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Finger snapping is a type of Human body language that is often used to accentuate a conversation. All races are able to perform the basic snap, while the variations (emotes) are reserved for Humans to employ at their leisure. All races are also able to perform the body part snaps.<br>

You cannot SNAP with both hands full. If you attempt to do so, you will see the messaging, "You can't possibly try that if your hands are full." However, other players will see nothing.<br>

[[page type is::command| ]]
|race=Dwarf, Elf, Elothean, Gor'Tog, Gnome, Human, Kaldar, Prydaen, Rakash, S'kra
|description=Role-playing commands for various types of snapping and hand motions. Snap has special messaging for humans, with some addition special messaging for all races.
|messaging='''SNAP (everyone)'''<br />
''You see'': You snap your fingers.<br />
''Others see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers.<br />
<tt>SNAP</tt> Syntax:
{{verb|snap|Cupping your face with your hands, you slyly press your fingers to the bridge of your nose while sticking your thumb inside your mouth. You pluck your front teeth with the tip of your nail to create a cracking sound, carefully keeping your mouth and nose hidden from view. You coordinate the noise with the motion of your fingers, creating the illusion of snapping your nose back and forth.|-|Cupping <his/her> face with <his/her> hands, <Person> presses <his/her> fingers to the bridge of <his/her> nose. Suddenly, <he/she> pushes <his/her> nose to the right, creating a horrible snapping noise! <He/She> repeats the motion to the left and cracks it back into place.|body nose}}
{{verb|snap|Pressing the palm of one hand under your chin, you jerk your neck wildly to the side, causing a loud pop. You let out an involuntary sigh as your body relaxes.|-|<Person> grasps <his/her> chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see <him/her> visibly relax.|body neck}}
{{verb|snap|You clutch your lower back and quickly twist from side to side. You hear a series of loud pops and sigh, feeling your body relax slightly.|-|<Person> grasps <his/her> lower back and twists roughly from side to side. You hear a loud pop and see <him/her> visibly relax.|body back}}
{{verb|snap|You stretch your <left/right> arm across your chest, pulling it tight to your body by pushing with your <right/left> hand on the elbow. After you hear your shoulder make a satisfactory pop, you violently release your arm and snap it around in the opposite direction, creating a few more choice cracking noises in your upper back.|-|<Person> stretches <his/her> <left/right> arm across <his/her> chest, pulling it tight to <his/her> body with <his/her> other hand. You hear a soft pop from <Person>'s shoulder, and <he/she> suddenly whips <his/her> arm around to crack <his/her> upper back.|body <left/right> arm}}
{{verb|snap|You use the palm of your <right/left> hand to push down upon the backs of the fingers on your <left/right>, directly on the joints. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, your knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Then, you steeple your hands together and press the <left/right> hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. You clench and unclench your fist a few times to relax the muscles once again.|-|<Person> pushes directly on the joints of <his/her> left hand with the palm of <his/her> right. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, <his/her> knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Next, <he/she> steeples <his/her> hands together and presses the <left/right> hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. Finally, <Person> clenches and unclenches <his/her> fist a few times after the grueling ritual.|body <left/right> hand}}
{{verb|snap|You straighten your <left/right> leg completely by pointing the tip of your toes toward the ground and lifting your heel. With a quick jerk, you kick your foot backwards under your body and flip it forward again. Your knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when you wiggle and stretch your leg again after the initial maneuver.|-|<Person> straightens <his/her> <left/right> leg completely by pointing the tip of <his/her> toes toward the ground and lifting <his/her> heel. With a quick jerk, <he/she> kicks <his/her> foot backwards and flips it forward. <His/Her> knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when <he/she> wiggles and stretches <his/her> leg afterwards.|body <left/right> leg}}
{{verb|snap|You lift your <left/right> foot up off the ground and rotate your ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic movement.|-|<Person> lifts <his/her> <left/right> foot up off the ground and rotates <his/her> ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic motions.|body <left/right> foot}}

* {{tt|SNAP}}
* {{tt|SNAP BODY}} ''<body part>''
{{verb|snap|You snap first with your right hand and then your left. You repeat the routine a few times before you get bored.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> snaps first with <his/her> right hand and then with <his/her> left. <He/She> repeats the routine a few times to display how talented <his/her> fingers are.<br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps a syncopated rhythm, switching off between right and left hands.|alternate}}
* {{tt|SNAP}} ''<emote>''
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers as you seethe in attempt to keep down your anger.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> seethes angrily, snapping <his/her> fingers warningly.<br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers like the beat of a war drum.|angry}}
* {{tt|SNAP}} ''<emote> <player>''
{{verb|snap|You raise your hand up and begin to snap incessantly, trying to annoy everyone around you.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> raises <his/her> hand up and starts to snap incessantly. It's very annoying, and you wish <he/she> would stop.<br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> raises <his/her> hand up and snaps incessantly while trying to hide a mischievous smirk.|annoy}}
* {{tt|SNAP HELP}}
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers in poetic appreciation, marveling in the thrill of onomatopoeia and alliteration.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> repeatedly snaps <his/her> fingers, respectfully acknowledging tasteful, artistic expression.<br/>''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers pompously around the area.|applaud}}

{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers rapidly in approval, showing everyone how truly nonchalant you are.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> raises <his/her> hands slightly and snaps rapidly as <he/she> nods <his/her> head lazily in approval.<br/>''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers rapidly, either to stay awake or acknowledge something.|approve}}
Valid body parts:<br />
{{verb|snap|With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you snap your fingers, wondering how long you can keep going at the same pace before either your fingers start to ache or you lose interest. You manage to last for several moments before your finger and thumb slide silently away from each other, failing to produce the same crisp snap as before. Oh, well! Better luck next time.|-|<br/>''Humans see'': With a look of concentration written clearly across <his/her> face, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers repeatedly, managing to keep the pace steady and constant for several breathless moments. Impressive!<br/>''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <him/her> fingers repetitiously, the loud sounds quickly grating on your nerves.|bored}}
nose, neck, back, and both left and right arms, hands, legs and feet
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers at yourself. Now that is really taking command!|-|''Others see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at himself.|command <self>}}

{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers once at <Person> and point at the ground in front of you.|<Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at you and points down at the ground in front of <him/her>!|<Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers at <Person2> and points at <his/her> feet.|command <person>}}
Valid emotes:<br />
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers once at <Person> and point <direction>.|<Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at you and points <direction>.|<Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers at <Person2> and points <direction>.|command <person> <direction>}}
alternate, angry, annoy, applaud, approve, bored, command, curse, disgusted, drink, easy, fail, fierce, flirt, happy, idea, loud, multi, music, nervous, ponder, proud, quick, roll, sassy, silly, showy, single, slap, soft, suave, tease, wave, win, worry
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers and throw down your arms, accepting defeat. Oh, well, maybe next time!|-|<br/>''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers as <he/she> misses <his/her> chance.<br/>''Others see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers once and looks sheepish.|curse}}

{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers once and spit in a display of pure disgust.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers once and spits in a display of pure disgust.<br/>''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and then spits. How vulgar!|disgusted}}
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers, ordering everyone a drink on the house!|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, noting everyone's thirst, and orders drinks on the house! <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, signaling it's time to drink!|drink}}
===No Target/Emote===
{{verb|snap|You casually snap your fingers, emphasizing how easy things are.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> casually snaps <his/her> fingers, trying to tell you that it's a cinch. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> casually snaps <his/her> fingers.|easy}}

{{verb|snap|You're a loser!|-|<Person> scrunches up his face, looking unattractive and very undignified.|fail <self>}}
You snap your fingers.<br>
{{verb|snap|You shake your head and give a quick succession of loud snaps toward <Person>, indicating your disapproval.|<Person> completes a rapid succession of loud snaps while shaking <his/her> head at you. Someone is not pleased!|<Person1> scowls and shakes <his/her> head at <Person2> while snapping rapidly.|fail <person>}}
''Others see:'' Player snaps his fingers.<br>
{{verb|snap|Narrowing your eyes and pursing your lips, you snap your fingers and punch your thigh in a conspicuous display of ferocity.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> fixes <his/her> face into a fierce expression before snapping <his/her> fingers and punching <his/her> thigh conspicuously. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> looks disgruntled as <he/she> snaps once and punches <his/her> thigh.|fierce}}

{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers and pucker your lips, unafraid in the face of love.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> puckers <his/her> lips as <he/she> snaps <his/her> fingers, unabashedly vying for your attention. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers beckoningly in what appears to be some bizarre mating ritual.|flirt}}
===Body Parts===
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers to a happy beat and dance around excitedly!|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers to a happy beat and dances around excitedly! <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and moves around like a madman!|happy}}

{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers smartly, grinning at your new idea!|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers smartly, grinning as if he has an idea. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> grins and snaps <his/her> fingers.|idea}}
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{verb|snap|You raise your arm in the air and loudly snap your fingers, demanding attention.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers loudly in the air, trying to get your attention. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers loudly!|loud}}
{{verb|snap|You nimbly run your thumb across all four fingers, creating a multilayered snapping noise.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> nimbly runs <his/her> thumb across all of <his/her> fingertips to create an unusual snapping noise. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> somehow makes a snapping noise using all of <his/her> fingers.|multi}}
| '''Body Part''' || '''You see:''' ||'''Others see:'''
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers and nod your head to your own unique beat.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and nods <his/her> head to <his/her> own beat. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> attempts to snap <his/her> fingers and bob <his/her> head at the same time.|music}}
{{verb|snap|You nervously snap your fingers in anticipation of the worst outcome.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> bites <his/her> lower lip and repeatedly snaps <his/her> fingers in an attempt to calm <his/her> nerves. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> bites <his/her> lower lip and clumsily snaps <his/her> fingers.|nervous}}
|Nose||Cupping your face with your hands, you slyly press your fingers to the bridge of your nose while sticking your thumb inside your mouth. You pluck your front teeth with the tip of your nail to create a cracking sound, carefully keeping your mouth and nose hidden from view. You coordinate the noise with the motion of your fingers, creating the illusion of snapping your nose back and forth.||Cupping his face with his hands, Player presses his fingers to the bridge of his nose. Suddenly, he pushes his nose to the right, creating a horrible snapping noise! He repeats the motion to the left and cracks it back into place.
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers repeatedly as you ponder a missing thought. You know you just had it, but you just can't seem to remember.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> quickly snaps <his/her> fingers as <he/she> tries to jog <his/her> memory. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers wildly!|ponder}}
{{verb|snap|You slightly raise your head up and smirk as you pointedly snap your fingers, proud of your latest accomplishments.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> lifts <his/her> chin and smirks, pointedly snapping <his/her> fingers, obviously proud of <himself/herself>. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> smirks and pointedly snaps <his/her> fingers.|proud}}
|Neck||Pressing the palm of one hand under your chin, you jerk your neck wildly to the side, causing a loud pop. You let out an involuntary sigh as your body relaxes.||Player grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.
{{verb|snap|You quickly snap your fingers letting everyone know it's time to move!|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> quickly snaps <his/her> fingers in attempt to get everyone going. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers in a very agitated fashion.|quick}}
{{verb|snap|Facing your palm upward, you snap, flatten your fingers, and roll your wrist around in a circle. As you rotate your hand, you turn it so your palm faces downward and move it away from your body in a smooth motion.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> does the snap and roll, fluidly executing the motions in a veritable ballet of finger and wrist movements. Exuding confidence, <he/she> winks at you, a fellow Human. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and rolls <his/her> wrist, trying to look cool.|roll}}
|Back||You clutch your lower back and quickly twist from side to side. You hear a series of loud pops and sigh, feeling your body relax slightly.||
{{verb|snap|You show off your sassy attitude by snapping your fingers and swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> shows <his/her> sassiness by snapping <his/her> fingers and swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <him/her> fingers and swings <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.|sassy}}
Player grasps his lower back and twists roughly from side to side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.
{{verb|snap|You sassy <man/woman>! Try someone else.|-|<Person> glances at <his/her> fingers and smirks to <himself/herself>, looking highly amused.|sassy <self>}}
{{verb|snap|You give <Person> some sass by getting in her face and snapping your fingers, swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.|<Person> gives you some sass by getting in your face and snapping <his/her> fingers, swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.|<Person> gets really close to <Person> face and snaps <his/her> fingers, swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.|sassy <person>}}
|Left/Right Arm||You stretch your left/right arm across your chest, pulling it tight to your body by pushing with your right/left hand on the elbow. After you hear your shoulder make a satisfactory pop, you violently release your arm and snap it around in the opposite direction, creating a few more choice cracking noises in your upper back.||Player stretches his left/right arm across his chest, pulling it tight to his body with his other hand. You hear a soft pop from Player's shoulder, and he suddenly whips his arm around to crack his upper back.
{{verb|snap|Out of sheer boredom, you try to snap your fingers and twiddle your thumbs at the same time, wondering if you look as ridiculous as you feel. Just when you think you've succeeded, you mangle your fingers instead. Ouch!|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> ambitiously attempts to snap <his/her> fingers and twiddle <his/her> thumbs simultaneously, but fails horribly, having to nurse <his/her> hurting hands instead. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers awkwardly, hurting <himself/herself>. Silly Human!|silly}}
{{verb|snap|You snap your fingers with a flourish, flicking a coin into midair before deftly catching it again. Yeah, you're that good.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> casually flicks a coin with a snap of <his/her> fingers, sending it flying end over end, before snatching it out of midair with a winning smile. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, sending a coin spinning into midair with amazing ease before snatching it back.|showy}}
|Left/Right Hand||You use the palm of your right/left hand to push down upon the backs of the fingers on your left/right, directly on the joints. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, your knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Then, you steeple your hands together and press the left/right hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. You clench and unclench your fist a few times to relax the muscles once again.||Player pushes directly on the joints of his left/right hand with the palm of his right/left. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, his knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Next, he steeples his hands together and presses the left/right hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. Finally, Player clenches and unclenches his fist a few times after the grueling ritual.
{{verb|snap|You snap your middle finger against your palm, foregoing the use of your thumb. Nevertheless, you manage to produce a sound of impressive magnitude.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> loudly snaps a single finger against <his/her> palm in an impressive display of manual dexterity. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> makes a sharp snapping noise using only one finger!|single}}
{{verb|snap|You snap the fingers of both hands concurrently, and then quickly slap your palms together. You repeat the trick over and over, increasing your speed until you finally lose your control.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps the fingers of both <his/her> hands concurrently, and then quickly slaps them together. <He/She> keeps performing the stunt, increasing the speed as <he/she> continues. Unfortunately, <he/she> can't keep it up forever, but it sure looked fun while it lasted! <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> creates a lot of noise by snapping <his/her> fingers and slapping <his/her> hands. After a while, <he/she> stops when <he/she> can no longer keep up the frenetic pace.|slap}}
|Left/Right Leg||You straighten your left/right leg completely by pointing the tip of your toes toward the ground and lifting your heel. With a quick jerk, you kick your foot backwards under your body and flip it forward again. Your knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when you wiggle and stretch your leg again after the initial maneuver.||Player straightens his left/right leg completely by pointing the tip of his toes toward the ground and lifting his heel. With a quick jerk, he kicks his foot backwards and flips it forward. His knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when he wiggles and stretches his leg afterwards.
{{verb|snap|You softly snap your fingers as if wondering what to do next.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers thoughtfully as if wondering what to do next. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers softly.|soft}}
{{verb|snap| |-| |suave}}
|Left/Right Foot||You lift your left/right foot up off the ground and rotate your ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic movement.||Player lifts his left/right foot up off the ground and rotates his ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic motions.
{{verb|snap|Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. To finish the suave move, you ball your fist and stick your thumb in the air.|-|<br />''Humans see'': Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. Looking suave, <he/she> balls <his/her> fist and sticks <his/her> thumb in the air. <br />''Non-Humans see'': Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. For no apparent reason other than to amuse <himself/herself>, <he/she> balls <his/her> fist and sticks <his/her> thumb in the air.|suave <self>}
{{verb|snap|Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. Creating an "L" with your thumb and forefinger, you point your hand at <Person> in an exaggerated manner so everyone knows you're top dog.|Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. <He/She> forms an "L" with <his/her> thumb and forefinger and points at you, looking rather suave.|Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers. <He/She> forms an "L" with <his/her> thumb and forefinger and points at <Person2> in an apparent attempt to look suave.|suave <person>}}
{{verb|snap| |-| |tease}}
{{verb|snap|You're such a tease.|-|<Person> licks the tip of <his/her> finger and places it on <his/her> hip. Pretending to have burned <himself/herself>, <he/she> pulls <his/her> hand away quickly and covers <his/her> open mouth in mock surprise.|tease <self>}}
{{verb|snap|You snap twice in <Person>'s direction to get <his/her> attention, giving <him/her> a playful wink.|You hear snapping fingers from <Person>'s direction, who is either flirting with you or teasing you. It's hard to tell.|<Person> snaps <his/her> fingers twice at <Person> as <he/she> gives <him/her> a teasing wink.|tease <person>}}
{{verb|snap|Pointing your elbows away from your body, you bring your hands in front of your face and double snap. You then splay your fingers emphatically and move your hands outward in opposite directions, creating a theatrical wave motion as you wiggle your digits.|-|<br />''Humans see'': Performing the ever spirited snap and wave technique, you watch knowingly as <Person> creates a theatrical show with <his/her> wiggling fingers. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> sticks <his/her> elbows out awkwardly and snaps in front of <his/her> own face. <He/She> then jerks <his/her> hands open and wiggles <his/her> fingers, looking quite ridiculous.|wave}}
{{verb|snap| |-| |win}}
{{verb|snap|You're a winner!|-|<Person> raises <his/her> arm and sticks <his/her> forefinger straight up into the air, beaming like <he/she> just won the lottery.|win <self>}}
{{verb|snap|You nod your head and give a quick snap toward <Person>, acknowledging <his/her> accomplishments.|<Person> briskly snaps <his/her> fingers while nodding in your direction. Someone is impressed!|''Others see'': <Person1> nods to <Person2> and snaps <his/her> fingers.|win <person>}}
{{verb|snap|You pace back and forth, snapping your fingers as you dwell on worrisome thoughts.|-|<br />''Humans see'': <Person> looks very concerned about something, <his/her> emotions betrayed by the way <he/she> is unconsciously snapping <his/her> fingers and pacing about. <br />''Non-Humans see'': <Person> keeps quietly snapping <his/her> fingers while ignoring you.|worry}}

==Other Races Trying Human-Only Snaps==

{{verb|snap|You glance at your fingers suspiciously for a moment before deciding you probably have better things to do than attempt that Human trick. |-|<Name> stares suspiciously at <his/her> fingers as if they had a mind of their own.|Dwarf}}
Note: Some emotes require a player target to work, while other snaps were designed with the intention that they be used alone. Additionally, while you can use the COMMAND variation with yourself or someone else, you can also use it to command a character in a certain direction. Example: SNAP COMMAND TIESSE (N)ORTH. Valid directions include: north, south, east, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, up, down, out.<br>
{{verb|snap|Snap your fingers like THAT? What a vulgar idea!|-|<Name>'s fingers twitch uncomfortably.|Elf}}

{{verb|snap|The time it would take to actually accomplish snapping your fingers in that manner just wouldn't be worth the effort.|-|<Name> studies <his/her> fingers, shrugs, then lowers them.|Elothean}}
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{verb|snap|Maybe that's a trick best left to Humans.|-|<Name> glances at <his/her> hands for a moment.|Gor'Tog}}
{{verb|snap|With great concentration, you try over and over to snap your small fingers like that, but you just can't seem to manage it.|-|<Name> furrows <his/her> brow and rubs <his/her> fingers together vigorously.|Gnome/Halfling}}
| '''Emote''' || '''You see:''' ||'''Others see:'''
{{verb|snap|You rub your fingers together, making a soft sound with them, but you really can't fathom the significance.|-|<Name> rubs <his/her> fingers together quickly, a puzzled look on <his/her> face.|Kaldar/Rakash}}
{{verb|snap|You snap your furry fingers.|-|<Name> produces a muffled snap with the pads of <his/her> furry fingers.|Prydaen}}
|Alternate||You snap first with your right hand and then your left. You repeat the routine a few times before you get bored.||Player snaps first with his right hand and then with his left. He repeats the routine a few times to display how talented his fingers are.
{{verb|snap|Snap your fingers that way, like a Human? Next you'll probably want your tail crimped back.|-|<Name> glances at <his/her> fingers for a moment and shudders slightly.|S'kra}}
|Angry||You snap your fingers as you seethe in attempt to keep down your anger.||Player seethes angrily, snapping his fingers warningly.
|Annoy||You raise your hand up and begin to snap incessantly, trying to annoy everyone around you.||Player raises his hand up and starts to snap incessantly. It's very annoying, and you wish he would stop.
|Annoy {PLAYER}||You stick your hand in front of {PLAYER}'s face and snap incessantly.||Player shoves his hand in your face and snaps incessantly. How annoying!
|Annoy {SELF}||Wouldn't you rather annoy one of those snooty Elves?||Player rubs his ears and makes a snooty face, snickering to himself all the while.
|Applaud||You snap your fingers in poetic appreciation, marveling in the thrill of onomatopoeia and alliteration.||Player repeatedly snaps his fingers, respectfully acknowledging tasteful, artistic expression.
|Approve||You snap your fingers rapidly in approval, showing everyone how truly nonchalant you are.||Player raises his hands slightly and snaps rapidly as he nods his head lazily in approval.
|Bored||With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you snap your fingers, wondering how long you can keep going at the same pace before either your fingers start to ache or you lose interest. You manage to last for several moments before your finger and thumb slide silently away from each other, failing to produce the same crisp snap as before. Oh, well! Better luck next time.||With a look of concentration written clearly across his face, Player snaps his fingers repeatedly, managing to keep the pace steady and constant for several breathless moments. Impressive!
|Command {PLAYER}||You snap your fingers once at {PLAYER} and point at the ground in front of you.||Player snaps his fingers at you and points down at the ground in front of him!
|Command {PLAYER} {DIRECTION}||You snap your fingers once at {PLAYER} and point {DIRECTION}.||Player snaps his fingers at you and points {DIRECTION}.
|Command {SELF}||You snap your fingers at yourself. Now that is really taking command!||Player snaps his fingers at himself.
|Curse||You snap your fingers and throw down your arms, accepting defeat. Oh, well, maybe next time!||Player snaps his fingers as he misses his chance.
|Disgusted||You snap your fingers once and spit in a display of pure disgust.||Player snaps his fingers once and spits in a display of pure disgust.
|Drink||You snap your fingers, ordering everyone a drink on the house!||Player snaps his fingers, noting everyone's thirst, and orders drinks on the house!
|Easy||You casually snap your fingers, emphasizing how easy things are.||Player casually snaps his fingers, trying to tell you that it's a cinch.
|Fail {PLAYER}||You shake your head and give a quick succession of loud snaps toward {PLAYER}, indicating your disapproval.||Player completes a rapid succession of loud snaps while shaking his head at you. Someone is not pleased!
|Fail {SELF}||You're a loser!||Player scrunches up his face, looking unattractive and very undignified.
|Fierce||Narrowing your eyes and pursing your lips, you snap your fingers and punch your thigh in a conspicuous display of ferocity.||Player fixes his face into a fierce expression before snapping his fingers and punching his thigh conspicuously.
|Flirt||You snap you fingers and pucker your lips, unafraid in the face of love.||Player puckers his lips as he snaps his fingers, unabashedly vying for your attention.
|Happy||You snap your fingers to a happy beat and dance around excitedly!||Player snaps his fingers to a happy beat and dances around excitedly!
|Idea||You snap your fingers smartly, grinning at your new idea!||Player snaps his fingers smartly, grinning as if he has an idea.
|Loud||You raise your arm in the air and loudly snap your fingers, demanding attention.||Player snaps his fingers loudly in the air, trying to get your attention.
|Multi||You nimbly run your thumb across all four fingers, creating a multilayered snapping noise.||Player nimbly runs his thumb across all of his fingertips to create an unusual snapping noise.
|Music||You snap your fingers and nod your head to your own unique beat.||Player snaps his fingers and nods his head to his own beat.
|Nervous||You nervously snap your fingers in anticipation of the worst outcome.||Player bites his lower lip and repeatedly snaps his fingers in an attempt to calm his nerves.
|Ponder||You snap your fingers repeatedly as you ponder a missing thought. You know you just had it, but you just can't seem to remember.||Player quickly snaps his fingers as he tries to jog his memory.
|Proud||You slightly raise your head up and smirk as you pointedly snap your fingers, proud of your latest accomplishments.||Player lifts his chin and smirks, pointedly snapping him fingers, obviously proud of himself.
|Quick||You quickly snap your fingers letting everyone know it's time to move!||Player quickly snaps his fingers in attempt to get everyone going.
|Roll||Facing your palm upward, you snap, flatten your fingers, and roll your wrist around in a circle. As you rotate your hand, you turn it so your palm faces downward and move it away from your body in a smooth motion.||Player does the snap and roll, fluidly executing the motions in a veritable ballet of finger and wrist movements. Exuding confidence, he winks at you, a fellow Human. ''(other racial messaging TBA)''
|Sassy||You show off your sassy attitude by snapping your fingers and swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.||Player shows his sassiness by snapping his fingers and swinging his hand up in an arc while snaking his head.
|Sassy {PLAYER}||You give {PLAYER} some sass by getting in his face and snapping your fingers, swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.||Player gives you some sass by getting in your face and snapping his fingers, swinging his hand up in an arc while snaking his head.
|Sassy {SELF}||You sassy man! Try someone else.||Player glances at his fingers and smirks to himself, looking highly amused.
|Silly||Out of sheer boredom, you try to snap your fingers and twiddle your thumbs at the same time, wondering if you look as ridiculous as you feel. Just when you think you've succeeded, you mangle your fingers instead. Ouch!||Player ambitiously attempts to snap his fingers and twiddle his thumbs simultaneously, but fails horribly, having to nurse his hurting hands instead.
|Showy||You snap your fingers with a flourish, flicking a coin into midair before deftly catching it again. Yeah, you're that good.||Player casually flicks a coin with a snap of his fingers, sending it flying end over end, before snatching it out of midair with a winning smile.
|Single||You snap your middle finger against your palm, foregoing the use of your thumb. Nevertheless, you manage to produce a sound of impressive magnitude.||Player loudly snaps a single finger against his palm in an impressive display of manual dexterity.
|Slap||You snap the fingers of both hands concurrently, and then quickly slap your palms together. You repeat the trick over and over, increasing your speed until you finally lose your control.||Player snaps the fingers of both his hands concurrently, and then quickly slaps them together. He keeps performing the stunt, increasing the speed as he continues. Unfortunately, he can't keep it up forever, but it sure looked fun while it lasted!
|Soft||You softly snap your fingers as if wondering what to do next.||Player snaps his fingers thoughtfully as if wondering what to do next.
|Suave {PLAYER}||Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. Creating an "L" with your thumb and forefinger, you point your hand at {PLAYER} in an exaggerated manner so everyone knows you're top dog.||Winking one eye and tilting his head, Player snaps his fingers. He forms an "L" with his thumb and forefinger and points at you, looking rather suave.
|Suave {SELF}||Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. To finish the suave move, you ball your fist and stick your thumb in the air.||Winking one eye and tilting his head, Player snaps his fingers. Looking suave, he balls his fist and sticks his thumb in the air.
|Tease {PLAYER}||You snap twice in {PLAYER}'s direction to get his attention, giving him a playful wink.||You hear snapping fingers from Player's direction, who is either flirting with you or teasing you. It's hard to tell.
|Tease {SELF}||You're such a tease.||Player licks the tip of his finger and places it on his hip. Pretending to have burned himself, he pulls his hand away quickly and covers his open mouth in mock surprise.
|Wave||Pointing your elbows away from your body, you bring your hands in front of your face and double snap. You then splay your fingers emphatically and move your hands outward in opposite directions, creating a theatrical wave motion as you wiggle your digits.||Performing the ever spirited snap and wave technique, you watch knowingly as Player creates a theatrical show with his wiggling fingers.
|Win {PLAYER}||You nod your head and give a quick snap toward {PLAYER}, acknowledging his accomplishments.||Player briskly snaps his fingers while nodding in your direction. Someone is impressed!
|Win {SELF}||You're a winner!||Player raises his arm and sticks his forefinger straight up into the air, beaming like he just won the lottery.
|Worry||You pace back and forth, snapping your fingers as you dwell on worrisome thoughts.||Player looks very concerned about something, his emotions betrayed by the way he is unconsciously snapping his fingers and pacing about.

Latest revision as of 18:06, 7 February 2025

Role-playing commands for various types of snapping and hand motions. Snap has special messaging for humans, with some addition special messaging for all races.
SNAP (everyone)

You see: You snap your fingers.
Others see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers.


Verb Actions
SNAP (body nose) First Person: Cupping your face with your hands, you slyly press your fingers to the bridge of your nose while sticking your thumb inside your mouth. You pluck your front teeth with the tip of your nail to create a cracking sound, carefully keeping your mouth and nose hidden from view. You coordinate the noise with the motion of your fingers, creating the illusion of snapping your nose back and forth.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: Cupping <his/her> face with <his/her> hands, <Person> presses <his/her> fingers to the bridge of <his/her> nose. Suddenly, <he/she> pushes <his/her> nose to the right, creating a horrible snapping noise! <He/She> repeats the motion to the left and cracks it back into place.
SNAP (body neck) First Person: Pressing the palm of one hand under your chin, you jerk your neck wildly to the side, causing a loud pop. You let out an involuntary sigh as your body relaxes.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> grasps <his/her> chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see <him/her> visibly relax.
SNAP (body back) First Person: You clutch your lower back and quickly twist from side to side. You hear a series of loud pops and sigh, feeling your body relax slightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> grasps <his/her> lower back and twists roughly from side to side. You hear a loud pop and see <him/her> visibly relax.
SNAP (body <left/right> arm) First Person: You stretch your <left/right> arm across your chest, pulling it tight to your body by pushing with your <right/left> hand on the elbow. After you hear your shoulder make a satisfactory pop, you violently release your arm and snap it around in the opposite direction, creating a few more choice cracking noises in your upper back.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> stretches <his/her> <left/right> arm across <his/her> chest, pulling it tight to <his/her> body with <his/her> other hand. You hear a soft pop from <Person>'s shoulder, and <he/she> suddenly whips <his/her> arm around to crack <his/her> upper back.
SNAP (body <left/right> hand) First Person: You use the palm of your <right/left> hand to push down upon the backs of the fingers on your <left/right>, directly on the joints. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, your knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Then, you steeple your hands together and press the <left/right> hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. You clench and unclench your fist a few times to relax the muscles once again.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> pushes directly on the joints of <his/her> left hand with the palm of <his/her> right. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, <his/her> knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Next, <he/she> steeples <his/her> hands together and presses the <left/right> hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. Finally, <Person> clenches and unclenches <his/her> fist a few times after the grueling ritual.
SNAP (body <left/right> leg) First Person: You straighten your <left/right> leg completely by pointing the tip of your toes toward the ground and lifting your heel. With a quick jerk, you kick your foot backwards under your body and flip it forward again. Your knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when you wiggle and stretch your leg again after the initial maneuver.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> straightens <his/her> <left/right> leg completely by pointing the tip of <his/her> toes toward the ground and lifting <his/her> heel. With a quick jerk, <he/she> kicks <his/her> foot backwards and flips it forward. <His/Her> knee emits a few snapping sounds during the process, particularly when <he/she> wiggles and stretches <his/her> leg afterwards.
SNAP (body <left/right> foot) First Person: You lift your <left/right> foot up off the ground and rotate your ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic movement.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> lifts <his/her> <left/right> foot up off the ground and rotates <his/her> ankle several times, starting off clockwise and eventually reversing the motions. A few muted snaps and pops are the result of the deliberate, rhythmic motions.


Verb Actions
SNAP (alternate) First Person: You snap first with your right hand and then your left. You repeat the routine a few times before you get bored.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps first with <his/her> right hand and then with <his/her> left. <He/She> repeats the routine a few times to display how talented <his/her> fingers are.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps a syncopated rhythm, switching off between right and left hands.
SNAP (angry) First Person: You snap your fingers as you seethe in attempt to keep down your anger.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> seethes angrily, snapping <his/her> fingers warningly.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers like the beat of a war drum.
SNAP (annoy) First Person: You raise your hand up and begin to snap incessantly, trying to annoy everyone around you.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> raises <his/her> hand up and starts to snap incessantly. It's very annoying, and you wish <he/she> would stop.
Non-Humans see: <Person> raises <his/her> hand up and snaps incessantly while trying to hide a mischievous smirk.
SNAP (applaud) First Person: You snap your fingers in poetic appreciation, marveling in the thrill of onomatopoeia and alliteration.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> repeatedly snaps <his/her> fingers, respectfully acknowledging tasteful, artistic expression.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers pompously around the area.
SNAP (approve) First Person: You snap your fingers rapidly in approval, showing everyone how truly nonchalant you are.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> raises <his/her> hands slightly and snaps rapidly as <he/she> nods <his/her> head lazily in approval.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers rapidly, either to stay awake or acknowledge something.
SNAP (bored) First Person: With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you snap your fingers, wondering how long you can keep going at the same pace before either your fingers start to ache or you lose interest. You manage to last for several moments before your finger and thumb slide silently away from each other, failing to produce the same crisp snap as before. Oh, well! Better luck next time.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: With a look of concentration written clearly across <his/her> face, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers repeatedly, managing to keep the pace steady and constant for several breathless moments. Impressive!
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <him/her> fingers repetitiously, the loud sounds quickly grating on your nerves.
SNAP (command <self>) First Person: You snap your fingers at yourself. Now that is really taking command!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: Others see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at himself.
SNAP at target (command <person>) First Person: You snap your fingers once at <Person> and point at the ground in front of you.
Second Person: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at you and points down at the ground in front of <him/her>!
Third Person: <Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers at <Person2> and points at <his/her> feet.
SNAP at target (command <person> <direction>) First Person: You snap your fingers once at <Person> and point <direction>.
Second Person: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers at you and points <direction>.
Third Person: <Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers at <Person2> and points <direction>.
SNAP (curse) First Person: You snap your fingers and throw down your arms, accepting defeat. Oh, well, maybe next time!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers as <he/she> misses <his/her> chance.
Others see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers once and looks sheepish.
SNAP (disgusted) First Person: You snap your fingers once and spit in a display of pure disgust.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers once and spits in a display of pure disgust.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and then spits. How vulgar!
SNAP (drink) First Person: You snap your fingers, ordering everyone a drink on the house!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, noting everyone's thirst, and orders drinks on the house!
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, signaling it's time to drink!
SNAP (easy) First Person: You casually snap your fingers, emphasizing how easy things are.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> casually snaps <his/her> fingers, trying to tell you that it's a cinch.
Non-Humans see: <Person> casually snaps <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (fail <self>) First Person: You're a loser!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> scrunches up his face, looking unattractive and very undignified.
SNAP at target (fail <person>) First Person: You shake your head and give a quick succession of loud snaps toward <Person>, indicating your disapproval.
Second Person: <Person> completes a rapid succession of loud snaps while shaking <his/her> head at you. Someone is not pleased!
Third Person: <Person1> scowls and shakes <his/her> head at <Person2> while snapping rapidly.
SNAP (fierce) First Person: Narrowing your eyes and pursing your lips, you snap your fingers and punch your thigh in a conspicuous display of ferocity.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> fixes <his/her> face into a fierce expression before snapping <his/her> fingers and punching <his/her> thigh conspicuously.
Non-Humans see: <Person> looks disgruntled as <he/she> snaps once and punches <his/her> thigh.
SNAP (flirt) First Person: You snap your fingers and pucker your lips, unafraid in the face of love.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> puckers <his/her> lips as <he/she> snaps <his/her> fingers, unabashedly vying for your attention.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers beckoningly in what appears to be some bizarre mating ritual.
SNAP (happy) First Person: You snap your fingers to a happy beat and dance around excitedly!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers to a happy beat and dances around excitedly!
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and moves around like a madman!
SNAP (idea) First Person: You snap your fingers smartly, grinning at your new idea!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers smartly, grinning as if he has an idea.
Non-Humans see: <Person> grins and snaps <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (loud) First Person: You raise your arm in the air and loudly snap your fingers, demanding attention.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers loudly in the air, trying to get your attention.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers loudly!
SNAP (multi) First Person: You nimbly run your thumb across all four fingers, creating a multilayered snapping noise.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> nimbly runs <his/her> thumb across all of <his/her> fingertips to create an unusual snapping noise.
Non-Humans see: <Person> somehow makes a snapping noise using all of <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (music) First Person: You snap your fingers and nod your head to your own unique beat.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and nods <his/her> head to <his/her> own beat.
Non-Humans see: <Person> attempts to snap <his/her> fingers and bob <his/her> head at the same time.
SNAP (nervous) First Person: You nervously snap your fingers in anticipation of the worst outcome.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> bites <his/her> lower lip and repeatedly snaps <his/her> fingers in an attempt to calm <his/her> nerves.
Non-Humans see: <Person> bites <his/her> lower lip and clumsily snaps <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (ponder) First Person: You snap your fingers repeatedly as you ponder a missing thought. You know you just had it, but you just can't seem to remember.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> quickly snaps <his/her> fingers as <he/she> tries to jog <his/her> memory.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers wildly!
SNAP (proud) First Person: You slightly raise your head up and smirk as you pointedly snap your fingers, proud of your latest accomplishments.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> lifts <his/her> chin and smirks, pointedly snapping <his/her> fingers, obviously proud of <himself/herself>.
Non-Humans see: <Person> smirks and pointedly snaps <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (quick) First Person: You quickly snap your fingers letting everyone know it's time to move!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> quickly snaps <his/her> fingers in attempt to get everyone going.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers in a very agitated fashion.
SNAP (roll) First Person: Facing your palm upward, you snap, flatten your fingers, and roll your wrist around in a circle. As you rotate your hand, you turn it so your palm faces downward and move it away from your body in a smooth motion.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> does the snap and roll, fluidly executing the motions in a veritable ballet of finger and wrist movements. Exuding confidence, <he/she> winks at you, a fellow Human.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers and rolls <his/her> wrist, trying to look cool.
SNAP (sassy) First Person: You show off your sassy attitude by snapping your fingers and swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> shows <his/her> sassiness by snapping <his/her> fingers and swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <him/her> fingers and swings <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.
SNAP (sassy <self>) First Person: You sassy <man/woman>! Try someone else.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> glances at <his/her> fingers and smirks to <himself/herself>, looking highly amused.
SNAP at target (sassy <person>) First Person: You give <Person> some sass by getting in her face and snapping your fingers, swinging your hand up in an arc while snaking your head.
Second Person: <Person> gives you some sass by getting in your face and snapping <his/her> fingers, swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.
Third Person: <Person> gets really close to <Person> face and snaps <his/her> fingers, swinging <his/her> hand up in an arc while snaking <his/her> head.
SNAP (silly) First Person: Out of sheer boredom, you try to snap your fingers and twiddle your thumbs at the same time, wondering if you look as ridiculous as you feel. Just when you think you've succeeded, you mangle your fingers instead. Ouch!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> ambitiously attempts to snap <his/her> fingers and twiddle <his/her> thumbs simultaneously, but fails horribly, having to nurse <his/her> hurting hands instead.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers awkwardly, hurting <himself/herself>. Silly Human!
SNAP (showy) First Person: You snap your fingers with a flourish, flicking a coin into midair before deftly catching it again. Yeah, you're that good.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> casually flicks a coin with a snap of <his/her> fingers, sending it flying end over end, before snatching it out of midair with a winning smile.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers, sending a coin spinning into midair with amazing ease before snatching it back.
SNAP (single) First Person: You snap your middle finger against your palm, foregoing the use of your thumb. Nevertheless, you manage to produce a sound of impressive magnitude.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> loudly snaps a single finger against <his/her> palm in an impressive display of manual dexterity.
Non-Humans see: <Person> makes a sharp snapping noise using only one finger!
SNAP (slap) First Person: You snap the fingers of both hands concurrently, and then quickly slap your palms together. You repeat the trick over and over, increasing your speed until you finally lose your control.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps the fingers of both <his/her> hands concurrently, and then quickly slaps them together. <He/She> keeps performing the stunt, increasing the speed as <he/she> continues. Unfortunately, <he/she> can't keep it up forever, but it sure looked fun while it lasted!
Non-Humans see: <Person> creates a lot of noise by snapping <his/her> fingers and slapping <his/her> hands. After a while, <he/she> stops when <he/she> can no longer keep up the frenetic pace.
SNAP (soft) First Person: You softly snap your fingers as if wondering what to do next.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers thoughtfully as if wondering what to do next.
Non-Humans see: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers softly.
SNAP (suave) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.

{{verb|snap|Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. To finish the suave move, you ball your fist and stick your thumb in the air.|-|
Humans see: Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. Looking suave, <he/she> balls <his/her> fist and sticks <his/her> thumb in the air.
Non-Humans see: Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. For no apparent reason other than to amuse <himself/herself>, <he/she> balls <his/her> fist and sticks <his/her> thumb in the air.|suave <self>}

SNAP at target (suave <person>) First Person: Winking one eye and tilting your head, you snap your fingers. Creating an "L" with your thumb and forefinger, you point your hand at <Person> in an exaggerated manner so everyone knows you're top dog.
Second Person: Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers. <He/She> forms an "L" with <his/her> thumb and forefinger and points at you, looking rather suave.
Third Person: Winking one eye and tilting <his/her> head, <Person1> snaps <his/her> fingers. <He/She> forms an "L" with <his/her> thumb and forefinger and points at <Person2> in an apparent attempt to look suave.
SNAP (tease) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SNAP (tease <self>) First Person: You're such a tease.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> licks the tip of <his/her> finger and places it on <his/her> hip. Pretending to have burned <himself/herself>, <he/she> pulls <his/her> hand away quickly and covers <his/her> open mouth in mock surprise.
SNAP at target (tease <person>) First Person: You snap twice in <Person>'s direction to get <his/her> attention, giving <him/her> a playful wink.
Second Person: You hear snapping fingers from <Person>'s direction, who is either flirting with you or teasing you. It's hard to tell.
Third Person: <Person> snaps <his/her> fingers twice at <Person> as <he/she> gives <him/her> a teasing wink.
SNAP (wave) First Person: Pointing your elbows away from your body, you bring your hands in front of your face and double snap. You then splay your fingers emphatically and move your hands outward in opposite directions, creating a theatrical wave motion as you wiggle your digits.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: Performing the ever spirited snap and wave technique, you watch knowingly as <Person> creates a theatrical show with <his/her> wiggling fingers.
Non-Humans see: <Person> sticks <his/her> elbows out awkwardly and snaps in front of <his/her> own face. <He/She> then jerks <his/her> hands open and wiggles <his/her> fingers, looking quite ridiculous.
SNAP (win) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SNAP (win <self>) First Person: You're a winner!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> raises <his/her> arm and sticks <his/her> forefinger straight up into the air, beaming like <he/she> just won the lottery.
SNAP at target (win <person>) First Person: You nod your head and give a quick snap toward <Person>, acknowledging <his/her> accomplishments.
Second Person: <Person> briskly snaps <his/her> fingers while nodding in your direction. Someone is impressed!
Third Person: Others see: <Person1> nods to <Person2> and snaps <his/her> fingers.
SNAP (worry) First Person: You pace back and forth, snapping your fingers as you dwell on worrisome thoughts.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person:
Humans see: <Person> looks very concerned about something, <his/her> emotions betrayed by the way <he/she> is unconsciously snapping <his/her> fingers and pacing about.
Non-Humans see: <Person> keeps quietly snapping <his/her> fingers while ignoring you.

Other Races Trying Human-Only Snaps

Verb Actions
SNAP (Dwarf) First Person: You glance at your fingers suspiciously for a moment before deciding you probably have better things to do than attempt that Human trick.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> stares suspiciously at <his/her> fingers as if they had a mind of their own.
SNAP (Elf) First Person: Snap your fingers like THAT? What a vulgar idea!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name>'s fingers twitch uncomfortably.
SNAP (Elothean) First Person: The time it would take to actually accomplish snapping your fingers in that manner just wouldn't be worth the effort.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> studies <his/her> fingers, shrugs, then lowers them.
SNAP (Gor'Tog) First Person: Maybe that's a trick best left to Humans.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> glances at <his/her> hands for a moment.
SNAP (Gnome/Halfling) First Person: With great concentration, you try over and over to snap your small fingers like that, but you just can't seem to manage it.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> furrows <his/her> brow and rubs <his/her> fingers together vigorously.
SNAP (Kaldar/Rakash) First Person: You rub your fingers together, making a soft sound with them, but you really can't fathom the significance.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> rubs <his/her> fingers together quickly, a puzzled look on <his/her> face.
SNAP (Prydaen) First Person: You snap your furry fingers.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> produces a muffled snap with the pads of <his/her> furry fingers.
SNAP (S'kra) First Person: Snap your fingers that way, like a Human? Next you'll probably want your tail crimped back.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Name> glances at <his/her> fingers for a moment and shudders slightly.