Category:Cleric Spells: Difference between revisions

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(Redirected page to Category:Cleric spells)
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#REDIRECT [[:Category:Cleric spells]]
==Spell Tree==
rect 148 302 524 382 [[Revelation]]
rect 144 450 528 534 [[Centering]]
rect 152 882 528 966 [[Glythtide's Gift]]
rect 148 1106 524 1186 [[Minor Physical Protection]]
rect 148 2002 528 2086 [[Bless]]
rect 636 298 1016 378 [[Auspice]]
rect 640 454 1020 530 [[Soul Sickness]]
rect 640 734 1016 814 [[Rejuvenation]]
rect 640 1034 1016 1110 [[Protection from Evil]]
rect 636 1182 1012 1258 [[Sanyu Lyba]]
rect 632 1330 1016 1410 [[Major Physical Protection]]
rect 640 1482 1016 1558 [[Divine Radiance]]
rect 640 1630 1016 1714 [[Hand of Tenemlor]]
rect 640 1782 1016 1862 [[Horn of the Black Unicorn]]
rect 640 1930 1016 2014 [[Fists of Faenella]]
rect 636 2306 1012 2386 [[Uncurse]]
rect 636 2682 1016 2762 [[Sanctify Pattern]]
rect 1124 150 1504 234 [[Aesrela Everild]]
rect 1124 302 1504 382 [[Eylhaar's Feast]]
rect 1124 526 1504 606 [[Chill Spirit]]
rect 1124 678 1504 754 [[Vigil]]
rect 1124 882 1504 962 [[Soul Shield]]
rect 1124 1030 1500 1106 [[Ghost Shroud]]
rect 1124 1182 1504 1262 [[Benediction]]
rect 1124 1334 1504 1414 [[Halo]]
rect 1120 1478 1508 1566 [[Shield of Light]]
rect 1124 1634 1504 1714 [[Harm Evil]]
rect 1120 1778 1504 1866 [[Phelim's Sanction]]
rect 1120 1934 1500 2006 [[Fire of Ushnish]]
rect 1128 2086 1504 2162 [[Malediction]]
rect 1128 2230 1504 2314 [[Curse of Zachriedek]]
rect 1128 2382 1500 2458 [[Hydra Hex]]
rect 1124 2530 1508 2610 [[Huldah's Pall]]
rect 1128 2686 1500 2766 [[Persistence of Mana]]
rect 1128 2826 1504 2914 [[Osrel Meraud]]
rect 1608 150 1988 226 [[Heavenly Fires]]
rect 1616 302 1988 378 [[Bitter Feast]]
rect 1612 450 1988 530 [[Soul Attrition]]
rect 1612 678 1992 754 [[Soul Bonding]]
rect 1608 1102 1992 1190 [[Ring of Blessings]]
rect 1608 1630 1992 1714 [[Harm Horde]]
rect 1608 2382 1992 2466 [[Idon's Theft]]
rect 1608 2530 1996 2618 [[Meraud's Cry]]
rect 1608 2682 1992 2762 [[Spite of Dergati]]
rect 2064 674 2444 758 [[Resurrection]]
rect 2060 834 2436 910 [[Murrula's Flames]]

==Summary of Spell Information==
Bolded spells are [[:Category:Signature_Spells|signature spells]].
{{#ask:[[guild association is::Cleric]][[page type is::spell]][[Spellbook is::!Analogous Patterns]]
|?Pretty name is
|?spell abbreviation is
|?Signature spell
|?ability effect is
|?Spell cast type is
|?ability skill is
|?ability type is
|?Offensive contest is
|?Defensive contest is
|?minimum prep is
|?casting cap is
|?minimum skill is
|?maximum skill is
|?slot cost is

{{Cat|Cleric,Cleric Abilities,Holy Magic}}

Latest revision as of 02:05, 25 December 2014

This category currently contains no pages or media.