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{{Player character
{{Player character}}
| Player Name = Kemosiris Evlinar
| Status = a
| Race =
| Gender = Female
| Guild = Moon Mage
| Instance = Prime
| Relative = Jainaraih, Kikilakita, Jozeru, Jazora
[[Category:Player Fortune's Path]]
[[Category:Evlinhar Family]]

Kemosiris is totally enveloped in a dark cloak, concealing all but her empty hands.

Kemosiris began her life arriving in [[The Crossing]] at age 16 and although she really longed to join the Moon Mage's Guild, she was told it was a very difficult guild to be in, so she joined the Ranger's Guild. She stuck with Kalika for her next twenty advancements before she just could not pretend to enjoy the guild she choose. At age 18, she decided it was time to leave the Ranger's Guild and she joined the Moon Mage's Guild where she found herself happiest.

Times where rough, but she eventually came across another Moon Mage named [[Caelumia]] who often times just snatched her up and took her in the zoo for training. Kemosiris viewed her as her Mentor and always enjoyed her company regardless of what others claimed.

By age 20, she met another Moon Mage named [[Khalikryst]] to which she had taken an immediate liking towards. Although he did not seem to acknowledge her at first, she eventually got his friendship. She would split her time between [[Caelumia]] and [[Khalikryst]], enjoying the company of both.

When Kemosiris turned 23, she packed what she could carry and traveled where ever her feet would take her. She returned to [[The Crossing]] at age 34 to find that her Mentor was no longer around. She keeps the card given to her when she were younger.

The cat glares at you with one ragged ear cocked at a rakish angle.
Within it, you read the following inscription:
You stinker!
Signed, Caelumia

She later bonds to [[Latathi]] for a brief time before his soul was mixed and she bonded to [[Joshuan]]. The two decided to start a family, so with the help of his close friend, she got pregnant. Just before the arrival of her children, she divorced [[Joshuan]]. She had twins shortly afterwards, naming them Jozeru and Jazora and sending them off with another Prydaen family to care for, thinking it was in their best interest.

Few months later, she got back with [[Khalikryst]] and after dating for awhile, they are now engaged to be married.

<b>405-04-38</b>: Met [[Talorc]]

She was born on the 1st day of the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Iron Toad.

Currently engaged to the wonderful [[Khalikryst]]!




==Prized Possessions==
An altered yoyo by Keishalae.
:[[Weapon:Metal_yoyo_with_a_pair_of_cambrinth_stones_embedded_on_each_side|a platinum yoyo finely etched with a cambrinth Triquetra]]
::A length of fine spidersilk is coiled tightly around the metal cylinder of the yoyo, offering plenty of free movement. Either side of the cylinder features rounded chunks of cambrinth, depicting the Triquetra in white-, red-, and blue-gold hues.

A weapon purchased at [[Guildfest_405_Auction#Prime_Auction_.28Saturday.2C_May_26.2C_2012.29|Guildfest 405 Auction]] for 330,000,000 platinum Lirums.
:[[Weapon:obsidian-bladed scimitar with a wire-bound leather grip|an obsidian-bladed scimitar with a wire-bound leather grip]]
::Thin strands of damite wire have been wound in a crossing pattern across the fine leather that wraps the grip of the steel hilt. Delicate fractures mar the surface of the obsidian, the cracks forming an uneven pattern along the edge of the blade.

::You notice some obsidian slivers on the surface of the scimitar.

==Misc Notes==
Please be aware that what I state in this profile of Elanthipedia is intended for OOC knowledge and interest and should in no way be used for IC knowledge without first getting to know Kemosiris.
If you wish to edit or post in my profile, please place your notes below this area. Thanks!

She is very fond of making sandwiches for [[Malkien]].

Latest revision as of 20:22, 30 January 2016

Race undisclosed
Gender undisclosed
Guild undisclosed
Instance undisclosed