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#REDIRECT [[Lead command]]
'''Lead''' is the ability by which a [[Paladin]] inspires those around him to greater deeds in battle.

A paladin automatically gains the ability to lead at second circle, and it's utilized via the {{tt|LEAD}} command. Lead grants everyone in the group the Paladin is leading a sizable bonus to their offensive and defensive skills. The amount of the bonus is based on the Paladin's circle, soul state, [[charisma]], and the size of the group being lead (with a larger group providing a bigger bonus). The [[Marshal Order]] spell will also boost the bonus Lead provides.

While those joined to the Paladin when he first leads receive the biggest bonus, a player can join the group after the lead begins and get a bonus that is a little lower than if they had been in the group at the start of a Lead if they stay in the group long enough.

==Sample Messaging==
===Paladin's Perspective===
>lead <br>
<Group member> looks to you for guidance. <br>
You draw yourself to full height, rallying your comrades with righteous confidence as you charge into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!
===Follower's Perspective===
<Paladin> draws himself to full height, rallying you with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky! <br>
You are roused by his fearless leadership!
===Outsider's Perspective===
Nehros draws himself to full height, rallying his comrades with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!
===Joining a Group After Lead Has Begun===
>join <Paladin> <br />
As <Paladin>'s leadership stirs the fire of your courage, you face the battle with a stronger will. <br>
''Later:'' <br>
You feel encompassed by Nehros's leadership and follow him boldly into the battle, pressing forward with a fierce determination. <br>
''Still later -- indicates you've received Lead bonus:'' <br>
Nehros's leadership is infectious! You match his rallying cry with a shout of your own and burst forward, your bravery truly inspired!

[[Category:Paladin Abilities]]

Latest revision as of 19:48, 25 December 2014

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