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Template:CraftTech: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
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{{!}} colspan=2 {{!}} {{#if: {{{disc|}}} | [[{{{disc}}} discipline]] | [[missing::Infobox entry on discipline|''Unknown'']] }} }}
{{!}} colspan=2 {{!}} {{#if: {{{disc|}}} | [[{{{disc}}} discipline]] | [[missing::Infobox entry on discipline|''Unknown'']] }} }}
! style="text-align:left" | '''Prerequisits:'''
! style="text-align:left" | '''Prerequisites:'''
| colspan=2 | {{#if: {{{reqs|}}} | {{#switch: {{lc: {{{reqs}}} }} | n | -=None | {{#arraymap:{{{reqs}}}| , | x | [[x Technique]] }} }} | [[missing::Infobox entry on prerequsites|''Unknown'']] }}
| colspan=2 | {{#if: {{{reqs|}}} | {{#switch: {{lc: {{{reqs}}} }} | n | -=None | {{#arraymap:{{{reqs}}}| , | x | [[x Technique]] }} }} | [[missing::Infobox entry on prerequsites|''Unknown'']] }}

Latest revision as of 01:28, 1 December 2023

CraftTech Infobox
Discipline: Unknown
Prerequisites: Unknown
Teacher: Unknown
Effect: Unknown

This template provides an infobox for all crafting technique articles. Notes and commentary should be added on the individual articles via normal article editing.

Usagage Documentation:

Variable Supported Values Usage
name Ability name if different from page name. (optional)
teacher -/any/(teacher) What NPC(s) teach it. Automatically will add links. If multiple, add names separated by "," and no space.
reqs -/<reqs> Any prequisits to learn. Manually add links to other abilities if needed
disc <disc> Which crafting discipline the technique is part of.
effect -/<effect> What is the power's effects?

When making a new article, copy the text below into the edit window and fill in the parameter values as appropriate.
