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(Created page with "{{PC |name=Zalinyar Braunroth |status=a |race=Elf |gender=Female |guild=Warrior Mage |instance=Fire is good |relat=Vaddon |toc=y }} In the beginning: Zalinyar was born to parents enslaved to the Queen. Her father, working in the stables, was ushered a quick death for providing a lame horse to her majesty's patrol; her mother, serving in the royal Princesses' rooms as a what the elven call nursemaid, heard of the horrid death of her husband and in fear of her infant dau...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 01:57, 21 April 2024

Zalinyar Braunroth
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Fire is good
Relatives Vaddon

In the beginning: Zalinyar was born to parents enslaved to the Queen. Her father, working in the stables, was ushered a quick death for providing a lame horse to her majesty's patrol; her mother, serving in the royal Princesses' rooms as a what the elven call nursemaid, heard of the horrid death of her husband and in fear of her infant daughters life and knowing her husbands fate, begged the princess whom she served to spare the life of her only child. Amidst the chaos of the war, the princess agreed to help sneak the elven servant and her infant daughter out of the mountains. They left in the dead of night, staying within the shadows they followed the track to the gondola where they boarded and hid beneath the windows. The babe started to cry. Both mother and princess hushed her, praying to the Thirteen to reach the far side of the chasm unoticed. When the gondola bumped to it's landing, the babe's mother, with tears streaming down her face, kissed the baby a farewell and handed her off to a halfling farmer's wife who promised her wellbeing. Coins were slipped through the Princess' fingers to the farm wife. Silently, the Princess held Zalinyars mother as she wept, royalty and servant locked together in a moment of unity. The gondola began it's return to the southern side.... and all you hear now is a ghostly wail. You may see the spirit of the princess, but Zalinyar's mother was taken to the Starry Road that day.

In the distant past

 Zalinyar, now known as Zali left the farmers home with a kiss upon the halfling woman's cheek and a promise that she would someday be someone in the world as she set out into the unknown world. She wandered north. She came unto Crossing Town, the Crossing it is called in these days, she is told. She sets out on her own, with not a friend in the world, save a young urban ranger which she met on the ferry across the river who kindly paid for her crossing since she didn't have a copper to her name. Ajathaer took her under his wing, and introduced her to his friends in Crossing. Little did she know.

In the near distant past:

Zalinyar was adopted into a band of urban rangers, and she loved her life. She was taked learing how to hunt, skin, kill, stalk and steal. They introduced her to fun and rum. She quite quickly fell in love with Ajathaer and bonded with him. He took her to a circus where she was in awe of those juggling fire. She wanted to do fire juggling, and practiced at every opportunity. She learned that she would have much better control over fire, were she to join the Warrior Mage Guild, so she did, and she advanced quickly. Rubare was her best friend, referring to her as Princess, because she had an affinity to pretty dresses. He bestowed upon her a golden crown, that she wears occasionally to this day. 
 Zalinyar was out hunting one day, working on her skinning skills. A voice came to her from the trees, declaring himself Damaris. The voice said he was displeased with her choice in asking for favors. As a Warrior Mage, Meraud was her natural choice. She has henseforth to this day, sent every favor to Damaris. Hearing his voice from the trees touched her heart, and her mind and perhaps darkened them both.
 Time passed. 
 One day, Ajathaer forced her at the point of a blade to cut their bond. Later she was told that her life was being threatened and he was only trying to protect her, How in love with him she was, yet she obediantly cut the bond. She slept for about six years after that loss.
 Zalinyar woke to the world of chaos in another war. As a young warrior mage, she hid behind the robes of her guild leader, and ran to drag her dead friends to the triage point. Back and forth she ran, as every time she tried to fight, she was slain.  She did not like having to run out in the midst of enemies to dig a grave, so she deined to not die. She began watching, and waiting for the ebbs and flows of the invasions. She would run out, cast a few quick spells, and grab a body and drag it to the triage unit. This war lasted far too long. 
 During these battles, she met Crupikte. She called him Crupcake, and that made him uncomfortable amongst his paladin friends but with her playful manner, it didn't matter. They bonded, and it was a short togetherness. Crupikte accused her of consorting with a necromancer, because she had played a game of knucklebones with Agalea, a cleric, who was a known consort of Zeheria a very known necromancer of our time. As a matter of fact, Zeheria actucally brought Crupikte and I a very lovely Glaes wedding gift, it ticked for a few moments, before it blew up and killed nearly every single wedding guest. 
Needless to say, the marriage was a bust, the reception a bang. Crupikte took his new wife north, and attempted to introduce her into Therengian Court Society. It is unknown whether her upbringing, or her rebellious youthful attitude that caused her undoing at that first audience with His Grace. She waited in line on the rope bridge, just like the hundreds of others who wished to attend the Baron's court.  When Zalinyar approached the gates of the keep, she was denied admittance, as the time had come and gone for public entry. Zalinyar took offense, as she was the wife of one of the Barons Guard, and demanded entry. She explained that her husband, Guardsman and member of the Court was inside, and she was delayed because of the bridge. Again she was denied entrance. She then ripped off her twelve thousand kronar ballgown, lit it on fire and attempted to start the gates of the keep on fire. When the guards were sent out, she thankfully avoided arrest. Later that evening, she also happily handed Crupikte his annulment. She was not one to be ruled by the Paladin, or watching him falsify his Code.
  Time passed again, she slept. She woke, resumed her training, formed new bonds with new friends, and found the Tavern Troupe. She joined, and had the time of her young life performing fire dances in the circus, climbing chimneys and flying with her dragon wings, making up stories about how those wings were procured, and singing songs of loss, longing, and joyous trysts. Zalinyar loved her time in the Tavern Troupe, as she was able to express herself in a way that made her heart sing. There came an event upon a Hallowed Eve, Spooky stories. Zakinyar was overly tired, and should have gone home to sleep but instead stayed to support her troup. One member was telling a story, a very long story, and she fell asleep. She will regret that for all of eternity. For when she woke, the crowd gathered was applauding, and she blinked sleepily, applauded, and made the mistake of saying "I fell asleep, but what I heard of your story was wonderful!" The Tavern Troup (at this point I should not include the entire troup but a select few, I shall withold their names, for sake of grace) then labeled her a bully, and mean. They banned her from their gatherings after that, and she wept, and did not understand why being too sleepy made her a bad person. The Troupe took her membership, and to this day, Zali is banned, per request of the Speaker of the Order. Politely she stays away, lest ****** and many try to drag her out if she shows up to a Tavern Troupe Event. Though this is a very painful and aching hurt that she endures, the strength she gained from the experience helped her learn to bury hurt. 

Chapter next.

  Zali decided to take another long nap after that very unfortunate incident with the Tavern Troupe, as her heart was already fragile, having suffered the loss of her first and second spouses. A time passed and she woke. Waking to a load of strangers and none familiar to her, she began to feel lonely and decided to do something about it. She came to host games of chance at the Town Greene in Crossing. Games of Guess were her favorite, though she hosted a plentitude of games. She was hosting a game of Guess when she met Greydok. The two war mages quickly formed a bond, and were inseperable. Then there was the ... 
 After Greydok, and what she went through, Zalinyar again mourned her loss and slept. This sleep was not restful, as she had dreams of war and invasion that eventually woke her.

Chapter two of Next

 Zalinyar was recruited to join the Order of the Dragon Shield, based in Riverhaven where she lives. She was quickly asked to join the council, and head up events. Zalinyar swore fealty to Baron Gyfford. She enjoyed nigh on two years of this adopted family.  The Speaker at the time, trained her in leadership and event submission and the innerworkings of the Order. Soon after, the speaker and her husband retired, and left the Order to the hands of the Council. Zalinyar was elected to be the vice speaker, and she accepted this new role with enthusiasm and hope. Bad things happened, and Zalinyar left the Order of the Dragon Shield broken hearted and feeling utterly defeated. She once again considered a long sleep, but decided that she wouldn't let the feeling of failure ruin her existence. 

Three of the next and, next to last

 After having been ostracized by the Order of the Dragon Shield, and while attempting to maintain her friendships with those who remained, she formed a jousting club, and took over the duties of the World Jousting Tournament. This was a huge and messy thing she too in. She adjusted tiers, and bought all the prizes for the first year with a few donations added to her personal funds. Funding quickly became no problem as many donated so prizes could be bought during festivals. In leaving her Dragon Shield past behind she marched forward with a new banner, thant of the Heart and Helm Jousting Club. YOu will often see her rub a badge she wears that says "Keep it up and you'll become the next body in my basement". THough she does not actually keep bodies in her basement, the threat is there and those who know better, should take heed. 

The nearest past

 Zalinyar started noticing that Baron Gyfford did not make a regular audience with the public. She noticed that a lot of the Court became unavailable to attend to their constituants. With her love of books, tomes and dusty musty libraries, she noticed that there were Paladin Libraries that were locked, and her smithing lacked the skills to open the doors, and desks locked. Zalinay became perplexed by the secrets the Paladin Council was hiding. In one of her meetings about lost and old books, she met Vaddon, a squire who served the Emerald Knights, and patroled Corik's Wall. 
 At said event, Zalinyar began to question the location of Highhold, and other parts of the history of the area, and it caught Vaddons attention. When she would leave the Darkfist, he would follow with questions. Vaddon and Zalinyar quickly became friends,  and soon after they kissed a rose and were bonded to what ever future adventures lead them. 

The Now

 Zalinyar and Vaddon tend to squabble about silly things like when she tried to pick the Barons bedroom door lock when she wanted to check and see if he was laying dead in his bed, and who will bring the brockett deer home for dinner. But over all, shes not shown him the backside of the basement door, and he takes his armor off before bed. The two are enjoying the life of newlyweds. Zalinyar still probes for the truth of the Paladin guild, and often takes advatage of her new spouses willingness to please by making him take her to paladin guild halls, and taking her for walks in the forrest that should contain the ancient High Hold fortress. 
 Ever an inquiring mind, Vaddon takes her, and shows her and she can never see what should be right in front of her eyes, no matter what spell she cast. Having been hurt so many times in her past, she has a hard time with him. She shows him her best side one day, and worst the next. How he continues to stand, stalwart at her side remains a mystery. Here here to Paladins.  And to the War Mage that does not keep them in hte basement. 

Stats & Skills
Circle 190
Strength 100 Agility 100 Intelligence 100 Wisdom 100
Stamina 100 Reflex 100 Discipline 100 Charisma 100
Shield Usage Light Armor Chain Armor Brigandine
Plate Armor Defending
Parry Ability Small Edged Large Edged Twohanded Edged
Small Blunt Large Blunt Twohanded Blunt Slings
Bows Crossbows Staves Polearms
Light Thrown Heavy Thrown Brawling Offhand Weapon
Melee Mastery Missile Mastery
Primary Magic Attunement Arcana Targeted Magic
Augmentation Debilitation Utility Warding
Evasion Athletics Perception Stealth
Locksmithing Thievery First Aid Outdoorsmanship
Forging Engineering Outfitting Alchemy
Enchanting Scholarship Mechanical Lore Appraisal
Performance Engineering