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Empress Sebastienne

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A conversation with Zurato that I'm getting right this time. · on 2/12/2009 1:28:05 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 3634
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I think I've been editing too many logs lately because I'm sucking pretty bad at this, but I think I got it this time.

Shared by request and because I don't see any reason it should be kept quiet for the sake of the event.

Thugs have been tackling people in the Crossing and I got word so I came down to have a look. I found a rat. Many people saw this rat in the aftermath of Zurato's attack the other day. I've also seen it once before that, but was not at the time sure who it belonged to (I had considered the possibility of a traitor in the gang trying to make contact with me).

[North Gate, Gate]
You also see a red-eyed sewer rat.
Obvious paths: east.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>l rat

You see a red-eyed sewer rat.
The sewer rat is in good shape.
It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying nothing!

You cock your head.

You say, "hi rat."

You say, "I am hesitant to say anything to you, and do not even know if you understand me at all."

You say, "but I would LOVE to meet whoever sent you here."

You fold your arms across your chest.

You say, "I might even be able to keep my weapon sheathed."

A red-eyed sewer rat walks around you in a circle seemingly acknowledging what you say.

You nod.

You say, "Smarter than a typical rat. I assumed as much."

You ask, "Where, then?"

>I chase it around, occasionally having to use HUNT because it's very fast.

[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
Also here: Akso.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Akso kicks some dirt on a red-eyed sewer rat in disgust.

You say, "Stop that."

You poke Akso in the ribs.

Akso grins.

A red-eyed sewer rat runs for cover.

Akso asks, "What is it?"

You say, "Now see what you did."

You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>adv akso
You begin to stealthily advance on Akso.

Akso snickers.

You close to pole weapon range on Akso.
You close to melee range on Akso.

>ambush clout akso
Quietly, you raise your right hand up to your side, and in a single, fluid movement chop straight at Akso's neck!
Akso is completely surprised by your stealthy maneuver!
Akso is unable to avoid your hand, and you clout his neck with a single precise stroke!
Akso collapses in a heap.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You say, "imbecile."

You retreat back to pole range.

You retreat from combat.

>I'm never too busy to smack someone around. But the rat is gone! I run around a bit and eventually he reveals himself at the same spot.

[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
You also see a red-eyed sewer rat.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You ask, "Shall we, then?"

>more chasing, finally...

[Old Warehouse]
You also see a red-eyed sewer rat and a large bulging crate near the center of the room.
Obvious exits: out.

You ask, "Here? Or into the Close?"

A red-eyed sewer rat sits on your feet as if telling you to stand still.

A red-eyed sewer rat runs for cover.

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "So assassin, you actually followed my mage's pet to a place you must know could cost you your life."

You say, "Life is what an assassin both takes and risks, sir."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Very true. I agree with that very much."

You say, "We have both done a good job of beating the other one up, so perhaps we can skip the chest beating and get to why you are apparently willing to meet with me."

You hear the voice of Zurato ask, "Why is it you seek a differnt path then most around here?"

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You are not a mindless killer. Far from it."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You hunt me with reason in your eyes."

You say, "The short answer is I am very selfish. The long answer is I had some visions as a child that I wish to pursue. As for why I hunt you, there is gain in it for me."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Ahhhh you spend your life choosing your paths by what serves you best

You ask, "Absolutely. What else matters?"

You ask, "Why do you attack so relentlessly?"

You hear the voice of Zurato ask, "Our circles have crossed shadow killer, do you think to really beat me back from my chosen path?"

You say, "I will succeed or die. I am introspective enough to admit to myself that it could be either. You are no slouch."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I have personal gain here, this place is but good family planning. The soul of this city is long gone."

You nod.

You say, "I can agree with that."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Thus the reason you thrive so as well I am sure."

You say, "It is unfortunate that things have gone as they have. Were it different you and I could probably be strong allies."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I have no weakness, no mercy and no worries for myself. My time will come as a ruler. "

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You of all the people hunting me are the inigma."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "A riddle I am slowly understanding I believe."

You say, "I have a smiilar mindset and I too plan to rule. But I find it hard to believe you have no worries. I have plenty for myself."

You say, "I hunt you for a simple reason dear, you are treading on claimed territory and I have been told to make sure you either leave this city forever or die."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You are aware of my last warning, this city has less than a day to figure out if it bows to the Sewer Rat Gang, or gets trampled in its wake."

You say, "I am aware, sir. I assure you that even though it may pain us both a little the next time we meet it will be as enemies and one of us must walk the starry road."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I can assure you, I walk only the roads I choose."

You nod.

You say, "Everyone loses sometimes. Your time is very likely tomorrow."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Your road will be full blood and bones of this cities residents and visitors. I have many cities to conquer yet, this is but the first."

You chuckle.

You say, "I am not overly concerned with the residents of this city. Most of them would just as soon hang me as look at me."

You say, "It just so happens that protecting them coincides with my desire to have your head."

You smile.

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Rest well Shadow Killer, I already have the spots on your chest marked where the blades will go. I will leave you this, you will not be lonely in your grave."

You nod.

You say, "Until tomorrow then Zurato."


Empress Sebastienne

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Re: Just because he's someone's son, doesn't mean he's a small child · on 2/14/2009 8:11:38 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 3731
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> i'm curious about how he was brought into it in the first place. Can we get some of the story that led to him appearing? And how was he taken hostage?

Sure. Keep in mind I'm sharing this OOC, don't take what you shouldn't know in game please.

I think it's pretty obvious to the people who were involved but for the people who weren't, I was hired by the thief guild to look after their interests concerning the Sewer Rat Gang. My job was to make sure the gang activity wasn't being blamed on the guild, and to find the leaders and either kill them or drive them out of the city.

During the course of the last week I had several encounters with what appeared to be people in the Sewer Rat Gang. The first was the red-eyed sewer rat that was apparently the familiar of Zurato's personal mage. I chased the rat just long enough to see a cloaked figure pick him up and run away. At the time I was uanware of the mage and I assumed it was a traitor within the gang trying to make contact.

The next one was Monday night, after Zurato's first appearance. I was contacted by a small boy who told me that Zurato had a weakness and I would know it when I heard about it. It was clear to me in the way he approached me that he wanted this kept quiet so I didn't tell anyone about it, not even the people who were working closely with me. I did tell my guildleader, however.

Wednesday night I saw the rat again, spoke to the mage through the rat, and ended up having a conversation with Zurato, which is posted earlier in the thread.

The last one was Thursday night, the same boy approached me again and told me to take advantage of the weakness when I spotted it, no matter what. He came to me outside the bank, while the crowd was gathering. The battle broke out, Zurato died a bunch, killed me twice, killed a bunch of other people, etc.


Your mind hears Faziro thinking, "Father! Father!....They said you were dead!"

Your mind hears Zurato thinking, "Son! Mage get him out of here now! Or you and yours are all dead!"

You hear your mental voice echo, Find Faziro immediately.

Your mind hears Faziro thinking, "We are getting on the ship now."

He turns up on M'Riss a few minutes later.

[The Crossing, Town Green Southeast]
Also here: Pormithius.
Obvious paths: north, west, northwest.

You ask, "Porm, I need to find this child. Can you get me to him?"

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Yes."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "I need to regain my focus."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Then I will go get him."

You say, "alright."

You say, "I want him here alive and aboard my ship if possible."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Of course."

Porm prepares to jump over to M'Riss and snatch him.

Pormithius says, "I'll risk it."

Pormithius gestures.
A brief wave of disorientation washes outward as reality itself tears wide open, forming an unstable Moongate around Pormithius!
Pormithius is drawn through the unstable Moongate just before it collapses.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.

You frown.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

As you touch the surface of the Moongate, you are drawn through to the other side...

[Island Ring Road, Belarritaco Bay]
Also here: Pormithius, a stunned Faziro.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.

>drag fazir moon
You grab Faziro's arm and drag him with you . . .

[The Crossing, Town Green Southeast]

And from there we dragged him to my ship, the rest is pretty much history. Zurato and I negotiated, arguing and threatening each other (I had his kid, he had his gang, I wanted him dead, he just wanted to take his kid and go, etc.)

Tons of people were whispering to me with suggetions on how to handle things, my character was in a triumphant rage and bloodlusting very badly and wasn't listening much. Eventually Jhime and a certain lady who probably wants to stay nameless, people Seb respects, managed to get through to her and convince her to take a more merciful ending.

I took Zurato to the kid, Zurato handed me his armband and promised never to come back, and that plus Raggo apparently being dead fulfilled my contract.

Latest revision as of 00:01, 24 April 2015


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Re: Easy to Hard · on 12/8/2004 8:40:34 PM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 400 reply Reply Not really 100% on the ranks, but the difficulty order should be right:

-red sand leech - Muspar'i - 50 lessons FA -green blood worm - croc marsh - 75 -albino forest leech - Throne City boars - 125 -black sand leech - Muspar'i - 200+ (when you get them on your back, unless you have someone with you, they are haaaaard to get off)

Folks should chime in on the ranks though, I was just going off what I remember reading before for the lower ones, educated guess from experience on the top 2.



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Re: A Visit With The King · on 2/6/2009 2:21:06 PM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 7039 reply Reply (OOC LOG meeting with King Raenilar and his thoughts to the Tribe after)

You sink down in a deep curtsy before Arhhdan, your lashes lowered. >Raenilar asks, "So what is it you have to say to me?" Raenilar folds his arms across his chest. >You gaze at Tiso. >You gaze at Wyndz. Tiso says to Raenilar, "I had expected Wyndz to speaks. But I wills." Wyndz gives a slight nod. >You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. >Caprianna moves over to guard Raenilar. Darkgaze says, "Kelvena locating me now" >Raenilar fixes Caprianna with a serene, lofty stare. >Darkgaze frowns. Caprianna gnaws on her lip. >Tiso says, "The Baron has asked the Princess to marry him." > Raenilar nods. >Caprianna stops guarding Raenilar. >Caprianna fidgets nervously. > Raenilar says, "Word has leaked but I was awaiting details." >Arhhdan hisses. >Angel nods to Wyndz. Arhhdan hisses, "Bold move." >Tiso says, "Perhaps...The Therengians should speak on his behalf." Wyndz gives Tiso a slight nod. Raenilar says, "Someone should speak soon." You gaze down at the floor. >Wyndz says to Raenilar, "The Baron has fallen in love with the Princess and released the Chamberlain from the arrangement" >Wyndz says to Raenilar, "The Princess has accepted his proposal" >Raenilar asks, "She did without asking me?" >Raeyshactos whispers, "Oh boy..." >whisper tiso that's not exactly rightYou whisper to Tiso. Wyndz says to Raenilar, "The Baron also wished me to express to you that he would be honored and his joy to marry your sister" >You shake your head. >Wyndz gives Raenilar a slight nod. >Tiso shifts his weight. You gaze at Tiso. >Purnay clears his throat. Lomelinde whispers, "I do not like this leaving the princess either." >Tiso says, "She will accept, with ye approval, me King." Raenilar asks, "No one thought to adress me until after the fact?" You raise your hand. >Tiso says, "Zu me King. It not be that way. She does await ye approval." >Jappal says, "Love moves in heartbeat quickness" Tiso says, "And will do as ye wish of her. But, they do be determined to marry." Raenilar asks, "And this Lord Chamberlain he gives up just like that?" >Tiso says, "He..had fallen in love with another." Caprianna nods. Tiso says, "I believes he has already married her." Tiso peers quizzically at Drexella. Drexella says, "Not yet." >Raenilar asks, "Someone more suitable than my sister?" Tiso says to Raenilar, "Then it is to be soon." Tiso says, "Someone he loves, me King." Wyndz says, "The Chamberlain has met with the Baron and the Princess " Wyndz says, "And he has asked another to wed." >Tiso says, "Ye sister does loves the Baron. And he, her. As fact be, he is willing to give up an alliance." Tiso says to Raenilar, "And even have the duel with ye." Terra winces. Raenilar smiles. Jappal smiles slowly >Drexella asks, "If I may..?" Raenilar nods to Drexella. Drexella says, "It is not that your sister is unsuitable in any fashion. " >Darkgaze nods to Angel. >Angel says, "Excuse me" >Wyndz clears her throat. Darkgaze says, "And myself good kings" >Drexella says, "Our Baron and she have spent much time hunting, playing chess and doing things that they both enjoy." Angel takes her rightful place beside Darkgaze. Raenilar nods to Angel. >Darkgaze bows. Protector Darkgaze's group just went south. >whisper tiso oh my god that can so be taken the wrong way.You whisper to Tiso. >Drexella says, "They have found each other to be very good to spend time with and have fallen in love but would have gone through with their duties if needbe, as would our Chamberlain." >Terra quietly says, "I must step away a moment. My Lord Kings. Please pardon." >Wyndz folds her arms across her chest. >Terra bows. Terra just left. >Arhhdan hisses, "Thisss will but the cat in with the canariesss I wager." >Drexella says, "When our Baron declared his feelings, she said the only thing stopping her was your permission." >Tiso grins at Arhhdan. >Tiso nods to Arhhdan. Rallyne gazes at Drexella. Drexella says, "This delegation is here to seek your approval." >Wyndz nods to Drexella. Alexii blinks. >Raenilar says, "So my sister and the Baron have been falling in love while the chamberlain is devoted to another ..." >You sigh. >Jappal shifts his weight. Tiso gives a slight nod. >You gaze at Tiso. >Lomelinde whispers, "I am trying to get someone to say something to let us go back to Theren for the princess." >Veralika smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. >Drexella says, "He was already devoted to another but found himself honor bound to go through with the contract." Raenilar nods. >You ask, "Your Highness may I say something small My King?" >Tiso says to Raenilar, "He should have told me that before." >Wyndz says, "And he did give her a ring with intent to follow through on that duty" Wyndz says, "Until the Princess and Baron decided otherwise" >Raenilar's eyes flash with a bright light for a moment. >Tiso winces. >You ask, "Princess Macja was clear she wishes to speak on Her own behalf if someone could escort Her?" Raenilar asks, "My sister is here?" >Purnay quietly says to Wyndz, "thought it was a neckless because she had already accepted the Chamberlain's ring and couldn't accept another" >Tiso whispers to your group, "Red good, bright light bad..He be mad." Tiso says, "We can gates her here." Tiso nods to Raenilar. >Jappal whispers to your group, "I can open the gate at the keep" >Raenilar nods. Raenilar says, "I would have her explain herself." >Wyndz gives a slight nod. Alexii stretches out a hand imploringly to Jappal. Alexii says, "Come with me Jappal." Tiso asks, "Lome and Alexii? Will ye go through the gate to gets her?" Raenilar says, "While we wait." >Tiso nods to Raeyshactos. >Environmentalist Alexii's group climbed down some stairs leading down. >Raenilar says, "Tell me how this news was met in Therengia and Shard." Rallyne smirks to herself. Wyndz says, "Therengians have mixed feelings about it due to the past War" >Wyndz says, "There are old wounds" >Wyndz says, "As for the matter of Shard.." Tiso appears to be trying hard not to grin. Tiso nods to Raeyshactos. Wyndz says, "The Ferdahl has issued a statement that if they go through with the marriage, they will break the alliance with Theren." Raenilar chuckles. >You grin at Raenilar. Raenilar says, "Bold of her." >Wyndz gives a slight nod. >Tiso nods in agreement. >Environmentalist Alexii's group climbed up some stairs leading down. >Wyndz says, "This hasn't detered the Baron" >Alexii says, "My lord Kings." >Jappal bows to Raenilar. You sink down in a deep curtsy before Macja, your lashes lowered. >Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. >Solvar bows to Macja. >Gwenddolyn curtsies to Raenilar. >Tiso bows to Macja. >Macja raises an eyebrow. >Raenilar raises an eyebrow. >Wyndz nods graciously at Macja, giving her a polite smile. >Gwenddolyn curtsies to Arhhdan. >Ghodbane bows to Raenilar. >Aaiyaah bows to Macja. >Raenilar says, "Sister." >Macja curtsies to Raenilar. >Veralika bows to Macja. >Lomelinde bows to Arhhdan. >Macja curtsies to Arhhdan. >Raenilar says, "You know the king." >Flaree bows to Macja. >You softly say to Macja, "We tried to wait as long as we dared, sorry Your Highness." >Macja slings a glittering gold shield inlaid with a fire opal dragon over her shoulder. >Arhhdan hisses, "Greetingsss princessssss." >Macja puts on a pale pink orchid. >With a graceful movement of her hands, Dulcinie lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Raenilar. >Raenilar says, "I am hearing the most amazing story." >Macja says, "Oh you are fine, and pardon the interruption. I was not told of this meeting and was rather ..." >Macja ponders. >Macja says, "...perterbed." Raeyshactos moves over to guard Macja. >Raenilar says, "Love and secret love and betrothal..." >You say to Macja, "I am sorry my messenger failed you....there have been assassains about." Macja says to Raenilar, "I am sure that you are." Macja smiles blandly. >Macja takes a seat. >Macja says, "Please, do continue. NO reason to stop on my account." >Raenilar says, "Perhaps you can ..." Raenilar fixes Alexii with a serene, lofty stare. whisper macj If you need me to help explain I am here for you >You whisper to Macja. Raenilar asks, "What they say is not true?" >Macja whispers something to Aaiyaah. >Raenilar asks, "This is why you are angry little sister?" Macja says, "I know not what they have said." Raenilar says, "That you love the Baron and would marry him." Macja says, "I was prepared to do my duty, brother, and marry the chamberlain as was honorable." Aaiyaah whispers something to Macja. whisper macj the story was not told exactly rightYou whisper to Macja. >Raenilar nods. Macja says, "The Baron dissolved that contract and proposed to me himself." Raenilar asks, "And this pleases you?" Wyndz gazes silently at Macja. Macja says, "There is certainly hope that you will agree to it, since he is in essence, the King of Therengia." Macja says, "It pleases me. He is a good man." >You smile at Macja. >Raenilar says, "I am well aware of his royal status." >Macja says, "He has been most attentive." Raenilar asks, "Is he willing to fight for you?" Tiso wrings his hands nervously. Wyndz gives a slight nod. >Macja whispers something to Aaiyaah. Macja says, "He is. he will be furious when he hears I have come." Macja says, "I believe he did not want to let me come to the desert for fear you would not let me return." >Raenilar smiles. >Aaiyaah whispers something to Macja. >Tiso gives a slight nod. Raenilar says, "Then so be it there will be a duel." >Macja whispers something to Gwenddolyn. >Jappal smiles slowly >Gwenddolyn nods to Macja. >Tiso looks thoughtfully at Raenilar. >Raenilar asks, "It is a tradition here and in Therengia is it not?" >Macja says, "Tiso has been concerned of losing his head." >Gwenddolyn nods. Wyndz says, "It is." >Wyndz nods to Raenilar. >Tiso nods to Macja. >Macja says, "I have told him this is not his fault." Janneth quietly asks Gwenddolyn, "Does the Baron need a Second?" Tiso says to Raenilar, "I tried me King." Raenilar asks, "No it is not his fault , how can he keep watch on my wayward sister and a Baron?" Macja says, "To his credit, he did. The Baron would hear nothing of it." >Jappal shifts his weight. >Macja raises an eyebrow in Raenilar's direction. Raenilar says, "Don't raise that eyebrow to me, since we were children you would have your way." Tiso chuckles. >Dulcinie grins slowly. Macja says, "which is why I risked his wrath in coming here. Because you and I both know that so long as I am within the bounds of honor, you would be hard pressed to keep me in the desert against my will." Tiso says, "Me King? Not that I should be concerned ...or overly concerned. But, the alliance the Baron be lossing. Me heart be heavy over it." >Raenilar snorts, loudly. Alexii grins. >Jappal smiles slowly >Raenilar says, "The Ferdahl is behaving as a child." >Raenilar says, "Cutting off her nose to spite her face." >You nod to Raenilar. Macja says, "We did kill her predecessor." Raenilar says, "Yes and that was a honorable blood debt." Macja says, "Of course it was." Tiso nods in agreement. >Macja says, "But some people have trouble letting go of the past." >Raenilar says, "It is done and I have no ill will towards them now." >Raenilar says, "Yes that is true." >Tiso says, "She feels there still be a threat upon her and the Mountain." Raenilar says, "What I owe the mountain will be paid in time." Jappal smiles slowly Tiso nods to Raeyshactos. >Macja says, "As it should be." Tiso nods to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "But let us return to the matter at hand." >Alexii asks, "My King, what if these actions would stir the mountian?" Macja says, "Now. I will be quiet and let the chosen ambassadors talk contracts and whatever else was to be discussed." Macja says, "But I was not goign to allow them to lose their heads over a decision I felt was honorable." Raenilar says, "I am not cutting off heads this day." >Macja says, "I was quite .. annoyed.. that this meeting was arranged without my knowledge." >Tiso rubs his neck. Raenilar asks, "So then you love the Baron and find him an honorable warrior?" whisper macj I am sorry was not my doing Your Highness, I had to rudely interrupt the others to come get you nowYou whisper to Macja. Macja says, "I will not speak of love in this place, as it is not my way. But he is an admirable man and never have I used that word lightly." >Raenilar ponders. >Tiso whispers something to Macja. Macja whispers something to Tiso. Raenilar says, "Well I have my answer regardless." Raenilar chuckles. >Tiso nods to Macja. Darkgaze smiles. >Macja says, "good." >Tiso whispers something to Macja. Angel smiles. Raenilar says, "So be it I send you back to Therengia betrothed to the Baron but he must meet me in single combat." >You beam at Raenilar! Wyndz gives a slight nod. >Gwenddolyn grins at Macja, her dimples flashing into view. >Dulcinie smiles at Raenilar. >Dulcinie smiles at Macja. >Tiso gives a slight nod. >You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. >You gaze fondly at Macja. Tiso gazes upward. >Jappal says, "Lerrasha for Arhhdan" Janneth quietly asks Gwenddolyn, "I don't know their custom. Does the Baron need to win or just fight well?" Raenilar asks, "I assume Therengians there are new treaties and agreements to go over?" Macja looks to be a little deflated with no place to direct her anger, energy radiating off of her in almost visible waves. Raenilar chuckles at Macja. >A full-grown raccoon scrambles into the room. >Caprianna grins at Macja. >Macja says, "Well then, that was .. easy." Macja squints at Raenilar. Tiso winces. >Macja rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. >A full-grown raccoon places a chocolate cupcake in Macja's hand. >Purnay gets a copperwood longbow from inside his kidskin baldric. >Purnay offers Macja a copperwood longbow. >Raenilar says, "Sister I know you to well." >Gwenddolyn says, "that was Lerrasha locating the King Arhhdan" >Purnay whistles a few soft, twittering notes. >Macja gazes at her cupcake. >Macja offers Aaiyaah a chocolate cupcake. Aaiyaah accepts Macja's chocolate cupcake. A full-grown raccoon sniffs the ground. >Jappal rolls his eyes. >Wyndz says, "The Baron says the new treaties are in the works. I don't have the details but I'll contact the Wiseman when arrangements can be made to meet again." >A full-grown raccoon cleans its face with its paws. Purnay hums to himself. >Raenilar says, "You will have what you will have." >Raenilar nods to Wyndz. You smile at Raenilar. A full-grown raccoon sits down. >Aaiyaah puts his cupcake in his mesh backpack. Macja nods to Aaiyaah. >Tiso whispers something to Raenilar. >Macja asks, "Who would bring me a cupcake?" >Raenilar says, "And certainly getting a ruler for a brother in law is not a bad thing." >An elderly S'Kra Mur man in a flowing gamantang strolls into the area, looking around casually. The elderly S'Kra Mur man wanders off. >Tiso gets a bottle of Talan Sathra wine from inside his spidersilk backpack. Wyndz slowly empties her lungs. >Tiso offers Lomelinde a bottle of Talan Sathra wine. >Wyndz shifts her weight. >Terra asks, "A cupcake?" >You grin at Raeyshactos. >Raenilar ponders. >Purnay asks, "what if it was Vorclaf?" >Macja asks, "Shall I return to the keep with my escort or shall we stay?" Lomelinde declines Tiso's offer. >Tiso grins at Lomelinde. >Raenilar says, "You may go to your future husband." >Angel smiles at Raenilar. >Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. >Macja joins Gwenddolyn's group. >Tiso says to Raenilar, "We has brought ye a special blend of wine, me King. I knows how ye likes ye wine." >Tiso offers Raenilar a bottle of Talan Sathra wine. >Ghodbane gestures. >Raenilar says, "But I fear we may have trouble." Raenilar says, "I am fasting Tiso." >Alexii observes Raenilar with fascination. >Raenilar stands up. >Ghodbane gestures. A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly. >Janneth gazes thoughtfully at Raenilar. >Tiso asks, "Oohh it be that time again?" >Raenilar peers through the Moongate. Alexii asks, "Trouble, my King?" >Tiso puts his wine in his 's bundle. >Macja says, "Shade and Water." >Raenilar says, "Go quickly I think someone seeks me." >Lomelinde bows to Macja. >Senior Commander Gwenddolyn's group went through a blue Moongate. >Raenilar smiles. Alexii stands near Raenilar. >Alexii slides his left arm through the straps on his oval shield and flexes. Tiso nods to Lomelinde. >Arhhdan hisses, "Thisss isss neutral ground." Wyndz nods to Arhhdan. >Darkgaze gives a slight nod. Solvar asks, "Permission good kings to summon my familiar briefly?" >Alexii asks, "What are we to do good king if one brings fight to us?" Jappal smiles slowly >Arhhdan hisses, "If they break my lawsss I will have them arresssted." Alexii nods politely. >Raenilar shakes his head at Aaiyaah. Alexii asks, "Will you allow us our shields, good king?" Alexii smiles. Darkgaze says to Raenilar, "If I may King Raenilar? I have a question, will only take but a moment" Raenilar nods to Darkgaze. >You ask Raenilar, "Do you have new duties for The Princess' Tribal attendents Sire?" Darkgaze nods politely. Darkgaze tips his leather hat. >Wyndz chuckles. Arhhdan hisses, "Yesss you may sssheild yourssselvesss." >Darkgaze says, "My name is Darkgaze Dondarrion, and in a past meeting with the lord chaimberlain your sister expressed an intrest in going on a hunt along side me" >Alexii nods politely to Arhhdan. >Tiso nods to Lomelinde. >Darkgaze says, "Would she have your permission to do so? It would be an honor to hunt with liniage from a great king as yourself" Raenilar says, "It is not for me to say it is for her future husband." Darkgaze says, "That is, if she still wishes" Wyndz gazes silently at Darkgaze. >Darkgaze looks at Wyndz and shrugs. >Darkgaze quietly says to Wyndz, "I like to hunt, what can I say" >Raenilar says, "Her attendants of course must stay with her until she is wed and after if she wishes." You curtsy to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "So Therengians" >Wyndz gives Raenilar a slight nod. Raenilar says, "Please tell your Baron my wishes." Wyndz says, "I will." >Tiso asks, "Will ye duel here or in Therengia?" Raenilar says, "I approve of this wedding but he must meet me in single combat." >Tiso says, "Well the desert I means." >Tiso smiles at Arhhdan. >Wyndz nods to Raenilar. >Raenilar says, "In the desert or in Therengia his choice." Wyndz nods to Raenilar. Wyndz says, "I'll inform His Grace and send work." Raenilar says, "Also..." >Wyndz says, "Word too" >Raenilar says, "Tell him I admire and understand his reasons for this but to remember Shard is not without some good reason to be resentful." Wyndz gives Raenilar a slight nod. Raenilar shrugs. >Tiso ponders. >Wyndz says, "But Shard also holds Therengians responsible for your actions." >Raenilar chuckles. Darkgaze quietly says to himself, "Shard is filled with nearsighted fools" >Lomelinde says, "Our King can not be responsible for there lack of reason." >Tiso whispers something to Raenilar. >Raenilar says, "Then Shard is as foolish as ever." >Tiso grins slowly at Raenilar. Alexii grins at Darkgaze. You grin at Raenilar. Lomelinde shakes his head. >Wyndz says to Lomelinde, "I never said he was." Raenilar says, "You may pass this on for me to Shard. >Wyndz nods to Raenilar. >Lomelinde says, "My sincerest apologies." >Lomelinde bows. >Jappal smiles slowly >You grin at Raenilar. Raenilar says, "I have no intention of bringing war there again. I took it and gave it back the blood debt is paid." Wyndz gives Raenilar a slight nod. You see Warrior King Raenilar Celendron, an Elf. He has an angular face with elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears, gold-flecked blue eyes and an aquiline nose. His golden brown hair is short and wavy with a prominent streak of silver towards the front, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and a lean build. The right side of his neck bears a tattoo of a flame-wreathed roaring lion. He is young for an Elf. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a kyanite gwethdesuan, a jadeite gwethdesuan, an intricately carved ebony longbow, a deep black scabbard trimmed with gold inset bands, a silverwood short bow with a yeehar hide grip, a white silk shirt with a high collar embroidered in gold, some black battle leathers emblazoned with a flame-wreathed lion, a black leather arm quiver with gold clasps, a gold and fire opal band, a belt of heavy gold links, a black leather hip pouch, a mammoth-hide waterskin decorated with an array of polished claws, some supple black leather pants and a pair of calf-high black leather boots. >Raenilar says, "They leave me and mine alone and they will be left alone." >Wyndz nods to Raenilar. Jappal frowns. >You ask Raenilar, "For clarification Sire, soon to include the Baron as one of Your's?" >Raenilar says, "As brother in law yes." >You grin at Raenilar. >Raenilar says, "As a ruler he will not be mine in any other way." >You nod to Raenilar. Angel smiles. Wyndz nods in agreement. Raenilar says, "We will be equals." Wyndz says, "And the new treaty will reflect that as well." Raenilar nods. >You ask Raenilar, "Does he know, if he chooses...that He has the Tribe to fall back on as family once He marries the Princess?" >Arhhdan adjusts his ru'at bracelet into place. Raenilar says, "I do not think this will apply to the good baron in the same way it would a lesser person." Arhhdan nods to Tiso. >Tiso smiles at Arhhdan. >Wyndz says, "The Baron will remain as Zozindu of Therengia" >Arhhdan hisses. >You ask Raenilar, "Thank you for clarifying Sire, and The Princess will She remain part of the Tribe as well as Morzidaen?" Raenilar says, "She will always be of my tribe but once she is Baroness I suspect her loyalties will lay with her husband and new people." Raenilar asks, "As it should be yes?" Tiso asks, "Our duty to her will be over then?" >Wyndz nods to Raenilar. Angel smiles at Raenilar. Raenilar says, "No I think she will need some of the desert near her always." Wyndz nods in agreement. Tiso nods to Raenilar. >You ask Raenilar, "Thank you for humoring me Sire, that leads to my querry. I wish to remain of the Tribe when She marries yet still serve her if she wishes it, is that possible? If the Baron agrees?" Raenilar says, "I don't see why not." >Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before Raenilar. >Raenilar asks, "Therengians can you give me a moment with my chidren?" >Wyndz nods graciously at Raenilar, giving him a polite smile. >Raenilar says, "Children." >Wyndz says, "Join me please" >Darkgaze says, "Certainly king" >You gaze at Raenilar. >Darkgaze bows to Raenilar. >Court Advisor Wyndz's group climbed down some stairs leading down. >Raenilar nods. >Tiso slowly empties his lungs. Arhhdan hisses, "I will take my leave asss well." >Alexii says, "Maybe they will spend coin in your shops good king" >Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before Arhhdan. Alexii flashes a wide grin. >Tiso bows to Arhhdan. >Veralika bows to Arhhdan. Flaree bows to Arhhdan. >Lomelinde bows to Arhhdan. >Arhhdan hisses, "I sssussspect thingsss will be mossst interesssting sssoon." >Tiso says to Arhhdan, "Mayhaps we will have that dinner one day." Arhhdan chuckles. >Tiso nods at Arhhdan, obviously agreeing with his views. >Jappal bows to Arhhdan. >King Arhhdan just went north. >Tiso says, "Indeed they will." >Raenilar sits down on the bench. You kneel down upon the ground before Raenilar. Tiso says, "Ye might be seeing the Queen sooner than planned. I can not imagine she will be pleased." >Raenilar shrugs. Jappal cocks his head. >Raenilar says, "It may well suit her." Tiso nods at Raenilar, obviously agreeing with his view >Alexii says, "I doubt shell bring her icy self up to this heat." >Alexii snickers. Raenilar says, "She would rather see dissent than friendship." >Tiso asks, "Pit the two ye means? >Jappal smiles. >Tiso strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. You stand back up. >Tiso asks, "Mayhaps. But a war? Again?" >Raenilar says, "Ahh one wants it." Alexii raises his hand. >Alexii says, "I dont mind." >Tiso says, "Well some do." >Alexii smiles. >Raenilar says, "No matter how they carry on about it." >Tiso chuckles. Jappal chuckles at Alexii. Raeyshactos grins at Alexii. Alexii asks, "Oh you think?" >Alexii smiles. Raeyshactos asks, "If'n ah may?" Raenilar says, "Therengia in my opinion is the strongest and best organized." Tiso nods in agreement. >Jappal cocks his head. Raenilar says, "Vorcalf is self indulgent and soft." Tiso says, "Shard has a lot of backstabbers. Crossing, their military was dissolved..odd that." Alexii says, "I say it many times, there be reasons why Prince's are Prince's and King's are King's" >Alexii smiles. >Raeyshactos quietly says, "Backstabbin ain't always sucha bad ting" >Raeyshactos grins sheepishly. Tiso grins at Raeyshactos. >Flaree grins. >Tiso gazes off to the north. >Tiso says to Raenilar, "I was surprised the Baron was willing to have the duel." Raenilar asks, "Why?" Raenilar says, "He is no coward and he has much honor." >You say to Tiso, "He loves Her enough to die for her." >Tiso says, "I had zu idea he loved her that much." Tiso says, "Ohh zu. Not that at all." >Tiso shakes his head. >Tiso says, "I just didn't knows he loved her enough to do such." >Raenilar nods. Tiso says, "But, he be willing to give up an alliance and duel ye..YE of all people." Tiso asks, "Tis to the death?" >Tiso gazes at Raenilar. >Raeyshactos says, "Ah know dat ah'd do anythin fer da one ah Love, if'n da Baron feel da same, ders nothin'ee wouldn't do eidda." Raenilar says, "The alliance part may be the more foolish of the two." >Jappal nods to Raeyshactos. Raenilar says, "We will see about the terms of the duel." Tiso says, "I am glad that it not be a border alliance." Tiso nods to Raeyshactos. >Tiso grins at Raeyshactos. >You say, "That will be in the Ferdahl's court, he's not dissolving it, she will be." >Jappal sighs. Raenilar says, "That is to simple..say rather they both are." You teasingly ask Raenilar, "If you lose how will we know if you truely lost or let him win to save face with the Princess?" Raenilar asks, "Who says I will lose?" Alexii asks, "Would the situation be different if the Ferdhal had gone though with her arranged marriage to PRince Fayne?" >Raeyshactos grins ear-to-ear. >Tiso chuckles. >Alexii smiles. >You beam at Raenilar! >You say, "Baron thinks you will." >You grin. >Raeyshactos chuckles. Raenilar says, "I doubt he does , he is not boastful." Tiso says to Raenilar, "There was some talk about the heir. If the Princess bore a son." >You say, "Oh no, he did say that." >Raeyshactos says, "Ah fer one have ta admit, ah'm lookin forward to da duel. Will be a glorious battle." Tiso says to Raeyshactos, "I saw them once fighting. Baron and our King." >Raenilar says, "I assume they wish that heir to be human." >Tiso says to Raeyshactos, "Watched through a mirror." >You nod to Raenilar. >Jappal says, "nothing like raw honor on display and in action" >Raenilar says, "That is thier right." Tiso nods to Raenilar. >Jappal smiles. >Raenilar says, "You must understand I will not be ruling Therengia through my sister." >Raeyshactos says to Jappal, "An truleh skilled warriors battlin't out." Tiso asks, "Human be dominate hai?" You nod to Raenilar. You nod to Tiso. Tiso nods to you. >Lomelinde asks, "May I please ask something?" Tiso says, "Zu, we realizes that." >Alexii says to Raenilar, "Good cause I like it here, too stuffy in the east." >Alexii grins. >Raeyshactos grins at Alexii. >You say to Raenilar, "I worry more Sire, that the Therens hope this will be the undoing of the Tribe." Tiso nods to Lomelinde. >Raeyshactos says to Alexii, "Dun worreh, befer long ye'll have a huntin partner." >You look at Lomelinde and blush. >Raeyshactos smiles at Alexii. >Jappal says, "some do, hope that" Alexii grins at Raeyshactos. >Jappal nods to you. >Lomelinde says, "My King we love you as a child loves their father and may I ask what a child may do to further their father's will."

You smile at Lomelinde.

>You ponder. >Raenilar says, "I don't ask much of you except to follow the ways of the tribe." >Alexii says to you, "That will help, rub it." >You embrace the stone lightly with your fingers and caress it with your thumb in a gentle, circular motion. You can almost feel your stress melting away as you focus on the deliberate, rhythmic movement. >You beam at Alexii! >Raenilar says, "This is no wet lands court with all it's protocol." >Raeyshactos says to Raenilar, "In all tings, always." You curtsy to Alexii. >Alexii says, "Youll need it for awhile, Im guessing." Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. >Alexii smiles at you. >You hug Alexii who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. Raenilar says, "But you all must understand..." >Tiso nods to Jappal. >Jappal smiles at Tiso. >Raenilar says, "My sister is making a choice." >Raeyshactos appears to be listening intently for something. Raenilar says, "She will be baroness and she will by nessesity be very much a part of them." >You nod to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "That has nothing to do with how the tribe stands or falls." >Jappal nods to Tiso. >Raenilar says, "Had she not married either one we would still be what we are." Tiso ponders. Raenilar says, "You worry to much." Tiso asks Raenilar, "Would we still be merely guests in Therengia?" >You ask Raenilar, "It is my belief that it could, actually benefit the Tribe...our presence won'tbe merely a tolerence in Therengia but more expected to be seen as equals?" >You grin at Tiso. Raenilar says, "He's not marrying you Tiso." Raenilar chuckles. >Tiso gasps! >Veralika giggles. >Jappal shivers. >Raeyshactos holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh. >Jappal says, "eww" Tiso exclaims, "I hopes not! He not be me type!" >Flaree grins. >Raeyshactos says, "Dat'd jus be...wrong." >Veralika rubs Tiso in a friendly manner. >You say to Raenilar, "I nearly had the Wiseman in a gown." >Raeyshactos holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh. >Raeyshactos glances at you. >Raeyshactos shudders. >Jappal asks, "Who would wear the drress in that?" >Raenilar says, "I will be family you will be what you are." >Tiso grins at you. >Jappal ponders. >Raenilar shrugs. >Tiso nods to Raenilar. Alexii says, "My King your people only seek to serve you best, and to be where you feel we are most needed. I think that there is some worry of stepping on toes should some find themselves doing a double duty so to speak, of being a companion and an outsider to their courts." Raenilar says, "If my sister wants you around her then you will be around her." >Alexii nods politely. >You say to Raenilar, "For Wedding plans some wish to know what Elven clan runs through the Princess and Your veins..." >You say, "Not me let me add." >You say, "Therengians" >Raenilar says, "We are outcast we claim none." You smile at Raenilar. >Tiso smiles. >Jappal nods. >You say, "This is not making my job easier Sire." You grin. Raeyshactos chuckles. >Raeyshactos asks, "No one eva said life would be easeh eh?" >Raeyshactos's lips turn up in a wide, ear-to-ear grin at you. >Raenilar says, "I am sure the Therengians have many traditions." >You mutter something into the air about don't even get me started. >Jappal chuckles. >Tiso asks, "A lot of stand up, sit down, turn around, Sing, preach and um.. What else was I told?" >Jappal says, "sorta" >Tiso ponders. >Jappal shakes his head. >You say, "shush" You nod to Tiso. >You say, "They tell ya" Flaree chuckles. >Tiso says, "Oh yeah..that too." >Raeyshactos says to Tiso, "lather, rinse, an yas fergot da silence part." >You scoff. >Raeyshactos nods. >Raenilar ponders. >You nod to Raenilar. Jappal says, "They have them, when it suits them" Raenilar says, "That may be so but again you must remember she will be part of that soon." Tiso gives a slight nod. >Jappal says, "Mayhaps she will rub off on some of them" You grin at Jappal. Jappal says, "one can only hope" >You ask Jappal, "She is charming isn't she?" Raenilar says, "Anything is possible." Jappal nods to you. Jappal says, "I just know what some of them truely think..and hope she can" >Jappal nods to you. Raeyshactos says to Raenilar, "Beggin yer Pardon, would yas grant meh leave, ah've must be on mah way ferra bit." Raenilar nods. >You ask Raenilar, "Any chance I could be a sister you never knew about?" >Raeyshactos bows to Raenilar. >Raenilar says, "I only have the one and that is more than enough." >Tiso grins at you. >You grin at Raenilar. Tiso asks, "She be a handful when she was young?" >Raeyshactos says, "Shade an Water, mah King, an friends." >Jappal says to Raenilar, "I too must take my leave, Me King, with your blessing" >Raenilar nods. >Tiso shakes Jappal's hand. >Raeyshactos shakes Tiso's hand. >Jappal bows to Raenilar. You say to Tiso, "I look like Him, Princess and I think alike....never know til ya ask." >Jappal bows to Tiso. >Alexii says, "I applaud you sire for dealing with it, from the bit ive seen she seems to be quite the handful" >Tiso says, "'Me King, I wanted to reintroduce ye to Lomelinde. He has taken Craetoe's role as leader of the Warrior caste." >Alexii smiles. >Tiso gestures at Lomelinde. >Alexii says, "A passionate woman." >Raeyshactos kneels down before Raenilar. >Raeyshactos nods. >Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. >Raenilar nods to Lomelinde. >Raeyshactos stands up. >You smile at Lomelinde. >Raeyshactos rests his hand on your arm with a soft smile. >Veralika waves to Raeyshactos. >Tiso says to Raenilar, "He has a very strong military warrior sorts of mind." >You gently kiss Raeyshactos on the cheek. Raeyshactos gently kisses you on the cheek. Gladiator Raeyshactos climbed down some stairs leading down. >You nod in agreement. >Jappal climbed down some stairs leading down. look[Old Lata'arna Keep, Main Hall] The central hall of the keep stretches out with a floor of wide wooden planks, which has been mostly covered over with a colorful variety of finely woven rugs. A few well-crafted benches and tables have been scattered about the room. The curved stone walls have been plastered over with pale ivory stucco and hung with various bits of history's passing. Even in this age, it is still the center of traffic within the old building. You also see a black panther that is sitting and some stairs leading down. Also here: Lomelinde, Environmentalist Alexii, Soul Mutator Veralika, Death Defiler Flaree, King's Wiseman Tiso, Warrior King Raenilar who is sitting. Obvious exits: north, east, south, west. >Lomelinde says, "What Tiso means is that there is your will and then there is what is wrong my King." Lomelinde bows. Raenilar chuckles. >Tiso chuckles. Raenilar asks, "And what else do I need to know about the tribe?" You grin at Lomelinde. Tiso says, "We has been making some changes lately." Tiso says, "Warrior caste will be restructure as well as the advisor." >Tiso says, "We also be adding a third caste." Raenilar says, "I think the castes we have and have had for ever do well enough." Tiso ponders. >Tiso asks, "Can we has people here working though?" Raenilar says, "Of course." gives Raenilar a slight nod. Raenilar says, "You may serve me where ever but do not play with ancient traditions." >Tiso says, "Alexii here will be in Muspar'i if ye needs him." Raenilar nods. >Tiso says, "Alongs with a few others." Alexii says, "No, not in Muspar'i" >Alexii says, "In the desert yes." >Alexii smiles. >Tiso says, "Well the desert." >Tiso nods to Alexii. >Raenilar nods. Alexii says, "Nasty city walls." >Alexii shudders. >Raenilar says, "Speaking of those.." >Raenilar stands up. >Raenilar says, "I have had enough city walls for the while." >Tiso nods to Raenilar. >Tiso chuckles. >Tiso says, "Thank ye, me King." >Alexii says, "You and me both sire." >Raenilar says, "I will expect word on treaties and what dowery the baron expects." Tiso nods to Raenilar. Raenilar opens his hip pouch. >Tiso asks, "Is there anything ye wish changed or added?" >You say, "Oh..." Raenilar says, "Let us see what he proposes first." >You say, "Sire The Baron says he marries for love, not a dowry." >Tiso nods to Raenilar. >Alexii says, "Sire, one last question...if I may" Raenilar says, "All the same ask about the dowry." >You curtsy to Raenilar. >Alexii asks, "Would it be possiable to arrange for some horses, to train, and perhaps sell for you?" >You beam at Alexii! >Raenilar puts his pin in his hip pouch. >Raenilar closes a black leather hip pouch. Raenilar says, "I will see but we like to keep our horses close." You ponder. Alexii says, "I could offer it to your people here sir. If you would take payment from your children" Alexii smiles. >You say, "Could he train one for the Princess, She misses Her's. >Tiso smiles at you. Raenilar says, "Her's is being sent." You curtsy to Raenilar. Raenilar moves a brushed silver cloak pin set with a tiny glass figure of a flame-wreathed lion filled with glittering sand to his right hand. >Raenilar offers Tiso a brushed silver cloak pin set with a tiny glass figure of a flame-wreathed lion filled with glittering sand. >Tiso says, "Thank ye." >Alexii says, "Im sure many of your Outland Tribe would enjoy a quality Zercha" Alexii smiles. Tiso nods in agreement. >You say to Alexii, "I'd joust on one." >Raenilar says, "I am sure but they are my children too and I am picky about who gets them." Alexii says, "Or you could pick the one most deserving." >Alexii smiles. >Alexii says, "I only ask, so that others may enjoy sire." >Tiso asks Raenilar, "How be Yhaman and Koromas by the by?" Tiso says, "I misses Yhaman. Oddly enoughs." >Raenilar says, "They are as they always are." >Alexii says, "The Kirmalia that Ishtvan sold me does me fine." Tiso grins at you. Raenilar says, "That is enough , these walls stifle me." Tiso nods to Raenilar. >Tiso bows to Raenilar. Alexii says, "I thank you for your time, my King." >Alexii bows to Raenilar. >Flaree bows to Raenilar. >Raenilar stops you from following him. >You sink down in a deep curtsy before Raenilar, your lashes lowered. >Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. >You join Tiso's group. >Tiso says, "Joins me all. So the King can be on his ways." >Raenilar says, "Go children and remember to look after my sister." >Veralika bows to Raenilar. >Lomelinde nods to Raenilar. >You say, "There's a task" >You giggle. >Tiso says, "We will, me King" >Raenilar nods. >Lomelinde says, "We will not fail you." King's Wiseman Tiso's group just went south.


Polly's Perch

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Re: What do teaching ranks mean? · on 11/28/2008 8:58:23 PM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 381 reply Reply > >>I'm curious what actually gets effected by more teaching ranks. Do the higher the teaching ranks increase the amount of experience your student can potentially gain per pulse?

Yeah, teaching ranks directly impact how much the student learns. In fact, it's the primary factor. The teacher's experience is based in large part by their teaching skill, as well as how well their students are learning.

- GM Dartenian

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. - Henry Ford

AMBERRONE Empress Sebastienne

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Re: Crossing Prepares of Impending Attack (Monday Night) · on 2/9/2009 2:27:36 PM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 3532 reply Reply I'm cutting up the fun bits from last night and thought I'd share the three major encounters with Raggo and the brief sighting of Zurato during the meeting after. Edited for readability of course.

Your mind hears Raggo thinking, "Answers?"

Your mind hears Manze thinking, "Everyone's got questions, what do you expect.."

Your mind hears Raggo thinking, "Has this town not suffered enough?"

Your mind hears Juxx thinking, "I want a job Raggo"

You hear your mental voice echo, Come see me sometime Raggo. I trust you have at least heard of me, and know that I am a little more morally flexible than the rest of the ones looking for you.

Your mind hears Bayke thinking, "I think he fled..."

Your mind hears Raggo thinking, "This is all your lucky day, you have the ability to save yourselves from further pain."

You hear your mental voice echo, You do realize some of the best killers in the world live here, yes?

Your mind hears Raggo thinking, "I do, some of them work in our gang."

You hear your mental voice echo, is there no chance you and I can parley, then?

Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "What is it you'd have them do, Raggo?"

Your mind hears Raggo thinking, "Where would you like to meet?"

You hear your mental voice echo, How about the Viper's Nest? Amfitro is a great host.

>To the nest!

[Viper's Nest, The Pit] Obvious exits: none. Kasanryukin and Ignifera followed.

You search around for a moment. Roundtime: 2 sec. You don't find anything of interest here.

You hear the voice of Raggo say, "I am here."

You smile.

You ask, "You know that this is not an unclaimed city?"

You hear the voice of Raggo ask, "Speak of what you mean?"

Mazrian whispers, " I'm here if you need me, but I won't attack until the shooting starts."

You say, "I mean you are stepping foot on someone elses ground and doing it very carelessly."

You frown.

You say, "Allies are more helpful than enemies and much less painful."

You hear the voice of Raggo say, "Yes that is very true."

Raggo fades into view.

>l raggo You see Gang Enforcer Raggo Druvestolo, Assassin of the Sewer Rat Gang, a Dwarven Commoner. He has emotionless black eyes and a bald head, with a short black beard that hangs from his square jaw. His broad back and shoulders are heavily muscled along with his arms and legs. The letters "SRG" are branded into the back of his left hand. He is one mean looking Dwarf. He is in good shape.

He is holding some yellow-gold powder in his right hand. He is wearing a smooth obsidian sphere, a gargoyle-hide shield, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a black silk armband embroidered with the symbol of the Sewer Rat Gang, a black leather arm quiver with silver clasps, a bloodwood short bow, a great helm, some scuffed black leather boots, some black leather gloves, some black leathers, some brass knuckles and a leather back harness with a war mattock strapped to it.

Raggo searches around for a moment.

Raggo ponders.

Raggo tosses his yellow-gold powder into the air, creating a misty, yellow-gold cloud of dust! The yellow-gold powder reveals Bayke's location. The yellow-gold powder reveals Gothus's location. The yellow-gold powder reveals Mazrian's location.

Raggo says, "Ahhh much better."

Raggo says, "So many shadows."

Raggo asks, "So what are you suggesting?"

You say, "I am suggesting that you either find a much more subtle method of making your money or that you find a different city to practice your trade in."

You say, "You can only push so hard before people start pushing back..."

Raggo says, "I see so many faces, some have been earmarked for a certain death some new."

You say, "And what you are doing is going to leave you with no allies at all. And THAT does not work well."

Raggo asks, "So who represents who here?"

You say, "If you have done any recon at all you know very well who I represent."

Raggo says, "Allies? Allies we have, many more than you know or have currently seen."

You say, "All I have seen is a bunch of rats and some well-skilled but disorganized criminals."

Bayke quietly says, "That is true. If there are no mages present, I suppose I represent the moon mages"

Raggo says, "So disorganized that we collected the hands and legs of nearly 50 of your citizens."

You say, "Yes, I believe you have a hand that belongs to me."

Raggo grins.

>khri start spar With intense focus, you take hold of four of the khri mantras you have learned, imbuing yourself with them simultaneously. With the effort of concentration, you feel them fill and bolster you. Building further upon the mental foundations you have in place, your will spreads throughout your arms, furthering your accuracy with all weaponry. Roundtime: 8 sec.

You say, "Well. I get the feeling you are not willing to compromise. And yet you have made no outright demands, either."

You ask, "Perhaps it is time for that, hmm?"

Raggo says, "It probably took some coin out of the unlucky thug's pocket that carried it in."

You say, "Oh I have moved on to far greater things than picking pockets."

Raggo smiles.

Raggo glances at a giant hairless polar bear.

>look [Viper's Nest, The Pit] Also here: Arcane Doombringer Tropicalo who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Steel Heart Cyiarriah, Emerald Knight Manze, Life Mage Tolena, Bayke who is in a globe of blue fire, Hodierna's Fist Heartsfyre, Tenacious Gothus, Prankster Silverklaw, Mercenary Mazrian who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Screecher Ignifera, Raggo, Tutor Kasanryukin. Obvious exits: none.

Raggo says, "The demands have already been made."

Raggo says, "Several times I am told."

You say, "I have heard nothing but vague whispers of handing over coin. Which is hard to do when you are dead -- coincidentally the state most are in when they hear this."

Cyiarriah nods to you.

Manze nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Cyiarriah asks Raggo, "What is it you want?"

Raggo asks, "You can pay me tonight 1000 platinum kronars this evening, that will buy you some time. Pehaps a month?"

Heartsfyre frowns.

Cyiarriah raises an eyebrow.

Silverklaw raises an eyebrow.

Manze asks, "And if not?"

You ponder.

Heartsfyre asks, "more leg takings?"

Bayke says, "A bit steep..."

Raggo smiles at Manze.

Manze says, "Definately steep, for a month.."

Manze nods at Bayke, obviously agreeing with her views.

Raggo asks, "Do we barter then?"

You see Tropicalo glance at you as you hide. You blend in with your surroundings, but know you drew some attention to yourself. Roundtime: 2 sec.

You silently slip out a viciously-honed briquet with a sinuous blade from a black leather sheath. Roundtime: 3 sec.

You begin to stealthily advance on Raggo.

Tropicalo says, "after all the coin your boys have dropped we would be paying you with your own money anyway"

You close to melee range on Raggo.

>elim Honing your mind and body to a single purpose, you prepare to execute the perfect strike.

>bs raggo You slip out of concealment and backstab Raggo! < Moving with incredible power and control, you thrust a viciously-honed briquet with a sinuous blade at Raggo. Raggo fails to evade, failing miserably. The briquet lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!).

* Raggo is slain before your eyes!

>out of jail quickly and back to the nest...

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Hmmmm so that seems to be your answer then."

You say, "This city does not belong to you toad. Leave it now."

Mazrian whispers, " Let's try to capture him."

You nod to Mazrian.

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "As you wish, your day has come."

(Mazrian takes up position above Raggo's body, blocking all approaches.)

You say, "I will not negotiate on behalf of who I represent, and neither will the citizens of this city."

You say, "I also already despise you for putting me in a position where I am looking like the good guy."

You kick Raggo!

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Not yet that is."

Two large ruffians rush in snarling with anger. They grab Raggo by his lifeless arms and drag him away.

You say, "Expect an attack."

Coupe points at Raggo, ruining his hiding place.

>aim raggo You turn to face Raggo, leaving the footpad on your flank at missile range! You shift your target to Raggo.

Mazrian inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Raggo! The incendiary spittle grazes his shield and blasts into his chest!

* Raggo is slain before your eyes!

>drag raggo sw You come out of hiding. You grab Raggo's body and drag it southwest with you . . .

[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach]

You say, "come with me dear."

>dragged him to a warehouse on the west side of town amidst 109149021 locates, mirrors and familiars

[Old Warehouse] Also here: the body of Raggo who is lying down. Obvious exits: out.

You say, "I can not let you have this city."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "This won't end well."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo ask, "Why is that?"

You say, "You know what I am, stop playing the fool."

You say, "I do not care if you want to sneak around and pick every pocket inside these walls."

You say, "You do it quietly and we have no problem."

You say, "You do it like this, and we must hurt you."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo ask, "I see and you suggest what then?"

You say, "I suggest you tell your friends to throw down their armbands and return to freelancing. I am not here to negotiate with you."

You say, "I am here to tell you that you will not be permitted to live if you continue acting this way."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo ask, "Ahhh but I was sent here for a mission, much like you say you are as well correct?"

You ask, "Why not tell me what that mission is then?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "We both have masters we serve."

You ask, "Who?"

Tropicalo says, "we are toying with this guy to much, its costing lives"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Ahhhh der Doombringer."

Thorndavian nods at Tropicalo, obviously agreeing with his views.

You ask, "You will not give me a name?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Your day is numbered as well. I may not be able to kill you all, bit I am nothing to my master's skills."

Thorndavian asks, "and that master is...?"

You sigh.

Tropicalo says, "you cannot win here Raggo"

Tropicalo says, "take your cronies and go"

Thorndavian says, "how can we possiblely know jsu how much to be afraid if we dunno who it is"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "You will fear him more knowing him only when he kills you."

Tropicalo says, "your words grow old"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "You are correct in that, they are lifeless as a matter of fact."

You say to Raggo, "if you are unwilling to compromise and unwilling to give me information then I have nothing more to say to you. I am trying to save your life."

Tropicalo says, "This place has seen worse than you and survived"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Saving the life of a corpse, my time for this world my not be much longer but I will go out like an assassin should."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo exclaim, "Brothers!"

Tropicalo says, "watch out"

Two large ruffians rush in snarling with anger. They grab Raggo by his lifeless arms and drag him away. Thorndavian assesses his combat situation.

>about 20 cutthroats spawn in the warehouse, a quick battle is fought and then the next wave hits the city

[Guard House, Office] Also here: Reihn, the body of Raggo who is lying down, Mercenary Mordimer who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Vinjince, Sage Vahlissa, Pormithius, Mercenary Mazrian who is surrounded by an obsidian black ethereal shield. Obvious exits: east, out.

Mazrian says, "We seem to have him, as it were, dead to rights."

Raggo's body is suddenly surrounded by a dark shadowy aura, then slowly fades from sight.

Pormithius says, "A moment."

Pormithius gestures.

Raggo appears suddenly, a gaping rift of rippling luminscence vanishing quickly behind him.

Steel Heart Cyiarriah just arrived.

You say to Raggo, "You know dear I feel for you. I too am a bold criminal."

Vinjince says, "Perhaps he understands that he has no chance now."

Pormithius says, "Well, he is weak.. but he can no longer get away from me."

Mazrian says, "Just more successful."

You say, "I wonder how long he has been at it."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Well I appreciate that, I really do, the penalty that awaits me in other places is far worse then here."

Pormithius asks, "And who delivers this penalty?"

Vahlissa asks, "What could be worse?"

You say, "I do not want him walked until we find out who leads him."

You frown.

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "I am afraid dear Sebastienne I am just about there."

You nod to Raggo.

Mazrian says, "Oh...he has no spirit."

Mazrian slaps his forehead!

You say to Raggo, "How about helping a shadow sister on your way down and tell me who your leader is? It would save me a great deal of time."

Pormithius asks, "Do we have a cleric who can get a vigil on him?"

Tropicalo says, "this just isnt his day"

Vahlissa gestures at Raggo.

Raggo is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

Vahlissa says, "It will stop any further spirit loss"

Vinjince whispers, "Has he given up anything?"

You shake your head.

>whisper vinjince I fear he will walk before we find out who leads him. You whisper to Vinjince.

Pormithius asks Liurilias, "Can you vigil him?"

Pormithius says, "We don't want him walking the starry road just yet."

Liurilias gestures at Raggo. A shaft of pure white light pools in Liurilias's hands and streaks out toward Raggo, bathing him in its radiance.

You scowl at Raggo.

Liurilias says, "That'll buy some time."

You kick Raggo!

You say, "Tell me what I want to know."

Pormithius says, "Well, I don't know about Sebastienne, but I don't know who he works for."

Cyiarriah says, "You messed with the wrong town."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "He is coming for me...."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "I can feel it."

Pormithius asks, "Who?"

Vahlissa asks, "Who is he?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Zur..."

You exclaim, "spit it out!"

Vinjince asks, "Zur what?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Master I am sorr...."

You hear the ghostly voice of Raggo say, "Zur..."

Raggo's corpse starts to waiver in your vision. A human face looks out at you from within the image. He says, "You have failed me Raggo your life is over and that of your family as well." The face looks out at you and you see a scared visage of a man. The face says, "So you want the leader do you. The you shall have it. I will arrive this time tomorrow, be ready to die."

You nod.

You say, "Good enough for me. Tomorrow it is."


[The Crossing, Town Green Southeast] Also here: Tracker Callahan, Druesyllia, Myrmidon Ryain, Steel Heart Cyiarriah, Hodierna's Fist Heartsfyre, Mercenary Mordimer who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Pormithius, Reihn, Mercenary Mazrian who is surrounded by an obsidian black ethereal shield, Prankster Silverklaw, Aylleniss, Scout Thorndavian, Tutor Kasanryukin, Thorn of the Rose Manze. Obvious paths: north, west, northwest.

Mazrian dusts himself off.

Cyiarriah nods.

You smile.

You say, "good, I think this is everyone we need."

A voice from the shadows says, "A kick that will have you all dead soon enough."

Cyiarriah raises an eyebrow.

Pormithius searches around for a moment.

Manze searches around for a moment.

Cyiarriah searches around for a moment.

You say, "There will be a major attack tomorrow and I want everyone to be ready for it."

Reihn nods to you.

Pormithius says to Mazrian, "We're more than ready."

You say, "Unfortunately, prior to this I never cared one way or the other what happened to this city when it was invaded."

You say, "I have little experience with this sort of thing."

Mazrian says, "We are...but we typically get paid for pitched battles."

Mazrian folds his arms across his chest.

You say to Mazrian, "I am sure we can work something out."

Mazrian nods.

Mazrian says, "Alright."

You say to Mazrian, "I have a very strong interest in making sure this gang gets shut down."

Mazrian gazes thoughtfully at you.

You say, "It may not be coin but I think I have some other ideas. We will talk later."

Zurato comes out of hiding.

Mordimer searches around for a moment.

Mazrian says, "I'm sure we can work it out."

Cyiarriah casually observes the area.

Mordimer whispers, "Zurato??"

>whisper mordimer who is that? You whisper to Mordimer.

Mordimer scans the area briefly.

Heartsfyre ponders.

Mordimer whispers, "he just came out of hiding doesn't the "leaders" name begin with ZUR"

Mordimer searches around for a moment.

You say, "People will be understandably reluctant to listen to me or trust me so I am just going to step back and let the experienced people handle the defense."

You say, "that would be you."

You point at Mazrian.

You say, "and you"

You point at Cyiarriah.

A whisper from the shadows says, "You will all pay in blood. Raggo has done so already his torment will be nothing compared to this cities."

You say, "hmm."

Cyiarriah searches around for a moment.

Mazrian says, "That is in REALLY poor taste."

Heartsfyre says, "You shall harp away shadow man.. we care not.. we will defeat you as we defeated yer lapdog"

Mordimer searches around for a moment.

You say, "I guess he is so excited he could not bear to wait a full day as promised."

Ryain says, "This town has seen much worse"

Callahan whispers, "There are voices in the shadows... I think we're being watched."

You nod to Callahan.

You say, "I have nothing else to say, except that all of you can count on me for the duration of this, should you have need of my sort of talents."

You say, "after we stomp these toads it will be business as usual between us."

Manze nods to you.

Mazrian nods.

Silverklaw chuckles.

Heartsfyre says, "Agreed."

Manze says, "Totally"

Heartsfyre gazes off into the distance.

Mazrian says, "Heartsfyre...we need a plan to get non-combatants off the streets."

Cyiarriah sighs.

Cyiarriah nods to you.

Mazrian says, "You have the pull around here to put that together"

Mazrian says, "You and Cyiarriah."

Mazrian bows to Cyiarriah.

You say, "until tomorrow night then."

AMBERRONE Empress Sebastienne

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A conversation with Zurato that I'm getting right this time. · on 2/12/2009 1:28:05 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 3634 reply Reply I think I've been editing too many logs lately because I'm sucking pretty bad at this, but I think I got it this time.

Shared by request and because I don't see any reason it should be kept quiet for the sake of the event.

Thugs have been tackling people in the Crossing and I got word so I came down to have a look. I found a rat. Many people saw this rat in the aftermath of Zurato's attack the other day. I've also seen it once before that, but was not at the time sure who it belonged to (I had considered the possibility of a traitor in the gang trying to make contact with me).

[North Gate, Gate] You also see a red-eyed sewer rat. Obvious paths: east. Roundtime: 2 sec.

>l rat

You see a red-eyed sewer rat. The sewer rat is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing!

You cock your head.

You say, "hi rat."

You say, "I am hesitant to say anything to you, and do not even know if you understand me at all."

You say, "but I would LOVE to meet whoever sent you here."

You fold your arms across your chest.

You say, "I might even be able to keep my weapon sheathed."

A red-eyed sewer rat walks around you in a circle seemingly acknowledging what you say.

You nod.

You say, "Smarter than a typical rat. I assumed as much."

You ask, "Where, then?"

>I chase it around, occasionally having to use HUNT because it's very fast.

[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble] Also here: Akso. Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Akso kicks some dirt on a red-eyed sewer rat in disgust.

You say, "Stop that."

You poke Akso in the ribs.

Akso grins.

A red-eyed sewer rat runs for cover.

Akso asks, "What is it?"

You say, "Now see what you did."

>hide You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved. Roundtime: 2 sec.

>adv akso You begin to stealthily advance on Akso.

Akso snickers.

You close to pole weapon range on Akso. You close to melee range on Akso.

>ambush clout akso Quietly, you raise your right hand up to your side, and in a single, fluid movement chop straight at Akso's neck! Akso is completely surprised by your stealthy maneuver! Akso is unable to avoid your hand, and you clout his neck with a single precise stroke! Akso collapses in a heap. Roundtime: 3 sec.

You say, "imbecile."

You retreat back to pole range.

You retreat from combat.

>I'm never too busy to smack someone around. But the rat is gone! I run around a bit and eventually he reveals himself at the same spot.

[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble] You also see a red-eyed sewer rat. Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You ask, "Shall we, then?"

>more chasing, finally...

[Old Warehouse] You also see a red-eyed sewer rat and a large bulging crate near the center of the room. Obvious exits: out.

You ask, "Here? Or into the Close?"

A red-eyed sewer rat sits on your feet as if telling you to stand still.

A red-eyed sewer rat runs for cover.

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "So assassin, you actually followed my mage's pet to a place you must know could cost you your life."

You say, "Life is what an assassin both takes and risks, sir."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Very true. I agree with that very much."

You say, "We have both done a good job of beating the other one up, so perhaps we can skip the chest beating and get to why you are apparently willing to meet with me."

You hear the voice of Zurato ask, "Why is it you seek a differnt path then most around here?"

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You are not a mindless killer. Far from it."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You hunt me with reason in your eyes."

You say, "The short answer is I am very selfish. The long answer is I had some visions as a child that I wish to pursue. As for why I hunt you, there is gain in it for me."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Ahhhh you spend your life choosing your paths by what serves you best

You ask, "Absolutely. What else matters?"

You ask, "Why do you attack so relentlessly?"

You hear the voice of Zurato ask, "Our circles have crossed shadow killer, do you think to really beat me back from my chosen path?"

You say, "I will succeed or die. I am introspective enough to admit to myself that it could be either. You are no slouch."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I have personal gain here, this place is but good family planning. The soul of this city is long gone."

You nod.

You say, "I can agree with that."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Thus the reason you thrive so as well I am sure."

You say, "It is unfortunate that things have gone as they have. Were it different you and I could probably be strong allies."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I have no weakness, no mercy and no worries for myself. My time will come as a ruler. "

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You of all the people hunting me are the inigma."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "A riddle I am slowly understanding I believe."

You say, "I have a smiilar mindset and I too plan to rule. But I find it hard to believe you have no worries. I have plenty for myself."

You say, "I hunt you for a simple reason dear, you are treading on claimed territory and I have been told to make sure you either leave this city forever or die."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "You are aware of my last warning, this city has less than a day to figure out if it bows to the Sewer Rat Gang, or gets trampled in its wake."

You say, "I am aware, sir. I assure you that even though it may pain us both a little the next time we meet it will be as enemies and one of us must walk the starry road."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "I can assure you, I walk only the roads I choose."

You nod.

You say, "Everyone loses sometimes. Your time is very likely tomorrow."

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Your road will be full blood and bones of this cities residents and visitors. I have many cities to conquer yet, this is but the first."

You chuckle.

You say, "I am not overly concerned with the residents of this city. Most of them would just as soon hang me as look at me."

You say, "It just so happens that protecting them coincides with my desire to have your head."

You smile.

You hear the voice of Zurato say, "Rest well Shadow Killer, I already have the spots on your chest marked where the blades will go. I will leave you this, you will not be lonely in your grave."

You nod.

You say, "Until tomorrow then Zurato."

AMBERRONE Empress Sebastienne

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Re: Just because he's someone's son, doesn't mean he's a small child · on 2/14/2009 8:11:38 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 3731 reply Reply > i'm curious about how he was brought into it in the first place. Can we get some of the story that led to him appearing? And how was he taken hostage?

Sure. Keep in mind I'm sharing this OOC, don't take what you shouldn't know in game please.

I think it's pretty obvious to the people who were involved but for the people who weren't, I was hired by the thief guild to look after their interests concerning the Sewer Rat Gang. My job was to make sure the gang activity wasn't being blamed on the guild, and to find the leaders and either kill them or drive them out of the city.

During the course of the last week I had several encounters with what appeared to be people in the Sewer Rat Gang. The first was the red-eyed sewer rat that was apparently the familiar of Zurato's personal mage. I chased the rat just long enough to see a cloaked figure pick him up and run away. At the time I was uanware of the mage and I assumed it was a traitor within the gang trying to make contact.

The next one was Monday night, after Zurato's first appearance. I was contacted by a small boy who told me that Zurato had a weakness and I would know it when I heard about it. It was clear to me in the way he approached me that he wanted this kept quiet so I didn't tell anyone about it, not even the people who were working closely with me. I did tell my guildleader, however.

Wednesday night I saw the rat again, spoke to the mage through the rat, and ended up having a conversation with Zurato, which is posted earlier in the thread.

The last one was Thursday night, the same boy approached me again and told me to take advantage of the weakness when I spotted it, no matter what. He came to me outside the bank, while the crowd was gathering. The battle broke out, Zurato died a bunch, killed me twice, killed a bunch of other people, etc.


Your mind hears Faziro thinking, "Father! Father!....They said you were dead!"

Your mind hears Zurato thinking, "Son! Mage get him out of here now! Or you and yours are all dead!"

You hear your mental voice echo, Find Faziro immediately.

Your mind hears Faziro thinking, "We are getting on the ship now."

He turns up on M'Riss a few minutes later.

[The Crossing, Town Green Southeast] Also here: Pormithius. Obvious paths: north, west, northwest.

You ask, "Porm, I need to find this child. Can you get me to him?"

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Yes."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "I need to regain my focus."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Then I will go get him."

You say, "alright."

You say, "I want him here alive and aboard my ship if possible."

You hear the voice of Pormithius say, "Of course."

Porm prepares to jump over to M'Riss and snatch him.

Pormithius says, "I'll risk it."

Pormithius gestures. A brief wave of disorientation washes outward as reality itself tears wide open, forming an unstable Moongate around Pormithius! Pormithius is drawn through the unstable Moongate just before it collapses.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.

You frown.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

As you touch the surface of the Moongate, you are drawn through to the other side...

[Island Ring Road, Belarritaco Bay] Also here: Pormithius, a stunned Faziro. Obvious paths: southeast, west.

>drag fazir moon You grab Faziro's arm and drag him with you . . .

[The Crossing, Town Green Southeast]

And from there we dragged him to my ship, the rest is pretty much history. Zurato and I negotiated, arguing and threatening each other (I had his kid, he had his gang, I wanted him dead, he just wanted to take his kid and go, etc.)

Tons of people were whispering to me with suggetions on how to handle things, my character was in a triumphant rage and bloodlusting very badly and wasn't listening much. Eventually Jhime and a certain lady who probably wants to stay nameless, people Seb respects, managed to get through to her and convince her to take a more merciful ending.

I took Zurato to the kid, Zurato handed me his armband and promised never to come back, and that plus Raggo apparently being dead fulfilled my contract.