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Line 8: Line 8:
:A cold grey light slowly lays bare the landscape about you as the sun rises, hidden behind heavy clouds.
:A cold grey light slowly lays bare the landscape about you as the sun rises, hidden behind heavy clouds.
:A cloud-ridden sky hides all but the faintest hint of the rising sun. Dim grey light devoid of color or warmth creeps across the land, diluting the dark but not quite chasing it away.
:Night slowly turns into day as the horizon appears faintly under feeble light.
:Night slowly turns into day as the horizon appears faintly under feeble light.
:The rising sun slowly fights its way through a heavy blanket of clouds, bringing a wan light to chase the darkness.
:The rising sun slowly fights its way through a heavy blanket of clouds, bringing a wan light to chase the darkness.
:The sun rises in a crisp, clear blue sky, heralding another fine day.
:The sun rises in a crisp, clear blue sky, heralding another fine day.
:The sun slowly pokes its way through soft blankets of clouds as it sleepily rises to create the new day.
:The sun slowly pokes its way through soft blankets of clouds as it sleepily rises to create the new day.
:Thin streamers of cloud float in a mostly clear sky as the sun rises high above them.

:Streamers of white clouds form a gentle carpet for the sun as it mounts its throne high in the noontime sky.
:The sun climbs higher into the clear sky, bringing with it a pure, clear light that sharpens everything you see with a crystal clarity.
:The sun climbs higher into the clear sky, bringing with it a pure, clear light that sharpens everything you see with a crystal clarity.
:The sun arrives at its zenith, a triumphant warrior proud and fierce in an empty sky.
:The sun arrives at its zenith, a triumphant warrior proud and fierce in an empty sky.
:The sun crests the endless mountain of the cloud-covered heavens almost seeming to gaze longingly at the world below as it pauses momentarily at its zenith.
:The sun crests the endless mountain of the cloud-covered heavens almost seeming to gaze longingly at the world below as it pauses momentarily at its zenith.

:A few scattered clouds reflect the warm glow of the sun as it descends towards its rest.
:A few scattered clouds reflect the warm glow of the sun as it descends towards its rest.
Line 23: Line 27:
:Grey clouds fill the sky as the day turns towards evening and the sun continues its journey into night.
:Grey clouds fill the sky as the day turns towards evening and the sun continues its journey into night.
:Long streamers of clouds turn shades of salmon and umber as the sun nears the horizon.
:Long streamers of clouds turn shades of salmon and umber as the sun nears the horizon.
:The day flows on into evening as the sun, poking now and then through heavy clouds, descends.
:The sun nears the far horizon as the clear blue sky deepens into a rich indigo.
:The sun nears the far horizon as the clear blue sky deepens into a rich indigo.
:The sun sinks below the horizon, turning the clear sky a thousand shades of ever-deepening blue as the day fades into night.
:The sun sinks below the horizon, turning the clear sky a thousand shades of ever-deepening blue as the day fades into night.
Line 36: Line 41:
:The rain falls harder and is now a heavy downpour.
:The rain falls harder and is now a heavy downpour.
:The rain increases in severity and is now a severe downpour.
:The rain increases in severity and is now a severe downpour.
:A steady rain falls from dark skies above.
:The steady rains turn into a driving storm.
:The steady rains turn into a driving storm.
:The storm increases in strength to a ferocious squall.
:The storm increases in strength to a ferocious squall.
Line 46: Line 52:
:The last few clouds drift away to reveal a sky full of twinkling stars.
:The last few clouds drift away to reveal a sky full of twinkling stars.
:A few clouds drift by, obscuring the stars as they pass.
:A few clouds drift by, obscuring the stars as they pass.
:A cloud-ridden sky hides all but the faintest hint of the rising sun. Dim grey light devoid of color or warmth creeps across the land, diluting the dark but not quite chasing it away.
:Most of the clouds blow away on a cool, gentle breeze.
:Most of the clouds blow away on a cool, gentle breeze.
:The last of the stars disappear behind a bank of grey clouds.
:The last of the stars disappear behind a bank of grey clouds.
:Most of the clouds drift away to reveal starry skies.
:The clouds part slightly, revealing a few twinkling stars.
:Large, grey clouds slowly cover the skies.
:More clouds move in above, almost obscuring the sky completely.
:The clouds part slightly to reveal patches of blue sky.

Line 75: Line 86:
:A steady rain falls from dark skies above.
:A steady rain falls from dark skies above.
:Dark clouds obscure the night sky above.
:Dark clouds obscure the night sky above.


Revision as of 11:06, 11 December 2011

Weather in Elanthia can be checked by OBServing WEATHER. Certain weathers impact foraging and damage instruments if they are unprotected.
Messaging collection is a work in progress.

Weather Messaging




A cold grey light slowly lays bare the landscape about you as the sun rises, hidden behind heavy clouds.
A cloud-ridden sky hides all but the faintest hint of the rising sun. Dim grey light devoid of color or warmth creeps across the land, diluting the dark but not quite chasing it away.
Night slowly turns into day as the horizon appears faintly under feeble light.
The rising sun slowly fights its way through a heavy blanket of clouds, bringing a wan light to chase the darkness.
The sun rises in a crisp, clear blue sky, heralding another fine day.
The sun slowly pokes its way through soft blankets of clouds as it sleepily rises to create the new day.
Thin streamers of cloud float in a mostly clear sky as the sun rises high above them.


Streamers of white clouds form a gentle carpet for the sun as it mounts its throne high in the noontime sky.
The sun climbs higher into the clear sky, bringing with it a pure, clear light that sharpens everything you see with a crystal clarity.
The sun arrives at its zenith, a triumphant warrior proud and fierce in an empty sky.
The sun crests the endless mountain of the cloud-covered heavens almost seeming to gaze longingly at the world below as it pauses momentarily at its zenith.


A few scattered clouds reflect the warm glow of the sun as it descends towards its rest.
As the day wanes, the sun begins its long trudge towards its home and the sweet comfort of night.
Dancing from one cloud to another, the sun wends its way towards evening.
Grey clouds fill the sky as the day turns towards evening and the sun continues its journey into night.
Long streamers of clouds turn shades of salmon and umber as the sun nears the horizon.
The day flows on into evening as the sun, poking now and then through heavy clouds, descends.
The sun nears the far horizon as the clear blue sky deepens into a rich indigo.
The sun sinks below the horizon, turning the clear sky a thousand shades of ever-deepening blue as the day fades into night.
The sun vanishes behind a multicolored splendor of clouds as night slowly drapes its starry banner across the skies.
Thick banks of clouds make way for their overlord, the sun, as it descends towards evening.
What little light the sun can force through the endless clouds begins to fade as the day begins drawing to a close.


Light rain begins to fall from the sky.
A light rain begins to patter down from above.
The rain begins to come down even more heavily.
The rain falls harder and is now a heavy downpour.
The rain increases in severity and is now a severe downpour.
A steady rain falls from dark skies above.
The steady rains turn into a driving storm.
The storm increases in strength to a ferocious squall.
The heavy rains lessen to a steady shower.
The rain slackens off to a heavy downpour.
The steady rains lessen to a light, misty drizzle.
The rain stops, leaving only an overcast sky.


The last few clouds drift away to reveal a sky full of twinkling stars.
A few clouds drift by, obscuring the stars as they pass.
Most of the clouds blow away on a cool, gentle breeze.
The last of the stars disappear behind a bank of grey clouds.
Most of the clouds drift away to reveal starry skies.
The clouds part slightly, revealing a few twinkling stars.
Large, grey clouds slowly cover the skies.
More clouds move in above, almost obscuring the sky completely.
The clouds part slightly to reveal patches of blue sky.


Light snow begins to fall from the sky.
The snow begins to fall more heavily.
The snowfall grows very heavy.
The snow increases in severity and is now a blizzard.
The snow slackens somewhat.
The snow slacks off to a moderate flurry.
The snow lessens to a light flurry.
The snow stops, leaving only an overcast sky of grey.

Observed Weather


Thick clouds above obscure nearly all of the stars.
A few white clouds float lazily in the sky above.
It's quite cloudy and a bit muggy.
A few fluffy white clouds drift into the sky above.
A few scattered clouds drift in the night skies above
A light rain patters silently down from dark skies above.
A thick bank of clouds obscures nearly all of the sky above.
The sky is completely covered with clouds.
Thick clouds above obscure nearly all of the stars.
It's raining heavily.
It's raining a downpour.
A steady rain falls from dark skies above.
Dark clouds obscure the night sky above.




The autumn sky above is a bright, cheery blue.
Thousands of stars twinkle merrily from clear autumn skies.
A light autumn rain patters to the earth around you.


It's a blizzard!


Feathery streamers of high gossamer clouds race swiftly towards the horizon, fleeing the stern gaze of the sun.
The dusky gold image of the sun seems a watery mirage as it wavers in shimmering ripples of heat reflected from the ground.
A dazzling sapphire sky frames the blazing jewel of the golden sun.
The blazing sun turns crystalline skies incandescent with shimmering bands of translucent heat.
The unbroken expanse of azure sky allows no relief from the torrid touch of the burning sun.
The fitful wind smudges the sky in a rainbow of prismatic colors almost obscuring the sun in a cloak of dust and sand.
A few determined sunbeams flicker through the pervasive haze, of the dusty air.
Swirled sand dances to the wild melody of the wind under the blazing bronze heat of the obscured sun.
Delicate tracings of dust swirls streak the harsh blue sky, softening the edges of the sun's glare.
A faint dust veil shrouds the sun in a hazy glow, intensifying the sweltering heat.