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|reqs= [[Khri Darken|Darken]], [[Khri Dampen|Dampen]], [[Khri Shadowstep|Shadowstep]], [[Khri Plunder|Plunder]]
|prereqs=Darken, Dampen, Shadowstep
|cost=157 Concentration
|diff=Tier 3
|effect=Further improving the Thief's abilities, the Skulk combination also allows the Thief to sneak in any urban location as quickly as they would move unhidden. Sneaking in rural areas has been known to occasionally improve, but is not as reliable.
|messaging= Your mental focus solidifies, and you feel completely attuned to the shadows around you, even your movement difficult to notice.
|type=combo khri
|skill=Augmentation, Utility
|cost=36 [[Concentration]] on startup + 9 Concentration per pulse
|costs=36 + 9/pulse
|buffs=No buffs
|debuffs=No debuffs
|dtype=No damage
|htype=No heal
|effect=No RT SNEAKing in urban areas. Barrier vs. locate/clairvoyance. Blocks Hunt.
|messaging=Your mental focus solidifies, and you feel completely attuned to the shadows around you, even your movement difficult to notice.

* No round time when SNEAKing from room to room while hidden in urban areas.
Note: No RT for sneaking in town was merged into shadowstep, locate block was merged into dampen.
* Provides the thief protection from locates and other clairvoyant abilities.

Latest revision as of 12:34, 17 August 2018

Requirements: Darken, Dampen, Shadowstep
Slot Cost: 3
Difficulty: Tier 3
Type / Skill: khri / Augmentation, Utility
Use Cost: 36 Concentration on startup + 9 Concentration per pulse
Path: combination
Effect: No RT SNEAKing in urban areas. Barrier vs. locate/clairvoyance. Blocks Hunt.
Messaging: Your mental focus solidifies, and you feel completely attuned to the shadows around you, even your movement difficult to notice.

Note: No RT for sneaking in town was merged into shadowstep, locate block was merged into dampen.