [[Khalikryst]] and after dating for awhile, they are now engaged to be married.

On the 6 month of the year 408, a conversation over the gwethdesuan caught Kemosiris' attention and she mirrored [[Iszanua]] and saw her and [[Zuath]] in a Ritual Room. Eventually, Kemosiris sees [[Iszanua]] bring out a well-crafted Iszanua doll decorated with a spidersilk robe and give it a hug. Falling instantly in love with the doll, she thoughtcasts [[Iszanua]] inquiring about the doll and how she would love to have one. This causes [[Iszanua]] to bring out a plain-looking doll from her backpack and she sew a doll in Kemosiris' image.
Kemosiris thoughtcasts [[Iszanua]], letting her know that she'd love to have the doll, but [[Iszanua]] refuses, claiming she likes the doll and would like to keep it. [[Iszanua]] tells [[Zuath]] to bring her the voice in her head and before she could answer [[Zuath]] if she wanted 'it' alive, they suddenly had to leave due to multiple eyes watching them.

:<b>409-07-13</b>: Joined the Brotherhood.
:<b>409-03-09</b>: Officially claiming Boar Clan as her own in a waffle deal by a [[Uthgaar|dwarf]].
:<b>408-06-06</b>: [[Iszanua]] makes a doll in Kemosiris' image; a black-furred Prydaen doll with dark eyes and a blue-black mane.
:<b>407-05-22</b>: Happily kissed the rose to bond [[Khalikryst]].
:<b>405-04-38</b>: Met [[Talorc]] in Therenborough.
:<b>404-01-15</b>: [[Khalikryst]] buys moonsilver engagement rings to sell in their shop then somewhat 'proposed' to Kemosiris by claiming the last ring he just gave her was hers.

::Adopted her when she was approximately 16 or 18 years of age on Ratha.

::Brother to [[Teloc]].

::No actual relations. She was taken under Kemosiris' wing when she first arrived in The Crossings and is treated like a sister.
::Complete opposite of Kemosiris, these two are Ying and Yang of each other.
::Trader who claims to be a Barbarian.

::Twins that Kemosiris gave up for adoption when they were first born. She turned away from them but never forgot about them.

==Prized Possessions==
An altered yoyo by [[Keishalae]].
:[[Weapon:Metal_yoyo_with_a_pair_of_cambrinth_stones_embedded_on_each_side|a platinum yoyo finely etched with a cambrinth Triquetra]]
::A length of fine spidersilk is coiled tightly around the metal cylinder of the yoyo, offering plenty of free movement. Either side of the cylinder features rounded chunks of cambrinth, depicting the Triquetra in white-, red-, and blue-gold hues.

A weapon purchased at [[Guildfest_405_Auction#Prime_Auction_.28Saturday.2C_May_26.2C_2012.29|Guildfest 405 Auction]] for 330,000,000 platinum Lirums.
:[[Weapon:obsidian-bladed scimitar with a wire-bound leather grip|an obsidian-bladed scimitar with a wire-bound leather grip]]
::Thin strands of damite wire have been wound in a crossing pattern across the fine leather that wraps the grip of the steel hilt. Delicate fractures mar the surface of the obsidian, the cracks forming an uneven pattern along the edge of the blade.

::You notice some obsidian slivers on the surface of the scimitar.

===Doll Collection===
Kemosiris is an avid doll collector. The list below is what she carries in her {{ilink|i|creamy white silk doll satchel embroidered with a field of golden buttercups}} at all times. The satchel is completely overstuffed that sometimes when she brings out a doll, she has to shift her dolls around to stuff it back in.

This list does not include what is in her vault or Shadow Servant.
{| class="wikitable"
| a battered parrot puppet || a black plush heart with red stains || a bright green stuffed dragon with glittery metallic wings
| a button-eyed mouse doll || a carved wooden duck || a cheerful flower sprite
| a darkened gull with gleaming yellow eyes || a deep green stuffed se| a dragon with tiny silver teeth || a delicate pixie
| a diminutive dragon finger puppet wearing a stylish black eyepatch || an ebony velvet horse || an Elothean baby doll wrapped in | a torn quilt
| a fierce-faced Barbarian doll || a frazzled-looking Jisi doll || a fuzzy skeleton finger puppet of soft black and white wool
| a golden-scaled S'Kra Mur doll with an ornate silver tailband || a green-clad Ranger doll || a grinning toy skull
| a grubby zombie doll with yarn guts spilling from its belly || a hooded thief doll || an ice white stuffed fae with gold and green gossamer wings
| a jade Gor'Tog doll wielding a curved wooden scimitar || a leathery corpse doll with sunken cheeks || a lumpy silk doll shrouded by an enveloping black robe
| a lumpy stuffed gelapod sewn from patchwork pieces of brown leather || a miniature gypsy wagon picked out in blue and red || a miniature ivory skeleton
| a miniature plump opera diva dressed as a valkyrie || a miniature toy moon pony || an opal-eyed black velvet panther doll
| an orange homespun cat doll with a striped tail || a plush Barbarian doll wielding a miniature steel sword || a plush Bard doll bearing a golden flute within its hands
| a plush cerulean velvet puppy || a plush Cleric doll gripping an intricate censer within its hands || a plush doll dressed in swaths of dark fabric
| a plush Empath doll grasping a handful of tiny herbs || a plush jade velvet puppy || a plush Moon Mage doll sporting a miniature brass telescope within its hands
| a plush Paladin doll bearing a gleaming sword and shield within its hands || a plush Ranger doll cradling a wolf pup within its arms || a plush sky-blue velvet snowbeast
| a plush thug bearing a miniature sharpened dagger || a plush Trader doll clutching a stylized silver ledger || a plush Warrior Mage doll clasping a wood talisman
| a porcelain S'Kra Mur doll dressed in a royal purple velvet tunic || a pumpkin-headed doll dressed in gauzy white rags || a pure white stuffed baby snowbeast with fluffy fur
| a ragged and stunted Moon Mage marionette || a ragged doll with a tiny yarn noose around its neck || a richly-clad Trader doll
| a shabby pirate zombie doll dressed in torn rags || a shifty-eyed Thief doll || a sleeping Gor'Tog baby doll wrapped in fuchsia wool blankets
| a sleeping Kaldar baby doll wrapped in faded blue wool blankets || a sleeping Prydaen baby doll wrapped in rose felt blankets || a slim wooden cuckoo
| a small plush lizard holding a sign that says "I am a familiar!" in bright red letters || a small weathered toy caravan with a long tattered cord || a smiling Empath doll
| a smiling porcelain doll holding a small knife in its left hand || a smirking Elf doll dressed in black and silver || a soft ebony bear in tiny wooden manacles
| a soft silk doll garbed in an opulent yellow gown || a soft worry doll dressed in mage's robes || a spotted cow doll sporting winged leather boots
| a spotted cow sporting winged leather boots || a starry-robed Moon Mage doll || a stuffed indigo bear holding a miniature telescope
| a stuffed white bear holding a red lace-edged heart || a tiny black bear with sharp fangs || a tri-color plush dog with big glass eyes
| an unstuffed squirrel doll with bloodstains around its ripped seams || a wand-bearing War Mage doll || a well-painted male Elothean doll with a serene look on his face
| a white-furred fuzzy Prydaen doll || a white-robed Cleric doll || a winking Bard doll
| a winking gypsy doll dressed in bright silks || a wooden skeleton doll with articulated limbs

==Misc Notes==
Please be aware that what I state in this profile of Elanthipedia is intended for OOC knowledge and interest and should in no way be used for IC knowledge without first getting to know Kemosiris.
If you wish to edit or post in my profile, please place your notes below this area. Thanks!

She is very fond of making sandwiches for [[Malkien]].

Latest revision as of 20:22, 30 January 2016

Race undisclosed
Gender undisclosed
Guild undisclosed
Instance undisclosed