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    • Communication with Extra-Planar Entities:
    • An Attempt to Promote Understanding and to Avoid Future Conflict
    • Taisgath Island, 430-01-34 [OOC Sunday, February 24th, 9:00 PM EST]
    • From Aaoskar’s Eyes:

You say, "Thank you all for coming. Today, we will attempt to communicate with Extra-Planar entities to try to learn more about them, their perceptions of us, the Arbiter and his plans, the Plane of Probability, and attempt to establish dialogue to prevent and avoid future conflict."

You say, "Our goals are ambitious. We may fail and we may learn nothing. However, if we have a chance to learn more about our uneasy relations with entities from the Plane of Probability, I feel it is important that we try."

You say, "We will be taking a few moments to discuss our plan so that each person here can decide for themselves if this is something they want to do."

You say, "In order to maximize our chances of success, we need to take precautions and increase our own connection to the Plane of Probability so that we may be more attuned with subtleties that we might otherwise not notice."

Aerathor says, "With the increased use of Teleologic sorcery its imperative we have a some sort of ambassadors."

You say, "I recommend that moon mages cast tenebrous sense because it translates the subtle shifting of shadow and mass into a tactile sense. Seer's sense because it sharpens our foresight and attunes us better to the Webs of Fate. Braun's Conjecture because it balances our conscious mind with our innate planar link. Aura sight because it lets us see the auras that emanate from all things and strengthens our tie to the Plane of Probability. Clear vision because it enhances our perception at the psychic level and sharpens all our senses. Shadows because it may create an atmosphere more comfortable to shadow entities."

Atazai says, "I am here to observe only. I will not be participating. Hi."

You say, "I recommend that we have access to Aura of Tongues in case they can speak some language that we personally do not know. Thoughtcast in case they speak telepathically. Banner of Truce, Sanctuary, and other warding and defensive spells to take every possible precaution we can."

You say, "We will then summon Extra-planar entities at the same time with the idea that the more creatures that we summon, the more likely that one will speak. We will only summon one type of entity at a time because we don't want to summon an entire army of extra-planar beings."

You say, "I suggest that we summon the following in order of shadowlings, shadow servants, devourers, nimbus, and finally a spawn from a rogue gate."

Zeteivek quietly says to himself, "I will cast Bear Strength, and make bear noises."

You say, "We, then, should try to ask them questions in the common tongue, race-specific languages, ancient languages (if anyone knows one), and psychic communication via thoughtcast."

Chawguay softly says, "I'm not sure I should be here. heh."

Chawguay says, "Oh well."

You say, "There are many questions that we can and should ask. I think everyone should try to ask whatever questions they feel are important. It could be that they are more receptive talking about certain topics or maybe to particular people. We don't know."

Keelysh says to Chawguay, "We absolutely need a sacrifi...witness."

Lenaea says to Chawguay, "Of course you should. You matter, just as all others here do."

You ask, "Ideas for questions are What are you? When we summon you, what happens to you in the Plane of Probability? And here? Are we summoning your spirit or are you actually, physically here? Do you begrudge us for summoning you? Are we causing you pain or trouble? Why do you call us the defilers? What does the Arbiter want from us? Are any creatures from the Plane of Abiding stuck in the Plane of Probability? Tezirah? Dehvra? Pelag? What happened to Grazhir? What do you know of the Naming Ritual?"

Zandari says to Chawguay, "It's no one's choice but yours."

Kenamer asks, "How can I help?"

You say, "And countless other questions. I hope and I encourage everyone to try every method possible to communicate with them. Maybe it will work. Maybe it will not. But we must try."

Zeteivek asks Kenamer, "Can you mimic a bear?"

You say, "A banner of truce would be wonderful as well as asking any questions that you can, Kenamer."

Kenamer asks, "Would you like the banner here?"

You say, "That is all i had to say. i think this needs to be a group effort. i dont think anyone knows all the right questions."

Kenamer says, "I'll probably need a clear room to cast banner."

Lenaea asks, "Everyone move west for a moment?"

Everyone but Kenamer moves one room West

Aerathor says to you, "Well thought out. I'm glad you have switched your stance from using teleologic sorcery and preparing for conflict."

Aerathor says, "This is much more sensible."

You say, "Actually, this was largely Lenaea's idea."

Aerathor says to Lenaea, "Well done between you both lots of good can come from this."

Everyone moves east, back to the obelisk

You say, "Ok."

You say, "So shadowlings first."

Kenamer says, "One of Banner's limitations."

Traim asks, "Pile up the shadowlings here?"

You say, "Note it is possible to cast a shadowling and invoke it and cast another in the room."

Lenaea gestures.

Coagulated shadows pool into existence swiftly shaping into the diminutive form of a shadowling.

One shadowling attempts to cuddle with the other, which hisses and bites at it. The first one leaps into the air in surprise and takes off.

You say, "Oh."

You say, "Sorry."

You say, "I didnt realize they would fight one another."

The sleepy shadowling slowly fades into the shadows.

One of the shadowlings disappears suddenly with a loud >>POP!<<

[Taisgath, Grove of the Obelisk]

A translucent obelisk, the small island's namesake, dominates the center of this silent grove. Oddly, no sounds of wildlife penetrate the thick foliage surrounding the small meadow. A slab of reddish-brown stone lies to one side of the obelisk.

You also see a shadowling that appears rather calm, a ghostly white banner, an ornery Shadow Servant that appears rather calm and a slagged sphere.

Also here: a calmed Singer Shannera, a calmed Wanderer Jynxe, a calmed Mathematician Keelysh, a calmed Ambassador Angel who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Atazai who is shrouded by swirling grey fog, a calmed Goldcap Aspirant Aerathor, a calmed Brute Chawguay, a calmed Shopping Enthusiast Lanfeer who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Zeteivek, a calmed Fateweaver Lenaea surrounded underfoot by glittering blue hyacinth blossoms, a calmed Shadow Priestess Brennarose who is shrouded by swirling grey fog, a calmed Scholar Nizara who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Traim who is shrouded by swirling grey fog, a calmed Ascetic Zaer who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Fateweaver Zandari, a calmed Treasure Seeker Fariden and a calmed Strike Force Leader Kenamer.

Obvious paths: west.

Lenaea says, "We may have to have one because, despite the banner, they seem to fight each other."

Aerathor says, "Ya only the mean ones will be left."

You say, "But we can invoke them."

Aerathor says, "They chasea out the rest."

Aerathor says, "Okay starting bets on who wins."

Coagulated shadows pool into existence swiftly shaping into the diminutive form of a shadowling.

Nizara turns toward the shadowling and gestures. The shadowling gazes up at him with bright full eyes.

You say, "Let us begin by asking questions. everyone feel free."

Lanfeer says, "I'll bet on a tiny one... plenty to choose from."

One shadowling startles at the sight of another, and flees in abject terror.

A mischevious shadowling pounces on the new arrival, which lets out a frightened squeal and disappears.

An annoyed-looking shadowling stalks off, disgusted with the other's antics.

You ask, "Shadowlings, what are you? Do you begrudge us when we summon you?"

(Lanfeer offers a tiny shadowling a sandwich)

You ask in Ilithic, "Shadowlings, what are you? Do you begrudge us when we summon you?"

Angel says, "Oh my."

Angel says, "I sense the presence of something close."

A mischievous shadowling prepares to pounce on its fellow creature, but it hisses in warning, scaring it off.

Angel says something in Gerenshuge.

Kenamer says, "I sense it also."

Traim asks, "What did we do to offend you?"

Brennarose says, "Same here."

You ask in Ilithic, "Do we cause you pain ?"

You feel the presence of something close.

One shadowling startles at the sight of another, and flees in abject terror.

Aerathor asks something in Gamgweth.

Shannera fluidly says, "I feel it too."

Chawguay asks something in Toggish.

Angel says something in Gerenshuge.

You ask, "Do we cause you pain or suffering when we summon you?"

You ask in Ilithic, "Do we cause you pain or suffering when we summon you?"

Zaer calmly asks something in Rakash.

The shadows billow and swirl, and an ill wind caresses your mind. The shadowling snarls strangely for a moment.

Keelysh says, "Hmm."

Chawguay asks something in Toggish.

Traim asks, "Why do you call us Defilers?"

You feel the presence of something close.

Aerathor asks something in Gamgweth.

Kenamer says, "The banner is holding well, it will last another 18 rois."

You ask in Ilithic, "Why do you call us Defilers?"

Vision Sage Miskton just arrived.

Aerathor asks, "Do we create you or summon you shadowlings? Are you able to remember where you are from?"

One of the shadowlings trots over and smacks the other upside the head with its paw. The offended party mewls piteously and fades into the darkness.

Zandari asks, "Can we do something to form a more symbiotic relationship? Is there something you wish of us that you yourselves cannot do?"

Jynxe asks, "Where did it run?"

Aerathor asks, "Is it like this where you are from if we summon you? Always fighting?"

You feel the presence of something close.

Zandari asks, "Can we be your voice when you have none? What should we say, and to whom?"

Jynxe says, "Ilith."

Angel says to Miskton, "Glad you could make it."

Traim asks, "Are you echoes of plane of abiding ideas and emotions?"

You say, "I never thought of that Aerathor."

Angel says to Miskton, "We sense the presense of things close."

Zeteivek hesitantly asks, "What... what do you eat?"

You say, "Hopefully, not humans."

Jynxe says, "With my diadem I could not understand them either."

Your tactile sense stretches out and intertwines with the shadows around you. You feel mass and movement brush against the shadows like a tingling against your skin.

You say, "Ahh."

Aerathor says, "Hmm."

Traim asks you, "Perhaps shadow servants as well?"

Traim asks you, "Call out as many as we can here to draw attention?"

Aerathor asks, "Shadowlings do you have masters?"

You say, "I think so Traim."

You say, "Good idea."

Zandari says, "Shadowlings, stay with us as we summon. We would like your presence, your witness."

Zandari says, "We wish to understand."

Kenamer asks Angel, "Nervous?"

One of the shadowlings trots over and smacks the other upside the head with its paw. The offended party mewls piteously and fades into the darkness.

Jynxe says, "Hmmm."

You say, "I'll cast aura of tongues on people."

You say, "While you ask questions."

Angel asks Kenamer, "Do you sense it too?"

Lanfeer says to Angel, "I felt it."

Zeteivek asks, "Felt what?"

Traim loudly asks, "Why do you call us Defilers?"

Angel says, "The presence."

Aerathor asks, "Shadowlings if you have a master can you tell them we seek their pressence to speak peacefully?"

Chawguay says, "That's alot..."

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

With nothing more spectacular than a soft grunt of surprise, a misshapen Shadow Servant appears.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

Jynxe says, "Boo boobo ti hateebeemaha."

Atazai says, "Sounds like you will get an answer."

(Aaoskar projects his telepathic thoughts, why do you call us defilers?)

You ask, "Should we go ahead and summon shadow servants?"

You ask, "Summon shadow servants, Traim?"

Zaer calmly says in Rakash, "I think many of us have."

Traim says, "I think so."

Atazai says, "Most are already here it seems."

Zandari says, "Many are here already."

You say, "Let us go ahead and cast shadow servants."

(Aerathor writes on the ground in gamgweth Who are your masters shadowlings?)

You ask, "What do you know of the Naming Ritual?"

Angel chants in an alto voice:

"Phelim protect us"

Navesi's voice grows deeper, hovering at the edge of her register. As she completes each phrase the notes hang on the air, blending together in a wraith-like array of sound.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light.

Angel exclaims, "Stop touching me!"

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

You ask, "Is there somethign you want from us?"

Jynxe says, "Does anyone have and foor."

Jynxe says, "Food."

Angel says, "This is too much for my brain to handle after just getting it back."

Traim asks, "What other options to we have to draw attention from the plane of probability without hurting it or offending it...overmuch?"

Traim asks, "Predictions?"

Aerathor says to Traim, "Careful with that line of thinking."

Angel says, "Heavens to Phelim please."

Chawguay softly says, "Oh right, reminds me I haven't eaten all day..."

Navesi gestures.

A myriad of disjointed sounds seem to linger aimlessly in the air for a few moments before blending inaudibly into the background noise.

You say, "Yes."

Aerathor says, "No group efforts."

Atazai says, "I think predictions will be offensive."

You say, "Anything we can think of."

You say, "But aerathor is right. no group predictions."

You say, "Too dangerous."

Traim dryly says, "I know the dangers of group prediction rather well."

Traim says, "Fully agree."

Atazai faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

You ask, "Maybe try to do a prediction on a shadowling?"

Shannera fluidly says, "Something is very angry."

Miskton says, "I get the feeling it's too late to avoid angering them."

Traim says, "But individually, each would just be a subtle intrusion."

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

Aerathor asks, "Shadow servants. Do we summon you from elsewhere or are we creating you?"

Keelysh asks, "Should we stop?"

You say, "No."

Jynxe says, "No luck."

You say, "We need to ask more."

Chawguay says, "Hm."

Atazai says, "Morally should. Yes."

Keelysh says, "Chawguay, stand near that obelisk."

You ask, "What happened to Grazhir?"

Lanfeer says, "Seems a bit late to stop."

Miskton asks, "Did anyone inform Lomtaun that this was going to be happening, by the way?"

Atazai says, "I did."

You say, "Thank you Atazai."

Nizara gives a slagged sphere a hug!

A mischievous shadowling prepares to pounce on its fellow creature, but it hisses in warning, scaring it off.

After a few moments of hissing, posturing and circling one another, one of the shadowlings runs off with its tail between its legs.

You feel the presence of something close.

Aerathor says, "Shadow servants, We thank you for your service. And you shadowlings as well. We do not understand you, but we wish to. Please tell us more of yourselves if you are willing."

Traim holds a slagged sphere in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

You ask, "Why does light hurt shadowlings, but not Shadow Servants?"

Chawguay says, "Why do I feel like I've just offered myself as a sacrifice..."

Angel says to Navesi, "Your enchant is helping."

Zeteivek asks, "Is this a place you desire to be, or do you come here begrudgingly?"

Angel says to Navesi, "Or playing sorry."

You say, "I'll summon a devourer."

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

Traim asks, "What happened to Grazhir?"

An opaque multi-armed devourer crawls west, pulling itself along with its many tentacles.

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

Traim says, "I like that one."

An opaque multi-armed devourer crawls west, pulling itself along with its many tentacles.

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

Chawguay asks, "How are you able to hear our summoning of your kind?"

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

Miskton says, "They're getting away."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

An opaque multi-armed devourer crawls west, pulling itself along with its many tentacles.

The pearl cracks open like an egg to disgorge a pool of thin shadows which quickly congeal into an opaque multi-armed devourer.

An opaque multi-armed devourer crawls west, pulling itself along with its many tentacles.

Miskton says, "The devourers are congregating to the west."

Traim says, "A lot of devourers west..."

Lanfeer says, "I've never seen one of those things before."

Traim asks, "Is someone making them?"

You say, "I am."

Jynxe asks, "Did anyone track any of them?"

Kenamer asks, "Want me to banner that room?"

Traim asks, "Perhaps we should move the shadowlings and servants there and drop the banner?"

Zandari says, "I don't need a prediction tool to sense trouble following where those things go."

Traim says, "'We don't know what effect the banner might be having on them."

Aaoskar and several others move West

The two devourers slowly draw toward one another, entwining their shadowy tentacles together as they begin an unusual dance. A rush of darkness ensues, exploding outward in a spiral of black and greys as the devourers merge into one gestalt beast. Flexing its newborn tentacles, the resulting thing seems somehow faster, and more voracious in its appetite.

The two devourers slowly draw toward one another, entwining their shadowy tentacles together as they begin an unusual dance. A rush of darkness ensues, exploding outward in a spiral of black and greys as the devourers merge into one gestalt beast. Flexing its newborn tentacles, the resulting thing seems somehow faster, and more voracious in its appetite.

You say, "Why do you call us defilers."

Traim asks, "What happened to Grazhir?"

Traim asks, "Where'd Pelag come from before he was named Servant?"

You ask, "Did grazhir's demise cause our hostility?"

You ask, "What is your relationship with the Arbiter?"

(Aaoskar speaks telepathically, why is the Arbiter upset with us)

(Aaoskar telepathically thinks, what is your relation with Nimbus)

You ask, "What is your relationship with Nimbus?"

You ask, "Are you allies?"

Traim asks, "What are the obelisks?"

[Personal] Your mind hears Atazai thinking, "<to you>" "Stuff is happening"

While Aaoskar and several others are one room West, those at the Obelisk see the following

Shadows writhe in anger around the translucent obelisk, almost as if cowering from the unfocused concepts and psychic energies battering them.

Spooling lengths of melting shadow drip upward and outward from the obelisk, buffeted by the myriad forces and blunt assault. For a brief moment, you see a snarling face with too many eyes, but it melts into nothingness.

You say, "Oh, that is a good question."

You say, "Atazai says things are happening."

Aaoskar, Traim, and others move east back to the Obelisk

Aerathor says, "You fool."

Aerathor chortles softly at some secret joke.

You say, "What is happening Atazai."

Atazai says, "Your concepts are too unfocused."

Kenamer says, "You missed the deamon in the Obelisk."

Zandari says, "Alcohol is happening."

Navesi says, "Shadows are melting upward from the obelisk."

Atazai says, "They are being assaulted by the psychic energy."

Lanfeer says, "Eyes, lots of eyes."

A soft voice from somewhere near Angel exclaims, "Batoribirirobohogi hi yoheegi!"

Miskton says, "That looks like something angry enough that it is trying to cross the planar boundary to let us know just how upset it is."

Lanfeer studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Traim says, "Sounds about right."

Zeteivek asks Traim, "How do you summon more shadows?"

Aerathor says to you, "What else can we do? I think we have angered something."

Navesi says, "The sense I get is that this buffet of shadow creatures may be too much. If I were you, I would concentrate on pooling your psychic energies in a combined attempt at a single question."

You say, "I have a nimbus."

As each feathery note falls from her's lips, Navesi weaves it into a tapestry of subtle harmonics that support a line of melody in a minor key, forming the complex measures of the Sanctuary enchante.

Traim says to Zeteivek, "Shadowlings, servants, devourers..."

Aerathor says to Navesi, "That sounds like a bad idea."

Aerathor says, "A good one if ytou want to see some fireworks."

Jynxe asks, "Could light help?"

Zeteivek says, "Bigger. Portals. Magics. Planes."

Zandari says, "I think it's a good one."

You raise your head skyward, chanting the equation of the Moongate spell.

Zandari says, "Navesi has a point."

You say, "What was navesi's point."

Atazai says, "Perhaps this is akin to how Grazhir broke. Too much unfocused psychic resonance put through an Obelisk by silly mortals."

Zandari says, "To focus."

Aerathor says to Navesi, "It seems something is trying to cross through, using the obelisk already."

Keelysh says, "I am very willing to sacrifice Chawguay to advance our understanding of the planes."

Aerathor says to Navesi, "If we pool our psychic energy it might create a tear."

Chawguay asks, "How can they begin to understand us in all this chaos?"

Jynxe says, "I die a lot, sacrifice me."

Zandari says to you, "To focus our energies on one question."

Traim asks you, "Want to focus on a single question first as a group?"

You say, "We're almost finished."

You say, "Yes."

You say, "You pick the question Traim."

Navesi says to you, "My point is that you are unfocused. There is too much happening. If you join and try to focus your energies together, on a single question, that may be more likely to work."

Traim says, "Hmm."

Navesi says, "Granted, I am an elemental scholar, so it is only my guess."

Kenamer says, "8 roisaen on the banner."

Lanfeer says, "Pooling all that energy may just be asking for chaos of a different sort."

Nizara says, "I agree with Navesi as well."

Chawguay softly asks you, "Do we really want the answer?"

Zaer calmly asks, "Well if we haven't annoyed them enough invidually, why not as a group?"

Zandari asks, "But focused chaos?"

Zandari says, "We did come here for answers."

Aerathor says, "One speaker at a time perhaps. But I think pooling of our psychic energy will only risk something happening out of our control."

Aerathor says, "We must tread carefull."

You chant in a tenor voice:

"Why do you call us the Defilers"

Navesi says, "I would suggest picking the question you want, and then form a ritual circle of some sort."

Zandari asks, "Maybe small groups?"

Keelysh says to Kenamer, "I fear that your banner won't help if something malevolent comes through that obelisk."

Traim says, "Let's try and all focus on the obelisk and focus on Aaoskar's question."

Traim asks, "Why do you call us the Defilers?"

You say, "Yes."

Kenamer says to Keelysh, "Then let's hope my shield will."

Zandari asks, "Why do you call us the Defilers?"

You ask, "Why do you call us the Defilers?"

Atazai says, "It's the debt we inherited the moment we each learn to use Prediction."

Sinking into cracks your eyes cannot see, the shadows form an umbral script on the weathered stone.

Nizara yells, "Why do you call us the Defilers?"

Atazai studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Keelysh studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Traim says, "Do you see it..."

You exclaim, "Yes!"

Traim says, "The script..."

Zandari studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Aerathor studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Brennarose studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Zaer examines a slab of stone.

Miskton studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Zandari studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Fariden studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Keelysh studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Brennarose says, "Study it."

You strain your eyes slightly to study a section of the inscriptions that seem to waver slightly. Drawing upon your past studies, you make out a reference to the cantrip called "Meah K'et."

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 seconds.

You yell, "Why do you call us the defliers."

Zandari says, "Oh my."

Kenamer says, "I cant readt the inscriptions."

Zeteivek asks, "What does it say?"

Shannera fluidly says, "Something about a cantrip."

Keelysh asks, "Does anyone know meah k'et?"

You yell, "Reveal your secrets to us, Obelisk!"

Angel holds a slab of stone in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Shannera fluidly says, "Meah K'et."

Zandari says to you, "It has."

Atazai says, "Most here should know it."

Fariden asks, "Can anyone cast the cantrip the obelisk has?"

Zandari says, "I certainly didn't."

Aerathor says, "It has a wealth of knowledge. Its merley Meah K'et we can discipher."

Aerathor chants a few words in a low voice.

Nizara exclaims, "Use your telescope on it!"

Nizara yells, "Use your telescopes!"

Traim gazes intently through an ingenious clockwork telescope at an ornately etched and translucent obelisk.

Angel chants a few words in a low voice.

A brilliant arc of crimson and azure appears and flashes toward the night sky!

Zaer extends his telescope to its full length.

Kenamer shudders as he reaches out to tap the obelisk.

Angel says, "That is the cantrip."

Brennarose says, "I get something from my studies Meah K'et."

Angel says, "I just casted the cantrip Meah K'et."

Traim says, "Hmm."

You say, "I'm going to go back and open a rogue gate."

[Traim and Aaoskar move east to open a rogue gate and attempt to talk to Voidspawn]

Traim says, "Clear everyone."

You say, "Setting a contingency here."

You say, "I think we need someone to ask the spawn a question."

You say, "Not much time to ask."

You say, "I have experimented with this much. the spawn seem most deadly to the caster."

Traim says, "I can try and stand with you."

You say, "I'll set a beam here."

Zandari asks, "If one asks and one casts?"

You say, "I'll cast."

You yell, "Going to open a rogue gate."

You say, "Tell me when you are ready Traim."

Traim says, "Almost there."

You say, "Ok."

You say, "10 seconds."

You say, "Let's pray i'm not incinerated."

A brief wave of disorientation washes outward as reality itself tears wide open, forming a rogue Moongate tinged with screaming, razor-edged shadows.

You are stunned!

A voidspawn emerges from the screaming Moongate.

Traim loudly asks, "What are the obelisks?"

The voidspawn begins to advance on Traim.

You strain, but the distance is too far for your Contingency spell to overcome.

Traim exclaims, "Tell us!"

Traim exclaims, "What are the obelisks!"

A wave of wild teleportational energy erupts from the screaming gate and washes over you! The assault is maliciously short of complete obliteration, granting you a few seconds of awareness as your body is torn apart.

[Aaoskar dies]]

The rogue Moongate collapses in on itself.

The voidspawn shatters as if it were made of hollow black glass.

Traim asks, "Why are the Defilers?"

Aaoskar departs after his death

Aaoskar returns to the obelisk

Kenamer says, "4 roi on the banner."

Angel says, "No mirrors are allowed in that area."

Traim says to you, "No answer from the voidspawn either."

Navesi says to Kenamer, "I have a Sanctuary up, so at least no wandering creatures will bother us here."

Keelysh asks, "What can be held constant across all planes so that we can communicate with this thing? Is it math?"

Navesi says, "Yes, but I doubt you all can communicate in that language."

Atazai asks, "All planes... Only Mana?"

Keelysh asks, "Some physical law?"

You say, "I think that we can't keep causing possible damage to the obelisk. i think we should stop when the banner is gone."

Aerathor says, "Forgive our arrogance. we are ignorant of much. Please help educate us further. If anything share with us why we are called defilers and what we may do in order to find redemption."

Navesi says, "I dare say few of you could prove the infinitude of primes."

Miskton says, "I'm sure we could communicate in math, but phrasing useful questions will be difficult."

Navesi's voice grows deeper, hovering at the edge of her register. As she completes each phrase the notes hang on the air, blending together in a wraith-like array of sound.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

Zeteivek clears his throat.

Zaer calmly says to Navesi, "You don't need to be mean about it."

A soft voice from somewhere near Zaer babbles, "Loobootagaloyabatigoo logoobomoogoo!"

Keelysh says, "Someone throw some dice at it."

Kenamer bows his head and chants catechisms.

You decipher the telltale signs of the Banner of Truce spell.

Zeteivek says, "Everything, everywhere, understands violence."

Jynxe gets some dice carved to resemble cubic bones from inside his sailcloth sack.

Navesi says to Zaer, "Apologies."

Fariden says to Navesi, "They get very complicated past the first four or five places, but before that, primes aren't too hard to predict."

Jynxe tosses his dice with a clatter! They come up showing 4 and 2! He scoops up his dice before anyone else can touch them.

You chant a small phrase, the power of your cantrip flowing from your lips! A pair of translucent dice that glow with inner light appear in your hands. You toss them down and the dice come up as a four and a three. The dice remain briefly, then flicker out of existence.

Shannera chuckles at Navesi.

Keelysh snickers.

Zaer pats Navesi on the back.

Aerathor scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Kenamer says, "Banner is renewed for another 18 Roisaen."

Traim asks, "So what was it that was seen at the Obelisk earlier? Someone saw something try and push through here?"

Navesi says, "Ahem. So, the obelisk, or the creatures rather, have spoken to you. I suggest that you decide your next communication and do it together. And I suggest that it come from a place of humility and a desire to change."

Aerathor nods to Traim.

Miskton says, "A face made of shadows."

Jynxe removes an icosahedron from its setting and tosses it. The die rolls around wildly before settling, showing a phofe flower.

Jynxe scoops the icosahedron back up and returns it to its setting.

Aerathor says to Traim, "It seemed so."

Miskton says, "With many eyes."

Keelysh asks, "What would the significance of Meah K'et be?"

Zeteivek says, "A many-eyed face. It was angered."

Aerathor says to Traim, "A mass of eyes and shadows."

Traim nods.

Brennarose glances at Navesi.

Navesi says, "It said, 'Defilers, is it not enough that you bid us to do your petty errands, that you wish to bind us to answer your questions in your primitive tongue?'."

Zandari frowns.

Fariden says, "Angered by the barrage of questions and thoughts and forced servitude."

You chuckle.

You sigh.

Traim says, "Then this..."

Lanfeer studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Chawguay softly says, "Well that doesn't sound good..."

Traim slowly asks, "How can we make peace?"

Navesi says, "I am merely offering suggestions, as an observer, but a group focus on apology or humility is my recommendation."

Zandari says, "Perhaps we should tread softly. We has its attention. Or had."

Navesi nods to Traim.

Angel says to Navesi, "You might not realize we have struggled with this for ages. I don't think haughtiness is the issue."

Traim says, "Can't be more humble than that."

Aerathor says, "I agree with the bard Navesi."

Zandari kneels down.

Aerathor says, "If we do anything as a group it should be a a humble apology."

Shannera fluidly asks, "Who or what is it that speaks through the obelisk?"

Traim says, "We can't mend mistakes we don't understand."

Navesi says to Angel, "It's not haughtiness they care about. They are angry with you. If you want a response from someone who is angry, best show that you are willing to change."

Brennarose says, "Humility is the path of weakness with these creatures I fear."

Traim says, "We can't apologize for mistakes we don't understand."

You nod to Traim.

Keelysh says, "It clearly is nothing more than agitated by our efforts thus far."

Zaer calmly says, "I agree with humbleness, but I'd be cautious about making any promises."

Zandari says, "Yes, we can."

Jynxe asks, "Can one send a moongate through the obelisk?"

Aerathor asks Brennarose, "What do you even know of power?"

Aerathor begins chortling at Brennarose.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

You say, "No teleportation magic is possible here."

Zandari says, "We can apologize for what we do not understand simply by apologizing, and trust that their judgment is sound."

Zaer faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Angel asks Navesi, "With respect, I suppose if I do not understand the wrong, why would I say I'll change?"

Zandari asks, "For if it is not, why are we questioning it in the first place?"

Navesi says, "Show that you are willing to learn. Traim asks how to make peace."

Brennarose says to Aerathor, "Enough not to fear it."

Navesi says, "That seems a good question to me."

Aerathor says to Brennarose, "Not enough yet then."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

You ask, "Why are you upset with us?"

Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Zaer calmly says, "I don't see the guild ending the practice of summoning shadowlings and servants."

Zandari stands up.

Zeteivek quietly asks Traim, "We are certain we cannot lure that thing here and slay it, yes?"

Zandari ponders.

Traim asks, "How about this then...let's join hands, focus together on the obelisk, apologize for mistakes, and ask them to help understand what they are or were?"

Kenamer observes an ornately etched and translucent obelisk with fascination.

You feel the presence of something close.

Traim says to Zeteivek, "Very certain."

Aerathor says to Brennarose, "We are meddling with forces here you could never hope to comprehend with that attitude."

Zaer nods at Traim, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zandari says, "Do not promise what you cannot deliver."

You say, "I can agree with that Traim."

Zeteivek glances at a massive Kaldaran great spear with a blackened moonsilver adorned tip.

Kenamer says, "Perhaps ask them if they wish for balance..."

Nizara kneels down and begins to pray.

You join Traim's group.

Traim nods to you.

Zandari says, "If you're not sure, do not give your word."

You say, "As a group."

You feel the presence of something close.

Traim asks, "Anyone disagree with that plan?"

Aerathor says to Brennarose, "If the vision Taramaine saw ever came to pass it would be a hellscape in the plane of abiding. It is a war we lose."

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

Zandari says, "If you cannot be sincere, do not say it."

Navesi draws out each note of her enchante with a gentle dexterity, coaxing full-bodied tones from each note to further embellish the dark harmonies already plentiful throughout it.

Zandari says, "Speak truth, and listen."

Traim says, "Indeed."

You focus your magical senses on obelisk.

You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk.

You feel the presence of something close.

Traim asks, "Everyone joined?"

Zeteivek asks, "What about your Gods, then? Would they not fight for you in the face of extinction?"

You say, "I am."

Traim says, "If so, focus on the obelisk."

Atazai says, "Leave me out."

Angel says, "I will say, I do not like the clerical ritualistic feel of a circle."

Nizara faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Lanfeer glances at the obelisk with a confused look.

Keelysh faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Miskton ponders.

(Traim focus his gaze on the obelisk, drawing strength from the focus of the assembled mages.)

Brennarose faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Zandari says, "Then stand in a line and not a circle. The shape matters not, the intent does."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Aerathor says, "First and foremost I say thankyou. And also I humbly ask for forgiveness for any trespasses we have commited in ignorance."

Traim loudly says, "Shadows...we apologize for mistakes of the past, for mistakes of the present..."

Zaer faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Nizara faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Lanfeer glances at the obelisk with a confused look.

Angel says, "Zandari I did not mean that disrespectful. I just meant in general."

Traim loudly says, "Help us understand those mistakes so we can make amends, so we can be better."

You feel the presence of something close.

Navesi says, "Focus on Traim's voice. Echo him. Speak as one."

Zandari says, "Pardon me, I'm a touch.. sensitive."

The Guardian scurries into the area.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Zandari says, "Shadows, we apologize for the mistakes of the past and of the present."

The Guardian scurries west.

Fariden says, "Cease the bickering. Work together for a moment."

You say, "Shadows, we seek understanding."

Zandari says, "Help us understand those mistakes so we can make amends."

Zandari says, "I wish to make amends."

Zandari says, "I wish to be better."

Chawguay says, "Shadows hear our humble plea, speak with us and teach us ignorant souls."

Angel narrows her eyes.

Brennarose shivers.

Keelysh says, "We, the Children of Grazhir, seek understanding and knowledge. Help us to understand the intricacies of your plane of existence and we shall help you understand ours."

Nizara says, "Help us understand those mistakes so we can make amends, so we can do better."

Zandari says, "I wish to apologize, and face you with a mind open and humble."

The Guardian scurries into the area.

Zaer calmly says, "A path to perfection cannot include oppression and control."

Atazai shakes hands with a Taisgath Guardian.

The Guardian casually gazes about, seeking anything unusual.

The Guardian's gaze briefly lingers on you as a slight smirk crosses over his lips.

Nizara pleads for forgiveness!

Traim quietly says, "Stay focused, together."

Zandari says, "Shadows, please listen. We ask with sincerity and with the best intentions."

The Guardian scurries west.

Zandari says, "Help us understand."

Traim quietly says, "Shadows...we apologize for mistakes of the past, for mistakes of the present..."

Traim quietly says, "Help us understand those mistakes so we can make amends, so we can be better."

Angel says, "Please give us discernment and wisdom moving forward."

Lanfeer says, "Shadows, listen to these humble lunar mages asking for your forgiveness."

Zandari says, "Help us understand those mistakes..."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

You say, "Help us understand."

Traim says, "Try other languages too, I am limited to my own gamgweth."

Zandari asks, "Please?"

You switch to speaking in Ilithic.

Traim quietly says something in Gamgweth.

Chawguay asks, "How may we bridge the gap between our kind?"

You say in Ilithic, "Help us understand."

Keelysh says, "We have but touched your realm and understand it be one of light and shadow. Surely there is more for us to understand such that we both may benefit."

Traim quietly says something in Gamgweth.

(Aerathor traces his stylus in the sand writing "forgive us our trespasses")

You say in Ilithic, "Help us understand."

Angel serenely says something in Gerenshuge.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

Keelysh faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Zaer faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Atazai whispers something to Zeteivek.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk.

You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

Aerathor says something in Gamgweth.

Aerathor says, "I humbly ask for guidance to lead us to redemption."

Keelysh scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Nizara says, "Show us what to do."

Traim says something in Gamgweth.

You say in Ilithic, "Teach us."

Angel kneels down and begins to pray.

The shadows writhe violently, and you hear a multitude of voices echoing in rage, "Children of Grazhir", repeatedly, growing louder and louder.

Nizara says, "Show us what to do."

Atazai folds her arms across her chest.

Zandari carefully lifts the skirt of her cire gown and dips into a deep curtsy.

Angel shivers.

You say in Ilithic, "Teach us."

Chawguay asks, "Did anyone else hear that?"

Angel gazes up at the sky.

Atazai says, "Not a Name we chose."

Angel continues praying fervently.

You say in Ilithic, "Yes."

Traim gives a slight nod.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

Jynxe says, "Aye."

Aerathor says, "We only ask in humility, Please forgive us."

Miskton says, "Very much."

Keelysh asks, "Why do you call us that. Why are we the Children of Grazhir?"

Lanfeer says in Ilithic, "Shadows, listen to these humble lunar mages asking for your forgiveness."

Angel stands up.

Zandari nods.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

You say in Ilithic, "Teach us."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

Zandari says, "We are here. We are listening."

You switch to speaking in Common.

Jynxe studies a section of the inscriptions thoughtfully.

Zandari says, "Speak, please."

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

You say, "We are listening. teach us."

You gesture. Your mind is joined by foreign thoughts playing against a background of melodic whispers.

Angel serenely says something in Gerenshuge.

Aerathor says, "Guide us to redemption."

You focus your magical senses on obelisk.

You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

Zandari bows to an ornately etched and translucent obelisk.

Chawguay bows to a gangly Shadow Servant emblazoned with fiery symbols.

You feel the presence of something close.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Miskton turns his gaze heavenward and traces a series of lunar sigils in the air.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Psychic Shield spell.

Lanfeer glances at the obelisk with a confused look.

Angel extends her hand toward a ghostly white banner and concentrates.

Zeteivek whispers something to Atazai.

Traim quietly says something in Gamgweth.

You raise your head skyward, chanting the equation of the Psychic Shield spell.

Zeteivek peers quizzically at Atazai.

Miskton gestures.

Chawguay asks, "Perhaps they consider us too primitive to communicate with?"

You say, "We are listening. help us understand."

Chawguay shrugs.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

You gesture.

You sense forces gathering about you to protect you from harm.

Kenamer says to Angel, "13 rois."

Traim says, "We are listening."

Zandari says, "We are here."

You feel the presence of something close.

Zaer calmly says something in Rakash.

Traim asks, "Is your rage at us, or the first Children of Grazhir?"

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Angel holds a slagged sphere in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Angel holds a slab of stone in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

You say, "Maybe if we all focus on the obelisk again."

Nizara faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

You feel the presence of something close.

You whisper to Traim, "should i cast tezirah's veil?"

Keelysh asks, "Did the cataclysm of Grazhir break your plane of existence as it broke ours? Is that why you hate us?"

You whisper to Traim, "it would piss off everyone, but it stops time"

Aerathor says, "We the Children of Grazhir do beseech you. We are here to speak. You have a voice. Speak with us so we might find redemption."

Traim says, "It may be we can't reach through that rage. But we can try. Let's focus on that question."

Traim asks, "Why the rage...what can we do to mend the rage we feel from you?"

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

Traim asks, "How can we help?"

Zandari asks, "How can we mend the tears in the ties that bind us?"

You say, "Help us understand."

Zandari asks, "How can we help?"

Traim says, "Help us understand."

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Traim faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Zandari says, "Please help us understand."

You feel the presence of something close.

Aerathor says, "Help us understand."

You say, "Help us understand."

Chawguay asks, "Shadowkin What may we offer in exchange for peace between us?"

Traim whispers, "Nah, I think we be patient and try the best we can to get through that rage."

(Aaoskar send a telapathic message. Help us Understand)

Aerathor says to Chawguay, "You will be first if a demand is made of flesh."

Traim whispers, "It's never been tried and we already have more from them than I've heard of in centuries."

Aerathor grins wickedly.

Chawguay blushes a deep green color.

Keelysh winks at Chawguay.

Miskton says, "I have a thought. If language is a problem, perhaps we could make an attempt at that communication in math? Perhaps presenting some of the Enlightened Geometry equations related to summoning a shadowling or shadow servant. See if they give a response in kind, which might be something to work from."

Traim says to Miskton, "Perhaps math will get past the emotion they carry, that rage. It could help."

Traim nods to Miskton.

Something very close is making an odd sound, lets hope it is friendly, or at least small.

Traim says to Miskton, "We'll try and support whatever message you send."

Aerathor says, "If you think sending them math homework is a good idea."

Aerathor grins.

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

The shadows writhe violently, and you hear a multitude of voices roaring in unbridled anger, "Children of Grazhir", repeatedly, growing in intensity.

Navesi says, "Maybe ask about what would make things equal again."

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

(Lanfeer gulps)

Zandari asks, "Is that a pun?"

Traim says, "Hmm...maybe not math."

Miskton appears to be listening intently for something.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Atazai says, "Maybe just go to your Parent."

Traim says, "I don't know we're getting past that emotion...."

Atazai points up.

Angel paces back and forth.

The shadows swarm around the obelisk, covering it in inky blackness! Rippling under unseen forces, the shadows suddenly freeze in place, and thrust jaggedly outward!

Atazai says, "Oh."

Keelysh faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

You feel the presence of something close.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Chawguay draws forth a stout broadsword.

Miskton says, "Well."

Nizara faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

Zaer faces the obelisk and closes his eyes in concentration.

Aerathor dances about the obelisk, chanting softly.

A faint light pulses within the obelisk.

Aerathor dances about the obelisk, chanting softly.

A faint light pulses within the obelisk.

You focus your magical senses on obelisk. You sense an unfamiliar type of celestial magic emanating from the obelisk. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Lanfeer nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Aerathor dances about the obelisk, chanting softly.

A faint light pulses within the obelisk.

Chawguay shivers.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Nizara continues praying fervently.

Lanfeer cocks her head and blinks at Aerathor in complete puzzlement.

Aerathor says, "Help us understand."

Angel paces back and forth.

Zandari says, "Help us understand."

Nizara continues praying.

Eyes unfocused, Zaer raises one hand before him in a studied gesture.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Cage of Light spell.

You exclaim, "Help us understand!"

Angel glances at an ornately etched and translucent obelisk.

You hear some soft clicks echoing throughout the area.

Miskton says, "Might be best not to stand too close."

Traim says something in Gamgweth.

Angel stands near Kenamer.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Keelysh winces.

Aerathor dances about the obelisk, chanting softly.

A faint light pulses within the obelisk.

(Aaoskar approaches the obelisk)

As you reach out to touch the obelisk, a tingle of unfamiliar magic crawls across your skin. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Zeteivek falls to the ground, clutching his head.

Something happens to Aaoskar’s mind

Kenamer moves into position to block attacks against Angel!

Chawguay softly says, "Glad I moved when I did."

Nizara loosens the straps securing his small shield and removes it.

Kenamer moves over to guard Angel.

With an explosion outward, the writhing mass radiates away from the obelisk, buffeting you as it dissipates into nothingness! You sense the intrusion leave, and the whispers silence.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light.

Angel winces.

Zeteivek stands up.

Traim winces.

As you reach out to touch the obelisk, a tingle of unfamiliar magic crawls across your skin. Roundtime: 10 sec.

Miskton flinches.

Brennarose shudders as she reaches out to touch the obelisk.

Traim gazes at you intently, clearly scrutinizing your aura.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Aerathor ponders.

You catch Traim silently watching you.

Lanfeer blinks.

You whisper to Traim, "that happened when i touched it"

Navesi writes something on a page in her oak-bound volume.

Traim asks you something in Gamgweth.

Miskton jots down some notes.

(Aaoskar approaches the obelisk again)

Traim asks you, "You alright?"

Aerathor asks you, "Did you hear anything?"

Angel gets a simple farmer's journal with a sketch of a scarecrow across the front from inside a tapestry duffel bag woven with images of the night sky.

You say, "I think so."

You say, "I felt much."

Angel opens her journal and writes in it for a bit.

Zandari says, "I.. what was - did anyone.."

Navesi says, "Tell us."

Zaer calmly says, "Im not sure that repaired our relationship."

Angel attaches a simple farmer's journal with a sketch of a scarecrow across the front to her thigh.

Chawguay nods.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Keelysh says to Chawguay, "I knew you'd make it."

Aerathor says, "Well talk about a finishing touch."

Angel faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Zandari faces the obelisk and closes her eyes in concentration.

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Brennarose glances at Fariden.

Shannera frowns.

Zandari glances up at the sky.

After a few moments she lowers her gaze.

Chawguay softly says, "Perhaps we should cut our losses...take the silence as a hint."

Kenamer says, "I think they are done talking..."

Fariden says, "Well, it likely could have sent those jagged shadows out further. So, not being impaled is a start."

You say, "I felt an explosion, a writing mass radiating away from the obelisk towards me, buffeting me as it dissipated into nothingness. I sensed the intrusion leave and then silence."

Atazai gazes at you intently, clearly scrutinizing your aura.

Angel gazes thoughtfully at you.

Shannera fluidly asks, "Was that Peleg ai Aldam speaking through the obelisk?"

Zaer nods at Fariden, obviously agreeing with his views.

Your body feels slightly battered.

Your spirit feels very strong.

You have a deeply bruised head.


Area Rate

inside head slight

Zandari asks, "Silent silence or portentous silence?"

Brennarose nods to you.

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Traim says, "I don't think we will get conversation from them this friends. I think the energy they felt like expending here was spent on...going after Aaoskar."

You say, "And my head is bleeding now."

Atazai went through a slab of stone.

Navesi asks you, "And when the tendrils wrapped your head, anything then?"

Atazai came through a slab of stone.

You say, "Help us understand."

You say, "But we must understand, Traim. We must. We have come so far."

Navesi says, "It is gone now, clearly."

Chawguay blinks at you.

Aerathor says to you, "You might be a vessel soon if oyu arne't carefull."

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Miskton asks you, "Did you feel anything when it grabbed you?"

Zandari says, "These things take time."

Traim says, "We have, and we need to reflect on this."

You say, "I felt an intrusion."

Zandari says, "It cannot be done in a night."

Zaer nods at Traim, obviously agreeing with his views.

Shannera nods to Navesi.

Zeteivek clears his throat.

Traim says to you, "We need to learn what just happened to you."

Zandari nods at Traim, obviously agreeing with his views.

Angel wrings her hands.

Miskton gazes at you intently, clearly scrutinizing your aura.

Aerathor says to you, "I know we have had our differences. But be careful."

Angel grabs her head and moans softly.

Angel says something in Gerenshuge.

You nod to Traim.

You nod to Aerathor.

Keelysh says, "Clearly 'Children of Grazhir' is a sensitive subject."

You say, "I appreciate that, Aerathor."

Aerathor says, "I think he might have it in him now."

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Aerathor glances at you.

Aerathor gazes at you intently, clearly scrutinizing your aura.

Lanfeer gives you a studious look, as if committing you to memory.

Aerathor gives you a studious look, as if committing you to memory.

Angel gazes solemnly at the sky.

Nizara slides his left arm through the straps on his small shield and flexes.

As you reach out to touch the obelisk, a tingle of unfamiliar magic crawls across your skin.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

Aerathor looks thoughtfully at you.

Traim says to you, "I've never seen something like that. I think you need a full going over. Need a cleric to take a look too."

Miskton says, "No obviously unusual magic clinging to him, at least."

Zaer glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Keelysh asks, "Is it possible that the shattering of Grazhir stretched from the Plane of Abiding to the Plane of Probability?"

Aerathor nods in agreement.

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Traim says, "Who knows what came with that."

You catch Atazai silently watching you.

Zandari says, "There is a time and a place for all things."

Nizara touches you.

(Aaoskar attempts to hug the obelisk to feel any emanating power from the obelisk)

Aerathor says, "This is seventh sickness stuff. I've read nothing but horror stories when it comes to extra planar possessions."

Traim says to Keelysh, "Very. There are substantial overlaps."

Angel says something in Gerenshuge.

Zandari says to you, "You cannot push Fate. You know this better than many."

Angel clears her throat.

Angel says, "I sensed an elemental maelstrom, six symbolic forms spiraling together. The maelstrom appears to churn the Web of Fate as it flows along."

Navesi says, "Well. I need to be going."

Angel gazes up at the sky.

Angel scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.


You say, "Traim. I do not feel that I am in the state of mind to make the wise decision. you decide when we are done."

Traim pats you on the back.

Navesi says to you, "If you can recall anything it might have communicated to you when it touched you, let me know."

Traim says, "I suggest we all regroup at the guild."

Zaer nods at Traim, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zandari nods at Traim, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kenamer says, "I should probably be going also."

Fariden chuckles.

Traim says to you, "Get you to safety where we can check into your mind and fate some more."

Miskton jots down some notes.

Shannera fluidly asks Navesi, "Can I accompany you back to Crossing?"

Aerathor pats you on the back.

Miskton marks a page and closes his astronomer's journal, securing the clasp.

Aerathor says, "Hope you arne't prone to sleep walking."

Navesi says to Shannera, "I will have to go alone this time."

Zeteivek whispers something to Traim.

Shannera nods.

Chawguay softly says, "This is the last time I delve into matters magical in nature."

Traim nods to Zeteivek.

Chawguay shivers.

Angel says to Miskton, "I just got a vision involving the Arbiter in Darkness."

You say, "I hope we can learn something to help protect Elanthia in the future. that is my only hope. it was always my only hope."

Aerathor says to you, "I'd keep a close eye on your feelings and thoughts. Meditate on this and seek answers inward next."

Navesi nods politely.

Zoluren's Herald Navesi goes west, leading her group.

Traim says, "Let's all take a step west and I'll get the gate open, who knows what happens if Aaoskar tries a gate right now."

Atazai scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Miskton asks Angel, "What did you see?"

Traim grins.

Miskton scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Traim asks you, "That work, friend?"

Aerathor says to you, "Trust your instincts. You will know if something is off within you."

Aerathor gives a slight nod.

Angel says to Miskton, "One we have already seen, but it was the timing of it."

Traim nods.

Atazai scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Angel says, "I have predicted events while here tonight."

Traim says, "Okay, gate opening from one west."

You follow Traim west.