Ranger/Spell Tree: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<imagemap> Image:Ranger_Spells.png|frameless|upright=4 rect 0 75 250 125 Compost (Utility) rect 0 225 250 275 Eagle's Cry (Targeted Magic) rect 0 575 250 625 See the Wind (Augmentation) rect 0 1025 250 1075 Athleticism (Augmentation) rect 300 75 550 125 Deadfall (Debilitation) rect 300 175 550 225 Harawep's Bonds (Debilitation) rect 300 275 550 325 Carrion Call|Carrion Call (T...")
No edit summary
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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File:Ranger Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
rect 0 75 250 125 [[Compost|Compost (Utility)]]
rect 20 60 180 100 [[Compost]]
rect 0 225 250 275 [[Eagle's Cry|Eagle's Cry (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 20 120 280 160 [[Eagle's Cry]]
rect 0 575 250 625 [[See the Wind|See the Wind (Augmentation)]]
rect 420 150 580 190 [[Carrion Call]]
rect 220 60 380 100 [[Deadfall]]
rect 0 1025 250 1075 [[Athleticism|Athleticism (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 75 550 125 [[Deadfall|Deadfall (Debilitation)]]
rect 420 90 580 130 [[Harawep's Bonds]]
rect 820 180 980 220 [[Devitalize]]
rect 300 175 550 225 [[Harawep's Bonds|Harawep's Bonds (Debilitation)]]
rect 620 90 780 130 [[Devolve]]
rect 300 275 550 325 [[Carrion Call|Carrion Call (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 300 375 550 425 [[Stampede|Stampede (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 620 150 780 190 [[Swarm]]
rect 300 475 550 525 [[Instinct|Instinct (Augmentation)]]
rect 1020 120 1180 160 [[Awaken Forest]]
rect 300 575 550 625 [[Wolf Scent|Wolf Scent (Augmentation)]]
rect 1220 180 1380 220 [[Bloodthorns]]
rect 300 675 550 725 [[Senses of the Tiger|Senses of the Tiger (Augmentation)]]
rect 1220 60 1380 100 [[Curse of the Wilds]]
rect 300 875 550 925 [[Essence of Yew|Essence of Yew (Warding)]]
rect 820 120 980 160 [[Plague of Scavengers]]
rect 300 1025 550 1075 [[Earth Meld|Earth Meld (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 20 340 180 380 [[See the Wind]]
rect 300 1175 550 1225 [[Hands of Lirisa|Hands of Lirisa (Augmentation)]]
rect 420 370 580 410 [[Embed the Cycle]]
rect 600 25 850 75 [[Awaken Forest|Awaken Forest (Utility)]]
rect 220 280 380 320 [[Instinct]]
rect 600 125 850 175 [[Devolve|Devolve (Debilitation)]]
rect 220 400 380 440 [[Senses of the Tiger]]
rect 600 225 850 275 [[Swarm|Swarm (Debilitation)]]
rect 220 340 380 380 [[Wolf Scent]]
rect 600 325 850 375 [[Devitalize|Devitalize (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 620 400 780 440 [[Claws of the Cougar]]
rect 600 475 850 525 [[Grizzly Claws|Grizzly Claws (Debilitation)]]
rect 620 280 780 320 [[Grizzly Claws]]
rect 600 575 850 625 [[Wisdom of the Pack|Wisdom of the Pack (Augmentation)]]
rect 820 370 980 410 [[River in the Sky]]
rect 600 675 850 725 [[Claws of the Cougar|Claws of the Cougar (Augmentation)]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Wisdom of the Pack]]
rect 1220 400 1380 440 [[Electrogenesis]]
rect 600 775 850 825 [[Embed the Cycle|Embed the Cycle (Warding)]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Cheetah Swiftness]]
rect 600 875 850 925 [[Forestwalker's Boon|Forestwalker's Boon (Warding)]]
rect 600 975 850 1025 [[Blend|Blend (Utility)]]
rect 1020 280 1180 320 [[Bear Strength]]
rect 20 560 180 600 [[Athleticism]]
rect 600 1075 850 1125 [[Skein of Shadows|Skein of Shadows (Augmentation, Warding)]]
rect 220 560 380 600 [[Earth Meld]]
rect 600 1175 850 1225 [[Oath of the Firstborn|Oath of the Firstborn (Augmentation)]]
rect 900 75 1150 125 [[Curse of the Wilds|Curse of the Wilds (Debilitation)]]
rect 220 620 380 660 [[Essence of Yew]]
rect 900 175 1150 225 [[Plague of Scavengers|Plague of Scavengers (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 500 380 540 [[Hands of Lirisa]]
rect 900 275 1150 325 [[Bloodthorns|Bloodthorns (Warding)]]
rect 620 560 780 600 [[Blend]]
rect 820 620 980 660 [[Forestwalker's Boon]]
rect 900 475 1150 525 [[Bear Strength|Bear Strength (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 620 500 780 540 [[Oath of the Firstborn]]
rect 900 675 1150 725 [[Cheetah Swiftness|Cheetah Swiftness (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 900 775 1150 925 [[River in the Sky|River in the Sky (Warding)]]
rect 820 530 980 570 [[Skein of Shadows]]
rect 1020 530 1180 570 [[Syamelyo Kuniyo]]
rect 900 925 1150 975 [[Memory of Nature|Memory of Nature (Utility)]]
rect 1020 610 1180 650 [[Memory of Nature]]
rect 900 1125 1150 1175 [[Syamelyo Kuniyo|Syamelyo Kuniyo (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 170 380 210 [[Stampede]]

Latest revision as of 16:26, 22 December 2024

CompostEagle's CryCarrion CallDeadfallHarawep's BondsDevitalizeDevolveSwarmAwaken ForestBloodthornsCurse of the WildsPlague of ScavengersSee the WindEmbed the CycleInstinctSenses of the TigerWolf ScentClaws of the CougarGrizzly ClawsRiver in the SkyWisdom of the PackElectrogenesisCheetah SwiftnessBear StrengthAthleticismEarth MeldEssence of YewHands of LirisaBlendForestwalker's BoonOath of the FirstbornSkein of ShadowsSyamelyo KuniyoMemory of NatureStampedeRanger Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
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