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(Created page with " You say, "Ah, quite a crowd already." Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Miskton says to you, "I'm afraid I can't stay for long, but I thought I'd at le...") |
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You say, "Ah, quite a crowd already." |
Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
Miskton says to you, "I'm afraid I can't stay for long, but I thought I'd at least try to stop by and hear what I can." |
Betlind bows to Nukite. |
You say, "Very heartening as I don't have the time for stragglers tonight." |
You nod to Miskton. |
Souv yawns expansively. |
Betlind bows to Souv. |
Souv waves to Betlind. |
Alley Fighter Allye just arrived. |
Souv exclaims to Allye, "ALLYE!" |
Allye exclaims, "Hi!" |
Miskton smiles at Allye. |
Nukite meekly stares down at her feet before giving Allye a stiff bow. |
You say, "Very good. I suppose I'll begin with a small bit of history so we all have some grounding in the subject." |
[Sand Spit Tavern, Barroom] |
Apparently made from a section of salvaged ship's hull the main bar area is constructed of ancient and scavenged nautical ware. The decor is of the same vintage, an old hatch cover for a door, worn and broken capstans for tables with a hodge-podge of chairs of all sorts. A long bar that has seen much better days is the main focus of the room. The lighting is dim and there are many dark corners. The clientele seems to prefer it that way to judge from the heavily curtained porthole windows. You also see a long bar, a barkeep, a bill of fare and a shadowed table. |
Also here: Philosopher Yvela, Alley Fighter Allye who is fringed by a sprinkle of blinking fireflies, Brevet Commander Souv, Transcendent Ranger Kamisama, Divine Knight Betlind, Provisioner Greyhallow, Consecrated Voice Hashi who is emanating a benevolent holy aura, Heartbreaker Nukite, Kintryn, Zelenti who is sitting and Philomath Miskton. |
Yvela pulls down the hood of her cloak. |
Betlind bows to Allye. |
You nod politely to Yvela. |
Bowing slightly to Allye, Hashi salutes by bringing her hands up and making a fist with the right while covering it with her open left hand. |
You say, "Even those with the barest idea of the forest probably understand that it is not a natural feature of the land." |
Betlind nods in agreement. |
(Greyhallow leans against the far side of the bar away from the group. His eyes and ears focused on Eyst.) |
You say, "It was artificially created quite some time ago but a horrible set of events..." |
You say, "Our story begins a little less than a thousand years ago. It centers on Sithsia, a human mage in the service of a Lord Ellinton." |
Allye gazes at you. |
You say, "She was presumably quite a useful subject as her lord gifted her an impressive tower of neitrice. The story goes that she made this her sanctum, using all manner of wondrous enchantments to improve and fortify it." |
You say, "Now, as lords are wont to do, Ellinton found himself in a military conflict. He called upon his mage to aid him in a battle, but things did not end up going his way." |
You shake your head. |
You say, "Sadly, Ellinton's own son fell during the fighting. The lord was not the only one to mourn the loss though, Sithsia apparently cared quite deeply for the son as well. Her sorrow turned to madness and her power lashed out heedlessly, making a ruin of both sides." |
Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. |
You say, "What's more those that fell rose again and set upon their former comrades and enemies. What few people escaped said the mage went back to her tower and locked herself away. The forest surrounding the tower and Lord Ellinton's keep grew dark and twisted, eventually becoming the Forest of Night we know today." |
You say, "Of course, that hasn't been the end of Sithsia's tale nor the Forest of Night's. Those familiar with the history of the Dragon Priest War will recall that Sithsia both foretold the Empires fall in dramatic fashion and used the forest to shatter numerous attacks aimed at Leth Deriel." |
Betlind nods. |
You say, "Sithsia has also supposedly had a hand in the creation of the Zaulfung stones and more recently, if near a hundred years can be considered recent, some involvement with the Sorrow wars." |
You say, "Quite busy for a mage that supposedly locked herself away." |
Allye nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. |
Forging Grandmaster Muleie just arrived. |
Betlind bows to Muleie. |
You ask, "And that, is the history of it as I understand. I don't suppose anyone has anything else important that could be added to the tale?" |
Muleie curtsies. |
Betlind ponders. |
You nod. |
Yvela folds her arms across her chest. |
Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity. |
Betlind says, "Seems like the highlights." |
Betlind nods. |
You say, "Well, the purpose of this gathering is mostly on the present anyway." |
Allye grins at Betlind. |
Miskton takes a sip of his Rum. |
Souv smiles at Nukite. |
Newswoman Navesi just arrived. |
Souv waves to Navesi. |
Navesi nods politely. |
Betlind bows to Navesi. |
Miskton nods politely to Navesi. |
You say, "Those that have visited the forest likely know it is a blighted place. For the sake of knowledge and the suffering of its denizens I've an interest in learning more about it. Possibly there is something that might be done, and possibly there may be something to learn that will stop other such places from being created in the future." |
Allye nods to you. |
A pained expression crosses Nukite's face. |
You ask, "Of course, given the malevolent nature of the place I'm not likely to take such an undertaking alone. I'm curious if there are any that have traveled the forest? Perhaps know something of its trails or dangers?" |
Arcane Mistress Etasia just arrived. |
Greyhallow grins. |
Master Artificer Lagu's group just arrived. |
Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
Ailunae waves to Allye. |
Nukite gazes down at the floor. |
Lagu gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely. |
You nod politely to Lagu. |
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Ailunae. |
Betlind says, "I've wandered through, but I wouldn't call myself at home there." |
Betlind shudders. |
Miskton ponders. |
Ailunae whispers something to Lagu. |
Miskton says, "I've been there before, but it's been some time." |
Yvela nods. |
Betlind nods to Allye. |
Bladesinger Hoshii just arrived. |
Etasia nods to Lagu. |
You say to Betlind, "I doubt many would. Although interestingly there is a prydaen settlement along the eastern edge of the forest." |
Etasia says, "Very well indeed." |
Lagu whispers something to Ailunae. |
Betlind nods to you. |
You get a dusky grey satchel branded with geometric shapes from inside your tinker's pack. |
Greyhallow says, "It's been years since I have done more than a bit of lumberjacking along the edge of the forest near the trade road." |
Lagu politely says to you, "I'm afraid I can't stay. Business calls. I'll get the notes later." |
Zelenti says, "I have been though the forest. I don't like the idea of it expanding, but as a feature, it has benefited Leth Deriel as a natural defense, and it's creator is an ally to the city I would be care not to offend." |
Ailunae stands near Etasia. |
Ailunae glances at Zelenti. |
You say to Lagu, "Of course, I appreciate you making an appearance. Feel free to call on me." |
Betlind asks, "Does anyone ever secretly or not so secretly wish to see the tower? I know it moves between dimensions and no one can enter it without Sithsia's permission, but if you could, would you?" |
Betlind gnaws on her lip. |
You ask Greyhallow, "You've likely noticed the ironwoods that create something of a border then?" |
Lagu raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute. |
Souv says, "Love an adventure." |
Master Artificer Lagu strolls out. |
Souv says, "And if I get to go someplace no one else has been, all the better." |
Zelenti says, "If I went it, it would be with permission, and I would be quite keen on that." |
Betlind says to Souv, "Such a Souv thing to say." |
Nukite softly asks, "Sounds like something out of a story I once read. a moving tower?" |
Muleie says, "Sounds like fun." |
Ailunae whispers something to Hoshii. |
Betlind nods at Zelenti, obviously agreeing with her views. |
You ponder. |
Souv says to Betlind, "Have to increase my legend somehow." |
Greyhallow says, "As a child growing up in Leth Deriel I was aware of the history from a young age. As a youth my friends and I would venture into the Forest of Night hoping to find the tower. We never saw so much as a glimpse of it through the thick woods." |
Allye asks, "Has such an undertaking ever been performed before? Might such permission be granted?" |
You say, "I hadn't heard that the tower moves. That certainly explains why no one has run into it, even given how little traveled the forest is." |
Souv says, "Likely has elven magics to hide it as well." |
Yvela says, "Perhaps it's obscured by magic, rather than actually moving." |
Betlind nods to you. |
Souv nods to Yvela. |
You say, "Well, Sithsia is quite an interest of mine as well. She's quite a character, having had her hand in the Dragonpriest's downfall, the Zaulfung stones and other such things." |
Betlind says, "It's written magics themselves operate within the walls of the tower." |
Zelenti says, "Permission is seldom granted to those who do not seek, I suspect if we were to find the tower, it would not be luck." |
Betlind coughs. |
Betlind says, "Operate differently, I should say." |
Allye nods to you. |
You say, "And one of such things I might have suggested as a possible expedition. After all who knows more of the forest then the person who created it." |
Hashi says, "There's a lot of clerical hunting in that forest, assuming its the same area." |
Betlind says, "Aye, but seeking permission from someone who you don't find, but finds you, is certainly an event that occurs only once every few centuries." |
You hear a quiet voice ask, "And what of the rumors that she may be a necromancer, or even a lich?" |
Ailunae observes Betlind with fascination. |
Souv says, "Likely she would know us, and choose us for something, if we were granted an audience." |
Greyhallow asks, "You mentioned it's present state in your invitation... is there news or rumors of current activity in the Forest?" |
You ask, "Although there is the fact that she's considered quite mad... are there any thoughts on how we might seek her out? Or even get word that we are seeking her?" |
Greyhallow asks, "Or are we stirring up curiosity?" |
Betlind nods to Greyhallow. |
Miskton ponders. |
Greyhallow smiles. |
Ailunae quietly says to Nukite, "Whomever spoke ye are seeking out, I do believe they donna wish ter be seen." |
Ailunae winks at Nukite. |
Miskton says, "If she's keeping an eye on the forest, I suppose you could try leaving messages there. Though I don't know how best to go about that." |
Betlind says, "I'm with Greyhallow. If someone of her power and instability doesn't want to be sought out, we shouldn't pry. Much less in the heart of the Forest of the Night." |
Etasia nods to Ailunae. |
Betlind says, "However... if a tower did appear..." |
Betlind gnaws on her lip. |
You say to Greyhallow, "Hm. My treks into the forest suggest that it is always active to some degree. Whether the forest is growing, shrinking or merely staying as it has for a thousand years is an open question." |
Ailunae raises her hand. |
Betlind says, "I would take that to mean an invitation." |
Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully. |
You peer quizzically at Ailunae. |
Betlind says, "Like it breathes..." |
Souv says, "Never know unless we tried. If we go there and we find nothing, she doesn't want to be found. She could have some knowledge of the Lich or Dragon priests. this might cause her to come out." |
Ailunae says, "Pardon the interruption everyone, but I do believe there may be interested attendants here that may be quite lost in the conversation." |
Ailunae grins sheepishly. |
Greyhallow says, "I'm not saying we shouldn't pry. I spent years prying when I was young. After a childhood of being inundated with warnings not to venture there I made a point of prying as soon as I was old enough to venture outside of the city." |
Greyhallow smirks. |
Navesi asks Ailunae, "What do you mean?" |
Ailunae just nudged Etasia. |
You say, "Ah, please speak up if we've missed anything. There are quite a few of us here all with ideas." |
Ailunae grins at Etasia, her dimples flashing into view. |
Ailunae nods to Greyhallow. |
Arcanist Nefis arrived at a shadowed table. |
Miskton says, "I'm afraid I need to get going, for the show down in Shard. I'll leave a moonbeam outside the tavern and open a gate in a couple minutes, if anyone wants to follow." |
Miskton says to you, "Interested to hear what comes of this." |
You say, "Appreciate you coming." |
Betlind bows to Miskton. |
Philomath Miskton strolls out. |
You say, "Well, it seems the interest in Sithsia is quite high. I did have some other thoughts though that I'd like to pass float while we're still gathered. Relating to the state of the forest." |
Betlind nods to you. |
Allye smiles at you. |
Ailunae leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face. |
Yvela tilts her head to one side. |
You say, "Mostly that the fauna itself should also be of interest. I've taken some specimens that you all may be interested in, as an example of the blight." |
You unbutton the flap of your satchel, pulling it open to reveal the contents. |
Betlind blinks. |
You rummage through a dusky grey satchel branded with geometric shapes and see an oak branch, an ironwood log, a malformed blackfruit, a malformed blackfruit, some blood-red thorns, a malformed blackfruit and a malformed blackfruit. |
(Eyst pulls out a sorry example of an oak branch. This unhealthy specimen is marred with several cankerous patches and deformed growths.) |
Ailunae whispers something to Etasia. |
Navesi observes you with fascination. |
You put your branch on the round table. |
Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you. |
Ailunae nods to Etasia. |
Betlind ponders. |
You say, "Most of the flora is in quite a sorry state. The forest lives, though if most of the growth were a person I'd say they might be better off dead." |
Ailunae shudders. |
You say, "The one exception is the ironwoods however." |
You get an ironwood log from inside your grey satchel. |
Etasia ponders. |
Allye ponders. |
You say, "Aside from it's blackened condition, it came from a healthy tree so far as I can tell. You might assume this was taken from the trunk of an ironwood. This is from merely a branch of a mightier example I came across, such is their size in the forest." |
Zelenti begins to carefully examine an oak branch. |
Betlind says, "I'm no scholar on the subject, but from my base obversations, it's very akin to what is seen in the Darkling Wood by The Dark Hand." |
You put your log on the round table. |
Allye says, "How interesting." |
You nod to Betlind. |
Ailunae curiously asks Allye, "Have ye noticed the state of Life mana in the deeps of the forest?" |
Allye shakes her head at Ailunae. |
You say, "Indeed, I've often considered the parallels the Forest shares with that place." |
Allye says to Ailunae, "It's been many years since I've been there, I'm afraid." |
Betlind nods. |
You get a malformed blackfruit from inside your grey satchel. |
You hold a malformed blackfruit high into the air for all to see. |
Ailunae says to Allye, "Terrible. I couldna find more than a single space that could sustain our magic. I imagine Rangers feel similarly, with the blighted vegetation about." |
You say, "From another blighted tree that was giving fruit. There are extras in the satchel. If you handle them I don't suggest sampling their taste." |
Allye nods to Ailunae. |
You put your blackfruit on the round table. |
You grimace. |
Allye nods to you. |
You say, "They are quite poisonous." |
Allye says, "Ooh." |
Betlind asks, "Where as The Dark Hand grew unstable and too powerful for even the Dragon Priests, would this suggest not only similiar magics but also that Sithsia is capable of controlling it and keeping it in check?" |
You ponder. |
Allye squints at a malformed blackfruit. |
Ailunae gets a chalice of Allye's poison tea from inside her lilac purse. |
Ailunae waves a chalice of Allye's poison tea at Allye. |
Betlind gazes at a malformed blackfruit. |
Ailunae offers Allye a chalice of Allye's poison tea. |
Etasia grins at Ailunae, her dimples flashing into view. |
Allye says, "It smells as if it would taste... not terrible." |
Ailunae says to Allye, "Ye would think so." |
You say, "An interesting point when you consider the two. Perhaps the Forest is not as malevolent or Sithsia is more skilled in some regards." |
Allye accepts Ailunae's Allye's poison tea. |
Betlind nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. |
Allye nods to you. |
You arch your eyebrow. |
Betlind says, "Perhaps a touch of both." |
Yvela nods. |
Navesi nods to Hashi. |
Yvela says, "If she's near 1000 years old, I'd expect she's quite a powerful being." |
Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully. |
Betlind nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views. |
Ailunae smiles at Etasia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
You nod. |
You get some blood-red thorns from inside your grey satchel. |
You say, "Finally, from an interesting sort of plant. Truthfully I couldn't tell whether it was blighted like the oaks and other such, or thriving like the ironwoods." |
Ailunae curiously asks you, "May I ask what ye observed of the Forest and the plant ye took these from when you took from them?" |
Betlind blinks. |
Adocus just arrived. |
Adocus went over to the back bar area. |
Allye tilts her head, clearly curious about something. |
You say, "Thorns from a low-lying bush that also grows out thorny creeper tendrils. Though these have mostly dried, the plant itself excretes some kind of fluid." |
You put your thorns on the round table. |
Navesi nods to Hashi. |
Betlind frowns. |
Hashi gives a courteous nod and tips her halo politely. |
Consecrated Voice Hashi glides out. |
You nod to Ailunae. |
Ailunae ponders. |
Zelenti begins to carefully examine some blood-red thorns. |
Ailunae examines some blood-red thorns. |
Ailunae examines an oak branch. |
Ailunae just touched some blood-red thorns. |
Navesi says to you, "I'm afraid I must away to the play, but I would like to speak to you more later. Good work so far. I'll be interested to hear more." |
Navesi nods politely. |
Newswoman Navesi goes out. |
Betlind asks, "Hmm, I wonder if the secretions are toxic? Or perhaps might even be useful in remedies?" |
You say, "Well, as I said. What little expertise I have relating to fauna I'd say most is quite blighted. Except for the given exceptions. Following though is the last subject I had thought to speak on... the dryads." |
Ailunae asks, "Ye say the fauna didna seem ter.. react violently to having something severed from it?" |
You say to Betlind, "I had thought to return and see if I couldn't find a sample. Certainly a thought." |
Betlind nods to you. |
You shake your head at Ailunae. |
Ailunae ponders. |
Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived. |
You say, "Not the plants themselves at least. The dryads of course, took great exception to my prescence." |
Betlind bows to Briaen. |
Ailunae chortles softly at some secret joke. |
Ailunae nods to you. |
Ailunae says, "I would imagine so." |
Kintryn nods politely to Briaen. |
Briaen gives a gracious nod. |
Allye smiles at Briaen. |
Ailunae says, "I always had a strange feel about the Dryads, when they spoke to whomever they accosted." |
Ailunae says, "Stranger than usual I mean." |
Ailunae blushes a bright red color. |
You say, "Indeed. I was about to ask what others contact with them might have been like." |
Ailunae asks, "Well.. ye ken when ye encounter one, they often seem to see straight past ye? As if they donna see you, but somewhere or something else?" |
Allye ponders. |
Etasia ponders. |
Betlind says, "Maybe they see the tower hovering right behind us everywhere we go." |
Betlind grins, revealing her dimples. |
Nukite grins. |
Allye laughs! |
Allye covers her mouth with her hand. |
Ailunae says, "Perhaps.. twas their words I noticed beyond that." |
Ailunae says, "They oft say 'You won't get my tree!' even if no harm is offered to said fauna." |
Ailunae says, "I donna think they are addressing us when they do so." |
Hoshii grins at Allye. |
You say, "Interesting.. I'm not surprised that some of the nuances of their behavior escaped me. The large claws took up much of my attention and I'm not much of one for violent encounters." |
Betlind ponders. |
Etasia says, "Very true indeed Ailunae." |
Betlind nods in agreement. |
Etasia says, "And the priests a little south of there." |
Etasia says, "Also protect the tree." |
Etasia raises an eyebrow. |
You say, "I did however notice that in one corner of the forest the dryads seemed less corrupt." |
Zelenti says, "With the forest in the cursed state it is in I wouldn't hesitate to assume most of the dryads have been driven mad, they likely have no idea why their forest is in such a state and view all who enter as a threat." |
Ailunae says, "A dryad is a spirit of the trees.. I donna think the blight is a welcome addition to their forest to them, nor whomever engineered it." |
Betlind ponders. |
Ailunae nods to Zelenti. |
Ailunae nods to you. |
Allye nods to Zelenti. |
Betlind nods to Zelenti. |
You nod to Etasia. |
Ailunae says to you, "Aye, there is one rather curious place of note there, seemingly untouched." |
Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
Etasia peers quizzically at Ailunae. |
You say, "I didn't attempt to contact any of them. Despite bearing less of the forests corruption I still took them for hostile." |
You say, "But it did occur to me that this might be another road to explore. Given that the dryads are the natural caretakers of the forest, perhaps one could be found that would parley." |
Ailunae ponders. |
Ailunae says, "Would have to be more of a leader, or perhaps one less affected by the poisoning of their minds." |
Ailunae gazes down at her hands. |
Ailunae gets a thin notebook bound in bright purple silk from inside her lilac purse. |
Ailunae gets a gold-inlaid burgundy wood stylus from inside her lilac purse. |
Betlind says, "If anything resembling a momentary truce or peace can be achieved, I'm all for it." |
Ailunae taps a thin notebook bound in bright purple silk that she is holding with her wood stylus. |
Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully. |
Zelenti asks, "I am curious why the Prydaed hub was located there, was it to attempt to tame part of the forest?" |
You say, "Has anyone ever heard of Dryads being approarched? It's unfortunate that the only examples of them I can think of are in other such sickly places. But I assume it may have happened in other more natural places.." |
Betlind shakes her head. |
Allye shakes her head at you. |
Ailunae says, "I can imagine the tactical advantage of having a hub there." |
Ailunae grins at Zelenti, her dimples flashing into view. |
Yvela says, "I wonder if a dryad's affliction could be purged by a circle of empaths? Might be easier than trying to find a pure one to talk to." |
You say to Zelenti, "I wish I could say, though perhaps a Prydaen might know more about the hub." |
Betlind nods to Ailunae. |
Ailunae asks, "Why risk the madness of the creatures there?" |
Ailunae glances at Yvela. |
Ailunae ponders. |
Betlind says, "If the Dragon Priest War taught us anything it's that Leth Deriel may be the safest place in all of the realms." |
Souv nods to Etasia. |
Briaen raises an eyebrow. |
Etasia nods to Souv. |
Betlind says, "Well, maybe not 'safe'..." |
Zelenti says, "Well, if you had a barrier to keep the creatures of the forest out, I'd agree. But I haven't seen any evidence of anything like what kept Lyras at bay." |
Betlind ponders. |
Ailunae shivers. |
Betlind nods. |
You say, "Very true. The forest did present a natural barrier to even more hostile elements." |
Ailunae quietly says, "Aye, but there was also such to bar Lyras' way as well.. didnae stop her." |
Ailunae gazes down at the floor. |
You nod. |
Betlind gnaws on her lip. |
Betlind nods. |
Nukite nibbles her lip thoughtfully. |
Yvela says, "By some accounts, it did. Only it let something worse take the reins afterwards." |
Ailunae nods to Yvela. |
Ailunae whispers something to Etasia. |
Zelenti says, "If the dryad's affliction is magical in nature, magic might succeed. If it is the result of generation after generation of living in their version of the abyss, I doubt there is much to be done." |
Hoshii curtsies to Greyhallow. |
You say to Yvela, "That seems like a promising avenue if we pursued the dryad angle and could get the requisite empaths." |
Yvela nods to you. |
Ailunae nods to Zelenti. |
Ailunae says, "A sorrowful thought, that." |
Souv nods to Nukite. |
Parkons just arrived. |
Parkons goes out. |
Yvela says, "It reminds me somewhat of the plight of the vela'tohr. Necromanticly blighted plants that the empaths have had some success in curing." |
Souv says, "How many empaths? you got two already right here." |
Jeweler Dobi just arrived. |
Ailunae grins at Souv, her dimples flashing into view. |
Ailunae nods to Allye. |
Allye flashes a quick grin. |
Ailunae says, "Three." |
Ailunae winks at Souv. |
Nukite thoughtfully asks, "Isn't, kind of, poor form, to help someone who doesn't want?" |
You say, "So, I don't wish to stop any further discussion short but I'm afraid my time grows short. Part of the reason I called this gathering was in the hopes of setting up some such inquiries as we've discussed." |
Ailunae says, "Only ifn they are in their right mind." |
Souv says, "Depends, there are rules in place for people who might not be able to consent." |
Allye nods to you. |
Nukite bows her head in acknowledgement. |
Briaen nods to you. |
Etasia ponders. |
Briaen says to you, "Apologies for my late arrival." |
Kintryn says, "Thank you Eyst." |
You ask, "Thinking back on the night I believe we've discussed perhaps finding Sithsia, making contact with the Dryads, and perhaps more investigation into the forest itself?" |
You ask, "Am I forgetting anything?" |
Ailunae says, "That seems about the size of it." |
Kintryn asks, "Have any extra fruits?" |
Allye says, "Perhaps some outreach to Silverclaw Hub." |
Ailunae nods to Allye. |
Betlind nods. |
Allye says, "They may have insight." |
You say to Kintryn, "Help yourself." |
Nukite gazes out. |
You put your blackfruit on the round table. |
You put your blackfruit on the round table. |
Kintryn ponders. |
Allye flashes a wide grin at Ailunae. |
Ailunae begins chortling at Allye. |
Ailunae gives Allye a gentle poke in the ribs. |
Kintryn gets a malformed blackfruit from atop a large round table. |
Kintryn gazes at a malformed blackfruit. |
Kintryn examines a malformed blackfruit. |
Kintryn ponders. |
Ailunae asks Etasia, "Were ye up for aftermeet supper with Lagu and I?" |
You ask, "Did any of these ideas strike you more than the other? Or seem more practical on any way?" |
Kintryn puts her blackfruit in a vivid violet nightsilk duffel bag swirled with ebon embroidery. |
Allye squints at a malformed blackfruit. |
Betlind says to Briaen, "This blackfruit, as well as a deformed branch and some thorns, were found by Sir Eyst. We gave thought of how it seemed close to that of the Darkling Wood by The Dark Hand." |
Betlind nods to Briaen. |
Briaen ponders that. |
Ailunae says, "Id say the Empaths would be rather interested to see what could be done regarding the Dryads." |
Allye gazes off into the distance. |
Etasia says to Ailunae, "Would love to, rarely get to see ye both on the mainland anymore." |
Briaen blinks at Allye. |
Hoshii grins at Allye. |
Etasia smiles at Ailunae, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
You hear a quiet voice say, "I would highly recommend at least attempting to ask permission of Sithsia prior to make too intrusive a foray." |
Ailunae says to Allye, "Again, I repeat: ye WOULD." |
Allye grins sheepishly. |
Ailunae says, "I agree with the disembodied voice." |
You nod. |
Betlind nods in agreement. |
Hoshii tilts her head, clearly curious about something. |
Etasia smiles at Betlind, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. |
You say, "Indeed, I don't particularly want to run afoul of her despite how compelling seeking her out is." |
Betlind nods to you. |
Allye nods in agreement. |
Ailunae softly says, "Aye.. compelling." |
Ailunae shudders. |
Ailunae closes her thin notebook, hooking back the latch. |
Ailunae puts her notebook in her lilac purse. |
Ailunae puts her stylus in her lilac purse. |
Yvela says to you, "I may be biased by my own interests, but attempting to cure a dryad seems like the most direct approach you could take. Searching for the hidden tower of a powerful necromancer.. less so." |
Betlind says, "Aye, if she wishes to find us, she may. Disturbing her is the last thing we would want." |
Ailunae nods to Yvela. |
Greyhallow says, "If anyone is of a mind to taunt the dryads, i've successfully harvested many a branch and limbs. If you look hard enough there is suitable lumber to be had." |
Betlind nods to Yvela. |
Ailunae asks, "Perhaps making our intentions clear there afore we try would be good enough?" |
Souv grins at Etasia. |
You say, "Mm. Considering the difficultly in searching her out directly it does seem like a more feasible course." |
Allye nods. |
You say, "And perhaps it would speak something of our intentions. Persuming she has an eye on what happens in her forest." |
Yvela nods. |
Ailunae says, "Im certain she does.." |
Ailunae licks her lips. |
Yvela says, "For better or worse." |
Hoshii gazes thoughtfully at Allye. |
Nukite doubtfully says, "Maybe she, likes them corrupt." |
Ailunae gets an antique gold charm bag from inside her lilac purse. |
Kintryn says, "Thank you again. If you will excuse me, I have another meeting to attend." |
Betlind says, "Even if we pursuit the route with the dryads, which I agree with, we're still trespassing and tinkering with the forces in her domain." |
Kintryn curtsies. |
You nod. |
Kintryn wanders out. |
Betlind asks, "Perhaps if we could leave an offering or some sign prior that we wish to enter?" |
Betlind asks, "But how do you leave a note to a mad mage no one has seen in a century?" |
Souv asks, "Gweth?" |
Souv laughs! |
Betlind gnaws on her lip. |
Hoshii giggles at Allye. |
Ailunae says, "Ye wait." |
Nukite quietly says, "She's probably listening to us right now." |
You say, "I may do that. And I suggest anyone else of a mind to do so as well." |
Betlind nods to Ailunae. |
Zelenti says, "I think if a large enough group just stayed in the forest it would get some attention." |
Souv says, "Gweth would be a universal symbol of communication." |
Souv says, "A peace offering letting her know that we wish to talk." |
You say, "At least if you intent to join me. Relating to that, I should be off to begin planning this." |
Ailunae says, "Considering most hunters there are solitary, a large group would attract quite a bit of attention." |
Allye nods to you. |
Betlind nods at Ailunae, obviously agreeing with her views. |
Yvela nods to you. |
You say, "If any of you have further thoughts, please feel free to get in touch with me." |
Ailunae nods to you. |
Ailunae stands up. |
Ailunae dusts herself off. |
Zelenti nods to you. |
Betlind bows to you. |
You say, "And I greatly appreciate you all attending tonight." |
Nukite meekly stares down at her feet before giving you a stiff bow. |
Etasia grins at Betlind, her dimples flashing into view. |
You bow. |
Yvela says, "Be well." |
Greyhallow says, "One last thought... On the idea of curing a dryad. Personally i'd wager that there is no possibility of a cured dryad. It seems to me without the evil that moves them they would cease to endure." |
Allye licks a malformed blackfruit. |
Betlind grins at Etasia, her dimples flashing into view. |
Betlind nods to Etasia. |
Ailunae says, "There I donna agree." |
You say to Greyhallow, "An unfortunate possibility, but a worthy experiment nonetheless." |
Greyhallow nods to you. |
Ailunae says, "The evil there may be a motivator to their madness, but they were nae created by it." |
Briaen peers quizzically at Allye. |
Yvela says to Greyhallow, "That may be. We'll learn by trying nevertheless, I'm sure." |
You say, "Good evening to you all." |
Hoshii gazes thoughtfully at Allye. |
You plod out. |