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(Replaced content with "{{PC |name=Remyngton Mason-Wells |status=r |race=Rakash |gender=Male |guild=Empath |instance=Prime |relat=Tankata }} '''CHARACTER IS RETIRED'''<BR><BR>")
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|name=Remyngton Mason-Wells
'''Interviewer:''' So Remy... may I call you Remy?

'''Remyngton:''' Oh gods yes please do.

'''Interviewer:''' So Remy why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

'''Remgynton:''' Oh okay well.. Um, egh... ''*fidgets nervously*'' My full name is Remyngton Alexander Wells and I'm an [[empath]] that makes his home just outside of [[Therenborough]]. ''*he smirks his demeanor shifting from nervous to an air of false bravado*'' I like long romantic walks through combat zones with strapping plate clad men serving as my shield and occasionally I even keep people from dying.

'''Interviewer:''' ''*chuckles*'' and if there is one thing people should know about you, what would that be?

'''Remyngton:''' ''*stares directly at you''* If you hurt my friends or family no amount of [[shock]] will keep me from destroying you and your entire world. ''*smiles pleasant*'' otherwise we'll get along just fine!<br><br>

== Discription ==
You see... <b>Apprentice Empath Remyngton Wells, Charmer of Therengia</b><br><br>
a wolfish face, turquoise eyes and a straight muzzle, a white coat, a curving tail and a wiry build.
He is a bit over average height for a Rakash.<br>
<b>'Human' form:</b>
an angular face, a pair of iron-rimmed spectacles obscuring the lower half of sparkling blue-green eyes, a freckled nose and dimples. His dark brown hair is short and thick with both sides shaved at the temple, and is worn slicked back away from his face. He has tanned skin and a wiry build.
He has a set of steel lip rings attached to either side of his mouth, reminiscent of serpentine fangs.<br>
He *appears* to be eighteen<br>
<br><b>Usual Attire:</b> He is wearing a black silk tie, a black wool vest, a button-down dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, a grey leather armband adorned with onyx carvings, a grey leather armband adorned with onyx carvings, a simple iron wristcuff set with an onyx disc, a sanowret crystal, a silver ring, a wide silver band with onyx inlays, some black pin-striped trousers, and some polished black leather shoes.
== General Information ==
<b>Personality Type:</b> presents as a scholarly cinnamon roll with a bit of burnt edges. Doesn't often let people see the darker aspects of his personality but they are very much there. He uses humor when he is nervous or stressed and though he can be quiet at first he will be become extremely extroverted once comfortable with a group. (his style is best discribed as if [ Simon Tam] from firefly and [ Neal Caffery] from White Collar had a lovechild it would be Remyngton)<br><br>
<b>Relationship Status:</b> Single 🌈
<br><Br><b>Notable Affiliations</b><br>
Remyngton is an apprentice of Carnage Darling [[Dantia]] War Healer of Therengia<br><br>
A member of the [[Sfek Vauns Arotru]] pack<br><br>
== Background ==
Remyngton Wells was born on the 6th day of the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Silver Unicorn. He was born into a world of major conflict with [[Alret]] and the rebel [[Elpalzi]] forces battering The Crossing and Zoluren as a whole. His parents, a [[Kaldar]] father and [[Rakash]] Mother (of whom he takes after) and eventually his baby sister that followed years later lived in the outlining area of crossing where his father worked as a field hand and eventually Remyngton joined him when he was old enough to toil in the fields. Growing up Remyngton aspired to join the warrior mage guild and by his 13th birthday had made the decision he would seek out the guild upon his 15th birthday.

Shortly after his 14th birthday his father and sister took a trip into the city of [[The Crossing]], during which time an Elpalzi force attacked. They never returned and their bodies were never recovered; they are presumed dead. After waiting for months for a husband and young daughter who were clearly not returning and fearing for the life of the only family she had left Remyngton's mother packed what little they had and they fled the battle torn providence and returned to his mother's homeland in [[Therengia]] to the Rakash village of [[Siksraja]]. Remyngton unwilling to abandon his mother delayed his plans to join the warrior mage guild and instead remained at his mother's side until after the conflict with Alret was resolved.

After the conflict had settled he stayed on with his mother while making preparations to ensure she would be alright in his absence but his plans were again delayed as she fell ill. Again Remyngton chose family over adventure and opted to not leave his mother's side despite her insistence that he go. He remained with her until she eventually passed many years later, her longevity due in no small part to the continuous care of her devoted son. Following her passing, Remyngton remained in Siksraja putting his affairs in order and mourning the loss of his family until he finally set out for the providence of his birth. Upon arriving in The Crossing he joined the empath's guild instead of the warrior mages; the time of war, the suffering of the common people and the illness of his mother having caused a shift in how he viewed the world he lived in and the guilds he once idolized as a lad.

He began a quick and steady progression through the guild advancing rapidly as he grew his magic and talents for healing. Mere months after joining the guild he accompanied the brave adventurers that stormed the beaches of the Basalt Isle in a bid to oust the lich [[Jeihrem]] from his seat of power. Remyngton along with many other brave empaths and clerics worked within the relative safety of the triage helping to heal and raise fallen heroes back to their feet. It was during this conflict he made the decision he would never again be forced to sit on the side lines to heal whomever was lucky enough to make it back or unlucky enough to be dragged back to the triage. Instead he found his true calling; should the need ever again arise he would be on the front lines as a battle empath - and as such he trains for that goal to this day.

== Remyngton's Home ==
<center>'''an oak-shingled brown brick home with vibrant red roses and ivy twining across the arch of its door'''</center>
'''[Remyngton's Home]'''<br>
A polished oak floor spreads across this small room into surrounding walls of cream plaster. A gorgeous riverstone fireplace, with a sturdy purpleheart broom tied with a wide faille bow hanging above it, stands guard over the overstuffed leather sofa and rustic coffee table that rest upon a cream-colored sheepskin rug covering the floor. A very faint scent of apples fills the air. You also see a spotted cat, a high arched stained glass window, an overstuffed earthen brown armchair that is facing the table and an overstuffed earthen brown armchair that is facing the table.
Obvious exits: none.<br><br>

<center>'''The following rooms are described for pure RP purposes.<br>'''
'''They are assumed to be apart of Remyngton's home until<br>'''
'''someday when we can have more than a one room house.<br>'''
'''(aka pure wishful thinking)<br><br>'''</center>

'''[Remyngton's Bedroom]'''<br>
Polished oak floors and soft blue velvet-draped walls enclose this serene bedroom. A large painting of a swirling night sky over a dark landscape resides above an oversized silverwood box bed resting upon a plush clouded arzumos-fur rug nestled between matching silverwood nightstands. An small oak-mantled fireplace burns along the far wall brining warmth to the faintly lavender scented room. A ornate silverwood wardrobe stands proudly next to a simple rice-paper dressing screen obscuring the view of a small alcove. You also see a small oak-framed window with frosted glass panes and a carved oak bedroom door. <br><br>

'''[Remyngton's Washroom Alcove]'''<br>
White marble floors and glass diamond tile walls without a speck of dirt show the extreme care taken with cleanliness here. A glazed ceramic wash basin with a fluted brim with a polished glass mirror surrounded by an ornate lunate frame above it rests at the edge of a small plush oval rug dyed in various shades of blue marbled with white. A silverwood towel rack stands opposite the basin's elegantly carved stand upon which several fluffy white towels are neatly draped. You also see a deep blue watersilk grooming pouch cinched with satin cords resting on a polished oak shelf and a simple rice-paper dressing screen. <br><Br>

== OOC Stuff and Role Opportunities ==
Remyngton will eventually be looking to take on an apprentice of his own, this is a very important part of the game for me as a player and is not something that will be taken lightly when selecting someone. We will need to discuss expectations and goals both IC and OOC before a mentor/apprentice relationship will be established.<br><br>
I play Remyngton as an PvP Open character and will continue to do so unless this openness begins to be abused. I have zero issues with my character dying, or dying repeatedly if it serves a purpose for a storyline or event or just to spur a fun bit of dialog and interaction, just don't go crazy with it. I'm here to train, interact, and have fun just like everyone else.<br><br>
I as a player am fully comfortable role playing a romance between my character and another. It however will very much be a romance between our '''characters in-game''' and a '''friendship outside of game'''. Again this would be a very important aspect of the game and not something I the player will be willing to enter into lightly without discussion before hand. I like to think of it as, we are writing an adventure novel together and sometimes novels have romance and heartbreak mixed in with the bloody battles and political plotting. So if you'd like your character to have a partner in game without any expectations for blue rooms [ (Fade To Black)] or OOC romance; I'm your person.<br><br>

I am *usually* actively training between the hours of 8am-8pm est but available for RP opportunities from 6pm-10pm est. I can and will RP outside of that window but in general try to stick to that schedule unless other things are going on. Feel free to strike up a dialog with Remyngton whenever you see him just be prepared you may end up get dragged along on a hunt with him!<br><br>
== Discord ==
'''RemyngtonWells#7891'''<br>(and remember discord handles are case sensitive!)<br> Feel free to DM me to talk RP, game stuff or whatever! all Discord communications will be considered OOC
<br><br><br><br><center>'''Um why are you still here? Go play! Shoo, go on now, get!'''<br>[[File:kris.png|center|360x360px|Kris says bye]]

Latest revision as of 11:10, 8 July 2023

Remyngton Mason-Wells
Status Retired
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild Empath
Instance Prime
Relatives Tankata