Post:NEW QUEST - Beyond the Barrier - Unique Item description and tutorial (VERY LONG) - 06/07/2014 - 03:41: Difference between revisions

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Re: NEW QUEST - Beyond the Barrier - Unique Item description and tutorial (VERY LONG) · on 06/07/2014 03:41 AM CDT 60
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Alrighty..this will be long. But here's the log of the tutorial Solomon gave after our Quest run with the unique item. I've heavily edited this and this is the short version. I've removed most of the misses and extraneous stuff, but it's still pretty long. Hope ya enjoy it though! I think it's pretty cool.

>l in case In the repair case you see a miniature gestalt draugen, a miniature undead battlefront, a black catapault, a miniature Lyras, a miniature Sharlir, a miniature mud-infused monstrosity and a miniature essence of corruption.

[The Crossing, Town Green Northeast] The cool, welcome expanse of the Town Green is a pleasant place to gather and exchange news, gossip and adventuring pointers with all the folk and races of Elanthia who are drawn to town. A soft, spongy carpet of well-manicured grass underfoot affords a comfortable cushion for sitting or sprawling out to enjoy a rare moment of rest in the warm sun. An ancient oak tree provides shelter for those so inclined. You also see some carved wooden benches, a shadowed gap behind the benches marked with a Thieves' Guild sign, a stone water trough, a small cobblestone walkway and a trodden dirt path. Also here: GameMaster Solomon who is sitting and Archivist Linett. Obvious paths: south, southwest, west.

You say, "Oh, Hi." Tyrun just arrived. Tyrun says, "Ta da." Solomon says, "Ohai." Tyrun says, "Ohaiuovarthareyondar." Tyrun waves to Solomon. Linett says, "Crazy people." Solomon says, ", open your cases and take each piece out and TURN it to set yourself as the owner." Tyrun attaches a dark iron repair case embossed with the image of an undead battlefront to his belt. Linett puts her Hub in her repair case. Linett gets a white trebuchet from inside her repair case. Linett says, "Hah his wife already stole his." Tyrun says, "Check." Tyrun grins. Linett puts her trebuchet in her repair case. Tyrun asks, "After I set it as mine, then one?"

Tyrun puts his trebuchet in his repair case. Tyrun gets a black catapault from inside his repair case. Solomon says, " CAN play with two of the same sets, but it's much easier to have opposing ones, which you'll see in a moment." Linett asks, "How can you get the figurines?" Linett gets a white catapault from inside her repair case. Solomon says, "Only two players to a game, first off." Linett puts her catapault in her repair case. Solomon says, "So Linett and Tyrun, take out your bases ad drop them." Linett asks, "The base is the hub?" Solomon nods. Linett gets a miniature Sunfell Hub from inside her repair case. Linett drops a miniature Sunfell Hub. Solomon says, "Now...get your war machines out and put them ON your base." Linett rummages through a blue gold repair case embossed with the image of the Sunfell Hub with a frantic look of loss. Tyrun puts his catapault in his repair case. Linett gets a white catapault from inside her repair case.

Solomon says, "He's got a battleground, I believe." Linett sets her white catapault down on the walls of the miniature Hub and readies it for battle! Tyrun gets a miniature undead battlefront from inside his repair case. Linett says, "Oh dear." Linett gets a white trebuchet from inside her repair case. Linett sets her white trebuchet down on the walls of the miniature Hub and readies it for battle! Tyrun drops a miniature undead battlefront. Linett gets a miniature Claw of Tenemlor Elder figurine wearing a sleeveless raaho from inside her repair case. Linett says, "Ah they aren't figurines." Tyrun gets a black trebuchet from inside his repair case. Linett says, "They are elder, estata.. etc." Solomon says, "Now....before you pick your can only use three in a choose wisely." Solomon nods to Linett. Tyrun nods. Tyrun sets his black trebuchet down on the walls of the undead battlefront and readies it for battle! Linett puts her Elder in her repair case.

Solomon says, "That'll help in a moment, which you'll see." Linett gets a miniature Vipife figurine marred with complex cicatrix along his chest and neck from inside her repair case. Tyrun gets a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes from inside his repair case. Linett puts her Vipife in her repair case. Linett gets a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger from inside her repair case. Solomon says, "When you've picked which three you want, make sure they're turned so you own them...and drop them." Linett puts her Agehrilor in her repair case. Linett says, "Drop them." Solomon nods. Linett asks, "Or put them on the hub?" Tyrun drops a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes. Solomon says, "Drop." Linett whimpers softly. Tyrun gets a black trebuchet from atop a miniature undead battlefront. Tyrun drops a black trebuchet. Linett says, "You teach us for twenty years to not drop stuff."

Tyrun picks up a black trebuchet. Linett grins. Tyrun puts his trebuchet in his repair case. Solomon says, "Treb goes ON your battlefront." Tyrun gets a miniature gestalt draugen from inside his repair case. Linett says, "The trebuchet shouldn't be on the .. okay good." Linett gets a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger from inside her repair case. Tyrun drops a miniature gestalt draugen. Linett drops a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger. Tyrun gets a black trebuchet from inside his repair case. Tyrun sets his black trebuchet down on the walls of the undead battlefront and readies it for battle! Tyrun says, "Okay, that's three." Linett gets a miniature Esata figurine holding a small leather scroll from inside her repair case. Solomon says, "Oher people shouldn't be able to get them if you've et them as yours." You say, "Lets see."

>get lyras That's not yours. You say, "Nope."

Linett drops a miniature Esata figurine holding a small leather scroll.

>get ageh That's not yours.

You say, "Nope." Solomon says, "And these items are covered by Ground Policy." Linett gets a miniature Vipife figurine marred with complex cicatrix along his chest and neck from inside her repair case. Solomon says, "So you'll be safe." Linett drops a miniature Vipife figurine marred with complex cicatrix along his chest and neck. Solomon says, " win, you have to destroy your opponent's inner keep." You ask, "Meaning the janitor won't take 'em, at least for awhile? or at all?" Solomon says, "Not at all if you're playing." Solomon says, "And probably won't if you just leave them....but don't just leave them, just in case." Solomon sticks his tongue out at you in a playfully teasing manner. Linett grins. You ask, "Gotcha. but if you leave the area, then it's fair game for the janitor?" You nod.

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

Linett shrieks! Tyrun grins.

Solomon says, "So....when the game starts, just pick a mini that you want to use and PUSH it." Tyrun says, "Just sighting down your lines, you know, no big deal." Solomon says, "You'll get a RT." Linett exclaims, "He is already shooting at me!" Linett bops Tyrun over the head.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows, but quickly appears again!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Esata a bit. The miniature Esata chants a solemn prayer, but fails to hit anything with her magic!

Linett exclaims, "Oh buttons!"

Solomon says, "You can StUDY your pieces to see what sort of style they are and how to use them."

Linett says, "Suuure now you tell me."

Linett looks at Tyrun and splutters.

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a wickedly curved dagger crafted from razor-sharp obsidian!

Solomon says, "You can repair them, but it takes a LONG time to do, so odds are you won't want to do that in the middle of a right." Tyrun gets a black trebuchet from atop a miniature undead battlefront. Tyrun sets his black trebuchet down on the walls of the undead battlefront and readies it for battle! Solomon says, "When you put them in the case ad close it after a battle, the case will repair them'll stay locked til everything is fixed." Linett says, "It says I can put the trebuchet on a castle." Magess Witchbaby just arrived. Linett says, "But i have a hub."

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air! The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Linett says, "Not a castle." Solomon says, "Those are generic instructions." Linett nods.

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her arms chanting, and sends a bolt of evil looking magic at the miniature Hub's outer walls!

Solomon says, "Castle is your base, whatever it's called." Tyrun says, "Pull your catapalt or what have you." Solomon nods to Tyrun.

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Linett says, "I can't seem to pull my trebuchet." Solomon says, "Target is random....sometimes they miss....Empath style minis will heal other units....I believe Trader style minis also have a chance to repair your base."

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Linett's miniature Hub, shaking its foundations!

Tyrun says, "I think the treb is mine." Linett says, "I have one too though." Tyrun asks, "Other treb?" Linett says, "Doesn't work."

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Solomon says, "Use color....white treb." Tempestuous Meganlique just arrived, leading her group.

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

Tyrun grins. Linett says, "Ah there." Solomon says, "This is why opposing sets is easier." Solomon grins. Meganlique blinks at Linett.

Linett says, "Yeah cuz other or my doesn't work." Solomon says, "Two white trebs would be a pain."

[The Crossing, Town Green Northeast] The cool, welcome expanse of the Town Green is a pleasant place to gather and exchange news, gossip and adventuring pointers with all the folk and races of Elanthia who are drawn to town. A soft, spongy carpet of well-manicured grass underfoot affords a comfortable cushion for sitting or sprawling beneath the star-studded night sky. An ancient oak tree provides shelter for those so inclined. You also see a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes that is sitting, a miniature Vipife figurine marred with complex cicatrix along his chest and neck, a miniature Esata figurine holding a small leather scroll, a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, a miniature gestalt draugen, a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes, a miniature undead battlefront with a black trebuchet on it, a miniature Sunfell Hub with a couple of things on it, some carved wooden benches, a shadowed gap behind the benches marked with a Thieves' Guild sign, a stone water trough, a small cobblestone walkway and a trodden dirt path. Also here: Chelinde, Tempestuous Meganlique, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie, Magess Witchbaby, Harvester Nebby, Divine Emissary Valif, Tyrun, GameMaster Solomon who is sitting and Archivist Linett. Obvious paths: south, southwest, west.

Meganlique says, "Ohhh."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her arms chanting, and sends a bolt of evil looking magic at the miniature Hub's outer walls!

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

Meganlique says, "Okay that's cool."

Solomon says, "If you study the base, you can see there are also ways to repair it mid-game, but again, that has long roundtimes."

>study hub You think that the miniature Hub is a castle to be used in siegery games. The miniature Hub does not belong to you. You can TURN it to become the new owner, if you are holding it. You can DROP the miniature Hub to use it for a battle. You can POKE the miniature Hub during battle to repair its outer walls, PULL it to repair its inner walls, and PUSH it to repair a siege weapon placed on its walls. The miniature Hub can be REPAIRed to its full health.

Linett presses the back of her miniature Esata a bit. The miniature Esata chants a solemn prayer, but fails to hit anything with her magic!

Solomon says, "So it's a trade-off."

Tyrun takes on a studious look.

>study battle You think that the undead battlefront is a castle to be used in siegery games. The undead battlefront does not belong to you. You can TURN it to become the new owner, if you are holding it. You can DROP the undead battlefront to use it for a battle. You can POKE the undead battlefront during battle to repair its outer walls, PULL it to repair its inner walls, and PUSH it to repair a siege weapon placed on its walls. The undead battlefront can be REPAIRed to its full health.

Solomon says, "Some figurines will be better than others...they all have stats....and I'm pretty sure they can level up (if that bit got left in)." Solomon says, "There are also special edition figurines that will be super tough, but none of these are that style." Meganlique grins at Solomon. Linett says, "Vipife, come on." Solomon says, "These are, I believe, tougher than basic sets, so it might take a while to destroy the inner keep."

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her arms chanting, and sends a bolt of evil looking magic at the miniature Hub's outer walls!

Linett asks, "Will we see this stuff at Guild Fest?"

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen pounces on the miniature Hub's outer walls, tearing at it with its jaws!

Solomon says, "I think the draugen is one of my favorites....he's got a sneaky attack."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a wickedly curved dagger crafted from razor-sharp obsidian!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife growls at a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes! He charges forward and impales her with his spear, knocking her silly!

Witchbaby grins, revealing her dimples.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen pounces on the miniature Hub's outer walls, tearing at it with its jaws!

Solomon says, "Abasha's adding in some highlights so the HITS and KILLS are easier to spot...and also an announcement when someone wins so you know the game is over." Linett nods to Solomon.

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Tyrun asks, "Can you direct targets?" Solomon shakes his head.

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras stretches both arms outward, chanting to the heavens but not targeting any one enemy.

Solomon says, "Random."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes! She simultaneously claws at her, knocking her backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes! She simultaneously claws at her, knocking her backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Meganlique says, "Are yu atacking each other or just the set in your hand."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife throws his sharp steel spear with a Holy warrior's mighty strength, but fails to hit anything at all!

Linett says, "Eek you evil draugen." Solomon says, "Each style of mini has different stats, as I mentioned....some are better against machines than others...some are better against the bases....some are better against units....and each has a defense rating against those three pieces, too...."

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Tyrun's undead battlefront, rattling it!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Meganlique grins at Solomon.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Solomon says, "We'll probably explain that a little more in detail since it might get cluttered in the STUDY." Linett says, "Retreat you crazy ranger."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes! She simultaneously claws at her, knocking her backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras utters a foul phrase while pointing straight at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, but her manages to nimbly dodge out of the way!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her arms chanting, and sends a bolt of evil looking magic at the miniature Hub's outer walls!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Esata a bit. The miniature Esata intones a prayer and sends a bolt of silvery magic at the undead battlefront's outer walls!

Solomon says, "May make a chart or a table and put it on the wiki or something."

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Linett's miniature Hub, shaking its foundations!

Solomon cackles!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife attacks the miniature Lyras with a gleaming silver sword, but she dodges the attack!

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the undead battlefront, hurriedly making repairs to the inner keep!

Solomon says, "I'm already thinking about different sets I want to make. Almost definitely going to be at least one pirate set with a ship as the base." Tyrun grins. Linett says, "EEK." Linett says, "Kill the gnome." You exclaim, "C'mon team evil..take that ranger down!"

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the undead battlefront, hurriedly making repairs to the outer walls!

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

The body of the miniature Lyras spasms again and again, her torso rising and falling violently. With a final spasm, Lyras opens her eyes! The glassy black, pupilless, unseeing orbs manage to glare in defiance for one moment before going out.

Linett blinks. Solomon says, "And a Dwarven Warband team, of course." Solomon exclaims, "Lyras goes down!" You let out a resounding "Boo!" Linett says, "And I was just thinking that catapult sucked." Tyrun picks up a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes. Linett bounces around happily. Tyrun presses a small button on the back of the Lyras, and its surface becomes slick and lustrous as all the tiny scratches on it disappear!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

About 20-30 seconds of battle messaging.

Tyrun drops a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes. Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen pounces on the miniature Hub's outer walls, tearing at it with its jaws!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras utters a foul phrase while pointing straight at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, but her manages to nimbly dodge out of the way!

You ask, "Did Lyras just rise from the dead? again!?" Linett exclaims, "Cheater!" Solomon says, "Tyrun repaired him."

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a wickedly curved dagger crafted from razor-sharp obsidian!

You nod to Solomon.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Solomon asks, "What was the RT on the repair?" Tyrun says, "20 seconds."

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen pounces on the miniature Hub's outer walls, tearing at it with its jaws!

Solomon nods.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen circles around a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, but she manages to nimbly dodge the beast!

Solomon says, "The update that will go on shortly will up it to 60."

Tyrun grins.

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Linett asks, "You can't tell how damaged something is during the battle?"

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature gestalt draugen! She simultaneously claws at it, knocking it backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Tyrun says, "Study it." Tyrun says, "I think." Linett says, "Yeah, it doesn't say."

>study ageh You think that the Agehrilor is a siegery toy. It is a female Ranger. The miniature Agehrilor does not belong to you. You'll need to TURN her to make her yours. You think you can DROP the miniature Agehrilor to have her join in on a siegery game. You can also PUSH the miniature Agehrilor when on the ground to have her attack. You can REPAIR the miniature Agehrilor when broken.

Solomon says, "Might be something we can add, sure."

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Esata a bit. The miniature Esata raises her scroll and murmurs a prayer to Tenemlor while making a clawing gesture at a miniature gestalt draugen! She sends a bolt of silvery magic at it, knocking it backwards!

Solomon exclaims, "Pow!"

Linett says, "Vip come on buddy." Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife throws his sharp steel spear with a Holy warrior's mighty strength, but fails to hit anything at all!

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows, but quickly appears again!

Solomon says, "We should add Batman-style sound effects." Valif quietly says, "Alright, those are pretty cool."

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras stretches both arms outward, chanting to the heavens but not targeting any one enemy.

Solomon exclaims, "BIFF!" Tyrun grins. Meganlique laughs! Solomon exclaims, "POFF!" Tyrun exclaims, "I will defeat you!"

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Tyrun's undead battlefront, shaking its foundations!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Solomon exclaims, "SPROING!"

Meganlique says, "Uhoh."

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!


You exclaim, "The Hub has been rattled! finish it off!"

Linett groans.

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the outer walls of Linett's miniature Hub, rattling it!

The miniature Hub's outer walls suddenly topple to the ground in a rain of destruction!

Meganlique says, "I don't want to know where that sound emanated from."

You exclaim, "Crash!"


Linett says, "It is confusing slightly to use push for the figures and pull for the trebuchet etc."

Meganlique grins.

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature gestalt draugen! She simultaneously claws at it, knocking it backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature gestalt draugen! She simultaneously claws at it, knocking it backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her arms chanting, and sends a bolt of evil looking magic at the miniature Hub's inner keep!

Meganlique chuckles.


Linett presses the back of her miniature Esata a bit. The miniature Esata intones a prayer and sends a bolt of silvery magic at the undead battlefront's outer walls!

Tyrun says, "I breached the outer walls."

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Meganlique chuckles.

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras stretches both arms outward, chanting to the heavens but not targeting any one enemy.

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the miniature Hub, hurriedly making repairs to the inner keep!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Linett's miniature Hub, shaking its foundations!

Witchbaby grins, revealing her dimples.

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Tyrun's undead battlefront, shaking its foundations!

Meganlique says, "Uhoh."

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the undead battlefront, hurriedly making repairs to the outer walls!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a wickedly curved dagger crafted from razor-sharp obsidian!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature gestalt draugen! She simultaneously claws at it, knocking it backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Witchbaby appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Tyrun presses the back of his gestalt draugen a bit. The miniature gestalt draugen disappears into the shadows. Suddenly, it reappears behind a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, startling her and tearing at her throat!

Linett pulls a small lever on the white trebuchet. The white trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Tyrun's undead battlefront, shaking its foundations!

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the undead battlefront, hurriedly making repairs to the inner keep!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Vipife a bit. The miniature Vipife lunges forward and stabs at the undead battlefront's outer walls with a a long and very sharp steel spear!

Linett presses the back of her miniature Agehrilor a bit. The miniature Agehrilor stabs her dagger at a miniature gestalt draugen! She simultaneously claws at it, knocking it backwards in disorientation for the double strike!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Linett's miniature Hub, shaking its foundations!

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

The long arrow punches a gaping hole in the outer walls of Tyrun's undead battlefront!

Linett exclaims, "Ooh a gaping hole!"

Tyrun presses the back of his miniature Lyras a bit. The miniature Lyras raises her scythe and chants, staring at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger! She sends a bolt of evil magic at her, knocking her backwards!

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

The long arrow punches a gaping hole in the outer walls of Tyrun's undead battlefront!

A wiry little metallic Gnome suddenly runs about the undead battlefront, hurriedly making repairs to the inner keep!

Solomon lets out a hearty cheer for Linett!

Linett says, "And .. another gaping hole."

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

The miniature gestalt draugen lets out a monstrous rattle before falling apart, the necromantic tension finally overcome its mold.

You exclaim, "And the Battlefront takes a massive hit as well!"

Tyrun picks up a miniature gestalt draugen. Tyrun presses a small button on the back of the draugen, and its surface becomes slick and lustrous as all the tiny scratches on it disappear!

Solomon exclaims, "Draugen down!"

Tyrun drops a miniature gestalt draugen.

Linett pulls a small lever on the white catapault. The white catapault shoots a long arrow into the air!

Meganlique says, "Uhoh."

Meganlique gasps at Tyrun!

Tyrun pulls a small lever on the black trebuchet. The black trebuchet launches a rocky projectile into the air!

The rocky projectile slams into the inner keep of Linett's miniature Hub, shaking its foundations!

The miniature Hub's inner keep suddenly collapses in a vicious cascade of destruction!

Linett asks, "So if he keeps repairing things I kill , the batter never ends?" Solomon exclaims, "Winner!" Linett says, "Ah that is how you win." Meganlique asks, "Wait why are you dropping them all?" Solomon nods. Linett asks, "That should be highlighted maybe?" Linett peers quizzically at Solomon. Solomon says, "We're gonna make that stand out more." Solomon nods. Linett says, "Like monsters." Tyrun grins. Tyrun says, "I like it." Solomon says, "Got a few tweaks getting released shortly." Tyrun says, "I like it a lot." Linett says, "But even now I can't tell it is destroyed." Linett says, "With look or study."

You say, "Yeah, I think a longer RT on the repair is in order." Solomon says, "Yeah....I'll write that bit down and see if we can add in a way to tell....that won't be a little tweak, but it makes sense to have it in there." Linett says, "Right, it is only five seconds longer than shooting the trebuchet." Solomon nods. Tyrun says, "Yeah, they range between 20 and 30 seconds." Tyrun says, "Removing something and repairing it is 30, I think." Solomon says, "It'll be 60 minimum once the update gets pushed out." Linett says, "I can tell it is destroyed only if I try to repair it." Solomon nods. Tyrun picks up a miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes. Tyrun puts his Lyras in his repair case. Tyrun gets a black trebuchet from atop a miniature undead battlefront. Solomon says, "And like I said, everything in the case and case closed repairs everything." Tyrun puts his trebuchet in his repair case. Linett gets a white trebuchet from atop a miniature Sunfell Hub. Meganlique winces.

Tyrun says, "That's pretty awesome." Tyrun grins. Tyrun says, "I like it." Solomon says, "So...that's how it works." Solomon grins. Witchbaby grins, revealing her dimples. You ask, "So..will these figurines be carvable in future?" Meganlique says, "That looked very cool." Solomon ponders. Solomon says, "Might be....not a bad idea." Linett puts her Hub in her repair case. Solomon says, "I'll have to talk to Kodius about that possibility." You say, " an animal or creature in the wild and then be able to carve it with the engineering skill." Linett says, "Oh my gosh." Linett says, "Guild leader wars." Meganlique grins at Linett.

You say, "That seems like such a perfect fit for those figurine patterns." Linett says, "Silvy can take on Agonar." Valif grins at Linett. Tyrun says, "So, just to recap." Linett rubs her hands together. Witchbaby laughs! Linett says to Solomon, "Guild Leader wars. For sure." Solomon exclaims, "Oh trust me, already gonna do that....Crossing GLs vs Haven GLs....ready, FIGHT!" Tyrun says, "The gave allows you 3 pieces, including your battleground. Trebuchets and catapults must be placed atop the battlegrounds." You ponder. Tyrun says, "Before dropping each piece, you must turn it to attune it to you." Tyrun says, "Only 2 players at a time." Linett asks, "Ah it is locked while it repairs?" Solomon nods to Tyrun. Solomon nods to Linett. Linett nods.

Tyrun says, "Upon dropping all 3 of your pieces, you manipulate the humanoids by pushing them to make them attack." Solomon nods to Tyrun. Tyrun says, "The distance weapons are utilized by the pull comand." Tyrun says, "Command." Solomon nods. Tyrun says, "You can study the battleground itself, or hub, to check its status to see if it needs repairs." Meganlique says, "And best to not use the same set as the enemy." Tyrun says, "Poke, pull, will fix the inner and outter walls." Meganlique grins at Tyrun. Solomon says, "May be able to eventually, I don't think it tells you damage levels yet, but I like the idea." Linett says, "Right, because the trebuchets get confused otherwise." Solomon nods to Tyrun. Tyrun says, "As it progreses, the figures and catapults will siege the hubs until the outter walls collapse." Solomon nods to Linett. Tyrun says, "Then the inner keep." Tyrun says, "And then finally the main structure itself." Linett says to Solomon, "Well otherwise you have no clue how desperately you need to repair in the midst of battle." Tyrun says, "Figures along the way can be destroyed, and then removed from the game board and dropped again after being repaired for 20 seconds (which is going up)."

Solomon says, "The objective is the inner keep....I THINK you can destroy that with siege engines without destroying the outer wall first....I may be wrong on that....lots of updates have been made since I originally started messing with this system."


For GM Abasha, I think the description for Agehrilor seems off in one aspect. It says that she moves with careless grace and I think that perhaps it should be careful grace, maybe?

The leather-clad Prydaen woman's cat-slitted amber eyes have a sharp intensity to them. Her tawny mane is cropped short, and her thick fur matches its hue exactly. She is both lean and muscular, moving with the careless grace of a practiced war veteran.

Also, I noticed a couple pronoun errors in some of the attacks:

The miniature Lyras utters a foul phrase while pointing straight at a miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger, but her manages to nimbly dodge out of the way!

That might have been the only one actually, unsure, but that's the only one I could find in a second glance through the log.

Blackguard Danoryiel

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Beyond the Barrier, by BLCKGRD4 on the forums.