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== Date ==
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Revision as of 03:27, 26 January 2025

Asildu Invades with Drakes
Event Date: 1/16/2025
Event Instance: Prime

Log in Progress. Not yet complete.


It has been 451 years, 280 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Amber Phoenix.
It is currently fall and it is late evening.
You're positive it's 14 roisaen before the Anlas of Anduwen.

The start of "Asildu's Ride"

  • Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "A nice rainy evening, I see."

The rain increases in severity and is now a severe downpour.

[General] Your mind hears Xionara thinking, "Asildu! Come join at Forkbeard's! Drinking!"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Hmm. Sounds dangerous."

[General] Your mind hears Xionara thinking, "only if insult dwarves on beards. Otherwise safe"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Something tells me that wouldn't be the case for me."

The evening sky darkens, and a mass of winged creatures descends from the sky amidst the rain, circling slowly around Therenborough. As they lower themselves toward the ground, you can distinctly make out a mass of pristine drakes surrounding the Keep.

A Keep crier steps in and announces, "Asildu is surrounding Therenborough! Guards, to the walls! Adventurers, prepare for an attack! Defend the Keep!" He then rushes off.

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "This looks like a good night to take a stroll around Therenborough."

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "I hope to see you there."

[General] Your mind hears Xionara thinking, "will come find after drinking game. We have winner! Rhadyn proving dwarveses drink best!"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "I do enjoy visitors."

Asildu Invades Therenborough

[Therenborough, Horseman's Run]
This wide dirt pathway borders the southern end of the town, providing riders with easy access to the main streets. A vast square, paved with granite and filled with milling people, opens up to the north. To either side of it, smaller buildings made from dusty red bricks and quaint thatched cottages are scattered between impressive marble structures. You also see the heraldic company, and a news stand with a couple of things on it.

A Heraldic commander issues forth a fierce war cry! Within moments, every soldier of the the heraldic company echoes him. The unsettling cry lingers in the air.

You notice as a white dog pads into the area.

The white dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Asildu pets the white dog.

The heralds of the heraldic company bring their horns to lip, and sound out a fierce war blare. Trumpeters echo the call.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived, leading his group.

The white dog growls, "Hello bad man."

Picnic Basketcase Allye just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Rekletuzrit thinking, "the heavy rains are great for strolling"

Asildu says, "Hello, puppy."

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers east, leading his group.

Allye glances at Asildu.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Allye.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Allye.

Allye asks, "What are you doing here?"

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

The immaculate drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Allye and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Allye squares against the powerful currents, leaning into her gais lotus!

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Allye.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Allye.

The white dog sits down.

Allye says, "Oh, that's what you're doing here."

Allye retreats from combat.
Allye retreats from combat.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Allye.
The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Ezerak.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Allye frowns.

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Allye.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "It doesn't have to be this way, you know."

The pristine drake begins to advance on Ezerak.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Ezerak.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Allye.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Ezerak.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Allye.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Allye.

The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Allye.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "No, it didn't have to."

The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Ezerak.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Ezerak.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Allye.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Allye.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Ezerak.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Ezerak.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Ezerak.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Ezerak.

The immaculate drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

An immaculate drake growls lowly and swings at Allye. Allye counters little of the barbed tail with a cerulean sprite-bone parry stick tangled in withered vines.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye!

Sir Madigan just arrived, leading his group.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "You could still break away from Them."

Madigan begins to advance on Asildu.

Madigan draws himself to full height, rallying his comrades with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!

Dantia assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Madigan.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Madigan says, "Lead is up."

The immaculate drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Allye!
A dancing flame springs into existence between an immaculate drake and Allye, quickly growing into a raging inferno. A large golden lion steps proudly out of the fire, drawing the flames with it like a shroud. Baring brightly glowing fangs, the lion pounces on Allye!

The lion slashes at Allye with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Madigan closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Madigan.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Madigan.

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Dantia and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!

  • Knocking Dantia aside, Madigan deflects the immaculate drake's attack with his pavise shield!

You wince as a white dog barks loudly at an immaculate drake.

Asildu gets a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head from inside his scholar's satchel.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Dantia.

Allye joins Madigan's group.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him.
With strength, Madigan slices a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu fails to dodge. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right hand!

The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off bright waves of light as it resists the attack.
Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dantia.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Madigan.

With a sudden cross-body move, Ezerak draws his throwing axe and glaes pasabas from his belt.

Madigan closes to melee range on Asildu.

The pristine drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Dantia. The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dantia.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

Allye traces a gossamer pattern in the air.

Drakes swoop low across the area, exhaling a line of flame that scorches everything in their path before circling away. Dantia bursts into flames! Madigan bursts into flames! Ezerak bursts into flames! Allye bursts into flames! Dantia is stunned! Madigan is stunned! Ezerak is stunned! Allye is stunned!

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Madigan.

Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor. A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face! Dantia shakes off the stun.

A stunned Allye slowly tips over, falling on her face! Allye shakes off the stun. A stunned Ezerak slowly tips over, falling on his face! Ezerak shakes off the stun. A stunned Madigan slowly tips over, falling on his face! Madigan shakes off the stun.

Madigan appears stronger, while Dantia seems to weaken. The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Madigan. The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Madigan. The pristine drake closes to melee range on Madigan. The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Dantia. The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Madigan. The pristine drake closes to melee range on Ezerak. The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Dantia. Allye stands up.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "I love how easy you make that sound."

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Asildu hitting Theren. Roll out folks."

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Dantia.

Moving well, an immaculate drake lurches forward and slashes at Allye. Allye fails to evade. The sharp claw lands a good strike (3/23) that wounds her deeply across the upper left arm, lightly stunning her!

Dantia frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume her chest!

Allye screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest! Ezerak screams in agony and thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest! Madigan frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest! Ezerak rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Madigan continues to roll around frantically. Allye slowly tips over and falls down. Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Moving as a single sinuous force, an immaculate drake slashes fiercely at Allye. Allye badly fails to block with a cerulean sprite-bone parry stick tangled in withered vines. The sharp claw lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts deeply into her right tricep!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! Ezerak deflects a bolt with his small shield! The branded lines of fire on Allye burn with a faint red color! A bolt glances off Allye's gais lotus, causing a shower of sparks. A bolt strikes Allye in the right leg, blasting away flesh and exposing bone! Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ezerak moves a light haralun throwing axe to his left hand. Ezerak moves a blue-black glaes pasabas with a silversteel swept hilt to his right hand. Ezerak continues to roll around frantically. Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air. Dantia continues to roll around frantically. Allye rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan! A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks. Ezerak flinches as a bolt grazes his left leg and scorches the skin. The branded lines of fire on Allye burn with a faint red color! A bolt glances off Allye's gais lotus, causing a shower of sparks. Allye stares in shock at the remains of her right arm as it is blown completely off her body by a lightning bolt.

Moving fluidly, a pristine drake lashes at Allye. Allye badly fails to block with a cerulean sprite-bone parry stick tangled in withered vines. The barbed tail lands a hard hit (5/23) that blasts clean through the right leg with a well-placed swing that throws blood and bone splinters everywhere!

Madigan stands up.

The wounds afflicting Madigan gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Dantia's flesh. The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

Fluidly, an immaculate drake lurches forward and slashes at Allye. Allye fails to evade, mainly avoiding the blow. The sharp claw lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles!

Ezerak continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Madigan grabs hold of Asildu in a tight grip.

Dantia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.

Allye frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume her chest!

Attacking gracefully, a pristine drake charges at Allye. Allye badly fails to parry with a cerulean sprite-bone parry stick tangled in withered vines. The body lands a good strike (3/23) that cuts deeply into the small of the back!

Allye stands up.

Allye retreats from combat. Madigan points a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart at Asildu. Madigan puts his wand in his traveler's pack.

Allye retreats from combat. Asildu begins to focus intently on Allye. Picnic Basketcase Allye limps south.

Madigan slices a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu evades, barely managing to get out of the way.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's neck! Madigan is lightly stunned!

Ezerak stands up.

Ezerak hangs his throwing axe from his belt.

Ezerak hangs his glaes pasabas from his belt. It rattles against the throwing axe hanging from his belt, and he adjusts them.

Ezerak draws forth an oversized kertig maul capped with a viciously sharp warklin impaler. Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing. The immaculate drake is enraged by Ezerak's attack. Ezerak dashes quickly at an immaculate drake, attacking it with crashing blows! Ezerak's kertig maul lands a hard hit to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Timing it well, Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu badly fails to parry with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg! Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's neck!

Madigan frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu dodges, leaning to one side with no room to spare. Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest! Ezerak puts his maul in his hip pouch. Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!

Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. With great skill, Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu attempts to dodge. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen!

Ezerak draws forth a rosewood spear with a viciously serrated head. Ezerak takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly. The immaculate drake is enraged by Ezerak's attack. Ezerak swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his spear! Ezerak's rosewood spear lands a very heavy hit to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. With skill, Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu badly fails to block with a bloodwood walking stick with a carved dragon's head. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm! Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Ezerak sheathes his rosewood spear.

Ezerak takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly. The immaculate drake is enraged by Ezerak's attack. Ezerak unleashes a palm strike! Ezerak's errant claw results in nothing more than a soft thud against an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

Madigan breaks away from Asildu.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Ezerak deftly removes the glaes pasabas from his belt.

Madigan frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest! The flames extinguish themselves.

The immaculate drake swiftly bounds north in search of new prey.

  • The pristine drake attempts to attack Dantia but Madigan intercepts the strike with his pavise shield!
  • Madigan hoists his pavise shield, absorbing the immaculate drake's attack intended for Dantia!

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air. The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan! The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off shimmering light in the wake of the attack. Madigan's pavise shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry! The slurry splatters about his abdomen leaving the flesh reddened and splotched with yellow and white.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. With strength, Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu fails to evade. The zweihander ignites blood-red, unleashing tendrils of wicked fire and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right leg!

Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Asildu's keratosis flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

  • Knocking Dantia aside, Madigan deflects the immaculate drake's attack with his pavise shield!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's head! With a violent cross-body motion, Ezerak draws his throwing axe.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

] Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her chest! The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left eye!

As if fumbling muscle flab were natural, Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu evades, stepping out of harm's way. Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

As if fumbling muscle flab were natural, Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu dodges, managing to get out of the way with a minimum of effort.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu begins chanting in a low tone, the whispered words crackling from his lips. Slowly, he raises his voice, and as he does so you can feel the faint stirrings of warm winds caress your body as a flurry of rapidly melting snowflakes form about him.

Mage Aerilia just arrived. Mage Aerilia runs north.

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that gouges her forehead, severely stunning her! The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm! Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Dantia stands up.

Picnic Basketcase Allye just arrived.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Allye joins Madigan's group. Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Allye. Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him. The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed. The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to Ezerak's chest!

* Ezerak was just struck down! 
* Ezerak is slain before your eyes!

The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to a champion veteran drake's dragonlike snout! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen! The pristine drake is stunned! Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander flares blood-red, blazing forth tendrils of wicked fire and lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg! Asildu's keratosis flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Ezerak says to Asildu, "It's worth trying."

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left hand!

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

A helix of blue and white light swirls around Ezerak!

Allye retreats from combat.

Allye retreats from combat.

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

The blue and white helix continues to swirl around Ezerak. Wounds and minute imperfections along his body begin to fade in a brilliant supernatural display!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan! A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Ezerak, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his left eye. Ezerak is stunned!

The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and intercepts the attack with a shower of coruscating light. Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Dantia! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Ezerak, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his head.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks. Ezerak jumps as a lightning bolt grazes his neck.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm! Mage Aerilia just arrived.

Thrusting her snout at Aerilia and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air! Aerilia's Ethereal Shield crackles as the magic-infused winds buffet her. The powerful gale coming from the immaculate drake slams into Aerilia's right hand! The currents continue to swirl about Aerilia, leaving her unbalanced and hindering her movements!

Ezerak stands up.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to Dantia's right leg! Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. Aerilia's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind. Aerilia's ethereal shield crackles with energy! The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to Aerilia's right hand! Aerilia is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Allye's right arm! The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg! The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Ezerak's abdomen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck! The pristine drake is stunned!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

  • Madigan hurls himself in front of Dantia, taking the brunt of the immaculate drake's blow against his pavise shield!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! A bolt glances off Dantia's smokewhorl shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Dantia, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her right leg. Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. Aerilia's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind. The veil of ice surrounding Aerilia's face swirls and twinkles as it absorbs the immaculate drake's spell pattern. A bolt glances off Allye's gais lotus, causing a shower of sparks. Allye's right arm jerks involuntarily as it is struck by a lightning bolt! Allye is stunned! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! Ezerak deflects a bolt with his small shield!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest! Dantia touches Ezerak with a confident grace.

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Dantia! Aerilia's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind. The veil of ice surrounding Aerilia's face shatters with a loud *CRACK* as it absorbs some of the immaculate drake's spell pattern. Aerilia's ethereal shield crackles with energy! A bolt glances off Aerilia's target shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Aerilia, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her left leg. Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Ezerak!

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! Aerilia's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind. Aerilia's ethereal shield crackles with energy! A bolt glances off Aerilia's target shield, causing a shower of sparks. Aerilia flinches as a bolt grazes her back and scorches the skin. A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Ezerak!

Aerilia retreats from combat.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! Aerilia's dark mantle of aether flutters angrily as if caught in a sudden wind. Aerilia's ethereal shield crackles with energy! A bolt glances off Aerilia's target shield, causing a shower of sparks. A lightning bolt tears into Aerilia's back like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Aerilia is slain before your eyes!

Aerilia's darkened eyes return to normal. The granite-like sheen vanishes from Aerilia. The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around Aerilia. Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Ezerak!

Allye tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an immaculate drake!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg! Allye retreats from combat. Allye retreats from combat.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's abdomen!

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's keratosis blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Picnic Basketcase Allye goes south.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest! The air around Madigan solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, losing most of its mass under the force of the attack. Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Asildu says to Ezerak, "When you think anyone else would agree, let me know."

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Asildu says, "Until then, everyone seems content to kill me."

Deep, resonant tones enter Asildu's voice as he raises it in the chorus of his chant, his voice steady and disciplined. The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen! The pristine drake is stunned! The elemental maelstrom crashes over Madigan, but he is unharmed. The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a powerful strike (10/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's abdomen! Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.

Drakes swoop low across the area, exhaling a line of flame that scorches everything in their path before circling away. Dantia bursts into flames! Aerilia bursts into flames! Madigan bursts into flames! Ezerak bursts into flames! Dantia is stunned! Aerilia is stunned! Madigan is stunned! Ezerak is stunned!

Dantia tremors suddenly and rouses from her stupor. A stunned Dantia slowly tips over, falling on her face! Dantia shakes off the stun. Madigan shakes off his stun!

A stunned Ezerak slowly tips over, falling on his face! Ezerak shakes off the stun. Aerilia shakes off the stun.

Madigan says, "Just so." Ezerak rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan! A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks. Ezerak stares in shock at the remains of his left leg as it is blown completely off his body by a lightning bolt. Ezerak is severely stunned!

An immaculate drake slices wide at Ezerak. The sharp claw lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder!

An immaculate drake charges wide at Ezerak. The body lands a solid hit (4/23) that breaks the right femur with a sickening crunch of splintered bone!

 * Ezerak was just struck down! 
 * Ezerak is slain before your eyes!

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu says, "So I can return the favor."

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Madigan frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest! Dantia frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume her chest!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right hand!

Dantia continues to roll around frantically.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Madigan falls over. Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Dantia's right hand! Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. The admixture of flames and frost lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Madigan's abdomen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to a veteran pristine drake's scaly back! The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout! The immaculate drake is dealt a vicious stun!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield! A bolt glances off Madigan's pavise shield, causing a shower of sparks. Madigan's left leg jerks involuntarily as it is struck by a lightning bolt!

Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Madigan frantically thrashes around on the ground as the flames consume his chest!

Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. An immaculate drake lurches forward and slashes at Dantia. The sharp claw lands a light hit (1/23) to her abdomen!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! A bolt glances off Dantia's smokewhorl shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Dantia, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her head. Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!

Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.

Asildu begins to focus intently on Madigan.

Madigan stands up.

Madigan draws a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's back! Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Madigan's back! The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg! The pristine drake is stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest! The pristine drake is lightly stunned!

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg! Madigan frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume his chest!

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratoses ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm! Dantia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Madigan tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from Asildu!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's back!

Tirost begins to advance on Asildu.

Madigan shoves at some air in front of Asildu.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu.

Dantia lies down.

Chilled mist circles in front of Tirost for a moment and then darts forward! A long spike of jagged ice materializes in the air, coalescing toward Asildu! With movements as fluid as a dance, Asildu dodges away from the vicious spike.

Dantia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! The flames extinguish themselves.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small aqueous ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy lance. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! A bolt glances off Dantia's smokewhorl shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Dantia, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her left eye. Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. Dantia is lightly stunned! A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tirost! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!

The vapor surrounding Tirost coalesces into an icy blade that joins the six deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Dantia screams in pain as the sizzling flames continue to consume her chest! The flames extinguish themselves.

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air. The air around Asildu stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around him. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Madigan! Madigan's pavise shield is knocked aside by the frozen slurry! The slurry splatters about his back leaving the flesh reddened and raw.

Madigan retreats from combat. Tirost lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.

Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Dantia's right hand! Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg! The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Madigan's chest! The admixture of flames and frost lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! The admixture of flames and frost lands a massive strike (11/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg! The immaculate drake is stunned! The elemental maelstrom crashes over Tirost, but he is unharmed. Tirost closes to pole weapon range on Asildu.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Tirost lobs an icy javelin at Asildu. The icy javelin lands nearby!

Tirost is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his right hand shatter! Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Tirost!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Tirost's right hand!

Tirost closes to melee range on Asildu.

Dantia stands up.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Tirost gets a bottle of naphtha from inside his leather haversack. Tirost gets a bottle of naphtha from inside his leather haversack.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's keratoses flash, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scales! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her scaly back! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off an immaculate drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her dragonlike snout! The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's right arm!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's keratoses flare, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu. Tirost inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Asildu!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe flashes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's right arm!

An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a strong hit (6/23) to her muscular left leg! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her muscular left leg! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly chest! The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

An icy blade circling Tirost glances off an immaculate drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly back!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Closing his eyes, Tirost grunts briefly in effort as a small aqueous ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Tirost draws out an icy lance. As Tirost opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest! Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right arm!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

Tirost makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at Asildu. Tirost sidesteps and adjusts his footing. Tirost swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his lance!

Asildu deftly sidesteps Tirost's icy lance.

Asildu begins to focus intently on Tirost.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left arm!

An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her slitted right eye! The pristine drake is dealt a vicious stun! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her scaly chest! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off an immaculate drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her dragonlike snout!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out! A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake! Dantia's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen! A bolt glances off Dantia's smokewhorl shield, causing a shower of sparks. The worst of a bolt misses Dantia, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her right arm. Dantia does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury. Tirost deflects a bolt with his small shield! Madigan deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest! Tirost concentrates for a moment and an icy lance he is holding is replaced with an icy marauder blade.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe ignites, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's chest!

Asildu says, "Or I can let my friends here play a bit."

Zfora is revealed! The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Zfora's right leg! The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back! The admixture of flames and frost lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest! The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades. The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest! The pristine drake is lightly stunned! The sphere surrounding Tirost thrums with energy and he seems somehow empowered. The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Tirost's abdomen! The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's left hand!

Asildu voicelessly whispers to the air.

Zfora goes west.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu.

An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to her muscular left leg! The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades. An icy blade circling Tirost glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly chest! The pristine drake is severely stunned! An icy blade circling Tirost glances off an immaculate drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly abdomen! The immaculate drake is knocked completely senseless!

Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left leg!

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest! Asildu's keratoses blaze, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company! Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's left hand!

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's robe blazes, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a smoldering hit to Madigan's right leg!

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

A multicolored ward wavers about Asildu, softening Madigan's attack against him. Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to his chest!

Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting hit to Madigan's right hand!

Asildu begins to focus intently on Tirost.

Asildu's skin ripples like water, and their wounds disappear.

Picnic Basketcase Allye just arrived.

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at Asildu. Asildu's keratosis ignite, sending a red flame wave towards Madigan!

Asildu's flame wave lands a singeing strike to Madigan's left arm!

Asildu says, "Well, this is disappointing."

Asildu gestures, and disappears into a slowly fading cloud of aether.

Allye grabs Aerilia's body and drags it south with her.

Madigan says, "Lead is going, join up."

Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at an immaculate drake. The zweihander suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to his chest!

Driving in like the overwhelming force of a hurricane, Madigan feints a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to evade, avoiding most of the blow. The zweihander flares blood-red, unleashing a dreadful fury of fire and lands a hard hit (5/23) that temporarily knocks away his breath with a light blow to the chest!

Picnic Basketcase Allye just arrived.

Allye grabs Ezerak's body and drags it south with her.