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= Zoluren =

[ Graphical Layout Of Zoluren]

Zo-lu-ren - Home to all Seven Races as well as immigrants from the Gorbesh and far Western lands, Zoluren is racially and culturally diverse, and enjoys the commercial advantages of its geographical position in the center of the defunct Seven Star Empire. [from H-Gamgweth Zohlu Ren, "First Land"]

== Tiger Clan ==

[ Tiger Clan Area Graphic]

Tiger Clan is a small village inhabited by Gor'Togs who were either strong enough to fight off local goblins or just not bright enough to notice them in the area. Of local interest is a large mansion that houses the clan's chief. It was built prior to the village around it and few remain that can tell the story of its creation.

== Wolf Clan ==

[ Wolf Clan Area Graphic]

Wolf Clan is a settlement of human barbarians far west of The Crossing. Consisting of several shops, a trading post, and a renowned leatherworker, the clan offers their simple trades with earnest. Striving to survive amidst the monsterous ogres, Wolf Clan meets any challenge with barbaric ferocity.

== Knife Clan ==

[ Knife Clan Area Graphic]

Knife Clan is a village of skilled metalworkers and weaponsmiths. However, their art is somewhat marred by their backwoods reputation so much so that more civilized traders scoff at the mere consideration of dealing with their wares. Still, the stubborn Gor'Togs manage to eke out a living and survive.

== Stone Clan ==

[ Stone Clan Area Graphic]

The Dwarven settlement known as Stone Clan has carved a sturdy mark upon the land. The dwarves deal not only in stone but in spirit and will rarely hesitate to correct you on points of history and lore that do not meet their well known accountings of it. Care should be taken to remain on the paths when travelling, as there are many dangers lurking within the shadows of nearby environs.

== Gorbesh Fortress ==

[ Gorbesh Fortress Area Graphic]

Memories of battle and echoes of warcries are all that remains to be fearful of within the Gorbesh Fortress. Abandoned after a what was an almost devestating invasion, nothing of great interest can be found within unless of course one finds broken battlements and wrecked catapults fascinating. Still, the sight of the place is a sore spot with locals and the subject should be avoided at formal and casual gatherings.

== Kaerna Village ==

[ Kaerna Village Area Graphic]

Nestled in the valley that hosts the Northern Trade Road, Kaerna Village makes for a homey rest stop on the route between Dirge and the Crossing. All of a travellers needs are met including the cozy Gilded Unicorn Inn for those that need an overnight stay. Though small, Kaerna Village brings our the heart of the land for many of its inhabitants.

== The Crossing ==

[ The Crossing Area Graphic]

Zoluren's capital city is a bustling center of trade. The renowned Asemath Academy and representatives of each of the adventuring guilds make the Crossing a center of learning, while the largest and most breathtaking Temple of the Thirteen in all the lands makes it a refuge for the spirit.

== Dirge ==

[ Dirge Area Graphic]

Living in the shadow of active volcano Greater Fist, Dirge is a bleak grey city of stern, hardened, determined people. Yet underneath the ash and rubble lies a once-charming village waiting to be discovered.

== Leth Deriel ==

[ Leth Deriel Area Graphic]

A sleepy, peaceful Elven village built around the sacred Sana'ati Dyaus tree, Leth Deriel is a pleasant stop on the road from the Crossing to Shard.

== Arthe Dale ==

[ Arthe Dale Area Graphic]

The quaint village of Arthe Dale is a refuge for Halflings just north of the Crossing, where the air is sweet with the scent of taffelberries and the sound of laughter.

= Therengia =

[ Therengia Area Graphic]

Of the Humans of antiquity who wore the Seven-Starred Crown, over half were members of the powerful Theren family. Their noble heritage still shines in the Royal Province of Therengia, considered by many to be the true seat of power in today's Realms.

== Fornsted ==

[ Fornsted Area Graphic]

Standing proud against Ker'Leor forest, the town of Fornsted is a welcome safehaven from the wilds. Formed to support Arnshal Keep, Fornsted offers several quaint houses for its citizens to dwell. Fornsted is also a convenient stop over when travelling to the western desert.

== Sicle Grove ==

[ Sicle Grove Area Graphic]

The ill-fated settlement of Sicle Grove rested in the shadow of the Greater Fist, a once thought dormant volcano. The town was destroyed suddenly when the Fist erupted. Very little is left of the area that isn't ash and rock. However, care should be taken as fire sprite dwell among the remains.

== Greater Fist ==

[ Greater Fist Area Graphic]

The formerly dormant volcano known as the Greater Fist lies within the southern border of Therengia. This terrible example of the raw power of nature recently erupted, destroying the halfling settlement of Sicle Grove. Travellers should avoid the area if possible.

== Muspar'i ==

[ Muspar'i Area Graphic]

The great S'Kra Mur city of Muspar'i is a center of trade and a treasure trove of culture. The music of this veritable oasis in the desert has become one of cities' greatest attractions. Also of interest, is the temple of the World Dragon, the oldest one known to exist in the world.

== Zaulfung ==

[ Zaulfung Area Graphic]

Long ago, this region was home to the graceful palace of Empress Merthamone. Today it's a swamp tainted by a malign land-devouring spirit held at bay by magic, haunted by the dead, and infested with dangerous beasts.

== Riverhaven ==

[ Riverhaven Area Graphic]

The river Faldesu provides the economic heart of Therengia with a bounty of seafood, salt, and trade goods. The town is not without its mysteries and legends mind you. Dunshade manor, once the great home of a local land owner, is now believed to be haunted and few dare to enter to prove otherwise.

== Langenfirth ==

[ Langenfirth Area Graphic]

On the shore of Lake Gwenalion, Langenfirth is a haven for fishermen and Rangers alike. Travellers come from far and wide to sample the local cuisine while being within hiking distance of nature untouched by the progress of man.

== Dunshade Manor ==

[ Dunshade Manor Area Graphic]

Travelers are advised to keep their distance from Riverhaven's infamous Dunshade Manor, haunted by the spirits of the dead -- and perhaps a greater evil which drives good men to commit heinous deeds.

== Therenborough ==

[ Therenborough Area Graphic]

In Therenborough, one can experience a taste of the former glory and pageantry of the Seven Star Empire. The city has formed around what was and still is Theren Keep, a great stronghold of civilization. Many consider Therenborough to be the land's finest example of true culture.

== Rossman's Landing ==

[ Rossman's Landing Area Graphic]

Rossman's Landing is one of the newest towns in Elanthia, having been built by survivors who escaped the sacking of their village. Located atop a bluff overlooking Lake Gwenalion, the villagers are a tightly knit community which regards outsiders with a certain wariness.

== Throne City ==

[ Throne City, Can you find it?]

Abandoned as the Seven Star Empire crumbled over a thousand years ago, it was later re-discovered by the Moon Mage Guild and slowly restored. Half the city remains in ruins, but the northern half boasts shops and libraries of interest to the scholarly mage. The ruins, however, are dangerous and home to mysteries and angiswaerd.

= Ilithi =

[ Graphical layout of Ilithi]

The "Elven Nation" means different things to different people, to some an obsolete artifact of a former time, to others a hope that the balance of power will be redressed and former glory regained, but none dispute that mountainous Ilithi is where most of the world's Elves and Elotheans make their home.

== Fayrin's Rest ==

[ Fayrin's Rest Graphic]

The small wood elf and halfling town of Fayrin's Rest northeast of Shard hosts many interesting landmarks. Most notable of these is an obelisk dedicated to Aurilae Cui'Gweld, a heroic bard who enterained a troll general and his troops long enough to delay their attack until reinforcements could arrive to protect the town.

== Obsidian Pass ==

[ Obsidian Pass Graphic]

Obsidian Pass is the only safe passage through the Dragonspine Mountains which divides the continent seperating Shard from Leth Deriel and The Crossing. The pass is marred by a great chasm which can only be crossed by gondola. Extra care should be taken at night in this area when the vicious snowbeasts come out to hunt.

== Steelclaw Clan ==

[ Steelclaw Clan Graphic]

Steelclaw Clan is an outpost of Elven warriors and barbarians. The local is most famous for hosting what is perhaps the finest weapon shop in all the lands.

== Shard ==

[ Shard Graphic]

Ilithi's grand capital and residence of Elanthia's most powerful and visible political figure, Ferdahl and Speaker Kukalakai. A city of towers and wonders, a true feast for the eyes that no world traveler should miss.

== Undershard ==

[ Undershard Graphic]

Unfortunately, Shard has a dark underbelly. Below street level lies the remains of the old pre-Dragon Priest Shard, as well as a network of tunnels and caverns known only by the criminal element that takes refuge there.

== Chyolvea Tayeu'a ==

[ Chyolvea Tayeu'a Graphic]

Situated at the highest pass of the Dragon Spine Mountains, this lonely fortress remains aloof from the rest of civilization. Few people know the way there. Fewer know the secrets it harbors within.

= Qi'Reshalia =

[ Graphical layout of Qi'Reshalia]

The volcanic isles of Qi have long served as a haven from persecution, originally for the S'Kra refugees from the distant eastern continent where the dragon Eerayn nests, and then for Bards and others fleeing the tyranny of the Dragon Priests.

== Reshalia ==

[ Reshalia Graphic]

The largest island in Qi, Reshalia boasts the teeming city of Ratha, an equally impressive sight from the deck of an approaching ship or from the highest of its four tiers.

== Aesry Surlaenis'a ==

[ Aesry Surlaenis'a Graphic]

Among its many spiritual treasures, Surlaenis harbors the only surviving enclave of the Ru'atin Peri'el, a sect of S'Kra women who sing ritual lullabies to keep sleeping evils from reawakening.

== Taisgath ==

[ Taisgath Graphic]

The isle of Taisgath, in contrast to the crowds and bustle of Qi's other islands, is a peaceful place where Moon Mages gather to study evening skies and books of knowledge.

== Hara'Jaal ==

[ Hara'Jaal Graphic]

Travellers would do well to avoid the island of Hara'Jaal. A port inhabited and run by pirates, the most endearing thing about the place are the well crafted tattoos, but of course you have to survive long enough to get it and get out. Equally dangerous are the local wildlife including the dread Poli'ish which are rarely seen until they are within striking range and then of course its too late.

== M'Riss ==

[ M'Riss Graphic]

The island of M'Riss, originally settled by refugees fleeing the Human-Elven wars, was regarded as cursed by the S'Kra of Qi Reshalia and hence was uninhabited. Over the years, the settlers constructed one of the Wonders of the Islands, its capital city Mer'Kresh, rising from the shallow waters of Belarritaco Bay. Famous for its Carillon and gardens, Mer'Kresh is a colorful and lively Elven-Human city. A casual visitor might never guess that its original S'Kra name was "Isle of the Damned."

= Forfedhdar =

[ Graphical layout of Forfedhdar]

In the mountains west of Zoluren and Ilithi lies the Dwarven territory of Forfedhdar, also inhabited by the Gor'Togs. While Dwarves have always been known for their reticence, in recent memory no commerce and precious few rumors have come out of this region.

Latest revision as of 15:08, 26 October 2021

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