Post:Re: Something Stirs - 06/26/2024 - 08:49: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 14:52, 28 June 2024

Re: Something Stirs · on 06/26/2024 08:49 2274
Flickering across natural stone surfaces, torchlight casts twisting shadows about the area. A thin layer of moisture trickles down cavernous walls, the layers of sediment visible in extrusive formations that cluster about the room. A cool, damp air hangs over the room.

In the center of the room, the immobile, disrobed form of a S'Kra is suspended in a web of thousands of strands of shimmering gossamer. Her body is frozen, not restrained by the webbing, but from a paralytic magic that restrains any movement. Wide open and unblinking, her eyes focus on the shadows in front of her, despite how dry they have become from days stuck in this state.

From seemingly everywhere, she hears the voice of her captor, whom she only knows as the Spider, even as tiny lacerations begin opening on her skin, scales peeling apart like layers of an onion on their own -- seeping blood from the clean wounds from an invisible source.

"Your mind betrays you. We know who sent you -- why you were here. We know who you work for; we know what you wanted."

Her thoughts race. If the Spider knows all of these things, why keep her? What questions does the Spider still seek answer to?

"We want to see who comes for you."

The web of lacerations continue to form, rendering her scales latticed with a network of neatly cross-hatched wounds.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / Ilithi Events, by DR-IRENOS on the forums.