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Category:Moon Mage Spells: Difference between revisions

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rect 382 284 452 301 [[:Category:Divine Intervention Spellbook]]
rect 16 139 93 165 [[Clear Vision]]
rect 16 374 94 399 [[Shadows]]
rect 20 517 90 540 [[Seal of Deflection]]
rect 16 562 94 586 [[Unleash]]
rect 16 611 94 634 [[Telekinetic Throw]]
rect 18 657 94 680 [[Hypnotize]]
rect 18 753 92 772 [[Sever Thread]]
rect 140 46 216 68 [[Tenebrous Sense]]
rect 142 92 217 116 [[Aura Sight]]
rect 141 141 219 163 [[Locate]]
rect 140 187 217 211 [[Piercing Gaze]]
rect 141 235 219 257 [[Dazzle]]
rect 142 280 217 303 [[Tezirah's Veil]]
rect 141 374 217 398 [[Focus Moonbeam]]
rect 141 425 216 443 [[Darkness]]
rect 142 469 217 491 [[Refractive Field]]
rect 142 515 217 540 [[Dinazen Olkar]]
rect 141 658 217 682 [[Mental Blast]]
rect 141 705 217 728 [[Psychic Shield]]
rect 265 93 343 116 [[Seer's Sense]]
rect 267 186 343 212 [[Distant Gaze]]
rect 264 234 342 258 [[Clarify Gem]]
rect 267 283 340 303 [[Shadow Web]]
rect 265 329 342 350 [[Moonblade]]
rect 265 375 342 399 [[Imbue]]
rect 265 422 343 445 [[Cage of Light]]
rect 265 468 341 493 [[Teleport]]
rect 265 564 343 587 [[Burn]]
rect 265 656 340 681 [[Telekinetic Storm]]
rect 264 703 342 727 [[Shadowling]]
rect 265 752 342 775 [[Shear]]
rect 389 92 465 117 [[Thoughtcast]]
rect 389 139 466 162 [[Shift Moonbeam]]
rect 388 187 466 211 [[Shadewatch Mirror]]
rect 390 235 466 257 [[Crystal Spike]]
rect 388 328 467 352 [[Shape Moonblade]]
rect 388 375 465 399 [[Invocation of Energy]]
rect 390 422 466 446 [[Moongate]]
rect 390 470 465 493 [[Whole Displacement]]
rect 390 515 464 542 [[Contingency]]
rect 390 563 465 588 [[Partial Displacement]]
rect 389 611 465 632 [[Starlight Sphere]]
rect 389 705 466 728 [[Shadow Servant]]
rect 514 469 589 492 [[Ripple]]
rect 513 516 590 540 [[Riftal Summons]]
rect 486 175 564 198 [[Category:Perception_Spellbook]]
rect 489 197 564 220 [[Category:Psychic_Projection_Spellbook]]
rect 489 221 563 244 [[Category:Moonlight_Manipulation_Spellbook]]
rect 489 244 564 265 [[Category:Transduction_Spellbook]]
rect 485 267 566 288 [[Category:Stellar_Magic_Spellbook]]
rect 489 288 564 313 [[Category:Teleologic_Sorcery_Spellbook]]

desc none
desc none

Revision as of 00:27, 29 December 2009

Clear VisionShadowsSeal of DeflectionUnleashTelekinetic ThrowHypnotizeSever ThreadTenebrous SenseAura SightLocatePiercing GazeDazzleTezirah's VeilFocus MoonbeamDarknessRefractive FieldDinazen OlkarMental BlastPsychic ShieldSeer's SenseDistant GazeClarify GemShadow WebMoonbladeImbueCage of LightTeleportBurnTelekinetic StormShadowlingShearThoughtcastShift MoonbeamShadewatch MirrorCrystal SpikeShape MoonbladeInvocation of EnergyMoongateWhole DisplacementContingencyPartial DisplacementStarlight SphereShadow ServantRippleRiftal SummonsCategory:Perception SpellbookCategory:Psychic Projection SpellbookCategory:Moonlight Manipulation SpellbookCategory:Transduction SpellbookCategory:Stellar Magic SpellbookCategory:Teleologic Sorcery SpellbookMoon-mage-spells.png

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